Resolution 04258398 • RESOLUTION Bev 4258 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 4220, ADOPTED JUNE 29, 1050 WHEREAS, or 1 oc 29, 1950, the Council of the City of Alameda adopted Resolution No, 4220, entitled, "Establishing Certain Positions of Employment in the City of Alameda and Fixing the Salaries and Bates of Compensation for Such Positions ann for All Charter Offices and Positions Under the Jurisdiction of Said Cityh" and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to amend said rosolutien by providing 1'' '-''o for payment in excel of 40 hours per week for Senior Civil Engireer, Assiwtamt Civil Engineer and Junior Civil EngLneer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA as fcllous: That on page 10 cf said Resolution Nu. 4220, portions roading as follmwow Senior Civil Engineer 4 During 1st year of service 414.50 During 2rl0 year of service 432.50 During 3rd year and subsequent years of 450.00 Assistant Civil Engineer 3 During ist year of service During 2nd year of service During 3rd. ywar and subseotent years of service Junior Civil Engineer 7 During 1st year of service During 371 371' of service During 3rd year and subsequent years of service are hereby amendtd to read as oil,, Senior Glad' Engineer 4 During ist year of service During 2nd year of service During 3rd and subsequent years of service Assistant Civil Engineer During 1st year of service During 2nd year of service Doming 3rd and subsequent years of service Othior Civil Engineer During lst year of service During 2nd year of servite During 3rd. and subsequent years of service 374.50 305.50 397.50 330.50 350.50 302,50 effective forthwith: 414.50 3.596 432.50 3.742 450.00 3.094 374.50 3.24 385.50 3.336 397.50 3.439 339.50 2.937 350.50 3.033 392.50 3.136 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that except as herein otherwise amended, said Resolution No. 4220 is hmreby ratified and. or"' * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, horeby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly. and regularly introdmoed. and adepted by the Council of the City of Alameda in. regUlar meeting assembled on the 17th day of October, 1950, by the following vote, to-mitt 339 1,YET3 : Councilmen. Anderson, Obnes, Osborn, Sweeney and. President Branscheid, (b) NOES: STore• ABSELT : None WiTTESS WHENEGB, 1. have hereunto set my hand and. affloceb. the officibl seal of said City this 18th day of October, 1950. (SEA L) J o_Po C TALK City Clerk of the City 0 Alameda T hereby chrtify that thm foregoing is a full, true and horrect nopw of "Reselutbeh No. 42585 M471E0100 RESOLUTION NO. 4 JUTE 29, 1950," ihtro- dnbed. anb adopted by Mah Council. on tbb 17th. day of Obteber, 1250.