Resolution 0427192POIUTTfU SO. 4271_
19,9()P1AUT_TULlu bUtat
WITEREAS, Public imw 4?5, 81st Congress, authorizes the Adlaistnster of
the Feuding :Anil llomm Finance Agonmy, upon tho filing of the Doescr:Durl request
therefor, to relinquish and transfer upon. thc terns and conAition oet forth in dela
Act all right, title, anf interest of the United. States in end with respect to dor-
toad temporary war and veteren0 housing projects to elimlble bodies as defined
thsrein, and
WhERUSS, the aity Alameda, a municipal corporation, hereinafter re-
ferred. to es the Applicant, is a body (.J for the transfer of and. desires to
hove transferred to it ths temporary housinE heroinsfter described, (Ind.
PREREAS, ths Adninistrator of the Rousing and Rene Finance Anjensy has
delegated to tnm 7Ablic hMusing Co nnilesioner the functions, powers, and duties
vested in. ham by said Act,
Najd, TE5auTEP(TiTT Iff; IT RIFOLVED by fru (Uwincil of the City of Palmasmia as
T. TS()) hgpiicant i'D,ES hereby rouviest the Public Eouning Connloaiarier to relinquish
and transfer nitbout nmnebary consideration (except for the pe.,,,,,lt for why
Federal lands or interest therein wnich niadat be required, the anouht 1. avid
payment if any to Do ounject to agraement, eno eamspf for the softlefuht of
any accounts between the Govehanumat cha the hutterinfint) al' right, title, And
in9:(mobart of the United. Stotao in vna wdth roc:poet to the tommorary but:sin:a
pnojecfs located Lai bas City of Anon:Jae, County of Alanstio, vs indicuted on the
situ plena attached as nApcoudix An and nods u pomrs hereof, togother with per-
sonal yrsporta, eabonntenuneas 'inn materials hold in connection therewith, said
tempuras.): housing prolbcto doscribod auto abiladalanoalf vs follows:
Projoof Project 1.1o. Eva. Dwell, Xo, Uon-Dwg.
,' ,,. ruats.), Upits ptrucfuras__
68 (Tra-
Cal-4120 9top-gap None Enacos) ,6 Utility ruillingo
Vowinkle Cal-4-696 Fern. 1 /
a 7 Pbrunoomo
undinal SMI-6213 12t) 1,240 2 (Co inanity Slag.)
1 (Child Core Chtr.)
(Yu:2050113 Station)
1 (Cbrinnunit Tio%)
Chipman. Gal-4114 Tcho. 25 76o 1 (Child Cure Crtr.:
1 Onfrosone Stafion
Pacific Cal-4117 rfnuR- 12 96 1 Ferusens Station
l (RiSf.bUtnue.181(1pw)
Ustuary Ov1-4721 171 1,2i68 (Tan.Act. Bldg.)
2 (i)ifild Care Bidga)
1 (Steno 11. lain0
Western Cal-gib:1G TsuP) 21 168 - - - -
74:kb:soar Cal-4895N 49 540 1 Sainagemest Bldg.
Webator) (0 ol-4112) 1 (Community Bldg..)
Ingt.No.) (22a1-465S) 108 864 1 (Ohild Care BiaL:.)
(cT5-4aIil 1 (Yerasens Station)
Park girl.
(n): sat Aeplicant reyrogents that ib proyosos to the extort permitted uy
law and so iong no Ana structures berein heonestua remain houoing uae
(1) as anong eijAtiolo anylicchts for occupancy in dwellings of given sizes and
et sevolfied rents to estmbin tho followisu preferences in tbe selection oZ tenents:
Firsil, to fanivuos bhich are to be displaced bv any low-runt housing project
by ohy public slim-clearance or reSeveloynost project jaativtra vfacr
denuary 1, 1917, or whigh umre sc disnloeff Alfbiu throe yoars orlon fo asking
application for daresion to ape), housing; and va among ouch fonifies "Prof
nrcaeregme shell be ((iron to families o2 disabled vsfefens mhoso hissoility
-as dee) noternihen by VetH2N-,31S te co ()ravine -corner:fon, ant
recood. preference) stall be given to frapjlien of deceased vetoraun ann. vorvice-
men. whose death has been. hetetrlamml by tate Vetenvors AnPrPflpgratioh to be
servIep-osneoctod, end third ethic:area:it.) chola bo given to ihrTriffes of othor
veterapo and servicohnenT
)1IPCI ZO"idie 02 etifir vottrugo tnp 00:2Vi,I0PPlar10, arh P0 0.00)0000 fagalios
rannt sneferenee II20,21). Pe CI:VIP': to fohilips of disabled II0tCIIIPirj
ii)),S 00CP, deterrited 1:020. 10'00'0f:01B Sc0P,1-1,00—)IC0100P'6(0p,c,:o.d.
wocoo dooth rao bccn Sionsrmined eg tro Totcraho AdoinTstrstion nc re sanviso-
hounepash: Trovahed, that rot0Mbrotadding such pressrooms the Applicant will,
in filling) vacs:isles In tensing I_,IIIIPSf(IIII20e.1 pUrSU)I00t '60 reeuest, give such
pfsferenues to mifitprin hsrsonue3 sha PIPIIBOIIS engaged in ostional Ck'efecee or mu:Jill
ration activities as tho Ssorptoxy of Doience er tie der)gnee onsocribed to
such applicant.
(ii) To sausage ahh opprate lora property involved in a:moored-shoe with. sound
practices, inchuding the epriaTlaintresit of adspuste reserves.
(b) Tho Applicant further represents that it proposes to the 'extent
pin-omitted by Ihwa
(i) pot to dispose of any night, titlo, or interest in the property tine
solo, transfer, grant, exphange peragnge„ lease, releane, terrdnotitp. of the
lease-hold, al! shy other relinquishment of interest)) eiTher (a) for housing
use on the present site or on any otter site except to a Setts or politipal
suthivition thereof, locan housing apthority, a local puolio aoroonov, or an
edeuational er adeeliosynary iortitation, or (b) for any. °eller use unless the
govefning body- of the ounichpolity or county shahl hoar anonc.ted a. resolution
determining that, on the basis of' local need aph acoeotability, the structures
invcdmod are satisfactory for suer. use and horn. host to reopvnia: Provided,
this representation will not, apply. to any dioposal thorough demaliT7n. for
salvage, loane to tenants for residential occupancy, or lease of nen-camel:Ling
dociddties for the cuutinuanee of a use existing on tho date of trunsferi
or where suoh disposal is the reoule of a bona hide foreclosure or other pro-
ceeding: to enforce rights given as security for a loan to pay for rend under
this sectiona An. provided. unpelp.,.., that nothing contained in this Para-
graph. II shahl be cmOrt7Tuert. aoo arTlicable to the disposition. of any- lanh. or
interest therein after nide removal of the structures therefmom.
(iii ).Phenover nbe otruotures involved, or a substantial tertian thereof, are ter-
rdnated for houniug une and pro not to be used for enirdidelliip hohhourirg use,
to promptly- danslisn. sunh structures terminated for rousing use chA. clear the
. ,
site thereof.
III. The applicant will acquire the interest of the United States in. and. to thp land
upon wrist) the Housing is located unon the terms sand donditoons preseribeh in
Section. 601 (Si) (I), and. the payment to be ....stable thereunAer shall be 'subject
to agreement with tha Applicant, and tho AnnilTaht atteapt to obtain the
releases remained. by Section 601. (73) (id) and the right to possession of the
interoct in. land descrIbsel in. said Section.
17. That tem) Lmtedicts purpose for whiph the reusing 13 SOU.dlt iS f,:)r touporary
session:, of 7k:torsos huh sorvicrooen amp that ouch housing is eliplible nor
eruisfor caronsot to Soot:len 601 (b).
The Council shall obttIr the cuinios of StanAsy D. Thitrey, who is tho Cany
LttO2EI0V of bao Sahlicmat, roysrding sre Lepel shitterity of nno Sobileant to
thio ronaeot, to gehapt the tnntsfer, and oporote ady cnceonty involved,
ord to tep2ori inn obiliatlotn soden Title TS' of the Lanham Spt. She Tier): of
tre Oen:no:Li fsiwmod ihmedIatoly three unseifish copies of this reoolution,
torethcr YAAPI ths up-anion of its couroul, and tip same, shall re the Ancliehhtit
renames for reliposishrshe nph tronsrer or roon houning S000nitod heroin))
VI. II IS ISHASCHASTO UTS PUPASD that the not revenues or otrer proceeds Zrosi the
rousing shall continuo to accrue te the United Ststor until tno opt of ths
month. is uhipa Ire vigbt, title, and lunorost oh the United Stotec uitt roe -
pent to the property are relinunishor mod Transferred anA that taxes a) p)ly-
I'J.8n'6.o in lieu of taxch sill ao prearnen as of tie enI or the tonth iP wrisn the
lIfI)PPI'IIIP0I is hone„ The Spplioeht will pem fur at tech value) Tod cosepe en
assignment of all delincuent supplants of tenants sti")l occupying; the bouoing
at the deto of transfor and util assanne tho contruhts and obliprtiono of tile
UniTed gteteP wkaioah extend boyonh tho dtte of such transfer and which may not
be terminated hir the Thitad States prior to said done of truhsfer.
Psi., SE IT nSliTTIO. hAt0II0V1 that the hover or the City of AParedn ne, nnd to In
hereby, ercomered te tshe such other ard fufhiva: notion os nay le npoensany
in ordpr to 62I.PIGt neliohuletteot oho trtosfer eC the Sousing, sod Or mpg
enter loth hopotiotionn for the acrulsition of such interest ill laud as hay
he necessary to comply witn.. the conditions of t-',PT,=,'r upon notification
thmt the Public Housing Administration 0111 permit and eacowplichrutransfer
upon. compliance with tho conditions set forth. in PublAc Law 475,d41711 Congress.
used in this resolution. the tern. svoteran1 shall. anon "e. aerson. whe hos
servant in active siTicany or naval service of the United. States et any time on.
or after September 1940 and. ■TriOr Only 16, :79,4'7, or at :shy on. or
after April 1 1916 ann prior to Noveabor 11, 1918, and wRo sholi neva teen
dincharged, or released therefrom under conditionn ether than. dial-lacuna:Cie."
The term.. "serviceunn" shall reanTe. parson in the active military CT naval
service of the United 'States who han served. theroin. on or after September 16,
1040 and. prior to July 26, 1947, or at any tiuu on or before April 6, 1216
and prior to Novemnor li, 1918".
I, the undersigned, nereby certify' thmt ths foregnAng Resolution was duly
and regularly introduced mad edosted by' the Council of tha City of Alassda ln. ragoldr
meeting assent:led on the 21st day of November, 19SO, by the following vote, to switx
ATL,71. Cousailmen Anderson, Tones, Osborn, Sweeney and President
Snansoreid, (S).
NOES: None.
7677.1776SS sHEREOF, I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed tha official
seal. of said City this 22nd ady of November, 1RSCh
1177i77751! The City of Alameda
I hereby' certify that the foregoing is a full, true and. correct copy of
"Rencution No. 42.1 1788617.711817 RESSJCITAING Tr.?.LT:aiTEa OF TI52111,2,11ry UT:USING PUPSTINNI
10 TUTUS Vi US TEC LANESIE ANI,2 adupted. by the Council. on. the 2147t day of Nov("7.0ber,
cI rne sixy 66777)6:16a777(d7