Resolution 04276',..222i,IUT-3,.,0 NO 4276
Var,7,22.,I1S, the fullowlag doscribed real proaert,y, sitpate in tIla Olty of
apt3 5 ard 6 1..r Ranack 1.0, according to the 'Nap of
All...ada., surveyeJ and drawr. Trj ja, 7!„ Stratton, 1;7,2", of
record. 1,r, aap 2uo2 6, pape o, in tine oianioe of th,o c...ount,„/
Recup,-,!„pr oaf sa,!,d Ala..mop County,
ftaF been assesePl. p3.3.,,,,,,loofore for City r2,1r,noses for tue ta'o,,0.92, year -1,,7,0.) -1252, ,and..
1,oxes iev-'.ed. t'rrae,or,, 5...n. tho sum of :,:3,22.3 are lul,,,..allnec.npzul. and 'L.x.nuale.... and
WO.anPAS, after t3.1-. tine SEi'd tapas I.,e7, s. lien, cn 7.1ald real. propert-,T,
to-wit, on cactnben A, 1960, sa.1...d real opoperty was, b:../. deed exeoulad by Henrietta
ja, Wa,,;ner, eatp:2d Auco2t 23, 2.250, nrd recorded -.,...n. the affIce of the Opo,nt,p Pecordor
of Alame6a County on fetcher 4, 1250, acquiped, and ever sirce has 15Qen, and now ts,
o,oneo by the State of Galifornia, and na,.:. been. and. new .1„s bein ua.p..22 for public puT, a
pozes, paPply, a Etate -31ghway, ancl because of suph. p,.abido owne.2eh,lp is not. s'Jbject
P.H.EPE2..S, tme T3-2L'airlp; descr,ibed real or:P.:Tart:7 sItaated in tO,e City of
Alameda, County of Alan3da, 2:tate of Cal,l,fornla„ to pwIt:
A portion el.' Parcel 23, 01,ty asspaccr's 3locin. 31,
containIno a) 2goara feet, mera el' leso; aino:o Leo unda,re-
7.palp,p, fee lotereat ap,-.3.,,pteralrt to the above deFPrlbed.
par3ea, la the a,3jaininfa, public. way,
:.;i7,,EifiEAS,o, after thn tir,...e, sal(2 taxes became a lierl. on. sa,dra real.. property,
to -.wit, .. Aun...,,,ust 7, 1950, seld real propprty was, by. d.eed exeouted by ..lobert .P.„.
1LoGliarg, ot ux, daitud. Yapch 27, 1350, and recorded in. t.he office of the _County 2,3-
,-.0rder Of Alan-1,pda, County on 2,.,uust `7, 1950, acqu2red, ana. ever al.nce nas been, arp
now is, awned by tha, State of Caa1fornia, and 2.1as been anti, row is being used for
D obi-lc eurposee, roallely, u StLe pilimay., anal opow:.,,,,,e 03 BUnll nCrJijn OWnerShIU 1.s
not subject to sale fur elulinqunnt tax.00T...n;
..rM, PEPIT0.52, BE IT ,..'IESCOPP20 by tale Coa2...,,,a11. pf, the CuItT of 33,1une,:las
tUo writtan conoent of the City Attonnay attaciled hereto, u2i.. unco:,21,,,,nsted taxes
c.hartp.pd coo 23vied for city 7urposeP mpon t'..,.. afpresaid eal proaprty, toc,ether wAtn.
,fonaitip,,,, Emu_ costs thereon, ae, anai th,,,,, same are nereb7, canao2aecl, and. the Aolda:Par
pnd. Tax Cu:nectar 3f tap City of Aaaros,'17, are hereby auth.arlzed an0 dIrected tg
e2.. tne sar,..o on. thoir re2pn3tiVe tjGC,1,:, and te removc salci orapp:ot7,' from the a,•!.oeuo-
mprt rolls.
.5-5,;. IT PU-233,2U Ha,',SOI,VED, anytP.Ing 1.r. thls 1,e,-,oluolou to the contraiT not -
o 2tUatanailug, tO.Pn tads peopointlon anu.1 07,'nar shall rot be construe,,]. as,,
or alatherizlna,: 'oh::: cancellation. of, an7 special assossment taxes levied against
qn,ard IN,,R1 pro'c.-tr. bY thn C'3.ty of Als,,,,,leda nursoant to thn oravisiuu„ of ta.p 'Acqui-
Ition an.2. Act of 1,-.)25".
., Etanley 1.72„. '2h.ltne,T, 2.Ity (kttounnpy of the .... ', /.,...1.anaPa, Stste of
Cplitorp,a, dc herphy consent to aPp a3oncellapion of a,ny oeto al2 uniant'ectec, oaxes
2nd ason.unerts ana7 aenait2es mad un,u:.3ts th,erecn, anParFp,.2 or levin for (11..ty oun..-pe,,,7cs
upon, the parcels of real pronrtpa ,ieecrlbed ir nue within. reeolution„
Dated: 22,eamCoer 12, 1.3.50:,
CLty. Attornpyrof t.p. City of Alameda
I, the unAers5FrIed, herebv• certify' that the torer.40Inrs, .hesolaltion S
dIsi,y• and. ...rszillar.71..y introdx.sed and adspt,s0. by the. CauTioli.. of thn qjty of Alameda
rep7,11].ar mest,7'ing assemlaimd on t'se 12th day of Dgcember, 1250, 127 the fallowing
veta, to-wit:
Coarsimen Anderson, Sweaney and Vlse-Presid.ent Jonse,
Counclirlan Osborn and President 'Paiss,inscheid, (2),
v;ITT.Ess VMEEECP„ I have heroussto ny Sland and afflaed the offi-
cial sea]. of naid 0-:,ty. this ..13th. day of Dessrsber, 1950,
C lel Cie ek of the City of A lane tirt
4$. '•;:]
I hereby ceptIfy that the foreRs,sin,z, la a full, true an.d. sorrect coryy of
"Resolution No„ CA,T.:faCCET.J.CFNp CITY 1A.NES CU te-7! OPE CQ UT REJ) BY ViiTe; S TATE
CAISTS7(SCSSE-IPL 7re A F.TAc-e.; 7IGTSe,c'eY.S," is-JSers,S-.0caed ass.(:1 adopt,acl 12th
day of December, 12,,50.
• a•••
Citt (71,orT,• of thf,- C