Resolution 04281:addOrfd:a dhh. 42P2
MALCTdedG taad: TaaandadO SadjAhd, den
fa,COLVED '7= COUNCIL, Of 'IT7d: diddf C7 ALnIdEldn Vent thr sum of ',"de,757,14.
be, and the name Is hereby, transferred :rem. Traffic Safety Fund (Experee Account
Ne, to Gas Tax #2 dhadd-
Tra, AedItan ard the Treaeurar aro J.,ara-ay authorlzed and. dd.:race:re. to rake
crld, transfer On. the].r respectIve hooks,
adie raddenaigurd, hereby eadatLfy tidAt the foneaorna,, D.asolutIon was
dua..:a and rej:,ularly Introduced and odd:neaten by the Couraidi of tro qity of A-Ha-rade,
reprniau meeedtd,, asseeLleah on. the 12th (day pecenbay,, the folloadr
vote, teaw.ft:
Ccuncidmeu Anderson, Sweeney- rand Vice-eresIdert jones, (3)
TYnnS: .1none.
nan,faidda: Codnciirdan Oeborn and eresideut Branse'neld, (2).
WITT f, have 'nen:punt° .5et my herld and affixed the effl
clad. seed of aald City. tajo..1.-ath dry of 'facer:bar, 1950a
Aa r a a Ar a a -a
I nereby certify. that thle_foraolu 1..,71 a. full, trua ere. corract 'dopy of
"Feaolu cu. No. 4281, 71:dfdadha,CdTra 'rd-3,7:7,e7„11 ,ada,aTT TilnaFTIC SAY:add: fiTdD fifefEY3E
nCOOJaff a — 23 -b) dadd Gandf TAX #2. rhdeD,' A.rtraaalead arad.ednYdear] by fnah..1.orrail pr
nhe 12ann (lay of feeelibeed, 1.250, „ , _
Ca;:nra of the ,a