TUESDAY- -MARCH 4, 2014- -7:00 P.M.
Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:22 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Tam
and Mayor Gilmore – 5.
Absent: None.
(14-069) Proclamation Declaring March 2014 as American Red Cross Month.
Mayor Gilmore read the Proclamation and presented it to Harry Hartman, Alameda
Leadership Council.
(14-070) Jeff Johnson, Harbor Bay Neighbors, stated that he opposes the proposal to
move the Harbor Bay Club.
(14-071) Steve Burich, Harbor Bay Neighbors, submitted information; stated that he
opposes the proposal to build 80 homes at the Harbor Bay Club.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Chen seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote – 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph
(*14-072) Minutes of the Special and Regular Council Meeting of February 4, 2014.
(*14-073) Ratified bills in the amount of $ 3,372,958.18.
(*14-074) Resolution No. 14899, “Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application
for Measure B Paratransit Funding in the Amount of $253,000 for Fiscal Year 2014
2015, and to Execute all Necessary Documents.” Adopted.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
March 4, 2014
(*14-075) Resolution No. 14900, “Approving the Final Map and Bond, Authorizing
Execution of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement, and Accepting the Dedications
and Easements for Tract 8131 (Alameda Landing Residential, Phase 1).” Adopted.
(*14-076) Resolution No. 14901, “Approving Housing Element Annual Progress Reports
for the Years 2009 through 2013 and Authorizing Submittal to the California Department
of Housing and Community Development and the Governor’s Office of Planning and
Research and Finding that the Approval is Categorically Exempt from California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15306
(Information Collection) and 15262 (Feasibility and Planning Studies).” Adopted.
(14-077) Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize a Call for
Bids for the Shore Line Drive/Westline Drive/Broadway Bikeway Project.
The Transportation Coordinator gave a Power Point presentation.
Mayor Gilmore inquired if loading is restricted to weekdays, to which the Transportation
Coordinator responded in the negative; stated weekends are included, but there is a
time restriction requiring loading to occur between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily.
Councilmember Chen inquired whether motorists would be able to legally go around a
delivery van double-parked on the street, to which the Transportation Coordinator
responded in the affirmative; stated there will be striped center line which allows
motorists to pass legally.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether a crosswalk at Shoreline Drive in front of the
Post Office could be moved to other side near the Willows Condominiums because the
existing crosswalk goes directly into a planting bed.
The Transportation Coordinator responded that she would look into moving the
crosswalk; continued the presentation.
Councilmember Chen inquired what the traffic study determined the impacts would be
of converting four lanes into two lanes.
The Transportation Coordinator responded the traffic study revealed the level of service
received A and B grades; stated the project’s emphasis on the new eastbound left turn
pockets makes the street ideal with no significant delays; the Federal Highway
Administration recommends “road diets” if streets have 15,000 cars or lower on average
per day, Shoreline Drive is below 8,000.
Councilmember Chen inquired whether the test results conclude there is no significant
impact to traffic, to which the Transportation Coordinator responded in the affirmative.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
March 4, 2014
Councilmember Chen inquired whether the parking spaces being reduced is due to
underutilization, to which the Transportation Coordinator responded in the affirmative;
stated there is no demand for parking spaces on Shoreline Drive adjacent to South
Shore Center in the evenings when the shops and beach are closed; the same is true
West of Grand Street in single family areas.
Councilmember Chen inquired whether the conversion of almost 100 spaces available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week offsets the nighttime parking loss, to which the
Transportation Coordinator responded in the affirmative; stated the conversion will help
areas adjacent to the condominiums; residents will not have to move cars.
Councilmember Chen inquired whether there have been any issues with existing cycle
The Transportation Coordinator responded the main issue, specific to the Fernside
Boulevard cycle track, is Lincoln Middle School had a lack of bike parking because
more students were riding bikes; parents found funding for additional bike parking; also,
an analysis of speed has shown a reduction of a few miles per hour, similar results are
expected for the Shoreline Drive project.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired if the increased bike parking at Lincoln Middle
School means reduced autos, to which the Transportation Coordinator responded in the
Mayor Gilmore inquired how many handicap spaces exist and how many will be added.
The Transportation Coordinator responded there are currently two handicap spaces
located together on east side of Broadway; stated the recommendation is to move one
to the other side of Broadway, and move the other one to Park Street near Shoreline
Drive; two spaces will be added: one on W illow and one on Kittyhawk, for a total of four
handicap spots.
Stated the path location will not get people out of cars; funds could be better expended:
Art Medlar, Alameda.
Suggested the existing path be widened; expressed concern about removing parking:
Hilda Garcia, Alameda.
Stated there is not crowding on the path that demands the cycle track solution; people
supporting the cycle track did not have information: Rion Cassidy, Alameda.
Stated Community Action for Sustainable Alameda (CASA) strongly supports the
project: David Burton, CASA.
Stated staff has done a great job; the street will be multi-modal; encouraged moving
forward: Lucy Gigli, Bike Walk Alameda.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
March 4, 2014
Complimented staff on the process; stated cycle tracks will increase women and
children riders; encouraged moving forward: John Knox White, Alameda.
Stated that she is excited about the project; urged moving forward: Donna Eyestone,
Bike Walk Alameda.
Expressed concern over parking and traffic: Susan Sperry, Alameda.
Stated there is a need for the cycle track; urged the Council to approve the project:
Vanessa Laymon, Pedal Beach Rentals.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she attended all the public sessions; there was a
lot of good perspective from the public; the shoreline path is a healthy community; the
project encourages people to get out of cars and exercise, and plans for the future;
environmental reasons, such as cutting back on pollution, are included in the concept of
complete streets; citizens should be respectful of each other, be responsible and obey
traffic laws; lots of planning went into the project, the time to move forward is now.
Councilmember Daysog thanked the public for their emails; stated Alameda’s tagline is
“a city of homes and beaches;” that he sees the project as an opportunity to reclaim the
tagline and something for all residents to enjoy; he understands the parking issues, but
people will begin to see how vibrant the project is in the long term.
Councilmember Tam stated that she is very supportive of the project; there is a reason
why it is a priority project; the design elements make a lot of sense and reduce conflicts;
the zones being proposed will provide for all modes of transportation uses, not just
recreation uses; that she hopes kids will be able to walk and ride to school.
Councilmember Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Chen stated there are impacts with the loss of
parking and narrowing of lanes, but they are not significant enough to call off the
project; that he supports staff recommendation.
Mayor Gilmore stated parking issues cause the most angst in any Alameda project;
parking is a continuing conversation; biking and walking are important for health and
environmental reasons; one way to reduce traffic is to be consistent in the goal to get
people out of cars and using other modes of transportation; other modes of
transportation need to be more appealing; fewer gas emissions and better
improvements become a community benefit for everyone.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote – 5.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
March 4, 2014
* * *
Councilmember Chen left the dais at 8:00 and returned at 8:01 p.m.
* * *
(14-078) Councilmember Tam announced that she attended the League of California
Cities Board meeting and the East Bay Divisions meeting; stated medical marijuana and
CalPERS rates were discussed.
There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 7:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
March 4, 2014