1996-01-02 MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 2, 1996 The meeting convened at 7:33 p.m., with Mayor Appezzato presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Mayor Mannix. ROLL CALL - PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas, Vice Mayor Mannix and President Appezzato - 5. None. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY None. CONSENT CALENDAR President Appezzato stated that Item 4-A [Resolution Approving Revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Salary Resolution Between the United Public Employees, Local 790 S.E.I.U. and the City of Alameda for the Period Commencing January 1, 1995 and Ending December 31, 1998] was pulled for discussion. Councilmember DeWitt moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. 4-A. See Paragraph (96-2). 4-B. (*96-1) Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and correct, were ratified in the sum of $1,702,578.61. Ratified. 4-A. (96-2) Resolution No. 12727 "Approving Revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Salary Resolution Between the United Public Employees, Local 790 S.E.I.U. and the City of Alameda for the Period Commencing January 1, 1995 and Ending December 31, 1998." Adopted. Vice Mayor Mannix moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. President Appezzato stated that he could not vote in support and that it was not the right time to raise salaries. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 2, 1996 1 Councilmember Lucas concurred with President Appezzato. Vice Mayor Mannix stated that he respected the opinions on the conservative side of issuing a pay raise; however, that at some point the City needed to evaluate what was happening to employees; that the economy was picking up and [Alameda City employees] are falling far behind [in wages compared to] adjacent communities; that it was time to tell [Alameda] employees that they are valued and give them the support that everybody recognizes in a paycheck. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt and Vice Mayor Mannix - 3. Noes: Councilmember Lucas and President Appezzato - 2. Absent: None. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS President Appezzato announced that Item 5-A [Resolution Appointing Carol Gottstein, D.D.S., M.D., as a Member of the Planning Board] be held until later in the meeting. 5-A. See Paragraph (96-6). 5-B. (96-3) Final Passage of Ordinance No. 2715 "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing Section 2-63 (Lost, Stolen, and Unclaimed Property) of Article V (Administrative Procedures and Policies) of Chapter II (Administration) in its Entirety and Replacing with Revised Section 2-63 (Lost, Stolen and Unclaimed Property), of Article V (Administrative Procedures and Policies) of Chapter II (Administration)." Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, suggested that monies received be placed in a living trust and not in the General Fund; and that only the money earned from the living trust interest be [transferred to the General Fund]. John Scott Graham, Alameda, commented on the time frame and policy for unclaimed personal property. The Chief of Police explained the administrative procedures for unclaimed properties. Councilmember DeWitt stated that he received a call from a concerned citizen inquiring about the Police Department's procedures for locating rightful owners of lost properties. The Chief of Police explained the procedures for contacting rightful owners; and expressed the importance of property owners marking personal property with identification numbers, e.g. drivers license number or other identifying number, in order to utilize the State-wide computer system for lost or stolen property. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 2, 1996 2 In response to Councilmember DeWitt's inquiry, the Chief of Police stated that monies procured from auctions are placed in the City's General Fund. Councilmember DeWitt stated that the next Bureau of Electricity's ELECTRIC FLASH NEWSLETTER should include procedures for claiming lost property, and the importance of identification numbers. Vice Mayor Mannix reiterated that the property would be held at least three months. The City Council, by consensus, finally adopted the Ordinance, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 5-C. (96-4) Final Passage of Ordinance No. 2716 "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Section 23-7 (Prohibition of Camping in City Parks) to Chapter XXIII (Parks, Recreation Areas and Public Property)." Allen Derr, Alameda, suggested that the proposed wording be revised regarding camp paraphernalia. The City Attorney stated that she understood the intent of Council; and clarified that language would be added to the Camp Paraphernalia Section that it does not include picnic equipment, barbecues, or things of that general nature. Councilman Arnerich clarified the intent of the Ordinance. Vice Mayor Mannix moved adoption of the Ordinance. Councilmember DeWitt seconded the motion. Neil Patrick Sweeney, commented on video cameras being used to monitor the community from the Police Station. The motion carried by the following voice vote - 5. 5-D. (96-5) Final Passage of Ordinance No. 2717 "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsections 5-24.2, 5-24.3, 5- 24.4, 5-24.8d, 5-24.16 and 5-24.21 of Section 5-24 (Bingo Games for Charity) of Chapter V, (Licenses and Permits), Thereof, Regulating Bingo Ganes for Charity." Councilmember Lucas moved adoption of the Ordinance. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. Following discussion regarding spot audits, the City Manager stated that he would look into the matter. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 2, 1996 3 5 -A. (96 -6) Resolution No. 12728 "Appointing Carol Gottstein, D.D.S., M.D., as a Member of the Planning Board." Vice Mayor Mannix moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Dr. Gottstein. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. NON - AGENDA (Public Comment) 6 -A. (96 -7) Earl Peacock, Alameda, requested a copy of the letter to the property owners of the Webster House regarding their rehabilitation project, and also the status report on the odor problem at Crab Cove. The City Manager stated said copies would be provided to Mr. Peacock. 6 -B. (96 -8) John Scott Graham, Alameda, commented on matters regarding aid for the homeless. 6 -C. (96 -9) Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, discussed issues relating to base use, BRAG and proclamations. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) 7 -A. (96 -10) Councilmember Lucas requested staff to provide her with a list of addresses of Type 1 Federal Firearms License violators, and information on what the City intends to do about the matter. 7 -B. (96 -11) Councilmember Lucas stated that she is concerned about the Alameda Theater project; that the January 1st edition of the Chronicle Newspaper had an article regarding renovation of a once grand San Rafael movie house; that she would like Community Development to look into San Rafael's redevelopment [project]; that apparently [San Rafael's] redevelopment is being done with public funds and non - profit organizations; and that she would like a report on the matter. 7 -C. (96 -12) Councilman Arnerich stated that he wants the Bike Bridge completed and that Council should receive a report on the matter. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 2, 1996 4 ADJOURNMENT 8-A. (96-13) President Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. spectfully smi ted, aue DIANE B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 2, 19% 5