TUESDAY - - - - FEBRUARY 20, 1996 - - - 7:20 P.M.
The above-noted meeting was cancelled.
lane B. Felsch, CMC
City Clerk
February 20, 1996
FEBRUARY 20, 1996
The meeting convened at 7:41 p.m., with Mayor Appezzato presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Arnerich.
Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas,
Vice Mayor Mannix and President Appezzato
- 5.
Present Appezzato stated that the following items were pulled for
discussion: 4-B (96-83) (Report from President, Social Service
Human Relations Board, regarding October 30, 1996, EXCHANGE]; and
4-C (96-84) [Bi-monthly Report from Community Development Director
regarding West Alameda Target Area Activities].
Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Calendar. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion, which carried
by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
4-A. (*96-73) Minutes of the Special City Council and Housing
Authority Board of Commissioners Meeting of February 6, 1996; and
Special City Council Meeting of February 6, 1996. Approved.
4-B. See Paragraph (96-83).
4-C. See Paragraph (96-84).
4-D. (*96-74) Report from Finance Director transmitting Investment
Portfolio for period ending January 31, 1996. Accepted.
4-E. (*96-75) Report from Public Works Director recommending
adoption of plans and specifications and calling for bids for
concrete cart path installation on the Jack Clark Course at the
Chuck Corica Golf Complex, No. P.W. 02-96-02. Accepted.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 19%
4-F. (*96-76) Status Report from Public Works Director on
Californian Apartments located at 1940 Franciscan Way. Accepted.
4-G. (*96-77) Report from Public Works Director requesting
authorization to extend the current Residential Recycling Contract
for a maximum of six months. Accepted.
4-H. (*96-78) Report from Public Works Director recommending
execution of a contract with Recycling Works, Inc., for Non-
Residential and Commercial Recycling Services in Alameda.
4-1. (*96-79) Resolution No. 12738 "Approving Execution of Sub-
Lease Between the City of Alameda and the West Alameda Business
Association Pertaining to 1701 Webster Street." Adopted.
4-J. (*96-80) Resolution No. 12739 "Authorizing Application for
1996-97 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Funds for
Pedestrian/Bicycle Projects." Adopted.
4-K. (*96-81) Resolution No. 12740 "Authorizing Transfer of Funds
Between CIP 91-5 to CIP 94-11 for an Open Market Purchase of Six
Electric Vehicles from the Manufacturer - U.S. Electricar."
4-L. (*96-82) Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and
correct, were ratified in the sum of $2,719,907.80. Ratified.
4-B. (96-83) Report from President, Social Service Human Relations
Board, regarding October 30, 1996, EXCHANGE.
Lois Workman, President, Social Service Human Relations Board,
discussed the October 30th EXCHANGE; stated that copies of the
report were available at the City Clerk's Office; and that videos
of the program will also be available at the Main City Library.
Councilmember Lucas commended Ms. Workman on excellent work done,
and informed Council that Ms. Workman received an accommodation
from the Alameda County Human Rights Commission.
Vice Mayor Mannix suggested that the first sentence under Results
of Scientific Studies be corrected to read "... 2-4% of the
population in America are homosexual women and 4-10% of the
population in America are homosexual men."
Kristine Allen, Alameda, representing Out On The Island, expressed
gratitude for the October, 1995 EXCHANGE; commented that the
information was comprehensive; and that the organization sincerely
hopes that the Council will acknowledge the indisputable fact that
gay and lesbian people form a vital productive part of Alameda
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996 2
Robb Alongi, Alameda, thanked the Council for their support and for
accepting the Board's Report on the EXCHANGE.
Mary Hesalroad, Alameda, stated that she is an eight-year veteran
of the Austin, Texas Police Department; that one of her volunteer
duties was sensitivity training, and offered her assistance.
Phyllis Marshall, Alameda, stated that she attended the EXCHANGE,
and hopes individuals will avail themselves of the information.
Morton Wellhaven, Alameda, Co-founder of G.I. Joe's, stated that
the EXCHANGE was a big step forward in educating people in a non-
emotional way.
Harvey Rosenthal, M.D., and Member of the West Alameda Business
Association, encouraged Council to approve the Board's
Councilmember Lucas requested a staff report on how the City can
implement the Board's recommendations, and moved acceptance of the
Report. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion.
Councilmember DeWitt stated that he had changed his ideas about
whether being gay is a personal choice or not; and that he has
always supported the idea that hate crimes and discrimination
should not be tolerated.
On call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
4-C. (96-84) Bi-monthly Report from Community Development Director
regarding West Alameda Target Area Activities.
Councilmember Lucas stated that undergrounding of utilities is a
very important aspect in making Webster Street and the West End
more attractive; and moved acceptance of the report.
Councilman Arnerich agreed, and seconded the motion.
President Appezzato stated that he also concurred with
Councilmember Lucas' comments; and that the City needs to continue
educating residents before the next neighborhoods are targeted for
The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 19% 3
President Appezzato announced that a member of the public wished to
address Item 4-F and that it be reconsidered.
Vice Mayor Mannix moved that 4-F (Status Report from Public Works
Director on Californian Apartments located at 1940 Franciscan Way]
be reconsidered. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion, which
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Leah Hess, Attorney representing Franciscan Tenants, urged that
Council continue its efforts to have improvements made at the
apartment complex; and requested that the matter be placed on the
agenda for follow-up each month.
President Appezzato stated that if the property owner does not
proceed to correct the deficiency and a citation is issued, the
matter would be scheduled for a hearing before the Municipal Court.
Councilman Arnerich stated that he does not want the matter before
Council each month; and that Ms. Hess should work with the City
Manager's Office and the Building Department.
President Appezzato stated that he would like the matter before
Council once a quarter.
Vice Mayor Mannix concurred with President Appezzato; stated that
the City should continue its efforts; that the matter be placed
before Council once a quarter; and moved acceptance of the report
and recommendation [The Housing Authority and Building Inspection
Division will continue to monitor this matter and will continue
with enforcement action against the property owner]. Councilmember
Lucas seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote -
5-A. (96-85) Appointment of Jennifer Gonzalez to the Social Service
Human Relations Board, Non-Voting Youth Representative.
President Appezzato appointed Jennifer Gonzalez to the Social
Service Human Relations Board, non-voting youth representative.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Gonzalez.
Ms. Gonzalez thanked Council for the opportunity, and introduced
her mother, Mary Ann.
5-B. (96-86) Report from Planning Director regarding findings and
recommendations of the Restaurant Task Force; and
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996 4
Response from Public Works Director regarding "Expressions of Other
Concerns" contained in the Report by the Restaurant Task Force.
Thomas Jordan, Executive Director, Community of Harbor Bay Isle
Owners' Association, submitted a communication providing his
perspective on the Task Force's deliberations and recommendations,
and reviewed same.
Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, commented on fast food restaurants;
inquired about the future use of the Wells Fargo Building; and
expressed concerns regarding a better mix of businesses in Alameda,
e.g. businesses which bring business into the community and not
take business away from existing businesses.
In response to Mr. Degemann's comments regarding a future use for
the Wells Fargo Building, the City Manager stated that the only way
for Council to prohibit such [fast food] would either be by
moratorium or Use Permit process.
In response to Councilmember Lucas' inquiry regarding when
development permits could be required, the Planning Director stated
that the matter was being addressed in the Development Code.
Discussion was held regarding interim regulations.
Councilmember Lucas expressed concern about obtaining control over
new restaurant businesses; and requested that staff write a letter
to the property owner of the Wells Fargo Building, and state that
a fast food business is undesirable.
Councilmember Lucas stated that she supported the Task Force's
recommendation to require business owners to keep the sidewalks in
front of their businesses clean, and requested that staff prepare
an ordinance to require same.
Councilman Arnerich concurred with Councilmember Lucas; requested
that staff prepare an ordinance requiring business owners to keep
the sidewalks in front of their businesses clean; requested that
staff write a letter to the property owner of the Wells Fargo
Building and state that a fast food business is undesirable; and
moved the Task Force's recommendations [accept the Task Force
findings and recommendations regarding the regulation of
restaurants and refer the recommendations on land use controls to
the Planning Board to incorporate the Task Force suggestion into
the proposed Development Code]. Councilmember Lucas seconded the
Vice Mayor Mannix stated that many of the issues noted in the
Restaurant Task Force's Report regarding "Expressions of Other
Concerns" have already been implemented or addressed in other
Regular Meoting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996 5
forums, and discussed same; expressed concerns regarding
restricting fast food restaurants and moratoriums; and spoke in
support of proceeding with the recommendations.
President Appezzato spoke in support of a development permit
process and land use controls; discussed findings and
recommendations; stated that, by contract, the City currently steam
cleans the City's streets and sidewalks twice a year; that the
trash is picked up three times a week in the Business Districts;
and that the City has an outside contractor sweeping the City's
sidewalks twice a week.
On call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
5-C. (96-87) Resolution No. 12741 "Authorizing an Advance under the
Cooperation Agreement Between the City of Alameda and the Community
Improvement Commission."
Councilmember DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote
- 5.
5-D. (96-88) Resolution No. 12742 "Approving Revised Memorandum of
Understanding Between the Alameda Management and Confidential
Employees Association and the City of Alameda; Approving a Salary
Schedule for Three Appointed and Three Unrepresented Employees; and
Approving and Authorizing Execution of Amendments to the Employment
Contracts for the City Manager and City Attorney; All Three Actions
for the Period Commencing January 1, 1995 and Ending December 31,
Don Roberts, Alameda, stated that the City Attorney's performance
should be considered in the process of awarding her a $6,000 a year
pay raise; that the City Attorney's Impartial Analysis [of Ballot
Measure "C"] misleads the voters to falsely believe that the
Carnegie [Building] will be used as a museum when the actual ballot
language would allow the Carnegie [Building] to be used for City
offices, or other public uses, instead of a museum; and that the
'Impartial Analysis could cause voters to think that the rebuttal
statements were not true.
Barbara Kerr, suggested that the City Attorney not be given a
raise; commented on the language of Measure "C"; and stated that
apartment owners will hold Council to the language on the ballot
John Scott Graham, Alameda, commented on City pay raises.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996 6
Councilmember Lucas stated that no amendments to the employment
agreements with the City Manager and City Attorney were submitted
to the City Council, and that the sixth paragraph on page one of
the Resolution cannot be adopted as written.
In response to President Appezzato's inquiry, Councilmember Lucas
stated that the remaining portions of the Resolution may be voted
upon; however, she would not be supportive of all matters.
The Personnel Director stated that the staff report indicates that
the Memorandum of Understanding, salary schedule, and the City
Manager and City Attorney's contracts were on file in the City
Clerk's Office and the Planning Department.
Councilmember Lucas stated that the employment contract amendments
were not included.
President Appezzato concurred with Councilmember Lucas, and stated
that he was not prepared to vote on the contract amendments at this
In response to Vice Mayor Mannix's inquiry, the Personnel Director
stated that the contract amendments were not a part of the
Resolution's Appendix "A"..
Councilmember Lucas stated that she was not aware that the issue of
extending the employment contracts with the City Manager and City
Attorney was being considered.
Vice Mayor Mannix stated that it was clear to him during Closed
Session Meetings, and that the extended term was to 1999; and moved
adoption of the Resolution.
Councilman Arnerich concurred with Vice Mayor Mannix and seconded
the motion.
Councilmember Lucas stated that she had a problem with the
Resolution being all inclusive; that if each issue had been listed
separately, she would have voted on each item; and that she would
not support the Resolution as a whole.
President Appezzato concurred with Councilmember Lucas.
Councilmember DeWitt spoke in support of Councilmember Lucas having
the opportunity of voting "yes" or "no" on the various portions of
the Resolution.
Councilmember Lucas stated that she would have to eliminate the
portion of the Resolution approving the amendment to the employment
agreements; that she would not approve the salary increase for the
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996
MCEA; that she would support salary increases for the City Manager
and City Attorney; and that the extension of employment terms for
the City Manager and City Attorney be held over.
Councilman Arnerich stated that it was imperative to move forward;
spoke in support of the Resolution; discussed wage increases; and
spoke in support of holding the extension of employment terms for
the City Manager and City Attorney over.
The motion was amended as follows: Vice Mayor Mannix moved
adoption of the Resolution, excluding Term extensions of the City
Attorney and City Manager Employment Contracts. Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion.
Councilmember DeWitt commented on Alameda salaries vs. other
President Appezzato stated that he could not support additional pay
raises at this time; and that he remained unconvinced that the City
could afford the personnel costs over the long term without
providing the additional revenue necessary to pay for said raises.
On call for the question, the amended motion carried by the
following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, and Vice
Mayor Mannix - 3. Noes: Councilmember Lucas and President
Appezzato - 2. Absent: None.
Councilmember Lucas suggested a Closed Session for Council
discussion on the Terms.
Council recessed at 8: 50 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m.
5 -E. (96 -89) Final Passage of Ordinance No. 2719 "Amending the
Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Subsection 2 -61.7 (Joint Purchases
with Public Agencies) to Section 2 -61 (Bidding Procedures on Public
Projects and Goods and Supplies), Article V (Administrative
Procedures and Policies) of Chapter II (Administration), Thereof,
Authorizing Joint Purchase of Materials and Supplies with Other
Public Agencies."
Councilmember Lucas moved final passage of the Ordinance.
Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
5 -F. (96 -90) Written Communication from Don Bergen, Alameda,
requesting that the City enact a "teenage curfew ".
The Chief of Police provided an assessment of the recommendation;
stated that a curfew was not necessary at this time; commented on
other cities' procedures, and expense to provide said program.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996 8
Don Bergen, Alameda, spoke in support of a teenage curfew; and
commented on proposed costs, vandalization, and crimes.
Don Roberts, Alameda, spoke in support of a teenage curfew; and
suggested that curfew violators be returned to their homes and/or
issued a citation.
John Scott Graham, Alameda, spoke in opposition to a teenage
curfew; and discussed personal experiences regarding same.
Noel Folsom, Alameda, spoke in opposition to a teenage curfew.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, spoke in support of a teenage
curfew; and commented on mechanisms for detecting stolen cars.
Beth (no last name given), spoke in support of a teenage curfew;
and commented on crimes committed by gangs and youth.
Dave Plummer, Alameda, spoke in support of a teenage curfew;
discussed previous problems on High Street caused by teenagers,
e.g. drinking, fighting, speeding; and expressed concerns regarding
the Planning Board's approval of a coffee shop/restaurant called
"The High Tea and Coffee" at 1431 High Street.
Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, spoke in opposition to a teenage curfew.
Vice Mayor Mannix spoke in support of youth curfews; stated that
the Chief of Police had commited himself to recommend a youth
curfew should the need arise; and deferred to the Chief of Police.
Councilmember Lucas concurred with Vice Mayor Mannix; and moved
that the Written Communication be accepted without action. Vice
Mayor Mannix seconded the motion.
The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
5-G. (96-91) Written Communication from the Building and
Construction Trades Council of Alameda County requesting a
resolution declaring that the City Council desires prevailing wage
laws to be continued without change, and that the City Council
reaffirms its commitment to uphold prevailing wage requirements on
City public works projects (Councilmember Lucas), and
Resolution No. 12743 "Supporting Prevailing Wage Laws and
Reaffirming Commitment to Uphold Prevailing Wage Requirements on
City Public Work Projects." (Councilmember Lucas)
Mike Dunlap, Operating Engineers, Local 3, spoke in support of the
Resolution; and discussed the "Little Davis Bacon Act".
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996 9
Discussion was held regarding the construction trades,
apprenticeship programs, bidding process, quality of work, and wage
The City Manager stated that federally-funded City public work
projects require prevailing rates, and that contractors have to pay
the prevailing wages.
Councilman Arnerich moved adoption of the Resolution.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council)
7-A. (96-92) Consideration of Mayor's nominations for two
appointments to the Mayor's Committee for the Disabled.
President Appezzato nominated Daniel Corcoran, Debra Paschke and
Kim Vickers for appointment to the Mayor's Committee for the
7-B. (96-93) Consideration of Mayor's nominations for
reappointments of Chair Hellmann and Committee Member Cooney to the
Mayor's Committee for the Disabled.
President Appezzato nominated Chair Michael Hellmann and Committee
Member Edwin Cooney for reappointment to the Mayor's Committee for
the Disabled.
6-A. (96-94) Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, discussed various
upcoming local events.
6-B. (96-95) Susan McCormack, Alameda, owner of The Webster House,
stated that she wanted to clear the record and bring Council up-to-
date; stated that the Planning Department had public noticed the
wrong set of plans for the Special [Planning Board] Meeting to be
held February 21; that the Planning Board was given the correct set
which was originally submitted to and approved by the Historical
Advisory Board; that it is said set of plans that she desires to be
reviewed at the February 21st meeting; that when she received the
incorrect notice from the Planning Department, she called and was
told that it did not matter that the notice had the wrong material
referenced; that she did not realize the Planning Department did
not know which plans the Historical Advisory Board approved; that
when the City Manager was notified of the error, he had the
Planning Department send both sets [of plans] to the Planning
Board; and questioned what could be done when incorrect notices
have already gone out.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996
6-C. (96-96) Morton Wellhaven, Alameda, spoke in support of giving
youth more support, i.e. youth centers; stated that no City
proclamations have been awarded since June, 1995; and inquired
whether proclamations continue to be awarded.
President Appezzato stated that City proclamations continue to be
Mr. Wellhaven stated that he inquired with the City and was
informed that no proclamations have been issued since June, 1995.
President Appezzato assured Mr. Wellhaven that many proclamations
have been and continue to be awarded; and stated that Mr. Wellhaven
will be provided the exact number of proclamations awarded since
June, 1995.
6-D. (96-97) Karin Morgan, Alameda, stated that it was her
understanding that no proclamations had been awarded; and spoke in
support of proclamations.
President Appezzato stated that Ms. Morgan would also be provided
the exact number of proclamations awarded since June, 1995.
The City Clerk stated that perhaps Mr. Wellhaven and Ms. Morgan did
not contact the Mayor's Secretary for the number of proclamations
provided to the community.
6-E. (96-98) Don Roberts, Alameda, stated that he is a member of
the group that opposes Measure "C"; that he is not opposed to
paying taxes for services in the City; that he is in support of a
new library; that his position, and that of many others, is not to
not pay taxes, but to oppose unfair taxes; that the proposal
presented to the public will charge $68.50 per year; and that there
are widowed and/or retired persons whose total income is under
$7,000 per year and cannot afford same.
President Appezzato stated that he strongly supported Measure "C".
6-F. (96-99) Earl Peacock, Alameda, contended that the Planning
Director was continuously subterfuging the McCormacks from
finishing their project [The Webster House]; stated that the
McCormacks were in need of the two-foot variance and the [fee]
waiver [request] which should be addressed and resolved at the
February 21st meeting; and requested that Council remedy the
Vice Mayor Mannix stated that he was sure the City Manager was
aware of Council's policy and wanted the project to move ahead as
expeditiously as possible.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996
6-G. (96-100) Christine Allen, Alameda, stated that she was
responsible for the misinformation regarding proclamations; that
she went to City Hall and was told verbally that no proclamations
have been issued since May, 1995; that she also received a written
fax from City Hall stating that no proclamations have been issued
to anyone; and requested the number of proclamations given since
said time.
Vice Mayor Mannix apologized for any misinformation given, and
thanked her for taking responsibility.
Councilmember Lucas stated that she noticed that no proclamations
have been passed by the City Council; that apparently proclamations
are being passed by the Mayor's Office; requested a staff report
regarding the practice of having proclamations passed by Council
stopped and why; and a staff report on how other [Alameda County]
cities and Alameda County handle proclamations.
COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) [continued]
7-C. (96-101) Councilman Arnerich requested that a status report be
prepared regarding the rest rooms at the Shell Station, and the
entryway to the Golf Complex.
7-D. (96-102) Vice Mayor Mannix stated that the Chief of Police
should report to Council on acquiring sound location capability,
similar to Redwood City; that a liaison with other communities
should be developed; and that the City Manager should contact the
City of Oakland's City Manager to discuss public information
efforts and gun control.
7-E. (96-103) Vice Mayor Mannix referred to a recent project on
parking meters conducted by a student, and suggested that the City
look into the results.
8-A. (96-104) President Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 10:04
ectfully submitted
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance
with the Brown Act.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
February 20, 1996