Ordinance 0074ORDINANCE NO. 74 New Series Defining pasteurized milk, regulating the production, handling, sale and distribution thereof, prescribing the standard of milk intended for pasteurization and imposing a penalty for the violation fo said ordinance let Totor'a telleo ter elk steerizedemilk lree eiresumer, shall be eleduly marked with a. label bearia "Tieresitheralet ese el. 'Mille 7 ee: oIrt D "1„:), asenmulate or is absoreea is :ed0I102e. 00 manner luivefeeicidace its rarri.(Waa o isesaries :11.11 'CO lit a (3 .1"1:1"1. tal 11111,:k .11111.8 1:"; .1) e Irk() (;)131.1. ferire fictem 2a.steueri z eti shalli. be th the de lol;""eipes trur e crf." 150 ae."1se e s leer esalreelet or 1.eii,„„ ed.. representatives. lene. thiermipaetrie recce:lefts sdoriviee, the reamel, (":"' , emiso OT ro2emstao elell of the Board. of Healtia and ahall. be collected by. its asafheseiz- Olo.inOnee 7Co. new os-ricre, : sale rtoOslOpptiOo in. the City of Alamede, 6ection-'12. Ariy vio1ating. qny of. tb..0 prOvi;eion.1, of •th.-1,6 o'..nihaan.ce sh.eJ.61,1 e o f ml.p denleari.(or , and up On. co nv ict orl. there of , shall be punis he d. fi n..0 of 'not le s th Tw enty -f iv e 2, or mo7.1,. t"..r.e. an Teio Hu1.1.Ar ed Dollars , or by' iffqe;',c)rig.leirlot.,', in. the 61.1-- .ifris.(f.11 for leeee., than. ten n.(51..' more than. sia..1.-„y , or. r a th. sq n f ine an. d r s onme-AI. Ali or di eta nee s o part s of ar fttn:sft ces in.. c nfli et ar elry ;sr e „ This ordinance shall take e ffect oh and t,,oft,.ar ()foto:beer. ist 16.61. otroft ;,.3.13.cop 1)27 o '111..e., ..aistrile 1.8th ',xi', F6 Esztlett, Ereziali5g Officer of: the Council, City Clerk. (L;eaa, of the City of Illamed,.) Presente6. to me this latb. of- July, ...L. D. 1916. F a, Bart 1 eot6t.., iday.Or of th,a o± proved. . 25th - 0 f"' Ji A . L6 1916. F 11. Eafrilett N',66.7,):r of the 0 LALI. o f I he reob.y. o er t , thet the f or ego ing Or ellnanc e was a do The and pe...ss ed. by th e C 6-an.° i 1. of t he C 1 o f 11.1am.E,d.e... in e gala r s on.. 16th. 1 e- of. ,T,61 3 6 , by. the f 1 ow e vo : Roth, , St fruar t °tale 1. Lite :ElEolOTIOOICI 1:1:017,"rel„ S PrO ero ee,„ e enot :131,11.1, a C Oe .6 i ah o 0 r el imarl. We. 1. e n s ( ) ea d. I -.fur the r coot i t1)sit t &teme pres e o lizr the or' (in the 2 5 t h... div o f July 1916 . Chitee erk. o tehe (Dotty of .1.1....n.ed.a. o e (3:11 I le..e,.ere eoeInInE y th.eat f oaseescri, s a, tocu e an a. oar r ect 6 op y eartil t e s '1; k (E. U ti -pg the i'r o an , Han„d1 n8o, el e a na an. eT e „ c, 2,7 ,i...1,erag ari(11.ar o rIOLLte Li:et e d '1711r ErtiEruxolOmaArLia aord. 1.1upe:11361,ag Eme161:1, .fSzer t he Violat i on of said Or d LoDn.c e paBs e d„ thm C oulac il of' t he 0 it of Aiemle d.ml, in e t asse n11. ola the. 18th.. o f 661. „ 1916 rei :$ al a: Or (11111:11e,C was 3.636,11 e :I.:Deo' need.. tire s o f 011. 1,1117') 2 61511