Ordinance 0818ORDINANCE NO. 818 NEW SERIES. AN OllDINANCE LEASING THE CEN'EIt SLIP AT 'HE ALA-MliJDA.. MOLE'rorrHE UNrlrA'rES OF AItIERICA. WHEHEAS, the United States of America, hereinafter referred to asthe "Government," has applied to the City of Alameda for a lease ofthe center sllp of the Alameda Mole,more particularly described in theform of lease hereinafter referred , for the purpose of using the same for military purposes, for tern1 beginning October 12, 1942 , and ending June 30, 1947 , at arental of one dollar ($1.00) per year; and"VHEHEAS, the use of said prem-ises is required by the Governmentfor the purpose of providing facill- ties for the defense of the nation and for the proper prosecution of the wars in which the United Statesis now engaged; and"VHEREAS , a form of lease con- taining the covenants and ag-ree-ments stipulated and ag-reed upon between the City of Alameda and the Government has been preparedand submitted to this Council at its regular meeting held November 17,1942, marked "Filed Nov. 17 , 1942and ordered filed with the CityClerk of said City; now therefore,HE TT OHDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA-MEDA as follows: SECTION 1. That those certain premises in the City of Alameda,County of Alameda, State of Cali- fornia, referred to in the preamble hereof , namely, the center slip ofthe Alameda Mole, as more particu- larly described in the form of lease hereinabove referred to, be leased tt: the Government, for a term be-gmnmg October 12 , 1942, and endingJ \lne30, . 1947, at . a rental of one dollar ($1,00 ) per year.SECTION 2, . That. the form oflease referred to .in . the. preamblehereof, and the terms, covenantsagreements and provisions .thereo , and the same are hereby, . ap-proved. SECTION 3. The Mayor of theCity of Alameda is. hereby. author-ized and directed to execute, and the. City Clerk to attest, for andon behalf of the City of Alameda alease substantially in the form and containing the terms, covenantsagreements and provisions set forthin the aforesaid form of lease. HECTION .4. This ordinance shallbe in full force and . effect fromand after the. expiration of thirty(30) days from the date of its finalpassage.M. C. GODFHEY, Presiding Officer of the Council.Attest:LOHEME H. BEATIE. City Clerk. , the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance wasduly and regularly adopted and passed hy the Council of the City of Alameda in adjourned regularmeeting assembled on the 24th day ' 1942 , by the following AYES: Councilmen BranscheidJones, Maurer and President God- frey, (4).NOES: None.ABSENT: Councilman Howe. (1).IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, I havehereunto set my hand and affixedthe official seal of said City this25th day of November, 1942.(SEAL) I,OREME R BEATIE,City Clerk of the City of Alameda. Publish November 25 , 1942.