Ordinance 1005Alameda City Ordinances ORDINANCE NO. 1006 Ordinance No. 1006 New Series AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING PROPERTY BY ADDING SECTION 59 TO ORDINANCE NO. 725, NEW SERIES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THECOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA-MEDA as follows:SECTIQN 1. Section 59 is he,rebyadd'ed to Qrdi'nance No, 725, Ne,wSerie,s to rea'd as follows:Sec.' 59. The real property in the City of Alameda. County of Ala-meda , State of Cal1fornla , described as f TIiTE'D on the north lineof Buena Vis,ta Avenue , begin- ning 294,5,0 fe t west from the wes,t line of Elg,hth Street , run- ning thence we'sterly along thenorth line of Buena Vista Ave-nue 50 fee,t; thence at right angle,s northerly 148,54 feet;thence at ri,ght angle,s eas,terly,parallel to Buena Vista Avenue50 feM; then,ce at ri,ght angle,s southerly 148,25 fee,t to the point of beginning;is her",by takml out of the " 'One-Family Dwelling Di'strict andreclas'sHied to and placed in the to-Fonr Family DweUing ioN 2. This ordinance s,hallbe in full force and effect fromand after the expiration of thirty(30) days from the date of its finalpassage, W. J. BRAN!SCHEID Presiding Officer of the CounciLAtte'st:J, P. CLARK City ClerIc I the under,s,igned , he'reby certifythat the foregoing Ordinance wasduly and regularly . adopted andpassed by the CounCil of the Cityof Aia,meda i,n regular meetin,g as-sembIed on the 5th day of Se'ptem-be'r , 1950 , by the following voteto-wit :AYE'S: Councilme,n AndersonJones, 'Osborn , Sweeney and Presi- dent Branscheld , (5).NOES: None. ABSJiJNT: None.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehareunto set my hand and affixedthe official seal of said City this'6th day of Se'ptembecr , 1950,(SEAL) J. P. CLARKCHy Clerk of the City of Alameda,Publis,h September 6, 1950.