Ordinance 1007Alameda City Ordiance ORDINANCE NO 1007 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE T0 INSURE THE LOYALTY OF THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF,THE CITY OF ALAMEDA In REQUIRING THEM T0 TAKE AN OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE STATE OFCALIJ)ORNIA AND TO REQUIRE AN AFFIDAVIT RELATING TO MEMBERSHIP IN THB COMMUNIST PARTY.BE IT ORDAINIED BY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA lIHDDA:Section 1 Every pers'On who ishereafter elected or appointed to an offiee or position in the service ofthe City of Alameda must, beforeentering' upon the d-uties of his offiee or position , take and sub- scribe to the following oath: . -... ."..."un. ".-.-.- ;.n..u-";C-._--.- .;...._-- , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that Iwil bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of Americaand the State of California , and will support and defend the Cons.titutionand laws of the United States ofAmerica and of the State of Cali- Cornia and the laws of the City of Aiameda. against all enemies, for-eignand domestic. I further swear(or affirm) that I ao not advise,advocate or tea,ch , and ha,ve notwithin the period beginning five(5) yea,rs prior to the effective dateof the ordinance requiring the mak- in", of this oath or a,ffirmation , a,d- vised, advocated or taught, theoverthrow by force , violence or other unlawful means , of the Gov- ernment of the United States ofAmerica or of the State of Califor-nia and that I am not now and have not, within said period, been or become a member of or affiliated with any gTOUp, society, as.sociation organization or party which advises advocate-s or teaches , or has , within said period, advised, advocated ortaught, the overthrow by force, vio- lence or other unlawful means ofthe Government of the United Statesof America , or of the State of Cali- fornia. I further swear (or affirm) that I will not, while I am in the service of the City of Alameda, advise, a,dvocate or teach , or be or become a member of or affiliatedwith any group, ass.nciation , siociety,organization or party which advises,advocate's or te,ache,s , or has withinsaid peri-ad, advised , advocated ortaught, the overthrow by force, violence or other unlawful meansof t.he Government of the United States of America or of the State of California , that I will well andfaithfully di,s,charge the duties my office or employment in the service of the City of Alameda and that I take this whole obUgation freeiy Uon, '01' pnrpose Me God.Section 2. Bveryhereafter elected office or position in servicethe City of Aiameda, before entering upon the duties his of-fice or pOisitioIl ex.ecute an aft"-davit stIlting whether or not he is or ever was a mem'ber of the Com-munist Party of the United States of America or of the Communist Political A,sRociation , ::lnd if he. isor was such Il1e-mber, stating thedates when became , and theperiods during 'which he was , s,ucha member; provided, however , thatno. additional affidavit shall be quired on aeeount of the demotion or promotion of aJJY son,' who has once executed andavit under this section and forth in Se-ction 1 hereof.Section 3. Every person who nowholds or oecupies an office or posI- tion in the- servi-ce of the City of Alameda must, within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this ordinanc.e, or If he be on leave or,' unders'uspension . for cause from the service of the city at suc.h ef-fective date, within thirty (30) days after his return to suc.h s'ervice , takeand s-ubsc.ribe to the oath set forthin Se,c.tion 1 hereof and make theaffidavi.required by Sec.tion 2hereof.Section 4. Eac.h oath and affi-davit re-quired hereund,er shall be tal.ce-n , executed and signe,d beforean officer authorized by law to ad- minister oaths , and the jurat ofsuch office-I' shall be affixed to the- docuID'ent 8 0 subHcrihed under theofficial seal of such offi-cer.Section 5. The oaths and affidavits required hereby to be execute,d shalla.pply to a.ll officers and employeesappointed by or under the jurisdic-tion of the City Manager , City Auditor, City Attorne-y, the Mayor, or of this Council. It shall be theduty of the head of each departmentor 'such other officer as the City Ma,nager may de-signate to re-quireeach officer and employee to exe-cute and file the oath and affidavit required by this ordinance. Such oaJ,hs and affidavits shall be HIed with the Civil Service Board.Section 6. Whenever the head of any department or any other offi-cial of the City of Alameda is in doubt as to whether or not anofficer or empioyee subject to hisdirection swore falsely in or hasviolated an oath required hereunderhe shall investigate and determine S'O far as possi'ble the facts involved in the case and report the same tothe City Manager. Section 7 The s'everal Boardscreating positions of employment in the City government without thejuris.diction of the City Council and Alameda City Ordiance Ordinance No. 1003 New Series ORDINANCE NO. 1008 NEW SERIESAN ORDINANCID FIXING THERATID AND LEVYING A TAX ONALL RIDAL AND PIDRSONALPROPERTY IN THID CITY OFALAMEDA FOR TIIID J)ISCALYEAR 1950-1951 AND APPOR-TIONING THID SAMID AMONGTIIID SIDVIDRAL FUNDS OF TIlE CITY.BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA- MJjJDA:SECTION 1. That the rate of citytaxes to be lc-vied for the fis-cal year b&ginning July 1, 1950 , and endingJune 30, 1951, upon all property a'8- ses.s-ed for taxation within the cor-porate limits of the Ci,ty of Alam edaon the bas,is of the valuation there-of as shown by the assessment rollin the office of the City As,sess,or ofsaid city be, and the same is here'by, fixed at one hundr&d and seventy-two cent,s (1720') on each one hun-dred dollars ($10'0) of as's&ss-ed valu-ation O'f s'aid property. SECTION 2. That a tax in thetotal amoun,t of one and 72/100 d-ol-lars ($1.72) b&, and the same ishereby, fixed and l&vied on eachand &very one hundr&d d'ollar-s ($100)of ass,es,sed valuation of all taxable property, real and personal , withinthe corporate limits of said city, for the purpo,s& of raising th& nece,s,s-aryrevenue for said city for th& fis-caly&ar 195'0-1951.SECTION 3. That , s-aid tax, andthe moneys arising therefrom , when coll&ct&d, s,hall be, and the same are hereby, appro-prlated to and ap-portione'd among the several fund-sand sp&cial purpos,es of the city her&inafter designated, in the pro-portion and amounts r&sp&ctively set forth O'pposite each s.uch mlted fund or special purpos'e,follows:General Fund ......,......,..........Street Department ...............- Library Fund .... ................. Initiative Relief Fund ... """ Policemen s and FiremenPension Fund .................. .247154 Alamed,a Municipai lDm-ployees ' Retirement Fund .127049Disaster Defense .186671 396202 378322 173212 010000 Total General CityGovernment .. ..................... $1.518610Spedal School Levy ............201390 TOTAL TAX .......................$1.72SilCTION 4. This ordinance shallbe in full force and effect imme- diately from and after its finalpassage.W, J. BRANSCHilID Presiding Officer of the Council.Attest:J. p, CLARK, City Clerk. , the unders,igned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance wasduly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alamed,a in regular meeting as-sembled on the 19th day of Se.ptem-bel', 1950, by the following vote, to wit:AYES: Councilmen And e r.s a nJon&s, Osborn , Sweeney and Pre,sl-dent Brans-cheid, (5). NOilS: Non&.ABSENT: Non&.IN WITNilSS WHEHilOF, I havehereunto se,t my hand and affixed the official seal of s-aid City this20th day of September , 1950.(SEAL) J. P. CLARK, City Clerk of the City of Alameda.Publish September 20, 195-0 Alameda City Ordiance Ordinance No. l009 New Series ORDININOE.NO. .1009 NBW SERIES AUTHOR.IZING SALE OF REALPROPBRTY TO JAMES IIILL.BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA- MEDA:Section 1. The Council of the Cityof Alameda is hereby authorized tosell to James Hil the following de- scribed real property situated in the City of Alameda, County of Aia-meda , State of California:BEGINNING at a point on the we-stern line of the parccl ofland de,scribed in the deed by Henry H, Shed to SouthernPacific Camp-any, dated Febru- ary 23 , 1912, and recorded March, 1912 in Book 2049 of Deeds at page 278 , Alameda County Rec-ords, at the southeast corner ofthe parcel of land de-scrlbed inthe dee-d by Gertrude Christen- sen to City of Alameda dated Fe-bruary 21 , 1949 and recorded March 16 , 1949 in Book 5751 ofOfficial Records of AlamedaCounty, page 501 (from said point of be,ginning the cEmter of a circle with a radius of 895. feet bears south 17 03' 07" west 895.75 feet distant); thence south&asterly along the arc of said circle a distance of 124. feet; thence south 64 58' 39"east tangent to the preceding arc, a distance of 79.88 feet tothe southern line of s,aid parcelof land de,s,cribe.d in s-aid deed to Southern Pacific Company;thence along the last men- tioned line north 88 24' 15" west 190.78 feet to said west-ern line; thence along the lastmentioned line north 1 36' east 73.22 feet to the point of be-ginning,for the sum of TWO THOUSANDTHRJ HUNDRED TWENTY -FIVE ($2 325.00) DOLLARS, said sum to be paid in cash by the purchaserupon tender of a deed to the pur-chaser by the City of Alameda; Cityto pay cost of revenue stamps; titleinsurance and e,scrow feHs at cost of buyer,Section 2. The Mayor of the Cityof Alameda is hereby authorized anddirected to execute and deliver saiddeed for and on behalf of the saidCity, and the City Clerk is directed to attest the same , as s-oon as thisordinance becomes effective.Section 3. This ordinance shaH bein full force and effe,ct from and after the expiration of thirty (30)days from the date of its finaipassage.W. J. BRANSCHEID, Pre.siding Officer of the Council.Atte,st:J. P. CLARK, City Clerk. I, the undersigned, hereby certifythat the fore,going Ordinance wasduly and regularly adopte-d and passe-d by the Council of the Cityof Alameda in regular meeting as- sembled on the 4th day of October, 1950, by the following vote, to-wit:AYES: Councilmen And e r sonOsborn, Sweeney and President Brans-cheid , (4). NOES: None.ABSENT: Councilman Jones , (1),IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand and affixedthe official s,eal of s'aid City this 5th day of October, 1950.(SEAL) J. P. CLARK, City Clerk of the City of Alameda.Publish October 5, 1950. Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 1010 New Series ORDINANCE .NO.I 0 I 0 NEW SERIES A,. ORDINANCB A IENDING SEC-TIONS 17-364.1 AND 17-364.TITLB XVII, CHAPTER 3, AR-TICLB 6, OF THE ALAMBDA MUNICIPAL CODE RBLATINGTO PARKING.BID IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA- MFJDA:S:ECTION 1. That 2-Hour ParkingLimit subdivision 22 of Section 17-36,.1, Title XVII, Chapter 3, Ar- ticle 6 , of the Alameda Municipal Code be, and the s'ame is hereby, repealed.SECTION 2. That subsection (a) of 1-Hour Parking Limit subdivision 24 of Section 17-364., Title XVII, Chapter 3, Article 6, of the AlamedaMunicipal Code is here'by amended to read as follows:(a) West curb line of Webster Street 10 feet Northerly fromthe North line of Haight Avenueand runnin,g thence Northerly19- feet.SECTION 3. That subsection (a) of 24-Minute Parking Limit subdi- vision 9 of Section 17-364.1, Title XVII, Chapter 3, Article 6, of theAlameda Municipal Code is herebyamcnded to read as follows: (a) We,st curb line of We'bsterStreet 206 feet Northerly fromthe North line of Haight Avenueand running thence Northerly46 feet.SECTION 4. That Section 17-364, Tite XVII, Chapter 3, Article 6, of the Alamed:t Municipal Codc ishereby amended to read as follows See. 17-364.2. Th.at an engi-neer s Drawing 2964-B, Case S, Sheet I of 2 , bearing date Nov.1946, Hevision No.8, 9-50, cn-ti tied, "Parking Plan- W e'bsterStreet," three eopies of whiehs-aid document are on file in theoffice of the City Clerk of the. City of Alameda, being marl,ed Filed Sept. 19 , 1950," be, and the same is hereby, incorporatedherein and adopted by reference.SECTION 5. This ordinance &hailbe in full force and eUect fromand after the expiration of thirty (30) day's from the date of its finalpassage.W. J. BRANSCHEID, Pr(;siding Officer of the CounciLAttest: J. P. CLARK, City Clerk. I, the und(;r,signed, here.by certify that the for(;going Ordinance wasduly and regularly adopted andpasse.d by the Council of the Cityof Alameda in regular meeting as- sembled on the 4th day of October, 1950 , by the following vote, to-wit:AYES: Councilmen And e r sonOsborn, Sweeney and Pre.sidentBrans'cheid , (4). NOES: None,ABSENT: Councilman Jones, (1),IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand and affixedthe official seal of said City this 5th day of October, 1950.(SEAL) J. P. CLARK, City Clerk of the City of Alameda,Publish October 5, 1950, Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No, 1011 New Series ORDINANCE NO. I 0 NEW SERIESAN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDI-NANCE NO. 1007, NEW SERIES,ENTIT1.ED, "AN. ORDINANCE TOINSURE THE LOYALTY OF THEOFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OFTHE CITY OF ALAMEDA BY RE-QUIRING THEM TO TAKE ANOATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ANDTHE STATE OF CALU'ORNIA ANDTO REQUIRE AN AFFIDAVIT RE-LATING TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE COMMUNIST PARTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN-CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA:Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1007,New Series, entitled, "An ordinance to insure the loyalty of the officersand employees of the City of Alamedaby requiring them to take an oathof allegiance to the United States ofAmerica and the State of Californiaand to require an affidavit relatingto membership in the CommunistParty," passed September 19 , 1950, beand the same is hereby, repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be infull force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days fromthe date of its final passage.W, J'. BRANSCHEID Presiding Officer of the Council.Attest:J'. P. CLARK City Clerk. I, the undersigned, hereby certifythat the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 17th day of October, 1950, by the fol-lowing vote , to wit:AYES: Councilmen Anderson , J' onesOsborn, Sweeney and President Bran-scheid, (5).NOES: None.ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand and affixed theofficial seal of said City this 18th day of October , 1950.(SEAL)J'. P. CLARK City Clerk of the City of Alameda. Publish October 18, 1950. Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No. 1012 New Series ORDINANCE NOm 1012 New SeriesAN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYINGPROPERTY BY ADDING SECTION60 TO ORDINANCE NO. 725, NEW SERIES.BE 1'1 O DAINED BY THE COUN-CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA follows:SECTION 1. Section 60 is hereby added to Ordinance No. 725, New Ser-ies, to read as follows: Sec. 60. The real property in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda State of California , described as fol-lows:COMMENCING on the northerlyline of Buena Vista Avenue 189,feet westerly from the west line ofEighth Street; running thence westerly parallel to Buena VistaAvenue 105 feet; thence at rightangles northerly parallel to Eighth Street 148.25 feet; thence at right angles easterly parallel to BuenaVista Avenue 105 feet; thence atright angles southerly parallel to Eighth Street 147.64 feet to the point of beginning.BEING Lots 11, 12 and 13 inBlock "" Map of Mastick Parkknown as 767 Buena Vista Ave-nue; is hereby taken out of the "Family Dwelling District andfied to and placed in the "Four Family Dwellng District.SECTION 2. This ordinance shall bein full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days fromthe date of its final passage. W, J. BRANSCHEID, Officer of the CouncilPresiding ATTEST:J. P. CLARK, City Clerk , the undersigned, hereby certifythat the foregoing Ordinance was dulyand regularly adopted and passed bythe Council of the City of Alameda inregular meeting assembled on the 8th day of November , 1950, by the follow- ing vote , to-wit:AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jones,Osborn , Sweeney and President Bran- scheid, (5).NOES: None,ABSENT: None, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand and affixed theofficial seal of said City this 9th dayof November, 1950. (SEAL)J. P. CLARK City Clerk of theCity of AlamedaNov, 9, 1950.Publish Alameda City Ordinances New Series Ordinance No. 1013 ORDINANOE NO. 1013 NEW SERIESAN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING PROPERTY BY ADDING SECTION61 TO. ORDINANCE NO. 725, NEW SERIES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN-CIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA asfollows: SECTION 1. Section 61 is hereby added to Ordinance No. 725, NewSeries, to read as follows: Sec. 61. The real property in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, described as fol-lows:ALL OF LOT 6, in Section 30, Township 2 South, Range 3 WestMount Diablo Base and Meridian lying southerly of the southerly line of Maitland Drive , save and excepting therefrom:BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of the tract conveyed to the City of Ala-meda, California, for highway with the projection northeasterly of the northwesterly line of the 10 acre tract conveyed to the City of Ala- meda, California; thence South 33 18' 50" East 479.42 feet to the pro- jection northeasterly of the west-erly line of said Lot 6; thcncealong said westerly line of said Lot , South 21 0 41' 10" West 135, feet to angle point on boundaryline of said lot 6; thence alongthe southwesterly line of saidLot 6, North 10' West, 474.54 feet; thence North 39' 50" Vi est 66 feet to the in-terscction thereof with the north- westerly line of said IO-acre tract;thence along the projection north- easterly of the northwesterly line of said 10-acre tract North 31 32' 10" East 58.17 feet to the point ofbeginning;is hereby taken out of the "A" One-Family Dwellng District and reclas-sified to and placed in the "C" Mul-tiple Dwellng District.SECTION 2. This ordinance shall bein full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from lhe date of its final passage.W. J. BRANSCHEID Presiding Officer of the CounciL ATTEST:J. P. CLARK, City Clerk. I, the undersigned, hereby certifythat the foregoing Ordinance was dulyand regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 21st day of November, 1950, by thefollowing vote, to-wit:AYES: Councilmen Anderson, JonesOsborn, Sweeney and President Bran- scheid, (5). NOES: None.ABSENT: None.IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I havehereunto set my hand and affixed theofficial seal of said City this 22nd dayof November, 1950. (SEAL)J. P. CLARK, City Clerk of the City of Alameda. Publish November 22 , 1950.