Ordinance 1146ORDINANCE. NO. 1146 New Series AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AND TITLES OFAND ADDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AND TITLES I TO I THE' PLUMBINGCODE AND HEATING AND VENTI-LATING I CODE OF I THE CITY ALAMEDA. PRESCRIBING VENTI-LATION REQUIREMENTS FORKITCHENS AND DOMESTIC GAS RANGES; FIXING PENALTIES ON PERMIT FEES AND REQUIRINGREPORTS OF I SALES OF GAS APPLIANCES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA:SECTION 1. The sub-tite RANGESimmediately preceding Section 8-18. of the Alameda Plumbing Code ' andHeating and Ventilating Code is here-by amended to read KITCHE VENTI-LATION. SECTION 2. Sections 8-18.50 and 18.;)1 of the Alameda Plumbing Codeand Heating and Ventilating Code are hereby amended to read respectivelyas follows:Sec. 8-18.00. KITCHEN VENTILA-TION. There shall be installed in the ceilng or in the wall (near the ceil- ing) of every kitchen approxiatelyover the cooking facilties, a ventilat- ing opening with an effective area ofnot less than twenty-eight (28) squareinches connecting with I a ventilatingduct of not less than twenty-eight (28) square inches in cross I sectional area if round, and thirty-six (36) I square inches if rectanguar leading to the outside air in a vertical direction toone (1) foot above. the roof with cap or cowl of equal venting area.An approved system of forced draftventilation may be substituted for the natural draft ventilating. system. The fan used must have a manufacturer F .M. rating to move a volume of airper hour against a % inch static pres-sure equivalent to, or greater than ten(10) times the cubical contents of thekitchen. Every duct used with any approved forced draft ventilating system ornatural draft ventilating I arrangement pursuant to this section shal be con- structed of lone or the other of thefollowin,g materials:(a) Approved incombustible mate-rial.(b) Approved metl of not less than26 gauge, with lock jointed seams andwith all joints connectig each duct unit efectively riveted or otherwisesecurely attached.A rectanguar duct in its smallestdimension shall not be less than three (3) inches with a total effective areaequal to the round pipe. Al bends orofsets shall have a radius of notless than three (3) inhes.Each kitchen shall M separately and independently ventiated and not con- nected to I any other I system of ventila-tion. Kitchen vents I shall not dischargeinto light I well or light . shats or any place that may cause a nuisance.Sec. 8-18.51. D 0 ME S TIC GASRAGES. AN.. PLTE. (a) Prohibited. Locations. Plates orranges sh not be intaled in rooms having a floor area of les than fifty(00) square feet, in rooms used for sleeping pUrposes, or in roo'ms venti lated improperly.(b) Domestic Gas Range Venting Re-qmrements. Combination gas and solid fuel ranges and trash burner equippedranges shall be vented to an approvedType "A" flue Ranges with a solidcooking top and ranges with a built-gas heater shall be vented to an ap- proved Type H B" or Type "A" flue.All other gas ranges may be vented toan approved Type "B" or Tye flue or installed and used without con-nection to a flue providig:1. The room in which the range is installed is ventilated in accordancewith Sec. 8-18.00 of this Code and 2. The range is equipped for un-ve.nted use as approved by the ap- plicable nationally recognized testinagency Ranges having a griddle and open type top burner are not clasified' asSolid Top Ranes. SECTION 3. Sections 8-05 and 16.05 of the Alameda Plumbing Codeand Heating and Ventilating Code are hereby amended to read respectivelyas follows: Sec. 8-05. COST OF PERT. Every applicant for a Permt to intall, add to, alter , relocate, or replace a Plumb-ing or Drainage System, or part there-of, shall state in writing on the ap-plication form provided for tht pur-pose, the character of work proposed to be done and the amount and kind in connection therewith, together withsuch information pertent thereto asthe Plumbing. Inspector may require. Such. applicant shall pay' to the Plumbing Inpector for each Permitissued and at. the time of isuance, a fee in aecordance with I the followingschedule, and at the rate provided forea,ch classification shown therein.Any person who shall commence anyplumbing work for which a permit isrequired by this Article without fithaving obtained a permit thereforshall, if subsequently permitted to ob-tain a permit, pay Ten ($10) I Dollars plus double the permit fee fixed bythis Article for such work; provided,however , that. this provision I shall notapply to I emergency work when it proven to the satisfacton of thePlumbing I Inspector I . that such workwas urgently necessary and that was not practical to obtain a Permit therefor before the commencement of the work. In al such cases a Permtmus be obtained as soon as it isprac-tic able to. do so, and if there is. anunreasonable. delay . in obtsing suchPermit, Ten ($10) Dollars plus a doublefee as herein provided shall be charged.Sec. 8-16.05. COST OF PERMIT.Every applicant I I for a permt. to in-stall gas or oil appliances, add to, alter,relocate, or replace a Heating or Ven-tiati System, or par thereof, shaU state in writing on I the applicationform I provided for that purpose, thecharacter of work proposed to be doneand the amount and kid. in I connec- tion therewith, together with such in-formation pertinent thereto as thePlumbing Inspector may requie,Such applicant sh pay to the ORDINANCE NO. 1146 Plumbing Inspector for each permit issued and at the time of issuance , a fee in accordance with the followingschedule, and at the rate provided foreach classification shown therein.Any person who shall commence. anywork for which a permit is requiredby this Article without first having obtained a permit therefor, shall if subsequently permitted to obtain apermit, pay Ten ($10) Dollars plusdouble the permit fee fixed by thisArticle for such work; provided, how-ever , that this provision shall not ap-ply to emergency work when it shall be proved to the satisfaction of thePlumbing Inspector that such workwas urgently necesary and that itwas not practical to obtain a permittherefor before commencing the work.In all suc): cases a permit must beobtained as soon as it is practical todo so and if there is an unreasoni3ble delay in obtainig such permit, Ten($10) Dollars plus double the permit fee shall be charged. 8ECTION 4. Sections 8-16.011 and21.22 are hereby added to the Ala-meda Plumbing Code and Heating andVentilating Code, to read respectivelyas follows: Sec. 8-16.011. REPORT OiF SALE OFGAS APPLIACES. It is unawful forany person to sell any gas appliancefor installation within the City of Ala-meda without making a report thereofto the Plumbing Diviion of the Cityof Alameda.There shall be attached to every gas appliance sold in the City of Alamedathe upper portion of a two part tagwhich ta.g shall be obtained from thePlumbing Division of the City. of Ala-meda.. The attached upper porton shall contain such notice to the pur- chaser, the inaller and the user as the Health. Officer shallprcsribe; shall be attached to al used gas ap- pliances prior to display for sae andto all new gas. appliances prior to de-livery, and it. shall remai on the gasappliance until inspecion' has beenmade by the Plumbing Divison.The lower' porton. of the. tag shalbe filed in by the seller givin the kind of gas appliance sold, the name ofthe purchaser and of the seller , andthe address of installation; it shall be detached from the upper portion ofthe tag and mailed to the Plumbin Division the day the appliance is de-livered.Sec. 8-21.22. VENTING OF APPLI-ANCES(a) Solid or liquid fuel burning ap-pliances. . Every. solid or. liquid fuel burning appliance shall be connected to a flue comp th this article.(b) Gas b liances. Everygas burning. app except plates,refrigerators, gas ranges and domesticclothes dryers approved for unvented use by the applicable nationay rec-ognized testing agency shal be con- nected to a flue complying with article.SECTION 5. A new sub-title ishereby added immedately precediSec. 8-18.54 of the Alameda PlumbingCode and Heating and VentiltingCode, to road as follows: COMMERCIAL COOKINGEQUIPMETSECTION 6. This ordnance shaU bein full force and efect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days fromthe date of its fial passge.S. CHESLY ANDERONPresiding Officer of the CounciAttest:SHIRLY H. TENNIECity Clerk I, the undersgned, hereby certif that the foregoing Ordiance was dulyand regularly. adopted and passed bythe Council of the City ofAImeda regular meeting assembled on the 15thday of February, 1955, by the folow vote, to wit:AYES: Councilmen Haag, Jones, Mc-Call, Moresi and Presdent Anderson, (5). NOlS: None.ABSENT: None,IN WITNSS WHEOF, I have hereuto set my hand. and afed theofficial seal of said City th 16th dayof February, 1955.(SEA)SHI H. City Clerk of the City of AlamedaPublish Februar 17, 1955.