Ordinance 1610ORDINANCE 1610 Amending the alameda municipal code by adding chapter 8 to title 10 thereof relating to the construction regulation to the construction regulation and maintenance of floating homes and floating home moorages within the city Ordinance No. 1610 New Series Ht'wageor plumhllig fucilities. (HI l.nclpanlille (7) \Vhateyp!' food. or dr"inkd(,t1'mental tohlunallbeing:-. J) Sp"vage (Domestic). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ol'(linary livil\g' pl'oc('sse . fr(':. from industriaJ \\ast(.s: and of j."HI('h charactf'J' as to J:rmit\lisfaetorY dh.;p()al \'vithout sp('clal n eatment into theptlblh' tH' by mpal\S ()fa sP\\'nge dispoRal agenc:v.(m) Dischargethe surface ofg;:r tPproved \vatf'r tack ofapproved wage ~~~ LaCk of adequate g8.l'-bage and rubbish storage andremoyal facilities as deter.mined by the Health Officer.(q) General dilapil1ation or ('2r l:;ct riI (a) D e t e r i 0 rat e d inadequate df'ck and flotationstructure or hull.Ib) Defectivp or deterloratpdflooring or floor supports.(c) Flooring or tIoor supports of inHufficient si2'.e to carryimposed loads with safety.(d) Meml:'rs of walls.partitioJ1i', Of' other verticalsupports that split , l("au. list,01' buckle- due to deff'(,tiYfm.\terial 01' deteri()l'ath)!1. ) M('mbpI'of walls,pttrtitions. 01' other verticalsupports that are of insuffioic11t size to carry bnposed loadswith safety.(f Members of ceilings.roofs, ('cUing and roof supports01' other horizontal members\vl1icl1 sag, s 2Jit. 01' buckle due to defel'th' (' rnatprial or Ordinance No. 1610 New Serles has C (' r t f i (' ate of Occupancy hPI'einaft('t" rpferl'ed to by tlll Buiiding: Official. .\ll OV'fnprs of t1I f ':O('d t ;;: fe.''tvp dale of this Chaptel' 1";l1a11 apply f()! su(.h ('prtiftcate of O('CnpaIH'Y vdthin t hirr,\ (30)davs aftpi' ,.aid date. Theo,,uet' of a floating home shan o secu rp a ('('rtincate of O('(,U 1Ju,rK - prior to movin ft auy ~~~~~~ ;ra. ll ()m i ::g t e f :;)1 home frorn OIIP site to anothf'rwithin th"C!t"Section lO. 0(' C H P n n c y.Official shall istifi('ate of O('('upancy o,,-nel' of a t'oating home cOluplh:toc'f' with. al)(1to tile ('ondiUons following: L\) .\pplkation. ,\.ppiicutionsrOl' a Cel't ifiente of O('('upao(' shall ('ontain ubstantial!\' thefollowing infol'mut101l: .(1) The name a.nd addreKs of the' ownf'W of tht' floatinghome for \vhieh a ('pl'tificateiss()ught;("2) The location of moorage s m(e ()( 7: p ~~~ to he moorpd; (:!) A ctes!'riptlon of thefloatillg home for \vhieh a O:::11 t Clu ;rc(plan , room sizes and cpiiinghl'ghts:( 1) Details of construction of flc)tation Hiid uJX'!'strllCt\ll'e:(0) I)pscdption Hnd details ofmethod of dispo1'al of St "vage . eOl ~~~~~ Ordinance No. 1611 New Series dimClIslolL.. of"V,tys andmoornge;(Fi Thetiri(al ion h.ome ites:(G) Th('dim (' n s i () I) Spar'killgspae,'( H) Tit" location din1f l1siOI1," or ",valkwavs al1\" i\f'CPSS()!'strHcttirt's 0(' fnc Hit ipIII TI,,' H;\rh(' Htem;(1\) TtH' ('h'etdeal s('t'ykpHlld Hp:htillg's \Srem:iL) Th(' ('omph\'stem ilH'll1ding mail'! and side S('\,VC'i'!- ser\ ing i Hfh' ialtransmit Ille :-ite plan to Fit'(' Chief. to 1:1\(' J lC'alth fi('pl' and 10 the ('ity En .ril1("('f(iI' rev ie" al)(1 appr()'\.aL OI1Pcopy of tl10 appro\'ed ..He planshalJ Ix" I'ptuI'II('d to the ownPI' 01' opt'I'atol', \dlkl\ ('op ' shallbe' maintained on the premises or the noating hOnlP mo()r'ag("\o ehanu:c ill tllP appJ'oypc:mool'age plan ,- RhnIJ he madc'lIllIe's", pJ'Of' ctppr'ovnl i.. (1)-tniltpc! from the- Huilcting' Of" ,,' at pr SPl'\'jC'p firf'pl'otp(.tiOI\ Ordinance No. 1610 New Series PV("ll!iOll h1l) S-f'ing01' sirn ihu' ;-hall bpan app,'o\'p(! ('IH ('k \alvp.or \ ('sselpump or equip. fH lid cause H ('I'SB ('iJIIIlBt'tioll pot(,lltiaLslluH haH' a sppnnltc aD-proved lJaekflo\\ pi'pvention 0('1('(' o\"f'1' aiHJ al)o\'(' the pl'otet.t 1011 pl'ovidpd in m()Ori\gf' pipillg. ( E ) TempernHH'and PI'PHRllf'e Ilt'lief V,lIve. ()rnbillati()ll tPnll)(,f'iltuTt' alld PI'PHSlIl.'e ,'clief valve shall hepl'ovidf"d ()Il all W.ltf'I' heaters.(F) \Vet :-tandpiJK'(Pin' LineSI. \VaH'l' lint's sl1pplving \\' pt stalldpipes must ' heoHpablp or supp1:dng fift;o' (50)gnllolls per minute andmaintain a residual Pl'pssure oft II lrty Oj pOll nds pt'!' square il\('h at IIH' hoS(' COIH1('('tiOIl hused on tht'o millimllm \\a.tpl'sllppl , . '\0 fire pump inlet('ono('('tion ,,,ill tx' IXH'mittpd onany wet stnndpil-l(' 8,\'stem ,\,,111el1 i OUII('('tcd to n potable ,vater S\'S!PIl, SeC i()n H41;J :\:lool'age Sian , (' \\'agpl)isposal. \ 8(' ''\' ('1" ('OIIIH;,(-tioll ",hall ht' providf:d for C\'PI'Y floating'home or 0 t h (' r stru(.tUl'e lx'l'thpd in H floating homemoorage. Sp\\'Pr ('oltne(,tioIIS RIIUH also he pro\'id('d for all slH)l'esidc moorage facil HiesEn('h su(,h ('Ol1llp(.tion shallt€I'millate III all aPPI'on'(1('oiteci ion :O\'HI(rn ('onl\('('tpd toCliid disehai'gillg' into a public s(' \\" er,\11 ('oll('('ti'.4It and disposalsn.;tems sllall hr' ('OIH411'Uf'!cd illordHIU'(' \,"It 11 tll( nppli('ablf' not hI: USf'd as apiping' ~~~;:':;::. E\(Y floating: honw mOOf',lg'P shall lx' pro\ ided wit h d fire- p!' otectioli -.y..ipm JndpI)("IHlel!t of th(' potablf' Hatel' S \stf'IB, 6\11 IH ad float;.. \\aJk\\i:VSw!Jar\.(-s. nn prs, pipI's, I1nlst be pro\'idpd witl) a minimum t!II'PP (:jH ) invtl fire main ot'rigid pipe with standpipes rU1(1hose /'ppJ... spa('('d lJot mOI' t!HU\ S(llty ,70') f('('t apal','ivith :l minimum ho:-p j('lig'th01" HP\pnts.fi\p (7:)') 1"('0t \\'tl\ a one.!u\H (1 ) lI!(:h nozzl(' 011a one and oll('hnlf (! 1 ..) inch fil'!Jose. TIH' hose ('pel a,Jatstandpipt' fUl'lbel'most distalJtfrom dockside'. \vit!! ! lozzlp eOIH)('cted lntlst lx' eapahj(d('livel'ng' fift", (:)0) g:allo1h of water pCI' rninute ..vit II minimlun of thirts (aU) pounds or ('p.siclual prpssuI'Eac!! floati/Ig honle moorllJg,hall providp a firp nlarm apablp of i.ndiCatll1geowrgC'tlc I'equil'ol-r 1m.medialf' action to '-.afPW:llul'dlife II!" prol)Prt~ fl'on1 tl\('hi\:.ards of fire, explosion, Ot'panic. Ht.H'h :,ysh'l)1 shaH meettll(' appro\'al of I he' Chief of Fil'(' 1)('pal'tm('!IL \11 paill!. tlliIII1P!' otllPr' f!ammable ffllst 1)(' stored at other appI'o\.Pctlo('kcr Ordinance N,), 1610 New Series Fr'C'C'bIHll'(1The ft'C'ebf))u'(J. it'" O1PClSUI'C'd fr'olll tlH' \\H.tct'iJlt' to t 11( top of ! Iw fiI's! floor 01'deck of ttlt' ('ompl('tPd floatillghomp. inellJdiilg dead load butnot (he ioad. - ,.. ;tl,tli be H.t lca....;t 011(' root f(HI!' ill('IH's (1' (\\ ith list (iIJg!f'.-. ('qua.. to 0 dc'gTe('..). Th,' aJjo\\at)h' im-meI'S!()!l UJH!t'!' the' H('tiol1 tlrOn-('lite" lo,Hling or \Vind !o;tdillghnl! no! e:xceed t\\o-t!1irds/:3) of tl1(' ol'gillal I'!'(e!)oal'i \.vith a list n 11g1e of j deg'If"es. Fl'eb,Hlnl S111\II !w !lWa"'lll'i'from (IH \\Tttcl'iIH' to i.hr topor the' fjl'st !lo()J' 0" dp('k attlK' sill(' or tlJp floating: hOI1P a! '-1 Pc)jllt \\ IH'(' S11id ! !'('('IHH.1J'!has it... lea-;! dime!)..iol L ( (' ) Ljst \ ligl.,maximllm angle' of list II')! ('x('ned I (!PgI'("'f- '1IId('acliol! of ('itIH'!' ()ff ('nt('l' 01'wind loading.(1)) Off-Ilh'f' I.oadillg, TIH' off-('e-ntel' Io.uHI!g hall hp('ollsiderpd as appli('Hhle to tlH' completed noating hilWludillg d(-nd load Hild('0 list", I or a line loudhlilldn'(l 11001 I', Ot'(;)i pOllnds \Vllicllpverfoot Uir'stpoulHls (2,:)) POll!\vlllc'JH'YPf' 1'()()t attic (JJ'IO,leI is t(\ bf' Ordinance No. 1610 New Series t\\'oma\ 01 j shallred an approved separahle connector at the HIH)f'e ('lId Hnd diI'('f't-cOlltWete(iat tl1(' \'e s(-I dist,'!htion pan('L ThE' cord shall be' supportpd\yitf1 Heo!'!'osion rpsistant meshtype straill I't'lief devi('e at t11p('s:oel pnd. (1)) Grotilldillg. Thi' uC'utral tel'milial block of the' vessel' distribution panel shall not be gl'OUIHicd to the metal pal'ts ofthe' ,ess('I. Tht, gl'OtUldil1g('Olldu('tOI' or conrlllctOl'S of tIH"suppl " ('o/'d OJ' ('ord"" S!lHll betennilHlted Oil a gt'OUllcllng busIJI the distt'bl1tion panel. TIlEhull, if metal. and p(eetricalequipment. metanic piping,e x p () S e cI ItHJtal st rut-tural me m be" s . metal raHinf-t"laddel'ptc.. shall bt-. ef-fe(,tivelv bon(!pd to the ground bus. l( the l1ull is blli1t ofmaterial other than metal. a gJ'oUJld e/(etrode of corrosion- I'('sistant metal shall ,*located as to !Jf' in contact tlu' ,-,ate I" and he "\vith o. 0 .\\VC copper (' S nll : :' r.:rizP 01'bnlss and nOl smaller thall on('-qllarter (I ) lneh diametpt' all(l I'ightf'en OH/'j illch('s illlength.IE) \ViI'itilg .\lpthods. I!lstallatlon in \vood fl'ame can.stnH'tion mav tm ill al'or(lanc(' Ordinance No. 1610 New Serle. if- maintained in a1 least two-tliir'ds of the/\11 Ie spacf'not for' habitable P'U!'lH)!4(1Stl1(' eeHilig heights meet n!)()Vp rp.qt lir mcnls+ )!7a floating home shaH not ('(' f'd two (2) stol'ics and total h.eight , measured from ::::i , t::r t ~~~ :lt n..eeed t\.vPlltv tw()r22'ift:~('tiHn J()-H51 Framing,Sltperst.ruchll' p. generalfr;tmillg ()f sUlx"rRlructurps s II a I I ('om ply wit.h the r'('quil"pmpnts for dvvt'llings asSt'l fOl'HI in the Building Codp I'('!'p(.rpd to inH(etion lO-H22. +\l(' f ?tl S o exits shall ('omp!y ,vHIt the- !'('qui,'mc'nts for d\;vdlings as8('t fOl'th in the Building Codp!'('ferI'('d 10 III R(,('tion lO. e,('cpt as follows: C\) EXI('I'ior Exits. Stail'- '\,\ .IV8 or ranlps 1""001 flo.ttillghome to IlHHWillg docl.. or floatHllall be at least lhirtv-six (:30") inches in \'vidth and sl)alltx' provided \\'ith gua,'drails 011 b()t h sideR,(B) Intpl'io,' E,its, a/ld pgrpss 10d\n:ilillg (jl!al'ters m('ans of stairwavs thirty (;30N . inelH's in p,' ovldt:'d ,v11 h at h'ast 01\(' handrail Th(' USP of taddeI'sVI/ill not bt' permittpd, (C') Hoof alld "-ttk A('eess.A("cess to roof aljduninhab1tflblp attic areas hymeans or laddp!'s ma\ mitted if . \pp,' oved b:" theBl,ildi Ilgl)fficlaL :ro ? I ~~~~ (aH") inchps in hpjght shaH be pl'ovided in tll( foHoV\'iug l()('atj()ns: (A) Botll sid('s of all exterior-st.ir\Htysan(i ramps, (B) Ail edges of occllpipdroof areas, (C) l;'dg('s of all decks not ell('ompa sed by the exterh)J. vvaliR of the Boating homp81IperstrU(.tul'Gual,:d rails shaH be designpdt.o '\vithsuuul a t'\\"('n1.V (20)pound pel' foot 19ad app iif'd tit tll(' top 01 tne nul. in ()f-X"!l typer.lilings intermediate mem.lx's shall not 00 spaced moretJ1an 11ine(B ) inches apart.t' A c' t i () n li).HiiFlt fi"il'f'Protectioll. AI least one (1) 2,r'ated Class ABC fire ex. tinguishel' in op(::rable con.dition sl1all';tj placcd in aollspieuolJs loeat ion on bOfll'd('\Pt'y flon t i ng home. Said fin'xt inguisl1pr ...hail be illsJ)('('tp(i, mov('m It clllart,!P01t'lit, alterat lOll dc-1101 i t hH 1all float i nghome rl1oorages. tj,ft e I t;*cnt'on'p all t.h('this ('!latHer maintp!1a! ice, s a II 1 0 11 .v('ntilatiol', U'-(" (It' o('('upaJH'of floating homps and floni iJlgh()me m()OI'tlgr facilith' rk:f.t: ;, 1:t1(5 'e Oj ~~~~ shaH ('nfol'('(' alJ thp provislollsof this Clulpter pi,tnining 10fi,,(' pJ'f"Ventioll, fi,'(' pl'ote('tiolltlHeontrol and spread ()f fh ('anel safet.\- from n\..p or panic'in relatiol! to floating homesHIHI f)(Hltiflg home rno(wag(' X;n tl'of i ~~~ orne ialH (Jr' thei" al;thol'izi'd fit'puties r'eprpsent..lf IV(' Olav \\"ith ('01 \H(" 11 t of tlH' ()(' upant or w"ilt the ('Olls('1I1 oj the' O\\'1Pj' or UII()('('lJpii'd pJ'emisps ()r pUI'SlI.!llt It) ..IlawfuJlv issued \\Hrrnnt. (,l1h'all f)()ating home or' oth('Rt"uc.ture l(H'atf'd on t!)(, p,' emises of a floating honH'moorage at arH ('asoluthlptimp to JJerfori11 Hlly dUI.\"ImpoS('d on- hirn by thisCllaptt" ) i l(.r7()a t ;: \ 0 and floating homE' mool'agl' ill existcl)cC in the eil\ ()f AlamC'da. on or aftOt' 111(' ('r feetivp date of this Cha.ptpl'slla 11 ('om ply with t!1(I't'qulI'pm('lIts thpJ'pof for 11(\\ flOH.tiilg homes H!ld 11('\\floatillg home moor'agps \\ it hillthe 1 ime limit as ma\ IX'specifip(f I)y th(Ilpalt h Oi'fie('f"Building, Official, Chief of I-in'f)ppat"tmeI1t O!' SuperintplidPIJI of th(' EI('ctdcal Deparlmi'lltbut said limp limit shall '1\)1exceec1 (HI months"Section iO-8tH?App('als. 1!1 flH'e\('n at ':111,\' applicant 01' pprmlttee is for an reaSOljdissatisfh'd \vlth ! he netiolls ofthe health Offh'pI'. fluildingOff i t' i a I. Cll ipf of Fi,"()ppal'lmellt 0'" SUlx'rilltf'!\dplliof the EIf'el,'jeal l)ppal'lnH'lltr('sllHing in thi' (/('lllnl (Jj'YOenUOIJ of ('prt ifknl(' ofO("('upaney or in the IHlpO,..;jtiofJ Ordinance No. 1610 New Series tlH' f. 'tl1p '1I1d(,I'sig'd, fl('reh ('('!'LiC\ tlHtt tll(' rOJ'egolllg"Ordinanc(' was dll!\" aud\rl ( I ~~~~~~. \\ " 8j(Iam('da in !'pg'll1ar fit.ting"a""sembled on the lOt h cIav of D('comber, I DtH) /)y . tlwf( )110\\ i ng UJt( '. to \\ it: . \YI'H: COlllleilmel1 Forp vy. LOllgakpr. ,\l('('al1 Hlld PIT' '.. ddpnt I..a( "rob.:.J!'., (;)). '\OI';S:2\one. \ HSI'::"T: o lie. I.\ \\IT.,ES,. \\ HEIlEOF . Ihi\YE' hereunto t-et: mv !land allclaffixed tlH' ornC'L.t! Heal of saidCity tllis 17th day of I)('('embet'HH1H. !lniA L. :'II':L,.O" (,.I':A L)CiI, (,l(d, of the Cit\ ofAJ,impda 50:!Publish D('(, I