Ordinance 1635Alameda City Ordin
Ordinance N ®e 1635
New Series
ADAM EDA that:
Section 1. The Alameda Mu-
nicipal Code is hereby amend-
ed: (1) by amending `iectio0
11 -121 to read as follows:
Sea 11 -121_ Words used in the
present tense include the fu-
ture, words in the singular
number include t plural, and
words in the plural number in-
elude the singular; the word
"building" includes the word
"structure ", and the word
"shall" is mandatory and not
directory. The term "City
Council" shall mean the City
Council of the City of Alameda,
and "Planning Board" shall
mean the City Planning Board
of the City of .Alameda. The
word "City" shall mean the in-
corporated area of the City of
Alameda. The term "Building
Official" shall mean the City
Eugiueer or his authorized rep -
resentative. The term "Zouftig
Administrator" shall mean the
Planning Director, or such per-
son as he may, i ich the prior
approval of the Planning
Board, designate, who shall ad-
minister and i ate rpret ttie
provisions of the Zoning Ordi-
Ila nee and perform other duties
as prescribed herein. Other
terms not speci firm lly° men-
tioned hereabove shall have the
meanings ascribed to them by
the Charter at id this Code.
(2) by adding Sections
1243.5 and 11- 1243.6 thereto, to
read as follows:
Sec. 11- 12-13.5. "Variance,
Major ": A varia nee from a
provision of this Chapter with
respect to permitted uses, re-
establishment or enlargement
of a non-conforming use, num-
ber of required off- street park-
ing spaces or loading spaces,
or maximum number of dwell-
ing units.
Sec. 11- 1243.6. "Variance,
Minor ": A variance from any
provision of this Chapter other
than those listed in Section 11-
(13) by amending Sections 11-
1(i1. and 11 -1(12 thereof, to read
as follows:
Sec. 11- 1.61.. V ariatices.
(a) Intent It is the intent of
this section to prescribe the
Ordinance No. 1635
New Series
procedure for the variance
from the provisions of this
Chapter, under specified condi-
tions, so that the public welfare
is secured and substantial jus-
tice done most nearly in accord
with the intent and purposes
(b) Application. Application
for a variance shall be made
by the owner of the affected
property, or his authorized
agent, on a form prescribed by
the City Planning Department
and shall be filed with such De-
partment. The application shall
be accompanied by such in-
formation including, but not
limited to, site and building,
plans, drawings and elevations,
and operational data, as may
be required to permit the re-
view of 4tie proposal in the
context of the required find-
ings, and by a fee of 525.00 for
major variance and 515,00 for
minor variance.
(I) Major Variance. An appli-
cation for a major variance
shall be considered by the
City Planning Board. A pub-
lic hearing shall he held on
each application. Notices of
such public hearing shall be
given by posting at least one
notice thereof on the proper-
ty involved in the applica-
tion by one publication in
a newspaper of general
circulation and by postal
card or letter notices mailed
to owners and occupants of
adjacent properties and to
as many- other pet-sons as
the Zoning Administrator
may deem advisable. All no-
tices shall be posted,
published or nailed at least
seven (7) days prior to such
public hearing. The Plan-
ning Board shall determine
whether the conditions re-
quired in Section 11- 101(d)
are present, and may grant
or deny an application for
a variance or require such
changes in the proposed use
or impose such reasonable
conditions of approval a4
are in its judgment neces-
sary to promote the pur-
poses of the Zoning Ordi-
nance- The determination of
the Board shall become final
seven (7) days after the date
of decision unless appealed
to the City Council in ac-
cordance with Section 11-
(2) Minor Variance. An appli-
cation for a minor variance
shall be considered by the.,
Z o n i n g Administrator.
However, the Zoning Ad-
ministrator may, at his
discretion, refer any ap-
plication to the Planning
Board for consideration
rather than acting ()nit him-
Alameda City Ordin
Self. The Zoning Administra-
tor or the Board, as the case
may be, shall give such no-
tice as is deemed appropri-
ate to adjacent property
owners or other affected
parties; and, in cases re-
ferred by the Zoning Ad-
ministrator to the Board a
public hearing may be held
before the Board. The Zon-
ing Administrator or the
Board, as the case may be,
shall determine whether the
conditions required in Sec-
tion 11- 161(d) are present,
and may grant or deny an
application for a variance or
require such changes in the
proposed use or impose such
reasonable conditions of ap-
proval as are in his or its
judgment necessary to pro-
mote the purposes of the
Zoning Ordinance. A deter-
mination by the Zoning Ad-
ministrator shall become
final seven (7) days after
the date of decision unless
appealed to the Board in ac-
cordance with Section 11-
161(g). In Oases which the
Zoning Administrator refers
to the Board, the decision
of t he Board shall be final.
(3) Period of Consideration.
Should a decision not be ren-
dered pursuant to subsec-
tions (1) and (2) within sixty
(60) days after filing, the
application shall be deemed
approved unless said time
has been extended by agree-
ment between the Zoning
Administrator or the Plan-
ning Board, as the case may
be, and the applicant,
(dl Findings Required. A
variance may be granted only
upon determination that all of
the following conditions are
(1) That strict compliance with
the specified regulation
would result in practical
difficulty or unnecessary
hardship inconsistent with
the purposes of the Zoning
Ordinance, due to uni ue
physical or topographic
circumstances or conditions
of design; or, as an alterna-
tive in the case of a minor
variance, that such strict
compliance would preclude
an effective design solution
improving livability, opera-
tional efficiency, or appear -
a nee.
(2) That strict compliance with
the regulation would deprive
the applicant of privileges
enjoyed by owners of
similarly zoned property;
or, as an alternative in the
case of a minor variance,
that such strict compliance
would preclude an effective
design solution fulfilling the
basic intent of the applicable
ces Ordinance No. 1635
New Series
(3) That the variance, if
granted, cviil not adversely
affect the character, liva-
bility or appropriate de-
velopment of abutting prop-
erties or the surrounding
area, and will not be detri-
mental to the public welfare
or contrary to adopted plans
or development policy.
(4l That the variance will not
constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with
limitations imposed on simi-
larly zoned properties or in-
consistent tviththe purposes
of the Zoning Ordinance.
(e) Limitation of New :Appli-
cation. In case an application
is denied by the Zoning Ad-
ministrator, Planning Board,
00, on appeal, by the City Coun-
cil, it shall not be eligible for
resubmittal for one tl) year
from date of said denial, un-
less, in the opinion of the
Zoning Administrator, new
evidence is submitted or condi-
tions have changed to an extent
that further consideration is
warra rated,
(f) Appeal to Council —
Major Variance, Within seven
(7) days after the date of a
decision by the Planning
Board, on an application for
a major variance or 00 revoca-
tion of such a variance in ac-
cordance with Section 11-
161(h), an appeal from said de-
cision may he taken to the City
Council by the applicant, the
holder of the variance, or any
other interested party. Such
appeal shall be made on a form
prescribed by the City Planning
Department along with a fee
of 113.00 and shall be filed with
the City Clerk. The appeal shall
state specifically wherein it is
claimed there was an error or
abuse of discretion by the
Board or wherein its decision
is not supported by the evi-
dence in the record. Upon re-
ceipt of such appeal the Council
shall set the time for con-
sideration thereof. The City
Clerk shall notify the Secretary
of the Planning Board of the
receipt of said appeal and of
the time set for consideration
thereof; and the City Clerk
shall, not less than seven (7)
days prior to the date set for
the bearing on the appeal, give
written notice to the appellant
and to any known adverse
parties, or to their representa-
tives, of the time and place of
the - hearing. In considering the
appeal the Council shall deter-
mine whether the conditions re-
quired by Section 11- 161(d) are
present, and may grant or deny
an application for a variance
or require such changes in the
proposed use or impose such
reasonable conditions of ap-
proval as are in its judgment
necessary to carry out the DLlr-
Alameda City Ordin
pose of the Zoning Ordinance.
The decision of the Council
shall be effective immediately.
(g) Appeal to Planning Board
— Minor Variance, Within sev-
en (7) days after the date of
a decision by the Zoning Ad-
ministrator on an application
for a minor variance, an ap-
peal from said decision may be
taken to the City Planning
Board by the applicant or any
other interested party. Such
appeal shall be made on a form
prescribed by the City Planning
Department, and shall be filed
with such department along
with a fee of $15.00. The appeal
shall state specifically wherein
it is claimed there was an error
or abuse of discretion by the
Z o n i n g Administrator or
wherein his decision is not sup-
ported by the evidence in the
record- Upon receipt of such
appeal the Secretary of the
Board shall set the time for
consideration thereof, and, not
less than seven (7) days prior
thereto, give written notice to
the appellant and to any known
adverse parties, or to their
representatives, of the time
and place of the hearing on the
appeal. In considering the ap-
peal the Board shall determine
whether the proposed use con-
forms to the variance criteria,
in Section 11- 161(d) and to any
other applicable variance cri-
teria, and may grant or deny
a permit or require such
changes in the proposed use or
impose such reasonable condi-
tions or approval as are in its
judgment necessary to ensure
conformity to said criteria. The
decision of the Board shall be
)h) Revocation, In the event
of a violation of any of the
provisions Of the Zoning Ordi-
nance, or in the event of a fail-
ure to comply with any pre-
scribed condition of approval,
the Planning Board may, after
notice and hearing, revoke any
variance- In the case of a revo-
cation of a variance from one
of the provisions listed in Sec -
tion 11- 161(c), (1) the determi n-
, ation of the Board shall become
effective seven (7) days after
the date of decision unless
appealed to the City Council in
accordance with Section 11-
161(f). In the case of a revoca-
tion of a variance from one of
the provisions referred to in
Section 11-161M) (2), the deci-
sion of the Board shall be final.
(i) Termination and Trans
ferability. A variance shall, if
granted, terminate one year
from the effective date of its
granting unless actual con-
struction or alteration, or ac-
tual commencement of the au-
thorized activities in the case
of a variance not involving con-
struction or alteration, has be-
gun under valid permits within
Ces Ordinance No. 1635
New Series
such period. The variance shall
not be transferable by the
grantee to any other person if
00 building permit has been ob-
tained previously. -
See. 11 -162. Use Permits.
(a) Intent. The intent of this
section is to prescribe the pro-
cedure for the accommodation
of uses with special site or de-
sign requirements, operating
characteristics, or potential ad
verse effects on surroundings,
through review, and where
necessary, the imposition of
special conditions of approval.
(b) Applicatiorti. Application
for a use permit shall be made
by the owner of the affected
property, or his authorized
agent, on a form prescribed by
the City Planning Department
and shall be filed with such De-
partment- The application shall
be accompanied by such in-
formation including, but not
limited to, site and building
plans, drawings and elevations,
and operational data, as may
be required to enable the per-
tinent criteria to he applied to
the proposal, and by a fee of
(c) Procedure for Considera-
(1) An application for any use
permit shall be considered
by the Zoning Administra-
tor, However, the Zoning
Administrator may, at his
discretion, refer any appli-
cation to the City Planning
Board for consideration
rather than acting upon it
himself. At his or its discre-
tion, the Zoning Administra-
tor or the Board, as the case
may he, may give such no-
tice as is deemed appropri-
ate to adjacent property
owners or other affected
parties; and, in cases re-
ferred by the Zoning Ad-
ministrator to the Board, a
Public hearing may be held
before the board. The Zoning
Administrator or the Board.
as the case may be, shall
determine whether the pro-
posal conforms to the gener-
al use permit criteria set
forth in Section 11- 162(d)
and to other applicable use
permit criteria, and may
grant or deny the applica-
tion for the use permit or
require such changes in the
proposed use and impose
such reasonable conditions
of approval as are in his or
its judgment necessary to
ensure conformity of said
criteria. A determination by
the Zoning Administrator
shall become final seven (7)
days after the date of deci-
sion unless appealed to the
City Planning Board in ac-
cordance with Section 11-
l6l(f). In those cases which
are referred to the Board,
Alameda City Ordinances Ordinance No, 1635
New Series
the decision of the Board
shall be final.
(2) Period of Consideration.
Should a decision not be ren-
dered pursuant to subsection
(1) within sixty (60) days
after filing, the application
shall be deemed approved
unless said time has been
extended by agreement be-
tween the Zoning Adminis-
trator or the City Planning
Board, as the ease may be,
and the applicant.
(d) General Use Permit Cri-
teria. A use permit may be
granted only if the proposal
conforms to all of the following
general use permit criteria, as
well as to all other applicable
use permit criteria:
(1) That the location, size, de-
sign, and operating char-
acteristics of the proposed
development will be com-
patible with and will not ad-
versely affect the livability
or appropriate development
of abutting properties and
the surrounding neighbor-
hood, with consideration to
be given to harmony in
scale, bulk, coverage, and
density; to the availability
of civic facilities and utili-
ties; to harmful effect, if
any, upon desirable neigh-
borhood character; to the
generation of traffic and the
capacity of surrounding
streets; and to any other
relevant impact of the de-
(2) rhat the location, design,
and site planning of the pro-
posed development will pro-
vide a convenient and func-
tional living, working, shop-
ping, or civic environment,
and will be as attractive as
the nature of the use and
its location and setting war-
(3) That the proposed develop-
ment will enhance the suc-
cessful operation of the sur-
rounding area in its basic
community functions, or will
provide an essential service
to the community or re-
(e) Limitation of New Ap-
plication. In case an applica-
tion is denied by the Zoning
Administrator, or, on appeal by
the City Planning Board, it
shall not be eligible for resub-
mittal for one (1) year from
the date of said denial, unless,
in the opinion of the Zoning Ad-
ministrator, new evidence is
submitted or conditions have
changed to an extent that
further consideration is war-
(f) Appeal to Planning
Board. Within seven (7) days
after the date of a decision by
the Zoning Administrator for a
use permit, an appeal from
said decision may he taken to
the City Planning Board by the
applicant or other interested
party. Such appeal shall be
made on a form prescribed by
the City Planning Department,
and shall be filed with such De-
partment along with a fee of
815.00. The appeal shall state
specifically wherein it is
claimed there ,vas an error or
abuse of discretion by the Zon-
ing Administrator or wherein
his decision is not supported by
the evidence in the record.
Upon receipt of such appeal the
Secretary of the Board shall set
the time for consideration
thereof and, not less than seven
(7) days prior thereto, give
written notice to the appellant
and to any known adverse
parties, or to their representa-
tives, of the time and place of
the hearing on the appeal. In
considering the appeal the
Board shall determine whether
the proposed use conforms to
the general use permit criteria
set forth in Section 11- 162(d) and
to any other appncaote use per-
mit criteria, and may gra nt or
deny a permit or require such
changes in the proposed use or
impose such reasonable condi-
tions of approval as are in its
judgment necessary to ensure
conformity to said criteria. The
decision of the Board shall be
(g) Revocation. In the event
of a violation of any of the
provisions of the Zoning Ordi-
nance, or in the event of a fail-
ure to comply with any pre-
scribed condition of approval,
the City Planning Board, may,
after notice and hearing, re-
voke any use permit. 111 the
case of revocation of a use per-
mit the determination of the
City Planning Board shall be-
came final.
(h) Termination and Trans-
ferability. A use permit shall,
if granted, terminate one year
from the effective date of its
granting unless actual con-
struction or alteration, or ac-
tual commencement of the au-
thorized activities in the case
Of a use permit not involving
construction or alteration, has
begun under valid permits
within such period. The use
permit shall not be transferable
by the grantee to any other
person if no building permit
has been obtained previously.
(4) by amending Section 11-
191, and the heading of Article
9, to read as follows:
Sec. 11 -191. Duties of Offi-
(a) All departments, offi-
cials, and public employees of
the City of Alameda which are
Alameda City Ordin
Gees Ordinance No. 1635
New Series
vested with the duty or authori-
ty to issue permits or licenses
shall issue no permit or license
where the same would be in
conflict with the provisions or
intent of this Chapter.
(b) It shall be the duty of
the Zoning Administrator to en-
force the provisions of this
In the prosecution of the
above described duties, the
Zoning Administrator or his au-
thorized representative shall
have the right to enter upon
any premises or structures to
make necessary inspections at
any reasonable time, and in ac,
cordance with law.
(5) by repealing the entire
Section 11 -192 thereof.
(6) by amending Section 11-
193 thereof to read as follows:
Sec. 11 -193, Enforcement.
Any building erected, altered,
moved or maintained, and /or
any use of property contrary
to the provision of this chapter
shall be and the same is hereby
declared to be unlawful and a
public nuisance, and the City
Attorney shall commence ac-
tion or actions, proceeding or
proceedings for the abatement,
removal and the enjoinment
thereof in the manner provided
by law, and by the Charter.
Section 2. This ordinance
shall be in full force and effect
from and after the expiration
of thirty (30) days from the
date of its final passage.
Presiding Officer of
the Council
City Clerk
I, the undersigned, hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordi-
nance was duly and regularly
adopted and passed by
the council of the City of Alame-
da in regular meeting assem-
bled on the 3rd day of Novem-
ber, 1970, by the following vote,
to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Fore,
Longaker, McCall and Presi-
dent La Croix, Jr., (4)
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Councilman Levy,
have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the official seal of said
City this 4th day of November,
City Clerk of the
City of Alameda
A- 931 — Publish .Nov. 6,1970