Ordinance 1826ORDINANCE 1826 Adopting by reference the uniform plumbing code copyright 1973 by international association of plumbing and mechanical officials with amendments adoptions and deletings thereto as primary code providing for the protection of the public health welefare and safetyby requiring a permit and inspection for the installation maintenance alterations and repair of plumbing and drainage systems and providing for the collection of fees therefor providing for the administration of said ordinance defining certain terms providing for the qualification of persons engaged in the business of said installations alterations maintenance and repair thereto and prescribing penalties for violations thereof This ordinance shall be known as the "Alameda Plumbing Code may be cited as such , and will be referred to herein as "this Ordinance " or "this Code. The Uniform Plumbing Code , as Primary Code , Copyright 1973 by Internati onal Association of Plumbing and Nechanical officials copies of which have been placed on file wit the City Clerk for use and examination by the public and by Resolution No. ,clared to be public records, as said copies have been deleted, changed and supplemented with the approval of this CQuncil , and each and all of the regulations, provisions , conditions , require- ments and terms thereof are hereby adopted as the Alameda Code for regulatory standards respecting installation , alteration, maintenance , and repair of plumbing and drainage systems in the City of Alameda, and by this reference are incorporated herein and made a part hereto to the same effect as though set forth herein in full. Section 2.GENERAL STANDARDS. AL:. materj.c Is and lssemblies of mClterial , ane, appliances and rlsl:i311aLion of i ppliances , s all be su arranged ssembled , tested \d of St cll 3ize and so protected as tu hold to 11 inimum all health ."':. ''''-H "\ '-. J.-LU..b dnU tne assumptions herein contained in the design , installation, construction , maintenance , and repair of all plumbing and drainage systems shall be in accord with nationally recognized standards of qualit.y and with generally recognized and well-established methods of design and construction. Compliance with all the provisions of the Alameda Plumbing Code referred to and adopted by the provisions of Section 1 hereof shall be and is hereby declared to be prima facie evidence of the reduction of health and safety hazards , acceptable quality of material , and generally recognized and well-established methods of design , construction and maintenance. Section 3.CHANGES . ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS. The changes , additions and deletions of said Uniform Code placed on file with the City Clerk hereinafter set forth and designated are hereby approved and adopted as follows: DELETIONS The following sections of the Uniform Plumbing Code shall be deleted from said Code upon the incorporation into this Code: 201(c), 306, 318 803(f) and 804(g). ADDITIONS Part One - ADMINISTRATION is added to read as follows: Part One - ADMINISTRATION" Section l- 0 Application and Scope is added to read as follows: Section 1.Application and Scope The provis ions of this Code shall apply to all new cons truction relocated buildings , and to any alterations , repairs or reCOn- struction , excepted as provided for otherwise in th.is Code. shall issue the permit applied for. The issuance of a permit upon plans and specifications shall not prevent the Administrative Authority from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications or from preventing construction operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of this Code or of any other pertinent ordinance or from revoking any certificate of approval when issued in error. Records - The Administrative Authority shall keep a complete record of all the essential transactions of his office. He shall keep a permanent , accurate account of all fees for permits issued and other monies collected and received as provided by this Code, the names of the persons upon whose account the same were paid , the date and the amount thereof , together with the location or premises to which they relate. He shall transfer all fees collected by him to the proper authority provided by law to receive such funds. Ins pection Inspections where permit issued (i)Scope - All new plumbing work and such portions of existing systems as may be affected by new work , or any changes , shall be inspected by the Administrative Authority to insure compliance with all the require- ments of this code and to assure that the installation and construc:ion of the plumb- ing system is in accordanc:e with approved plans. (i)Power of Investigation.Whenever it is brought to the attention of the Adminis- trative Authority that a possible nuisance as defined in this Code , or an insanitary condition as defined in this Code, or a menace to life , health or property or a violation of this Code exists , the Administrative Authority shall have the power to investigate. (ii)Correct ion.Where the Administrative Authority determines that a nuisance or insanitary violation of this Code or health hazard exists , he will by written notice advise the owner, agent or person respon- sible for the premises in which such condition exists.Such notice of correction or violation may be posted at the site or mailed or delivered to the permittee or his authorized representative.Refusal, failure or neglect to comply with any such notice or order within 10 days of receipt thereof, shall be considered a violation of this Code and shall be subject to the penalties set forth elsewhere in this Code for violations. Right of Enbry Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisiJns of this Code, or whenever the Administrative Actnority or his authorized representative has reasc n ible cause to believe that there exists in any building or upon any premises , any condition which makes such building or premises unsafe as defined in Section 1.4 of this Code, the Administrative Authority or his authoriZed representative may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same or to perform any duty imposed upon theAdministrative Authority by this Code; provided that if such building or premises be occupied , he shall first present proper credentials and demand entry; and if such building or premises be unoccupied, he shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises and demand entry.If such entry is refused the Administrative Authority or his authorized rep resentative shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry. Authorized Representative " shall include the officers named in Section 1.1 and 1.2 of this Code. Order Changes - The Administrative Authority shall order changes in workmanship and/or materials essential to obtain compliance with all provisions of this Code. Section 1.Permit Required is added 'to read as follows: Section 1.5 - Permit Required (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to install, remove alter , repair or replace or cause to be installed removed , altered , repaired or replaced any plumbing, ga!; or drainage piping \-fOrk or any fixtur, or water he" t ing or treating ,")quipment in a buildi 19 or premises 'JiLhout first obtainLn9 a permit to do su 'h worJ from the Adm l.nistxative Authority. (b)A ,"par lte permit shall be obtained for e Ich building or structure. (c)No person shall allow any other person to do or cause to be done any work under a permit secured by a Permittee except persons in his employ. Section 1.- ""o rk Not Requ ir inq Permit is added to read as follows: Section 1.Work Not Requirinq Permit No permit shall be required in the case of any repair work as follows:The stopping of leaks in drains, soil , waste or vent pipe, provided , however , that should any trap, drainpipe,soil waste or vent pipe be or become defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with new material in any part or parts, the same shall be cons idered as such new work and a permit shall be procured and inspection made as here inbefore provided.No permit shall be required for the clearing of stoppages or the repairing of leaks in pipes valves or fixtures, when such repairs to not involve or require the replacement or rearrangement of valves , pipes or fixtures. Section 1.To Whom Permits May be Issued is added to read as follows: Section 1. To Whom Permits May Be Issued No permit shall be issued to any person to do or cause to be done , any construction or work regulated by this Code except to a person holdin the appropriate valid and subsisting license from the Contractors ' State License Board. Exception:This section does not apply to an owner of property building or improving structures thereon, or appurterauces thereto , who does such work himself or through his 0, employees \vith w"\:es as their sole compensation , pro' , j led that such structure, 0 structures , with or wi thout the al P lrt"n- ances thereto is not intended or offered for sa Ie. " Section 1.Application for Permit is added to read as follows; Section 1.Application for Permit Any person legally entitled to apply for and receive a permit shall make such application on forms provided for that purpose. He shall give a description of the character of the work pro- posed to be done , and the location, ownership, occupancy and use of the premises in connection therewith.The Administrative Authority may require plans , specifications or drawings and such other information as he may deem necessary. If the Administrative Authority determines that the plans, specifications , drawings , descriptions or information furnished by the applicant is in compliance with this Code, he shall issue the permit spplied for upon payment of the required fee as hereinafter fixed. Section 1.Validity of Pex.mit is added to read as follows: Section 1.9 Validity of Permit The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall hot be construed to be a permit for or an approval of , any violation of any of the provisions of this Code.No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code shall be valid , except insofar as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. The issuance of a permit based upon plans and specifications shall not prevent the Senior Plumbing Inspector from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifica- tions or from preventing plumbing operatic ns being carried on thercunc er when in violation of this Cod2 or any of any other oed inane e of the City. ~~~ :o n 1.Cos t of Permit is added to read as follows; l;eci:im i-L Cost. of Permii: E"CCl applicant shall pay to the Plumbing I:lspector for each from time to time by Resolution of the City Council. Any person who shall commence any plumbing work for which a permit is required by this Article without, first having obtaine a permit therefor shall, if subsequently permitted il obtain a permit , pay Ten Dollars ($10.00) plus treble the permit fee fixed by this Article for such work; provided , however , that this provision shall not apply to emergency work when it is proven to the satisfaction of the Plumbing Inspector that such work was urgently necessary and that it was not practical to obtain a Permit therefore before the commencement of the work. In all such cases a permit must be obtained as soon as it is practicable to do so, and if there is any unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit , Ten Dollars ($10.00) plus a treble fee as hereinprovided shall be charged. For the purpose of this section a sanitary plumbing outlet on or to which a plumbing fixture or appliance may be set or attached shall be construed to be a fixture.Fees for recon- nection and retest of existing plumbing systems in relocated buildings shall be based on the number of plumbing fixtures gas systems , water heaters etc. ,involved. When a permit has been obtained to connect an existing build- ing or existing work to the public sewer or to connect to a new private disposal facility, backfilling or private sewage disposal facilitie abandoned consequent to such connection is included in the building sewer permit. Sectio All Work to be Inspected is added to read as follows: Section l.l - All Work to be Inspected All plumb ,g and drainage systems shall be illS )(;cted by the Administrdlive Authority to insure compliance Ii th all the requireme,l'S of this Code. "ti21l_lcl :NQ ficdtion and Testinq is added to read as follows: Section 1.Notification and Testinq Notification (a)Advance notice - It shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by the permit to notify the Administrative Authority orally or in writing that said work is ready for inspection.Such notification shall be given not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the work is to be inspected. (b)Test - Tests shall be conducted in the presence of the Administrative Authority or of his duly appointed representative. (c)Responsibility It shall be the duty of the holder of a permit to make sure that the work will stand the test prescribed before giving the notification. (d)Retesting - If the Administrative Authority finds that the work will not pass the test , necessary corrections shall be made and the work shall then be resubmitted for test or inspection. (e)Approval - Upon the satisfactory completion and final test of the plumbing system, a certificate of approval shall be issued by the Administrative Authority to the permi ttee o demand. (f)Covering or Using No plumbing or drai age system, building dewer , private sewer disposal system or part thereof shall be covered , concealed or put into use until it has been tested, inspected and accepted as pcescribed in this code. (c)Uncovering - Any drainage or plumbing system, building sewer , private sewage disposal systc,m or part thereof which is ins taIled , altered or repaired is covered or concealed before being inspected tested and approved as prescribed in this Code , it shall be uncovered for inspection after notice to uncover the work has been issued to the responsible person by the Administrative Authority. Testinq (a)Responsibility - The equipment , material and labor nec- essary for inspection or tests shall be furnished by the person to whom the permit is issued or by whom inspectior is requested. (b)Media - The piping of the plumbing, drainage and venting systems shall be tested with water or air.The Admin- istrative Authority may require the removal of any cleanouts, etc., to ascertain if the pressure has reached all parts of the system.After the plumbing fixtures have been set and their traps filled with water , they shall be submitted to a final test. (c)Water test - The water test shall be applied to the drainage and vent systems either in its entirety or in sections.If applied to the entire system, all openings in the piping shall be tightly closed , except the highest opening, and the system filled with water to point of overflow.If the system is tested in sections, each openin shall be tightly plugged except the highest opening of the section under test , and each section shall be filled with water , but no section shall be tested with less than ten (10) foot head of water In testing success ive sections at leas :he upper ten (10) feet of the next preceding section ,;1 all be tested so that no joint or pipe in the building (except the uppermost ten (10) feet of the system)sh;: 11 have been submitted to a test of less than a ten (10) foot head of water.The water shall be kept in the system or in the portion under test , for at least fifteen (15) minutes before inspection starts; the system shall then be tight at all points. (d)Air test The air test shall be made by attaching an air compressor testing apparatus to any sui table open- ing, and , after closing all other inlets and outlets to the system, forcing air into the system unti 1 there is a uniform gage pressure of five (5) points per square inch or sufficient to balance a column of mercury ten (10) inches in height.The pressure shall be held without introduction of additional air for a period of at least fifteen (15) minutes. (e)Building dewer test - Building sewers shall be tested by plugging the end of the building sewer at its points connection with the public sewer or private sewage disposal system and completely filling the building sewer with water from the lowest to the highest point thereof , or by approved equivalent low pressure air test , or by such other test as may be prescribed by the Administrative Authority.The building sewer shall be water-tight at all points. (f)Water piping - Upon completion of a section or of the entire hot and cold water supply system, it shall be tested and proved tight under a water pressure not less than the working pressure under which it is to be used. The water used for tests shall be obt lined from a pot lble source of supply.A fifty (5)) pounds per squ lre inch air pressure may be substtuted for the water tes .In eithet" method oE test the p ping shall with- sta ld the test without leaking for a i,eriod of not less than fifteen (15) minutes. (9)Defective systems An air test shall be used in testing the sanitary condition of the drainage or plumbing system of any building or premises when there is reason to believe that it has become defective.In buildings or premises condemned by the proper Administrative Authority because of an insanitary condition of the plumbing system or part thereof , the alterations in such system shall conform to the requirements of this Code. (h)Moved Structures - All parts of the plumbing systems of any building or part thereof that is moved from one foundation to another, or from one location to another shall be completely tested as prescribed elsewhere in this section for new work, except that walls or floors need not be removed during such test when other equivalent means of inspection acceptable to the Administrative Authority are provided. (i)Test waived - No test or inspection shall be required where a plumbing system or part thereof , is set up for exhibition purposes and has no connection with a water or drainage system. (j) Exceptions - In cases where it would be impractical to provide the aforementioned water or air tests, or for minor installations and repairs, the Administrative Authority at his discretion, may make such inspection as he deems advisable in order to assure himself that the work has been performed in accordance \/ith the intent of t'his Code. (k),rs shall beTests for Shower Receptors Shower rec. tesb d for water tightness by filling wlll \.;at.er to the level of the rough threshold.The test pl. g hall be so placled that both upper and under sides of j he subpan shall be subjected to the test at the point where it is clamped to the drain. Sectipn 1.Board of Appeals is added to read as follmv's: Section 1.Board of Appeals (a)Board of Appeals - The Building Code Board of Appeals shall have jurisdiction to hear appeals from any decis ion of the Adminis trative Authority respecting this Code. (b)Appeals - Any decision of denial made by the Administrative Authority on subjects coming within the Board's juris- diction, may be appealed to the Board.Wi thin ten days (10) after the receipt of the decision of the Adminis- trative Authority, any person may file Wi l said Board a request in writing for a hearing.The applicant shall be permitted to be represented by counsel and to present such evidence as deemed necessary to substantiate his claims.The appellant shall cause to be made at his own expense any tests required by the Board to substantiate his claims. Section 1.16 - Violations and Penalties is added to read as follows: Section 1.16 - Violations and Penalties Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment for not to exceed six months or by both fine and imprisonment.Eachsep,lrate day or any portion thereof during which any violation ,f this Code occurs oc ccmtin les shall be deemed tc constitute , separate offense, aad upon oonviction thereof shall be punish ,ble as herein pcov::ded. 'l"hc' iss lance or granting of a permit or a 'proval of plans and "pecifications shall not be deemed or c"mstrued to be a permit for , or an approval of , any violation of any of the provisions of this Code.No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code shall be valid , except insofar as the work or use which it authorized is lawful. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans shall not prevent the Administrative Authority from there- after requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications or from preventing construction operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of this Code or any other ordinance or from revoking any certificate of approval vn1en issued in error. Every permit issued by the Administrative Authority under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void , if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced within sixty days from date of such permit or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days.Before such work can be recommenced a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee therefore shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work , provided no changes have been made, or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided , further, that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. tion 201 ((',1 Minimum Standards is added to r cd uS follmv's: " (c)- Stand, rds listed or referred to in this c pter cover materials wh ch will conform to the requiremenL:s (,f this Code, when used in accordance with the limitations int1 ed in this or other chdpters thereof and their listing.vrh 'I e a standard Covers materials of various grades , weights , quality, or configurations there may be only a portion of the listed standard which is applicable.Design and materials for special conditions or materials not provided for herein may be used only by special permission of the Administrative Authority after he has satisfied himself as to their adequacy. For the convenience of this Code a list of generally accepted plumbing materials standards is included at the end of this chapter , in 'l'able ' Section 203 - Use of Copper Tubinq , subsection (f) is added to read as follows: (f) - Drop-eared fittings will be installed on all fixtures and hose bibb outlets , and securely fastened to adequate ba "kir h screws. Section 314 Repairs, Alterations and Relocated Buildings subsection (d) is added to read as follows: " (d)Moved Structures - All parts of the plumbing and drain- age system , water piping, gas piping, heating and ventilation in any building or part thereof , that is moved from one foundation to another, shall conform to the requirements of this Code. Section 319 Maintenance is changed by adding a second paragraph to read as follows: Where private sewage disposal systems are permitted , the effluent therefrom shall be contained beneath the ,;urrace of ground level and within the property lines of the premises Sect ion 606.Commercial Food Waste Grinders , is added to read as follows: Section 606.- Commerc ial Food Waste Grinders Commercial garbage or food waste grinders shall not be in- stalled in produce markets, food markets or similar estab- lishments but may on approval of the Administrative Authority, be installed in swelling units, restaurants, hotels, cafes, cafeterias, hospitals, rest homes , boarding houses, clubs and establishments where food or drink is prepared for con- sumption on the premises. No garbage or food waste grinder shall be connected to a private sewage disposal system unless permitted by the Administrative Authority. Section 613 Vertical We't Ventinq is added to read as follows: Section 613 Vertical Wet Ventinq (a)Wet venting is limited to vertical drainage piping receiving the discharge from the trap arm of 1 and 2 fixture unit fixtures that also serves as a vent for not to exceed four (4) fixtures.All wet vented fixtures shall be on the same floor level; provided , further that fixtures with a Jll flo(level as the wet ve ted fixture, (b)The vertical piping between any two consecutive inlet levels shall be considered a wet vent section.Each wet vented section shall be a minimum of one (1) pipe size larger than the required minimum waste pipe size of the upper fixtuce but in no case less than 2"Identical fixtures installed back to back and side by side shall have their fixture inlets at the same lev (c)Common vent sizing shall be the sum of the fixture units served but in no case smaller than the minimum vent pipe size required for any fixture served or by Section 504 Section 803 Use of Joints , subsection (f)d:!ed to read as follows: " (f)Plastic pipe - joints in approved plastic pipe shall be made as approved in subsection (m) of Section 802. Section 804 -subsection (g) is added to read as follows: .. (g) Plastic piping to other materials - when c :mnecting plastic pipe to other types of piping use only approved types of fittings and adaptors , designed for the specific transition intended. Section 906 Special Fixtures and Specialties , subsection (d) is added to read as follows: " (d)Floor sinks shall be installed with the rim of the sink above the finished floor.No floor sink shall be used as a combination floor drain and floor sink. Section 909 Floor Drains and Shower Stalls , subsection (a) is amended by adding a second paragraph to read as follows: In all public toilet rooms , and any toilet: room where two (2) or more toilets are installed , said rooms shall be provided with floor drains.If wall type urinals are installed a floor drain shall be located beneath the urinal , and the floor shall be pitched or sloped to drain to such stalls, the floors need not have a separate floor drain.A hose-bib shall be provided for washing said floors or replenishing of water in said floor drain.All public toilet rooms and/or rooms where two or more water closets or urinals are installed shall have impervious floors. Secjjg.n 912 Toilet Accommodation for Construction Workers is added to r2ad as follows: onstruction Workers Lvery person while engaged in the con:ot 'uction or repair of an)' bui lding or upon any \York on the pubIc streets in the City of Alameda shall be required to prov de and maintain a privy or toilet accoIlodations for empl"yees , in accordance (a)remporary toilet facilities must be provided where permanent facilities are not available , before any work is commenced. (b)The privy or toilet , when not connected with a sewer must be at a location approved by the Administrative Authority. " Section 913 Plumbinq Fixtures Required in Restaurants and Cafes is added to read as follows: Section 913 Plumbinq Fixtures Required in Restaurants and Cafes Every place of business selling beer , wine or liquor to be consumed on the premises , shall provide for public use , a water closet and basin for women and a water closet , urinal and bas in for men. All rooms wherein food or drink is processed or manufactured shall be provided with a floor drain properly connected to a sanitary sewer. Section 1106 Grade, Support and Protection of Building , is amended by adding subsection (d) and (e) as follows: " (d)When there is a main sewer in the street, alley or avenue upon which the lot abuts, the house sewer shall be connected in a direct line to the main sewer.No bends will be allowed except to connect with the main sewer or with the soil waste or hous q drain pipe. The portion of the house sewer in the street, alley or avenue shall be at least three (3)feet below the curb grade.Provided that when a house sewer in t w street , alley or avenu-, is less then three (3) feet below t curb grade, the same ftust be covered with at least six (( I inches of concrete 0 protect the same from breakage,required by the Plum;' ng Inspector. (e)House sewers from a building court mCij lie connected .,'0 .. +-h........"J ,. r"r1mmrYn ni 1!C-. nY'n"'; ilpr1 har. such con on pipe be not less in size than six (6)inches in diameter, and that it shall be run in a direct line to the majn se'iJer If a direct line is not practical. then a man- hole shall be constructed at points of bend.A lamp hole shall be placed wi thin two and one-half (2-1/2) feet of the point of connection of t.he house sewer located the farthest from the main sewer.A manhold shall be used instead of a lamp hole if the length of the common pipe exceeds one hundred fifty (150) feet from the sewer main OI" the next manhole. Such house sewers connecting to this common pipe shall be laid under the same requirements as if they were to connect directly to a main sewer. Special common pipes or connections of considerable length which are impractical to be run on a grade as steep as 1/8" (one-eighth of an inch) per foot and which serve a number of plumbing fixtures so that the pipes have characteristics of a public sewer may be constructed in accordance with the Street Department specifications, methods and policies , provided that complete inspection is made by the Engineering Depart- ment and the work is approved by the City Engineer.Charges will be made on a cost basis , including overhead , for the services of the inspector and engineers and for the rental of equipment and the use of materials during such inspection and engineering. Section 1107 Cleanouts , subsection (e) is amended by adding the following to the existing paragraph; subsection (g) is added: Each cleanout, unless installed under al' approved cover pJ ate ";hall be above grade, readily acce:.sible, and so located ao to :;erve the purpose for 'which it is ntended. (g) A property line cleanout shall be placed at the jlnction of the building sewer and the s,:reet lateral. Such cleanout shall be installed by the use of a "wye h""""r"1- "' .. rn' '" ,.-F ::("f\(" (1) i=,.,.+-C"CI,-i-;nn nr nin ll inst1.\11ed bet\-leen the "wye " and the 1/8 bend before extendin'j to grade. Section 1207 -subdivision (d) is added to read as follows: " (d)Before making any connection to supply gas to a building that has not been supplied with gas for a period of one (1) year , the person about to furnish gas thereto shall ascertain whether a certificate has been supplied and for that purpose may demand the production and exhibition of such certificate by the owner, tenant, or occupant of the building in which such gas piping is located , before supplying gas therefor. Section 1309 - Prohibited Locations is added to read as follow, Section 1309 - Prohibited Locations (a)Water heaters which depend on the combustion of fuel for heat shall not be installed in any room used or designed to be used for sleeping purposes , bathrooms , clothes closet, or in any closet or other confined space opening into any bath or bedroom or under a stairway or landing. (b)The installation or use of any water heater capable of benerating a glow or flame capable of igniting flammable vapor in any garage located in a Group H occupancy shall not be permitted.A compartment containing such a water heater shall have no openings into a private garage. EXCEPTION' -Utility rooms or other portions of main dwelling containing such water heater may have approved openings into a private garage. (c)The installation or use of any water heater capable of generating a glow or flame ' capable of ignitj,ng flammable vapors in any garage located in a Group I o.::c.1pancy shall no' be permitted. A compartment containing such a water heatcc sh3l1 have no openings into a private garage. F.XCEPTION' - Utility rooms or other portions of main ' . of '" . '"g; . t:. u 0. not practical to obtain a permit therefore before the commencement of the work.In all such cases a permit must be obtained as soon it is practicable to do so , and if there is any unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit, Ten Dollars ($10.00) plus a treble fee as hereinprovided shall be charged. Section 5.INCORPORATION. Appendix A , except 1 which is deleted in its entirety and in its place the following:In general , a velocity greater than eight (8) feet per second should not be employed;" Appendices B C, D , F of this Code, adopting by reference the Recommended Rules for Sizing the Water Supply System; Explanatory Notes on the Com- bination Waste and Vent Systems; Minimum Plumbing Facilities; Rainwater Systems; and Medium Pressure Gas Piping Systems. are hereby adopted. Section 6.EFFECT OF ORO INANCE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Cou ncil Attest: :/ City Clerk