New Series
Sect ion I.Requlation of Outdoor Advertisinq Display
S iqns, Purpose and Intent
(a)It is the purpose of these regulations to eliminate
excessive and confusing sign displays which do not relate to
the premises on which they are located; to eliminate hazards to
pedestrians and motorists brought about by distracting sign
displays; and to preserve and improve the appearance of the City
as a place in which to live and work.
(b)It is the intent of these regulations to protect an
important aspect of the economic base of the City by preventing
the destruction of the natural beauty and environment of the
City, which is instrumental in attracting res idents and non-
residents who come to live, visit, trade, or vacation; to safe-
guard and enhance property values; to recognize and respect the
island character of the City by maintaining and enhancing its
gateways; to protect public and private investment in buildings
and open spaces; and to protect the public health , safety and
general welfare.
section 2 . The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended
by adding thereto Subsection (d) to Section 11-14B2, Subsection (k)
to Section 11-14B9, Section 11-14BII.5, Subsections (m) through (u)
to Section 11-14B13 and Section 14-B16, to read:
Sec. 11-14B2.Definitions.
(d) As used in this Article, unless the context other-
wise indicates, the following words and phrases shall have
the meanings as set forth in this section:
(I)ABANDONED SIGN: A sign which no longer advertises abusiness, lessor, owner product , service or activity
on the premises where the sign is displayed.
AFFILIATION SIGN: Any sign whose sole purpose is to
identify membership in an association of businesses,
such as credit card companies, association membership,
trading stamps.
(3)AWNING: A hood or cover which projects from a wall
of a building over a window or door, which is made
of canvas or aluminum or similar materials, and maybe fixed in place or retractable.
(4)BANNER: A sign not made of rigid material either
enclosed or not enclosed in a rigid frame which is
mounted so as to allow movement of the sign by the wind.
(5)BORDERLESS SIGN: A sign composed of parts of a message
without a single border enclosing any of the parts.
BUILDING FRONTAGE: That portion of the exterior build-
ing wall of a place of business which is both adjacent
to and paralle I to a public street, walkway or parking
lot. When separated by interior walls, more than one
kind of business may be considered a separate place
of business although operated within the same building
by the same owner.
(7 )BUSINESS: A profit-making organization involved in
the provision of goods or services, including transi-
tory residential uses such as motels and hotels but
excluding multiple residential uses.
(8)BUSINESS COMPLEX: Five or more bus inesses located on
one or more parcels of land sharing common private
pedestrian, parking and vehicular access. facitities.
(9)CAMPAIGN SIGN: A temporary sign announcing a campaign
drive or event of a civic, philanthropic , educational
or religious organization. political signs are not
included under this category.
(10)COMMMORATIVE PLAQUES: Memorial signs and tablets,
building name and erection date, symbols and similar
emblems that are a permanent design element of abuilding or other structure.
(11)CONSTRUCTION SIGN: A sign which identifies the persons,
firms or businesses directly connected with a construc-
tion project.
(12)DILAPIDATED SIGN: A sign that is no longer in a good
state of repair, and is not visually attractive and
functional, or has become a health or safety hazard.
(13)DIRECTIONAL SIGN: An on-site sign which is designed
and erected solely for the purposes of directing
vehicular and pedestrian traffic within a project.
Such a sign shall contain no advertising copy.
(14)DISTRICT: Any zoning district designated in the zoning
ordinance of the City of Alameda.
(15)DIRECTORY SIGN: An identification sign listing the
tenants of a building or complex, or the bulletin board
used to display announcements relative to a public,
charitable, religious or fratern ) institution.
DOUBLE-FACED SIGN: A sign constructed to display its
message on the outer surfaces of two identical and/or
opposite parallel planes.
(17)EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED: Illumination by a light source
located outside of and not attached to the surface of
the sign. Illuminated tubing and strings of lights
outlining portions of buildings shall be considered
externally illuminated signs.
(18)ERECTED: Shall mean attached , altered, built, con-
structed, reconstructed, enclosed or moved, and shallinclude the painting of wall signs.
(19)FACE OF SIGNS: The entire surface of a sign upon which
copy can be placed.
(20)FLASHING SIGN: Any sign which is perceived as an
intermittent or flashing light. Time and temperature
signs shall be excluded from this category.
(21)FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION: A group of people associated
or formally organized for a common purpose, interest
or pleasure, which shall include lodges, social halls,
and union halls.
(22)FREESTANING SIGN: A sign fixed in an upright position
on the ground not attached to a building or any
structure other than a framework or device, erected
primarily to support the sign.
GARAGE SALE SIGN: A sign with a message advertising
the resale of personal property that has been used by
the resident.
(24)GOVERNNTAL BUILDINGS: For the purposes of this
Chapter, they shall include: City offices, Fire
Department, and all County, State and Federal bui ldings .
(25)GRAND OPENING SIGN: A temporary sign or banner erected
one time only for a limited period of time to announce
the opening of a new business.
(26)HEIGHT: The vertical distance from the uppermost point
used in measuring the area of a sign to the ground
immediately below such point or the level of the upper
surface of the nearest curb of the street upon which
the sign fronts, whichever measurement is the greatest.
(27)IDENTIFICATION SIGN: A sign which serves to tell only
the name, address, business and/or profession of the
occupant, or use of the building upon which the sign is
located, and which may include an emblem, insignia or
(28)ILLEGA SIGN: A sign erected in violation of the laws
in effect at that time, and not in conformance with
the regulations of the Alameda Municipal Code at the
time of adoption of this Chapter.
(29)INFORMTIONAL SIGN: Any sign which is designed and
erected solely for the purpose of communicating
information for the safety or convenience of the public,
such as II telephone II danger tl II rest rooms II .
(30)INSTITUTIONAL USES: Uses such as schools, churches,
fraternal organizations, community, governmental, and
public recreational facilities, hospitals and con-
valescent homes.
(31)sign whose light source is
the sign so that the rays
sign, or light source which
the sign and is perceivedsign.
located in the interior of
go through the face of the
is attached to the face of
as a design element of the
(32)LIGHT SOURCE: A bulb or tube from which light is
emitted when it is activated, including but not limited
to incandescent filament bulb, electric discharge bulb,
neon tube, and fluorescent tube.
to and
and self
MARQUEE: A permanent roof-like structure
over the entrance to abuilding, attached
supported by the building or freestandingsupporting.
(34)MOVING SIGN: A sign which has any actual or apparent
moving parts, activated in any way by mechanical devices
or by wind currents. Signs which change or appear to
change color or intensity of lighting shall be included,
but time and temperature devices shall be excluded.
(35)MULTIPLE-FACED SIGN: A sign constructed to display its
message on a curbed surface or on two or more planarsurfaces.
(36)NONCONFORMING SIGN: Any advertising structure or sign
which was lawfully erected and maintained prior to the
adopt ion of this Chapter, and which has subsequently
come under the requirements of this Chapter, with which
it does not completely comply.
(37)NONILLUMINATED: Neither directly nor indirectly
lighted and containing no material that is made for the
purpose of being reflective or fluorescent.
(38)OFFICIAL SIGN: A sign or signs required by govern-
mental body to discharge its legally required function.
(39)PERMNENT SIGN: Any sign for which a sign permit is
issued with no time limit in accordance with the pro-
visions of this Chapter. Any mention of signs in
this Chapter shall be considered to mean permanent
signs unless there is a specified time limit or
reference to temporary signs.
(40)POLITICAL SIGN: A sign designed for the purpose of
advertising support of or opposition to a candidateor proposition for a public election.
(41)PORTABLE FREESTANDING SIGN: A sign that is designed
to be movable and is not structually attached to the
ground, abuilding, structure, or any other sign.
Included are signs built in the configuration of anII All or an II I II frame, and signs mounted on rollers orslides.
(42)PRIVILEGE SIGN: A standardized sign supplied at
nominal cost or free to a retailer where a portion
of the sign face identifies the product of a regional
or national distributor or manufacturer available only
incidentally on the premises, and a portion of the
sign identifies the local retailer. Signs identifying
the primary commodity, service or activity available
on the premises, such as signs for auto dealerships,
gasoline service stations and chain stores and busi-
nesses , shall not be included in this category.
(43)PROJECTING SIGN: Any sign which is suspended from or
supported by a building or wall and which projects
outward therefrom. Signs suspended under a porch or
permanent walkway covering shall be included.
premises orlocated, issigns shall
SIGN: A sign indicating that a property,
any portion thereof, upon which it is
for sale, lease or rent. Subdivision
not be included under this definition.
(45)RECREATIONAL FACILITIES: For the purposes of this
Chapter, they shall include public parks , and facil-
ities for physcial recreation such as golf, tennis,
swimming and boating.
(46)REFLECTIVE SIGN: A sign which is not electrically
illuminated, but which responds to light, such as from
passing auto headlights by shining or glowing.
ROOF SIGN: Any sign erected upon or above the roof
or parapet of any building, including any porch,
marquee, walkway covering, or similar roof-likestructure.
(48)SEASONAL DECORATIONS: Temporarily erected greet ini
ornamentation and displays that relate to a historic
holiday, such as the Fourth of July or Christmas
which contain no advertising.
(49)SEASONAL SALES SIGN: A temporary sign or banner erected
for a limited period of time to advertise a special
sale or seasonal business such 11 Christmas tree lots.
(50)SIGN STRUCTURE: Any device whose primary function is
to support a sign.
(51)SINGLE-FACED SIGN: A sign constructed so that its
message is displayed on a single plane, and is v iew-
able from only one side of the plane.
(52)SUBDIVISION SIGN: A sign containing the name, location,
or directions to a builder, developer, and pertinent
information about a subdivis ion for which there is a
properly approved and recorded map, and in which homes
or units in a building remain to be constructed, com-
pleted or initially sold.
(53)TEMPORARY SIGN: Any sign which is intended to be
displayed for a limited period of time, which shall in-
clude signs painted on windows , paper and poster board.
(54)VEHICULAR SIGN: A vehicle which has a sign mounted or
painted thereon which is used primarily as the sign
structure and not as a vehicle.
(55)WALL SIGN: Any sign affixed to a buildiryg or fenc , atno point projecting more than six (6) inches horizon-
tally from the surface upon which it is attached.
(56)WINDOW SIGN: Any sign painted on or affixed to a window
or located inside within a distance equal to the great-
est dimension of the window (width or height) and
designed to be viewed from the outside of the building.
Sec. 11-14B9
dvertisinq Siqns
Requlation of Off-Premise Outdoor
(k)Be located in residential or C-l districts.
Sec. ll-14Bll. 5 Abatement of Nonconforminq on-Premise
Siqns . Anyon-premise sign which does not conform to the
regulations of this Article shall be removed by the owner
or possessor thereof within the period of time prescribedherein.
(a) Signs with the following prohibited characteristics
shall be abated immediately:
(1)Obscene or offensive to morals.
(2)Hazard to traffic.
(3)Hazard to exits.
(4)Vehicular sign.
(5)Portable advertising signs.
(b) The following prohibited signs shall be abatedwithin ninety (90) days:
Motion devices.
1m stoJ:.ae.. signs..
(3 )Wind blown devices.
(4) l'bandoned signs.
(a) Temporary continuation of abandoned sign:
The owner of an abandoned sign who desires to make
subsequent use of the sign or structural supportshall, within ninety (90) days of the abandonment,
give written notification to the Planning Director.
(5)Dilapidated signs.
(6) Damaged sign; damaged to the extent of fiftypercent (50%) of its current replacement value.
(c) All other nonconforming on-premise signs shall be
abated either after the expiration of the useful life of the
sign (s) for federal income tax purposes or after a period
equal to the number of years obtained by dividing the total
cost of the sign(s) when installed by five hundred (500),
whichever comes first, provided however, that no less than
three years from the effective date of this section shall be
allowed for amortization.
Sec. 11-14B13.S iqns Exempt
(m)Temporary Siqns
(1) Campaiqn Siqns (nonpolitical): One sign not
exceeding four (4) square feet in area per parcel or
business for all parcels zoned for residential use, andsixteen (16) square feet in all other zoning districts;
located on private property, with the owner s permis-
sion, for a maximum of thirty (30) days.
(2) Garaqe Sale : On-premise signs and directional
off-premise signs, for not more than three (3) days
prior to and removed immediately after the sale.
(3) Grand openinq Siqn Signs or banners erected
one time only, for a maximum of thirty (30) consecu-
tive days, and not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in
area per sign. permiss ion shall be obtained from the
City Manager, unless exempt under Title XII, Section
(4) Motor Vehicle Siqn One sign per vehicle may
be placed or painted on the window ,not to exceedtwo (2) square feet in area.
(5) Real Estate Siqn Signs shall be located on
private property in any zoning district with the owner
permiss ion.
(a) One on-premise II For sale II available
" ,
for rent"
, "
lease " sign not to exceed four (4)
square feet in area for each parcel zoned forsingle-family dwellings or duplex, and sixteen (16)
square feet for multiple-family dwellings, business
and industrial sites.
(b) One on-premise "open for inspection " sign
not exceeding four (4) square feet.
(c) Two off-premise "open for inspection
signs not exceeding four (4) square feet in area
per sign, and two directional arrow signs with
address not exceeding two (2) square feet per sign.
Not to be located in the median of a public road
or on a public sidewalk.
(6) seasonal Decorations When not erected for
more than thirty (30) days prior to and removed not
more than thirty (30) days after a holiday.
(7) Seasonal Sales Siqn:Signs may be erected
for a maximum of thirty (30) consecutive days. Wall,
fence, free standing signs and banners shall not exceed
twenty-five (25) square feet in total area. No set
area maximum for window signs; all signs shall be
mounted or painted on the inside of the window. The
same signs cannot be reused for sixty (60) consecutivedays. Dilapidated signs cannot be reused. Permission
shall be obtained from the City Manager unless exempt
under Title XII, Section 12-256.
(8) Special Event Siqn Signs or banners with a
holiday message identifying a civic or public event of
holiday, and erected in any zoning district on private
property with the owner s permission for not more thanthirty (30) consecutive days. Permission shall be
obtained from the City Manager unless exempt under
Title XII, Section 12-256.
(9) Special Promotional Event Banner Banners
located within vehicular rights-of-way. permissionshall be obtained from the City Manager. Compliance
with Bureau of Electricity, Building Inspection and
Public Works Department regulations is required.Cali fornia State Department of Transportation approval
may also be necessary.
(n) Address Street number and street name not exceed-
ing two (2) square feet in area per single family or duplex
unit, and four (4) square feet in area for all other uses.
(0) Affiliation Siqn Signs not exceediny ono-half
(1/2) square foot in area per sign, and six (6) in number
per business.
Barber Pole:Shall contain no advertis ing.
Flags Of any nation, political jurisdiction,
fraternal or religious organization, and flags determined
by the Planning Director to be of a noncommercial, nonprofit
civic character, providing that the pole he ight does not
exceed twenty-five (25) feet, and the length of the flag is
no more than one-quarter (1/4) the height of the pole.
weather flags, nautical flags and pennants when displayed
on boats, in marinas, or on any land area within fifty (50)
feet of water frontage, primarily intended to be viewed from
the water and void of any commercial intent.
(r) Gasoline Siqn Pump signs identifying the type
and octane rating shall be permanently affixed to the pump,
not to exceed two (2) square feet in size and two (2) in
number per pump for each gasoline type dispensed. Price
signs readable from adjacent streets shall be in accordance
with the requirements of the Business and Professional Code
of California as to wording, coloring and size of letters
and numerals, and shall not exceed five (5) square feet inarea.
(s) Historic Siqn : Any signs that have been determined
by the Historic Advisory Commission to have historic merit.
(t) Interior Siqn Signs located within the interior
of any building, complex or structure and not visible from
any public street, walkway or parking lot.
(u) Residential Nameplate One sign not exceeding
two (2) square feet in area per single family or duplex unit.
Sec. 11-14B16 Variances . The provisions of Article 6
of this Chapter shall apply only to Sections ll-14B3 (a) and
(b) and ll-14B4.
Section 3 . The Alameda Municipal Code
amending Sections 11-14B3, ll-14B4, ll-14B5,
the Title and introductory paragraph only of
thereof, to read:
is hereby amended by
ll-14B6, ll-14B7 and
Section ll-14Bll
Sec.ll-14B3.General Requirements of on-Premise Siqns
(a)Number of signs allowed:
(1) The maximum number of on-premise signs allow-
able per street frontage in any zoning district istwo (2), exclusive of directional signs.
(2) The signs may be mUltiple-faced and in any
combination except that a business may not have:
(a)per lot.More than one (1) freestanding sign
(b) More than one (1) projecting sign
per business.
(c) A combination of one (I) projectingsign and one (1) freestanding sign.
(3) The allowable number and type of business
oriented directional signs shall be approved on an
individual basis by the Planning Director.
Sign area allowed:
(1) Business The maximum total sign area shall
be determined by measuring the building frontage of
the business.
(a) The total allowable sign area for a
business with a single building frontage shall be
one (I) square foot of sign area per linear foot
of building frontage, with a minimum of twenty-
five (25) square feet and a maximum of one hundred(100) square feet.
(b) For a business with more than one (1)
bu ilding frontage, or which occupies mo e than
one building, each building frontage shall be con-
sidered separately. The total sign area for any
single business shall not exceed one hundred fifty
(ISO) square feet.
(c)Multiple Occupancy Building:
(i) First floor tenants whose businesses
are visible from a public street, walkway or
parking lot shall be entitled to a sign area
based on the amount of building frontage used
by that tenant, with a minimum of twenty-five(25) square feet.
(ii) Second story tenants shall be en-
titled to one (1) window identification sign
which shall not occupy more than twenty-fivepercent (25%) of the window area.
(iii) Tenants above the first floor level,
and tenants whose businesses are not visible
from a public street, shall be entitled to
signs as part of a directory sign, either
freestanding or mounted on the buildingfrontage; three (3) square feet maximum pertenant.
allowed.Home Occupation:No signs shall be
(2) Bus iness Complexes
tial Subdivisions , IndustrialproiectsHistoric Districts
Development proiects
Shopping Centers Res iden
Com lexes, Mixed-Use
and other Planned
(a) Individual standards shall be set for
each project. Requirements for similar uses dis-
cussed in this Chapter shall serve as guidelines.
(b) All signs, temporary and permanent, shall
be approved by the Planning Director pursuant to acoordinated signing program. The program shall
coordinate the following items:
(i)Locat i on display.number size and mode of
(ii)Colors, materials and illumination.
(iii)Temporary signs:duration of use.
(3) Multiple-Residential The maximum total sign
area for multiple-residential development shall be asfollows:
(a)Apartments - condominiumsten (10) square feet.(3-10 units):
(b)Apartments - condominiums (above II units):twenty (20) square feet.
Rooming/Boarding houses:ten (10) square feet.
(d)Convalescent homes:fifteen (15) square feet.
(4) Professional Office : The maximum total signarea per building frontage shall be as follows:
(a)feet.Residential districts:five () square
(b) All other districts: twenty (20) square
feet identification sign, and a directory sign,three (3) square feet per tenant up to a maximum
of thirty-six (36) square feet.
(5) Hospitals:The maximum total sign area shall
be one hundred fifty (ISO) square feet.
(6) Reliqious, Educational, Governmental, Recreational: The maximum total sign area shall be twenty
(20) square feet.
(a) Nursery schools, day care, group care and
family care centers: fifteen (IS) square feet.
(7) Charitable , Social, Fraternal , Union The
maximum total sign area shall be fifteen (IS) square
(8) construction site:One (1) on-premise tempo-
rary sign not exceeding thirty-six (36) square feet inarea. Duration shall be limited to the period ofconstruction. (Use Permit required in all residential
zoning districts, section ll-162).
(c) Exempt signs and conforming off-premise signs
shall not be included in the determination of the total allow-
able number of signs or total allowable sign area for a site.
(d) The maximum area for any sign shall be fifty (50)
square feet.
Sec. ll-14B-Requirements bv Siqn Type
(a)Calculation of Siqn Area
(I) Single-faced signs: The area shall be that
within the outermost border or edge of the sign.
(2) Double-faced signs: The area shall be that
within the outermost edge of one face of the sign.
(3 ) Multiple-faced signs and three-dimens ional
shapes: The area shall be the area of their maximum
projection upon a vertical plane.
(4) Borderless signs; The area shall be that
within a single polygon drawn with straight lines and
right angle corners to enclose all sign parts.
(5) Awning signs; The area shall be the sum of
the sign areas on each plane of the awning. The area
of each sign shall be calculated in the same manner
as for borderless signs.
(6) Sign-support structures: The area of sign-
support structures other than posts or brackets, shall
be calculated as sign area only when the appearance of
such structures attracts attention for advertising,
instructional or informational purposes.
(7) Directional signs: The area or business
oriented directional signs shall be included within the
total allowable sign area for the site.
(8) Time and temperature devices: The area of time
and temperature devices used in conjunction with signs
shall not be included in the total area of the sign
(b)Wall Signs
(I) Signs shall be located only on building
frontages or fences which are adjacent to a public
street, walkway or parking lot.
(2) Signs shall not, at any point project from the
surface upon which they are attached more than requiredfor construct ion purposes.
(3) signs should be placed no closer to either sige
of an adjacent bus iness wall than a distance equal to tenpercent (10%) of the length of the wall. Signs placed
closer shall be subject to twenty-five percent (25%) loss
in total allowable sign area.
(c)Window Signs:
(I) Signs shall be permitted only on windows
located on the first and second floors of the buildingfrontage.
(2) Signs shall be mounted on the inside of or
painted on windows.
(3) Permanent signs shall not occupy more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the area of anyone window
(d)proiectinq Siqns
(1) Signs shall be mounted only on the building
frontage of a bus iness.
Signs shall not be permitted for residential
(3 )Signs shall be limited to street level.
(4) The design configuration and location of the
sign shall not block the visibility of other signs on
adjoining businesses.
(a)Projection and Area:
MaximumProiection6 ft.4 ft.
Frontage30ft. - more
29 ft. - less
Siqn Area25 sq.ft.
20 sq.ft.
(i) No sign shall project above the
eaveline of abuilding, or a sill ,of a
second story window.
(ii) All signs shall have a minimum
vertical clearance of eight (8) feet from the
ground to the bottom of the sign or signstructure.
(iii) No sign shall project within two
(2) feet of a curb line.
(b) Side set in: for businesses with build-
ing frontage sharing common sidewalks.
(i) For businesses with a building
frontage of more than thirty (30) feet, the
sign shall be set in a minimum of fifteen
(IS) feet from each sidewall.
(ii) For businesses with a building
frontage of thirty (30) feet or less, the signshall be centrally located; adjacent busi-
nesses may stack signs along a common side
wall if the signs are of compatible designs
and material.
(c) Thickness: The
projecting sign shall not
construction purposes.
Awning Signs
maximum thickness of a
exceed that required for
(I) Signs shall be located only on the building
frontage of a business.
(2) Signs shall be limited to street level
(3) Signs may be located on more than one plane
of an awning being considered as one sign.
(4) The maximum sign area for an awning sign
shall be thirty-six (36) square feet.
(5) The design configuration and location of the
awning shall not block the visibility of other signs
on adjoining businesses as seen by passersby on thestreet.
(f)Freestanding Signs
(I) Signs shall not be permitted in areas zonedfor residential use. Exception: institutional uses.
(2) There shall be a minimum of
feet between any two (2) freestanding
purpose of this provision is to avoid
standing sign blocking the visibilityadjoining site.
seventy-five (75)
signs. Theone (I) free-
of another on an
(3) The maximum height for freestanding signs
shall be as follows:
(a)Identification sign:twelve (12) feet.
(15)Subdivis ion and construction sign:ten (10)feet.
(c)Directory sign:eight (8)feet.
(d)Directional and informational sign:six (6)feet.
(e)Exempt signs:six (6)feet.
(4) Signs shall not project over public property
or vehicular easement or right-of-way.
(5) Landscaping shall be provided at the base of
the supporting structure. Exception: exempt signs.
(6)Sign area shall be allowed as follows:
(a) Square footage allotted to a building
may be transferred to a freestanding sign in lieu
of its use on the building up to a maximum ofthirty (30) square feet (area of one face).
(b) When there is no bu ilding on the lot,
or when a building does not cover the entire
frontage of a lot, additional square footage for
use on the freestanding sign shall be allowed at
the rate of one-half (1/2) square foot per linear
front foot of that portion of the lot on which
there is no building, up to a maximum of thirty
(30) square feet (area of one face).
Marquee Signs
(I) Signs shall be mounted only on the front and
sides of a marquee.
(2) Signs shall not project more than six (6)
inches from the face of the marquee.
(3) Signs shall not extend above the top or below
the bottom of the marquee.
(4) The maximum total area for marquee signs
shall be twenty-five (25) square feet.
(h)Privilege Signs
(1) The type of sign and its materials and colors
shall be compatible with the architectural style of
the building upon which it is to be located.
(2) No more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the
total sign area available under Sec. 11-14B3 may be
used to advertise the supplier of the sign.
Sec. 11-14B5.Prohibited Siqns
(a) Obscene or Offensive to Morals Signs containing
statements, words, or pictures of an obscene, indecent or
immoral character which appeal to the pur ient interest in
sex, or which are patently offensive and do not have
serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value
are prohibited.
(b) Hazards to Traffic Other than when used for
traffic direction signs which contain or are an imitationof official traffic signs or signals are prohibited.
sign shall be erected in such a manner that its size,
location, content I colors, or illumination will interfere
with, obstruct, confuse or mislead traffic.
(c) Hazards to Exits . No sign shall be erected in
such a manner that any portion of the sign or its support
is attached to, Or will interfere with, the free use of anyfire escape, exit, or standpipe. No sign shall be erected
which will obstruct any required stairway, door, ventilator
or window.
(d) Roof Locations Signs erected upon or extending
above any part of a roof or false roof structure areprohibited.
(e) Motion Devices Signs utilizing flashing lights,
changing of color intensity, or mechanical moving partsare prohibited. Exceptions: time and temperature devices
and barber poles.
Windblown Devices
banners, use of windblown or
is prohibited, including the
sound, or other substances.
Except for exempt flags and
inflatable devices of any type
production of smoke, bubbles,
built toanother.
Portable Advertis inq S iqns Signs shall not be
roll, slide or to be moved from one location toA" or "I" frame signs are prohibited except
service station and real estate signs.
(i) Siqns on Vehicles : No vehicle may be used as a
platform or substitute for a billboard or any other type of
sign, whether on private property or within a public right-
Natural Despoliation Signs cut, burnt, limed,
painted or otherwise marked on a rock, tree or field areprohibited.
(k) In Storaqe Signs shall not be located on a
premise so as to be visible from off of the site prior to
erection or while in storage.
Dilapidated Signs
Abandoned Signs
(n) Miscellaneous Signs and Posters : The posting or
painting of signs not otherwise defined or permitted in
this Chapter.
Sec. 11-14B6 Illumination of Signs
(a) No artificial exteriQr light used
lighting any sign shall be ' so located as to
directing of light onto or reflecting glare
adjacent property or public right-of-way.
for the purpose of
result in the
upon any
(b) External light sources shall be directed and
shielded to prevent direct illumination of any object other
than the sign.
(c) No brightly illuminated signs shall be allowed
in, or within two hundred (200) feet and facing any
residential zoning district. Exception: hospitals.
(d)fixtures.Light sources shall utilize energy efficient
Sec. 11-14B7 Required Permits for Siqns . A Bu ilding
Permit shall be obtained as provided in Chapter 2 , Title XII
of this Code. The Building Permit shall not be issued prior
to zoning approval of the sign(s) as provided for in thisChapter. For signs using electricity, an Electrical Permit
from the Bureau of Electricity shall be required.
Sec. 11-14B1I Abatement Schedule for Off-premise
Siqns . Any off-premise sign which does not conform to the
regulations of this Article shall be removed by the owner
or possessor thereof at the earliest of the following
L1 .
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' '
section 4 . This ordinance shall be in full force and
effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from
the date of its final passage.
/: //
presidi hicer of the Council
t.. City
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the
Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assenlb1ed
on the 2nd day of December, 1980, by the fOllowing vote, to
AYES:Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman
and Pres i dent Cori ca - 5.
I N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the official seal of said City this 3rd day of
December, 1980.