section 1.The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
amending section 13-7.1 and 13-7.3 of Chapter XIII, ARTICLE XIII,
to read:
Sec. 13-7.1 Title: Uniform Plumbinq Code This section
shall be known as the "Alameda Plumbing Code," may be cited as
such, and will be referenced herein as "this Code.The following
documents, copies of which have been placed on file with the City
Clerk for use and examination by the public and declared to be
public records, are hereby adopted as the Alameda Plumbing Code for
regulating the installation, alteration, maintenance, and repair of
plumbing, mechanical and drainage systems in the City of Alameda:
(1 )Uniform Plumbinq Code, 1991 Edition , published by the
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical
Off icials.
(2 )Uniform Mechanical Code, 1991 Edition , published by the
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical
Off icials.
Sec. 13-7.Chanqes, Additions and Deletions . The following
changes , additions and deletions to the Uniform Plumbing Code are
hereby approved and adopted as follows:
Sec. 20.4 - Board of Appealsas follows:This section is added to read
Sec. 20.4 - Board of Appeals . The Building Code Board
Appeals shall have jurisdiction to hear appeals from anydecision of the Administrative Authority respecting this code.
All appeals shall be governed by and conducted in accordance
wi th the standards for appeals as set forth in the Uniform
Building Code.
Sec. 30.4 (a) - Permit Fees
This section is added to read as
section 30.4(a) - Permit Fees The fee for each permit
shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
-: ,
Sec. 203 - Use of Copper Tubing
read as follows:Subsection (g) is added to
Drop-eared fittings will be installed on allfixtures and hose bib outlets, and securely fastened to
adequate backing with screws.
Sec. 606.1 - Commercial Food Waste Grinders
added to read as follows:
This section is
Sec. 606.1 - Commercial Food Waste Grinders Commercial
garbage or food waste grinders shall not be installed in
produce markets , food markets or similar establishments but
may, on approval of the Administrative Authority, be installed
in dwelling units, restaurants, hotels, cafes, cafeteriashospitals, rest homes, boarding houses, clubs and
establishments where food or drink is prepared for consumptionon the premises.
Sec. 906 - Special Fixtures and Specialties
is added to read as follows:Subsection (c)
(c) Floor sinks shall be installed with the rim of the sink
above the finished floor. No floor sink shall be used as a
combination floor drain and floor sink.
Sec. 909 - Floor Drains and Shower Stalls Subsection (a)
amended by adding a second paragraph to read as follows:
In all public toilet rooms , and any toilet room where two(2) or more toilets are installed, said rooms shall be
provided with floor drains. If wall type urinals are
installed, a floor drain shall be located beneath the urinal,
and the floor shall be pitched or sloped to drain to suchstalls. A hose-bib shall be provided for washing said
floors or replenishing of water in said floor drain.
Sec. 910 - Plumbinq Fixtures Required
amended to read as follows:This section
Sec. 910 - Plumbing Fixtures Required Each buildingshall be provided with sanitary facilities as required by
Appendix C of this Code.
Separate facilities shall be providedin every new building constructedbuildings whenever there is classification.
for male and female use
and in all existingchange in occupancy
Sec. 913 - Toilet Accommodations for Const uction Workers
This section is added to read as follows:
Sec. 913 Toilet Accommodations for Construction
Workers.Every person while engaged in the construction or
repair of any building or upon any work on the public streets
in the City of Alameda shall be required to provide and
maintain a privy or toilet accommodations for employees , in
accordance with the following conditions and requirements:
(A) Temporary toilet facilities must be provided where
permanent facilities are not available , before any work is
(B) The privy or toilet accommodations, when not
connected with a sewer, must be at a location approved by the
Administrati ve Authority.
Sec. 1008 - Installation, Inspection and Testinq
(c) is amended to read as follows:
(c) Water piping shall not be installed in or under a
concrete floor slab within a building.
Sec. 1106 - Grade, Support and Protection of Building Sewers
This section is amended by adding Subsections (d), (e) and (f) to
read as follows:
(d) When .there is a main ewer in the street, alley or
avenue upon which the lot abuts, the house sewer shall be
connected in a direct line to the main sewer. No bends will
be allowed except to connect with the main sewer or with the
soil waste or house drain pipe. The portion of the house
sewer in the street, alley or avenue shall be at least three
(3) feet below the curb grade. Provided that when a house
sewer in the street , alley or avenue is less than three (3)
feet below the curb grade, the same must be covered with atleast six (6) inches of concrete to protect the same from
(e) House sewers from a building court may be connected
to a main sewer through a common pipe provided, that such
common pipe be not less in size than six (6) inches in
diameter, and that it shall be run in a direct line to the
main sewer. If a direct line .is not practical, then a manholeshall be constructed at points of bend. A lamp hole shall be
placed within two and one-half (2 1/2) feet of the point of
connection of the house sewer located the farthest from the
main sewer. A manhole sha!l be used instead of a lamp hole if
the length of the common pipe exceeds one hundred fifty (150)
feet from the sewer main or the next manhole. Such house
sewers connecting to this common pipe shall be laid under the
same requirements as if they were to connect directly to a
ma in sewer.
(f) Special common pipes or connections of considerable
length which are impractical to be run on a grade as steep as
one-eighth (1/8) of an inch per foot and which serve a number
of plumbing fixtures so that the pipes have characteristics ofa public sewer may be constructed in accordance with the
Engineering criteria specifications , methods and policies,
provided that complete inspection is made by the Engineering
Division and the work is approved by the City Engineer.
Charges will be made on a cost basis , including overhead , for
the services of an inspector and engineers and for the rental
of equipment and the use of materials during such inspection
and eng ineer: ing .
Sec. 1107 - Cleanouts.Subsection (g) is added to read:
(g) A property line cleanout shall be placed at the
junction of the building sewer and the street lateral. Such
cleanout shall be installed by the use of an approved cast
iron double cleanout fitting (Kelly Fitting). A riser shall
be installed to grade.
Section 2.The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
deleting Chapter XII, Article XI, Section 13-35 Uniform Mechanical
section Pursuant to Section 17958.and 17958.of the
California Health and Safety Code , the city Council finds that the
modifications to the Uniform Plumbing Code contained in Section 1
are reasonably necessary in order to lessen the threat to lifesafety and property represented by certain local, climatic
geographical and topographical conditions existing in the City of
Alameda which are more specifically described as follows:
(a) The City of Alameda is a low-lying island community
with soil and groundwater conditions which are corrosive to
metallic piping.
(b) The City of Alameda is adjacent to several active
earthquake faults , which could result in major pipe failures
and discharge of raw sewage into the San Francisco Bay.
Section 4.The City Clerk is authorized and directed to transmit
a certified copy of this Ordinance to the California Department of
Housing and Community Development
section 5.This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from
and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its
final passage.
Presiding Officer of the y Council
ci Clerk
, the undersigned , hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was
duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of
Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of,
Mny , 1992 , by the following vote to wit:
Councilmembers JI.rnerich , Camicia , Lucas , Roth
and President Withrow -
IN WITNESS , WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and aff ixed the
official seal of said City this 20th day of May , 1992.
Diane . Felsch
City of Alameda