Ordinance 2604CITY OF ALAEDA ORDINANCE NO. New Series 2604 AMENDING THE ALAEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING ORDINANCE NO. 1676, N., AS SECTION 2-15, ARTICLE II (BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS), CREATING THE CITY OF ALAEDA DISASTER COUNCIL, PROVIDING FOR MEMBERSHIP, DIRECTOR AND OTHER OFFICES THEREOF, PRESCRIBING DUTIES , FUNCTIONS , AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SAME BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Alameda that: section 1 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by codifying Ordinance No. 1676 , N., adopted September 6 , 1972 attached hereto as section 2-15 to Article II (Boards and commissions) creating the City of Alameda Disaster Council. section 2 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Presiding Officer Council Attest: ATTACHMENT # 1 Alameda City Ordiances Ordinance No. 1676 New Serle!! CITY OF ALAMEDA Ordinance No. 1676 New Series CREATING THE CITY OF ALA. MEDA DISASTER COUNCIL. PRO. VIDING FOR MEMBERSHIP. DI. RECTOR AND OTHER OFFICES THEREOF, PRE S C RIB I N DUTIES. FUNCTIONS AND RE- SPONSIBILITIES OF SAME. AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NOS. 1029, 1142 ANO 15i5. NEW SERIES. lT ORDAI;- ED BY TH ECOUNCIL OF TH E CITY OFALA\IEDA'SECIION 1. PURPOSES.The declared purposes of this ordinance are to provide forthe preparation and carrylnq- out o( plans for the protectionof persons and property withinthIs. city In Hie event of anemergncy: the direction ofthe emergency orRnnization:and the coordlnatfon o( theemergncy functions oC thisdty. with all other publicage n cJ e 51 . cOrPorations.orQ;anizations. and atrectedprivate per!'on!'. S ECIION 2. D EFINtTIO;-.As used In thl!' ordinance.emer ncy shall mean the actual or threatened existence of conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety persons and property withinthis city caused by such con-ditions as all' pollution. Ure.nood. storm. epidemic. riot. or earthquake. or other con. dltlons. Including conditionsresulting from war or Im- minent threat of war. but other than conditions resulting Cromlabor controversy. whichconditions are or are likely to be beyond the control oC theservices. personnel equip.ment. and facilities ot thla ctty.requiring the combined ro oC other polItical subdivisionsto combat.SECTION 3. DISASTERCO UN C I L:\IEMBERSHIP.The City of Alameda DIsasterCouncil Is hereby created andshall consist of the CoUowing:A. The :\ayor. who shall Chainnan. B. The CItv :\Ianager whoshall be the Director ofEmergency Services and Vice-Chainnan.C. The Assistant Director ofEmergency Services.D. Such chiefs of emergency services AS are provided for a currnt emer ncy plan orthis cttv. adoptea pursuant tothis orcOnAnce.E. Such representatives or c I v i c . business. labor.veterans. professional. or t)ther anizatlons havinQ;Anofrlcialemerncy responslbtlty. asmay be appointed by theDirector with the advice andconsent of the.CIty Council.SECTION 4. ' DlSAST EnCOUNCIL POWER ANDDUTIES. It shall be the dutyof the City of AlamedaDtsaster Council. and It herebvempowered. to developand recommend (or adoptionbv the City Council. emerQ;ncyand mutual aid plans. andments and such or-dinances and resolutions and "lip.", and T"C'1Int.lnnR AS are necessary to 1m clement suchplans arid a ments. TheDisaster Council shall meetupon call or the Chairman or.In his absence from the cityor inabiUty to call suchmeet1nuponcall or the Vice-ChAinnan.SECTION 5. DlR ECTORAND ASSISTANT DIRECTOROF E:ERGE;CYSEnVICES.A.. There Is hereby createdthe office 0C Diretor Emergncy Services. The City '-Ianager shall be the Director of Emergency Services.B. There Ie hereby created the ofnce ol Assistant Diretoror Emer ncy Servtces. whoshall 'be appointed by theDirector. SECTION 6. POWERS ANDDUTIES OF THE DIRECTORAND ASSISTANT DIRECTROF. E.I ERG ENCY S ER VIC ES.A. The Director Is herebyempowered to:(1). Request the City Council toprolaim the existence orthreatened existence or a" local emerQ;ncy" Ie the City Council. Is en session.or to I s sue suchproll1matlon If the CityCouncil Is not In se!,.don.W hen eve r localemerncy Is proclaimed bythe Diretor. the CityCouncil shall take action to Alameda City Ordinances OrtlilUllce No. 1676 New 5erief SEt.l'ION J:;MERLa:NCYPLAN. The City of AlamedaDisaster Councl1 shall be responsible ror the develop. ment oC the City oC Alameda Emer ncy Plan. which planshall provide for the effective mobtUzation of all of the resources ot this city. both public and pri"'ate. to meet anycondition constitutinl; a local e m er g e n c y . state emer!rncv. or state or war emerjtncy: and shaU provide Cor the orp:anlzat1o . powers and duties. service!', nnd staUor the emer ncy or nlzntioSuch plan shall take eCCect upon adoption by resolution the Clt . Council.SEe T ION 9 . E X- PEN 0 I T U RES. Any ex- nditures made In connectionMth emergency acU,,'iUes. includln mutual aid activities. shall be ' deemed conclusively to be for the direct protectionand benerit of the Inhabitantsand property oC the City of Ala meda.SECTION, 10. PGNtSH ENTOF VIOLATIONS. It !'hall be a misdemeanor. punishable byfine of not to exced five hundred dollars (\!50m. or bv lmprisonment for not to exceed six months. or both. Cor anperson. durinQ; an emerQ;ncy. to:A. Wl1fully obstruct. hi nder. or delay any member of theemergency orl;anlzatlon Inthe enforcement oC any lawCul rue or rejflationissued pursuant to this ordinance. or In the per. fonna nce oC any duty im. posed upon 11im by virtueof this ordinance.S. Do any act forbidden byany' lawCul rule ation 19sued pursuantto this ordinance. Ir such actis of such a nature as togive or be likely to giveassistance to the enemy ortn ImDfril the live!' orproperty or Inhabitants oC this city. or to prevent. hinder. or delay the defenseor protection tliereor. C. Wear. carry. or display.wit h 0 u t authority. anymeane of Identificationspecified by the emergencya!rncy or Hie State. SECTJOr\ II. REP AL 01- CON- FLICTING ORDINANCES. Ordinance :-05. 1129. 1142 :tnd 1575. :-ew Series. be and the slime herehv are. IInd each is. r..e:llen. 8ECTION 12. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance !!hallbecome effective thirty (30\days Crom and after its pa!"FOaP. SECl'O:- I:. SEVERABILITV. If allV provision or this tlrdimillce or the applic:lti there"r to allY person or ,:.rctlmst:lIce is helJ in\':Ilid. such in: :tlidity !h,,11 not aHect ruher prolli. ,ions or :lpplic:lliuIIS, and to thi, end Ih" prnvisiu", of this ordin:lnce are de. d:lred 10 be se\'er:tble. TERRY LA CROIX. JR. Preetdl ng OCCicerof the CouncilAttest:tA L. ;- ELSONCity Clerk I. the undersigned. herebycertify that tlie foreQ;oingOrdtnnnce wee duiy andlnrly adopted and pnsRed r the CouncIl of the CltyoCt'ameda In lar meetingassembled on trie 5th day ofSeptember. 1972. by the Conowlng vote. to wit:A YES: Councilmen Fore.Levy. Lonl;l\ker. :'lcCall and Prsident LaCrolx.Jr..(ol. NO ES: None.ABSENT: Non,..IN WITNESS WHEREOF. have hereunto set my hand andaCflxed the official seal or sad City this 6th dey of September. 1972.tA L. :- ELSONCity Clerk of theCity of Alameda784-Publlshed Sept. 8. 1972. the undersigned hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of May 1992 , by the following vote to wit: NOES: Councilmembers Arnerich , Camicia, Lucas , Roth and President Withrow - 5. None. AYES: ABSENT:None. ABSTENTIONS:None. IN WITNESS , WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 20th day of May , 1992. Dian tfrkci ty of Alameda