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SUBSECTIONS 7-2.1(e) (1),7-2.7-3 7-3.7-3.7-3.7-3.5, 7-3.and 7-10.1(c) AND AMENDING BY ADDING
SUBSECTION 7-2.1 (a) (7) and 7-2.1 (i) (1) TO CHAPTER VII
section 1 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended byadding Subsection 7-2.1(a) (7) to Chapter VII , Section (Fees)
thereof, to read as follows:
Impounding.7. For every person sixty-two (62) years of age or
2: older the impounding fee shall be fifty percent (50%) of the fee
imposed. If such person's income is below the "very low income"
level established by the Federal Department of Housing & Urban
Development for the Oakland area, there shall be no impounding fee
Section 2 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
amending Subsection 7-2.1(e) (1) of Chapter VII, Section 2 (Fees)
thereof, to read as follows:
Off icer .
Fees to be Charged by Supervising Animal Control
License Fee.1. For every unlicensed dog or cat impounded , the
prevailing license fee shall be paid prior to releasing the animal
to its owner. The license fee shall be established by resolution
of the City Council.
Section 3 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended byadding Subsection 7-2.1(i) (1) to Chapter VII, Section 2 (Fees)
thereof, to read as follows:
Animal Shelter Clinic Fees.1. The fees for vaccinations and other services
provided at Animal Shelter clinics shall be established by
resolution of the City Council. For any person sixty-two (62)
years of age or older , the fee for a rabies vaccination at Animal
Shelter clinics shall be fifty percent (50%) of the fee imposed.
If such person'income is below the "very low income" levelestablished by the Federal Department of Housing UrbanDevelopment for the Oakland area , there shall be no fee imposed.
Section 4 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
amending Subsection 7-2.2 of Chapter VII, Section 2 (Fees) thE!reofto read as follows:
7-2.Disposi tion of Fees.
All fees and charges collected by the Supervising nimalControl Officer shall be paid by him/her into the City Treasury and
placed into the General Fund thereof. All revenue derived from cat
and dog license fees shall be appropriated for Animal Shelteroperations.
Section 5 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
amending the title of Subsection 7-3 to read as follows:
Section 6 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended byamending Subsections 7-3.1, 7-3.2, 7-3.4, 7-3.and 7-3.Chapter VII , Section 3 (Dogs and Cats) thereof , to read as follows:
7-3.License Fees.
Every person who owns , harbors or has in his/her possession or
control any dog or cat over four (4) months of age in the Cityshall pay a license fee. The license fee shall be established by
resolution of the City Council.
However , the license fee for spayed and neutered dogs or cats
and for dogs and cats owned by citizens who are sixty-twc (62)years of age and older shall be fifty (50%) percent of the licensefee imposed. If such person'income is below the "very lowincome" level established by the Federal Department of Hous:ing &Urban Development for the Oakland area , there shall be no license
fee imposed. No person shall own , keep, harbor or possess any dogor cat within the corporate limits of the City for which thelicense fee imposed by this subsection has not been paid. additional fee , set by City Council resolution , shall be charqed ifthe above mentioned license is not obtained within forty-fivH (45)days after the date requiring the license.
7-3.Display of License Tag.
It shall be the responsibility of every person who owns
harbors or possesses any dog or cat over the age of our (4) t10nthsin the City, to ensure that the annual dog or cat license tagissued by the City is fastened to the collar or leash of a dog, orto the collar or other device worn by a cat at all times when in a
public place. The license number and Animal Shelter telHphone
number of (510) 748-4585 may be legibly printed using permcment
indelible ink on a collar or other device worn by a dog or cat , in
lieu of the license tag.
7-3.Rabies Vaccination Required.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring, or
having the care , custody or possession of any dog or cat oveJ four
(4) months of age to keep or maintain such dog or cat in any place
in the City unless such dog or cat has been vaccinated as rec ired
this Code. All dogs or cats under four (4) months of age shall beconf ined to the premises of , or kept under physical restraint by,
the owner , keeper or harborer. Any dog or cat having receivnd itsinitial rabies vaccination shall be subject to the same
restrictions as an unvaccinated dog or cat for a period of t:hirty
(30) days from the date of such initial vaccination.
7-3.No Licensing Without Vaccination.
The Supervising Animal Control Officer shall not licen ;e any
dog or cat until it has been vaccinated with anti-rabies vaccine
by injection or other method approved by the County Health Officer,
and the owner or person in possession of the dog or cat subnits acertification of Vaccination from licensed veterinarian
confirming the approved vaccination of the dog or cat valid for a
period extending at least through the current licensing pHriod.
The effective duration of immunity elicited in dogs and cats shall
be specified by the County Health Officer but shall not in any
event exceed those periods recommended by the California State
Department of Public Health and duly enforced by the California
Conference of Local Health Officers.
7-3.Vaccination; certificate.
The vaccination shall be performed under the directiof. of a
duly qualified and licensed veterinarian. The person vaccinating
the dog or cat shall issue to the owner or person in possess:.on of
the dog or cat a certificate of vaccination , which shall inc:ude a
statement as to the type of anti-rabies vaccine used in vaccinatingthe dog or cat.
Every person authorized by State law to administer an anti-
rabies vaccination who offers that service in the City of Alameda
will use certificates furnished by the Alameda Animal Shelter. On
a weekly basis , copies of the completed certificates , showing the
name and address of the owner, and other pertinent data, regarding
each dog or cat vaccinated during the previous week , will be picked
up from the veterinarians , clinics or other authorizedpart , by
the Alameda Animal Shelter. Failure to comply shall result. in a
misdemeanor offense with issuance of a citation by an l~nimal
Control Officer to the offending veterinarian, clinic or otherauthorized party.
Section 7.The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
amending Subsection 7-10.(c) to read as follows:c. Any animalordinances, except cats;
not licensed according City
Section 8 This ordinance shall be in full force and E!ffectfrom and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date ofits final passage.
/Jf ilL
1. ty Clerk
* * * * *
I, the undersigned , hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinanl:e wasduly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the C:ity ofAlameda in regular meeting assembled on the 5th day
of January , 1993 , by the following vote to wit:
AYES:Councilmemb rs Appezzato, Arnerich, Lucas, Roth
and President Wi throw - 5.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixe the
official seal of said City this 6th day of January 1993.
d- Dian B. Felsch , City Clerkci ty of Alameda