Ordinance 2630CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. New Series 2630 AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 30-4.8 (C-1 , NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT) AND BY AMENDING VARIOUS SUBSECTIONS OF SUBSECTION 30-5. (PERMITTED ENCROACHMENTS IN YARDS) AND CREATING SUBSECTION 30-5.14 (BARRIERS AND FENCES) OF ARTICLE I (ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS) , CHAPTER XXX (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Alameda that: section 1 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amending by adding subsection (8) to Subsection 30-4.(c) (Uses Requiring Use Permits) thereof, to read as follows:8. Pet shops and animal grooming facilities. Such uses may be allowed only upon a finding that sufficient air conditioning and soundproofing will be provided to effectively confine odors and noise so as not to interfere with the public health , safety and welfare of adj oining properties. No outside pens or runs shall be permitted . section 2 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amending subsections 30-5.(c), (d), (f), and (j), Encroachment in Yards), thereof , to read as follows: amended by g (Permitted z Decks1. Decks up to twelve ( 12" ) inches in height may encroach into any required side and rear yard. Decks from twelve (12") inches to twenty-four (24") inches in height shall be set back a minimum of three (3') feet from the side and. rear propertylines. Decks from twenty-four (24") inches to thirty-six (36" inches in height shall be set back a minimum of five (5') feet from the side and rear property lines. No deck that exceeds three (3' feet in height at any .point shall be permitted to encroach into a required yard area.2. The height of each level of deck shall calculated separately and the required setback that correlates with the height of each level shall be applied to the portion of the deck at that level.3. On sites with a slope of ten (10%) percent.. or greater deck heights may be averaged and setbacks calculated based on the average height of numerous points. In such cas , any configuration of terraces or levels may be approved that provides for privacy for adjoining properties , lack of impacts from shading of adjoining properties , and safety without precisely meeting the setback requirements of this subsection. 4. Decks above thirty-s ix inches (36" ) inches may berequired to provide barriers , as provided in Section 30-5., orlandscaping of sufficient height to provide screening, as part ofDesign Review , to address privacy impacts. Roof decks , howevermay be required to provide a six (6'foot architecturallycompatible visual screen to ensure privacy to neighboringproperties.5. Decks above three (3') feet in height and in excessof two hundred (200) square feet in size shall be considered aspart of the building coverage requirements. Decks subject tocoverage requirements shall be calculated at fifty percent (50%) oftheir area in excess of two hundred (200) square feet.6. Decks or balconies which are less than fifty (50)square feet , have no exterior access and are cantilevered orsupported from the structure may be allowed to extend three (3' feet into the required front , rear or street-side yard; however , inno case shall such a deck be less than three (3') feet from anyproperty line. Such decks shall not project more than six (6) feetfrom the supporting wall to its furthest outward extension.d. Bay windows and similar features that increase floor area or enclosed space , may extend three (3' ) feet into anyrequired front , rear or street-side .yard and in no case less thanthree (3 ') feet from any property line. Minimum headroom belowsuch encroachments shall be seven and one-half (7 1/2') feet. Baywindows may be 1) square, 2) oblique, 3) polygonal , or 4) rounded.Encroaching bay windows shall not extend horizontally across morethan one-half (1/2) of the linear wall surface to which they areaff ixed. The maximum length of each bay shall be ten (10') feetand the minimum horizonta separation between bays shall be five(5') feet. Bay windows shall not :mcroach into yard areas at any other level than the story on which the window openings or glazings are located except that ornamental brackets or canopies may berequired and approved through Design Review.f. Patio covers attached to or detached from a main accessory building may encroach into any required yard or rear yardbut shall not extend within five (5') feet of the side and rearproperty lines. maximum height of fifteen (15') feet , asmeasured from grade shall be permitted for a patio cover.Detached patio covers shall be separated from each main andaccessory building on the same lot by a distance not less than five (5' ) feet and shall be subj ect to coverage requirements foraccessory buildings. Attached patio covers shall be separated from buildings on the same lot to which they are not attached by notless than five (5'feet. Patio covers shall be subject tocoverage requirements for main buildings when attached to ' a mainbuilding and for accessory buildings when attached to an accessory building. No detached patio cover shall be permitted to occupy any portion of the front half of a corner lot. Unenclosed portions ofpatio covers shall be permitted to be fitted with removable plastic or screen panels as regulated under the Uniform Building Code. j. Uncovered wheelchair ramps or other structures providing disabled access may encroach into any required front side or rear yard as long as the access structure provides continuous access from the street or parking area to an entrance the building. The encroachment shall be the minimum necessary to provide safe and adequate access and shall be subject to Design Review. section The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding subsection 30-5.14 (Barriers and Fences), thereof, to readas follows: 30-5.Barriers and Fences. Barriers , as defined herein , may be constructed in all use districts within the property boundaries of the individualaccording to the def ini tions , standards , and provisions ofsubsection. landlotsthis Purpose.The purpose of this section shall be:1. To provide adequate light and air into and between buildings and streets.2. To protect the character of Alameda's neighborhoods and promote the obj ecti ves of the "Design Review Manual" 3 . To develop streets which encourage pedestrian use through the maintenance of visually pleasant streetscapes.4. To protect public health and safety by prohibiting potentially dangerous fencing materials and by limiting fence heights in visibility zones.b. Definitions. The definitions included in this subsection are a partial list of definitions which are specific tothe interpretation of this subsection. Additional definitions are listed in section 30-2. 1. Arbor is defined as decorative latticework structure or trellis made of see-through style materials which isused as an entrance focal point along a barrier. 2. Barrier is defined as anything whic is used as a boundary or means of protection or confinement including but notlimi ted to , fences , walls , and hedges and the elements of suchbarriers including, but not limited to , posts and other supporting framework. 3. Buildinq Envelope is the area of land on a parcel wi thin the required yards for a main building as regulated by this chapter. 4. Chain-Link Fencinq is defined as any fencing composed of or appearing to be composed of diagonal grid woven wire fencing material including, but not limited to , cyclone fencing,chain-link fencing, or diamond shaped plastic-link fencing. 5. Edqe of Vehicular Travel Wav is the curb-line of a public or private roadway or the edge of payment or driveway where no curb-line exists. 6. Grade is defined as the lowest point of elevation of th finished surface of the ground , paving or sidewalk. 7. public or Ouasi-Public Land Uses are those usesincluding, but not 1 imi ted to , public streets; public open space and waterways; commonly owned , private open spaces and waterways; schools and their grounds; churches and their surrounding open areas; and other non-residential ,institutional uses. 8. See-Throuqh Style refers to any fencing material in which the amount of opaque fence material , excluding its supportingposts, is less than 50% of any square foot of said fenc ng materialand may include , but is not limited to , pickets , lattice , ordecorative wrought iron. 9. street Side Yard is the area of a corner lot that consists of the side yard adjacent to the street , and that portion of the rear yard that would be included in the rearward ext nsion of the side yard adjacent to the street. 10. visibility Zone is determined by the City Engineer and is generally the area on a corner of two (2) intersecting vehicular travel ways encompassed by a triangle , two (2) of thesides of which are no less than twenty (20 ') feet in length and are coincident with the edge of a vehicular travel way except in specific cases where the city Engineer determines that safety considerations require a modified visibility zone.c. Barrier Heights.the following limitations provided in this title: 1. The height of a barrier at any given point shall generally be the distance between the maximum vertical extent ofthe barrier at that point and the level of the grade withineighteen (18") inches horizontally of a pc- int directly below agiven point. Barrier heights shall be subject toexcept as otherwise specifically The height of barriers over the Bay shall be measuredstarting at four (4') feet above City of Alameda datum, which I is the same as sixteen and one half (16.5) feet above mean lower lowtide. 2. In front yards on residentially zoned or developed properties barriers shall not exceed three (3') feet in height except as permitted elsewhere in this subsection.3. In side and rear yards on residentially zoned or developed properties barriers shall not exceed six (6') feet inheight, except as permitted elsewhere in this subsection. 4 . In required setback areas on parcels in commercial and industrial districts barriers shall not exceed eight (8') feet in height, except in visibility zones or on residentially developedlots, as permitted elsewhere in this subsection. 5. In visibility zones no barrier shall exceed three (3' feet in height. Exceptions to Limitations on Barrier Height:1. Barriers otherwise limited to three (3') feet inheight, may be vertically extended up to four (4') feet in height with see-through style fencing material.2. Barriers otherwise limited to three (3') feet inheight may be vertically extended up to five (5') feet with see- through style fencing material , subject to approval by the Planning Director , who shall consider the compatibility of the fence design with its site and surrounding uses.3. Barriers otherwise limited to six (6'feet height may be extended up to eight (8 I ) feet in height with see- through style fencing material.4. Barriers located within a permitted building envelope may be extended up to the allowed building height in that zone as permitted by this . chapter. 5. Arbors and decorativeapproval by the Planning Director compatibility of the arbor or fence post and surrounding uses. fence posts subj ect who shall consider the with the barrier , its site Prohibited Fencing Materials:1. Barbed wire, razor wire and other similar materials shall not be permitted as any part of any barrier , as defined and regulated by this section.2. The use of chain-link fencing shall not be permitted as a part of any barrier on a residentially zoned or d veloped property except as specifically permitted by this section. Exceptions to Prohibited Fencing Material: 1. Chain-link fences up to six (6') feet in height may be permitted in rear and side yards on residentially developed properties , where such yard is not a street side yard nor a rear yard of a corner or double-frontage lot , and where any such yard is not adjacent to public and quasi-public land uses.2. If not otherwise permitted , and where no feasible fencing material alternative exists, chain-link fences, not located in the front yard of residentially developed parcels , may be permitted when required for recreation or safety reasons , subject to Use Permit Approval , which shall be conditioned to mitigate negati ve visual impacts. Such conditions may include , but are not limited to any or all of the following: (a) Inclusion of decorative elements such varied mesh sizes , vinyl or other colored coating, and alternative post materials. (b) Inclusion of landscaping or other screening al ternative fence locations. (c)Maintenance fencing materials and landscaping. g. Non-Conforming Fences. Non-conforming permitted as regulated by section 30-20. fences may be Section 4.Severability Clause. It is the declared intent of the City Council of Alameda that if any section , subsection, sentence , clause , phrase , or provision of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdictiJn such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not be so construed as to render invalid or unconstitutional the remaining provisions of this ordinance. section 5 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Attest : ci ty Clerk I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 18th day of, May , 1993 by the following vote to wit: NOES: Councilmemers Appezzato, Arnerich, Lucas , Roth and President Withrow - None. AYES: ABSENT:None. ABSTENTIONS:None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed theoff icial seal of said City this l q+h day of . Mr'Y , 1993 J1LDiane. Felsch , City Clerk City of Alameda