New Series
The City Council of the City of Alameda does hereby
ord in as follows:
Section 1 The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by
repealing Articles I, II and III of Chapter XIII in their entirely.
Section 2 The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by
adding a new Article I to Chapter XIII of the Alameda Municipal
Code which shall read as follows:
13 -1.1 Adoption of Uniform Building Code.
Except as hereinafter provided, the Uniform Building
Code, 1994 Edition, published by the International Conference of
Building Officials, including the generic fire-resistive assemblies
listed in the Fire Resistance Design Manual, Twelfth Edition, dated
August 1988, published by the Gypsum Association as referenced in
Tables Nos. 43-A, 43-B and 43-C, including Appendix Chapter
Division I (Barriers for Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs),
Chapter 12, Division II (Sound Transmission Control), Chapter 15 .(Re-roofing), Chapter 29 (Minimum Plumbing Fixtures), Chapter 31,
Division III (Patio Covers), Chapter 33 (Excavation and Grading) is
adopted by reference and made a part hereof as if fully set forth
herein at length, and shall be known as the Alameda Building Code.
13-Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Uniform
Building Code.
Edition a. Section 106.4 of the Uniform Building Code, 1994
is amended to read as follows:
Section 106.Expiration Every permitissued by the building official under the
provisions of this code shall expire bylimi tation and become null and void if the
building or work authorized by such permit is
not commenced within 180 days from the date of
such permit, or if the building or workauthorized by such permit is suspended or
abandoned at any time after the work is
commenced for a period of 180 days, or if allwork authorized by such permit is not
completed and finalized within 365 days fromthe date of such permit. Before such work canbe recommenced, a new permit shall be first
obtained to do so, and a new full permit fee
therefor shall be paid.
Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may
apply to the Building and Housing Code Hearing
and Appeals Board for an extension of time
wi thin which work may commence under thatpermit when the permittee is unable to
commence or complete work wi thin the timerequired by this section for good andsatisfactory reasons. The Building and
Housing Hearing and Appeals Board may extend
the time for action by the permittee for aperiod not exceeding 180 days on writtenrequest by the permittee showing thatcircumstances beyond the control of thepermittee have prevented action from beingtaken. No permit may be extended more than
once.b. Section 107.2 of the Uniform Building Code,
Edition, is amended to read as follows:1994
Section 107.2 Permit Fees The fee for
permits and inspections shall be established
by resolution of the City Council.c. Section 107.3 of the Uniform Building Code,
Edition, is amended to read as follows:1994
Section 107.3 Plan Review Fees When a plan
or other data are required to be submitted by
Section 106.1, a Plan Review Fee shall be paidat the time of submitting plans and
spec if ications for review. Said Plan Review
Fee shall be established by resolution of the
Ci ty Council.
The Plan Review Fee for identical buildings in
the same tract shall be twenty-five percent
(25%) of the full Plan Review Fee. This
provision is applicable only when each
building is to be constructed from identical
plans and specifications as approved for the
original building.
When plans are incomplete or changed so as to
require additional plan review, an additional
Plan Review Fee shall be charged.d. Section 904.1 of the Uniform Building Code, 1994
Edition, is amended to read as follows:
Section 904.1 General Fire extinguishingsystems required by this Code shall
installed in accordance with the requirementsof this section, except that such systemsshall be installed in all buildings or
structures hereinafter constructed which:
Are two (2) stories or more , irrespective
of height; or
Are thirty-five (35) feet or more in
height as that term is defined by this
Have a total aggregate floor
5, 000 square feet or more; or
area of
Are added to, repaired or remodelled, ifthe cost of addition, repair
remodeling is over 50% of the current
assessed value of the building and meets
the criteria as defined above.
In the event that another section of the
Alameda Building Code is more restrictive,
then that section will apply.
Except.ions to the above: R-3 occupanciesas def ined by Table SA of this Code are
excluded from the automatic sprinkler system
requirements of this chapter.
Fire hose threads used in connection withfire-extinguishing systems shall be nationalstandard hose thread or as approved by thef ire department.
The location ' of fire department
connections shall be approved by thedepartment.
In buildings used for high-piled combustible
storage, fire protection shall be
accordance with the Alameda Fire Code.e. Section 1503 of. the Uniform Building Code, 1994
Edition, is amended by inserting the following ahead of the first
Section 1503 Roof Coverinq Requirements . Anyroof installed on any structure with an
occupancy classification of "R" or "U shall
have a fire rating of Class A, which complieswith the Section 1504.Class A. RoofCoverings.f. Section 1503.1 is added to the Uniform Building
Code , 2994 Edition , to read as follows:
Sec':ion 1503.Spark Arrestersubstantially constructed spark arrester
having a mesh not exceeding 1/2 inch shall be
installed on all operational chimneys on any
building when the building is re-roofed.
Section 1514 of the Uniform Building Code, 1994
Edition is amended by adding section 1514.1 to read as follows:
Section 1514.Roof covering RequirementsWhen re-roofing any structure with occupancy classification of "R" or ", the
fire rating of the roof assembly shall be
Class A, in compliance with Section 1504.
13 -Findings.
Subdivisions (d) through (g) of Section 13-1.2 are based
upon the following findings:
Pursuant to Sections 17958.and 17958.of the
California Health and Safety Code, the City Council finds that the
modifications of the Uniform Building Code, 1994 Edition, contained
in subdivisions (d) through (g) of Section 13 -1., are reasonablynecessary because of certain local climatic, geographical and
topographical conditions existing in the City of Alameda which are
more specifically described as follows:
(a) The City of Alameda is an island community with
access dependent upon bridges and underwater tubes and, in the
event of a disaster , could be completely isolated from outsideassistance.
(b) The City of Alameda is adjacent to several
earthquake faults, which make buildings and structures susceptible
to structural ruptures and fires.
(c) The entire municipal water supply for the City of
Alameda is transported via three aqueducts which are vulnerable to
earthquake and tidal flooding.
(d) Alameda is a low-lying island community with soil and
groundwater condi tions which are corrosive to metals.
(e) The City of Alameda
airport landing and takeoff zones.
lies in the path of three
13 -1. 4 Copy of Unifor. Building Code with City Clerk.
A copy of the Uniform Building Code, 1994 Edition, has
been deposi ted in the Office of the City Clerk of the City and
shall be maintained by the Clerk for use and examination by thepublic.
13 -1. 5 Penal ties.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporationto erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
remove , convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any
building or structure in the City, or cause or permit the same tobe done, contrary to or in violation of any provisions of the
Alameda Building Code.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this Alameda Building Code shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and each person shall be deemed guilty of a separate
offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any
violation of any of tbe provisions of this Alameda Building Code is
committed, continued, or permitted, and such violation may be
prosecuted and punished as an infraction or misdemeanor pursuant to
the provisions of Section 1 of the Alameda Municipal Code.
13-Construction Without A Per.it.
Any person, firm or corporation that commences anyconstruction without first having obtained the necessary permits
therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit , payan amount, in addition to the ordinary permit fee required,
quadruple the permit fee otherwise required.
13-Adoption of Uniform Code for Building Conservation.
Except as hereinafter provided, the Uniform Code for
Building Conservation, 1994 Edition, published by the International
Conference of Building Officials is hereby adopted by reference and
made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein at length, and
shall be known as the Alameda Code for Building Conservation.
13-Copy of Uniform Code for Building Conservation with City
A copy of the Uniform Code for Building Conservation,
1994 Edition, has been deposited in the Office of the City Clerk ofthe City and shall be maintained by the Clerk for use and
examination by the public.
13-Penal ties.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporationto erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any
building or structure in the City, or cause or permit the same tobe done, contrary to or in violation of any provisions of this
Alameda Code for Building Conservation.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this Alameda Code of Building Conservation shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and each person shall be deemedguilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion
thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this
Alameda Code of Building Conservation is committed, continued, or
permi tted, and such violation may be prosecuted and punished as an
infraction or misdemeanor pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-
1 of the Alameda Municipal Code.
13 -Construction withut A Permit.
A:y person, firm or corporation that commences any
construction without first having obtained the necessary permits
therefor shall, if absequently permitted to obtain a permit, payan amc'nt, in addition to tbe ordinary permit fee required,
quadruple tbe permit fee otherwise required.
13-Adoption of National Electrical Code.
Except as hereinafter provided, the National ElectricalCode, 1993 Edition, published by the National Fire Protection
Association is adopted by reference and made a part hereof as if
fully set forth herein at length, and shall be know as the AlamedaElectrical Code.
13-Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the National
Electrical Code.a. Article 100 of the National Electrical Code, 1993
Edition, is amended by adding the following definition:
District includes the following areas:
Park Street from 130' south of San Jose Avenue
to the estuary and extending 150' east and
west of the respective east and west curbs.
Webster Street from the south end to Tyan
Street, extending 150 east and west of the
respecti ve east and west curbs.
South Shore Commercial area.
These Special Wiring Districts apply only to
rewiring and additions to existing buildings
in these areas, except those buildings which
have been declared historic by federal, state
or local governments.b. Article 21D-Color Code for Branch Circuits of the
National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the
(c)Underqround Conductors
Underground conductors of a multiwire branch
circuit installed in raceway shall each be of
color or distinguishing characteristic to
identify the phase by which it is supplied,
and each conductor of the same identification
shall be connected to the same phase.c. Article 210-Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter
Protection for Personnel. (a) Dwellinq Units. (3)of the NationalElectrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended to read as follows:
All 125-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere
receptacles installed outdoors shall have
ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection
for personnel.d. Sections (e) and (g) of Article 210-52 Dwellinq UnitReceptacle Outlets of the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition,
is amended as follows:
(e) in dwelling units for new construction
and when electrical upgrading is done, a 125volt ground fault circuit interrupterprotected receptacle shall be installed to
serve the front yard area.
Garages. One receptacle outlet shall beinstalled in the ceiling of residential
garages having overhead opening type doors, at
a point convenient for the installation of an
electric door operator, at each such door.e. Article 229-Branch Circuits Required, (b) Small
ADDl iance Branch Circuits Dwellinq Unit of the National
Electrical Code , 1993 Edition , is amended by adding the following:
Each such circuit shall be limited to six (6)outlets. An individual 20-ampere branch
circui t shall be provided for each kitchenwaste disposer, gas furnace blower,dishwasher , and other fixed appliance ratedover 1,000 watts.f. Article 230-Racewav Seal of the NationalElectrical Code, 1993 Edition , is amended by adding the following:
Raceways or ducts within the underground box
shall also be sealed.
Article 230-26 Point of Attachment of the NationalElectrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended to read as follows:
Unless special permission is granted in
advance to do otherwise, the location of the
point of service drop support or attachment ona building shall be at that portion of the
bui 1 ding facing and nearest to the street,alley, easement, or publi c way on which islocated the utility's pole having facilities
for rendering service of the type required to
fit the needs of the particular installationinvolved.
The point of attachment shall be the portionof the service conduit adj acent to the servicehead. The service conduit shall be securely
fastened to structure served and space
provided for attachment of a service drop
strain clamp by the serving utility.
The ol1ter or upper end of the overhead service
condui t shall not overhang or proj ect
horizontally more than eighteen inches (18")
beyond the last point at which the conduit issupported and fastened.
In cases where it is necessary to obtain therequired height for support of the service
drops by extending the service conduit above
the roof of the building, only rigid metallic
conduit shall be used for this purpose and
shall not be smaller than one and one-quarterinches (1 1/4"1 trade size, not to extend more
than thirty inches (30" ) beyond the last
support for periscope service without brace.
If nonferrous metal conduit is used, it shall
not be smaller than two inches (2").h. Article 230-30 Insulation of the National ElectricalCode, 1993 Edition, is amended by deleting the exceptions and
adding the following:
Service entrance conductors entering buildingsor other structures shall be insulated.
Conductors installed in underground racewaysshall have XHHW, THW or other suitable
insulation as listed in 75 column of Table
310-16 of the National Electrical Code.i. Article 230-32 Protection Aqainst Damaqe of the
National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is deleted.
Article 230-40 Number of Service Entrance Conductor
Sets of the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by
deleting Exception No.k. Article 230-41 Insulation of Service Entrance
Conductors of the National Electrical Code. 1993 Edition,
amended by deleting Exception (d) and adding the following:
Ends of service conductors in underground
boxes shall be sealed to prevent entrance of
I. Article 230-43 Wirinq Methods for 600 Volts,
Nominal, or Less of the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is
amended to read as follows:
Except when installed as busways or cablebus,all service entrance conductors in or
buildings shall be installed in rigid metalconduit.
Service entrance conduits installed to supply
single and duplex family units shall not be
smaller than one and one-quarter inch (1 1/4")trade size.
m. Article 230-49 Protection Aqainst Physical Damaqe
Undercro'J.nd of the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition,
amended by adding the following:
Underground service entrance conductors shall
be installed in rigid metal conduit or rigidnon-metallic conduit sized not smaller than
one and one-quarter inch (1 1/4"). On utilitypoles conduit risers shall be rigid non-
metallic up to a height above grade of eightfeet n. Article 230-54 Connections at Service Head of the
National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the
The service head shall be located on that
portion of the building served which is facing
the serving line. The service head shall be
located at that height which will allow for
the proper clearance of the service drop over
street, curb and sidewalk. This will requirethat the service head for residentialoccupancies be not less .than twelve feet, sixinches (12 16") above the driveway where the
drops may cross a private driveway, and not
less than ten feet, six inches (10 6") above
the ground where persons may walk, other than
a public walk, which requires a clearance of
sixteen feet (16') above the curb.
I f the heigbt of the building involved is suchthat these clearance heights cannot be
maintained, then a periscope-type service or
some other auxiliary structure shall be
resorted to. In the event that a periscope-
type service is used, it may be placed on the
side of the building served not more than
eighteen inches (18") back of the wall which
is facing the serving line.o. Article 230-70 General. (a) Location of the NationalElectrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended to read as follows:
The service disconnecting means shall
located at a readily accessible point nearest
to the entrance of the service conductors, andin residential property shall be accessible
from the exterior, except where a meter room
is provided. Such service disconnecting means
shall not be installed under show windows, or
in the cases of multiple occupancies, in any
location not readily accessible to all parties
Article 230-71 Maximum Number of Disconnects of the
National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended to read as
A separate service disconnecting means shallbe provided for each separately meteredsubdivision of the service conductors.
Swi tches or circuit breakers accessible from
the exterior of the building shall be limited
to one for each meter; in new construction
however, exceptions will be granted in cases
involving provisions for the installation of
maj or household appliances, provided that theovercurrent devices are contained within a
single panel board assembly approved for the
purpose, in which case the number of circuitsshall be limited to six (6). More than six(6) disconnects will require maindisconnect. The service disconnecting meanssh~ll have provisions for locking eachsubservice disconnect in the "Off" position
with a utility-type seal.
Article 230-72 Grouping of Disconnects of the
National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the
Wben disconnect constitutes the feeder
disconnect to a single occupancy of a two or
more occupancy building, this disconnect shall
de-energize all outlets within this occupancy
and only those other outlets that are for theexclusive use of the tenants of thisoccupancy. This disconnect shall have a
provision for sealing in the "Off" positionwith a utility-type seal.r. Article 240-24 Location in or on Premises. (b)
OCCUDant to Have Ready Access of the National Electrical Code, 1993
Edition, is amended by adding the following:
In new installations, not more than two feeder
or branch-ciIcuit overcurrent devices shall be
installed on the load side of any meter in any
meter cabinet opening to the exterior of a
building. For a larger number of overcurrent
devices, a distribution center shall
provided at a suitable location within thebuilding. Exceptions to this rule will be
granted in cases involving provision for the
installation of major household appliances,
provided that the overcurrent devices are
contained within a single panel board assembly
approved for the purpose.
In apartment houses and other buildings of
mul tiple occupancy, branch circuit overcurrent
devices which are located in an apartment orportion of the building intended to
separately occupied by a tenant will not be
considered as being readily accessible if theyprotect circuits supplying any outlets or
equipment not for this exclusive use of thistenant.
The overCUl"rent device may be located in a
commonly accessible location, but all circuits
supplying individual apartments in multi-family dwellings shall be confined to eachindi vidual apartment served.
S. Article 250-43 Fastened in Place or Connected bv
Permanent Wirinq Methods (Fixed) - Specific. (f) Garaqes. Theaters.
and Motion Picture Studios of the National Electrical Code, 1993
Edition, is amended by deleting the exception.t. Article 250-43 Fastened in Place or Connected bv
Permanent Wirina Methods (Fixed) - Specific. (q) Electric Siqns
the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by deleting
the except ion.u. Article 250-80 BQndinq of Pipinq Systems of the
National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the
General. Interior and exterior hot and. cold
water system shall be bonded to the neutralbuss and the interior gas piping. Such
connection shall not be located in under-the-
floor crawl spaces.v. Article 250-81 Groundinq Electrode Svstem of the
National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the
The concrete encased electrode described in
250-81 (c) shall be installed during the
construction of all new buildings as the
primary ground and when new foundations are
constructed for existing buildings. A groundrod electrode shall be installed at theservice entrance location at time al teration or installation of service toexisting buildings as a primary grounding
w. Article 300-Conductors. (c) Conductors of
Different Systems of the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is
amended by adding the following:
(3) Conductors Supplied bv Individual
Disconnectinq Means in Two or More Occupancy
Buildinqs Conductors or circuits derived
from a sub-service disconnecting means for an
occupancy shall not occupy the same wiringenclosure, cable, or raceway with conductors
for other occupancies.
Exception 1. Emergency circuit wiring
Exception 2. Group-mounted service boards in
single enclosures and auxiliary
gutters at service switchboardlocation.
x. Article 320 of the National Electrical Code, 1993
is deleted.
Article 331-4 Uses Not Permitted of the National
Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the following:
(8) In the Special Wiring Districts, other
than in ne construction.z. Article 333-Use of the National Electrical Code,
1993 Edition, is amended to read as follows:
Armored cable may only be used for concealed
or exposed work in wood frame construction, or
by special permission when other wiring
methods are impracticable. It is limited touse on circuits not exceeding 300 volts
between conductors or 150 volts to ground.
Armored cables Type AC, ACT, and ACL may not
be installed in the Special Wiring Districts.
aa. Article 336-Uses Permitted of the National
Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the following:
(1) Nonmetallic-sheathed cable may be used in
the hollow spaces of walls and ceilings of
wood frame construction and must be concealed
by the permanent finish of the building. It
is limited to use on circuits not exceeding
300 volts between conductors or 150 volts toground. Nonmetallic-sheathed cable shall not
be installed in the Special Wiring Districts
or metal sided commercial buildings.
bb. Article 336-12 In Unfinished Basements of the
National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the
In wood frame construction where cable is not
exposed to physical damage, the cable shall
either be run through bored holes in joists,
parallel to joist, or on girders or running
boards and shall closely follow the verticalsurface of such members. (Basements with more
than three feet ) clearance joist to groundare considered exposed to physical damage.
If the permanent finisb is not to be appliedat the time of request for electrical
inspection, a metal-clad system of wiring
shall be used in the unfinished area of thebuilding.
cc. Article 336-13 In Accessible Attics of the NationalElectrical Code, 1993 Editio , is amended to read as follows:
Cable (Size No. 14 to No. 10, inclusive) in
accessible attics shall be run through holesin the joists or be protected by other
approved means.
Article 338-2 Uses permitted as Service-Entrancethe National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition,
ee. Article 338-Uses Permitted as Branch Circuits orFeeders. (b) Grounded Conductor Not Insulated of the NationalElectrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the following:
Service Entrance Cable Types SE, ABN, or
armored may be used for ranges, wall-mounted
ovens, counter-mounted cooking units, clothes
dryers and water heaters, but are not
permi tted as feeder in residential
occupancies only.
ff. Article 348-1 Use of the National Electrical Code,
1993 Edition, is amended by adding the following:
Electrical metallic tubing shall not be used
in the ground floor slab or in any location
where it would be in contact with the ground.
Article 350-5 Groundinq of the National Electrical
Code, 1993 Edition, is amended to read as follows:
Flexible metal conduit shall
conductor sized in accordance95, installed so as to
flexible conduit fittings for
be bonded by a
with Table 250-
independent of
continui ty.
hh. Article 351-9 Groundinq of the National Electrical
1993 Edition, is amended to read as follows:
Liquid tight flexible metal conduit shall be
bonded by a conductor sized in accordance withTable 250 - 95, installed so as to
independent of flexible conduit fittings forcontinuity.
ii. Article 373-Enclosures for Switches or Overcurrent
Devices of the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended
by delet ing the exception.
Article 380-Enclosure of the National Electrical
Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the following:
Conductors inArticle 373-8.
enclosures shall comply with
kk. Article 410-Live Parts of the National Electrical
Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the following:
Fixtures which are operated through any typeof switching device which is part of the
lampholder, such as pull chain sockets, key'
sockets, or push type sockets, shall not be
used on the exterior of buildings orstructures or wi thin eight feet (8' )vertically or five feet (5') horizontally of a
grounded surface. Fixtures in such locations
shall be contro+led by wall switches.
11. Article 422-8 Flexible Cords , (d) SpecificAppliancesof the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition,
amended by adding the follo ing:
An approved grounding type plug receptacleshall be provided for the connection of
electrically powered kitchen waste disposer,built-in trash compactors, dishwashers, andfurnaces. The final connection between thepI ug receptacle and the appliance terminal
housing shall be made through the use of an
approved three-conductor cord and groundingtype plug assembly. Also, S.U. (fusedgrounding receptacle) or equivalent isrequired on furnaces.
An approved receptacle or junction box securedto the bui lding shall be provided for the
connection of fixed or stationary appliances.
mm. Article 424-19 Disconnecting Means (c) Unit
Swi tches as Disconnectinq Means of the National Electrical Code,
1993 Edition, is amended to read as follows:
Unit switches that are a part of an applianceshall require additional means fordisconnection. This disconnecting means shall
be accessible to the tenant at all times.
nn. Article 430-102 Location of the National Electrical
Code, 1993 Edition, is amended to read as follows:
Where a motor and the driven machinery are not
within sight from the controller location, the
installation shall provide a manually-operable
device, placed at the motor location, which
will disconnect the motor from its source of
00. Article 555-6 Wirinq Methods of the NationalElectrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by replacing Exceptions
No.1 and No.2 with the following:
When flexibility is required, the wiring
method may be liquid-tight flexible conduit,
and for extreme flexibility shall be Tye S-
or ST flexible cord installed in accordance
wi th Article 400. Shore to floating dock
wiring method shall be cord.
Article 600-1 Scope of the National Electrical
Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the following:
These provisions shall be supplementary to any
and all local ordinances or regulations whichgovern the location, erection, and/or
structural support of signs.
Article 600-Disconnect Required (a) In Siqht of
Sian of the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended toread as follows:
In addition to the switch required by this
Article, an approved disconnecting means shall
be provided for the disconnecting of all signsand/or outline lighting and shall be
located that it shall be within sight of the
sign and/or outline lighting and under the
control of authorized sign servicemen, or as
approved by the Electrical Inspector, butnormally not readily accessible unauthorized persons whenever operatingvoltages are in excess of 1,000 volts. When
said disconnecting means controls roof signs,
it shall be located not more than six and one-half feet (6 1/21 ) above the roof.
rr. Article 600-Markinq of the National Electrical
Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by adding the following:
The inspection label of the Underwriters'
Laboratories shall be required on all newsigns. Exceptions may be made to this
requirement in the case of signs which must befabricated on the job, but such exceptionsrequire that the sign bear evidence of
approval by the Electrical Inspector.
ss. Article 600-10 Clearances
Horizontal of the National Electrical Code,
amended by adding the following:
(a) Vertical1993 Edition,and
No sign shall be constructed, installed, or
erected which has less horizontal or vertical
clearance from energized electric power lines
than prescribed by the California Penal Code
Section 385, the regulations of the California
Public Utilities Commission General Order No.
95, Rule No.Division California.
39 , andIndustrial the orders ofSafety, State
tt. Article 680-25 Methods of Groundinq, (c) Motors
the Nat ional Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by deleting
Exception No.
uu. Article 725-38 Wirinq Methods and Materials on LoadSide. (a) Separation from Electric Liqht, Power and Class 1Conductors, (1) Open Conductors of the National Electrical Code,
1993 Edition, is amended by deleting Exception No.
vv. Article 725-38 Wirinq Methods and Materials on LoadSide, (a) Separation from Electric Liqht, Power , and Class 1Conductors, (2) In Enclosures, Racewavs, Cable Travs, and Cables
the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, is amended by deleting
Exception No.(a).
ww. Article 1000 Administrative Provisions is added to
the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, to read as follows:
1 000.1 Unlawful to do Certain Work Without
Permi t.
It shall be unlawful for any person toinstall, alter, repair, add to, or change anyelectrical equipment in, on, or about any
building without first having obtained from
the City of Alameda a permit authorizing the
person to do the work.
1000.2 Applications for Permits
All applications for permits shall be made in
writing and shall be in such form and detail,
and shall give such relevant information, as
shall be prescribed and required by the Cityof Alameda. In any case deemed necessary by
the Building Official, plans, diagrams, andspecifications, gi ving such details of the
proposed work as may be required, shall befiled before permit is issued; provided,
however, that plans shall not be required for
small jobs that can be fully and adequatelydescribed in writing.
The Building Official may in any case refuse
to issue a permit if it shall for any reason
appear that the proposed work will not be donein compliance with, or that the work when
completed will not comply with, all provisions
of this section, and rules and regulations
thereto pertaining.
1000.3 Permits; General Provisions Concerninq.
Every permit issued by the Building Official
der the provisions of this code shall expire
by limitation and become null and void if the
building or work authorized by such permit is
not commenced within 180 days from the date of
such permit, or if the building or workauthorized by such permit is suspended or
abandoned at any time after the work is
commenced for a period of 180 days, or if allwork authorized by such permit is not
completed and finalized within 365 days fromthe date of such permit. Before such work canbe recommenced, a new permit shall be first
obtained to do so, and a new full permit fee
therefor shall be paid.
Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may
apply to the Building and Housing Code Hearing
and Appeals Board for an extension of time
wi thin which work may commence under thatpermit when the permittee is unable to
commence or complete work within the timerequired by this section for good andsatisfactory reasons. The Building and
Housing Hearing and Appeals Board may extend
the time for action by the permittee for aperiod not exceeding 180 days on writtenrequest by the permittee showing thatcircumstances beyond the control of thepermi t tee have prevented action from beingtaken. No permit may be extended more than
1000.4 Unlawful to Conceal
Equipment Before Inspection
Wirinq or Other
It shall be unlawful for any person to lath
over, seal, or in any manner cover or conceal,
or to cause to be lathed over, sealed, or in
any manner covered or concealed, any wiring or
other electrical equipment, for installation
of which a permit is herein required, until
such wiring or other electrical equipment
shall have been inspected and approved by the
Ci ty of Alameda. The City shall have. the
power to remove, or require the removal of any
obstruction that prevents proper inspection of
any electrical equipment.
1000.5 Permit Fees.
The fee for permits and inspections shall be
established by resolution of the City Council.
1000.6 Temporary Service Connection
The Building Official may, at his/her
discretion, prior to final inspection and
approval of any electrical equipment, or atother times, grant permission for temporary
supply of electrical energy to, and temporary
use of, the electrical equipment, if his/her judgment, the electrical equipment is
in such condition that current may be used
therein without danger to life or property and
if there exists a reasonable urgent necessity
for such temporary use. Such permission shall
be subj ect to revocation at any time and shall
automatically expire at the termination of the
period of time for which it is granted.
Subdivisions a through vv of Section 13-2 are based
upon the following findings:
Pursuant to Sections 17958.and 17958.of the
California Health and Safety Code, the City Council finds that themodifications of the National Electric Code, 1993 Edition
contained in subdivisions a through vv of Section 13-2, arereasonably necessary because of certain local climatic,
geographical and topographical conditions existing in the City of
Alameda which are more specifically described as follows:
(a) The City of Alameda is an island community with
access dependent upon bridges and underwater tubes and, in the
event of a disaster, could be completely isolated from outside
(b) The City of Alameda is adjacent to severalearthJake faults, which make buildings and structures susceptible
to structural ruptures and fires.
(c) The entire municipal water supply for the City of
Alameda is transported via three aqueducts which are vulnerable to
earthquake and tidal flooding.
(d) Alameda is a low-lying island community with soil and
groundwater conditions which are corrosive to metals.
(e) The City of Alameda lies
airport landing and takeoff zones.
the path of three
13 - 3 .Copy of National Electrical Code with City Clerk.
A copy of the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, has
been deposited in the Office of the City Clerk of the City and
shall be maintained by the Clerk for use and examination by thepublic.
13 - 3.Penal ties.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporationto erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
remove , convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any
building or structure in the City, or cause or permit the same tobe done, contrary to or in violation of any provisions of this
Alameda Electrical Code.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this Alameda Electrical Code shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and each person shall be deemed guilty of a
separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during
which any violation of any of the provisions of this Alameda
Electrical Code is committed, continued, or permitted, and suchviola:ion may be prosecuted and punished as an infraction or
misdemeancr pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-5.1 of the
Alameda Municipal Code.
13 - 3.Construction Without A Permit.
Any person, firm or corporation that commences any
constructio without first having obtained the necessary permits
therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, payan amount I in addition to the ordinary permit fee required,
quadruple the permit fee otherwise required.
13 -Adoption of Uniform Pluming Code.
Except as hereinafter provided, the Uniform Plumbing
Code, 1994 Edition, published by the International Association of
Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, together with the index,
appendices, and IAMO. Installations Standards thereto, is adopted
by reference and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein at
length, and shall be known as the Alameda Plumbing Code.
13-Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Unifor.Pluming Code.a. Section 103.1 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994
Edi tion, is amended to read as follows:
Section 103.Permit Fees The fee for
permits and inspections shall be established
by resolution of the City Council.b. Section 609.3 of the Uniform Plumbing Code,
Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 609.Water piping shall not be
installed in or under a concrete floor slab
wi thin a building.c. Section 719.7 of the Uniform Plumbing Code,
Edition, is hereby added to read as follows:1994
Section 719.A property line cleanout shallbe placed at the junction of the building
sewer and the street lateral whenever a new
building sewer is installed or when more thanfifty percent of any building sewer is
replaced or repaired. Such cleanout shall be
installed by the use of an approved cast iron
double cleanout fitting. A cast iron risershall also be required to be extended to
Subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 13 -4.2 are based uponthe following findings:
Pursuant to Sections 17958.and 17958.of the
California Health and Safety Code, the City Council finds that the
modifications of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition, containedin subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 13-4.2, are reasonablynecessary because of certain local climatic, geographical and
topographical conditions existing in the City of Alameda which are
more specifically described as follows:
(a) The City of Alameda is an island community with
access dependent upon bridges and underwater tubes and, in the
event of a disaster, could be completely isolated from outsideassistance.
(b) The City of Alameda is adjacent to several
earthquake faults, which make buildings and structures susceptible
to structural ruptures and fires.
(c) The entire municipal water supply for the City of
Alameda is transported via three aqueducts which are vulnerable to
earthquake and tidal flooding.
(d) Alameda is a low-lying island community with soil and
groundwater conditions which are corrosive to metals.
(e) The City of Alameda lies in the path of
airport landing and takeoff zones.
13 -Copy of Unifor. Pluming Code with City Clerk.
A copy of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition, has
been deposited in the Office of the City Clerk of the City and
shall be maintained by the Clerk for use and examination by the
13 - 4.Penal ties.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm , or corporationto erect construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any
building or structure in the City, or cause or permit the same to
be done contrary to or in violation of any provisions of this
Alameda Plumbing Code.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this Alameda Plumbing Code shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and each person shall be deemed guilty of a separate
offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any
violation of any of the provisions of this Alameda Plumbing Code is
committed, continued, or permitted, and such violation may be
prosecuted and punished as an infraction or misdemeanor pursuant to
the provisions of Section 1-1 of the Alameda Municipal Code.
13-Construction Without A Permit.
ALy person firm or corporation that commences any
construction without first having obtained the necessary permits
therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, payan amount, in addition to the ordinary permit fee required,
quadruple the permit fee otherwise required.
13 - 5.Adoption of Unifor. Mechanical Code.
Except as hereinafter provided, the Uniform Mechanical
Code, 1994 Edition, including Appendix Chapter A, published by the
International Conference of Building Officials, is adopted by
reference and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein at
length, and shall be known as the Alameda Mechanical Code.
13-5.Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Unifor.
Mechanical Code.
a. Section 115 of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1994
is amended by adding a new 115.1 to read as follows:
Section 115.Permit Fees The fee for
permi ts and inspections shall be established
by resolution of the City Council.
13 - 5.Copy of Uniform Mechanical Code with City Clerk
copy of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1994 Edition,
shall be deposited in the Office of the City Clerk of the City and
shall be maintained by the Clerk for use and examination by thepublic.
13 - 5.Penal ties.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporationto erect construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
remove convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any
building or structure in the City, or cause or permit the same tobe done, contrary to or in violation of any provisions of this
Alameda Mechanical Code.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this Alameda Mechanical Code shall be deemed guilty
of a rr,:.sdemeanor, and each person shall be deemed guilty of a
separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during
which any violation of any of the provisions of this Alameda
Mechanical Code is committed, continued, or permitted, and suchviolation may be prosecuted and punished as an infraction or
misdemeanor pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-1 of the
Alameda Municipal Code.
13 - 5.Construction Without A Per.it.
Any person, firm or corporation that commences any
construction without first having obtained the necessary permits
therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, payan
amount, in addition to the ordinary permit fee required, quadruple
the permit fee otherwise required.
Section 3 Section 13-8 of Chapter XIII is hereby
renumbered and will read as follows:
13 - 6.Adoption of Uniform Housing Code.
Except as hereinafter provided, the Uniform Housing Code,
1994 Edition , published by the International Conference of Building
Officials, is adopted by reference and made a part hereof as
fully set forth herein at length, and shall be known as the Alameda
Hous ing Code.
13 - 6.Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Uniform
Hous ing Code.
Section 302 of the Uniform Housing Code, 1994 Edition, is
amended to read as follows:
The fees required for any permit required under this
code shall be those required for any permit required
under the Alameda Building Code, Alameda Electrical Code,
Alameda Plumbing Code, or Alameda Mechanical Code. The
fees for the enforcement of any provision of the Alameda
Housing Code shall be set by resolution of the City
13 - 6 .Copy of Uniform Housing Code with City Clerk.
A true copy of the Uniform Housing Code, 1994 Edition,
has been deposited in the office of the City Clerk of the City and
shall be maintained by the Clerk for use and examination of thepublic.
13 - 6.Penal ties.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation
to erect construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
remove f convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any
building or structure in the City, or cause or permit the same to
be done, contrary to or in violation of any provisions of this
Alameda Housing Code.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this Alameda Housing Code shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and each person shall be deemed guilty of a separate
offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any
violation of any of the provisions of this Alameda Housing Code is
committed, continued, or permitted, and such violation may be
prosecuted and punished as an infraction or misdemeanor pursuant to
the provisions of Section 1-1 of the Alameda Municipal Code.
13 - 6.Construction Without A Per.it.
Any person, firm or corporation that commences anyconstruction without first having obtained the necessary permits
therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, payan amount, in addition to the ordinary permit fee required,
quadruple the permit fee otherwise required.
Section 4 The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby
amended by deleting Section 15-1 (Alameda Fire Code) of Chapter XV
(Fire Prevention) in its entirety and substituting the following:
15 -Adoption of Unifor. Fire Code
Except as hereinafter provided, the Uniform Fire Code,
1994 Edition, including Appendix Chapters I-A, I-B, I-C, II-A, lI-B, II-C, II-, II-E, II-F, II-G, II-H, II-I, III-A, III-B, III-III-D, III-E, IV-A, IV-B, V-A, VI-A, VI-B, VI-C, VI-D, VI-E, VI-AND VI -G, and the Uniform Fire Code Standards published by the
International Fire Code Institute, being particularly the 1994Edi t ion thereof and the whole thereof, is adopted by reference and
made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein at length, and
shall be known as the Alameda Fire Code.
15 -1. 2 Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Uniform
Fire Code.a. Section 105 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition,
is amended by adding a new 105.1 to read as follows:
Section 105.Permit Fees The fee for
permi ts and inspections shall be established
by resolution of the City Council.b. Section 1003.1 of the Uniform Fire Code,
is affended to read as follows:1994
Section 1003.1 General Fire extinguishingsystems required by this Code shall
installed in accordance with the requirementsof this section, except that such systemsshall be installed in all buildings or
structures hereinafter constructed which:
Are two (2) stories or more, irrespective
of height; or
Are thirty-five (35) feet or more in
height as that term is defined by the
Uniform Building Code; or
Have a total aggregate floor
000 square feet or more
area of
Are added to, repaired or remodelled, ifthe cost of addition, repair
remodeling is over 50% of the current
assessed value of the building and meets
the criteria as defined above.
In the event that another section of
Alameda Fire Code is more restrictive,
that section will apply.
Exceptions to the above: R-3 occupancies
as defined by Table SA of the Uniform Building
Code are excluded from the automatic sprinkler
system requirements of this chapter.
c. Section 7701.2 of the Uniform Fire Code,
is amended to read as follows:
Section 7701.2 Limits Established bv Law
Storage of explosive materials is prohibitedin:
Fire Zones No.and No.2, which
boundaries are designated in subsections 15-
2 and 15-3 of the Alameda Municipal Code
d. Section 7902.1 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994
is amended to read as follows:
Section 7902.1 Locations Where Aboveqround
TanKs are Prohibited Storage of Class I andII liquids in aboveground tanKS outside ofbuildings is prohibited in:
Fire Zones No.and No.2, which
boundaries are designated in subsections 15-
2 and 15-3 of the Alameda Municipal Codee. Section 8204.of the
Edition, is amended to read as follows:Uniform Fire Code,1994
Section 8204.Maximum Capacity withinEstablished Limits Within the limits
established by law restricting the storage of
LP-gas for the protection of heavily populated
or congested commercial areas, the aggregate
capacity of any one installation shall not
exceed a 2,000 gallon (7571L) water capacity
Fire Zones No.and No.2, which
boundaries are designated in subsections 15-2 and 15-2.3 of the Alameda Municipal Code
f. Section 6.of Appendix I-A of the Uniform Fire
1994 Edition, is amended to read as follows:
1 General Dwelling units and hotel or
lodging house guest rooms that are used for
sleeping purposes shall be provided with smokedetectors. Detectors shall be installed and
maintained by the owner (s) in accordance with
the approved manufacturer I s instructions.
15 -Findings
Subdivisions 1b) through (f) of Section 15-1.2 are based
upon the following findings:
Pursuant to Sections 17958.and 17958.of the
California Health and Safety Code, the City Council finds that the
modifications of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, contained insubdivisions (b) through (f) of Section 15-1.2, are reasonablynecessary because of certain local climatic, geographical and
topographical conditions existing in the City of Alameda which are
more specifically described as follows:
(a) The City of Alameda is an island community with
access dependent upon bridges and underwater tubes and, in the
event of a disaster, could be completely isolated from outsideassistance.
(b) The City of Alameda is adjacent to severalearthquake faults, which make buildings and structures susceptible
to structural ruptures and fires.
(c) The entire municipal water supply for the City of
Alameda is transported via three aqueducts which are vulnerable to
earthquake and tidal flooding.
(d) Alameda is a low-lying island community with soil and
groundwater conditions which are corrosive to metals.
(e) The City of Alameda lies in the path of
airport landing and takeoff zones.three
15 -Copy of Uniform Fire Code with City Clerk
A true copy of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, has
been deposited in the office of the City Clerk of the . City and
shall be maintained by the Clerk for use and examination of thepublic.
15 -Enforcement Officer.
Any Chief, Assistant Chief or other Fire Department
personnel assigned to the Fire Prevention Bureau of the City Fire
Department shall be an enforcement officer.
15 -Establishment and Duties of Bureau of Fire Prevention.a. The Uniform Fire Code shall be enforced by the
Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City of
Alameda which is hereby established and which shall be operated
under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department.b. The Chief in charge of the Bureau of the Fire
Prevention shall be appointed by the Chief of the Fire Department.c. The Chief of the Fire Department may detail such
members of the Fire Department as inspectors as shall from time to
time be necessary. The Chief of the Fire Department shall recommend
to the City Manager the employment of technical inspectors, who,
when such authorization is made, shall be selected through an
examination to determine their fitness for the position. The
examination shall be open to members and nonmembers of the Fire
Department, and appointments made after examination shall be for an
inde f ini te term with removal only for cause.
15 -New Materials, Processes or Occupancies Which May Require
Permi ts .
The Chief of the Inspection Division of the Department of
Publ ic Works, the Chief of the Fire Department, and the Chief of
the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall act as a committee to determine
and specify, after giving affected persons an opportunity to be
heard I a::.y new materials, processes or occupancies for which
permits are required, in addition to those now enumerated in said
Code. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall post such
list in a conspicuous place in his office, and distribute copies
thereof to interested persons.
15 -Appeals.
Whenever the Chief disapproves an application or refuses
to grant a permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the
provisions of the Alameda Fire Code do not apply or that the true
intent and meaning of the Alameda Fire Code have been misconstrued
or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision
of the Chief to tbe Housing and Building Code Hearings and Appeals
Board, within thirty (30) days from the date of the decision of the
15 -Penal ties.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporationto erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve
remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any
building or structure in the City, or cause or permit the same tobe done, contrary to or in violation of any provisions of this
Alameda Fire Code.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this Alameda Fire Code shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and each person shall be deemed guilty of a separate
offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any
violation of any of the provisions of this Alameda Fire Code is
committed continued, or permitted, and such violation may be
prosecuted and punished as an infraction or misdemeanor pursuant to
the provisions of Section 1-1 of the Alameda Municipal Code.
15-Construction Without A Per.it.
Any person, firm or corporation that commences any
construction without first having obtained the necessary permits
therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, payan amount, in addition to the ordinary permit fee required,
quadruple the permit fee otherwise required.
Sect ion The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by
adding the following to Chapter I, Section 1-(Definitions) toread:
Building Official shall mean the City of Alameda ChiefBuilding Inspector.
Section 6 The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by
deleting Section 2 -16.1 (Building Code) of Article II, Chapter II
and adding the substituting the following:
16.Building Code shall mean
collectively or individually, the AlamedaBuilding Code, the Alameda Code for Building
Conservation, the Alameda Electrical Code, the
Alameda Plumbing Code, the Alameda Mechanical
Code, the Alameda Fire Code, the Alameda
Housing Code and the State Housing Laws.
Section 7 The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by
deleting Section 2-16.3 (a) (Duties) of Article II, Chapter II and
adding the substituting the following:a. To hear and decide appeals from orders,decisions or determinations made by the
Building Official regarding the application
and interpretation of the Alameda BuildingCode, the Alameda Code for Building
Conservation, the Alameda Electrical Code, the
Alameda Plumbing Code, the Alameda Housing
Code and all d terminations made by the Fire
Chief regarding the application of the Alameda
Fire Code.
Section 8 The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by
deleting the first paragraph of Section 13-62.(c) (Administration)
of Chapter XIII and substituting the following:c. Appeal from Order. Any person may appeal
through the designated process, the BuildingOfficial'initial determination that the
building is within the scope of this article.
Such appeal shall be filed with the BuildingOfficial within sixty (60) days from theservice date of the order described in
paragraph b. Any such appeal shall be decided
by the Housing and Building Code Hearing and
Appeals Board established under Section 2-6 of
the Alameda Municipal Code no later than sixty
(60) days after the date that the appeal isfiled. Such appeal shall be made in writingupon appropriate forms provided therefor by
the Building Official and the grounds thereof
shall be stated clearly and concisely. Each
appeal shall be accompanied by a filing fee as
set forth by resolution of the City Council.
Any person not satisfied with a determinationby the Board of Appeals may appeal said
determination to the City Council.
Section 9
deleting Section 15-entirety.
The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by
(Smoke Detectors) of Chapter XV in its
Section 10 The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by
deleting Section 15-(Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems) of
Chapter XV in its entirety.
Section 11 If any section, subsection, sentence,
clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be
invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect thevalidity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of thisordinance. The City Council of the City of Alameda hereby declares
that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section,
subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that
any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses andphrases be declared unconstitutional.
Section 12 All former ordinances or parts thereof
conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinancehereby adopted, to the extent of such conflict only, are hereby
repeal ed
Section 13 The City Clerk of the City of Alameda is
hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published in the
Official Newspaper of the City of Alameda.
Section 14 This ordinance and the rules, regulations,provisions, requirements, orders and matters established and
adopted hereby shall take effect and be in full force and effect 30
days from and after the date of its final passage and adoption.
jtMd Cl ty Clerk
I I the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council
of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 19th
day of December , 1995, by the following vote to wit:
AYES:Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas,
MaDnix and President Appezzato - 5.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this 20th day of December , 1995.
Diane B. Felsch , Clty Clerkci ty of Alameda