Resolution 036321. 41r ITESOLUTICT NO. 3632 WD En.71OU CCOCILY11" hMSYCHEID Ad-�- COUACTLAIN CEBURF TO ATTEND AYNUAL OCTIGHENCE Or THE ATISKICAN ASSGCIA11011; "'E"'i =-P"l-i'a 3"u"'TEY-ZER 2 ",�U ily,C'-VEl�� :E 6, 11947, AND H RESONVAD 37 _FR COUTC11 E CITN' :P t,,,,ut Gouncl1cet-a j� Branschc1d. a WmAhmn, Aran." 7. Caborr he, and each uf ,', ,re bv, at - thorized and directed to attend the Annual Con-,-c—proo of the --on1cinal association ct Now Orleaqs, LruisianE, y-,,-)Ves-,ce- C, 19,� , an,', ondinz November 6, 1947; BE LT PEEVE FESKV&P that nch of saLd Councilmen is hareby Whorized a to expend, from the funds of the Y ly Of Wamed e: Uat,!-(tits to, one Prom, said Conference, and in addition to ex, -)end fron said City f"Jnds daily, for not to cAceed 14 days, We per diem auuhorlzed by ReschAlul NO. 3604, DE !7 FUR1N n ITS011VT that a sun to OT -1 t"aid es?"'"Wous of eLch of said Councilmen, above authorized, is beraly appropriated, 1, the tredersigned, hereby cartlt,fZ!aat the foi-agolrc,, -Zcolation wa-, duly and rogular3y Wroduned and adopted by the Conn;W of the City of Alaneda W adjourned regular meeting assembled on the 2W day of Octobe7, 1047, by the Po 1. 1 c a ' n E V;t- t c" "'! I t 13r a -i qO'no I d 4 Co-,int�Iro�r !ones, Osborr, Suoei�ey a,n j Pre s �,do. XCES! Mae. AWK: ocunclOmn kndeww, IN 4370ISS yaSMIU, 1 he" YO-W-IrItc, net im,' Pno, affixe,"- ',Is DPQ- cLaj seaj of said pity We 23rd day of KtnWr, lG47. SEA c-J'e"'7-7',p ton ',111Ly of A-,.aricda ihe-aby cortAry that the foreCula,,; is a tr and corree't cn' ola�) 'T 'Destion No. 3632, AUCHOWK770 Ali', 7T,,�`IC'-"I,`-C AID COUNC11- lot OS900 50 ATTEND AI�JDT� :V TA, AV9RICaN !" 22� 011B4O SETAK" &C=Wql 2 PhD UUN'TORE C, 3047, AM 10"Ey 1±2117W," lntrouucod and adopted ny wo Council .EI th" 22-d (,ay of October, 1947. e' the -,I-ty "%jaccde