Ordinance 2851CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO,2851 New Series RECLASSIFYING AN REZONIG CERTAI PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA BY AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1277 , N., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE PAR STREET AN WEBSTER STREET BUSINESS DISTRICTS. WHEREAS , the City has been notified of the concerns of the Park Street Business Association (PSBA) and the West Alameda Business Association (W ABA) that many of the uses permitted or conditionally permitted under the existing C-2 and C-M Zoning Districts could have significant deleterious effects on the quality and character of the Webster Street and Park Street Business Areas and that such effects could signficantly reduce property values within the Business Areas; and :)" WHEREAS, the Park Street and Webster Street Business Aras represent the two main street" commercial areas within the City of Alameda; and ; C --I \.,WHEREAS , the City of Alameda adopted an interim urgency ordinance on certaino ::' Uoi permitted and conditionally permitted uses in the C-2 and C-M Zoning Districts within the Park p 6Street and Webster to provide time for the City to work with PSBA and W ABA to prepare amendments to the commercial district regulations for the Park Street and Webster Street business districts; and WHEREAS , the analysis has been completed and a revised zoning district has been proposed for the Park Street and Webster Street business districts which wil apply to the existing commercial zoning designations depicted on the interim ordinance diagrams; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda initiated a Zoning Text Amendment and Rezoning of properties in the Webster Street and Park Street business districts in Alameda which were identified in the interim ordinance; and WHEREAS, the properties subject to the interim ordinance and proposed rezoning are located in the C-, Central Business District and C-, Commercial Manufacturing Zoning Districts which have historically defined the boundaries of the Park Street and Webster Street Business Districts; and WHEREAS, while the properties subject to the rezoning are primarily designated Community Commercial on the General Plan Diagram , a portion of the properties are designated Medium-Density Residential which reflects an existing inconsistency between the General Plan and the zoning of these areas; and WHEREAS , adoption of the proposed rezoning wil not increase the inconsistency between the General Plan and Zoning; and WHEREAS , review of the commercial boundaries of the Park Street and Webster Street business distrcts can be more appropriately reviewed in conjunction with the on-going General Plan update and subsequent rezoning for conformty. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAID by the City Council of the City of Alameda that: Section Section 116 of Ordinance No. 1277, N., is hereby amended by reclassifyng from C-2 (Central Business) Zoning Distrct to C-C (Community) Zoning District all the real property within the Park Street Business District in the City of Alameda , County of Alameda , State of California, as depicted on the attached Exhibit A. Existing PD (Planed Development) Combining Districts wil be retained. Section 2 Section 116 of Ordinance No. 1277 , N., is hereby amended by reclassifying from C-2 (Central Business) Zoning District and C-M (Commercial-Manufacturing) all the real propert within the Webster Street Business District in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, as depicted on the attached Exhibit B. Existing PD (Planned Development) Combining Districts wil be retained. Section 3 . The above amendment shall be known as and reference to as Reclassification and Rezoning Amendment No. 192 to Ordinance No. 1277 , N. Section 4 . This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Attest: Exhibit A to City of Alameda Ordinance No. 2851 Rezoning of the Park Street Business District to C- '" IN IGN (NtJO Alameda Ave. Prepared by Plang Deparent November 13 , 2000 Exhibit B to City of Alameda Ordinance :"o. 2851 Rezoning of the Webster Street Business District to C- \ \ \ C-. 6 = 1"' ': . . J1." Jjl 1= i :: ' R-5-( \ ' Buena Vista Ave. -- . _''''". .n rl 'l, -' I I t= W1 ' WL jI g= rr-. m: IUL l! 1: ,- rn!lit= 1J UTI11 fI m1' .Lrl TI'" lJ" l1 rftI '' J.:== l ' m I '-II Santa Clara Ave. so .- 7' . IC I! IT ; .; II . T,. ('. C: iT ... RT I I . t- "I / I J. I ... HTflic td ;t: '1 .1 QJ .'-'-- - .. '\ ' AI/antic AVe. Prepared by Plang Deparent November 13 , 200 , the undersigned , hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of December , 2000 by the following vote to wit: AYES:Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt , Johnson , Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5. NOES:None. ABSENT:None. ABSTENTIONS:None. IN WITNSS , WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 20th day of December, 2000. Di ne Felsch , City Clerk City of Alameda