New Series
WHREAS, the City Council of the City of Alameda (the "City Council"
origialy approved and adopted the Communty Improvement Plan for the Business
and Waterfront Improvement Project (the "BWIP") on June 18,1991, by Ordinance No.
2559, as subsequently amended on December 6,1994, by Ordince No. 2681, on July 6,
2000, by Ordinance No. 2835, on September 19, 2000, by Ordince No. 2844, and on April 3, 2001, by Ordinance No. 2857; and
" . .
E . WHREAS, the City Council originally approved and adopted the Community
;: Improvement Plan for the Alameda Point Improvement Project (the" APIP") on March
1998, by Ordinance No. 2754; and
WHREAS, the City Council origialy approved and adopted the Communty
Improvement Plan for the West End Communty Improvement Project (the "WECIP"
on July 5, 1983, by Ordince No. 2141, as subsequently amended on Januar 2, 1985, by
i: Ordiance No. 22, on December 6, 1994, by Ordinance No. 2682, and on November
(3 20, 2002, by Ordinance No. 2889; and
WHREAS, the Communty Improvement Commsion of the City of Alameda
(the "Commsion) has been designted as the offcial redevelopment agency to car
out in the City of Alameda the functions and requirements of the Communty
Redevelopment Law of the State of Caorna (Health and Saety Code Setion 33000
seq.and to impleme;:the Communty Improvement Plan for the BWI; and
WHREAS, U\e Commsion has prepared a First Amendment to the
Community Impro"ment Plan for the APIP (the" APIP Amendment"), a Fifh
Amendment to th,Community Improvement Plan for the BWIP (the "BWIP
Amendment) and e. ;:ourth Amendment to the Communty Improvement Plan for the
WECIP (the "WEcn' Amendment) (collectively, the "Amendments) to: (i) delete
certain area (the "E:....hange Area) from the APIP Project Area; (ii) add the Exchange
Area to the BWIP pr,';ect Area; (iii) fiscally merge the BWIP and the WECIP; (iv) extend
emient domain au:bJrity in the BWIP (excluding residential); (v) re-establish emient
domain authority" the WECIP (excluding residential and certain non-blighted
parcels); and (vi) m,Le other conforming and techncal changes to the APIP, BWIP and
WECIP Community 'nprovement Plans in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, Commission staff have determined that: (i) the deletion of the
Exchange Area from the APIP Project Area and the addition of the Exchange Area to
the BWIP Project Area is advisable to provide for the effective redevelopment of the
BWIP and to facilitate the development of the Catellus mixed use project, which wi!, in
turn, alleviate blight within the BWIP and provide residential development, including
affordable housing, withi the BWIP Project Area, as amended; (ii) the fiscal merger of
the BWIP Project Area and the WECIP Project Area is advisable to provide greater
flexibilty to the Commssion in carrying out the BWIP and WECIP Plans and
alleviatig blight in both Project Areas; and (iii) the extension of emient domain
authority in the BWI Project Area (excluding residential) is advisable to allow the
Commssion to more effectively implement its program; and
WHREAS, the Plang Board of the City of Alameda (the "Plang Board"
has reviewed and recommended the approval and adoption of the Amendments, ana
provided its report that the Amendments to the BWIP and WECIP CommunitY
Improvement Plan conform to the General Plan of the City of Alameda; and
WHREAS, the Economic Development Commssion of the City of Alameda (the
EDC") has reviewed and recommended the approval and adoption of the
Amendments; and
WHREAS, the EDC held a community workshop to consult with residents and
communty organzations on the Amendments; and
WHREAS, the Commssion prepared and circulated a Mitigated Negative
Declaration on the Amendments in accordance with the Calorna Environmental
Quality Act (public Resources Code Setion 21000 et seq.), the Guidelines for
Implementation of the Caifornia Environmental Quality Act (14 Ca. Code Regs.
Setion 15000 et seq.) and environmental procedures adopted by the Commission
pursuant thereto; and
WHREAS, the City Council has received from the Commssion the prc;.'osed
Amendments, together with the Report of the Commssion and the Mitigated Nc!ative
Declaration on the Amendments; and
WHREAS, the City Council and the Commssion held a joint public heaJ::,g on
March 18, 2003, on adoption of the Amendments and the Mitigated Nfr;ative
Declaration, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara A.
Alameda, California; and
WHEREAS, a notice of said hearing was duly and regularly published in the
Alameda Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Alameda, once a
week for four successive weeks prior to the date of said hearing, and a copy of said
notice and affidavit of publication are on file with the City Clerk and the Commssion;
WHREAS, copies of the notice of public hearing and a statement concerning
acquisition of property by the Commssion were mailed by fist class mail to the last
known address of each assessee of each parcel of land in the existig APIP, BWIP and
WECIP Project Areas (collectively referred to as the "Project Areas), as shown on the
last equalized assessment roll of the County of Alameda; and
WHREAS, copies of the notice of public hearing were mailed by ,certied mail
with retu receipt requested to the governig body of each taxing agency which
receives taxes from property in the Project Areas; and
WHREAS, copies of the notice of public hearing were maed by first class mail
to all residents and businesses in the Project Areas; and
WHREAS, the Commssion and the City Council have reviewed and considered
the Mitigated Negative Declaration, as prepared and submitted pursuant to Public
Resources Code Seon 21151 and Health and Safety Code Setion 33352, and
determed tht there is no substatial evidence that the Amendments wi have
signcant efect on the environment; and
WHREAS, the City Council has considered the Report of the Commsion, the
Report and Recommendations of the Plang Board, the Amendments and the
Mitigated Negative Delaration, ha provided an opportty for al persons to be
heard and ha received and considered al evidence ard testiony presnted for
againt any and all aspets of the Amendments, and has adopted wrtten fidings
response to each written objection to the Amendments from an affected taxing entity or
property owner, if any; and
WHEREAS, all actions required by law have been taken by all appropriate public
Section 1The purposes and intent of the City Council with respect to the
BWIP Amendment are: (a) to amend the Community Improvement Plan for the BWIP
to add the Exchange Area, which wi! facilitate the effective redevelopment of the BWIP
Project Area, including the Exchange Area, facilitate the development of the Catellus
mixed use project and allow for residential development, including affordable housing,
within the BWIP Project Area, as amended; (b) to fiscally merge the BWIP and the
WECIP in order to provide the Commission greater flexibility in alleviating blight
within the BWIP Project Area and WECIP Project Area; and (c) to extend eminent
domain authority in the BWIP (excluding residential) in order to allow the Commission
to more effectively implement its programs.
Section 2The City Council does hereby specificaly find and determie that:
a. It is necessar and desirable to amend the Community
Improvement Plan for BWIP to include the Exchange Area in the BWIP Project Area
because: (i) the inclusion of the Exchange Area is necessary for the effective
redevelopment of the BWIP Project Area as it presently exists, and is not hwluded fQr
the purpose of obtainig the alocation of tax increment revenues from such areas
pursuant to Section 33670 of the Community Redevelopment Law without other
substantial justiication for their inclusion; (ii) portions of the Exchage Area currently
exhibit blightig conditions; and (iii) the Exchange Area is hitorically blighted and
redevelopment is necessary to prevent recurrent blight. Ths finding is based upon the
followig facts, as more particularly set forth in the Report of the Commssion to the
City Council:
1. By amending the boundaries of the BWIP Project Area to
include the Exchage Area, the Commsion can implement the redevelopment
activities necessar to improve or elimate the blightig conditions that
contiue to exist in the BWIP and in portons of the Exchage Area.
2. The Exchange Area is part of the Catellus mied use project
and the inclusion of the Exchange Area in the BWIP Project Area wil enable the
Commsion and Catellus to develop 'portions of the BWIP Project Area and the
Exchange Area into a coherent residential and commerdal mixed-use
. development and wil enable Commsion and Catellus to fince the non-
residential portion of the Catellus mied use development project.
3. The Exchange Area is necessary for residential development
withi the BWIP Project Area and the inclusion of the Exchange Area withi the
BWIP Project Area wi! facilitate the fulfillment of the Commssions affordable
housing obligations.
4. The Exchange Area was historically blighted and, to the
extent that some blighting conditions have been alleviated, this has only been
accomplished through redevelopment.
5. Portions of the Exchange Area continue to suffer from
blighting conditions including factors that inhibit proper use of buildings or lots
and depreciated values/impaired investments.
6. Neither public resources nor private resources acting alone
or in combination can achieve the combination of costs, site preparation, land
assemblage, rehabiltation, new development and infastructure development
necessary to bring about the redevelopment of the BWIP Project Area, including
the Exchange Area, without the use of the powers conferred by the Community
Redevelopment Law, as described in more detail in fiding I. below.
b. The BWIP Amendment wil enable the BWIP Project Area to be
redeveloped in conformity with the Communty Redevelopment Law and in the
interests of the public peace, health, safety and welfare. Ths fiding is based upon the
fact that redevelopment of the BWIP Project Area, including the Exchange Area, as
contemplated by the BWI Community Improvement Plan, as amended, wil
implement the objectives of the Communty Redevelopment Law by aiding in the
elimation and correction of the conditions of blight and deterioration in the BWI
Project Area, includig the Exchage Area; providing for plang, development,
redesign, clearance, reconstrction or rehabiltation of propertes which need
improvement; providig affordable housing, includig housing for low- and moderate-
income persons; providing additional employment opportties; providing for higher
economic utiiztion of potentialy useful land. Th fidig is further based upon the
fact tht adoption of the BWIP Amendment, together with the WECI Amendment, wil
enable the City and Commsion to ensure the coordinted implementation of the
Communty Improvement Plan for the BWI and the WECIP.
c. The adoption and caring out of the BWIP Amendment is
economicaly sound and feasible. Th finding is based upon the fact tht under the
Communty Improvement Plan for BWI; as amended, the Commsion wi
authorized to seek and utie a varety of potential fiancing resources, including tax
increments; that the natue and tig of public redevelopment assistance wil depend
on the amount and availabilty of such fiancing resources, including ta increments
generated by new investment in the BWIP Project Area, including the Exchange Area;
and that under the Communty Improvement Plan for BWIP, as amended, no public
redevelopment activity wil be undertaken unless the Commssion can demonstrate tht
it has adequate revenue to fince the activity. Th finding is fuer based on the fact
that the fiscal merger of the BWIP and the WECIP wil allow the Commssion to
approach redevelopment in a more comprehensive and coordinated marer by pooling
the revenues from the BWIP and the WECIP and using the revenues more efficiently,
which wiI have the affect of accelerating revitalization and increasing economic vitality
in both the BWIP and WECIP Project Areas.
d. The BWIP Amendment is consistent with the General Plan of the
City of Alameda, including, without limitation, the Housing Element of the General
Plan which substantially complies with the requirements of Article 10.6 (commencing
with Section 65580) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code. This
finding is based on the report of the Planning Board that the Amendments to BWIP and
WECIP conform to the General Plan of the City of Alameda.
e. The carrying out of the BWIP Amendment wil promote the public
peace, health, safety and welfare of the City of Alameda and wil effectuate the
purposes and policies of the Community Redevelopment Law. Th finding is based
upon the fact that redevelopment, as contemplated by the Community Improvement
Plan for BWIP, as amended by the BWIP Amendment, will benefit the BWIP Project
Area, including the Exchange Area, by correctig conditions of blight and by
coordintig public and private actions to stiulate development and improve the
economic, social and physical conditions of the BWIP Project Area. Ths' finding is
further based upon the fact that adoption of the BWIP Amendment, together with the
WECIP Amendment, wi! benefit both the BWIP and WECIP Project Areas by enabling
the Commsion to correct conditions of blight and coordinate public and private action
in the BWIP and WECIP Project Areas in a comprehensive and coordinated manner.
f. The condemnation of real property, as provided for in the
Community Improvement Plan for BWIP, as amended, is necessar to the' execution of
the Community Improvement Plan for BWIP, and adequate provisions have been made
for the payment for property to be acquired as provided by law. Th fidig is based
upon: (1) the need to ensure tht the provisions of the Communty Improvement Plan
for BWIP, as amended, wi! be carried out; and (2) the need to prevent the recurence of
The Commssion has a feasible method and plan for the relocation
of fares and persons who may be displaced, temporarily or permently, from
housing facilties in the BWIP Project Area, including the Exchange Area. Ths finding
is based upon the fact that the Community Improvement Plan for BWIP provides for
relocation assistace according to law.
h. There are, or are being provided, with the BWIP Project Area
including the Exchange Area, or withi other areas not generally less desirable with
regard to public utiities and public and commercial facilties and at rents or prices
withi the financial means of the families and persons who might be displaced from the
BWIP Project Area, including the Exchange Area, decent, safe and sanitary dwellngs
equal in number to the number of, and available to, such displaced families and person'!
and reasonably accessible to their places of employment. This finding is based upon the
fact that no person or family wi! be required to move from any dwellng unit in the
mNIP Project Area, including the Exchange Area, until suitable replacement housing is
available.i. Families and persons shall not be displaced prior to the adoption of
relocation plan pursuant to Sections 33411 and 33411.1 of the Community
Redevelopment Law; and dwelling units housing persons and famiies of low or
moderate income within the BWIP Project Area, including the Exchange Area, shall not
be removed or destroyed prior to the adoption of a replacement housing plan pursuant
to Setions 33334.5, 33413, and 33413.5 of the Community Redevelopment Law.
All noncontiguous areas of the BWIP Project Area, as amended to
include the Exchage Area, if any, are either blighted or necessary for effective
redevelopment and are not included for the purpose of obtaing the alocation of taxes
from the areas pursuant to Setion 33670 of the Community RedeveIopIIent LaW
without other substantial justiication for their inclusion. Ths finding is based upon the
fact that the boundaries of the BWIP Project Area, as amended to incIude the Exchange
Area, were chosen as a uniied and consistent whole to include lands that were
underutied because of blightig inuences, or affected by the existence of blightig
inuences, and land uses signicantly contrbutig to the condition of blight, which
inclusion is necessar to accomplish the objectives and benefits of the Communty
Improvement Plan for BWIP.
k. Inclusion of any lands, buildings or improvements in the Exchage
Area which are not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare is necessar for
the effective redevelopment of the BWI Project Area, as amended to include the
Exchage Area, and any such areas included are necessar for efective redevelopment,
as set fort in more detai in finding (a) above, and are not included for the purpose of
obtaig the alocation of tax increment revenues from such areas pursuant to Setion
33670 of the Communty Redevelopment Law without other substatial justication for
their inclusion. Th finding is based upon the facts presented in fidig (a) above.
findig is fuer based upon the fact that the inclusion of lands, buildigs
improvements with the Exchange Area is necessar in order to (1) elimte
deteriorated structues; (2) elimate inadequate or deteriorated public improvements,
facilties and utiities; (3) provide affordable housing, including housing for low- and
moderate-income persons; and (4) provide employment opportuties.
I. The elimnation of blight and the redevelopment of the Exchange
Area could not be reasonably expected to be accomplished by private enterprise actig
alone without the aid and assistance of the Commssion. This finding is based upon the
historic and present existence of blighting infuences, including the lack of adequate
public improvements, the inability of individual developers to economicalIy remove
these blighting infuences without public assistance to acquire and assemble sites for
development and to provide public improvements, facilities and utilities, the inabilty
of low- and moderate-income persons to finance needed improvements, and the
inadequacy of other governmental programs and financing mechanisms to eliminate
blight, including the provision of necessary public improvements and facilities.
m. The Exchange Area is a predominantly urbanized area as defined
by subdivision (b) of Section 33320.1. This finding is based upon the facts, as more
particularly set forth in the Report of the Commssion to the City Council, that
approximately 100 percent of the land in the Exchange Area has been or is developed
for urban uses.
n. The tie limtations in the Community Improvement Plan for
BWIP, as amended by the BWIP Amendment, are reasonably related to the proposed
projects to be implemented in the BWIP Project Area, including the Exchange Area, and
the abilty of the Commssion to elimate blight within the BWIP ProjectArea. Thi
finding is based upon the fact that redevelopment depends, in large part, upon private
market forces beyond the control of the Commsion and shorter tie. limtations would
impair the Commsions ability to be flexible and respond to maket conditions as and
when appropriate and would impair the Commsions abilty to matai development
standards and controls over a period of tie sufficient to assure area stabilzation.
addition, shorter tie limitations would limt the revenue sources and fiancing
capacity necessar to carry out proposed projects in the BWIP Project Area, including
the Exchange Area.
Setion 3The City Council is satisfied that perment housing facilties wil
be avaiable with thee years from the tie occupants of the BWIP Project Area are
displaced, if any, and that pending the development of such facilties, there wil be
available to any such displaced occupants temporar housing facilties at rents
comparable to those in the City of Alameda at the tie of their displacement. No
persons or famies of low or moderate income shal be displaced from residences uness
and unti there is a suitable housin:: unit avaiable and ready for occupancy by such
displaced persons or famies at 'ents comparable to those at the tie of their
displacement. Such housing units 3haI be suitable to the needs of such displaced
persons or famies and must be: decent, safe, santar and otherwe stadard
dweIIings. The Commssion shall I"t displace any such persons or famlies until such
housing units are avaiabIeand read\' for occupancy.
Section 4.The Council is :;,!tisfied that all written objections, if any, received
before or at the noticed public hear,:g have been responded to in writing. In addition,
written findings have been adopted .'1 response to each written objection of an affected
property owner or taxing entity, if ':!y, which has been filed with the City Clerk either
before or at the noticed public heari; ,
Section 5The City Council finds and determines that the BWIP Amendment
is covered by the Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted by the Commission on
Mach18 ,2003, by Commission Resolution No. 03-107 ,and reviewed by the City
Council on Mach 18 2003, in City Council Resolution No. 13566The
findings and determinations of the Commission and City Council in said Resolutions
are incorporated herein by reference.
Section 6Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 8 below, the
Community Improvement Plan for the BWIP, as adopted by Ordinance No. 2559, and
as previously amended on December 6, 1994, by Ordinance No. 2681, on July 6, 2000, by
Ordinance No. 2835, on September 19, 2000, by Ordinance No. 2844, and on April 3,
2001, by Ordinance No. 2857, is hereby further amended as set forth in the proposed
Fifth Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the Business and
Waterfront Improvement Project," attached hereto as Exhibit Aand incorporated her
and made a part hereof by reference. As so amended, the Community Improvement
Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project is hereby incorporated by
reference herein and designated as the official Community Improvement Plan for the
Business and Waterfront Improvement Project.
Section 7. The Executive Director of the Commssion is hereby authorized to
combine the Community Improvement Plan for BWIP, as amended by the BWIP
Amendment, into a single document, and said document, when fied with the City
Clerk and the Secretary of the Commssion, shaU constitute the official Community
Improvement Plan for BWIP in place of the document currently constituting said
Communty Improvement Plan.
Setion 8.
a. With respect to the provisions of the BWIP Amendment that
provide for the fiscal merger of the BWIP and WECIP, the approvals contaied, in
Setion 6 hereof are specifically subject to and conditioned on the foUowig becomig
effective: Those portions of Ordinance No. 2897 ,Approving and Adopting the
Fourth Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the West End
Community Improvement Project, that provide for the fiscal merger of the BWIP and
b. With respect to the provisions of the BWIP Amendment that
provide for the addition of the Exchange Area, the approvals contained in Section 6
hereof are specifically subject to and conditioned on the following becomig effective:
Ordinance No. 2895 Approving and Adopting the First Amendment to the
Community Improvement Plan for the Alameda Point Improvement Project.
Section 9In order to implement and facilitate the effectuation of the Bwip
Amendment, together with the APIP Amendment and the WECIP Amendment, it may
be necessary for the City Council to take certain actions, and accordingly, this City
Council hereby (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out the Community
Improvement Plans for the APIP, BWIP and WECIP, as amended; (b) requests the
various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City of Alameda having
administrative responsibilities in the Project Areas likewise to cooperate to such end
and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a marer consistent with the
redevelopment of the Project Areas pursuant to the Community Improvement Plan for
the APIP, BWIP and WECIP, as amended; (c) stads ready to consider and take
appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate the Community
Improvement Plans for the APIP, BWIP and WECIP, as amended; and (d) declares its
intention to undertake and complete any proceedings necessar to be caried out by the
City under the provisions of the Community Improvement Plans for the /\IP, BWIP and WECIP, as amended.
Section 10.Ordinance No. 2559, as previously amended on December 6,1994,
by Ordince No. 2681, on July 6, 2000, by Ordinance No. 2835, on September 19,2000
by Ordince No. 2844, and on April 3, 2001, by Ordinance No. 2857, is contiued in
fuIl force and effect as futher amended by th Ordince.
Setion 11.The City Clerk is hereby directed to send a certed copy of
Ordince to the Commssion, whereupon the Commsion is vested with the
responsibilty for caring out the Community Improvement Plan for the BWIP,
Setion 12.The City Clerk is hereby directed to record with the County
Recorder of Alameda County a notice of the approval and adoption of the BWIP
Amendment pursuant to th Ordinance, contaig a statement tht proceedings for
the redevelopment of the merged BWI and WECIP Project Areas, including the
Exchage Area, pursuant to the BWIP and WECIP Communty Improvement Plan, as
amended, have been intituted under the Caifornia Communty Redevelopment Law.
Section 13.The City Clerk is hereby directed to tranmit a copy of this
Ordinance, a description of the land with the Exchange Area, and a map or plat
indicating the amendments to the boundaries of the BWIP Project Area, to the auditor
assessor and tax coIIector of the County of Alameda, to the governig body of each of
the taxing agencies which levies taxes upon any property in the BWIP Project Area, as
amended, and to the State Board of Equalization.
Section 14. Effective Date. This Ordinance shaIl be in full force and effect from
and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage.
Section 15Publication.The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to
certify to the passage of this Ordinance and to cause the same to be published once in
the Alameda Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in
the City of Alameda, California.
Section 16SeverabilityIf any part of this Ordinance, or the BWIP
Amendment which it approves, is held to be invalid for any reason, such decision shall
not affect the validity of the remainng portion of this Ordinance or of the BWIP
Amendment, and thi City Council hereby declares that it would have passed the
remainder of the Ordinance, or approved the remainder of the BWIP Amendment, if
such invalid portion thereof had been deleted.
Lara Weisiger, City
Exhibit A
The Community Improvement Plan (the "Plan) for the Business and Waterfront
Improvement Project, as adopted by the City Council of the City of Alameda on June 18
1991, by Ordinance No. 2559, and subsequently amended on December 6, 1994, by
Ordinance No. 2681, on July 6, 2000, by Ordinance No. 2835, on September 19,2000, by
Ordinance No. 2844, and on April 3, 2001, by Ordinance No. 2857 is hereby further
amended as foIlows:
1. The "Legal Description of the Project Area Boundaries" attached to the
Plan as Attachment No.1 is hereby replaced in its entirety with Attachment No.
attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference.
2. The "Project Area Map" attached to the Plan as Attachment No.2 is
hereby amended to include that certain area depicted in the "Exchange Area Map,
attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference, and described in
the "Legal Description of the Exchange Area," attached hereto as Exhibit C and
incorporated herein by this reference (the "Exchange Area
3. The "Redevelopment Land Use Map" attached to the Plan as Attachment
No.3 is hereby amended to include the Redevelopment Land Use Map for the
Exchange Area attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by this reference.
4. The last sentence of the second paragraph of Section D.l, 9309, Real
Property, of Part II of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety and restated as follows:
Eminent domain proceedings, if used, must be commenced within twelve
(12) years from the date the ordinance adopting the Fifth Amendment to
the Plan becomes effective.
5. One new paragraph is hereby added to the end of Section D., 9309, Real
Property, of Part II of the Plan as follows:
The C9mmission shall not acquire residential property by eminent domain.
6. Two new paragraphs are hereby added to the end of Section B, 9502, Tax
Increment Funds, of Part V of the Plan as follows:
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 502 to the contrary,
upon the effective date of the Ordinance adopting the Fifth Amendment
to the Plan, and provided an ordinance becomes effective amending the
ALl AmendPlan/BWIP21942,0011
Community Improvement Plan for the West End Community
Improvement Project (the "WECIP Plan) that includes the merger of the
West End Community Improvement Project Area with the Business and
Waterfront Improvement Project Area (the "WECIP Merger Ordinance
the number of dollars of taxes which may be divided and allocated to the
Commssion pursuant to this Plan and the WECIP Plan for the Merged
WECIP BWIP Project Area (defined below) wil be Six Hundred Ninety-
One Milion DoIIars ($691,000,000.00), the total combined tax increment
limits for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area and the
West End Communty Improvement Project Area.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 502 to the contrary,
upon the effective date of the Ordinan(e adopting the Fifth Amendment
to the Plan, and provided the WECIP Merger Ordinance becomes
, ,
effective, the amount of bonded indebtedness secured by a pledge of tax
increments that can be outstanding at anyone time for the Merged
WECIP IBWIP Project Area wiI be Two Hundred Ten MiIion Dollars
($210,000,000.00), the combined bonded indebtedness limits for the
Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area and the West End
Communty Improvement Project Area.
7. A new Section D, 504, is hereby added to Part V of the Plan as
(9504) Merger
Upon the effective date of the Ordinance adopting the Fifth Amendment
to the Plan, and provided the WECIP Merger Ordinance becomes
effective, the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area is
hereby merged with the West End Communty Improvement Project
Area. Upon the effective date of the Ordinance adopting the Fifth
Amendment to the Plan and the WECIP Merger Ordinance, the West End
Community Improvement Project Area and the Business and Waterfront
Improvement Project Area may hereinafter be known and referred to as
the "Merged WECIP IBWIP Project Area.
ALl (lmendPlan/BWIP21942-0011
Exhibit A
Attachment I
Legal Description of the Expanded BWlP
Project Area Boundaries
REAL PROPERTYin the City of Aloeda, County of ::1e..d., SGate of California;described as follows:
BEGINNING at the ntersection of the U. S. Pierhead Line (Alaa'da)
as established by the U. S. Rrmy Corps of Engineers
, and shown on th.ir Map of "Harbor Lines fm San Francisco Bay, California, Oakland, - Alaeda, dated 23 Sept. 1
, tetw
points 91 and 55, and the so'"theast,rn right-of-way line of Mar-ner Sq.jare Drive (for.erly Webster Street, 80 feel; Ide) as desrib.d (in Par.l 2) 'in the West End Co..unity Improve..nt Plan, adopted by City of Alas.da Ordinance No. 2141 certified copy of said ordinance haYing been record.d
Augu;t 4, ),83, undr S,ries
No. 83-140961, in the Of-icial Records of Ala",da
THENCE southeasterly along said Pi,rh.ad Line to
intersection cornetof said Parcel 2;
THENCE southwesterly along the boundary of said Parcel 2
, .
the cOl.rand distances:
South 18' 351/ West, 271. 94 South 1722' 55" West, 152..06 feet i South 4912' 5511 1'36..00 f.eet j SOIjherlYf along the arc of a curve
, concave the radius of 1304.77 fe'tan arc distance of 42 feet'or.norchern linof t.JorH- Stre'?t (4Q' wide;
nO\- 13badond) j
with ancrthe
fQllwinQ l1a:!
st:h13vJng a
or e55to
THENCE. wostedy along said line of Work Sernt, 225 fe,t.o..e or less, to the eastern line of said Mariner SGuare Driv THENCE. northerly and north.asterly along said line, 850 f,etre ol"s, and
200 feet, Slore or less, respeo:tively, to thE? 8EGrNNING..
Containing seven (7)acres:no:"=, or s5.
EEGINNING at the point of int'rs.ction of a line do-
awn paraU-.l with and t.n feet (10') .asterly at right angles fro" he easte,'n right-of-way line of 'Sh.roan Street (&0 feet wide) and the "Segregation Line, as shawn and deiin""d on that certain map 'entitled
, "
Official Resur.ey of Portion of Segregation Lin' and Vicinity, filed and recorded August '
, 151 in Book 3 of S'"ry.ys by Licensed S'Jrvoyors, at page 16, in the Off. of the Ala.eda Co',nty R'corderwhich oint is also an angle point in the eastern boundary of Parcel 2
, a, described in th,West End Co..unity Ilprave.ent Plan
, adapted by City of Ala.'da Ordinance No.2141, a certified copy said ordbance haYing been
record.d AUg'lSt 4, 1
und.r Series No. '83-140981, in tho Official Recot'ds of Ala,"da CO'Jnty;
THENCE. northerly along said
eastern boundary, the following naoed Courses ..distances:
North 2201' 1-4/1 E25t, 22C.()6 feet j North !342' 00" West4-24..81 fEO'?: i North 352' 02" East, 22"G'3 f.etto a pin: on the east"n bo"ndu;of ds af eda MVillage Associat Noro 7
Nor.. 1 ell -:; S.. I
"' I =- e I, I
Description of the Survey rE'aP2rc!;.l ", I'I.2S ct ')0(:::Jr: t i :1:J
North 5800' 44" West
, .
30.1)0Fe?::;jorth 3159' IS" 35t15(!C!
SOUD ?,jl 4
" E.3!2 r'ln 4 10' 11 =a5t. fee"';Sar..tM 02' 24" E.ast, 2St.lfee: tJ a poini: on t:,? S. l='iet'he:3d and Bulkhead Line (Ala:ieda), as e5t2blihed bthe S. At'IIY Carps of Engineet and shown on their Nap of IrHarbor Lines, for San ;=t'ancisco Bay, C21ifornia 02Hland - Ala;il2'da, dated 23 S'2pt 1'163It'hien point bec?rs norbi'l-esterly -4.feet, !Iot'e Ot' less, frooint No. 105 theieaf, and which paint is also coincident with an e3stern corner of said Parcel 2;
THENCE along the eastern boundary 0 f said Parcel 2, North 416' II' East, 143. feet to another corner thereof at intersection with the Peralta Grant Lin
f as said Line is delineated and so designaed on the "Map of Alaeda Marsh Land as partitiond asong the owners thereof, in the suit nubered aq23 a entitled, Pacif"ic I.lprO'J2Ient CO:Jpctny, plaintiff, YS. Ja.es A.. WaY:lire, et , defendants, Superior Court, of Alaleda County, State of Cali rornia. "
filed for record July 30, IOO in Book 2:; of Maps at page 74;"in the8ffic.' 0;the la5eda County Recorder;
THr-CE southeasterly along said Grant Line
, 295 feet, lore or 1, t.o inter-section with the aforesaid Pierhead and Bulkhead Line;
THENCE leaving the said Grnt Line, southa5terly along said Pierhead "and Bulkh?Line, 530 feet, 80re or less, to inter'5ection with another point on the said Grant Line j
THENCE northeasterly
Line, 1235 feet,
ulkhead line, 2
and in a general southeasterly direct ion
along the said Grant :lore or less, to Point No. 109 of the said Pierhead and point of sparation;
THENCE continJii1g southt:ely al'Jilg the said PierhLine 3062 f2
, .
i!C2 cr less, to cint No. 139, a jl.r.ctio:l poi;,t;THENCE continlJing 5oljthea.stetly along said Pi2"he.=d endB'Jlkh:aEl.d Lin2 ;=2=:BTo";e Otless, to th; nOrti1',oes;;en line of Oak Str, (43.84 f==t wid:?510 or less; now abandon;.
, as shan on the 1I12.p Dr Pr't of the M:ntIJi1 Tr,a.=t"data'd DS'C'=:ubet~1 1.376, filed fer r'ecc"('d Narch 3'1377, in t:-:? Office of the Alameda County R2cord2r;
THENCnortheast:?rly along said line of Oak Street
, or the dirS'ct pro!ction nlJ'(theasterly thereQf, to the nea)'channel line in the U. S. Tic2.1 CE-i121, 0:3 the sae now exists and as shawn on s2icHarbor Lines Map;THENCE south'east?ly along said channl li:: 750 feetmore.. or 1235, ta the southeastern right-way linor Pat'
reet;THENCE sO'Jthwester1y along said right-of-2:.' ! ine to t:-Je said Pie'h:ad :-d Bulkhead line;
THENCE: southeasterly along last s.?id liii
, ;;
O feet, ii10re or less, to inter- sectin with the northwestern bayndary
that tract or parcel of land sh3wn on Jl
arcel :1ap No. 1264", filed for"' rec'd A'.lgr.st 28, 1975 in Soak 8& of
arcel Naps, page 1.: Official Records .;? Ala.neda CO'JntYi
THENCE: no"rtheaste1'''Iy along the direcpr"'odLi.::: ion no"('theastrly of said bound.?:", tQ the said near channel line;
THENCE: sDI.,astet'l'l along said channel lin:
1065 :noro. l, to int section with the di;:l:t pr'odlJcti':n nOr'" :a:.terl'l of the SOI.:t:'==:.teln cC1.!ncari'of said pat'l j
THENC5outh!stely a!og said dir?d te said
j 2 .llkhead Linej
~~~: :
Tilden '..ay \2.5 t:ie- 52.:= i)lJ;. !?;.ists) i
ac 2..-:C
rj :.::::"52r:i
B'.Ilxhead !.i:1e1 :dJ f:: -? ': I
'5Ci.ptic;" of Sljr'f ArP=.:'c:?l li2.+ /r1aj SI) -(C:Qt::- IJ 2d)
THENCsouth..t'rly along said lin. of Tild.n Way 3
000 f..t, nore Dr 1.5. :0 int,"section with tho sO'Jth.aste,n li,o. of cv.:-.tt Str.,t
(6,) f..t wid.);
THENCE south.st.rly along said Iin. of E'
l2r.tt Str..t to tho sO'Jtr.'.ste"n lir,. 0;'
Lin,:,oln m!;(SO wide, as S2!ie nlJeXiS5) i THENCE north"est,dy along
last said Iin. to th, no,..storn bo'mda'ry of T:-act
3391, th, map of which Was fil.d fo:- r.cord 25 Octob.r 72 in Book 75 of 1apspag=- Official cords or Alamd:l C01JntYj THENCE so'"thw.sterly along said
bO'Jndary and tho direct p,
od'Jction SO'Jthwesterl;th.reof, said direct prod'Jction being the Co.
on bO'Jndary beteen lots 12 anc , Block B of the Alamed3 Station Ho"e3t.3d Tra
, the '''p of ;,hich was fil,,:fa.' record 14 March la6S in Book,
17 of "laps, page 60, Official Reeo'ds of Ala.eda Co'mty, to the northeast"'
n lin. of .bb Aven'Je, 6,) feet wide, as th,
Sd5l!? now exists;
THENCE so'"theast.rly along said line to the
said SO'Jtheastern line of said E',.tt StrEt?t j
THENCE southwesterly along said line l:a.5 f..t
, ,
"or, or hs;, to tho .outh-west,,'n bO'Jn.jary of the lot co"monly knowr. as 1510 Everett Str., bohg
Alaridd J:1ty AssSSOr1 5 Prcel No. 70-1bg-3:+j THENCE southea,tel'ly along said bO'Jnda:-y 87 f.et, oO're or' iess, to th, SC'Jth-eastet'linof said lot;
THENCE northeasterly along 12St said line to the
sO'JtO"e3te,.n bO'Jnd"','
aT ot 4
Block 2, a3 shown aD th",t certain map entitled 'S'Jbdivision of the Chipman Blocks, .,hieh ,'=p was filed Tor' reco.'d 3 Iay 1873 in Book 4
aT )!"'ps, p"'ge :
in OFfiof the AI=eda County Record THENCE sO'Jtheasterly along said lot lino to
the sO'Jth'.st.rn boundary of said let , being also the nOdhwoste"n
bO'Jndary of lot 6
, '''id 2,leck 2;THENCE northostedy along last said bO'Jnd",'
y and the direct P"od'.!etion Clorth-sterly thereof to the northeastern li
e of .aid Webb Rvenue
, (41.&2 f.et wid& at thi5 point, as the sa.;e no;. exists);THENCE so'Jtheasted,. along said line of Webb Rvenue 120 feet
, mc"., 0" les5to t;'e
direct prod'Jction northeasterly aT the northwestern 1 ine of lot 10, said Bleck THENCE southwesterly along said lot I
in. and diret production thereof, to a line
d,.awn parallel with and 100 feet
sO'Jthwesterly at right angles from
the south-stern lin? of said Webb THENCE southeasterly along said pa:,
allel line !20.3 fe,t, oore less, to the
Commcn bO'Jndary of said ChiP2n Blocks S'Jbdivision and of Block 2
, as shown on
the "t1ap of Part of the Hays & Cape;-ton P,'ooe,.ty..., Filed for reord Rp,:il , 1873 in Book 5 of Iaos, page &, in tho Office of the Rla.moda County Recorde'j
THENCE northeasterly ",long said Common bounda
ry, "14.6 feet, more or less, to the
northeastern bO'Jnda:-y of the lot commooly known as 15t)B"oaday, being Ala;aeda Cor.!nty Assessor-5 Pael No. 70-1&922j THENCE 'southeasterly along said bO'Jr"ja,'
y and the direct prod'Jcti.,n suutheaste,.!y the,'eof, to the SO'Jtheaste"n
line aT Broadway, 80 feet wide;THENCsouthwesterly 210ng said southea3te,.n line
, to the southwestern lin Central R'JeO'l(80 wide);THENCE northwesterly along s",id line of Central Av,nue to intersection with tho direct prod'Jction southwesterly of the sO'Jthea.tern boundary of Tract 3465 fi led for ,'ec:ol'd 27 Febr'Jary
1973 in Seok 77 of I"'.os, page 9, in the
CJffi.::ial R:cords of Al-='TIda COI.nt,THENCnDrth.as.r!y along ..!d
:!en .,d boundary to the nertn-stern liof said 3Ct;ThENCE nOdc,west"'ly along last sa,!d t"20: line t,o tc,e nctc'e5';e"n Ln, th,,ECC;
Description of the Sur'/ey AreaParcel ".'\2'1. 2S Oct gO(coiltiil'-,ed)
ENCE southwesterly along said northwestern
line to intersectio
with wester'n line of lat 21, Slock 1 of said Chipan Blacks Subdivisisn;THENCE: northwo?stei'ly along said lin:? or lot 21, tS0 f2, r.oror 1:,'5s, t.J t;-,narthw23tern line of lot co.rlionl'l K;lG..2S ;:5,)7 Cer:tr.::d RvenfJ:?, b:ing Assessor"" 5 Parcel No. 70-170-1Sj
THENCe. south_"sterly along said lot line and the di,-
.ct P,-oduction SO'Jth"e5ted'j thereafto -the sauthw2stn line of said Central venue;THENCE narthweste:'ly along last said
to the sO'Jtheastern boundary of the 1:cammonly kn'Jwn as 2428-2':4') Cen:;r"al Ae!1, t:::ing ASS55ar1 5 Prcel No. 70-186-1 ;
THENCE: SIJI.1tl1wester1'y 2"long said bO!Jndary! 135.5 Teet, IiC;'E Or1:'51 to t.i1
western boundary of last said lot;THEt-iCE nor.ti1wi"ly along last said bol.nda"c'
y, 182.'; f22tmOr'!; or 1 =55, to til:southeastern line or Pa'rx Aven'Je (8() f,.t wide, as the saoe no" exisos;;5outhw2sterly g last aid line to inter'section with thdir'ect pi"od ticn southaster11 of the ncrheastirn bO'Jndary line of the lot
as 1353-1357 Paf'k Avenue, being Assessa1 s. ;"Csi'cE'l No. 7
l35-cj THENCE northwester'ly along said bo'.!ndar'l line and dir'.:,t P1"odl.!.:tiDn tr-r-?r':'Jfti-,following courS=5 and dist2nc
nor.thw2'ly 186 feet, moor' less, to an angle puint,j sQuthwester"I'I 5 feet, mOre (lY' l;:ss, to n angl!; pointj ilorthw:sterly 45 fe:t, IiO'('2 o)'le5s, to the northwestern line of ti1=lot cO;:iDonly known c?s 1351 Park Al/enl.!:?1 being Ass':J"" 5 Pacel Ic. (\)-185-7;
THENCE so'.!thwesterly' along last said line to the nO'thl?astern lir.2 oi lat , 3!:, as shawn on the ilap of I1Alameda Park Homestc!d"t filed forecQ"'d 1'1,:.,/ 3, 137 in Book 17 of Naps, page 32, Official R=clJds of AL:eda C01mt,;;THENCE northwest2rly alQng lat said line to the northwest=n line of said lt ;being also tho COHon bO'Jndary of lots R 2nd C of said B
l'Jck 3, as 51'0"'", c;:s.:id m2p;
THENCE sOlJthJesterly alona said com;;on bound2ryand the e)(tension thereof tht
II Block 3 and beyond tothe northeastern boundary of the lot cononly known
IJJq Park Rvenue, being Rssessor' s Parcel No. 70-18-28-1;THENCE southeastrly along said boundary, l54.q2 feet, lIor. or less, to the northwestern line or said Park Rvenuej
THCE southwesterly along said line, 90 feet, lIore or less, to the sOljthnest=r boundary of said lot, berny also the north..stern boundary of Block 5
, as shown on said .ap of Rlageda Park 'Ho.stead; .
THENCE: northwesterly along last said boundary, 140 fe
, :!ore or lessto a 1
drawn parallel with and 140 feet
no)'thwesterly from the said northwestern li Qf J='k AvenuE j
THENCE: sO'Jtheste)'ly along said parallel line
B(J f, mO't'e Or less, to ti12 southest2)"n line of the property commanly known .:S 1323 Park AYn":b=?irig Assessor' s P.3'?1 No. 70-185-13j
THENCE sO'Jtheastedy along 52id .line) 5.23 f..t, .or. or less, to the north- western linof the lot COmmonly known as 2414 and 2415
Ma'ttir';2.e Court
, j
l;";Rssessors Parcel No. 70-185-17; THENC.= s:J,rth5te"ly 210ng said line, 120 f, (DlJre or less, to thno"(.the?s-:
line Qf Black 7, as shawn on the said ap of A12md2 Par"k Hoest22d;THENCE southeast2ly along said northe.:ster1 ins d the dir
s':Jjthea:5te:-lf th;;! 2!) feetmor
:" ::
I: 5u'jthe;;:5ti' '
way line of said Pak Avenue;
Ti-ENCE southwesterly :?lang said right-0f-:1 li:l:: t.J 2. ,::;ij: 'Jr 1J;'.-:2.
;"g: -:'
O:C:1C2'le to he S':1";'l"":Stas showil on '52i,j map;
Description of the Survey Area, P2.rcel liRov. :26 Oct 90- (cDniiHJEdj
:t ::;. \ i
:. ~~~~~~
; u
v :
t .same nOH existSj
THENCE. s'clJthl-Jesterly at tight dngles to :.
:d line c.f Enci,,l A,.,!?nIJE, B1~1 TEEt the southwEstern line theEof;THENCE northwesterly along said southwestern line to
thE 50lthstern linGf ;'
Avenue (West) I (50 feet wide, as the 525ie flClW Exi sts);THENCE 5outhweterly 210ng st said line to the direct production SQ'!thstEr of the northE2ster'n bOl.ndc.ry OT Lot A, Blck 11\ ':5 shown an the .:.fc'resid 1t:C of Alameda Park Horeestead;
THENCE: nDrthwetet'ly i:long 5.:id bc'!.mdary and pt"duction 17& feet, lDo're (.r' l
, tQ the common boundary of LotA and C of said Bloek 10, as shown on sid 2p of Alameda ParHomestadi
THENCE: southwesterly aIClng said bOIJndar"y c;.nd thE SOlJthJe5ly extension theteQf through Blocks 10, 11, 12, 13, end 14 of last sa..id Dlap to thenotthEastE linE' of Sail Jose AvenrJe, 60 feet wide, QS a1 so show.. on said mapj
THENCE !:orJtheasterly along s2.id rlorthe2.!:tEt'n line, 5 f:'Et, m!Jt'ot l!;.t(o
direct production northeastet'ly of thscuthester'n line Qf 'the l cO!ll!only k,town .?S 1198 P2t'k Sb'eet, being Assessc.J'" 5 Parc-l N0. 7!j-!Ei-l THENCE sOlJthwE:terly ale,ng !:c.id sCdJ'thea!;tEJ"i' line and pr'c'dIJctiQn th'=t',:of'::s said Sei1 Jose Avenqe i1d beyond to the !:cd!t:-.wE:tet'n line or s,;id llJt/pc::1 71.-181-1 i
THENCE ncrthwes.ter"ly along seid !:ol.th"'E'stet"'n 1i"e 122 fe, mGt'l? C'l' IE!:'=, tc. :-:E 50l.!theastet'i' tight-of-way line of f:..;d.StrE((:0 feet \.doe
, ':.
=: tcE S.;ii:r'C'I..exists;
THENCE sQuthwEstE'r'.ly a.1ong said line of f:'a"lk Str', !(!(I T:-::tmc.re 0' !
tc.the direct prcductioSQutha!:terly of the orthE.;strn line of LGt 7, Bleck , CiS shQ1i e'i1 the Map of LanGs &dj&cel,t to :h:? Towrl E,lcir.&11 Al::.ff:?da CIJ.tJnty, Cal., Srlrveyed by Jas. T. Stt'attor:filed fOt' r'"(d J';,;.y 28, 1E-S7 in Book 19 QT Maps, at ;agE- 5, in the OfficE' of the Alamda CQunty RECCrd!Ot'THENCE northwesterly along said 1 ine or lot 7 and the prQduct ion thet'Eaf to thE northwestern line of that CEt'tain lot QJ'" p&rcel cQmmonly known as 1117 Sb"Eet, being Rsessor' 5 P2rcel No. 71-208-7j THENCE. SOItthwestEt'ly along les.t said lii"JE
, 30 feetI!or'e Gr lE-, to the se'lJth-western line of last s.;id lot;
THENCE: norU"ll-le:te1'ly alor,g Icst said line22.75 T:?etmc.t'e (.1' 1s!;,! to the ';uJthe2.tE-'r. boundd"lY of the lot coml!only kljl..,. a..s '?1E. ..02.k StJE-t sessQr' s P,;u"cel No. 71-2(IB-1Cj THENCE nOr'theastEt"Iy alorg so?id boundary te. the- c;,fDr"id nC'r'theastet'n lirlE lc,, Block Q;
THENCE not..thwster!y long said line to the southw!stern line of the lQt cmmonly known.:s 23(;6 Sc;.n Jose R='i1IJe, being Asse!:sor: P,;.cE-l. No. 71-20S-6-1;THENCE hortheasterly 510ng said .
southwestern line nd the di1"ect production nc.the.;sterly thereof! 160 feE-t, mur'less! to thE- nOJtheastern t'ight-:::f-way line of said San Jose Avenue;
THENCE southeastetly along said riGht-of-way 1 ine to thE SQuthfastern boundiry of the lc.t commonly known 2S 23(:CjS21n Joe A'Je-n'.!E! being ASESSOt' s Po?,cel NQ.71-207-12 i
THENCnorthec!:ter!y .;le.ng said bOlJndat'y, l:.(J f:?et: m':'J'''e (.' 1 e!:s, to t.T,E- SQI wester'l line of lot 7, Blocshoin Qn the c-.fC:r2id Mo of Le.nc;adiacent ...
ENCr:norhwet:?:'ly clorrg l
c:.::d lir,e
, :.
(1 fc-:?:, ,!1(:.t"fJr I!:!;, ';0 C:l'westn line of said lot 7;
THENCE. n(l..th
te:'ly lc'ng l
c:.1in, 5() feet! mC'e c.' Ies,:, tc. thi!G",th-e2stern of said lot 7j
D'25c'I'ipticnof the Su:ey AT?::.-0:
:. ":;"
: i'!cy '3:)(':Gll:::: n':.j J
TnEICE sout;L:?Cit21'1y long l.1st 5.1id :i:-I::
f:2"t, moJ'i"e Ot , to tn!th-tErn line t' the lot CQ,"Olaill'
, "
n(,"'" "5 2,":'8 S"n H'1to,,:o Avenue, boiq sessaT' 5 j:\rl:l No71-2')7-2 j
THENCE nQTteastaT!Y alo11Q lst said line and th2 dir2c theEor, lC) fE2t, !iJOTe 0'" less, i;'J t;:o? nO"fthesti?'r\1 Avenue, at the intersection of th=- -so'Jth:o:\ste'n line shown on the said Map of Lands cent
THENCE northeasterly along said lin? of lo, 150 fegt, mOe O'less, to the northeastern line of said lot;
THENCE northesterly aloi19 1 at said line, 50 feet, moe or less, to the north-we5t2n line af lot 3 of saiBlock S, as shown on said map;THENCE northeasterly along la$t said oline" 50 feet! more oless, to a line dTa parallel with and O feet, sOllthwesterly fTom the southweste11 line of Encina A..enu, (SO fet wide, as the same now exists);
oductiol1 noth?astrly lil1!? of San Antonio of lot €', Block 5, as
THENCE northwesterly alD119 said parallel lii1e and the direct Qduticn i'thweste'rly the'reaf, 160 f'22tmO't:- r less, to te nc-rthweste'r-n line of O?o Stoet (E.O feet wide, as th=' 5,e nC:':J Xist5); "jCE nO"l'th!?ste'rly along said lincf Oak SJ:'i"eet (at va'ry:inwidths
, -
'\s the sa,":I?n0W exist), to interS2tiQn ith the s0uthest2rn bQLlnday of a pa?cel of C propeTty (the ain Libary ad the Child! s Library) commonly tnown as .1429 Oak St'reet, cond 224 SCli.of'20 Avenue, being' A3es3Q's Pa.'rcel No. 71-216-1;THENCE in general northea3terly diTectioD along said oundary, the io!lowi COll"rSes:
nOTthl,reste"rly, 150 feetm:n'e OJ' less;nCr"f'the:I:ste"rly! 52. ,g5 feet, mO're o'r less;southeasterly, 52 f, more or less; and northEasterly, '38.7'5 f:;et, nJ':ne CT' less, tQ the sC;:tt;'est="n li"11e 07 Santa Clara A'nu'?, (30 feet ..ide);THENCnOTthweter!y, 34 feet, mO'less,- along the said s0uthwstern 1 i11= tc intersection with thdirect poduction south..estely oi the nothwester boundary of thCity Hall poperty, which consist5 of all of lots
, 7
, $: ?
, 11, C\nd 12, and tho? 5':'L!'th=aste;1 33 feet of lot 13, all in Block. 37, :'s shlJ',rn on the aio'resid i1ap of Lands adjacent...;
THENCE northeasterly along said dirct oroduction, to the noth2astern line of Santa Cla"AVEnue, (.sO ieet wides the same no'), e:.dsts) as shown on said IIlap;
THENCE ge11erally rto?thast2rly along said bounddTY and the direct poductiQn noortheaste'rly theoreaf, to the no"theastn line of LinC'ln Avenue (,30 feet wide, as the same now exists);
THENCE southeaste'rly along sc1id line of Lincoln A,venue, 1('5 i:-=-tIIIO're O'j' l, t the afoTesid northestern line of Oak Stret (43. 8J wide, as thsam now e:cists);
THENCE northeasterly along said line of Oak Street
, to thSGuthwest2n line of Buena 'lista Avenue 0 (70 feet wide, as the s=\me now e:.ists);THENCE northwesterly along said lin9
, 98.5 feet, more or less, to intersection with the di"re.:t" p'rQo'uctioil sOllth'.este'rly of narthwesl;e'rn bO'l1d.?ory of thaI;ceortC\in p'rope'rty, COlIlMonly known as 2275 Buena VistCi Avenue, being Hs=-eSSOT Parcel No.. 71-222-2;
THENCE no'rtheasterly along said boundary and productioi1 theTeof, 215 1o're c-less, the sOllthweste'rn bOltld2'ry of th:\t ce'rtain lot cmmcn!y no'lm ..s lc.4'3 O:-.Sto=-et, being ASS2Si' S 1='
;221 o. 71-222-1;TH::rCE i:1 , g='"'e-("?or:oJ'rt,l'''=;-:=-Ill dite-:::i'Jnls':lg sdi-j 1c.-: :i.ne tilll f:l,J:..::-COlt'('ses:
north'J.este",l/1 35!. 5 f
-: j
n,:,rtheaste1'll', 460 7aoetj :;i-;.j
Descriptioil of the SllrveyHT'1=''?I':'21 "
X '
(.:Gi ':::" ,:2': i
northwest.rly, 130 foo, to the southe.st..n lin. of ElM St.oot
0 fo.:wide), as sid st'eot is sh"",,, on th.,o ,oo''o"in ,,12p entitl"d
, "
Sltbdi'/i"oll of Blacks 30 I 31, Llnds Adjacent to the To",n a' Encinal Alameda Township, Cal.filed for 'recm--, August1'30:5ill uk , p2ge Uffi,:i?l
':'JTrjS Al"rneda County;
THENCE continuing northwestely alang di7ect pTQduction thwisterly of las said couse to the thwesteline of said Elm Street;THENCE theasterly along last said line, 50 feet, to the SOllthwestern line of Clemei-,t Avenu= (60 Te'2t wide, as the S-
flli' now E:dsts)and as sioid avei1U2 i shown on said subdivision map;
THENCE northwesterly, along said line of Clement Ayenu., 260 feet, mar. or l.ss, tG the southeast.'rn line of Walnut St'reet 140 f.et wide, as tho S."e "Ow e"ists);THENCE southwEste'rly i\!oi'9 said st'('l?et line, 725 feet, mO're o'r less, to the southw€steline of said BueVista Avenu2 (70 et wid€, as the sanle exists);
THENCE northwesterly along last said line to intorsection
w!th the direct produc-tion south"'esterly of the northw.;tern
boundary 01 . traot cr parco
1 gj Cit awned commonly known as McKinley
, b2i9 AssNo. 71-31 -2-4:
THENCE no'rtheastedy along said bounda'ry and p'rodltction theceo;' ond beyond
, 42 feet, more or less, to. the southwester" bOLmdory 01 a parcel of land ow"
d by the Ala"eda Uni fied' School District
, being Assessor's P.rcel No. 71-229-2-1;THENCE "orthwe.terly along last said bou"dary to the southeAstern !i& of Mulberr;St'et (';0 feet wide., as the SCtme now :dsts);THENCE southesterly along id line 60 et to the direct Qductiol1 south-eastrly of the SOL1thwestern line of Eagle Avenu€
, (60 wide, as the sam nOIA e:(istsi j
THENCE northwesterly along said line' of Eagle Avenue, 540 feet, mere or less' to the northwestan line of Willow Sheet
, (
f."t wide, Os the s.m. no'. edsbs;THENCE "ortheast.rly along slid line to the south.este.n line of Clo"ent '
Ayonu.(60 feet wide, as the same now exists);
THENCE northwesterly along said southwestern lin€
, 103.5 fe2t to the salLtheast2 line of lot , Block 13, as own on that ce'rtain nldp entitled
, "
Plan of the Subdivisions of BlocJ, 2, 3, 14 af land Adjdce11t to Town of EncinaL", filed fo'reco'cd JLlly 20, 1883 ill BO.Jk 10 of i1.ps
, P9. ;6, in tho Office of the Alameda County Recorder;
THEICE sOltthwestedy alo;'g said southe'-te'rn Ji', 10leet, mO're 0'- less, to _,inte'rmE'diate southt&este'rn boui,da'ry of that lot cGrI)monly"knowil as 20E.O Clem-nt Avenue, being Assesso' 5 Parcel No. 71-255-3; .THENCE northw.sterly along said
boltndary, 34.8 feet, mOTe of less, to a po!nt;
THENCE sO'-th'esterly along said bOlmda'
y, 45 feet, more 0'(' l:ess, to the south-western boundary of said lot, being also the mid-block bOltndary beteen lots in said Block 13, E.S show'l' on sc\id :Jubdivisions or
p; ,
THENCE northweste'('ly alt;,ng said bOundc:'y to rift'e1'sectioi1 with the soutl1easte'boundary of that ceftain "lot, commonly kn'JW'1 as 1912 Stdnfod Ste2t (60 feet wide, a,. shown on last said map)
' beir,g Asessor's Pa'cco;1 No. 71-25-21;NCE southwesterly along said boundary, 3feet, more o12ss, to the south-western 1 ine oi said lot;
THENCE northwesterly along l.st s.id I
ine and the direct productio" northwesterly thereof, 1::6.25 feet, n1s-rS' o'r 1'2', to the no'tt;;'.::?ste.'rn "r.:g;,t-af-way s:-id nio"('d St'r:eet;
THECE no"rthesterly als2ast id line to 2 lii19
,1 pal!91 ith'and 11 f.;et, mO're o"r lesssaut,"\.est..ly of the sOUi;;".l2!t?"r:1 lij'. C=f:le:P.'I;:(bO feet widE's t;'e S":.::l2 """C'.& exists);
Desc'riptio11 of the Sllrve
!='.;"':' -?
1 ";:1
(:ont i :"',-c;?.j)
THENCE no'rth';Jesterly along said pc?r,:\llel 1::1':'1 l:.j,
f=\(i(j'('E- o'r l-:s:;to ;;e southeastern linof Lot 13, Bloc: 25hcn G0 id Subdivisions of lcc map;
THENCE southweste'rly along said lot line35 "fe::t, more ;:'1' less, to the southwesten line theEoi;
THENCE no'rthwesterly along last said line, and long the southwestern lines of lots 14 and 15 of said Block 2to the northwestern line of said lot 15;THENCE northeasterly along last said line to int2rsection with a line d
. pa'ral11 wTth and 110 feet, nJo"r les5, southweste'rly 1'"romthe said soutM-western line of Clement AVenl!e;
THENCE northwesterly along last said lille 68 feet, more Oless, to a line drawn parllel with and 70. S feet, more osoutheasterly from the southeaste line of Chestnut Street, (60 feet 'JJide), as shown on said Subdivisions of Blocks ap, and on that ce'rtain map entitled
, "
Mc?p of Encinal Station, Town o Alamedc?, OW11ed by Columbus Ba'rtlett", filed far reocoOi'd Ap'ril 17, 1875, in Book 17 of i'laps, at pag? 44, in thOifice or thso AI.?w2da County :eco'rde"
THENCE no'rtheaste'rly .;..ong said pcl'r.:lle-l lin:= 110 mo'r-? or le-s, to th:!southwestern Tight-of-ay of said Clent Avenue;THENCE northwesteTly along said right-of-ay line, 70.5 feet, more o'r 1253, to intersection with te sid line of Chstl1ut Street;THENCE sDuthweterlj along last said line to the "direct production sOuheast2 of a lot line p,:r.31Iel. with .:\iid ":0 fE'2t, mo"re 01' less, SOIlthweste'rly 'af sid '1 ine of Clement Avenlte;
THENCE n'Jorthweste'rly said lot line and p'roductio"l thereof, 168 fEet, mo"re o'r 1255 to the s'Juthea".;ter'n bOlJndd..'y of lot 16-, Block 60, a.s shown 01' said Encinal Station/ Columbus Bdrtlett map;
THENCE northr!y along sid boury to the said southwste?n line of Clnlent AV-2l1l1t?;
THEiCE noo..'th'..este"rly long last said lin02, 103 feetmO're 0"1' less, tothe south-easte"rn line of Lafa.yette S'to(.sO feet wide)! as shown on said Encinal Station m
THENCE southwesterly along said soutMeastern lin
, 75 feet, more or les, to the ect production southeastrly af lat line pa?allel with and 75 feet, mo or less, southwely of said lin-2 of Clenlent Avenue;THENCE no"rthlreste"rly .alung said pa'al1el line ':"11d p'odlctian ther2of, 168 feet mare or less, to the soutne5tern boundary oi lot 16, Bloc, as shown on said cinal Station map;
: oTHENCE sOl!hwe:teo('ly along la5t said lin/?, and the di'rect port:duction south'est2'thl:"reC':, 7': faet, moore o"r less, t'J the COmmQ11 bolti1dC'ry of lots '3 and 10, of said Bock 5'3;
; ;'
hweste'rly c11ong said COOfiilon bounda'ry and the dioect p"('oduction north-we'5y the"eo:, 1E.8 f, mOTe o'r les5, to the no'rthweste'rn line of Schille"re-:?", as shown on .said Encinal Station m.ap;THENCE no';-;leste"rly allJlQ said line, SO feet, nlO"12SSf to the no"rthe:.steTn line lot 12, Block :ie-, a.s shown on said Encinal Station map;THENCE nowesteTly along said no?teastEn line c111d the direct production north:25terly theTEof, 133 feetrnorless, to the southeastern line of lot , 5,-. j Block 5,
THENCE no'leaste'rly along last sid line, 100 feet, O1o', to, the afo'r!:-said ( "-fi..nt AVe",1U'2;
:' ,~~~:;
CI . ;
,. 1
;:01t u
tr :o I
e S
' s EncinStation nlap;
T!-E:?4CE SOL,
. "
ste'rl, along la: s-,id l:.n?j 1'33 j-2=t, II1S'r:? o'r 1, to t':i'tec\:ad'.lc on sOIJthe:lstetly of t,le S.J'.!thw?st-?;n line (cEilld N oi)O 11' 4.)", :;i)
Descripti'Jn of th", S:'::"/ A;'J ;:'
;,:=.:; .:,)
- i :: i:; 1.1
fe.t and la(la f.,t) of Lots I ,\ 2, S;;O'l" 00 to" ,'20 of "Tract ::016"filed fa" r.ce"d ':"9'"St :E2 ic S"E 134 of MaDs, at paqe 3" Official Records of meda Count
THENCE ncrthwesterly along S21d s'::'jth'.-ete,with the direct product ian thwrly the northwestline of 1inturn Str map;
THENCE. northea5tedy alo"g said line of rli"tm'
n St'eet, 93 feet, mo)'e 0" Ie... to
the northeastern Co"ne,' of a lot cauoniy knen a5 1919 Mint',rn Street
, being
ssessor' s Pat'No. 72-2 THENCE northwesterly alo;,g the northeaste,'
n bO'l"dary of said lot, 108 feet, more
or less, to the 't;'weste'cot'net' of said lot;THENCE So'"estedy al.:.r.g the northeste"n t.oundary of said lot, and the north-wester;, bOlJndary of lots II
, 12 and 5, Slack 50, as shown On said Enci;,ai Station map. 100 fe.t to a line
d,.an parall.! with a;,d 100 fe.t northeasterly of the no'rtheastuo lioe of Eagle HVen'le, (6,) Feet wlce, as the same ;,o exists) j .
1 in:? and I.:ct iarl theeQftogethJ?the'reaf3.3'; fe:?t, wC!"e or less, to 2lso 25 shewn 0:1 said Encinal Stat
TCiENCi: northe5tedy ,dong said p.Y311.1 lioe
, 7:: f'et, B", 0" less, to the northwest.,," bo',;,duy of tc,a: c,roa;n Asses5w's Pa,cel Na. 72-292-!1;TCiENCi: southwestely along said bOlJnda,.y, 1&0 feet to the southwlst.rn line of Eagle nljals'J d:; sho',n on s'?,
id EnCli121 :tiai1 mapi THENCE nOdh'''est'dy the'.on, 33 feet, .Ot'e 0" less, to the soot,"easte,'" li"e of
Grand Strealso. 2S shawn on said Encinal
atiun :!ap;THEi'JCE southwosterly along said sO'ltheast.rn line
, 3i) feet.a"e 0" less, to
int.rsetian with the southwester" lin.
of Buena Vista Aven.., (70 f..t ide as the sa.Ee xists);THENCE northw.sterly and w..terly along said
'olJthwestern line of Bu."- Vista Hven'"e, (70 Feet wide, but "2:n'ows ta 65 feet, and t.n ta 60 feet), 1466
feetmo"e 0" les., ta iotersection with the SalJteastern line of Ht'bo,'Street, (45 T:?.ct Iide
::i1e S-=.'e now exists);THENCE sOlJthwestet'ly alang said
lin. of A,'bo,. Str..t, 104 f.,t, OOt'l 0)" less, to -line drawn perpendic',I",' to said Ii.." of A,'bo;' St.'eet, a..d so.,thee.stedy f,'the most easte,'n co,'ne,' of lot 10, Block B, a; sJ'''n on the "PLe, of p",.t the Fitch Tract", filod for "e''''d Septlmb.,' 25, 1.55,, in Np Book 9, at page , in the office of A!aeda Co(nty Recar.d THENCE no,.thwest.rly along said perpendicular li;,e
, 45 feet to :he northwestlrn right-of-"ay lin. of said ;h-bor Sb'eEt, a"d the said must ostern co,."er;THENCE northwestet'ly along the so"th
estorn line of Lots 12 tho ""gh 20, in said
Block B, to the easte,'" 1 in. of Jay Str.et, (45 feet wide, .'s the sa,," no
exi st 5)
THENCE westerly at right angles to said 1
ine of J.y Street, 4 1 i ne gf Jay St:'eet;
along id wst:?)"n I in:?
, :n'J)Dt' lo?,east2corner. of Lot 15Bloc, of the aforesaid Fitch'THENCE weste)"ly along the southern line
of Lots IS th,.olJgh 24 ,the eastern line of 8enton Streef
, (60 2t wide';THENCE: SOIJthrIy along last said linto int)"section with the Pacific A\lenl.l(60 feet id:?) j THENCE. westerly along
said SOl!tM:2..n !in:?, 4(H) ;='?etr.Q('or 1:?production southerl:?is:rn bc'nd2c;= tM2 pra=er'
;:; ;;:
' e
;. ; '; ; '~~~
nor'thn linof id a=Lfi= Ave J"HE)'JCE conin!Jing oJ1"t;I?..21.;:n9 said st;t'1 blj'!n
;\.)r:::more O'' 1:55i;.J :;-1= th.=:.5t=-'j1 C::""1
of 135: 5=.::
et to the wester'
, to the south-
act j
, said Block A to
:authern line or
to th:? dit':C':
ma:11y k:1C\
;" lto t.
51' !)HE.=st I is.
I .
-..' -'.
D:,scr'ipt i'Jn('f t:'e SI..Y HY'-?;:'J P=.tC'?l "6 "':4 1'2,
,/ '?()
- (C:1t i;iIJ2'
THENCE ';.l'l aloi1'g a sO'lthern blJt!i1dy of 2 P,:=l of City Oi-nd poJpe"r'i:,!,:iQnly knlJn .=s; B1.In:. IJista !='2rk, being HS;;SS01"" 5 Pa.l No. 72-3S2-l. 3.
, 1i0':: Orless, to the ast:Otn lin'? or ShE'r;ilan Stre-?t (bO r==-i; wid:,) 'THENCE slJlJtherl., 'alry;:g sad easo:rn lin,:, 47&. 64 mor1=55, t'J the nOrthern 1 of lot , as shawn on the ap of R-SubdiYision of Wast POTtion or Sla.::k 33, Fitch & Shar'on Tr'c?ct", recar"ded.in 6cak 13 of rap:5, pag , Official ReDr'ds of Alaeda County;
THENCE easterly along said line 105 feet, mOr-e or less, to the Eastrn lin said lot;
THENCE- sQ'lthe;-ly al.Ing said astern line, 3'3. 7 f, mO"!"e or less, to the nOt-thet':-1 line of Linoin AvenEle (approx. 100 feet wide);
THENCE. eastetly along said noi'''thY'n line5 'feet, md..or less, to thdir rod'.1ction nai'rly of the eastern line of the lat
com!ionly kno\.m as 1.3(:6 Lincoln Avenu!:, being Assessor"" s arcel' No. 72-346-2;
THENCE 5oljti;etly alcn.g said easter:1 line and p'lJdltctioil thre'JT, 2(:(1 f:,tr.c,e 'J'lessto the 50t:alea5tet'n Corn: of said parcrl; "THENCE west::i'ly along the souther"'i1 line or said parcel and or th"e.dj2C2!"d; parC21 (72-3;-1), 1.10 f, :1Gt"'e or less, to the afQ'resaid east?!1 line of S
il2n Strt j
THENCE sQlthrll' alaGg said eastern lin, 35 f!?t, lDor!? 0'" 1, to the direct odYction eAterly, of the northErn line or the lot CQ
nly knQn as 15 Sher-iilan St'-eet, .bii1g Assessors 1='03r"cel No. 72-368-11j THENCE weste"r-ly along said nor'thern line and the p"oduction thereof, 210 feet more or l, to thwestern oline of said parcelj THENCE southerly along the said western line
, 15 feet, m.Jre at' less, to th southern line OT the lot- CQfiGlonly known as 1208 Lincoln Ave-nlJe, being Assess-1 s Pai"'c:: 1 No. 72-36.5-4 i
THENCE westerly alang said SQ'lthl?rn line?, 50 f, mDrless, to a paint an t easter'n line of the lot comiilonly known as 1544 Bay Str:eeting Assesscr Par"'ce 1 No. 72-3"&3-':.9 i
THENCE southely along said 2.stern line, 10. 5 f2, mQ"or less, t.J the SQ.lt;'-?1 ine or said PQrel i
Tr-E;'C:: wrly along said southern line and the direct production
the-rear w:?sterly, 160 r:ore 01''' less, to the wEstern linE; or Bay Street (bO fe-et wid,?) ;
THENCE northerly along said linof 8'l Stre,:t, 13 northeastern carner of L.ot 81, as shown an the Tract, filed far record in Map Book 184
, page County i
feet, more or' less, to th:e
Map of the Encinal Park
8S, Offi..ial Recot'ds of
THENCE. '.-sterly along th!; no"rthern line of said lot 150 fe:?tlDor"'e or less, to the not.th\Ojtern c!)rner of said lot
, being also a paint an the eastern line Lot 74. :35. shown on last said l'1ap;THENCE natthe:"ly allJng. said e:\ste"r"n line, 25 feet, more a'" less, to the northet'I in:o of said lot 7:;;
THENCwestrly along said northern line and the direct production threaf e5t:rl'lJ 210 feet.. sore or less: to the wester'n line of St. Charles Str2et (50 feet wide)
THENCE northerly along said w:strn lin, 125 feet h the southern line of the afa"resaid Lincoln THENCE westerly along said southern e 1138 fa carner or the lt COQnly knaw:5 912 Lincoln Par'c: Noo 73-2g0-4;
T!-ENCE: sout;':'f'ly alor.g the western line of said par'cel 150
ClOre or less, :.J the northern linDf the lot carnonly known as 1540 Ninth StrE(60 re \-Jide), bea:g ASSi?5S0r' s Parcel No. 73-390-53;
more Orless, to intersectioil
nlle (100 fet wide) j
mOY'e or less, to thnor-t!:,s:
en'being A5S:S';'J' s
3Lr-i;Ji:iGn or e Sli""g"r't?2.;:i"=?l
" ,
2-+ 2Y
'()- !::":':
Tr:ENCE. "es,uly 2100g s2id no,thec, line, 2(:2 fee:, Oo,e or L,ss, to a ooic: 'In e we,',,'n Ii". c; s2,io li,c::'1 5,e.: :SO feet wide), b.inQ ,s c''''ea5te''corner of t,c' Ie;; co.,oonly ,nc"c 25 :::,Ni,'1tSo",ec, b.iog l'55e55'"'' s "0,"0':No. 73-"+06-35j
THENCE west!rly aiong th!
therelJr weste""l'l, 1'17
lat cnly kQwn
Ti-ENe" nodherly 210ng the 'Rest err, Jioe of said lot, 150 feet'0". Or les5, to
the thern 1 ine of said Lincoln Avenue;THENCE "estedy along said so..!th.'rn line, 11"0 f.et, .ore 0" 1"5, to the corth-western corner of the lot comoonly known as 725 Lincoln Avenue; beinQ RS5.
' 5 P3rce 1 No. 73-41 IJ-43 i
therof id parcel di:,t Poduction "IOt"e Gr ta the SOljti"H..estn c'nner of the 22S Lincln RVi;nue, being ASS:5S0t1 5 P2rc
J. 73-406-
THENCE. southerly along the westorn line of said parcel and the Contlnuition
thereof as the western line of Per=.ls 73-4!9-44 an
73-4!9-, and th.,dir.ct od'lction south.rly th.r.Of
, '
325 fe.t, more or 1.5., to the S"e"n 1 ic. 0'Haight A'J-:i:lJe(.:;0 feet wide) j Tf-ENCE. west.rly along said 50'.th.,'n line, 1 foot"O,'0: le55, t,o"t;-,. !..
linE of the lot c'OHonly kn'J"n "-5 725 Haight q',en,".
, ".inQ 1'.5.50."" 5 P.,c;!No. 7 3-4O-38 i
THENCf southerly ,,long tM.'east.rn boundEry of said parcel and the c.ntinuatiDn th.reof as th! Eastirn boundary of lot 73-420-!9
, and t. dire=t prcdu=tion SO'.1th.rly thereof, 345 feet, Oar. .r le5s, to the ..uth.,n line of Sant.. C!""Avenue(Be) TE'=t wic!e);
THENCE. westedy along said southe,'n line, 16 fi.tm."e Or less, to th. easte,-line of the l.t cO"oonly known as 726 Santa Clar'
a "'VO"'J., "eing P5sesscr' s
Par'c::1 Nc.. 73-422-19;
THENCsouth.rly along the said eastern lin. and the contin
tion th.recf as tho eastern lin. of Parcel 73-422-7 ind the dire=t pr.duction th.r.of 5o
th!"'11 across Taylo,. H'Jenue (6(, feet wide), and th. eastern lir.e 0; P'arce15 73-423-7 and 73-423-15-1, 465 f..t'o'r. .r less, to the no,'th.,-n bO'Jndary of lots 20 and 21, B!oc" 2, a, shown en b. "Map of the B'ra',,.,. Tra.ct", fil.d ;or re=or'in BQOH 5 of Maps, page 1, Offici=d Records or Alaille-.ja County;THENCeasterly along said bondary to tho eastern lino of said lot 21;THENCE souther-y al.ng said eastern line and the
dire.ct P".d'Jcti.n SO'.1t;Hd th2l'.ofac'oss Central Hv.n,j. (75 fe.t wid.)
, 1'36 f2eo
0" le55, to the southrn linor said Central 12; THENCE. westerly along said so'.the,'n I in2, 136 feet00r2 .r,le55, to't,l2 n.,-th-western corneof Tract .504'hown on the lIap thereo:=, fil:d F.,., r:?'=
pto?mb,;r 1:;82 in Book 134 f :'1p.?gl: 78, Offic-ail R=cods c;: Al.::1:j2.Ji1ty j
THENCE So"th2rly along the west.rn lir.e of said "'.ct, SO'Jth I" 35' W.,:, 16,)fe.t..ro or less, to ti1e no,.th..,t."n orn2r' 0" Tract 437", as 5he"n on t,'1e nap the'-20f, filed fo'- record 2" De=ember H8C) in Book 123 of
aps, p2ge 3"Official RecO"r'ds of Alada County;THENCE ",eshrly and sO'Jth2r-y along tho bC'Jndry or said ,,'sct, the foll"rling Courses and distanc
NOi"th 87"" (is' (1911 74.':9 i'kwth' 2C1 5(11 51" Ea5IS. (I() feet;NOf'th B7e1 (JIJ' 09"
North 251)1 5111 E:a':!:
ar':;1 1::1 f
No;'2.0 5()1 51" E.ast
S'J:2'" 5)' 51" lest
!64.1S feet;
5. C:) f:: = t j
/. feet;
,)(1 fee t j
12. O(J :?t;
l(J':S; f:?etj
Des.=t'iptionof the S.J:-"/'2Y Ae-:\! 1='21"'cl?l ";' t'la'l S'- \CJ;-;:i.1'J"?':)
No:-th 87Og' OS" Iest, le6. CJ-3 f;:
South 250' 51llWest40.00fe
'th 87(IS' 0-311 I!?st, 234.73 Fe:?t1 to the nar'th.tei'n corn-?r' or said tract, being at the astErn line of cKa'l A'/en'J'?, (a private sb'eec, 60 feet wid'2, as the sae now exist;;);
THENCSouth 250'51'. West along said astern line and the diect production southerly thereof, 733 feet, i!ore or,less, to thsaut;,ern terminlJS of saic McKay A'enIJ2 j
THEtICE. westr'ly -along said southern terminus c.O feet to tho? sulJtheaste1"'n co'rn;;r a tract oT fed'?al pt"'opet.ty, commonly I.mown as Feder2l Center, being Assessors Parcel No. 74-1305-20;
THENCE: Notth 870&11 West along the sQlJthe'c'n boundat'y of said tt'ac+., 220.
' '
feetmore or' less, tlJ a bO'lndary cornerj
THENCE: South 21&11 Wst along said boundar'Y, 132.86 fe, !:ore or less, to the n'Jrted5t cerner of Tidla!1d Lot 25, Sa,=ti'Jn II, T.2 S.' R. f MOIJ Diablo Base and jrridian, as 5hon an Uil!ap No.2 of Salt Nrsh .=nd Tida L2nds situate ill thCounty of AlawStat= of Califot'ni=., 1871"
" '
certifted cCp'ies thereoT having ben filed with thCounty Rcorder of the City and County of San Ft'-:i5co, and in the office of thOo?pctiient of Finance, Division of Stat': Landsj
THEICE North 8757'425t along thnorthern line of said tidland lot, laa feet, mol"or less; to the east!:'n bO'Jndi"Y of Tract 3863, as arnended, filed for record in Book 115 of Maps' page 68Official Records of Al3eda County;THENCE: No'th 102' 1111 East along said east =l'n bOljnda;y, c.62.73' feet, more O"r'less, to the mo;t eastern carner of said Tract 3663;
THENCE: easterly .?long the bounda'ry of the aforesaid fedeoa! bact, 1::'3 t2:-t, m.:n"or l, to a bOlJndary corner;
THENCE: Noorth along said boundary, 2'3&.86 feet, at"' less, to a bO'Jnca:-y cQ,n THENCE South Ba25' East along said boundary, 265 feet, ilEH'e or lesstD a point on a 17 foot off5et of the western riaht-of-way line of said !cKay Avenue;THENCE. nartne''ly along said right-of-way lin, 45 fe, !I0or less, to an angl?point threin;
THENCE easterly 17 feetore or less, to the main or rglJlar western right-of-line of said lcKa,/ A'ienue;
THENCE: notherly along said western line and the dirct production nor thereof, 21.5 reet, J10re Dr less, ta the northo?t'n line of afares2id Cent RvenlJe j
THENCE. South 8835' , 92 f?, afOrless, to ii1terectian with the we'Ste line of a lot cDmmonly known as 633 Cer.tr-al 'enlJe; being As.essGl'" s P.;t'cel No. 74-42&-9-2;
THENCE northerly aiang said western line and the dirct prQductin northrly thet"E"Jf333 feet, more or les5, to the northern line of Taylor A'/c!1IJ(SO feet wide)
THEj\ICE ea;terly along osaid nQi"theril line, =,feetmare- or less, to th? eastet"bOlJndary of the lot cOlimonly known as 633 Taylor Avenue; being Ass?ssQ'' s ParcNo. 74-427-10;
THENCE: not'therly ':olong said i?aste'rn bOllndarYI 133.2 feet
, '
mot'e or less, to tha nOi"thern balJndry of satd lot;
THENCE westerly along said northern bOllndat'
nd the continuation westerly the-reof!(JO ri?et
, :;':)'
('2 or less, to the eateri1 line or the lot CoJ"':i'Jnly S;10'tJ;1
g 1
: 2
~~~=,- y
the'r', 210 ej;, iIQror less, to the narthe'of Santa ClE.ia M"er.lJ (60 f
) j
Desn"ptian or b"SIJr',e,! A'r'?:?
, .
C2.:c:- =:. Iit::c'Ji:i-:'
THENCeasterly along said nOt'th'?n ! in, 43 feetOj'
or l, to t line or the 10t CGjJU1i1i. kilo'jn a:5 &2'7 S2n:;a Clara '/e.'lljebo:ing HS52Ssor Pat'c:,l No. 74-428-7;
THi:I'CE. nJ-'tho?'l,! 210ng said e:3St;enl li:;, 1;&.5 r;;?-:, mGr; Ot' e5=.to the s.:ut;-er'n line or the l':Jt Co:iiIJilly knowil as &28 H2iQh'c A\/::n', bo;ing A:5Se5S(I1 s Parc! 1 Ia. 74-428-27 i
THENCE: easce-';'ly along s.:id southern lin, 10 fe,;t., :!'Jre or less, to t)-Ie 23stet'1 ine or last said lot;
niENC" no,'therly along said east",'n Iln., 103.75 fe.t, 'Or. Ot' hss, to tne sOIJthern right-of-way 1 ine af Haiaht Avenue, (60 feet wide);THENCE westet"'ly along said sulJthrn lfn=" 33 reet, mo:,"! or lessi to th: dir'2,:t ductlon southerly of the western line of
the lot co"monly known a, S2g Haight" Avenue; bing H3sesslJ't"" s Pai'cel No. 74-42"-13j
THENCE nO'thet"'ly along said western linand pr'od'Jctioi1 thereaf "'lid its c:)nti.,J2-tion as the westrn line of' the lot monly known as 623 Lincoln AVU2;being Hssessor':5 Parcl No. 74-429--22, 330 f2et t'1 th2 '5J1.:t;'n line of Linc:'!n H'IiI.n'J2(10(1 ie2t wid2) j
. .
THENCE westerl:, along said SOIJt;')"n lin2, 20 ::tiI!:We C'l:ss
, '
l:J the di:-'roduction souther'ly of tha5tern line Jt the lot Jnly known as 625 Lincolr: A'/enrJ:?, o:ii1g AssessQr' 5 C2! NQ. 74-430-12;ThENCE n'Jth::'ly along Jast said estern line c5nd pt'Qdl.!C"tin th2t'20f
, '
25tj fe at'D)' 1:5Sto the outhen 1 ine ,cf the lot commonly known 25 52S acif Aven'J':, being ASS2S50i""" 5 Pacel No. 74-430-2'3j THENCE e.3strly along said south!?'
line, 10 feetDo'r-t Or' less, to the e2\st'?r'line of said P
THENCEo na,.therly along s.ld e5te,.line nd :". dir.c" p"'od'Jctlan no,.th.dy th:t'2'Jr, 210 f2It: i!Otr 1,=s=to the r.a"'thet'n liile of Pacific A"n..!e, (&0 T,=et wid
THENCE a5ter'ly along said north='n 1 i11e, 22. 5 f!?, mo' l:?s, to the 2:?5t lini? af Pe.cel 2, a5 s:"Jwn an "P=,'cel ldD No. j':78, fild fat' r'9clJrd in EOQ!-180 of it1aps, pag:? 71, Official RclJrd.s of Alamed.a Ca:.lnt'lj THE;\CE: NOt'th 24.:31" E:.?st al'ng said e5te)"n lii1'=, 14-5.1)0 fe,;t;.. less 1;.:) the sOl.ltnern lii1of A5:S5Jt' s Pai'cel No. 74-431-26, (no addr'ess) j THENCE: NQt'th 22' 29" WS!5t, along said sout:'e'n I inf', 75.50 fe=t, ,1101:?5.to the wsten lin9 of said P=21;THENCE th 35' O(jll :=.3st alo"g said :-n lil', &S fe, cure 0:"' less, to the n':)r'th2rn line of the lot addr"'!:ssed a3 &17 Pacific Avenue, being A-;S25sur Parcd No. 74-431-1l;
THENCE. in a gc:ne1".:1 wsteJ"'l,/ di)"ctioil along said ni:H"'thrn li:-,th: followi caurss and distances:
North aBWest, 47.40 femorE' OtlesSj -S'JIJth 135' J,.est, 3.80 feet, more 01'"' less;ortM 8.1 West, 40 fe2t,. !Ioror 12ss, to interse.:tian 'Jith the eastern line of thelQt commonly known as 612 BlJenVista AvenlJ! being S;'2;SQ"" 5 P=i"'csol No. 74-431-23-4;
THEj\jCE. .North 135' East, along said 'ea'3te'rn lin, 83.00 f::et, mat"':: O' l, tJ the nOr'thern Ii;!e or last sai.
j Pd1"ce1, being on the so'.!th!:rn lin!? of SIJena l.-s!:,: A'IeiHl2'(b(I reet wid!:);
THE;\iCE: Nort;, 882S' Wt alono said sor..therr. line, 2(J9. fget, mCt'less, tJ a point udirect prodution n:herl,/ of the clin2 of Sxth S
ij ct2rlibeig cJiCid!nhe s:et
!C:: u;';1 o :;:;r 23=;, 2101:g :5etid A:..ghinoa'lgh line, 730 fei;, ,1Joe or l?! t.)''0rthril l:i1e .Jf il:: :o
; .
l.nowii 25:;7-553'.:i12 Vi5ta A'I='-IU ing H5seS5c.5 P=l N'J. 74-.'34-2j
O'?script ionof the SI.n'\J'I ;:"1 P=.
:, ":"; ;
(cant i "t.!;:
T..,ENCE North BaS' West
, ,;.
1':;:9 siG i:a:'i;i;
;" ;
:'2 2;':: contin'l==tian t;"'!?:-'2of as the nothern line of the adjacet lot cJ;;0nly k:Qwn as 547-54; BIJena Vis A'IenIJE!1 being Assessor' s arcNc. 7':-434'-..
; ,'j:..(;;
t f'2et:!ore or 1&35, tQ the west21'n line of last said p5r=
THENCE. South 135' west31ung last said westet'n 1.\11,1, &70 feOt'at' L255, to the northern li,ne of said Buena Vista Avenue;
THENCE South East, along said narther'n line, 49 feet, lIare or' less 1 to t:;e dii"ect pt'odl.!ction nor'1;h1y aT ';he r;2te"1n line of Asse5sor' 5 Parcel No. 74-43&-26 (no ,address)
THENCE South 135' West, along said eastrn lina and prod;Jon threof, 211)re-:t, more or less, to the sauthe:-n line of said pat'cel;THErCE: Not"'th 882&' West, along said sarj'thern line, 19&.29 feet, mo'(',: or le-;st,)the w;tern line of sid parcel;
THENCE North 1ast, along said western lie and the direct production
rtherly thereof and its cantinion as the eastern line of the lot ca kno',m a:s 501-:'35 Buena I)ista AY;;J'.!e, br;ing Ass.:ssor' s Prcel No. 74-434-4-0+'37;'.6 f:=t, mar'€, at"' 1=S5f to the 5ot;,e)'"n t'ight-or-w2ty li.ne af' th
8217; .LinRailroadj
THENCin a ral westerly directicn g said right-of-way lin2Gd th! dir pi"oduction westerly. th?re':f, 3L23 !!ore 0)" les" to the ;.In riQhi;-
way line of Main Stre-:"(ger..:r2111 80 fet wide);
HENCE northerly along said western line of !ain Sb"'eet, te fallowing CO'lJ'S':S 2.;10 di5tances:
North OC 34' Ea5t2369.1b Te:!tiDOI"'e O"' l! to 2 paint of b.:g:nning of Cllt'canca'lto thr; s'J'.!thwest, having a r-adills of bO Teet j Northwesterly 210ng thOT said curv, 2n arc distanc? of 7J.feet, IiOt'2 or las5;
North 2849' W:?5t, 5.30.;0 SlOt'e Or" 1';S5, to thbeginning of a C1j, cancav; to the SO'Jthioest, ha'o'ing 2. radills of 700 f2 Northwgstet"'ly along the
of l.3st said CUr\lean at"'c distanc 558.58 feet, ore or l-ess;
THENCleaving said line of Main Str
poin!?:esaid U
Nortn 79 OI c6. 4 re!No. 67;
THENCE: easterly along said Piad lin! 5200 ;lI'Jr'e at' lessto the n01"th-stet'n line or Mar"'iner' Sql.!2r"'e D't"'ive, ((or"merly Webstca": Sb', 80 re:!t \'Iid as dscribed (in Pd.rc'?l 2) in West End Community IoJprovement Plar.aforesaid, being a point on the bondary line or said Parel 2;
Not'th, 4..6. 6 f, mo.at" l! to a Line, ;aid point b::ing distant thereon
mot"'0;-12s5, rr"'01J US PiI'h2ad Statioil
THENCE. southwesterly along last said 1;:2J 230 iJore 0"(' les3J to an 2ngle point;
THENCE: co-tinlJing sOIJtherly along last said line, 8jO fr;et, /Dare at"' less, to .:n angle point;
THENCE: North 8941' 1411 West, 2.00 feet, as dscribed in the afOt"'esaid P=..rcl 2j THENCE in a ge-net"'al 5olJthstet'ly a.nd westerly di.ctian along the n'Jt"2st and northern lines af the Posoop right-of-way, as widened to 3. 83 f on a series of compound C1J"r/es, canC-Bve narthe"1"'ly, arc distanC's tlJtalii1g 171.14 feet, to a point of tangnc'l;
THENCE: No.rth 5605' 50" W, tangent tu thlast aT said C1.!.(,\leS, :\long to":;northeastern right-af-way line of P05Leap and the dit'oduc
nor'thwest:,rly th=reQr, 2;:; f=:!::TJre 0;- lesst:; Cl poin:;lnENCE SulJth 2430" W,;st, :20 2=t.1a"Ot" poinof t
-"';1 ClJrv-?1 concave- ..0 th= east, ha'lln.g a rCl.dlf.!5 'J! L.:S.. r='?,! as c-?s:-:-lb-?,j 1il 'said Pat'c!l 2j
De5cipti.on of the Survey Area, Parcel 1R2'i.2S Get - (continued)
ThENCltherly along the arc af said tangnt c
an arc distancof 702.feet to the Point of Beginning of the de5c1'iptcn af said Parcel 2;THENC': continr.ling along the Jnc!.3:rof s2id cel , North 623'143" East 1.:::more or less, to thso b2ginning of 2 nlJn-t.:ngnt Wve, cOnC.:V2 to
; .
east,. having a radius of q49. 93 et;
THENCE along the of said curv2, an arc distance of 231) feet, more Or less;THENCNorth 2306' 12East, 324.22 feet;THENCE South 5605' 5(1" East, 350 feet, ilore less, to the westeri1 1 ine or th;:PoseyLoop right-of-way;
THENCE: southe"'ly along sdid right-or-way, '390 feet, IIOre or less, to tile di.,'eo:t productiQil westerly or the northern lin2 or Tynan AvenLle (100 reet wide);THENCE easterly a-long the last said nor'thern line and odlJction ther380 re'it, lIore or less, to the wEstern line of the SOIJtMi1 Pacific Raib'oad right-of-way;
THENCE southerly along last said line
, 5g0 feet, :fare or less, to the south:;rn line of Bethlehes Ayenuej ,
" ,.'.
east2rly along the direct prodution easterly of the said South2rn line 100 feet, oore or less, to the eastern line of the said S. P. riqhof-way;THENCE southrly along the last. said line, 420 feet, lore or less, to the sOlJthe line of Marina Village Parkway, as the sase now exists;THENCE along the last sid southern line, North B9" 10' East, &20 fe2t, oore or less, to the eastern line of Assessors Parcel No. 74-906-22;THENCE along said eastern line, South 3OB' West, &71.lB feet;THENCE North Bo" 2' West, 0.17 feetj
THENCE ontinuing alonq said eastern line
, South 3" OB' W2st, 182.20 f2et to the northern line of Thau Way, as the
saile now xistsj THENCE wester.ly and southwesterly alonq the said line of
ThaI. 450 feet, '01"=or less, to the northeastern line of the Southern acif_ic right-of-way;THENCsouthea;terly and easterly along said right-of-way line6BO feet, oore or less, to intersection with the direct production norherly of the western of Eighth Street C77 feet' Wide) ;
lHENCc southerly along said diret productiono feet to the northern line of Stewdrt Court C4D feet wide);
THENCE ,along said northern line, North 87" 34' West, 2'34.:;2 feet, to the north-eastern carner of the lot only Hnown as IBjO Thau Way, being Assessor'Parcel No. 73-42&-1B;
THENCe: along the nort".rn line of said parcel, North 8,," 10' 28" West, 192.78 'fe."to the eastern Ii.. of said Thau Way C60 feet wide);THENCE westerly aros, said Thau Way to the western line thereof and the north-
eastern corner ot the lot COllilonly xnown as 751 I:agle Avenue., being Assessor' 5 Parce 1 No. 7J-42E. - t 7;
THENCE ahmg the nort',.rn line of said parcel, North 83" 10' 09" WestB1.5B fee to the northeast.':; corner of Parcel 3, as shown on "'arcel Map No. 3430, filed for reord in Boc\, 125 of Parel Maps, at page 68, in the Offic. of the Alageda County Re,:Jrder;
. D8.cdption ot th, 8urTe:: Ana. Pare_t -:u. )lay 90 - (cont
along the Northerly line or 8a1d roel 3.North 8310 '09" Wet. 268.68 teet to the Northwesterly corner or said Parcel 3
Southerly along the Westrly lines
3, South 47'55" Weet. 187.10;
North 87' West, 10.00 feet;
South 47'55" , 149.86 to the Nortnerly line of Eagle Avenue;
ot last said Parcel
across Eagle Avenue South 2
55" West, 60 feet to the Southerly line of Eagle Avenue;
along last ea1d Southerly 11ne North
17'05" Weet feet more or less to the Westerly 11ne of Pael 2 or 'Baid Parcel Map No. 3430;
along sa1d Westerly line of Paroel 2 South
47'55"West, 295; .et more 6r leBa to the Northerly line of BuenaV1sta Avenue;
along Baid Northerly 11ne of Buena Vieta Avenue South
27'16" East, 457.37 feet more or lse to the Westerly line or the Southern Pacif1c Railroad right-of-way;
Southerly' along last said right-of-way 11ne and prOjection thereot' aorOBS ,Buena Vista Avenue' 360f'eet more or lesa to the Easterly projeotion ,of the Northerly line of Paoific Avenue;
across Paoific Avenue South 2"
52'05" West, 70 feet to the Southerly line of Pacific Avenue;
Weeterly along the Southerly ,line of Pacific Avenue 223 feet moror less to the Weeterly line ot' Assessor'Parcel No. 73-414-20-1, commonly known as 736 Pacific Avenue;
- Southerly .along the la3t 8a1d Westerly line 110 feet more or lesa to the Northerly 'line of Assessor's Parcel;No. 73-414-'19-2, commonly. known eo! 1616 Concordie. Str-,,
Easterly along the Northerly 11ne of last said A3se33or's Paroel 41.4 t'eet more or leaa to the Eaate'line of said Assessor's Parael)
Sou:herly aloo the EBterly line of last said 8eeeor' S Paroel 40 teet more or lese to the Norther- line ot' Assessor' B Parcel No. 73-414-17. ccmcnly kc 1 a8 737 and 739 Lincoln Avenue;
.u.urlptloll or tb. BarT",. A....., P"rc:al '"2-' :w.., 9Q - (C:O!lt
terly along the Northerly line of la
aid Aaaeeeor's Parcel tilet more or leee to the '''eaterly line of laat ald Aaessor' s Parcel;
Southerly along the Westerly line of la
t Baid e3aora Paroel 150 feet more or leas to the Northerly
line of Lincoln Avenue;
Easterly along the Northerly line of Lincoln Avenue '
and ita projection aorOsa the Southern Paoific right.of-
and Eighth Street 1165 teet more or leee to the
We!!tel"ly line of Aseeeaor' a Parcel No. 73-07-8. COonly known aa 831 Lincoln Avenue;
Northerly long eaid Weeterly line of lset said Aeaessor
Parcel 150 feet to the Northerly line of laat said
eaeor' s Parcel;
, "
Eaeterly along the Northerly line
ot Assessor' 6 Parcel Nos. 73-Q07-8
1 73-407-7. 73-Q07-3, OOmmonly knOwn as 831,837, 839 and 1 LinoolAvenue and 1611 Ninth Street respectivly and the Eaaterly proj
eotion thereof 248.teet to the Ea!!terly line of Ninth Street;
Southerly along said Eaeterly line
of Ninth Street 87,feet to the SOutherly line
ot Aeaeaor' a Parcel 73-408-11, COOnly knon aa 1610 Ninth Street;
Eaaterly along laat aaid liri90 feet more or less to the Eae terly line of
laat aaid Aaaeaaor'!! Parcel;Northerly along the EasterlY'
line laat aaid Aaeeaaor
' 8 Parcel to thSoutherly line of Aeesaor' e Parcel No.73-408-12-2, commonly known ae 1624A Ninth Street;
Eaaterly along laat aaid Southerly 11n& 45.
5 feetto the Easterly line' of eeeaor' 8 Paroel No. 73-08-10 Commonly known as 901 Lincoln Avenue;
Southerly along said Easterly line or last
aid Assesaor' a Paroel
100 teetfto the Northerly line ot coln Avenue;
Easterly along said Northerly ,
line of Lincoln' Avenue and ita projection acrOaa Wood Street, Cbapin Street and
St.Charlee Street 1290 eet more or leBe to the Weterly line of Asacssor' a Paroel No. 72-376-15.2
. comonly known a3 1109 Lincoln Avenue;
Northerly along last eaid Westerly line and the
Wester::;line of' Assessor' a Parcel
No. 72-376-15-3, 00",1:0:11:;known ae 1113 Lincoln Avenue
. 158.61 to the NorthrlJ line of' last said Aesessor' e paroel;
DueriptJoa. of tb. Bar"'n1 Aru., Pa.re.d -, 2-' ),1.1 90 - (eont.
rly along laat aid Northerly line 72 feet to the
sterly line of Aeeeesor'e Paroel No. 72-376-7-1,
commonly known a1617 Bay Streetj
Southerlyaloni last said Easterly line 8.6Q feet to the
moat Southerly line of lat eaid Assessor' a Paroel;
Eaetely along the laat aaid Southerly line, the
Southerly line of Aeaeaeor' a Paroel No. 72-376-8-2,
commonly known ae1613 Bay Street and ita Eaaterly
projection to the Eaaterly line or Bay Street 225.
feet more or leeaj
Southerly along aaid Eaeterly line ot Bay Street 17.
feet more or leae to the Southerly line of Asaeesor' a
Parcel No. 7.2-367-17, oommonly known as 1612 Bay Street) .
Eaeterly along laat aaid line 130 feet to the Easterly linor lat aaid Asaeaaora Parcel;
Northerly along laat Baid line 12.59 feet more or leas
to the Northerly line of eaaorr a Parcel No. 72-36T-12
oommonly known ae 1211 and 1213 Linooln Aveue;
Easterly along last'said Northerly line 20 feet to the
moat Westerly line or Aaeeaora Parael No. 72-367-
commonly known ae 1615 Sherman street;
Southerli along last aaid line 10.75 feet to the
Southerly line of last aid Assessors Parcelj
Easterly along last eaid line 150 feet to the Westerly
line of Sherman street;
Desc-ription of the Survey Are=-, Pal ":i : 2':t1c.Y '(c,=;- t i:l L
THENCE northrly along the said western line, 420.25 feet, to a point di
thereon 50 f22t southwesterly of the SQuthst2rn line of Ellena Vista Avenu ThENCE southeasterly at right angl!s, 60 fe!tto t! southeastern line of said Sherman Street-
THENCE: northeasterly along last said line, 50 feet, to the said southw!ste,n line of Buena Vista Avenue;
THENCsoutheasterly along said southwestern 1 ine, 60 feet;
THENCE northasterly along a line parallel with the centerline of Sher
an Street 155 reet to a point on a line, 95 feet norther,ly of and parallel with the northeastern line of Buena Vista Avenue;
THENCwesterly along said line parallel with Buena Vista Avenue
, 56 feet to a line parallel with and 40 feet asterly of the center-line of Sheroan Street;
THENCnortherly along said line parallel to Sheroan Street 380 feet
, .ore or les.to the BEGINNING.
EXCEPTING AD EXCLUDING THEREFROM all that portion thereof included in
Parcell of the afoJ"esaid West End Coml!Jnity Irovt Pla
EXCEITING ALSO AND E:XCLUDIG TH.EEFROM Ell or that tract or parcel described as follows:of 1 ail:
BEING a pOJ'tion of Tract-s 39 and 40, as said tracts are dlineated and so d2sig-nated on that certain ap entitled, IIMap of Alaada Marsh Land, as partitioned among the owners thereof, in the suit numbered 8923 and entit12d, Pacific IprQve-lIent Company, plaintiff, vs. JaSl2S' A. WaYllire, et aI., def=nda.n, Superior Court or Alameda C01Jnty, Statof California. II, filed for cOi'd July 30, 1900 in BaoH 25 of Maps at page 74, Alaeda County Records, and rurther describd as follows:
BEGINNIat the intersection of th9 westrn line af said Tract 39, and the rthrn lie of Atlantic AYnue, as described in the aforesaid Parcel 2, il1 West End CQ
nity Imp)'aYeent Plan;THENCE nOJ'ther'ly along said western linf 2516 feetvre or less, to the 5ClJteri1 line of Singlton AY2nuJ as shown on Alamda- County Assessor' 5 Map 7-905;THENCE along said sOlJthl?rn liner 448 f2et, lDoror lessi THENCE in a" general northerly direction along the western boundary, or praducti thereof, of 2 35 acr2, lBore or less, tract or parcel af Federal pr::p-ertYI being A5s5sorS Prcel No. 74-905-10-2, the following courses:northwesterly, 5:;6 feet, Clore or less;
northeasterly, 199.25 feet, lDore or lessi northesterly, 515.35 feet, mare or less, to thnarthe;n bOIJ-:d2.:"y thereof;
THENCiQ a gneral easterly direction along said nortern boundary, 1240 feet more or less, to the western boundary of anothe'(' parcel (18.2 acres, iiore or ss) of Federal prbperty, being AssessorParcel No. 74-905-12; .THENCE northerly along said bOlJndary, 43 feet, oore or less, to the nO'rthe,boundary of said parcel;
THENCE:' in a gneral eastern and then sOllthern direction along said baundar-y and the eastern boundary tMreof, 1750 fget, l!oror less, to the norther:!boundary of anoth-er parcel (80. ag acres, mare or less) or Fedral pr;:erty,being Assessat' 5 Parcel No. 74-905-9;
THENCE: esterly along said !:o:.ndaiYI 8::5,39 fere c;- 1::551 ::1 th:l':J""::
" f
f r
~~~:; ; ~~~~
d i
y g
1 s
, "~~~~;, '
; 2'COId3 of Alada County;
I g
Descrjption of the Sur'''reaParcel IIRe v. :2b Od - (con: i nued)
THENCF SO'Jther-y along the westet"n line of said tt"act, 4&4.('3 feet, .ot"e ot" less
to the 5-o'JthweC'Qrner of the proper:y 0;1 said arcel Map, being at the
orthern 1 if a r:-arcel (1f.. 3 Cice5, :Jore or less), tlS described in the
instruDent to Peralta niQr Co11gE District, recorded Rugust 24&7 under Set"s No. AI ('851213, Official Recot"ds of Alameda County;
THENCE ""I?stely along said northern line 499. 73 nore or 1ess, to the
northwest corner of last said parcel, as shown on cord of Survey No. 295,fi led for ncot"d' in E\ook & of Records of S'Jrveys, at page 42, Alameda GO'lnty RE-cords;
THENCE sO'\ther1y along thwestern line of'said parcel, &24.82 feet, more or less,
to the most southern sC1Jtheastern corner of the aforesaid Assessors Parcel No. 74-05-9;
THENCe.. westerly along' the southern line of last said parcel' 155.23 feet, .ore Dr less, to the western line of two (2) successive parcels as described in the
instru.ent to Peralta Junior College District, recorded May &, 19&& under SerieS: No. AY 0579&7, Official Records of Alameda CO'Jnty, and being Assessor
Parcels No. 74-9(15-7:-2 and 74-905-8-1, respectively;
THENCE so,"therly along said western line, 1214 feet, .,r. or less, to the afore-
said nQrtherline of AtlantiAven
THENCE westerly along said northern line, 2544 mQre or lesto the
dJ Containing 749act'(ne't) ,ore or less.
- END -
Together with,
A parcel of land being 'I portion,)fthc ..\lameda :\a..,Li ..\ir St'llil''', ..\IJmcd,1. Cali;urni,1. hil\
the city and county of Alameda, Slate of CalifOllia, and beina ponion of the parcel described
in that certain Judgment on Declaration of Taking entered in Ci..il Action No, 30735 recorded on
December 211951 in Book 6618 ofOfticial Reeords at page 339. Alameda County Records.
and being all of the parcel described in that certain deed recorded June 18. 1963 in Red 92-1 of
Offcial Records at Image 879. Alameda County Records. and being all otlhe parcel destribed in
that certain deed recorded April 29, 1963 in Reel 871 of Official Records at Image 596. AI'\lneda
County Records. and being all of the parcel described in that certain deed recorded \Iarch 28,
1941 in Book 4023 of Offcial Records at page 499. Alameda County Records.
BEGINNINGat the intersection oflhe northerly line ofAtlamic ..\venue, being 51 ICel\..ide. and
the easterly line of Main Street. as sho\\n on that cenain map entitled "OFFICI.-\LRE:'l:R\EY
OF PORTION OF SEGREGATlON LIKE AND VICr;.;n''', tiled for ,'ecord:()r. .-\ugu13.
1951 in Book 3 of Records of Sur\'ey at page 16 through 22. inclusiw. in the Office l)" the
Recorder of Alameda County:
Thence along said easterly line of Main Street and the westerly line of the parcel describcd in
that certain deed recorded on March 28. 194 I in Book -1023 of Offcial Records at page 99, and
also the westerly line of the parcel described in that certain deed recorded on June IS. \963 in
Reel 92-1 of Offcial Records at Image 879 and also the ..'.estedy line of thilt eer1iin deed
recorded on December 21. 1951 in Book 6618 of Official Records at page 339. s:liJ coul1Y
records, Nonh 0034 '11" East. 1836.93 feet to a point in the westerly line of the last said pilrcel:
Thence leaving said easterly and westerly lines. South 8757'28" East. 1923,S9 Ieel:
Thence North 0247' 17" East. 36-1,75 feet to a poim on the somherly line of Parcel 1 as
described in that certain deed recorded on February 1-1, 1955 in Book 7567 ofOfticial RccorJs at
page 117. said county records:
Thence along silid southerly line. South 8712'-13" East. -161 ,-IS feetlo the easterl, line ,' Soid
Thence leaving said southerly line nd along sid easterly line :\orth 217'E"sl. lOI fce
to the most northerly line :of said parcel described in that certain JudgmetH on Declaration of
Taking entered in Civil Action No. 30736 recorded on December 21. 1951 in Book 6618 of
Offcial Records at page 339. said coumy records:
Thence leaving said easterly line and along said northerl.. line Soutl1 87' 12'-13" Fast. 8X,l) (ee!
to the easterly line of said parcel:
k;i\'ing SGid northerly line J.nd ,-::ong said c3slr!y )il1S()uth O--'31"
feet \0 a point on tile northerly line of the parcel described in th"t ccnain deed
February II. 1960 in Reel 25 of Ofticial Records ot Image 976, said COlltHV records:
st. !.f.r,
. Thence leaving said \\eslerly line along said nonherl\'li!1e. ",)nh SY55':C9" \\'esl. ,\')0)91 kelt.'
the nOithwesterly corner of said parcel:
Thence leaving said northerly line and along said weslerly line. South OS'09" Wesl. b:C4.S:C
feet to a point on the southerly line of the parcel described in that cenain Judgment on
Declaration of Taking entered in Civil Action No. 10735 rccorded on December 21, 1951 in
Book 6618 of Official Records at page 339: said county records:
Thence leaving said westerly line along said southerly line. North 8751' 51" \Vest. 155.23 lect
to the easterly line of the parcel described in that certain deed recorded on April 9. 1963 in Reel
871 of Offcial Records at Image 596, said county records:
Thence leaving said somherly line and alonf said easterly line, and also the easterly line of that
certain deed recorded on March 28, 1941 in Book 403 of Official Records at page 499, South
08'09" West. 1241.94 feet to the northerly line of Atlantic Avenue, being 51 feel "idc. as
shown on that certain map entitled "OFFICIAL RESURVEY OF PORTIO", OF
SEGREGATION LINE A,\fD VICINITY". filed for record on August 13. 1951 in Book 3 of
Records of Survey at page 16 though 22, inclusive, said county records:
Thence along said northerly line of Atlantic A venue the following courscs:
North 8525'42" West, 729.54 feet:
South 8949'20" West. 884.20 feet:
North 8726'18" West. 929,55 feet to the POE\T OF BEGI\l\I'-G
Containing an area of 123,389 acres. more or less.
Legal Description of the Exchange Area
A parcel of land being a portion of the Alameda Naval Air Station, Alameda, California, lying in
the city and county of Alameda, State of California, and being a portion of the parcel described
in that certain Judgment on Declaration of Taking entered in Civil Action No. 30735 recorded on
December 21, 1951 in Book 6618 of Official Records at page 339, Alameda County Records,
and being all of the parel described in that certain deed recorded June 18, 1963 in Reel 924 of
Official Records at Image 879, Alameda County Records, and being all of the parcel described in
that certain deed recorded April 29, 1963 in Reel 871 of Official Records at Image 596, Alameda
County Records, and being all of the parcel described in that certain deed recorded March 28
1941 in Book 4023 of Official Records at page 45'9, Alameda County Records,
BEGINNINGat the intersection of the northerly line of Atlantic A venue, being 51 feet wide, and
the easterly line of Main Street, as shown on that certain map entitled "OFFICIAL REURVEY
OF PORTION OF SEGREGATION LINE AND VICINITY", filed for record on August 13,
1951 in Book 3 of Records of Survey at page 16 through 22, inclusive, in the Office of the
Recorder of Alameda County:
Thence along said eaterly line of Main Street and the westerly line of the parcel described in
that certain deed recorded on March 28, 1941 in Book 4023 of Offcial Records at page 499, and
also the westerly line of the parcel described in that certain deed recorded on June 18, 1963 in
Reel 924 of Offcial Records at Image 879 and also the westerly line of that certain deed
recorded on December 21, 1951 in Book 6618 of Offcial Records at page 339, said county
records, North 0034'11" East, 1836,93 feet to a point in the westerly line of the last said parcel;
Thence leaving said eaterly and westerly lines, South 8757'28" East, 1923.89 feet;
Thence North 0247'17" East, 364.75 feet to a point on the southerly line of Parcell as
described in that certain deed recorded on February 14, 1955 in Book 7567 of Official Records at
page 117, said county reords:
Thence along said southerly line, South 8712'43" East, 461.48 feet to the easterly line of said
Thence leaving said southerly line and along said easterly line North 247' 17" East, 140.01 feet
to the most northerly line of said parcel described in that certain Judgment on Declaration of
Taking entered in Civil Action No. 30736 recorded on December 21. 1951 in Book 6618 of
Official Records at page 339, said county records;
Thence leaving said easterly line and along said northerly line South 8712'43" East, 885,69 feel
to the easterly line of said parcel;
Page 1 of 2
Thence leaving said northerly line and along said easterly line, South 0204'31" West, 464,
feet to a point on the northerly line of the parcel described in that certain deed recorded on
February II, 1960 in Reel 25 of Official Records at Image 976. said county records;
Thence leaving said westerly line along said northerly line, North 8755'29" West, 499.91 feet to
the northwesterly comer of said parcel;
Thence leaving said northerly line and along said westerly line, South 208'09" West, 624,
feet to a point on the southerly line of the parcel described in that certain Judgment on
Declaration of Taking entered in Civil Action No. 30735 recorded on December 21, 1951 in
Book 6618 of Offcial Records at page 339; said county records;
Thence leaving said westerly line along said southerly line, North 8751' 51" West, 155.23 feet
to the easterly line of the parcel described in that c(;rtain deed recorded on April '29, 1963 in Reel
871 of Offcial Records at Image 596, said county records;
Thence leaving said southerly line and along said easterly line, and also the easterly line of that
certain deed recorded on March 28, 1941 in Book 4023 of Offcial Records at page 499, South
08'09" West, 1241.94 feet to the northerly line of Atlantic Avenue, being 51 feet wide, as
shown on that certain map entitled "OFFICIAL RESURVEY OF PORTION OF
SEGREGATION LIN AN VICINITY", fied for record on August 13, 1951 in Book 3 of
Records of Survey at page 16 through 22, inclusive, said county records;
Thence along said northerly line of Atlantic A venue the following courses;
Nort 8525'42" West, 729.54 feet;
South 8949'20" West, 884.20 feet;
North 8726'18" West, 929.55 feet to the POIN OF BEGINING.
Containing an area of 123.389 acres, more or less.
Page 2 of 2
Exhibit D
Attachment 3
Redevelopment Land Use Map--Exchange Area
-- ./
0 r
. '--'.""--"'-
\ :,;.'" ---------
i \..
/ 1.
,\ p
/ /
1 V
/ "., /
Exchange Area Land Use:
Mixed Use
. the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly
adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1"
day of April, 2003 by the following vote to wit:
AYES:Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Kerr, Matarrese, and
Mayor Johnson - 5.
IN WITNSS, WHREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affxed the offcial seal of said City this
day of April, 2003.
LU..Vl\ LL ,
Lara Weisiger, City Cle
City of Alameda