Ordinance 2897CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. 2897 New Series AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2141, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED; AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE COMMUITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR TH WET END COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHREAS, the City Council of the City of Alameda (the "City Council" origially approved an adopted the Community Improvement Plan for the West End Community Improvemet Project (the "WECIP") on July 5, 1983, by Ordinance No. 2141, as subsequently amended on Januar 2, 1985, by Ordiance No. 22, on December 6, 1994, by Orinance No. 2682, and on November 20, 2002, by Ordinance No. 2889; and WHREAS, the City Council origially approved and adopted the Community )- Improvement Plan for th Alameda Point Improvement Project (the" APIP") on March w 3,1998, by Ordinance No. 2754; and WHREAS, the City Council origily approved and adopted the Communty Improvement Plan for th Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (the "BWIP" on June 18, 1991, by Orinance No. 2559, as subsequently amended on December 6, 1994, by Ordinance No. 2681, on July 6, 2000, by Ordince No. 2835, on September 19, 2000, by Ordinance No. 28, and on April 3, 2001, by Ordice No. 2857; and WHREAS, the Communty Improvement Commion of the City of Alameda (the "Commsion) has been designted as the official redevelopment agency to car out in the City of Aleda the fuctions and requiements of the Communty 'Redevelopment Law 01 the State of Caiforna (Health and Saety Code Setion 33000 Seq.and to implement th Communty Improvement Plan for the WECIP; and WHREAS, the Conussion has prepared a First Amendment to the Community Improvemet Plan for the APIP (the" APIP Amendment"), a Fif Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the BWIP (the "BWI Amendment) and a Fouh Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for. the WECIP (the "WECIP Amendment) (collectively, the" Amendments") to: (i) delete certain area (the "Exchge Area) from the APIP Project Area; (Ii) add the Exchange Area to the BWIP Projec Area; (iii) fiscally merge the BWIP and the WECIP; (iv) extend eminent domain authorty in the BWIP (excluding residential); (v) re-establish eminent domain authority in the WECIP (excluding residenti and certain non-blighted parcels); and (vi) make other conforming and technical changes to the APIP, BWIP and WECIP Community Imprvement Plans in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, Conussion staff have determined that: (i) the fiscal merger of the BWIP Project Area and the WECIP Project Area is advisable to provide greater flexibility to the Conussion in carrying out the BWIP and WECIP Community Improvement Plan and alleviating blight in both Project Areas; and (Ii) the re- establishment of eminent domain authority in the WECIP Project Area (excluding residential and certain non-blighted parcels) is advisable to allow the Commssion to more effectively implement its program; and WHREAS, the Plang Board of the City of Alameda (the "Plang Board" has reviewed and recommended the approval and adoption of the Amendments, and provided its report that the Amendments to the BWIP and WECIP Community Improvement Plan conform to the General Plan of the City of Alameda; and WHREAS, the Economic Development Conussion of the City of Alameda (the EDC") has reviewed and recommended the approval and adoption of the Amendments; and WHREAS, the EDC held a communty workshop to consult with residents and communty organtions on the Amendments; and WHREAS, the Commsion prepared and circulated a Mitigated Negative Declaration on the Amendments in accordance with the Caiforna Environmental Quality Act (public Resources Code Setion 2100 et seq.), the Guidelines for Implementation of the Caiforna Environmental Quality Act (14 Ca. Code Regs. Section 15000 et seq.) and environmental procedures adopted by the Commssion pursuant thereto; and WHREAS, the City Council ha received from the Commsion the proposed Amendments, together with the Report of the Commsion and the Mitigated Negative Declaration on the Amendments; and WHREAS, the City Council and the Commssion held a joint public hearing on March 18, 2003, on ado?tion of the Amendments and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, California; and WHREAS, a notice of said hearing was duly and regularly published in the Alameda Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Alameda, once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date of said hearing, and a copy of said notice and affdavit of publication are on fie with the City Clerk and the Commssion; and WHEREAS, copies of the notice of public hearing and a statement concerning acquisition of property by the Commission were mailed by first class mail to the last known address of each assessee of each parcel of land in the existing APIP, BWIP and WECIP Project Areas (collectively referred to as the "Project Areas), as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Alameda; and WHREAS, copies of the notice of public hearing were mailed by certiied mail with return receipt requested to the governing body of each taxing agency which receives taxes from property in the Project Areas; and WHREAS, copies of the notice of public hearing were mailed by first class mail to all residents and businesses in the Project Areas; and WHREAS, the Conussion and the City Council have reviewed and 'considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration, as prepared and submitted pursuant to Public Resources Code Seon 21151 and Health and Safety Code Section 33352, and determied that there is no substantial evidence that the Amendments wiI have a signicant effect on the environment; and WHREAS, the City Council has considered the Report of the Commsion, the Report and Recommendations of the Plang Board, the Amendments and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, has provided an opportunity for al persons to be d and ha received and considered all evidence and testiony presented for or againt any and al aspects of the Amendments, and has adopted written fidings in response to each written objection to the Amendments from an afected taxing entity or propert owner, if any; and WHREAS, al actons required by law have been taken by al appropriate public boes. NOW, THREORE, BE IT ORDAINED b: the City Council of the City of Alameda that: Setion 1The purposes and intent of th,' City Council with respect to the WECIP Amendment is: (a) to fiscally merge the ,'WI and the WECIP in order to provide the Conussion greater flexibility in allevic: r 'ng blight with the BWIP Project Area and WECIP Project Area; and (b) to re-establi,cj; emient doma authority in the WECIP (excluding residential and certain non-bligh':d properties) in order to allow the Conussion to effectively implement its programs. Section 2The City Council does hereby specifically find and determine that: a. The WECIP Amendment wil enable the WECIP Project Area to be redeveloped in conformity with the Community Redevelopment Law and in the interests of the public peace, health, safety and welfare. This finding is based upon the fact that redevelopment of the WECIP Project Area, as contemplated by the WECIP Community Improvement Plan, as amended, wil implement the objectives of the Community Redevelopment Law by aiding in the elimation and correction of the conditions of blight and deterioration in the WECIP Project Area; providing for plang, development, redesign, clearance, reconstrction or rehabiltation of properties which need improvement; providing affordable housing, including housing for low- and moderate-income persons; providing additional employment opportunities; and providing for higher economic utiization of potentially useful land. Ths finding is further based upon the fact that adoption of the WECIP Afendmerit, together with the BWIP Amendment, wil enable the City and Commssion to ensure the coordinated implementation of the Communty Improvement Plan for the BWIP and the WECIP. b. The adoption and caring out of the WECIP Amendment is economically sound and feasible. Th fiding is based upon the fact tht under the Communty Improvement Plan for WECIP, as amended, the Commssion wil be authorized to seek and utiize a variety of potential fiancing resources, including increments; that the natue and tig of public redevelopment assistace wi depend on the amount and availabilty of such ficing resources, including tax increments generated by new investment in the WECIP Project Area; and that under the Communty Improvement Plan for WECIP, as amended, no public redevelopment activity wi be undertaen unless the Commsion can demonstrate that it has adequate revenue to fice the activity. Th fiding is futher based upon the fact tht the fical merger of the BWI and WECIP wil allow the Commsion to approach redevelopment in a more comprehensive and coordinated maner by pooling the revenues from the BWIP and WECIP and using the revenues more efficiently, which wil have the afect of acceleratig revitalization and increasing economic vitality in both the WECIP and BWIP Project Areas. c. The WECIP Amendment is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Alameda, including, without limtation, the Housing Element of the General Plan which substantially complies with the requirements of Article 10.6 (commencing with Section 65580) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code. This finding is based on the report of the Planning Board that the BWIP and WECIP Amendments conform to the General Plan of the City of Alameda. d. The carrying out of the WECIP Amendment wil promote the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the City of Alameda and wil effectuate the purposes and policies of the Community Redevelopment Law. This finding is based upon the fact that redevelopment, as contemplated by the Community Improvement Plan for WECIP, as amended, wil benefit the WECIP Project Area, by enabling the Commssion to correct conditions of blight and coordinate public and private actions to stiulate development and improve the economic, social and physical conditions of the WECIP Project Area. Ths findig is further based upon the fact that adoption of the WECIP Amendment, together with the BWIP Amendment, wil benefit both the BWIP and WECIP Project Area by enabling the Commssion to correct conditions of blight and coordinte public and private action in the BWIP and WECIP Project Areas in a comprehensive and coordiated maner. e. The condemnation of real property, as provided: Jor in the Community Improvement Plan for WECIP, as amended by the WECIP Amendment, is necessary to the execution of the . Community Improvement Plan for WECIP, and adequate provisions have been made for the payment for propert to be acquired as provided by law. Ths fiding is based upon: (1) the need to ensure that the provisions of the Communty Improvement Plan for WECIP, as amended by the WECIP Amendment, will be cared out; and (2) the need to prevent the recurence of blight.f. The Commsion has a feasible method and plan for the relocation of famies and persons who may be displaced, temporarily or permently, from housing facilties in the WECIP Project Area. Ths fiding is based upon the fact tht the Communty Improvement Plan for WECIP provides for relocation assistace according to law. g. There are, or.are being provided, withi the WECIP Project Area or with other areas not generally less desirable with regard to public utiities and public and commercial facilties and at rents or prices with the ficial mean of the famies and persons who might be displaced from the WECIP Project Area, decent, safe and santary dwellings equal in number to the number of, and avaiable to, such displaced famies and persons and reasonably accessible to their places of employment. This finding is based upon the fact that no person or famiy wi be required to move from any dwelling unit in the WECIP Project Area unti suitable replacement housing is available. h. Famiies and persons shall not be displaced prior to the adoption of relocation plan pursuant to Sections 33411 and 33411.1 of the Community Redevelopment Law; and dwellng units housing persons and families of low or moderate income within the WECIP Project Area shall not be removed or destroyed prior to the adoption of a replacement housing plan pursuant to Sections 33334.5, 33413, and 33413.5 of the Community Redevelopment Law. Section 3The City Council is satisfied that permanent housing facilities will be available within three years from the time occupants of the WECIP Project Area are displaced, if any, and that pending the development of such facilities, there will be available to any such displaced occupants temporary housing facilities at rents comparable to those in the City of Alameda at the time of their displacement. No persons or families of low or moderate income shall be displaced from residences unless and until there is a suitable housing unit available and ready for occupancy by such displaced persons or families at rents comparable to those at the time of their displacement. Such housing units shall be suitable to the needs of such displaced persons or famiies and must be decent, safe, sanitary and otherwise standard dwellings. The Commssion shall not displace any such persons or families until such housing units are available and ready for occupancy. Section 4.The Council is satisfied that all written objections, if any, received before or at the noticed public hearing have been responded to in writing. In addition written findings have been adopted in response to each written objection of an affected property owner or taxing entity, if any, which has been fied with the City Clerk either before or at the noticed public hearing. Setion 5The City Council finds and determines that the WECIP Amendment is covered by the Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted by the Commssion on Mach 18 2003, by Commssion Resolution No. 03-107 , and reviewed by the City Council on Mach 18 2003, in City Council Resolution No. 13566 .The findings and determinations of the Commssion and City Council in said Resolutions are incorporated herein by reference. Setion 6Subject to the conditions set fort in Section 8 below, the Communty Improvement Plan for the WECIP, as adopted by Ordinance No. 2141, and as previously amended on Januar 2, 19!35, by Ordince No. 2222, on December 6, 1994, by Ordinance No. 2682, and on November 20, 2002, by Ordinance No. 2889, is hereby further amended as set forth in the proposed "Fourth Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the West End Communty Improvement Project, attached hereto as Exhibit Aand incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. As so amended, the Community Improvement Plan for the West End Community Improvement Project is hereby incorporated by reference herein and designated as the official Community Improvement Plan for the West End Community Improvement Project. Section 7. The Executive Director of the Commission is hereby authorized to combine the Community Improvement Plan for WECIP, as amended by the WECIP Amendment, into a single document, and said document, when filed with the City Clerk and the Secretary of the Commission, shall constitute the offcial Community Improvement Plan for WECIP in place of the document currently constituting said Community Improvement Plan. Section 8With respect to the provisions of the WECIP Amendment that provide for the fiscal merger of the BWIP and WECIP, the approvals contained in Setion 6 hereof are specifically subject to and conditioned' upon the following becomig effective: Those portions of Ordinance No. Approving and Adopting the Fifth Amendment to the Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project, that provide for the fiscal merger of the. BWIP and WECIP. Section 9In order to implement and facilitate the effectuation of the WECIP Amendment, together with the BWIP Amendment and the APIP Amendment, it may be necessary for the City Council to take certain actions, and accordingly, thi City Council hereby (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out the Community Improvement Plans for the APIP, BWIP and WECIP, as amended; (b) requests the various offcials, departments, boards and agencies of the City of Alameda having administrative responsibilities in the Project Areas likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a maner consistent with the redevelopment of the Project Areas pursuant to the Community Improvement Plans for the APIP, BWIP and WECIP, as amended; (c) stands ready to consider and take appropriate action upon proposal and measures designed to effectuate the Community Improvement Plan for the APIP, BWIP and WECIP, as amended; and (d) declares its intention to undertake and complete any proceedings necessary to be carried out by the City under the provisions of the Community Improvement Plans for the APIP, BWIP and WECIP, as amended. Section 10Ordinance No. 2141, as previously amended on January 2, 1985, by Ordinance No. 2222, on December 6, 1994, by Ordinance No. 2682, and on November 20, 2002, by Ordinance No.' 2889, is continued in full force and effect as further amended by this Ordinance. Section 11. The City Clerk is hereby directed to send a certiied copy of this Ordinance to the Commission, whereupon the Commssion is vested with the responsibilty for carrying out the Community Improvement Plan for the WECIP, as amended. Section 12. The City Clerk is hereby directed to record with the County Recorder of Alameda County a notice of the approval and adoption of the WECIP Amendment pursuant to this Ordinance, containing a statement that proceedings for the redevelopment of the merged BWIP and WECIP Project Areas, pursuant to the BWIP and WECIP Community Improvement Plans, as amended, have been instituted under the California Community Redevelopment Law. Section 13. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Ordinance, and a map or plat indicating the boundaries of the merged BWIP and WECIP Project Areas, to the auditor, assessor and tax collector of the County of Alameda, to the governg body of each of the taxing agencies which levies taxes upon any propert in the merged BWIP and WECIP Project Areas and to the State Board of Equaltion. Section 14Effective Date.Th Ordince shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thity (30) days from the date of its fin passage. Section 15Publication. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to certy to the passage of th Ordince and to cause the same to be published once in the Alameda Journ, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of Alameda, Caiforna. Setion 16Severabilty.If any part of ths Ordinance, or the WECIP Amendment which it approves, 'is held to be invalid for any reason, such decision shal not afect the validity of the remag portion of th Ordice or of the WECIP Amendment, and th City Council hereby declares that it would have passed the remaider of the Ordice, or approved the remader of the WECIP Amendment, if such invalid portion thereof had been deleted. Attest: tv (A 10o Lara Weisiger, City C e k ALA-CC ORDINANCEWEClP Exhibit A FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR THE WEST END COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The Community Improvement Plan (the "Plan) for the West End Community Improvement Project, as adopted by the City Council of the City of Alameda on July 5, 1983, by Ordiance No. 2141, and subsequently amended on January 21985, by Ordiance No. 2222, on December 6,1994, by Ordinance No. 2682 and on November 20, 2002, by Ordiance No. 2889, is hereby futher amended as follows: 1. Exhbit C, List of Non-Blighted Parcels as of August 2002, is hereby added to the Plan in the form attached hereto as Attachment No.1 and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Section B.l, Acquisition of Real Property, of Part V of the Plan is hereby amended to add two new subsections (d) and (e) as follows: The property in question is residential property. The property in question is one of those non-blighted parcels listed in Exhbit C attached hereto. 3. The last paragraph of Section B.l, Acquisition of Real Property, of Part V of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety and restated as follows: The Commssion must commence emient doma proceedings with twelve (12) years from the date of the Ordiance adoptig the Fourth Amendment to the Plan. The time lit on commencing an action in emL'1nt domain canot be extended without futher amendment to the Plan. 4. Two new paragraphs are hereby added to the end of Section B, Tax Increment'; 0f Part VI of the Plan as follows: No:"'ithstanding any other provision of this Section B to the contrary, UPl", the effective date of the Ordinance adoptig the Fourth Amendment to L, Plan, and provided an ordinance becomes effective amending the Co)-,nunty Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront Imr"'Jvement Project (the "BWI Plan) that includes the merger of the Bu,.,;ess and Waterfront Improvement Project Area with the West End Co)'munity Improvement Project Area (the "BWI Merger Ordinance the . mber of dollars of taxes which may be divided and allocated to the Cm, :nission pursuant to ths Plan and the BWIP Plan for the Merged AL/ Amendf '.,/WECIP21942-0011 WECIP jBWIP Project Area (defined below) wil be Six Hundred Ninety- One Millon Dollars ($691,000,000.00), the total combined tax increment limits for the West End Community Improvement Project Area and the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area. Notwithstandig any other provision of this Section B to the contrary, upon the effective date of the Ordinance adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Plan, and provided the BWIP Merger Ordinance becomes effective, the amount of bonded indebtedness secured by a pledge of tax increments that can be outstanding at anyone time for the Merged WECIP jBWI Project Area wil be Two Hundred Ten Millon Dollars ($210,000,000.00), the combined bonded indebtedness limits for the West End Community Improvement Project Area and the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area. A new Section D is hereby added to Part VIll of the Planas follows, Merger Upon the effective date of the Ordice adoptig the Fourth Amendment to the Plan, and provided the BWI Merger Ordiance becomes' effective, the West End Communty Improvement Project Area is hereby merged with the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area. Upon the effective date of the Ordinance adoptig the Fourth Amendment to the Plan and the BWI Merger Ordinance, the West End Communty Improvement Project Area and the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area may hereinafter be known and referred to as the "Merged WECIP jBWI Project Area. ALl AmendPlan/WECIP21942-0011 Seifel CODsuJting Inc. Alameda Mcrger Amendmcnts AITACHMENTNO. EXHIBIT C List of Non-Blighted Parcels as of August 2002 WECIP APNTax Rate ArAddress 074 134008000210021094 MAA VlLAGE PKWY 074 134009000210021092 MAA VlAGEPKWY 074 1334010000210021080 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334012030210021070 MARA VlLAGE PKWY 074 1334012040210021070 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334014040210021076 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334015040210021050 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334015060210021054 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 134016060210021040 MAA VlLAGE PKWY 074 133401607021002104 MAA VIAGE PKWY 0741334017000210021010 MAA VlLAGE PKWY 074 1334018000210021030 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 133401901021002100 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334023000210021100 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334024000210021210 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334029010210021111 MAA VlAGEPKWY 074 133403201021002801 MAA VlLAEPKWY 074 133403305021002815 MAA VIAGEPKW 074 133403405021002817 MAA VlLAGE PKWY 074 133403505002901 MAA VllAGE PKWY 074 133403604021002931 MAA VllAGE PKWY 074 133403701021002933 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 133403800021002951 MAAVIAGEPKWY 074 1334041000210021390 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 133406000210021090 MAA VllAGEPKW 074 133407000210021082 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 133404800021002861 MAA VlLAGEPKW 074 13340900021002871 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334053000210021001 MAA VIAGE PKW 074 1334055000210021001 MAA VlLAGE PKWY 074 133405600021002Iml MAA VIAGEPKWY 074 1334058000210021201 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334059000210021301 MAA VlAGEPKW 074 1334061000210021301 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 133406000210021305 MAA VIAGEPKY 074 1334063000210021151 MAA VIAGE PKY 074 1334064000210021101 MAA VIAGE PKWY 074 1334066000210021101 MAA VIAGEPKWY 074 1334068000210021190MAA VIAGEPKWY 074 1334069000210021290 MAA VILLAGE PKWY 074 1334070000210021380 MAA VILLAGE PKWY 074 1334071000210021360 MAA VILLAGE PKWY 074 1334073000210021300 MAA VlLAGE PKWY 074 134000500021002I PACIC MAA 0741340017020210021061 PACIFC MAINA 1 7 G 074 1340023000210021115 ATLANC 074 1340024000210021125 ATL 074 1340025000210021i35 ATLANC P!lcels No Longer Blighted - WECW ")'''1;/n1: 074 134002600 074 134002700 074 134003200 074 134003600 074 134003700 074 134003800 074 134003900 074 1340000 074 134004100 074 13400200 074 13400300 074 1340000 074 13400500 074 13400600 074 13400700 074 13400800 074 1340900 074 1340500 07413405100 074 134005200 074 134005300 074 134005400 074 134005500 074 13405600 074 134005700 074 134101400 074 134101500 074 134101600 074 134101700 074 134101800 074134101900 074 134102100 074 134102200 074 134102300 074 134102400 074 134102600 074 134102700 074 134102800 074 134102900 07413410300 074 134103100 074 134103200 074 134103300 074 134103400 074 134103500 074 134103600 074 134103700 074 134103800 074 134104000 074 134104100 074 134104200 074 134104300 074 134104400 Seifel Consulting Inc. 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WEClP 2/26/03 SeifeJ Consulting Inc. Alameda gcr Amendmenls 074 134104500 074 134104700 074 134104800 074 134104900 074 134105000 074 134105200 074 134105300 074 134105400 074 134105500 074 134105700 074 134105800 074134105900 074 13410600 074 134106100 074 134106200 074 134106300 074 134106400 074 134106500 074 134106600 074 134106800 074 134106900 074 13410700 074 134107100 074 134107200 074 134107300 074 134107500 074 134107600 074 134107700 074 134107800 074 134107900 074 13410800 074 134108200 074 134108300 074 134108400 074 13108500 07413410860 074 134108700 074 134108900 074 13410900 074 134109100 074 134109200 074 134109300 074 134109400 074 134109600 074 134109700 074 134109800 074 134109900 074 134110000 074134110100 074 134110200 074 134110300 074 134J10600 074 134110700 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 . 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 02100 02100 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 021002 12 COURAGEOUS CT B70 6 COURAGEOUS CT C71 8 COURAGEOUS CT D72 2 COURAGEOUS CT A73 4 COURAGEOUS CT B74 931 INEPENDENCE DR A 933 INEPENDENCE DR B76 935 INEPENENCE DR A 937 INEPENDENCE DR 1 ININCIBLE CT Cl 3 INCIBLE CT INCILE CT 7 ININCIBLE CT G4 9 INCIBLE CT 11 ININCIBLE CT E6 13 ININCIBLE CT G7 15 INVINCIBLE CT G8 17 INCIBLE CT 19 ININCIBLE CT DI0 21 ININCILE CT All 23 INCIBLE CT B 12 25 INCILE CT F13 27 INCIBLE CT F14 29 INCIBLE CT A15 31 ININCIBLE CT B16 50 INCIBLE CT A17 52 INCILE CT B 18 48 ININCIBLE cr FI9 46 INCIBLE CT F20 42 ININCILE CT A21 44 INCILE CT B22 40 INCIBLE CT B24 38 INCIBLE CT A2 36 INCILE CT F25 34 INCIBLE cr F26 30 INCILE CT A27 32 INCIBLE CT B28 10 ININCIBLE CT C37 12 INCILE cr D38 8 INCIBLE CT F39 6 INCIBLE CT F40 2 INCIBLE CT C41 4 ININCIBLE CT D42 26 INCIBLE CT C29 28 ININCIBLE CT D30 24 INCIBLE CT G31 22 ININCIBLE CT G32 20 INCIBLE CT E33 18 INVINCIBLE CT E34 14 ININCIBLE CT A35 16 ININCIBLE CT B36 950 MAA VITLAGE PKY 2060 CHALLENGER DR Parcels No Longer Blighted. WECIP 2/26/03 Seifel Consulting Inc. Alameda Merger Amendments 0.74 13411080.0. 0.74134110.90.0. 0.74 13430.0.100. 0.74 13430.0.20.0. 0.74 13430030.0. 0.74 13430000. 0.74 134300500 0.74 13430.0.600 0.74 134300800 0.74 134300900 0.74 13440.1900 0.74 13440.2100 0.74 134402300 0.74 13440.2400 0.74 13440.250.0. 0.74 13440.2600 0.74 13440.2800 0.74 13440.2900 0.74 13440300 0.7413440.3100 0.74 13440.3300 0.74 13440.3400 0.74 13440.3500 074 134403600 0.74 13440.3700 0.74 13440.3800 0.74 13440400 0.74 134404100 0.74 134404200 0.74 134404300 0.74 134404500 0.74 13440460 0.74 1344700 0.74 134404800 0.74 13440.500 0.74 13440.5100 0.74 13440.5200 0.74 13440.5300 074 13440.5500 0.74 13440.5600 0.74 13445700 0.74 1344o.SSOO 0.74 13440.600 0.74 13440.6100 0.74 13440.6200 0.74 13440.6300 0.74 13440.6500 0.74 13440.6600 0.74 13440.6700 0.74 13440.680.0. 0.74 13440.690.0. 0.74 13440.70.0.0. 0.74 13440.7200 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 021002 0.21002 0.21002 021002 021002 0.21002 021002 021002 0.21002 021002 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 021002 021002 021002 021002 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 021002 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 021002 0.21002 0.21002 0210.0.2 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 021002 0.21002 0.21002 0.2100.2 0.21002 0.21002 0.21002 0.2100.2 0.2100.2 0.2100.2 0.2100.2 20.20. CHALLENGER DR 965 ATLANIC 850. MANA YlLLAGE PKWY 20.61 CHALLENGER DR 20.21 CHAENGER DR 815 ATLANlC 80.1 ATLANC 860 ATLANC 960. ATLANIC 980. ATLANC 985 ATLANC 100 ATLANC 1 REGULUS CT 3 REGULUS CT 5 REGULUS CT 81 7 REGULUS CT 9 REGULUS CT 11 REGULUS CT 84 13 REGULUS CT 15 REGULUS CT 17 REGULUS CT 19 REGULUS CT 21 REGULUS CT 23 REGULUS CT 2S REGULUS CT 27 REGULUS CT 14 REGULUS CT 16 REGULUS CT 10 REGULUS CT 12 REGULUS CT 96 6 REGULUS CT 8 REULUS CT 2 REGULUS CT 99 4 REGULUS CT 981 INEPENDENCE DR 983 INEPENDENCE WAY 102 985 INEPENDENCE DR 987 INEPENDENCE DR 1 ECLIPSE CT 3 ECLIPSE CT 5 ECLIPSE CT 7 ECLISE CT 9 ECLIPSE CT 11 ECLIPSE CT 13 ECLISE CT 15 ECLIPSE CT 17 ECLIPSE CT 19 ECLIPSE CT 21 ECLIPSE CT 23 ECLIPSE CT 25 ECLIPSE CT 27 ECLIPSE CT 14 ECLIPSE CT Parcels No Longer Blightcd - WECIP 21610.3 Seifel ConsulLing Inc. Alameda Merger Amendmcnls 074 13440730002100216 ECLIPSE CT 074 13440740002100210 ECLIPSE CT 074 13440750002100212 ECLIPSE CT 074 1344077000210026 ECLIPSE CT 074 1344078000210028 ECLIPSE CT 074 1344079000210022 ECLIPSE CT 074 1344080000210024 ECLIPSE CT 074 1344082000210021051 INDEPENDENCE DR 074 1344083000210021053 INEPENDENCE DR 074 1344084000210021055 INEPENDENCE DR 074 1344085000210021057 INEPENDENCE DR 074 1344087000210021005 ATLANC 074 1344088000210021015 ATLANC 074 134408902021002102 ATLANC 074 134409000210021 REDONDO CT 131 074 1344091000210023 REONDO CT 074 1344092000210025 REDONDO CT 133 074 1344093000210027 REONDO CT 074 1344095000210029 REONDO CT 074 134409600021001 I REONDO CT 074 13440970002100213 REONDO CT 074 13440980002100215 REONDO CT 074 1344099002100217 REONDO CT 074134410002100219 REONDO CT 074 13441020002100221 REONDO CT 074 13441030002100223 REONDO cr 074 13441040002100225 REONDO CT 074 13441050002100227 REONDO CT 074 13441060002100229 REONDO CT 074 13441070002100231 REONDO CT 074 13441090002100218 REONDO cr 074 1344110002100220 REONDO CT 07413441110002100214 REONDO CT 07413441120002100216 REDONDO cr 150 074 13441130002100210 REONDO CT 074 13441140002100212 REONDO cr 074 134411600210026 REONDO cr 153 074 1344117000210028 REDONDO CT 074 1344118000210022 REDONDO CT 074 1344119000210024 REONDO cr 074 1344121000210021081 INEPENDENCE DR 157 074 1344122000210021083 INEPENDENCE DR 074 1344123000210021085 INEPENDENCE DR 074 1344124000210021087 INEPENDENCE DR 074 1344127000210021010 ATLANC 0741344128000210021020 ATLANC Parcels No Longer Blighted - WECIP 216/03 , the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1 day of April, 2003 by the following vote to wit: AYES:Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Kerr, Matarrese, and Mayor Johnson - 5. NOES:None. ABSENT:None ABSTENTIONS:None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affxed the offcial seal of said City this 2nd day of April, 2003. l- c l t\ (')'-, ,- Laa Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda