Ordinance 2903CITY OF ALAMDA ORDINANCE NO. 2903 AUTHORIING AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOAR OF ADMISTRATION OF THE CALIFORN PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIRMENT SYSTEM AN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA BE IT ORDAID by the Council of the City of Alameda that: Section 1.That an amendment to the contract between the City Council of the City of Alameda and the Board of Adminstration, Californa Public Employees ' Retirement System is hereby authorized , a copy of said amendment being attached hereto , marked as an "Exhbit" , and by such reference made a par hereof as though herein set out in full. Section 2.The Mayor of the City Council of the City of Alameda is hereby authorized , empowered, and directed to execute such amendment for and on behalf of said Agency. Attest: Section 3.This Ordinance shall take effect thiy (30) days after the date of its =i adoption, and prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the passage thereof shall be published at least once in the Alameda Joural , a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of Alameda and thencefort and therefter 1he ~~~ be in fu force an effect. Council j-IAJIt1 Lara Weisiger, City Cier CalPERS California Public Employees ' Retirement System AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT Between the Board of Administration California Public Employees Retirement System' and the' City Council City of Al da' .,-. ' The: '-B!Ja " of' Admlnistration- , " California' public' Empfoy ees Retirememt Systemhereinafter refet 9 t9 a Board nd the governing ,body of- the ab ve pu pHc agency,tJereinafter refen:ed ,to as Public Agency, h ving, entet d into . a contract, effectiveJanuary , " ' 1957.,' and itnessed mber ,, 1956 , and as, amended effectivebruary1; 1-961\ April 1,1964 , May 1 1965 , October t,197 , ' ry 1-, Ju.lY 1990, Pe mber 31 1990 , 1991; July 4; 1991i September 3 , 1992 , O tober ', :' t5 2March,, 2 Ot and May 5 " ' 2Q02wichprovides for paiticipation ,of- PLi blic 'Agency 'in'said System , Board and Public Agehcy, hereby ag.re as follows: ' ". ,. ' Par graphs 1 ,through"13 ,ate hereQY strickeh from' s?id' corltrac(as exeeuh3d, ;' ffe6tlve May , 2do2;" and ' h reby 'replaced by fQllowini;r 'paragraphs: , ' numbered gh 14 'incl sive, , ' ' " . '" " Ai, words" .. t rms, ,used , herein , wHi are ,qefrn8d ,: in" the"Public :'' . E mp.lcwee ' , Retirement Law shall have the meaning as, ,fined ' thereinunless, otherwise.. specifically 'provided; "Normal' (etirement' age shalll)ean ge'55.for locaLmisce/la.neous,members an d 'age 50Jorlocal safety mernber , ': " .. " ,'( ., '. ' , 2. ' ' , , Public 'Agency 'shali partiGipate in the ' Pubiic ,Employ ' :Ret.ir mefi ( ., ' Systell,from ,and ,after ,Jan uary ', '1-957 ,making ,its , employee.s ,hereinafter provided , membe.rsof said System subject to all prpvisions the PLibli Emplpyees' Retirement Law except such 'as apply dnly' electioh of a 'contraCting agency and are not provided for hereIn and, to ' ali, amendments, '' said Law reafter enacted 'except those , whfch , by , , , p.ress provisions thereof, apply o ly on 'the election of c6nt actinagency. . ,, " :6. '7. , Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall becomemembers of said Retirement System except such in each such class as ' are excluded by law or this agreement: Local Fire Fighters (herein referred tQ as local safety members); Local Police Offcers (herein referred to as ,local safety members); Employees other than 'local safetY members (herein referred to as local' r:iscellaneous member ). In addition to the classes of employe s excluded from membership bysaid Retirement Law , the following classes of employees shall not become members of said Retirement System: ALL HOURLY RATED NON-CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEESHIRED ON OR AFTER MAY 1, 1965;,AND ,LOCA HEALTH DEPARTMENT J;MPLOYEES. 5. 'Assets heretofore accuITlulated ' with respect to, 'focal miscellaneousembrs under the local retirement system who Waiy d their rights under, ' " that' ystem have beeR transferred to' the' Pl,blic , Employees , Retirement: System , and appli d" against' 'the "iabllity:, for " ' " service' 'incurredthereunder. T at'portion of assets sotran$fe red which represent theaccumulated contributions (plus interest )hereof)" required 'of. the' employees under said local systell have , been. credited to the .individual,memb rship ,i:cCbunt of eac such employee .u:nder the Pu.b1i6 mplqyeesRetirementSystem. " ", " -' , ':" '' ", '" ,,. .. .. :. :.. '' ,' ", , . ., ', ' Assets,' heretofore ' t;ul1u.lated ' with respect tp,I9cai safety.., membersunder 'the loeal. retirement, ystem ' wh9w ived . ,their rights under that ' ' system.. have" been "transf rre to, '. Public, Emp oye : , : R t!rement ,' ' System,and' :applied'agai nst 'the liabjfty fot. ' prior, serVibe "incurred'ttiereu('der. That portion of assets so fra nsferred which ' represent the ' ' accUl)ulated "cpntributions: (plus' interest , thereof) , req uirad ,of theeinployes Under 'said"local' system ' have :been credited 'tb/the" ihdividual' "membership'account of each suchemployee,underOthePublic EmplOyees RetJrem em. , , ' This ' ' contract,' shalf. 'be, a ontinI;8tion , : f th contract 9f: the HO using : AuthQrity of the 'City' of Alarie " here ihatter r ferrec(:.tb ,as' , ' !forni, Ag ncy rhe ac umuJated conttipWtioris , ?ssets and liabilty fqr prior and- current' service, 'under the Former Ag8JCY , contract shal/ be mergedpursunt to Section 20508 of the Government Code. ' ' Such , mergeroccutred J ly 1 2000. , " . ,' .. : Section '21354'(2% Fulf fo,rmu la) 'provided under this contra, shaH apply to aH pa$f'Service: for form er ,employees of the, Housing " AI;thority of the City of Alameda. , 12. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service for local miscellaneous members shall be determined in accordance. with Section 21354 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for service on and after Janua , 1959 , the effective date of Social Security coverage , and prior toDecember 31 , 1982 , termination of Social Security, for members whose service has been included in Federal. Social Secui-tY(2% at age 55 Full,and Modified), . . The percentage of .final compensation to be proyided for each year ofcredited prior and cyrrent service a local safety, member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21362.2 of said Retirement Lpw(3% at age 50 Full). 10.Public Agency elected and elects , to be subject to the following optionalprovisions: Section 21573 (Third Level of 1959 Survivor."enefits). Sections21624arid 21626 (Post-Retirement Survivor Allowance), Section 2q042 (One- Year Fin Compensation).c, ' - " Secfion' 20938' (Lirrit' 'p'rior, SerVice .to ' Me mbers ' Employ ed" , Contract Date) for'local safety members only. e. - " , Sectio 2096.5 (Credit forl,nu e:d,Leave). ' Section: ,2163$ "(Post-Retirement SUrVIyor lowan tq.' Continue,Aff Remarriage)'oi-local safe members' oniy. " ".. . ." '. . ,. . , Sectio.n 21536 ,(Local. Sy Service' Credit Included '' Basic()eath'ehefit)for local tY members'ori!y . ," .: - .: .. . . . , ' Section 20903 (Two Years, Additional' Service : ' Credit) for local, ' misceilarieous m mgers.6nly. , , ' . ". . Puqlic Agency shall ' C(ntribute to said Ret.irement ystem the 'contributions determined by' ctu arial valuations of prior 'and'futureservice liabilty with respect to 'Iocal.n;iscellaneous menibet$ 'and local safey members of said , Retire'r,ent ' System:" , , ': , '. ' public Age ncy $ak also ?ontribut to S d Retire men System. s fOIIOW$:: ' , ,. '. "" ." ' Contributions required per covered member on aqcount of the 19 59 'Survivor Benefis provided under Section 21573 of said .Re'tireinLaw. (Subject to' annual change.In ' ad dition , , all assets andliabilties of PU blic Agency ?nd its employees shall be pooled in a , single account, b8;sed on te ni inswance rates , ' for survivors of alllocal miscellaneous mer:bers,a!id local safeo/ memb rs. ' ," , A reasonable amount , ' as fixed by the Board , payable in oneinstallment within 60 days of date of contract to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of, Public Agency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodic ir:vestigation and valuations ' required by law, 13, A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board , payable in oneinstallment .as the occasions arise , to cover the costs of specialvaluations on account of employees of Pub ic Agency, and costs of the periodic irwestigation and vah:Jations required by law. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall besubject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the PublicEmployees' Retirement Law , and on account of the experience under the tirement System as determined by the periodic inv stigation andvaluation required by said Retirement Law. ontributions required , of Public Agency and its empl oyees shall be paidby, Public Agency to the -Re irem ent System within fifteen days after the ' end of the period to which said,contributions refer or as may be prescribedby BQard' regulation. If niore or les$' than the correct amount of contributions is paid for any' period , proper adjustment shaH b$ made ' i:" cO hnection' 'with' subsequent remittances Adjustments' on accoliht ofrrors in contributions required of 'any employee may be made' by direct 'payrp ents between the empl6ye and,the Board. ' , , " B. ' , This amendment shall be ffectLv the , " BOA o' PADMINIS RATt'ON . . ,, " CiTY COUNCIL IC I;MPLOYEE SI ETIREM $Y$TEM .CI1Y OF ALAMEDA , ,' '" ,:, ,' ,, ,, , " '" '.. '" " KENNETH W. MARZION , C " ' ' PRESIDING OFFICE " ' ACTUARIAL & MPLOYER RVICES DIViSioN ' , , ' !t", , P(!BUC EMPLOYEES', R EM6NT SYSTEM" " '. " 0" /-' , .J Witlles ' . ' ' Attest: 0 Jf Q: , Clerk ' 0 14. , the undersigned , hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1 st day of July, 2003 by the following vote to wit: AYES:Councilmembers Daysog, Matarrese , Kerr and Mayor Johnson - 4. NOES:None. ABSENT:Councilmember DeWitt - 1, ABSTENTIONS:None. IN WITNESS , WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offcial seal of said City this day of July, 2003. Weisiger , City ClerM City of Alameda