Ordinance 2914 and Staff ReportCITY OF ALAMEDA
Date: November 5 , 2003
To:Honorable Mayor and
Council members
From: James M. Flint
City Manager
Re:Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code Related to the
Transportation Commission and the Technical Transportation Team
On April 16 , 2002 , the Council adopted Ordinance No. 2881 replacing the Transportation
Advisory Committee (T AC) with two separate bodies , the Technical Transportation Team (TTT)
and the Transportation Commission (TC). Subsequently, in Februar 2003 , the Council passed
Ordinance No. 2891 , which COlTected the procedure for establishing parking meter zones.
The Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) requires minor changes to complete the establishment of
the TC and the TTT and the procedures regarding parking meter zones. These changes include:
cOlTectly identifying the secretary of the Transportation Commission, deleting the ex-officio
members of the TC , clarfyng the duties of the Public Works Director (PWD) vis-a.-vis the TTT
regarding bus stops and angled parking and makng consistent the changes made on February 4
2003 regarding parking meter zones. Finally, the AMC wil be changed to streamline the appeals
procedures of the decisions made by the TTT and TC and to clarfy when the appeal fee will be
refuded. Specific changes are as follows:
AMC Sections 12-13., 12-17., 12-17., 8-22., and 8-14.3 include references to the now-
defuct Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). The references to the TAC wil be replaced
with "Technical Transportation Team.
AMC Section 2-5(d) specifies the selection of offcers of the TC and states the TC shall
(sJelect from its membership a chairperson , a vice chairperson and a secretar.Public Works
staff served as the secretar to the T AC and wil continue in that role with the TC , so this
provision needs to be modified.
AMC Section 2-8.2 states
, "
In addition to these nine (9) voting members , one (1) AC Transit
and one (1) BART representative shall be non-voting, ex-officio members of the Transportation
Commission This section should be deleted per the request of the Inter-Agency Liaison
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
Pulic \Y Wo.f You!Re: Intro of Ordinance #4-M CC
Honorable Mayor and
Page 2
November 5 , 2003
Committee (ILC), and approved by the Transportation Commission (TC). AC Transit Board
members will be accessible through the ILC on a quarerly basis or as needed. BART Directors
will be requested to attend ILC meetings when discussing relevant items. The misspellng of
term " wil also be cOlTected.
AMC Section 8-27.3 , Transit Stops , states the PWD is authorized to approve locations of transit
stops within the City limits. However AMC Section 8-1 authorizes the TTT to prohibit parking
at all times. Since bus stops often involve the prohibition of parking, this section should be
clarfied so that the PWD has the authority to remove up to three parking spaces for a bus stop.
This is consistent with previous Council action requesting bus stops have clear unobstructed
access for busses to pull to the curb.
AMC Section 8-, Angled Parking, was modified in February 2003 to be consistent with the
Californa Yehicle Code (CYC). This section should be clarfied to state that the PWD shall
recommend new angle parking locations.
AMC Section 12-, Definitions , was inadvertently omitted from Ordinance No. 2891 that
revised the establishment of parking meter zones , and the reference to the Transportation
Advisory Committee should be changed to the City Council , to be consistent with the CYe.
AMC Section 8-22.12 needs to be deleted to be consistent with the revised appeal procedure to
be described under AMC Section 2-
AMC Section 2-5(b) describes the appeals procedure for decisions made by the TTT and Te.
The existing ordinance states that TC decisions are appealable in the same manner as the
Planning Board per AMC Sections 30-25.1 through 30-25.5. It is implied but not explicitly
stated that TTT appeals to the TC are also to be in the same maner as the Planng Board.
Council requested the appeals procedure be streamlined and clarified given the role of the TTT
and TC as described in the AMe. It also is not clear when appeal fees are applied and refuded.
To rectify the ambiguity, the new ordinance adds two new sections to the AMC (8-5 and 2-
one describing the procedure for appeals of the decisions of the TTT and one describing the
procedure for appeals of the decisions of the TC , respectively. The new ordinance clarfies the
two instances when an appeal of a TTT decision is forwarded to the Transportation Commission
(existing transportation policy was not followed or new facts/evidence are available). All other
appeals are forwarded directly to the City Council. The TC when considering the appeal may
either affrmmodify/reverse the decision or retu the item to the TTT for further consideration.
There is no impact to the general fund as a result ofthis action.
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
Pulic Wor Ifmtfr You!
Honorable Mayor and
Page 3
November 5 , 2003
The proposed ordinance wil repeal Subsection 8-22., and add a new Subsection 2-6 and a
new Subsection 8.10. It will also amend Subsection 2-5 of Section 2-, Subsections 8-1.5 , 8-
1.6 1.7 1.8 , and 8-1.9 of Section 8-1; Subsection 8-1 of Section 8-8; Subsection 8-14.3(b)
of Section 8-14; Subsection 8-22.11 of Section 8-22; Subsection 8-27.3 of Section 8-27 of
Chapter YIII; Subsection 12-, 12-13.1 of Section 12-13; Subsection 12-17.6 and 12-17.8 of
Section 12-17. No other sections ofthe Alameda Municipal Code are affected.
The City Manager recommends that the City Council Adopt an Ordinance amending the
Alameda Municipal Code related to the Transportation Commission and the Transportation
Technical team.
Public Works Director
By:Michelle DeRobertis
Associate Engineer
G:IPUBWORKSIPW ADMINCOUNCIL\2003\110403\1O-31-drft report TT TCmd-jh.doc
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