BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that:
Section 1 In accordance with Subsection 30-20 of the Alameda
Municipal Code, Master Plan Amendment MPA-06-, as shown on Exhibit "
and amended by the conditions in Exhibit "B" is hereby adopted for all the real
property within the MX-zoned site situated within the City of Alameda, County of
Alameda , State of California, located generally south of the Oakland-Alameda
Estuary, west of the Mariner Square commercial area, north of the College of
Alameda and Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway, and east of Main Street
exclusive of the Alameda Gateway Center, U.S. Coast Guard Housing, andMiler Elementary School.
Section 2 . The Master Plan, as amended by the above Master Plan
Amendment MPA-06-, shall be known as and referenced to as the
BayportAlameda Landing Project Master Plan (hereinafter Master Plan)
approved June 6, 2000, as amended.
Section 3 . This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after
the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage; subject to the
amendment of the Development Agreement by and between the City of
Alameda and Catellus Development Corporation , dated June 6 , 2000, as
amended , and the adoption of a new Development Agreements between the
City of Alameda and Palm Tree Acquisition Corporation (successor by merger
to Catellus Development Corporation).
NOTICE. No judicial proceedings subject to review pursuant
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5 and/or Section 1085 may be
prosecuted more than ninety (90) days following the date of this decision or any
final action on any appeal, plus extensions authorized by California Code of
Civil Procedure Section 1094.
Lara Weisiger , City Cler
City of Alameda
October 2001
h Introduction , Land Uses & Objectbes
.. Purpose/Intent
B. Project Obj'ectives
C. Land Use O';ervie'
D. Processing Procedures
II. Project 'Hide Site Planning
A. Purpose/Intent
B. Overall Design Concept
C. Unifying Concep
D. Transportation/Circulation Systems
E. Street Concepts and Elements
F. Specific Streetscapes
III. Residential
A. Purpose/Intent
B. Rcsidential0vervio',,
C. Site Planning
D. :A rchitectural Design
E. Circulation Standards and Guidelines
F. Master Sign Pro gram
G. Model Home Complex/Temporary
Tracts Sales or Construction Offices
Master Plan Amendements
H. Definitions
IV. Commcrcial Center
A. Purpose/Intent
B. Commercial Center Overvio'
C. ..rchitectural Concepts
V. Parks and Open Space
/\.. Purpose/Intent
B. Parks and Open Space Frame'.York
C. General Park and Open Space Concepts
Tree Species Matrix
VI. Master Plan for City of "AJameda/
Alameda Point Collaborative Sito
VII. Conditions of "..pproval
The Catellus ..\lameda+ Obiectives
Puroose/Intent 0 I
Proiect Objectives 03
Land Use Overview 04
ProcessinQ: Procedures
The BavoortAlameda LandinQ:Project Master Plan provides both general and specific design
elements for the immediate and long;range build-out of this significant business center and
Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center and BaVDort residential community located on the site of
the decommissioned Alameda Naval Air Station and Fleet Industrial Supply Center, in Alameda
Master Plan Amendements
The Land Use Plan and Circulation Master Plan diagram indicates dia!!ams ind the general
intent of the street network , park and open space framework, and designated land use areas. This
Master Plan document is J* a planned development under the City s 1999 MX CitY of
Alameda 1999 MX. Mixed-Use Planned Develooment District standards. The
anticipates tho foIlO'ving entitlements or approvals: General Plan amendment, rezoningto MXtl Master Plan , MX District Development Plans v/hieh substantially eonfDrm to this Master
Plan , a Certified En'lironmental ImpactRoport, Transfer, DispositioR and Sl:bdivision I\faps , the
Development f..greement between Catellus Development Corp &nd the City of ..A.Iafeda, an
amendment to the Business and Waterfont Impro''emcnt Plan (B'NIP) and a Disposition and
De'lelopment f..grcement . between Catellus and the f.lamoda Community IR'royemcnt
Commission. This Master Plan docUIent establishes the planning and design principles guiding
the implementation of land use designations , site layout, landscaping, and architectural design on
the site.
The lB Master Plan was first adooted bv the CitY of Alameda in June of2000 and authorized a
mix of residential. office with suooortin!! retail. research and develooment. Darks and ooen soace
uses. and sites for amuitifamilv residential develooment and an elementa school. The First
Amendment to the Master Plan. aooroved in 2002. incoroorated 62 units of additional
multifamilv affordable housing:. The Second Amendment. aooroved in 2004. incoroorated
storm-water detention oond and oumoin!! station in the vicinitY of orooosed Mitchell Avenue and
Fifth Street. The Third Amendment, aooroved in 2006. revised the Master Plan to
reD lace 1.
milion SQuare feet of offce and research and develooment soace with a mix of retail. health club
facilities. offce. research and develooment. and residential units.
The long-term build-out of this large development requires flexibilty related to the changing land
use market and needs of future users. The written and graphic components of the document
provide the development vocabulary, which wil allow the Ca-clIus ..lameda development to
evolve in a logical and comprehensive way in order to achieve a high;quality development.
The material included in this document is intended to:
. Establish standards for development of the Proiect.
. Guide developers , builders, planners , architects , landscape architects , and civil engineers in
project design and implementation.
. Assist public offcials and public agency staff in the project review and approvals process.
Master Plan Amendements
This Master Plan is or!!anized into the followin!! seven chaoters:
Chaoter J. Introduction. Land Uses + Obiectives. describes the overall OUfOose. obiectives. and
develooment conceDts that !!uide the Master Plan.
Chaoter 2. Project-wide Site Plannin!!. describes the overall desi!!n conceots and develoDment
framework that should. !!uide all develonment. within . the Master Plan area to ensure that the
develooment results in a hi!!h-aualitv. comoact. walkable. mixed-use community.
Chanter 3. Bavoort Residential. Drovides the site olannin!!. circulation. and architectural desilm
!!uidelines and re!!ulations for the Bavoort residential oortion of the Master Plan.
Chanter 4. Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center. orovides the site-olannin!.. circulation. and
architectural desi!!o guidelines and rellulations for the Alameda Landin!! oortion of the Master
Chanter 5. Parks and ODen Soace. describes the overall design framework and guidelines for the
develoomeot of oarks and ooen soace within the Master Plan area.
Chaoter6. Master Plan for the Citvof Alameda! Alameda Point . Collaborative Site. orovides the
develoDment conceots and site-nlannin!. !!uidelines for the 39-unit affordable housin!! site.
Chaoter 7. Conditions of Aooroval. includes anv conditions of aooroval added bv the City
Council uoon aooroval ofthe Plan.
To the extent that any topic is not specifically addressed in this Master Plan , the Alameda
Municipal Code shall prevail except as otherwise provided in the anolicable Development
Agreement. The Master Plan is part of the Development Plall f..pproyal process. DeveloDment on
the site wil reauire Develooment Plan and Desi!!o Review aoorovals. In accordance with the
DeveloDment A!!reements. the CitY wil aoorove Develooment Plans and Desi!!o Review
aoolications that are in substantial conformitY with this Master Plao.
Proiect Obiectives
The Catellus Alameda
The Bavoort Alameda Landin!!Project is a coordinated effort between the Catollus Development
Corporation orivate develQJ:)ers and the City of Alameda to reuse . and redevelop the former Fleet
Industrial Supply Center Alameda Annex and Facility (FISC Facility) and the East Housing area
of the former Alameda Naval Air Station (NAS Alameda). Catellus The develooers and the City
Master Plan Amendements
of Alameda are undertaking this effort with the purpose of accomplishing the following
. Eliminating blighting influences and correcting environmental deficiencies in the Project area
including, but not limited to , abandoned buildings , incompatible land uses , depreciated or
stagnant propert values , contamination, af inadequate or deteriorated public improvement
imorovements , facilities , and utilties . and lack of oublic access to the shore
. Replanning, redesigning, and developing undeveloped and underdeveloped areas that are
improperly utilzed to achieve a balanced mix of land uses and create a vibrant new waterfront
neighborhood in Alameda.
. Expanding and improving the community's supply of housing through the installation of
needed site improvements and the construction of housing, consistent with the existing density
and residential character of Alameda and with existing City of Alameda policies and standards
including Measure A.Measure A.
IncreasinQ: the CitY of Alameda s suoolv of land available for residential develooment and
increasin!! the suoolv of affordable housin!! and the diversitv of housinQ: tvoes in Alameda.
. Providing diversity in housing opportunities through compliance with. GI CommunitY
Imorovement Commission (CIC)inclusionary housing policy/i.e., pro'liding on site affordable
housing and contributing land and funds to'.vard the de'lelopment ofJ9 emits of very 1m'.
income housing).
Strengthening Stremrtheninf. and diversifying the economic base of the Project area and the
community by adding approximately 1.3 milion gross square feet of business park and
supporting retail space business Dark uses and retail uses that wil orovide new amenities for
Alameda residents. incIudinf. new shoos. restaurants. and services
. Achievingjob creation and economic development.
. Actively seeking and promoting business and light industries that provide significant
sustainable employment, including a mix of light industries emphasizing opportunities for
tcchnology research and development (R&D) and technology transfer. bv orovidin!l new retail
land uses that wil comolement and orovide svner!!ies with existin!! retail develooment at
Webster Street. the Alameda Towne Centre and other locations within Alameda. in accordance
with the Alameda CitYide Retail PoIicv.
. Facilitating the emergence of commercial industrial sectors , including those e)(pected . to
emerge or expand due to their proximity to the new business park site through improvement of
transportation access to commercial and industrial areas , improvement of safety within the
Master Plan Amendements
Project area, and the installation of needed site improvements to stimulate new commercial
indtlstrial expansion, employment, and economic growth.
. Maximizing tax increment. new sales tax.and developing municinal services districts and other
funding mechanisms in order to pay for the public investment in infrastructure required for
economic development in the Project area. and ensurinll comoliance with the City's fiscal
neutrality nolicv for the redevelonment and reuse of former federal facilities
. Emphasizing employment and a mix of economic development opportunities that complement
economic development strategies in other parts of Alamedat and promoting a jobs-housing
balance to the extent practicable.
. Seamlessly integrating the Project site into the City of Alameda by.; emphasizing Mixed Use
mixed-use development; ensuring land use compatibility within and surrounding the Project
site; creating the same "small town " character on the Project site which is highly valued by the
existing community; achieving the same human-scale , tree-lined mixed-use character of
neighborhood walkable streets found throughout the existing City; reflecting the grid street
pattern that is characteristic te the existing City of Alameda; and minimizing through -traffc
on minor residential streets.
. Reducing the impact of the automobile and energy consumption by.; faciltating public transit
opportunities . includin!! sunDlementarv BART shuttles.to and within the Project area to the
extent feasible; af providing a system of bikeways , parks , and pedestrian paths to faciltate
access to parks , recreational areas and the waterfront from all parts of western Alamed a: and
imolementin!! a Transnortation Demand Mana!!ement (TDM) PrOfrram that wil reduce Proiect-
related traffc and associated noise and air aualitv imnacts
. Protecting and improving the waterfront by enhancing'lie'1ls enhancinll views of water and
public access to the waterfront in all development and creatively encouraging the usage of the
waterfront. bv orovidinll a Waterfont Promenade with oubHc art. ooen soace. water-oriented
retail and recreational oooortnities. and other nublic amenities
. Providing adequate vehicular access to and within the Project site without signifcant ad'lor3o
effects on imnedinll access to existing areas of the City or the water s ed!!e
. Providing a school site to further educational opportnities at the Project sites and in
surrounding neighborhoods.
. Providing parks within the Project site to service the needs of the residents of the Project site
and surrounding neighborhoods.
Master Plan Amendements
. Promoting energy efficiency in facilty development, utilizing recycled materials to the extent
feasible am. applying low;;water;;demand techniques in all new development , including all
landscape development.
. Ensuring that each portion of the Project area, as developed , is suitable for the intended HS
uses and consistent with protection of human health and the environment prior to occupancy.
Providin!! a diverse mix of uses alon!! the water s ed!!e to reconnect the City with its waterfront
and to orovide activities. I!atherin!! olaces. and a safe daYtime and nifrhttime environment.
. Establishing a comprehensive framework and hierarchy for the overall site to ensure that basic
infrastructure elements wil be functionally and aesthetically integrated throughout the
. Ensuring that the Project site design is in concert with the established goals polioes oolicies
and objectives of the NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan.
. Integrating the planned community into the existing west Alameda neighborhood fabric , while
at the same time creating a unique setting within the City that has a strong and unique sense of
distinctive sense of olace.
Land Use Overview
The Catellus Alameda Project encompasscs
The Bavoort/ Alameda Landin!! Proiect ori!rinallv encomoassed approximately 218 acres formerly
used by the U.s. Navy, of which approximately 72 acres were in the East Housing portion of the
Alameda Naval Air Station and approximately 146 acres we in the Fleet Industrial Supply
Center (FISC). In 2003. aooroximatelv two acres ofthe oril!inal Master Plan area were ohvsicallv
removed to accommodate a turnin!!basin associated with Port of Oakland activities.The site is
located in the west end of Alameda, bounded to the north by the Oakland Inner Harbor, to the east
by Mariner Square Loop and the College of Alameda, to the south by Atlantic ..:enue Raloh
Aooezzato Memorial Parkwav, and to the west by Main Street and the Coast Guard Housing.
The Catellus l.Iameda BavoortAlameda Landin!!Project Master Plan seeks to establish a mix of
land uses that wil bring this portion of the ei CitY back into productive use, wi create
accessible open spaces for all Alameda residents , and wi provide much needed public facilities.
Site Organization
Master Plan Amendements
The Land Use Plan depicts the framework for development of the site. The site is organized
around the central spines of Fifth Street, a north;south street connecting Atianie "venuo Raloh
Aooezzato Memorial Parkwav with. Mitchell Moslo)' Street , and Avenue. and the waterfront:
Tinker Avenue . an east-west street connecting Main Street to Fifth Street; and Mitchell Avenue.
an east-west street connectinfr Fifth Street to Mariner Sauare Looo.
In the area As described in more detail in Chaoter 4: Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center. a mix
of uses is reauired in all sub-areas north of Tinker Avenue . is 11 Business Park encoiloassin!l 77
acres. v/hich ''il house uo to .1.3 milion The followinll descriotion orovides an overview of the
Ileneral of!anization and distribufion of uses within the Master Plan area.
The area north of Mitchell Avenue encomoasses aooroximatelv 30 acres and is olanned for
400.000 gross square feet of flex toch offce andreseareh , & developmont uses ;with supporting
retail and related uses including a stonmvater 50.000 sauare feet of additional waterfont retail
uses. and a 20.000-sauare-foot health club. Buildin!!s in this area are encourafred to incomorate a
mix of uses to enliven the waterITont area. In addition. there is a Waterfront Promenade and
Waterfront Plaza encomoassin!! aooroximatelv ei!!ht acres alonfr the Oakland Inner Harbor.
The area south of MitcheIl Avenue and east of Fifth Streetis olannedfor 250.000 SQuare feet of
retail uses or 370.000 sauare feet ofresearchanddevelooment uses. Buildin!!s in this area mav
also incomorate a mix of uses includin!! retail with office or limited residential above.
The area immediatelv west of Fifth Street and south of Mitchell Avenue is orooosed for
residential use. This site is located immediatelv east of the Coast Guard residential neifrhborhood
and immediately north of the Bavoort residential nei!!hborhood. A smaller. four-acre residential
Darcel is orooosed north of Mitchell Avenue. immediately east of the waterITont commercial area.
This Darcel is located immediatelv west of the existin!! Senior Care faciltY and Marina Vila!!e
mixed-use develooments. To!!ether. these two oarcels are Dlanned for 300 housin!! units. 25
Dercent of which would be affordable to verv low. low-. and moderate-income households.
Also west of Fift. Street and the orooosed 2 I-acre residential area. and north of Tinker Avenue.
is a 2.5-acre site for medium-density residential develooment which wil orovide 39 residential
units. Also west of Fifth Street and the orooosed 21-acre residential area. and south of Mitchell
Avenue. is a storm-water treatment and detention pond , pump station, force main, outfall and
associated landscaping. alon!? the 'vestern ed!?e of the orooosed business oark
South of Tinker Avenue. the 85-acre Bavoort residential neillhborhood wil include un to a
maximum of 500 detached and attached sin!!le-familv residential un its. as well as six acres of
oarks distributed tI1foullhout the neillhborhood. This area also includes a three-acre site with
Master Plan Amendements
aporoximatelv 62 affordable housinll units . In addition, there is a seven ',Vaterfront promenade
central plaza and commons encompassing 12 acres along the Oakland Inner Harbor. Immediately
Vlest of the Business Park is 5 acre site for medium density residontial development housing
39 residential units. The Primary Site for the multi family housing is sho'.vn in the figure on page
7. .pursuant to the torms of the Memorandum of Understanding, executed by all parties as
February 22 , 2000 , by and among the Alameda County Homeless Base COflyersion Collaborative
the "RRA , the CIC , the ..AJameda Housing Authority, the City, the County of Alameda and the
A..ameda Point Collaborative , in the event that certain conditions precedent are ROt met, .the multi
family housing site may be moved to the "lternative . Site shO''i in a figure on page 8 of this
Section. Either site is permitted by this Master Plan. An additional mUlti family site of 3 aores is
also planned along 5th street. The 3 acre site '.viI contain approximately 60 affordable housing
units that ',lil be designed and developed by the ..\lameda Housing "uthority.
South of Tinker ,venue is a residential neighborhood onoompassing 85.2 acres housing
maximum of 500. detached and atached singlc family resideRtial units and . apprmdmately .
affordable housing units as v.eIl as 6 acres of parks distribmed throHghout the neighborhood. In
addition , there is an 7 acre site for an elementary school that has been recentlv constructed.
Master .Plan provides entitlements up to. the number of housing units and amount of gross square
footage provided abo'/e. The intent of tho Project is to reach these numbers to tho extent feasible
..vhile complying ''lith the purpose and intent of this Master Plan.
Development Concepts
The Catellus "AJameda BavoortAlameda Landin!!Project seeks to establish anew focus for
business water-oriented and mixed-us development in the ei CitY that wil enhance the
Citv'existing economic base. The types of business expected to locato in the business park
include high tech companies , rogional facilitics for national firms , headquarters for local
corporations , and special uses such as education and consulting organizations. The site
development and planning standards for the business park Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center
portion of the Proiect are outlined in Section IV of this document. Chaoter 4.
The project
The Proiect also seeks to create a residential neighborhood nei!zhborhoods that is are appropriate
and reminiscent of the best attibutes of Alameda s existing residential neighborhoods while
providing sufficient open spaces and amenities to create Nell balanced noighborhood. The
residential noighborhood well-balanced nei!!hborhoods and visual and ohvsical connections to the
waterfront. The residential nei!!hborhoods wil include a balance of single;:family detached and
Master Plan Amendements
attached units as well as ft sites for a multi family multifamilv residential development. The
site development and planning standards for the residential neighborhood nei!.hborhoods are
outlined in Section II of this document Chaoters 3. 4. and 6
Circulation and access to and from the site wil be significantly improved through
implementation of the Master Plan. The details of circulation, transportation and access can be
found in Section II of this document. Chaoter 2.
The project
The Proiect seeks to provide suffcient open space to support the land uses planned on the site as
well as to enhance the quality of life of all residents of Alameda. The Waterfront Promenade
Waterfront Plaza and Central Commons Vilalle Green are major organizing elements of the
Master Plan , and provide new significant opportunities for residents of Alameda to enjoy the
waterfront both day and ni!!ht.A large central park and a number of smaller parks establish a
pattern of usable open spaces and amenities for th residents of the Catellus lJarneda Bavoort
residential neighborhood. mix of commercial. residential. offce. and water-oriented
recreational uses wil reunite the City with its waterfront and orovide new !!atherin!! olac
activities and a safe daYtime and ni!!httime environment.The details of the open space
components of the Master Plan can be found in Section V of this document. Chaoter 5.
Public;;Private Responsibilties
The Catellus ..AJamcda BavDortAlameda Landin!;Project is a partership of the City of Alameda
the Alameda Community Improvement Commission (CIC), and the Catellus Developmcnt
Corporation orivate develooers.The City and Catellus the orivate develooers have entered into a
Development Agreement A!!eements , and the CIC and Catellus the orivate develooers have
entered into a long;term Disposition and Development f..greement, A!!eements.which togcther
establish the parameters of roles and responsibilities and liabilties relative to th implementation
of this Proiect. includimr such items as demolition of existin!! buildin!.s. site work and
infrastructure: project.
The City of Alameda and/or tho CIC are financially rosponsiblo for construction and maintenance
of the major infrastructure elements including public utilties , major roadways including Mitchell
Avenue (from Mariner Sauare Loon to the western Proiect boundar),Fifth Street , Tinker
Avenue , Office ..\ccess Drive , and "tIai1ic "\venue , as 'yoll as and imorovements to Raloh
Aooezzato Memorial Parkwav:the Waterfont Promenade , Waterfront Plaza Vila!!e Green. and
four-acre Bavoort residential nark. Central Commons , and 1 acre residential Park. The City
Housing ...uthority is also responsible for de';elopment and maintcnance of the Multi Family
Master Plan Amendements
Residential Sites , and the i\lameda School District is responsible for development and
maintenance of the School Site.
Catellus is responsible for construction but not maintenanco of the contral access streets through
the residential neighborhood. These include the east ','lest streets that adjoin the school/park site
and those that conncct 'vest to Main Street and east of Fifth Street and the north south streets that
align 'vith Poggi Street and Third Street. The City is rosponsiblo for maintenance of these streets.
Catellus is responsible for developmcnt and maintenance of all other portions of the project
including thc business park site the mini parks and balance of the streets 'vithin thc rcsidcntial
The phasing schedule for the Residential and the Busincss Park components Bavoort residential
comoonent of the Master Plan shall be as set forth in Article VII (Development ofthe Sites) , and
Attachment 31 (Schedule of Performance) of the Disposition and Development Agreement
between the Community Improvement Commission and Catellus Developmcnt. the Bavoort
develooer. See Ilustrative Conceotual Phasin!. Plan for the Alameda Landin!: Mixed-Use Center
on the orior oa!!e.
Waterfront Imorovements Phasin!.
The first Develooment Plan for anv oortion of Sub-Area 1 or Sub-Area 2 shall include the
Develooment Plan for the Waterfront Promenade. Construction of the Waterfront Promenade
shall occur in ohases with each Develooment Plan Sub-Area 1 and Sub-Area 2 Drovidin!. for
onstruction of the adiacent oortion of the Waterfront Promenade. In no case shall the
construction of the Waterfront Promenade be divided into more than three construction ohases.
Processin!: Procedures
This Master Plan orovides entitlements uo to the number of housin!: units and amount of !!ross
square foota!!e described in the Land Use Overview above. subiect to the orocedures described
The Master Plan document is intended to serve as the framework for development as well as the
basis for review .of projects considered within . the Catellus Alameda BaVDort Alameda Landin!!
Project. Every Development Plan phase within the Proiect area wil undergo
Master Plan Amendements
review by the Master. Developer as 'yoll as Development Plan and Design Review bv the
Plannin!! Board as part of the City of Alameda processing procedures.
Master DO'leloper Design Revievt' Procedures
Catellus is tho Master De'/eloper for the Catellus /Jameda Project. Either the Residential or the
Commercial Group of CateIlus Development Corporation 'It'il roviovl all proposed projects '.vithin
the site for architectural design consistenoy '.'ith this Master Plan.
City Processing Procedures
The Catellus ""'lameda Bavoort/Alameda Landin!f Project is within the MX.Mixed-Use Planned
Development District of the City of Alameda. Adoption of this Master Plan is intended to .ensure
compatibility and interaction between mixed uses ineluding. which may include. without
limitation.residential , retail ef office , recreational , research;;orientedlight;;industrial senior
care. health club.and water;;oriented uses. The next step of City appro'/als is the submission of
Development Plans fDr each phase of development, which indicates proper orientation, desirable
design character and compatible land uses. This Master Plan establishes the standards against
vlhich each Deyelopmcnt Plan wil be e'/aluated by the City as par of the process established in
Section 30 1.20 MX , Mixed Use Planned Development District of the City of ..A.Iameda
Zoning Ordinance. overall site develooment framework and standards for develooment. The next
steo of CitY aoorovals is the submission ofDeveloomentPlans for eachohase of develooment.
For all property covered by this Master Plan that is the subject of the Development ....greement
bet\yeen the City and Catellus Development: (i) ..\dministrative Amendments to this Master Plan
are permitted in accordance Y/ith Seetion 6.3 of the De'lelopment f.greemcnt; and(ii) aIl other
amendment to this Master Plan shall comply ,,"ith the procedurcs set forth in the MX Ordinancc
for adoption of the Master Plan
In accordance with the reauirements for the MX DistricUSection 30-20 of the CitY's Zonimr
Ordinance). the Develooment Plan for each develoDment ohase wil include a site olan showin!!
circulation. and ooen SDace: a olot olan showin!! buiIdin!! Dlans. ooen soace. and Q:aohic
reoresentations of desi!f: an outline of any aQ:eements re!!ardin!! use and maintenance: and a
plan showin!! how the Develooment Plan ohases wil relate to one another. These Develooment
Plans wil be subiect to review bv the Plannin!! Board.
Concurrent with each Alameda Landin!! DeveloDmentPlan submittal. the oroiect aoolicant shall
submit a model of the oortion of the sub-areas covered bv that DeveloDment Plan. The model for
Master Plan Amendements
Sub-Areas 1 and 2 shall include an analvsis of feasible ootions for the inclusion of residential
units consistent with the provisions of the Developm.ent ".greement. Mixed-Use Guidelines (see
Chaoter 4) for the oortion of Sub-Areas 1 and 2 included in the Develooment Plan.
Proiect-wide Site Plannin!.
Purnose/Intent 11
Tho CateUus /.lameda
Overall DesiQ: Conceot
Unifvin!! Conceots
Transoortation/Circulation Svstems 14
Street Conceots and Elements
Soecific Streetscaoes 21
The BavDortAlameda Landin!!Project Master Plan intonds orovides both !!eneral an9 soecific
desi!!n elements for the immediate and lon!!-ran!!e build-out of this si!!nificant Alameda Landin!!
Mixed-Use Center and Bavoort residential communitY to ensure creation of a high;;quality mixed-
environment for business , support services , an residential uses. and Dublic and recreational
uses linked by a network of streets , landscaped open spaces , pedestrian walkways and bikeways.
These guidelines seek to create a cohesive overall framework for development of the site within
which there are variations in the character of individual sites , spaces and buildings. This
chaoter presents broad concepts and project Proiect-wide site:;planning standards and guidelines
addressing an approach to circulation , streetscape design, lighting, Proiect identity
elements and utilties. Parks and Open Space standards and concepts are defined in Section V
ChaDter 5.
It is the purpose and intent of the Master Plan to:
. Integrate the planned community into the existing We west Alameda neighborhood fabric
while at the samC timc creating a unique setting within the City that has a strong and
distinctive sense of place.
Master Plan Amendernents
. Establish a comprehensive framework and hierarchy for the overall site to ensure that basic
infrastructure elements wil be functionally and aesthetically integrated throughout the
. Establish physical and visual connections between adjacent land uses , open spaces , and to the
inner harbor waterfront providing a sense of orientation and cohesiveness , and promoting
access to, and the use of the entire site and its valuable public amenities.
Activate the waterfront with a mix of uses. a variety of facilties and activities. and aoorooriate
li!.htin!! and other desi!!n features to create a safe and invitin!. waterfront exoerience
throu!!hout the week and weekend and durin!! daYtime and niflhttime hours.
. Encourage pedestrian and bicycle access to the waterfront for the site s users as well as for the
greater Alameda community.
. Provide guidance to builders , planners , landscape architects , architects , and civil engineers
involved in the pr Proiect.
. Assist public agency staff in the project review and approval process.
. Ensure that the CateIIus /Jameda BavoortAlameda Landin!.Project site s design is in concert
with the established goals , policies , and objectives of the NAS Alameda Community Reuse
Plan . These and the Citv's General Plan.
The Reuse Plan !!oals are reprinted below for reference:
. Maintain and enhance the residential environment of Alameda s neighborhoods. Reflect the
existing single-family residential character of Alameda in new housing developments , as much
as possible , considering the need to provide a mix of housing types.
. Provide compatibility with the predominant residential land use pattern of the area to minimize
. Reflect the architectural heritage of Alameda.
Master Plan Amendements
. Provide focal points for residential neighborhoods to encourage a walking community and to
help create the small-town feeling characteristic to Alameda.
. Provide parks to service the needs of the residents of the primarily residential district.
. Provide a site to be conveyed to the Alameda Unified School District for use as a
school to accommodate growing enrollment demands.
. Maintain a grid street pattern that can be integrated into the City's roadway system.
. Minimize through traffc on minor residential streets.
. Emphasize walkable streets , restricting most traffc circulation to specific major access routes.
. Achieve the same human-scale, tree-lined character of neighborhood streets found throughout
the existing City.
Overall Desi!!n Conceot
The overall design concept for the Catellus ..AJameda Bavoort Alameda Landin!.Project site is to
create a high quality, compact, walkable residential and business. mixed-use community that
celebrates the rich cultural and physical character of the We west Alameda waterfront. The
community must grow over time , providing for a range of building types within a comprehensive
unified system of public infrastructure elements and amenities. The goal is to create a unified
mixed-use community with a well-defined "personality" and a strong sense of place in th which
residents , employees , and the public can easiIY_Jlccess and take full advantage of it the unique,
waterfront setting.
conceptual design for tho pr ect Master Landscaoe Plan for the conceotual desi!! of Proiect
wide design elements , including gateways and markers , light fixtures , public site furnishings
signage , and landscaping, ,viI be provided as par of has been aDoroved. In coni unction with the
Master Plan Amendements
first Development Plan submittal for both the Business Park and the Residential sit-c. The first and
each subsequent De'/elopment Plan '.vil include Ii morc detailed design of those projeot 'vide
design elements that are to be constructed ';vith the Development Plan boundaries for Sub-Areas
1. 2. and/or 3. the Alameda Landin!! commercial develooer wil uDdate the LandscaDe Master
Plan for the Sub-Areas 1. 2 and 3 and wil Dfovide !!uidelines for the uodate of the Landscaoe
Master Plan for Sub-Area 4. all in accordance with the aDDIicable DeveloDment Agreement. In
coni unction with the first Develooment Plan for Sub-Area 4. the Alameda Landin!! residential
develooer wil uodate the Landscaoe Master Plan for Sub-Area. 4. in accordance with the
!!idelines and aoolicable Develooment Afreement.
The City of Alameda is responsible for the design of. the 1 acre park and the \vatcrfront
promenade , plaza and oommons. Catellus four-acre oark in the Bavoort residential nei!!hborhood.
The Alameda Landin!! commercialdevelooer is resoonsible for the desi!. and construction ofthe
Waterfront Promenade. Water&ont Plaza. and water shuttle landin!!. The Alameda Landin!.
residential develooer is resoonsible for construction of the ViIa!!e Green. The Alameda Landin!!
commercial develoDer and the City wil jointly coordinate these design activities , especially
where the public space interfaces with the privately developed space . CateIIus. to ensure clear
oublic connections. esoeciallv to the shoreline and across the Estuarv. The commercial develoDer
and the City will also coordinate .the design of all .the pr Proiect-wide elements located
within the major publio roads. roads within the Alameda Landing Mixed-Use Center.
Unifvin!! Conceots
The concepts that wil unify the community include:
. The creation of a stimulating and attractive mixed-use community through the use and
relationship interrelationshio of open spaces , building locations , building scale and design, and
pedestrian amenity locations and design which reinforce the waterfront location , and enhance
the historic industrial/commercial water&ont character.
. The creation of cohesive residential and businoss commercial districts within the overall
community that are strongly linked by a network of roadways , landscaped open ' spaces
pedestrian wal ways and bike paths to create a 24-hour community. The linking of these
distinctive districts wil encourage peopk to take advantage of the entire mixed-use community
and its amenities , thus creating a connective &amework with multiple opportunities for social
Master Plan Amendements
. An inter connected interconnected system of public open spaces that eF creates strong
visual and physical connections to the waterfront as well as providing. multiple recreational
opportunities for the entire We west Alameda community. The public open spaces wil serve
to organize the site, clarifying relationships between various land uses and buildings , creating
civic centers to promote community identity and social interaction. A comprehensive design
approach to the public open spaces wil serve to further unify the site.
. A hierarchy of vehicle? bicycle and pedestrian circulation routes through the site to connect the
various land use activities in a cohesive , organized and safe manner that maximizes
opportunities for pedestrian and bicycle access to and along the waterfront. Major public roads
play an important role in organizing the overaIl community and providing efficient vehicle
bicycle and pedestrian access through the site and links to the surrounding communities.
Secondary public and private roads and access drives serve as the links to. specific land uses
and recreation amenities. Fifth Street serves as the spine, collecting and linking the circulation
hierarchy to the waterfron t. The Waterfront Plaza and water shuttle landin!! wil further serve
to link Alameda to the water and to Oakland.
. Landscaping that both integrates and enhances the existing West Alameda public landscaping
and defines the Catellus ..A..ameda BavDortAlamedaLandin!!community as a place. Through a
careful selection and hierarchy of planting materials , the Catellus "A..ameda BavDort/ Alameda
LandinQ mixed-use .neighborhood wil have a cohesive , defined character that builds upon the
rich tradition of Alameda s landscape.
. A hierarchy of gateways and markers to provide a wayfinding system of identification
location and direction while adding to the overall character and sense of place. These
gateways and markers wil contribute to the definition of the Catellus Alameda
BaVDort! Alameda Landin!!community by providing a strong sense of arrival and deparure.
. A common vocabulary of public site furnishings wil reinforce the community identity and
reinforce the waterfront design theme.
. A hierarchy and common vocabulary of signage elements and light fixtures wil help create a
cohesive and distinct visual character for the community.
. Site planning in which buildings face the street wil reinforce the overall neighborhood feeling
within the different land uses.
. Opportunities throughout the site for public transit connections to the greater Alameda and Bay
Area network, to the Webster Street retail district, and across the inner harbor.
Master Plan Amendements
Transoortation/ Circulation Svstems
The intent of the circulation element of the Master Plan is to create a comprehensive plan and
hierarchy in the vehicular , bicycle and pedestrian circulation system through variation in road
width, intersection treatment, landscape treatment, paving materials , bike paths and sidewalks.
The circulation system shaIl allow movement of vehicles , bicycles , and pedestrians in an
enjoyable, safe and logical manner which is oriented to take advantage of site amenities such as
the residential park and the commons , plaza and v/atorfront promenadc. the Waternont Plaza.
water. shuttle landinl!. and Waterfront Promenade. It shall also orovide stron!! bicvcle and walking
connections to the surroundin!! uses. includin!. Webster Street.
Existing Access
Currently the site is accessed from Webster Streot via . Tinkor ..\venue and Maril1er Square Loop.
Additional access is from Marina Vilage Parkway. Raloh ADoezzato Memorial Parkwav and
Fifth Street. In the future. the site wil be accessed from the south from Webster Street and Raloh
AODezzato Memorial Parkwav via Fifth Street. From the west. access wil be alon!! Main Street
via RalDh ADDezzato Memorial Parkwav and Tinker Avenue. From the north. access wil be
from Webster Street via Tinker Avenue. and across the inner harbor from the water shuttle
landin!!. All streets shall be oubliclv accessible via Mariner SqrIare Loop, Atlanic ..venue and
Main Street.
Improved Access
In the future , the site ?lil be accessed from the south along "\tIantic A'lenuc via a north/south
alignment of Fifth Street and two nevi accoss points aligned vlith Poggi Street al1d Third Street.
From the Vlest , access vlil be along Main Street via ..tlantic "vel1ue and Til1ker klcnue.
Planned Future Through ..\ccess Points
In addition there is the potential for two future access points from tho ,vest, one at "venue F , and
the othcr at Mitchell Mosley. In the future , Mitchell Mosley and Tinker f. venuc might extend to
the east , as part of a sepa:ate City project
North-South Circulation
Master Plan Amendements
Within the site the new alignment and extension of Fifth ,vil be Street orovides the major
north/south north-south circulation spine, connecting Atlantic Avenue to the ':laterfront. Within
Raloh Aooezzato Memorial Parkwav to the waterfront. The water shuttle landin!. and
orooosed water shuttle service would extend connections for bicvcIists and oedestrians to Jack
London Sauare. Oakland. and Doints bevond. Within the BavDort residential area south of Tinker
Avenue , Fifth Street wil be a four-lane collector with a single access point (aligned with Avenue
F) into the BavDort residential community. North of Tinker ...vonue , Fifth Street '.viI be at\'10
lane collector , "/ith a center tumlane.
East-West Circulation
Tinker Avenue and Mitchell Mosley Avenue wil be extended as the two major east/'.vest east-
west collector streets through the . site. Tinker Avenue is planned as has been constructed as a
two-lane street from Main Street to Fifth Street and wil be widened to a four-lane collector with
a center median extending to Ma Mariner Sauare Looo and Webster Street to the \yest (and
possibly connecting to Marina Vilage Park.vay to the east in the future as par of a separate City
project.) oroiect.Mitchell Mosley Avenue is planned as a two-lane street with a center turn lane
connecting to . bicvcle lanes. and oedestrian walkwavs connecting Mariner Sauare Loon to Main
Street. As oar of the Master Plan Proiect. Mitchell Avenue wil be constrcted from Mariner
Square . Loop to the east. The ''vest end of Mitchell Mosley terminates at the western propert
boundary. There is the potential in the futue In the future. the CitY olans for MitcheIl Mosley
Avenue to continue be extended west to Main Street (as part of a separate oroiect) City project.)
Office Park "CCCSS Drivc
.. two lane east/'Nest street connecting Mariner Square Loop '.vith Fifth Stroet is planned ',vithin
the business park. In addition , an ef:sement through the business park development provides for
future extension of the Offce Park Drive '.vest of Fifth Street
Residential Circulation
Within th residential neighborhood nei!!hborhoods , a grid of streets provides effcient circulation
and access through the site.
Waterfront Access & Vie';l and View
At the waterfront , access
Access corridors from Mitchell Mosley Avenue and elsewhere on the site wil provide
convenient public circulation to the 'vaterfront promenade and safe oubtic access onto the
Master Plan Amendements
Waterfront Promenade as well as views across the inner harbor. All landscaoe olans and oarkin!!
lot screenin!! shall be reviewed to ensure that water views are not blocked.
Street Names
The names of streets internal to the site are for planning purposes only and shall be re-evaluated
as Dart of the Develooment Plan review. the project mO'/es to'.vard implementation.
Curbside parking '.'iI not be permitted along any of tho collector streets il'cluding Fifth Street
Tinker ..venue and Mitchell Mosley.
Curbside parking .'iI generally not be permitted on other streets and access drives , except as
permitted in the residential area.
Public Transportation
The transit district of tho Island of
Alameda has a comprehensive existing network of bus routes. This network wil be expanded
consultation with AC Transit.to include a number of new stops within the site, as indicated in the
transportation ,I circulation diagram on page II 3. conceotual Circulation Master Plan dia!!am.
l\ ferry dock '.vith connections to San Francisco is located apprmdmatoly 1/1 mile '.'est of Main
Street. In addition, there is the potential for '.vater tmdservicefrom the Waterfront Plaza to Jack
London Squaro in Oakland , as par of a separate City project.
Bus turn outs
Bus stoos wil be designated and constrcted as integral components of the street right-of-way.
Shelters wil be provided for public transit and/or a private shuttle system to \Vobster Street when
the system is implemented.
The Proiect wil include a comDfehensive transDortationmana!!ement oro!!ram that wil include
fundin!! for suoolementarv land- and water-based shuttle services to Oakland BART. Webster
Street. and Jack London Sauare to comvlement and suovlement AC Transit service to the site.
These services wil be mana!!ed and coordinated bv a transoortation mana!!ement coordinator.
who wil work with the Proiect tenants. homeowners. and facilitY users to ensure the most
effective and effcient transoortation services.
Sidewalks and Paths
Master Plan Amendements
The system of sidewalks and paths planned for the Catellus "AJameda Bavoort Alameda Landin!!
Project focuses on linking uses within the site , connecting to the existing Alameda network, and
focusing on access to the waterftont.
In particular, pedestrian access from the as weIl as a separate bike oath shall be Drovided from the
Bavoort residential neighborhood to the commons , plam and ',vaterfront wil. be highlighted.
orooosed new residential nei!!hborhood west of Fifth Street and to the Waterftont Plaza. water
shuttle landin!.. and alon!. the Waterfront Promenade. Inaddition. a maior north-south oedestrian
oathwav and bioswale are olanned throu!!h the commercial area east of Fifth Street. Iinkin!. that
area to the Waterfront Commercial Center and Waterf nt Plaza north of Mitchell Avenue.
Each street vlithin the
The Waterfront Promenade wil feature seoarate. aooroximatelv -mile. bike and oedestrian
oaths to allow for bicvcle and oedestrian access alon!! the Estuarv and connection to Marina
ViIa!!e and adiacent waterftont retail. These oaths wil be suoolemented bv additional oedestrian
and bike oaths throu!!hout the Commercial Center.
All maior oublic streets within the Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use development wil have
sidewalks and bicvcle oaths on both sides of the street.CC0SS driyes in the business parle may
have sidewalks on one side except the eastiv/ost access drive Within the Alameda Landin!!
Mixed-Use area. all sidewalks shall be a minimum of five feet wide. unless a wider sidewalk is
soecificallv reauired elsewhere in this Master Plan
Bicycle Circulation and Parking
Designated bike lanes and multi use multiuse paths wil enhance the pedestrian circulation
system. Marked Class II bike lanes wil be provided along the project's Proiect's collector streets
(Fifth Street , Tinker Avenue , and Mitchell Mosley). Avenue).
The ''vaterfront promenade vlil feature a 1/2
In order to faciltate bicvclists crossin!! the Estuarv without ridin!! throu!.h Webster/Posev Tubes.
the.develooer.oroooses to initiate. throu!!h the TDM orO!!am. a water shuttle between Alameda
Landin!! and Jack London Sauare that wil accommodate a minimum of 10 bikes. On-demand.
daily service wil be orovided for at least one vear from initiation of such service.
The Waterfront Promenade wil feature an aooroximatelv mile multi use path to allow for
bicycle access. It is intended that over timo this path This bikc oath wil connect to the orooosed
water shuttle landin!! to orovide bicvcIists easv and safe access to the water shuttle landin!!. This
Master Plan Amendements
oath wil be suoolemented bv an additional bicvcle oath throulrh the Alameda Landin!! residential
area between Tinker Avenue and the waterfront. This bike oath wil include bike turnouts. rest
areas. secure bike oarkinlr. and wil connect with future paths created along the waterfront as part
of a city vlide system. CitY-wide svstem. All bicvcle oaths and lanes wil meet CitY of Alameda
Bicvcle Plan standards.
l\dequate bike parking shaIl be pro'/idod , consistent with City of i\lameda standards.
Bicvcle oarkinlr shall be orovided at a rate of one bicvcle soace oer 10 automobile soaces. Within
the Alameda Landin!. Mixed-Use Center area. at least one office buildin!! wil orovide indoor
bike oarkin!! and lockers to encoura!!e bicycle use. Each office buildin!. shall include at least one
shower faciltY for use bv emolovees. Consider secure. covered bike stora!!e units behind
buildin!!s with lar!.e emolovee base.
All Proiect-orovided BART shuttle vehicles or water shuttle vehicles wil orovide bicvcle racks.
All kev Proiect-si!!nalized intersections wil include loooin!! oads calibrated for bicvcles. Hi!!h-
qualitv bicvcle oarkin!! wil be orovided throwmout the Alameda Landinlr develooment. which
also wil incoroorate. other kev features called for in BikeAlameda s "Develooer Guidelines
(attched as Exhibit A),
Street Conceots and Elements
These streetscape concepts and elements are intended to createa create a hierarchy of
interconnected, tree-lined streets that unite the development and result in a memorable , visually
cohesive" and pedestrian-friendly environment. They are intended to ensurothat ensure that the
streetscape , although instaIled on an incremental basis , wil ultimately result in a consistent
pattern of tyee-lined streets that wil link to!!ether the various land use districts and neighborhoods
together to create a high;:quality "public realm" with a strong sense of place.
. Well Scaled Tree Lined Streets-scaled tree-lined streets
Pedestrian Friendly Building/Street Relationships
Pedestrian-friendlv buildin!./street relationshios
Hierarchy of Streets
Master Plan Amendements
Hierarchv of streets
Streets are Dart ofthe oublic realm
Streetscape Elements
Wide sidewalks to faciltate walkin!. in I!rouos and oairs
Desi!!n features and on-street oarkin!! to buffer oedestrians from traffic Sidevlalks
. Crosswalks
. Handicap Curb Cuts curb cuts
Parcel f..ccess Dri'le'.vays
Parcel access drivewavs
Gate'.vay Features
Gatewav features
Street Grid
Within Sub-Areas 3 and40f the Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center. aIl site nIans. buildin!!
locations. buildin!! orientations. and oarkin!! lot deshms shall relate to and suooort an Alameda-
style street !!rid as shown in the Circulation Master Plan.
Block sizes within the IIid shall be consistent with Alameda-sized blocks.
Parkin!! lots in Sub-Area 3 shall be or!!anized around the street !!id.
Residential blocks in Sub-Areas 4a and 4b shall be or!!anized around the street !!id.
Svecific Streetscaoes
The followin!! street cross sections are subiect to refinement at the Develooment Plan sta!!e with
resoect to the inclusion and sizin!! of sidewalks. varking. travel lanes. turnin!! lanes. and bicycle
lanes. within the ri!!ht-of-wav established in this chaoter.
Fifth Street (North of Tinker Avenue)
. The 69' R.'N. 74-foot ri!!ht-of-wav includes two 11' '.vide travel lanes two on-street oarkinl!
lanes.one 11' wide left turn lane and a 5' wide Class II bicycle lane in each direction. and
Master Plan Amendements
\Vithin the RO.'N., there are 8'wide landscape areas buffering 5' minimum pedestrian friendlv
sidewalks. on both sides of the street.
Ground plane plantings to consist of lo',y hedges and ornamental ground cO'lors/perennials.
Outside the RO.'N., troes or planted berms ',yithin a 10' 'vide buffer strip to screen pai'king areas
from the streets cape and building areas
Fifth Street (South of Tinker Avenue)
. The 71' R.\V. 74-foot ri!!ht-of-wav includes four l1-foot-wide travel lanes , and a $2five::
foot-wide Class II bicycle lane in each direction.
. Within the , rie:ht-of-wav.there are five-foot-wide landscape areas with shade trees
and $2five-foot-wide sidewalks on both sides of the street.
. Ground plane plantings to consist of low hedges and ornamental ground covers/perennials.
. hedge or fence t6 screen roadvt'ays from rosidential areas.
Tinker Avenue (Fifth Street to Main Street)
Tinker ..venue
The 92' RO.Vl. includes nyo 11' 'vide and two 12' 'It'ide
The 92-foot ri!.ht-of-wav includes un to four travel lanes , a 13' 'yide landscaped median, and a
5' wide Class II bicycle lane in each direction.
. The landscaped median is planted with single row of deciduous shade trees.
. Within the 'N.ri!!ht-of-wav.there is a l' vlideare landscape ar areas on the north side
of the street and a 5' ',vide lundscapo area on the south side of the street, with S' vlide sidewalks
on both sides of the street
. Ground plane plantings to consist of low hedges and ornamental ground covers/perennials.
Hedge or fence to screen roadvlays from residential areas.
Outside the 'N.
Outside the right-of-wav along the south side of the street is a l0-foot landscaped setback to
minimize the impact oftraffic noise on residential areas.
MitcheIl Mosley Avenue (between Western Proiect Boundarv and Mariner Sauare Loon)
\Vithin the 65' R.
Master Plan Amendements
Within the 70-foot riflht-of-wav, there are two 12' vlide travel lanes an 11' wide a center left-
turn lane , fH a 5' wide Class II bicycle lane in each direction andoedestrian friendlv
Ground olane olantin!!s to consist of drouflht-tolerant olantinll.
o An additional eillht feet of ri!!ht of wav mav be reauired for on street oarkinfl adiacent to the
residential uses. in which case the additional oarkin!! shall be counted aflainst the !!uest
oarkin!! reauirements for the adiacent residential suba-area.
Raloh Aooezzato Memorial Parkway-North Frontafle
The 92-foot rid1t-of-wav includes four travel lanes. a landscaoed median. a olantin!! strio. and
sidewalks lined with shade trees.
Landscaoe median with a sinllle row of deciduous shade trees. 'Nithin the RO., there are 5'
vido landscape areas '.vith shade trees and 5' ',vide side'valks on both sides of the street.
. Ground plane plantings to consist of low hedges and ornamental ground covers/perennials.
. Outside the ri!!ht-of-wav R., a 10' landscaped setback along the south side of the streot
may have a berm , hedge and/or columnar trees to create a screen along parking areas.
Office Park "\ccess Drive
The 12' 'N. includes t\,,'o 11' \vide tra'ellanes.
Within the R.\V., there are 5' ',lide landscape areas '.vith shade trees and 5' '.vide side\yalk on
both sides of the streot.
Ground plane plantings to consist of lo'.v hedges and ornamental ground cO'lem/perennials.
Outside the R.\V., 10' landscaped setbacks along both sides of the street may ha'/8 a bcrm
and/or hedge to buffer parking areas from the streetscape.
Atlantic ..\venue North Frontage
The 92' RO.W. includes a 1 travel lanes landscaped median , a planting strip and side'valks
lined 'vith shade trees.
Landscape median ''lith single row of deciduous shade trees.
Ground plane plantings to consist of lo'v hedges and ornamental ground coyers/perennials
Outside the RO.on the north side of the street is a landscaped setback to shelter residential
areas from traffc noise.
Master Plan Amendements
. The landscape strip and soundvlall sound wall between the sidewalk and residential propert
lines shall be planted and designed, respectively, to create a distinctive edge to the site that is
visually appealing from f..tlantic ... vonUG Raloh Aooezzato Memorial Parkway . In appearance
and scale , the landscaping and sound'.Yall sound wall should be cohesively designed to create
plantings and a wall that are compatible with the residential development along the Atlantic
venue Raloh Aooezzato Memorial Parkway corridor and effective in reducing noise levels
within the project.
NOTE:Only improvements to the north frontage of "\tlantic f.venue , are planned to be
implemonted as par of this Master Plan. f. design concept for the remainder of the right of
yay is sho'.Yn for iIustratiYG purposes only.
These requirements only apply to the single family (attached and detached) residential areas
south of Tinker f..yenue. Proiect.
BaVDort Residential
Puroose/Intent 23
Bavoort Residential Overview
Site Plannin!! 28
Architectural Desi!!n 32
Circulation Standards and Guidelines
Master Si!!n Program 39
Model Home Comolex/Temoorarv Tracts Sales or Construction Oftkes
Definitions 40
Master Plan Amendements
The purpose and intent of the residential design standards and guidelines includes include the
. Develop a high;;quality, cohesive design concept to create a strong community image for the
CateIlus "A..ameda BavDort Project. Itis this strong community image that wil set this master-
planned community apart from more conventional subdivisions.
. Establish development standards to ensure a high;;quality appearance and lasting value for
residential neighborhoods.
. Provide a range of housing types and styles to meet the varied housing needs within the
. Ensure the quality and compatibilty of homes , while allowing variety within
. Establish a design theme that creates a rich community character, weaving together a number
of design themes , reminiscent of designs popular in earlier times along with contemporary
interpretations of these historical styles. In particular, draw upon historical elements of the
surrounding area to establish the overall community design.
. Remain flexible to respond to evolving conditions, such as changes in lifestyles , buyer tastes
economic conditions , community desires , and the market place marketolace
. Provide guidance to residential builders , planners , architects , and civil engineers.
. Assist public agency staff in the project review and approval process for residential projects.
. Ensure that the site design for the residential area is in concert with the established goals
policies, and objective obiectives ofthe NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan:
Maintain and enhance the residential environment of :\lameda ' s neighborhoods.
Reflect tho existing single family residential character of "\lameda in nevI housing
developments , as much as possible , considering the need to provide a mix ofhotlsing types.
Provide compatibilty with the predominant residential land use pattern of the area to minimize
Reflect the architectural heritage of Alameda.
Master Plan Amendements
Provide focal points for residential neighborhoods to encourage a walking community and to
help create the small-town feeling characteristic to Alameda.
Provide parks for the residents of Alameda.
Provide a site for use as a school to accommodate growing enrollment demands.
Maintain a grid street pattern that is integrated into the City's roadway system.
Minimize through traffc on minor residential streets.
Emphasize walkable , bicycle-friendly streets , restricting most traffic circulation to specific
major access routes.
Achieve the same human-scale , tree-lined character of neighborhood streets found throughout
the City.
Bavoort Residential Overview
The Catellus "\lameda
The BaVDort community reflects the traditional aspects of Alameda built in the earlier part of the
last century. These aspects include a modified grid street pattern, decorative street lighting,
historical-based architecture , and landscaped parkways with canopy trees. The modified grid
street system provides connections to the adjacent neighborhoods. North/south North-south
through streets also provide off-site access to the waterfront. Other important characteristics of
the site design include:
. An eclectic mix of architectural styles , materials , and colors and a strong street;;tree theme.
. A 4 four-acre centrally located public park that provides a focal point for the community.
. A series of pocket parks that serve as focal points for neighborhoods.
Master Plan Amendements
Residential courts that provide visual and pedestrian/bicycle access into and out of the
community along adjoining arterial streets.
. A school site to serve the needs of the community.
. A strong pedestrian/bicycle orientation providing connectivity within the neighborhoods and to
surrounding areas including the waterfront.
. A three-acre multi family multifamilv site that wil provide 60 affordable housing units for
owners and renters. The architectural design of the three-acre site shall be compatible with
the Catellus BavDort residential neighborhoods.
. The Master Plan provides for a temporary cul-de-sac at the western end of the street extending
westerly from the public park. Either the cul-de-sac or a future extension of this street to Main
Street is consistent with the Master Plan. Any xtension of this road to Main Street shall be at
the discretion of the City subject to environmental review and an amendment of the Tentative
Map for the project. Proiect.
Site Plannin!!
In order to achieve a comfortable sense of scale and identity, the community should be broken
down into smaller neighborhoods that vary as to housing type.
Housing type is defined as a distinct home product line: for example , single-family detached
dwellng units may constitute different housing types through variation in lot width , lot depth , lot
size , or square footage of the unit. Single-family detached dwellng units may also be
differentiated through the use of varied building elevations , street trees , or front yard landscaping.
The Catcllus "A.lameda BavDort neighborhoods will include a mix of detached and two-unit
attached single-family dwellng units (duplexes) including private garages; a centrally located
four-acre public park; and a series of residential court areas and pocket parks ranging in size from
600 square feetto acres.
Other uses permitted by the Master Plan include accessory buildings and uses , private swimming
pools , and home occupations as allowed by the City of Alameda Zoning Ordinance in the R-
Zoning District and in accordance with the terms of the Bavoort Development Agreement.
Temporary uses such as tract sales office, model home complex with related signs , construction
offices , equipment storage yards or structures , as described later in this section , that are incidental
Master Plan Amendements
to the development during the construction and sales period are allowed upon approval from the
Planning Director.
Residential lots have been dimensioned to allow the living
livin!.portions of the house to be
pulled forward on the lot so that active, articulated architecture can visually dominate the street
In the layout of single-family detached and two-unit attached dwellng units (duplexes) within
Catellus f..ameda Bavoort neighborhoods , variety in lot widths and setbacks shall be provided
based on the following minimum criteria:
. Minimum Lot Area: Tv.'o thousand fi'.'e hundred (2 500) 2.500 square feet per dwellng unit
. Minimum Lot Width: Forty (10) 40 feet
. Maximum Building Coverage: Individual homes , including garages and accessory buildings
may cover up to 65 percent of the lot area. Typical building coverages would vary with
housing type and lot size , and the individual home designs shall be subject to the City'
Development Plan and Design Review process. The individual home designs may be approved
subject to meeting some of the following criteria , especially for building coverage over 50
percent. Acceptable designs wil include one or more of the following criteria: adequate
building articula tion articulation , varying setbacks , a variety of garage alignments , single;;
story homes with a detached garage , duplex and affordable housing units, and other approaches
that meet the design objectives contained in this Master Plan.
. Building Height Limit: Two stories but not to exceed thirty fivc (35) 35 feet, including
roof structures. Flat roofs shall not be permittod.Where oermitted. Where homes are proposed
to exceed 30 feet in height, adequate articulation shaIl be provided (such as steep roof pitches
dormers , turrets , etc.) to ensure a variety of building heights and provide visual interest.
. Second Story: In order to provide visual interest, individual homes shaIl be designed to
provide adequate articulation and create a sense of openness between structures by providing at
least, but not limited to , one of the following:
Front facades and front;;facing garages shall be sufficiently articulated or otherwise designed
(e., with greater setbacks than the minimum required) to reduce the appearance of height and
bulk along the street frontage. Articulation at the second story is particularly encouraged.
Rear;; and side;;acing garages are provided.
Greater setbacks than the minimum required are provided. orovided.
Master Plan Amendements
A minimum two-foot offset in the building footprint (which includes the garage when it is
attached to the main building) or wall plane on at least one side of the building.
Provision of one-story roof elements on some portions of the building (e., one story roof over
porch , etc.
In addition , second stories shaIl be setback set back at least 12 feet from the front propert line.
. Accessory Structures: Development standards and use restrictions for accessory structures
shall be established at the Development Plan stage of review.
. Minimum Front Yard: Eight E8 feet to the porch or entry, with a t\vel'e (12) 12-foot
minimum to habitable area of the home.
. Minimum Side Yard: Side yards shall be a minimum of three feet for lots of 4 000 square
feet or less and for duplex lots , and a minimum of five feet for lots over 4 000 square feet.
Zero lot lines are also permitted where a building or portion of a building is placed on the lot
line , and a use easement is granted on the adjoining lot. In the case of a two-unit attached
dwellng unit (duplex), a zero lot line is also permitted at the common wall. In no case shall a
building be located closer than six E6 feet to another building, on an adjacent lot. The side
yard on the street side of a corner lot shaIl be not less than eight E8 feet.
On streets where lots of 4 000 square feet are planned , the six-foot minimum building separation
wil be interspersed with wider separations created by placement of driveways and variation in
the plan types.
Minimum Rear Yard: Ten tW feet for lots 4 000 square feet or less and duplexes and
fl feet for lots over 4 000 square feet or. in the. case of a rear-placed garage or hot
tub-jacuzzi tub/Jacuzzi the rear yard may vary from zero (O to three feet. In no case shall a
building be closer than six E6 feet to another building on an adjacent lot. A rear;placed garage
may occupy up to 45 % oercent of the minimum rear yard. (Rear Yard measured from the edge
of the structure and minimum rear setback to the rear lot line.
. Front , side and rear setbacks are the same for both single-family detached on lots of 4 000
square feet or less and two-unit attached dwellng units (duplexes), except that there is a zero
lot line at the common wall of the two-unit attached dwelling unit (duplext
. For a two-unit attached dwellng (duplex), the minimum setbacks contained in this section
provide a minimum of five hundred (500) 500 square feet of open space per unit.
. Yards for Corner Lot Adjacent to Key Lot: The side yard setback on the street side of the
corner lot shall be equal to the front yard of the key lot , and no structure may be permitted
Master Plan Amendements
within three EJ feet of the rear propert line of a corner lot of 4 000 square feet or less or a
dUD lex or within five EB feet of a corner lot of over 4 000 square feet.
. Off-Street Parking Spaces: Two t2 spaces per dwellng unit.
. Average en Street Guest Parking Spaces: One-half space per dwellng unit. (Minimum
parking space dimension eight (8) by hveIry two (22): 8 bv 22 feet, with an overhang of 1 aO
feet permitted at tree wells for lots over 4 000 square feet.) For lots of 4 000 square feet
or less and duplex lots , minimum parking space dimensions may be eight (8) by twenty (20)
bv 20 feet.
. Garages-Variation in the treatment of the garages may include location of the garages to rear
of the lot. Garages shall be setback either six feet or more than 18 feetfrom the interior edge
of the sidewalk. Garages shall be limited to two parking spaces , except on the larger lots (lots
of 50 feet or more in width) where three;car garages wil be allowed. Where three;car garages
are planned , garage alignments shall be broken up by the use of pop-outs , added building
articulation, separation into bays , side entries, or placing spaces in tandem so that there is only
a two;car opening to ensure that garage doors would not be a predominate feature along the
street ITontage.
. Alley-Loaded Garages-Where a garage has access from a rear alleyway, the rear setback to
the garage shall be a minimum of three feet. Alleys should be a minimum width of
. Driveways: Dri'le'Nays Drivewav widths shall be established in each Development Plan for
individual phases of the residential development. Driveway widths shall be designed to
provide sufficient on-street parking, street trees, and landscaping. Driveways up to 26 feet
wide for three;car garages may be approved as part of Development Plans where adequate on-
street parking and an attactive varied streetscape can stil be provided. Driveways with a
width of 16 feet may be permitted in street side yards on corner lots for two-car garages taking
access through the side yard.
. Encroachments for single-family detached dwelling units-Bay windows , canopies , eaves
cornices , sils , belt courses , entertainment center walls, and fireplaces may extend into any
required yard a distance not to exceed two t2. feet, and in no case shall there be less than
threeEJ;feet clearance from any structure.
Differences Between CateIIus "\lameda Project Master Plan between Bavoort and the City of
Alameda Zoning Ordinance - Whenever the standards contained herein differ ITom the
Master Plan Amendements
requirements of the City of Alameda Zoning Ordinance (which includes all ordinances through
March 3 , 1998), the standards of the Catellus "\lameda Projeot Master Plan shall take precedence.
Where standards are not specifically addressed herein , the standards of the City of Alameda
Zoning Ordinance shall apply in accordance with the provisions ofthe Development Agreement.
Land Use Types Not Covered - Any land use type not specifically covered by the provisions
contained herein shall be subject to review by the City of Alameda Planning Director. If such
land use type is substantially similar to and compatible with those contained herein , as
determined by the Planning Director, such use shall be deemed a permitted use.
Perimeter Edge Condition
In order to limit the appearance of a walled in walled-community, long, continuous stretches
of walls along Tinker and Atlantic Avenues and Main and 5th Streets should be discouraged.
Minimizing wall impacts may include use of any combination of the following techniques:
. Maximize the residential units ' side orientation versus rear orientation.
. Provide periodic breaks in walls and fences for visual access into and out ofth6 community.
. Use housing types that allow open space or structures to face streets , rather than walls.
. Use variable wall alignments through the use of offsetting, interspersed pilasters , or
landscaping (including vines).
. Use creative site;;planning techniques or creative orientation of dwelling units along the streets.
. Provide an identifiable boundary and appropriate transition between the single-family
residential area and the proposed school site.
Architectural Desi!.n
Tho Catellus "A.lameda
Mix of StYles
The Bavoort Project emphasizes an eclectic ordor eclectic order design theme for the
community. An eclectic order ' eclectic order consists of design components selected from a
variety of sources and styles to encourage site;;planning creativity and architectural diversity
within an overall unifying theme for the community.
Master Plan Amendements
. Each neighborhood should express its own individual character and include a variety
architectural styles. This helps create a community that appears as if it has developed over a
period of time , rather than all at once.
. To achieve the diversity within a neillhborhood intended for the Catellus Alameda Bavoort
community, v/ithin neighborhood it is preferred that architects avoid designs that
emphasizo overemohasize a single architectural style and present a repetitive and monotonous
street scene.
. Within a specific architectural style , variety .should be incorporated through the use of colors
materials , roof types , massing, scale, and architectural details.
The following is a list of architectural styles that may. be utilzed for the Catollus f..amoda
Bavoort community. Additional traditional architectural styles found in Alameda are also be
Characteristics of this style of architecture include gently sloping roofs , low proportions , an
emphasis on horizontal lines , two-story buildings with one-story porches or wings
, sheltering
overhangs , suppressed heavy-set chimneys , and massive square porch supports.
Other features of this style include the use of low-pitched hipped roofs with wide projecting
eaves , contrasting wall materials or trim that emphasizes the upper story, contrasting colors on
eaves and cornices , contrasting caps on porches, piers , balconies and chimneys , contrasting wood
trim between stories and horizontal patterns in wall material or trim. Tall casement windows or
ribbon windows (a continuous band of casement windows) may be used; this also emphasizes the
top half of the upper story. Geometric patterns of small-pane window glazing may also be used.
The Craftsman style of architecture results in natural , warm , livable buildings characterized by
horizontal forms and simple shapes. This style generally uses natural materials , such as redwood
tile and stone, and earth colors.
Roofs are gently pitched gables (occasionally hipped) with wide, unenclosed eave overhangs.
Exposed , extended, or elaborated roof rafters may also be used. Dormers are usually gabled or
Porches may be used, either full or partial -width , with the roof supported by square columns.
These may contain decorative beams or braces under gables. Extra stick work may be used in
gables or porches.
Master Plan Amendements
When columns or pedestals are used, they frequently extend to the ground level (without a break
at the porch level). Stone exterior chimneys may be found.
Windows are often of the transomod transom window type. Triangular braced supports may be
utilized for the eaves. Window boxes and balconies may also be found.
The Bungalow style of architecture is an outgrowth of the Craftsman style; its characteristics
include cottage-like dwellngs , informal in plan, elevation and detail. It has a human scale and
friendliness to it. Its lines are with low and simple lines . At most , it has two stories and may have
large porches.
Distinguishing traits may include low shed dormers for additional space and light, tapered porch
posts , porch stoops , and gabled or gently pitched , projecting roofs. The overall massing of each
home is organized as a whole unit and does not appear as a mixture of unrelated forms. Single-
story plate lines are incorporated such that the second;;story plate lines are set back from the first;;
story elevations to effectively break up building mass.
Wall materials may include wood , stucco , block, shingles , brick, or stone , using earth colors.
Windows may contain geometric patterns of small-pane window glazing. Mullons may be used
to break up the windows. Doors may contain detailing such as paneling. A variety of roof forms
and materials are often used including rollng profie or flat concrete tiles or S-tiles. The entry is
often articulated as a focal point of the front elevation through the use of roof elements , columns
porches , pilasters , or windows. Ceramic tile or masonry accents may be used around window or
door openings.
This style of architecture is characterized by two stories with a low-pitched gabled roof
(occasionally hipped) and a second-story balcony that may be cantilevered and covered by the
principal roof.
Roofs may be covered with wooden shingles or ceramic tiles. Wall materials are either stucco
brick, or wood (weatherboard , shingle , or vertical board-and-batten).
The first and second stories frequently have different exterior materials , with wood over brick
being the most common pattern. Paired windows and false shutters may be found.
Door and window surrounds may be absent or of simple style. Full-length windows may open
onto the balcony form.
Master Plan Amendements
Spanish Eclectic
The features that denote Spanish Eclectic architecture include a low-pitched roof, usually with
little or no eave overhang and a red tile roof covering. One or more prominent arches may be
placed above a door or a principal window or beneath a porch roof. The wall material is usually
stucco , and the facade is normally asymmetrical.
Two stYles of roof ti tile are often used: Mission tiles shaped like half-cylinders and Spanish
ties that have an S-shaped curve.
Doors may have elements such as adjacent spiral columns , pilasters, carved stonework, or
patterned tiles. Entrance doors of heavy wood P!lnels , sometimes arched above , may also be used.
Doors .leading to exterior patios and balconies may be paired and glazed with multiple panes of
rectangular glass.
Windows may be accentuated by the use of one large , focal window. These may be triple-arched
or parabolic shape and may contain stained glass. Balconies are often cantilevered and may be
open or roofed with wood or iron railngs.
Other typical details include., tile-roofed (and otherwise decorated) chimney tops; stucco , brick
or tile decorative vents; fountains; arcaded walkways (usually leading to a rear garden); and
round or square towers.
American Traditional
American Traditional is a style that acknowledges our nation s architectural heritage originating
primarily from the New England states , spreading westward , and becoming established
throughout the Bay Area. The construction material of choice is almost. always wood
, due
historically to Colonial America s ready supply; this is also true for Northern California. The use
of brick is also common. There is a sense of balance and symmetr to the door and windows on
the front f(l adcs facades . Windows are mostly vertical in their proportions and th are often
accompanied with shutters. Roofs are simple they arc usually 6 and 12 or higher pitched , and
may include the gambrel style. Dormer windows are common , and other formal elements are
often included such as columns and pediments.
This style is based upon the traditional ranch style architecture . found on farms and ranches
throughout California around the turn of the twentieth century. It usually contains the following
elements: the use of long, low front porches , one or two stories with a second floor added in the
Master Plan Amendements
roof framing structure. These upper floor spaces usually receive light through dormers (either
gable type or shed type).
Classic Cottage
The Classic Cottage features an elongated hipped roof with a central dormer and front porch with
thick porch posts or round , simplified Doric columns supporting the porch roof. Building
materials may be masonry or wood frame. Ornamentation is generally limited to window
surrounds and flare eaves on the dormer.
The Tudor style is generally based upon a variety of early English building traditions from simple
folk houses to Late Medieval late medieval palaces. Most houses in this style emphasize high-
pitched, gabled roofs (usually side-gabled , sometimes hipped or front-gabled), and elaborate
chimneys. The most common exterior feature of the Tudor house is that of half-timbering. The
facade may be dominated by one or more dominant orominent cross-gables. Overlapping
gables with eave lines of varying height are often utilized. Second floors may overhang the first
The windows are usually tall and narrow, placed in multiple groups with mUlti pane mUltioane
glazing. They are commonly located on or below the main gable or on one- or two-story bays
and small transoms are sometimes found above the main windows. The windows are usually
casements er but may also be the double-hung sash type.
The chimneys are often massive , placed in prominent locations on the front or side of the house.
The lower part of the chimney may be decorated with masonry or stone patterns , and it may be
topped with a decorative chimney pot.
Doorways may include detailing such as small tabs of cut stone that may project into the
surrounding brickwork , giving a quoin-like effect. Simple round-arched doorWays with heavy
board-and-batten doors are also common. Gothic (flattened pointed) arches are often used in door
surrounds or entry porches. Use of a variety of wall materials is typical for different vertical
elements and for different stories. The walls may be clad with stucco , brick, stone, or wood.
Light Victorian
This style borrows from +9 nineteenth-century ornamented, early -American architecture. This
is exemplified by some of the historic architecture showcased in the older parts of Alameda, and
throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Roofs are both hipped and gabled, with steeper pitches.
There are usually front balconies and deep verandas. Victorian architecture has a broad reference
to numerous styles , when American architecture was stil emulating styles from far-off places.
Master Plan Amendements
The heavier, more ornate examples of Victorian architecture are too dramatic and fanciful for this
project Proiect.As such , the term Light Victorian is indicative of the more restrained goals for
this style.
French Eclectic
The identifying features of French Eclectic architecture include a tall, steeply pitched hipped roof
with varied hipped roof massing (subordinate gabled sections may also be used). Roofline height
is usually varied. Eaves are often flared at the roof-wall junction.
Casement windows may be used so that the window top breaks the rooflne. Upper stories often
are overhanging, and a mMsive chimney may be used. Wall materials include. brick , stone, or
stucco; decorative half-timbering may also be found. The use of half-timbering with a variety of
different wall materials , as well as roofs of flat tile , slate, or stone is a distinguishing
characteristic of this style.
Doors may be set within simple arched openings. Dormers are often used and include arched
hipped, and circular types.
Windows may be either double-hung or casement sashes. Full-length casement windows with
shutters (French doors) are sometimes used.
Four Square.
A derivative of the Victorian
, the Four Square is easily recognized by its square plan
and overall simplicity. The typical Four Square is a two-story hipped roof structure with central
dormer , minimal decoration , broad overhanging eaves with brackets or modiIions , classical
frieze with dentils , and a porch with hipped roof supported by simple Doric columns or square
posts. Four Squares may also feature a shaped gable or be considerably larger with more
elaborate ornamentation. In each case, the basic square plan is predominant.
The primary features of Shingle architecture are exterior wall materials and roofing which may be
of continuous wood shingles (Shingled(shin!.led walls may also be placed on parts of the second
story only, and now composition shingles are often used instead of the original wooden roofing).
Shingled walls may be continuous without interruption at corners (no corner boards). The
facade is usually asymmetrical and irregular. The roof line is commonly steeply pitched. Roofs
usually have intersecting cross gables and multi level multilevel eaves. Porches are often a
distinguishing characteristic.
Master Plan Amendements
Shingle architecture tries to create the overall effect of a complex shape enclosed within a smooth
surface which ties together the irregular outline of the house. Most details are designed to
enhance either the irregularity of the shape or the uniformity of its surface. Decorative detailing,
if found , is minimal. Porch supports usually consist of slender, unadorned wooden posts or
massive piers of stone or shingles. Window surrounds are simple. Bay windows , multiple
windows , and waIls curving into windows may be used. Palladian windows and simple classical
columns are the most common decorative details.
Circulation Standards and Guidelines
The circulation system for the Catell1:s "lameda Bavoort residential community is designed to:
. Reflect the character of existing Alameda through the use of a modified grid system.
. Create safe streets by discouraging through traffc and speeding.
. Minimize access points along busy arterials , while providing north/south north-south access to
the waterfront.
. Promote maximum connectivity to surrounding area for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Through Streets
Two north/south north-south and one ease...est east-west through streets are planned within the
residential area. These are publicly maintained streets with a 66-foot right-of-way and a 36-footwidth curb -to -cuI;b.
On-street parking is planned in separate lanes to channel andslO'v and slow traffic.
Local Streets
Local streets that serve the internal portions of the site are planned, with a 54-foot right-of-way
and a 36-foot curb-to-curb section. These are privately maintained streets with on-street parking
Curb Extensions E(Q Tapers)
Master Plan Amendements .
Streets within the Catollus f.Iameda Bavoort residential site wil include curb extensions. Curb
extensions function to improve pedestrian safety by reducing street;;crossing distance, sight
distance , and influence driver behavior by altering street appearance. To create curb extensions
bulbs are added at all four corners , narrowing the street. Low;;growing landscaping wil be used in
proximity to intersections to preserve visibilty.
Streets within the Catellus Alamoda Bavoort residential site will include edgeIines to visually and
physically create a channeling effect.
To create edgeIines , special pavement is placed approximately eight feet from the pavement edge
narrowing the traveled portion of the roadway, creating a separate parking lane.
Residential Courts
Residential courts are planned periodically along local streets to provide visual , pedestrian , and
bicycle access from local streets to the surrounding arterial street system.
The easti\V6st east-west local street that connects to Main Street wil contain two Roundabouts.
roundabouts.These Roundabouts roundabouts are intended to reduce vehicle speed and right-
angle conflicts near the school/park site.
Master Si!.n Program
A Master Sign Program for the Bavoort residential development wil be submitted with the
Development Plan for the first residential phase of the project. Project.
Model HomeComolex/Temoorarv Tract Sales or Construction Offces
A developer may construct up to six €6 model units per neighborhood or per product type or such
model home complex/temporary . tract sales or construction offce as approved by the CitY
Planning Director for temporary display purposes to facilitate mar1,eting of the development. Any
of these model homes may be used on a temporary basis as a temporary tract sales offce.
Development and use of model homes shall be subject to all of the following conditions:
Master Plan Amendements
. A model home , temporary tract sales office , or construction offce may be erected or installed
consistent with the Uniform Building Code requirements for temporary buildings. Such facility
may be located in a house and/or a trailer. A plan shaIl be submitted to the City Planning
Director for approval concurrent with submittal of Development Plans.
. A building permit may be issued for such facility prior to recordation of a Final Map
encompassing the subject propert with the stipulation that such facilty and the location
thereof must comply with the City of Alameda Building Code, the requirements of this Master
Plan , and the requirements ofthe City Public Works Department for utilties and roads to serve
the site.
. Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy may be permitted for such facility prior to the
recordation of a Pinal Map encompassing the subject propert, pursuant to provisions of the
Subdivision Map Act.
. Hours of Operation: Model home complexes or temporary tract sales offices may operate from
8 AM to 10 PM , seven days a week. Construction offces shall be limited to hours of
construction as approved by the City of Alameda.
Words used in the present tense include the future , words in the singular number include the
plural , and words in the plural number include the singular; the work "building" includes the
word "structure" and the word "shall" is mandatory and not directory. City Council shall mean
the City Council of the City of Alameda, and Planning Board shaIl mean the Planning Board of
the City of f..ameda. City shall mean the incorporated area of the City of "A..ameda. Building
Official shall mean the Building Offcial or his authorized representative.Other terms not
specific Uy mentioned herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the City of Alameda
Charter and the City of Alameda Municipal Code and Zoning Ordinance. If there is an
inconsistency between the following definitions and those in the Alameda Municipal Code as
they pertain to this project, those in this document shall prevail.
Master Plan Amendements
Accessory Building buildin!!shall mean. a detached subordinate building, the use of which
incidental to that of the main building on the same lot, or to the use of the land including a
detached living space or studio , so long as such space does not contain a kitchen.
Accessory use shall mean a use of a building that is incidental or subordinate to the principal use
or building located upon the same lot.
Architectural terms as used herein:
Buildin!! CoVera!!e shall mean the oercenta!!eof the lot area that mav be covered bv all
buiIdin!2s on a oarcel. excludin!! eaves. sils. cornices. Dorte cocheres. oatios and oatio covers.
breezewavs. decks. and trells and arbor structures.
Breezewav shall mean a roofed oassa!!e ooen atthe sides between seoarate buildin!2s. such as a
house and a !!ara!!e.
Buildin!2 hei!!ht shall mean the vertical distance measured from the avera!!e level of the hi!!hest
and lowest ooint of that oortion of the lot covered bv the buildin!! to the hi!!hest ooint of the
roofrid!2e or oaraoet wall. ll..rchit.ectural Terms as used herein:
. e Cantilevered shall mean a projecting beam or other structure supported at only one end. A
beam or other member projecting beyond a fulcrum and supported by a balancing member of a
downward force behind the fulcrum.
. e
. Casement 'Nindo'1ls windows shall mean a window with sashes that open outward by means of
. Cornice shall mean an ornamental molding that projects along the top of a waIl , pillar, or side
of a building, often a decorative development of the eave of a roof.
. Dentils shaIl mean small projecting blocks or "teeth" used in rows in classical cornices as
Master Plan Amendements
. Dormer shall mean an upright window that projects from a sloping roof.
o Gable Roof shall mean nyo sloping planos supported at their ends by triangular, up'vard
extonsions of two 'Nalls kno',vn as gables. Tho junction of tho roof and 'vall occurs not in a
single horizontal plane , but at varying le'/els and angels from the horizontal.
o Hipped Roof shall mean four sloping surfaces form the roof, and the roof meets the 'Nalls in a
single horizontal piano.
o Mullon shall mean a vortical strip dividing the pafles of a '.vindow.
o Shed Dormer shall mean a dormer ha'/ing a roof that slopes in the samo direction as the one in
\vhich the dormer is located.
o Transomed shall moan a small , hinged viindow abo'/e a door or anothor viindo'll. The horizontal
crosspiece to Nhich such a'Nindovl is hinged. ". horizontal dividing pieco of'.vood or stone in a
I Building Coverage shall mean the porcentage of tho lot area that may be covered by all
buildings on a parcol , excluding eaves , sils , cornices , port cocheres , patios and patio covers
breeze'\'ays , decks , and trells and arbor structures.
I Breezev/ay shall mean a roofed passage open at the sides between separate buildings , such as a
house and a garage.
l Building Height shall mean the vertical distance measured from the a'/erage level of the highest
and lo'.vest point of that portion of the lot covered by the building to the highest point of the
roof ridge or parapet ',vall.
. I Dwellng, single-family detached shall mean a detached building designed and intended for
occupancy by one (1) family and containing not more than one (1) kitchen.
. Dwelling, single-family attached shall mean a dwellng unit occupied or intended for
occupancy by only one household that is structurally connected with one other such dwellng
. Dwellng unit shall mean a group of rooms , including a kitchen , bath and sleeping quarters
designed and intended for occupancy by one (1) family.
Master Plan Amendements
Gable roof shall mean two slooin!. olanes SUDoorted at their ends bv trian!?ular. uoward
extensions of two walls known as !!ables. The iunction of the roof and wall occurs not
in a
sin!!le horizontal olane. but at varvin!! levels and an!!els from the horizontal.
Riooed roof shall mean four SIODin!! surfaces form the roof. and the roof meets the walls in a
sin!!le horizontal Diane.
. Garage , private shaIl mean a separate building or a portion of the main building, designed
and/or used for the shelter or storage of vehicles by the occupants of the dwellng. Such
building may contain a separate living space or studio above the garage, so long as such space
does not contain a kitchen.
. Grade , average shall mean the average level of the highest and lowest portion of the lot covered
by a building, deck, portion of a deck, or patio covers.
. Key be lot shall mean a lot whose side propert line abuts the rear propert of a corner lot that
fronts on a street that intersects with the street on which the key lot ITonts.
Mullon shall mean a vertical strio dividin!. the Danes of a window.
. Patio Ge cover shall mean a onefB;story structure unenclosed by walls on fifty (50) 50
percent of its wall surfaces and partially or fully roofed , including sunshades , arbors , pergolas
gazebos , lath houses , and greenhouses , which may be attached to or detached ITom the main
I Port Cochcrc
Portecochere shall mean a roofed structure over a driveway leading to a garage7 it may be
attached or detached to tho dvt'ellng unit. ITom the dwelln!! unit.
I Trollis Structurc shall mean a frame of light strips of 'vood or metal crossing onc another 'it'ith
open spaces in between '.vith the purpose of supporting growing vincs.
Roundabout /'. Roundabout is
Roundabout shall mean a traffc-calming device that consists of a circular shape , designed so
that appro aching traffic must yield to traffic within the circle and can contain raised splitter
islands on the approach to direct traffic counter lockwise. They are effective by impeding the
Master Plan Amendements
straight-through movement at an intersection and therefore cause drivers to slow their vehicles
as they proceed counterclockwise around.
Shed dormer shall mean a dormer havin!! a roof that slooes in the same direction as the one in
which the dormer is located.
Transom shall mean a smalL hin!!ed window above a door or another window. The horizontal
crossoiece to which such a window is hin!!ed. A horizontal dividill! oiece of wood or stone in a
Trells structure shall mean a frame of light striDs of wood or metal crossin!! one another with
ooen SDaces in between with the Duroose of sUDoortin!! !!owin!! vines.
The development of the Business Park is intended to improve ..AJameda s position in attracting
nevi offce and research and devolopmcnt business to the city.
BuiIdin!! Official shall mean the Buildin!! Offcial or his authorized reoresentative.
CitY shall mean the incomorated area of the City of Alameda.
City Council shall mean the City Council ofthe CitY of Alameda.
Plannin!! Board shall mean the Plannin!! Board of the CitY of Alameda.
Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center
PurooselIntent 43
Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center Overview 47
Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center Guidelines 49
Sub-Area DeveloDmentPro!!rams 50
Sub-Area Site-Plannin!! Guidelines 58
Architectural Conceots 68
The purpose of the Master Plan is to establish a design framework for development that wil
ensure the creation of a high-quality. mixed-use waterfont environment conducive to business as
'Nell as providing a '.vorid class urban cn'lironment. recreation. and urban living . The Master Plan
will ensure the creation of a strong and unique sense of place derived from the unique and special
qualities of the Catellus "AJameda BavDortAlameda Landin!!Project site.
Master Plan Amendements
It is the purpose and intent of the Business Park Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center element of
the Master Plan to:
. Create a walkable , human-scaled , tree::lined business mixed-use development area that de-
emphasizes the impact of the automobile.
. Enhance the Businoss Park site s natural assets and its relationship to the water.
Reunite the CitY with its waterfront bv orovidinQ: oublic access throu!!h the site to the water and
a mix of uses. activities. and facilities that wil encoura!!e and faciltate use of the olanned
waterfront ooen soace.
. Connect and integrate the site with the character and uses of its neighboring context.
. Capitalize on the site s outstanding views of downtown Oakland , San Francisco , the Oakland
hils and the harbor.
. Establish a hierarchy of oedestrian and bicvcIe circulation paths , routes , and systems that
emphasizes significant destinations , maximizes visual and ohvsical oublic access to and
alonQ: the waterfront ao , and establishes appropriate modes of travel within the site.
. Organize the site in a manner that creates a variety of interesting open spaces encouraging a
richness of urban fabric.
Honor the site s oast and current maritime character throu!!h water-oriented recreation and
commercial uses. interoretive si!.na!.e. adaotive reuse of buildin!!s and structures where
feasible and aoorooriate. and visual andohvsical connections to the water.
Preserve ooen soace surroundin!! the storm-water oond and Presor\'e open spaoes
surrounding the storm'vater pond and a five foot planter strip above the force main.
. Provide guidance to Business Park builders , planners , architects , and civil engineers involved
in the development to ensure a weIl-planned , appropriate environment consistent with the
fabric and scale of Alameda.
Assist develooers in the site-soecific desiQ:n of the Proiect and public agency staff in the
Business Park project review and approval process to ensure compliance of proposed projects
with th this Master Plan.
. Ensure that the design of the Businoss Park Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center
combination with the residential component comoonents wil remain in concert with the
Master Plan Amendements
established goals , policies , and objectives of the NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan . Thoso
and the CitY's General Plan. The Reuse Plan !!oals include but are not limited to:
Achieve a balanced mix of land uses , creating a vibrant and diverse new neighborhood in
. Achieve complete integration of the former NAS site with the rest of the island of Alameda;
this is to be a seamless integration of the many neighborhoods , open space
, .
and the best
qualities of the existing e# City
. Emphasize mixed-use development as the overall reuse vision.
. Protect and enhance the water-oriented (island) character of the former NAS site through
preservation , enhancement , and creative celebration of the expansive bay views.
. Protect and provide natural/natural:;appearing open space as a key amenity throughout the
. Provide a site to be conveyed to the A USD AUSD for use for. a school to accommodate
growing enrollment demands.
. Maintain a grid street pattern that can be integrated into the City's roadway system.
. Emphasize walkable streets , restricting most traffc circulation to specific major access routes.
. Achieve the same human-scale , tree-lined character of neighborhood streets found throughout
the existing City.
Master Plan Amendements
create a desi!! framework for the develoDlllent of the site. The dia!!ram on oa!!e 46 ilustratesJ
!!eneral of!anization and orientation of land uses and transoortation networks on the site. The
dia!.ram is iIustrative as to number of buiIdin!!s. build in!! massin!!. location. and orientation.
oarkin!! lot location and configuration. ali!!nment of streets. location of Darks. and confi!!uration
of oublic facilties. and is not meant to reoresent an aooroved or reauired develooment olan,
The Business Park is divided into TIYO main components: the 'Vaterfont Section north of Mitchell
Mosley and the Central Section between Mitchell Mosley and Tinker "ye. The \Vaterftont
8ection vlil consist of multi story offico buildings organized along the 'yaterftont. Buildings arc
planned to be approximately 30 000 square foot floor plates that wil /aI' from TI'lO to fiye stories
high. Building placement 'yil be flexible with the goal of maximizing 'Nater vie\vs from the
buildings as weIl as ftom inland public areas and creating a series of
appropriately scaled and
varied open spaces. The sites south of Mitchell Mosley are planned for one and two story
researeh and development buildings or flex/tech buildings.
Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center Overview
Both public and pri''ate open space 'vil be integrated v;ithin the development. ..menities such as
restaurants and tenant services are encouraged to be incorporated in the ground floor spaces of
buildings along the 'yaterfront and partioularly around the Central Plaza at the end of Fift Streot.
These uses 'Nil promote a lh'ely pedestrian experience , provide cOll/enient services for office
users , create activity during off hours and 'veekends , and promote a sense of fleighborhood. In
accordance vlith the terms of the De'/elopment "..grecmcnt, uses pormitted in thc C 2 district arc
also allowed excluding residential uses.
The Alameda Landing: Mixed-Use Center is divided into four land use sub-areas. as identified in
the Mixed-Use Center Sub-Area maD:
Sub-Area I-Waterfront Commercial Center-Offce: Sub-Area 1 consists of aDoroximatelv 20
acres north of Mitchell Avenue frontin!! the Waterfont Promenade to the west of (but not
adiacent to) Fifth Street. Sub-Area 1 includes aooroximatelv 2.000 linear feet of fronta!!e on the
Oakland Alameda Estuarv and is aooroximatelv I.OOO feet distance from Schnitzer Steel and the
Port of Oakland shiooin!! terminals.
Master Plan Amendements
Sub-Area 2-Waterfront Commercial Center-Retail: Sub-Area 2 consists of aooroximatelv
acres north of Mitchell Avenue frontin!! the Waterfront Promenade on both sides of Fifth Street.
The sub-area is immediatelv west of existin!! waterfront marinas. restaurants. and a. senior care
Sub-Area 3-Commercial Center: Sub-Area 3 consists . of aooroximatelv 21 acres south of
Mitchell Avenue and east of Fifth Street.
Sub-Area 4a/b-Residential Areas:Sub-Area 4a is located west of Fifth Street and south of
Mitchell Avenue and Sub-Area 4b is located east of the Waterfront Commercial Center and north
of Mitchell Avenue. Sub-Area 4a is aooroximatelv 21 acres and is located immediatelv east of
Coast Guard residential nei!!hborhood and immediatelv north of the Bavoort residential
nei!!hborhood. Sub-Area 4b is aooroximatelv four acres and is locatedimmediatelv west of the
existin!. senior care faciltY and Marina Sauare.
Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center Guidelines
Site Context/Setting
Connection with and appropriateness to the deyelopments unique context wi of the develooment
shall be achieved by paying attention to the following desirable criteria:
Create a mixed-use destination for all a!!es with retaiL housin!!. recreation. offces. and
waterfront dining.
Provide an active oublic Waterfront Plaz and Waterfront Promenade that reconnect Alameda
to the water and becomes an inte!!al Dart of the Citv's ooen soace network.
Provide a mix of uses. a varietY of facilities and activities. and aoorooriateli!!htin!! and other
desi!!n features to create a safe and invitin!. waterfront exoerience throu!!hout the week and
weekend and durin!! daYtime and ni!!httime hours.
Desi!.n the Waterfront Promenade to accommodate a variety of active and.oassive recreation
Utiize the water Utilize the 'yaterfront as a primary organizing element.
. Create a visual relationship between the site and Jack London Square across the estuary.
Master Plan Amendements
Pro':ido a connection to tho '.vest appropriate to the interim uses currently found thefo as '
the future high tech and manufacturing 1:ses planned for that area in the Comm1:nity Reuse
Provide an appropriato connection to tae east and tao smaller scale buildings there
, including
restaurants , boat b1:ilding and repair yards.
Create identifiable , memorable places at important intersections.
Viev,s/\Vaterfront """ccoss Estuarv.
Provide extensive views and vistas toward and alon!! the water.
Establish and enhance oedestrian and bicvcle connections alon!! and between the watetfront.
the overall develooment and other Alameda nei!!hborhoods. includin!!. Coast Guard. housin!!.
the Colle!!e of Alameda. and the BaVDort nei!!hborhood.
Develoo a series of oublic olaces alon!l Fifth Street to enhance the oedestrian. bicvclist. and
transit rider exoerience.
Resoect and reflect.. the maritime historv of the site throu!!h a varietY of means. includin!!
architectural detailin!!. interoretive si!.na!le.and oublic art.
Ensure an authentic architectural character and orovide hi!.h-oualitv materials for all buildin!!s
and oublic olaces.
Provide hi!!h-aualitv street furniture. li!!htin!!. and si!!a!!e similar to that found in the Webster
Street retail district in order to create a linka!.e between the Proiect and Webster Street.
Mixed-Use Guidelines
The Master Plan encoura!!es and suooorts transit-oriented mixed-use develooment within each
sub-area of the Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center. to the maximum extent feasible !.Iven
infrastructure. market. re!!ulatorv (includin!! CitY Charter Article 26 (Measure A)). financial. and
other site constraints.
To facilitate mixed-use develooment. the Master Plan establishes a wideran!!e of oermitteduses
for each sub-area. In addition to a wide ran!!e of oermitted uses. each sub-area. also includes
certain requirements for a mix of uses. Furthermore. the sub-area develooment oro!!ams include
orovisions reauirin!! a vertical mix of uses in soecific 9:eoQ:aohic locations or "nodes " to
stren!!hen the overall urban desi!ln. oedestrian orientation. and transit orientation of the Alameda
Landin!! Mixed-Use Develooment. as shown in the Nodes dia!!ram.
Areawide Permitted Mix of Uses:
Master Plan Amendements
To facilitate and encoura!!e a mix of uses. Dermitted uses mav be moved between sub-areas.
orovided that the followinll amount of develooment envisioned within the Alameda Landinll
Mixed-Use Center is not exceeded:
400.000 SQuare feet of office with suooortin!! retail uses.
20.000 SQuare feet of health club uses. and
300.000 SQuare feet of retail uses (or 50.000 SQuare feet of retail and 370.000 SQuare feet of
research and develooment uses)
300 housinll units
Additional uses mav be added to a sub-area oermitted land use oroQ:am: orovided that a
corresoondin!! reduction in the authorized amount of another use is made to ensure that no new
or substantiallv more severe environmental imoacts (includin!! traffic imoacts) would result
from the chan!!e.
In all commercial sub-areas. restaurants. includin!! outdoor dinin!!. delicatessens. and other
retail service/eatin!. and drinkin!.entertainment establishments. cafeterias. banks/ATMs. drv
cleaners. convenience markets, health clubs. soorts medicine clinic. child care. and. other
oersonal and business services shall be encoura!!ed and oermitted without a conditional use
oermit to reduce traffic trios to destinations outside the commercial sub-areas and !.enerate
oedestrian activity within the Proiect area. esoeciallv durinll weekend and eveninll hours.
In all sub-areas. other oermitteduses shall include those allowed in the C-2 Central Business
zonin!! district. includin!! residentialuses.accessorv warehousin!!. shiooinll and receivinll. and
commercial recreational uses. Conditional uses in the C-2 district that fulfill the intentofthe
Master Plan shall onlv be allowed bv obtainin!! a Conditional Use Permit from the CitY unless
otherwise orovided bv this I\aster Plan.
Areawide Reauired Mix of Uses
Each sub-area shall include ooen soace and at least two other uses. which are oermitted in
either: (i R-I or R-2 districts. (iiR-6 districts. (jii A-Pdistricts. (iv) C-lor C-2 districts. or
(v) C-M districts.
Each Commercial Center Sub-Area shall include a vertical mixed-use (for examole. !!round
floor retail with office. service. health club. or residential use above). Soecific reQuirements for
vertical mixed-use are described in the Sub-Area Permitted Use Prollrams below.
Master Plan Amendements
If a health club is constructed on the site. the ooerator wil be encoura!:ed to work with the City
to orovide a varietY of communitY oro!Irams that are ooen to the oublicincludin!! day and ni!!ht
health Dro!!ramS for various aIle !!rouos.
Sub-Area Develooment Pro!!rams
Waterfront Commercial Center-Office (Sub-Area 1)
The Waterfront Commercial Center-Offce Sub-Area (Sub-Area 1) land use Dro!!ram oermits up
to 400.000 SQuare feet of office uses. which include !:round-Ievel restaurants. delicatessens. and
other retail service/eatin!! and drinkin!!/entertainment establishments. A minimum of 10.000
SQuare feet of !!round floor retail or restaurant use shall be included in Sub-Area 1. unless this
minimum is waived or reduced bv the Plannin!! Board based uoon a findinlt that the orooosed mix
of uses Drovide adeauate activitY and use of the waterfront seven davs a week. Private tenant-
servin!. docks are conditionalIv oermitted in this sub-area. Sub-Area 1 also includes a shmificant
oublic ooen soace land use reQuirement. which shall include active and oassive recreational
facilties and activities to ensure both weekday and weekend use of the waterfront. Public
oerformance soaces are oermitted and encoura!.ed. See Chaoter 5 for details. Subiect to the
Areawide Mixed-Use Guidelines. residential. senior care. and other uses are oermitted and
encoura!!ed within this sub-area to enliven the waterfront and oromote weekdav and weekend use
of the oublic ooen soace.
Waterfront Commercial Center-Retail (Sub-Area 2)
The Waterfront Commercial Center-Retail Sub-Area (Sub-Area 2) land use oro!!am oermits
50.000 SQuare feet of visitor-oriented retail soace and 20.000 SQuare feet of health club use.
Ground floor uses shall be limited to retail. restaurant. health club. visitor-servin!! and waterfront-
oriented uses. All buildin!! hei!!hts in this area should be eauivalent to a two-storv structure. At a
minimum. 50 oercent of all Waterfront Commercial Center buildin!!s shall include second-floor
uses. such as office. health club. senior care. or residential uses. subiect to the Sub-Area 2 Site-
Plannin!! Guidelines below. Subiect to the Mixed-Use Guidelines. residential. senior care
facilties. active recreational uses. and other uses are oermitted and encoura!!ed within this sub-
area to enliven the waterfront andoromote weekdav and weekend use of the oublic ooen soace.
Commercial Center (Sub-Area 3)
The Commercial Center Sub-Area (Sub-Area 3) oermitted land use Dro!!ram is intended to
orovide flexibilty to resoond to chan!!in!. market demands. The DrO!.am oermits uo to 250.000
SQuare feet of retail use or uo to 370.000 SQuare feet of research and develoDment office use.
Master Plan Amendements
Subiect to the Mixed-Use Guidelines. the CitY may also aoorove a mix of retail and research and
deyelooment offce use. Allbuildin!! hei!!hts adiacentto . the ViIa!!e Green node should be
eauivalent to a two-storv structure. In the ViIa!!e Green node (see Nodes Conceot diallram). 50
oercent of buildinlls shall include a second-floor use. such as offce or residential.
Residential (Sub-Areas 4a and 4b)'
Sub-Areas 4a and 4b collectively oermit uo to 300 housinll units. The land use DrO!!am reauires
that ooen soace be Drovided within the develooment. All residential areas shall' include usable
ooen soaceareas that are sufficientlv larlle to allow for outdoor !!roub activities. The land use
DrOllram also reauiresthat25 oercent of the units constructed be affordable to moderate-income.
low-income. and very-low-income households. The distribution. location. and character of the
affordable units shallbesubiect to review bv the City and shall be consistent with adooted City
ordinances. resolutions. and !!uidelines for the Drovision of affordable housinll in Redevelooment
Areas. Within the ViIa!!e Green node. three-storv townhome duets or duets with !!ound floor
office or retail soaces. shoo-homes. shall be orovided. (See Shoo-Homes dia!.rams at left for an
examole of a shoo-home.
Areawide View and /Waterfront Access Guidelines
The location of the site along the Estuar creates a unique opportnity for distinctive design
that capitalizes on the outstanding views ef from the site to downtown Oakland, San
Francisco , the Oakland hils, and the harbor. These viewswiI be carefully maximized and
preserved by adhering to the following criteria:
. Maintain a primary view corridor at the end of Fifth Street that continues to and across the
waterfront. This view corridor should allow exoansive views of Jack London Square from
Mitchell Mosley. Avenue bv orientin!! Fifth Street to ali!! with Broadwav in Oakland (see
diallrarn ),
Maintain '.'ic''v corridors to the '.vater between future de'lelopment along the length of
Provide a 75-foot-wide view corridor throu!!h the area to the water and Oakland. alon!! the
oublic easement adiacent to Coast Guard housinll alon!! the western ed!!e of Sub-Area 4a
throu!!h Sub-Area 1 alonll the axis- that Fifth Street would follow if it were continued strai!!ht to
the waterfront.
. A minimum of (W 40 oercent of the length of the site along the waterfront sh shall
reserved and kept open for view corridors from Mitchell Avenue.
Master Plan Amendements
A seauence of view corridors should be orovided alon!. the len!.h of the waterfront.
New buildin!!s should be located to allow for view corridors and avoid a "wall of
develooment" blockinll visual and ohvsical access to the shoreline and Waterfront Promenade
. View corridor open areas wil also provide locations for pedestrian and bicycle access to the
. Frame views and access corridors with buildings and/or landscaping, creating a variety of
useful and attractive outdoor spaces.
Building OriCftation
The buildings at the business park should be oriented in a '.vay that allows as mach access to , and
openness to\vard the '.vatemont as possible. "
. "
vlall" of buildings at the water s edge blocking
liev.S and limiting access to the 'llater should be avoided.
Orient most buildings '.vith their flatO'llOSt dimension feeing the '.vaterfront in order to allow
oponness to tho 'vaterfront and to framo 'lie'l.' corridors.
At the terminus of Fifth Street , 1:yo buildings wiI ITame an open space ITonting tho harbor. This
central space '.viI become a focus for the Business Park and a special place at the '.'ater s edge.
Building Location
To enhance the creation of an urban '.vaterfront, buildings along the 'morfront should adhere to a
build to line ' apprmdmately 115' from the front edge of the. wharf.
To enhance Fifth Street's importance as the major street of the projeet, buildings along Fifth
Street should be built to a line 25' from the edge of the curb to create a consistent street edge.
A 'build to line ' is established at the east edge of the site adjacent to Mariners Loop Dri'e 25'
from the edge of curb.
Proyide an identifiable boundary and appropriate transition behveon the business park and the
proposed multple family housing site.
To separate and buffer the ',vaterfront promenade from the waterITont office buildings and to
provide a landscape area for trees and other landscaping adjaoent to the promenade, a ten foot
landscape strip shall be provided be1:yeen these 1:'/0 uses. Where the promenade extends into
the ten foot strip south and east of the Wharf, this requirement ',yil be reduced accordingly.
Any landscaping provided pursuan to this provision shall be counted towards the landscape
requirements ofthis Master Plan for adjacent areas.
Floor Area Ratio
Master Plan Amendements
The business park has an aIlovlable aggregated maximum floor Mea ratio of 037 average across
the entiro Business Park area.
The desirability of the '.vaterfront sites indicates that a higher LA R. of approximately 0.17 'Nould
be appropriate. If the ',vaterfront sites are developed at this higher F./'R. the rest of the site
..vould ha'le a lmver density to achiove the R'lerage of 0.37.
Open Space
Open spaces should be designed and develooed at the same time aa as pa the adiacent
buildings to ensure an integrated design of usable , pleasant places with strong relationships to the
buildings and their activities and waterfront users.
All oark and ooen soace olans shall be submitted for review bv th Plannin!! Board to!!ether with
Develooment Plans and Desi!ln Review of adiacent buildin!!s. The desi!! for the entire
Waterfront Promenade shall be submitted for review bv the Plannin!!. Board to!!ether with the
Develooment Plan and Desi!! Review of the first waterfront buiIdin!. or !!ouo of buildin!.s.
Within the hei!lht limits described below.. buildin!! hei!!hts and massin!. should create well-
desi!lned IIouoin!!s of buildin!!s. Variations in hei!!ht mav be used to emohasize view corridors.
establish a City-wide ima!!e for the site. relate sensitivelv to the water s ed!!e and oublic areas.
and meet tenant needs. Maximum Building Height
No building shall he more than +0 feet in total height, excluding mechanical equipment
parapets and other appurtenances aIlowed by the Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the
aoolicable Development Agreement. The 'Naterfront office buildings BuiIdin!!s in Sub-Area
would be tw one to five stories and the flex tech bHildings '.vould be one or hvo stories. The tv,o
office buildings adjacent to tho central plaza likely ''.Quld be the only structHres that vlould reach
up to fivc stories; the remainder of tho office buildings likely vlOHld be three stories. ""' typical
five story 'Naterfront offce building (assuming 15 feet per floor) would be approximately 75 feet
in height and a typical three story '.Yould be approximately 15 feet in height. Ho'.vever , some
office buildings may require building heights C)weeding 75 feet and up to 1O0 f et in order to
accommodate design aspects or user demand (e., mezzanine/10ft designs or the ehanging needs
of technology industries sHch as taller floor heights to accommodate neVl types of eqHipment).
mav include reuse of the existin!! one-storv warehouses. which are aporoximatelv 30 feet
hei!.ht. Buildings in Sub-Areas 2. 3. and 4 would be one to three stories. In accordance with the
Master Plan Amendements
and the ViIalZe Green nodes located in Sub-Areas 2 and 3.
aterfront Plaza node
Business Park Uses
The business park shaIl include primarily office and 'flex teoh' (research and deyelopment) '.'ith
retail/restauraNt uses as '.vell as related business and personal service uses that are aneiIary to and
compatible 'vith the primary uses such as bankiNg, dry cleaners , health elubs , groceries , delis , and
child care. Other permitted uses shall include thoso alh.ved in the C 2 Central
Business zoning
district. Conditional uses in the C 2 district that fulfill the intent of the Master Plan shall only be
allov.ed by obtaining a Conditional Use Permit from the City.
Restaurant/Retail U sos
The business park shall be provided, to the maximum extent feasible given market domand
, .
restaurants , delicatessens and other retail service/eating and driNkiNg/entertainmeNt
establishments. Those retail uses shall be looated on the ground floor of the 'vatorfront office
buildings, especially those two buildings adjaoent to the central plaza. Such retail uses in addition
to cafeterias , banks/.TMs , dt), cleaners , con venieNco markets , health clubs , childcare, and other
personal and business services shall be encouraged elsev/here through out the business . park
including near transit nodes. These uses should be select-cd to reduce traffic trips to dostinatioll
outside the business park and generate pedestrian activity ',vithin the Projeot area, especially
during e'lening hours.
Si!!s shall be governed by Section 30-6 of the City of Alameda zoniNg oode per the terms of tho
Zonin!. Code. in accordance with the aoolicable Development Agreement.
A comDrehensive and clear si!!na!!e svstem is a criticalcomoonent to the success of the retail
The overall character of the retail si!!a!!e svstem shall comolement the character and materials of
the buildimr architecture and overalldesilZnaesthetic of the Alameda LandinlZ Mixed-Use Center.
Individual retailers shall retain the abiltY to emolov established coroorate brandin!! and imalZin!!
in the disolav of the individual si!!na!!e.
Master Plan Amendements
Pvlon sillna!!e at the southeast corner of the Proiect alon!! Webster Street announcin!! Alameda
Landin!! and the Webster Street Retail District is allowed as is monument sillnalle at the Tinker
Entrv Plaza and other key locations.
All si!.ns shall be subiect to the CitY of Alameda Silln Prollram aooroval orocess.
Landscaoin!!. Gradin!!. and Draina!!e
All areas that are not used for buildin!!s. oarkinll or oarkin!! reserves. hardscaoe olazas. walkways.
sidewalks. and bicvcle oathwavs shall be landscaoed. Parkin!! areas and hardscaoeolazas shall
include landscaoe elements.
Drou!!ht-tolerant. rionallemenic. native oIantin!!s are encoura!!ed to reduce irrillation water
Landscaoinll materials shall be desillned and selected so as not to obstruct si!!s. building
numbers. or buiIdin!! entrances on the site and the reauired si!!ht clearances for vehicles at
intersections and crosswalks. Tree olantin!! shall be desi!!ed and selected to hi!!hli!!ht oedestrian
oathwavs and entrance drivewavs throu!!h the commercial oarkin!! lots.
The aoolicant shall use recycled water in accordance with East Bav Municioal Utilities District
rEBMUD) reauirements for recvcIed water. subiect to availabilty. Thedevelooer shall meet and
confer with . EBMUD re!!ardinl! the availabilitY and use of recvcIed water at the Develooment
Plan sta!.e of review.
Commercial Driveways
Access driveways should be a maximum of feet in width.
Access driveways should be a minimum of 2. 250 feet apart from each other and intersections
.vith surrounding stylists.
Parking Bicvcle and Pedestrian Connections/Walkwavs
Parking should be provided in an appropriato relationship to tho
Connections throu!!hout the Proiect area are reauired and shall be connected to existin!! and
orooosed bicvcle and oedestrian connections that are adiacent to the Proiect area.
Public sidewalks and internal oedestrian circulation svstems must orovide user-friendlv
oedestrian access as well as oedestrian safety. shelter. amenities. and convenience within the
Proiect area.
Master Plan Amendements
edestrian activi
entr hat include trees shrubs benches
2:round covers. or other such materials for not less than 50 oercent
of their lemrth.
AII internal oedestrian walkways shall be distin!.uished from drivin!! surfaces throu!!h the use
of durable. . low-maintenance surface materials such as oavers. bricks. or scored concrete to
enhance oedestrian safetY and comfort. as well as the attractiveness of the walkways.
Transoortation Demand Manallement
Each Develooment Plan shall include facilties to suoport the Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use
Develooment Transoorttion Demand Mana!!ement rTDM) orolIam desi!med toincreaseoublic
transit and bicycle usa!!e. car/van ooolinll. and other oublictransoortation methods
to . reduce
oarkinll demand and traffc. . The TDM oro !!am wil be funded bv all oortions of Alameda
Landin!! includin!! offce. retail. and residential.
The amount of oarkin!! orovided and the size of individual oarkin!. lots should be the minimum
necessarv to adeauatelv serve the shared needs of the specific building type . Efforts sh01dd bc
madc to incrcasc public transit usage, car/van pooling, and other public transportation methods
to roduce parkiRg demand and traffc.
The '.vaterfront offce sites requiro a parking ratio of 3.25 cars per 1O00 square fect of office
space. The rescarch and de'/elopment sites also require a ratio of 3.25 cars per 1000 square fect.
The parking ratios for the business park are different from th City of ..\lamcda parking standards
(see char belov/) and to facilitate use oftransoortation alternatives.
Provideshared-oarkin!! facilities that can . be used bv a varietY of buildinQ:s. Desi!!ated.
convenientlv.located disabled stalls. vanoool and/or caroool oarkin!! shall also be orovided for
each buildin1L
To enhance site-olannin!! oooortunities and minimize lame areas of surface oarkinll. consider
the use of oar kin!! structures.
Surface oarkin!! lots should be sized to meet current and near-term oarkin!! _demand.
nee ed for antici ated future demand should r main as en s ace and be h dr seeded for the
interim oeriod and be oaved when the existin!. oarkinQ: areas reach full caoacitv.
Master Pfan Amendements
ods " to serve different
areas of the develooment.
Provide 20 oarkin!. soaces for oark-and-ride use within the site.
. Parking areas should be designed with clear circulation . patterns and should provide easy and
safe pedestrian access to the buildings and across oarkin!! areas to the waterfront.
. The use of landscape and architectural elements within parking areas is encouraged to assist in
creating a rhythm reauired to create a seauence
of regular small-scaled parking areas.
arkin ar should e lar er than 250 arkin s aces. These arkin area boundaries il
consist of landscaoinQ. buildin!!s. landscaoed walkways. and/or landscaoed bioswales. All
landscaoed ed!!es between oarkin!! areas must be a minimum of 10 feet and must orovide
vertical screenin!! such as trellses and/or vines to orovide a ohvsical division and visual buffer
between Qarkin!! fields. withoutblockin!. views to the waterfront. . Landscaoed areas between
these oarkin!! fields mavinclude oedestrian oathwavs. bicvcIe oathwavs. benches and other
tves of oublic street furniture.
Maximum Parkin!l Ratios:
Sub-Area 1: Uses in Sub-Area I are encoura!!ed to share oarkin!l. and offce uses should orovide
no more than 2.75 soaces oer 1.000 sauare feet of offce use. Parkin!. lots for individual office
uses may exceed the ratio if necessarv to accommodate aoarticular use. but the total number of
offce oarkin!l soaces orovided for the entire sub-area shall not exceed 3.00 soaces oer 1.000
square feet. without Plannin!! Board aoorovai. No additionaloarkin!! soaces
shaH be orovided for
ooen soace and/or recreation uses. These uses shall share oarkin!.. with. the office uses.
Suooortin!l retail and restaurant uses in Sub-Area 1 are encoura!!ed to shareoarkin!! with office
uses. but mav orovide additional oarkin!! uo to the maximum allowed for retail uses in Sub-
2 and 3.
Sub-Areas 2 and 3: Uses in Sub-Areas 2 and 3 are encoura!!ed to share oarkin!! within their
resoective sub-areas. and retail uses should orovide no more than 4 soaces oer 1.000 sauare feet
of retail soace. Parkin!! lots for individual retail users mav exceed this ratio. but the total number
of oarkin!! soaces for the all-retail develooment in Sub-Areas 2 and 3 shall not exceed 4.5 80aces
oer .000 sauare feet of retail soace. without Plannin!! Board aODfoval. Retail uses in Sub-Area 2
which are located on the western side of the Waterfront Plaza shall orovide oarkin!! at less than
the four and one-half (4.5) soaces oer 1.000 sauare feet because of the oooortnitv to s
oarkin!! with the office uses in Sub-Area 1. Parkin!! lots for office and research and develooment
uses develooed in Sub-Area 3 shall be consistent with the office oarkin!! ratio of Sub-Area I.
Master Plan Amendements
Sub-Area 4: Residential develooment in Sub-Area 4 shall be subiect to the City of Alameda Off-
street oarkinll reauirements for residential develooment.
Concurrent with Develooment Plans and Desi!!n Review. the CitY mav annrove more than the
maximum oermitted oarkinll SDaces uoon makin!! a findin!! that additional oarkin!! is necessary to
serve the develoDment or avoid oarkinll shortallesin the area.
Each oarkinl! lot Each building site should be landscaped with a minimum of one tree for every
four parking spaces within and adjacent to the parking area . exceot where necessarv to orotect
view corridors to the waterfQnt. in which case these trees shall be relocated elsewhere in the
Proiect areas
. Parking areas along major streets should be parially screened with landscaping or other
architectural elements.
Adequate bike parking shaIl be provided consistont '
'ith City of ..AJamoda standards.
.. minimHm five foot planting area Ofl private property shall be located along all streets (bet;veen
parking areas and the back of side'.valks) and perimetor locations at the b01:daries
of the
Project site to provide a transition behveen business park and adjacent Hses.
Pedestrian ''vaIIc.vays shaIl be provided that connect each building vlith the majority of assooiated
parking spaces.
Parking Comparison Table
These concepts are intended to reinforoe tho Business Park site planning elements of the Master
Plan. The follovling reoommendations suggest bHilding form, fenostration, desirable
relationships and architectural elements. that 'vil ensure creation of appropriate building
Entries should be '.'isible from the primary acccss road 'vith suffcient architectural expression to
pro'lide a sense of arri'.'al and destination.
There should be clear relationships betYleen entries of adjacent buildings.
l'.rcades and Loggia
Ground floors of '.Yaterfront buildings can include cO'lered 'valk.vays in the form of arcades or
Master Plan Amendements
Freestanding arcades can be used vlhen appropriate to oreate a se1'se of \:1ity and Connection
among 'larying elements , and buildings on the site.
')lindow to 'NaIl Ratio
The windov.' to viall ratio should bo approximately one to one
, '
yhere the glass should not
comprise more than 50% of the buildi1'g exterior.
The ',t'indo'N to 'vall ratio should be balanced across the full le1'gth of the building to minimize
large expanses of blank facmdes.
'.Vindo'll Design and Materials
Glass should be olear, not tint.ed or mirrored.
Articulate framed openings are preferred over largo expanses of grass areas.
Building Materials
Buildings in the business park shall be constructed of a variety of high quality materials. Building
materials shall be durable and attractive and , together with landscape treatments , shall provide
an integrated theme and harmonious design ','lithin the business park.
Integrated Design
The business park shall be provided vlith an integrated design by the use of common landscapc
treatments , pedestrian friendly open space areas , special paving and public site furnishings that
serve to conaect the buildings and their acti,t'ities ia a coherent fashion.
BicvcIe Darkin!! shall be orovided at a rate of one bike oarkin!! soace for everv 10 vehicle
oarkin!! soaces.
Distin!!uish ADA accessible routes and oedestrian walkwav surfaces from vehicular surfaces.
Where Daths cross. DFovide visual indicators. such as different surface materials or color.
Master Plan Amendements
Parkin!! (cont.)
essentialoartof the overall desi!!n and not solelv utilitarian in character.
hed es low berms landsca in
without blockin!! view corridors.
Bicvcle oarkin!! must be orovided near entrances to buildin!!s or in soeciallv desi!!nated and
clearly identified areas.
Service Areas
Loadiml dock areas shall be recessed and/or screened from VIews bv walls. olantin!!. or a
De i n and locate the stora e servIce and loadin areas so that servICe vehicle activities
simificantiv minimize disfUotion to the flow of on-site or off-site traffic or nei!!hborin!. uses.
Transformers shall be olaced under!.round wherever feasible or screened.
Refuse and/or recvclin!! areas shall be located within thedesi!!ated service and Ioadin!. areas and
shall be screened ITom direct view.
All outdoor refuse and recvclin!! containers should be screened and covered with a 6-foot
minimum enclosure. The enclosure should be desimed with finishes and colors which are unified
and harmonious withthe architectural character of the surroundin!! buildin
Refuse and recvclin!! areas shall have concrete oavin!! and access aorons and shall be in
dumosters or covered with noncombustible roofin!. to meet Clean Water Act re!!ulations. All
refuse and recvclin!! areas shall be enclosed.
Sub-Area Site-Plannin!! Guidelines
Develooment Plans submitted fOr aODroval bv the Plannin!! Board shall be consistent with the
sub-area site olannin!! !!uidelines.
Waterfront Commercial Center-Offce Site-
Plannin!! Guidelines
Site Or!!anization
To ensure a comolementarv and inte!!rated interface of this area to the waterfront and the rest of
the develooment. the Waterfront Commercial Center-Offce Sub-Area should be or!!anized with
Master Plan Amendements
buildin!!s orimarilv oriented toward the Waterfront Promenade. The buildin!:s are to be arran!:ed
to focus and maximize views toward Jack London Sauare and downtown San Francisco. The
buildin!!s shall reinforce the creation of a defined ed!.e for the Waterfront Promenade. while
facilitatin!: oedestrian access and visual access from the rest of Alameda to the water and the
Waterfront Promenade.
Buildin!:s in this area are to be of hi!:h-auaIitv architecture and orovide a orimarv face to the
Waterfront Promenade. Buildin!:s must be seoarated from one another to allow for DubIic views
and Drovide for oublic ooen SDaces that allow for key oedestrianlicvcIe access and views from
Mitchell Avenue to the waterITont.
Pedestrian andbicvcle oathwavs shall be incoroorated for continuation of the stron!. and well-
connected oubIic realm svstem throu!!hout the Proiect and to other areas of Alameda.
Ooen Soace
The WaterITont Promenade shall be a maior oubIic ooen soace for Alameda. Ooen soace
elements for this area shaIl include landscaoin!!. oublic art intemretive si!!na!.e. and facilties for
oro!!rammed recreational activities. In addition. benches. and oedestrian walkways shall. be
orovided around the oortions of the buildin!! that face toward the Waterfront Promenade. Within
the WaterITont Promenade. a oathwav for strolln!!. sittin!!. and eniovin!! the views toward
Oakland and San Francisco wil be orovided alon!! the len!!h of the WaterITont Promenade and
wil connect the Proiect area to the rest of Alameda bv a series of carefullv desi!!ed oedestrian
walkwavs and bicvcle oaths.
Waterfront Promenade
The WaterITont Promenade must be at least 100 feet wide as measured from the water s ed!!e to
where new buildin!!s mav be olaced. Reuse of existin!. buiIdin!!s that do not meet the laO-foot
setback shall be allowed orovided that the orooosed Waterfront Promenade meets the other
obiectives and !!uideIines contained in the Master Plan. The Waterfront Promenade
shall also
orovide areas si!!nificantlv wider than 100 feet to orovide a seauence of lamer oublic soaces for
maior oubIic activities. recreational facilties. and maior civic events and !:atherin!:s.
!\ll oarkin!! shall be olaced behind buildin!:s (i.e.. on the south side).
Althou!!h orimarv entries for the buildin!!s wil be from the oarkin!! side ( south), each building
shall also orovide entrv toward the Waterfront Promenade. All !.ound floor retail and
restaurant uses shall ITont on the Waterfront Promenade.
Master Plan Amendements
to use these so aces safelv durin!! all davs and times. of the. week. The character of these
elements should be similar and relate to the look and feel of the. Waterfront
Promenade itself.
A mixture of lawns and other landscaoe features should be orovided to allow for both oassive
and active recreation use. such as facilities for or!!anized soorts. olav structures for voung
children. and facilties for familv oicnics and barbeaues. Protection from the wind bv strate!!ic
Iacement f buildin landsca e features berms trees shrubs etc. must be considered
while minimizin!! obstruction of views to the water and bevond.
Wate ront-orientedrecreational uses and a oubIic shower shall be located alon!! the Waterfront
Promenade to encoura!!e oublic activitY and use of the waterfront.
The oedestrian oathwav within the Waterfront Promenade shall be a minimum of 25 feet wide
and be olaced adiacent to the water s ed!!e.
BicvcIe oaths shall also be orovided as Dart of the Bav Trail.
Also see Ooen Soace Reauirements in Chaoter 5.
Waterfront Commercial Center-Retail
Site Omanization
The buildin!!s in this sub-area shall be arran!!ed to frame the central Waterfront Plaza that helos
anchor the waterfront. relate to Jack London Sauare and views of downtown Oakland. and
retail entertainment destination for eve da activities and ma or ubIic events
at the water s ed!!e.
Buildin!!s in this area shall be desi!!ed to be hi!!h Qualitv. screen oarkin!!. and frame the
oedestrian riented DubIic soace. Urban desifZn elements such as water features. street 'furniture.
lig:htin!!. and oavin!! shall be incoroorated to enhance the sense of olace and facilitate oedestrian
activities. Retail uses in the surroundin!! buildin!!s should be allowed to soiI out from the !!round
floor into the Waterfront Plaza to activate the oublic olaza. Buildin!!s shall be located to aIlow for
oedestrian passa!!ewavsor connections between the oarkin!. areas located behind the buildiu!!s in
this sub-area and the Waterfront Plaza.
Ooen Soace
Master Plan Amendements
Ooen s.oace elements for this area shaIl include a WaterfTOnt Plaza !!atherin!! soace for evervdav
activities and maior events. The desi!!n of this area. however. shaIl also orovide for smaller more
intimate !!atherin!! soaces. Water features should beincorooratedas a wavto activate and enliven
the soace. The Waterfront Promenade that runs alon!! the len!!h of the waterfront should be
desi!:med to connect the waterfront to rest of the. Proiect site. Soecial oavin!! should be
incoroorated in the Waterfont Plaza area to si!!nifv and SUODort its key role as an imoortant
oublic soace for the Alameda waterfTont.
The Waterfront Plaza in this sub-area wil orovide a ooint of arrival and destination and interface
with the Alameda waterfTont. Benches. tables. flaIls. oublic art. interoretive sirna!!e. and other
oedestrian amenities shall be considered for this. area to enhance the oedestrian life around these
buildin!.s. orovide a kev oublicinterface between these buiIdin!!s and the Waterfront Promenade.
and allow for oedestrians to use these soaces durin!. alldavsand times of the week. The character
of these elements shall be similar and relate to the look and feel of the Waterfont Promenade.
Soecific !!idelines for the Waterfront Plaza include:
BuiIdin!!s fronting on the water should incoroorate landmark features to Dfovide a visual
anchor" and visibilitY for Waterfront Plaza.
Fifth Street and the Waterfront Plaza should ali!!n with Broadwav in Oakland as shown in the
Broadwav Axis dia!!am on oa!.e 62 to create a visual connection between the two water&ont
cities and frame views of Jack London Sauare and downtown Oakland.
The Water&ont Plaza must be a minimum of 175 feet wide at the northern end ofthe olaza
from buiIdin!! ed!!e to buildin!! ed!!e. The olaza mav narrow down to aooroximatelv 100 feet at
the southern end.
A water shuttle landin!. must be accommodated at the edge of the WaterfTont Plaza area.
BuiIdin!!s around the Waterfront Plaza should be oriented to shield the olaza &om orevaiIn!l
winds as much as feasible.
Allbuildin!ls that front onto the Water&ont Plaza must have their orimarv entries onto the
At least 50 Dercent of all buildin!!s that front on the Water&ontPlaza shall include second floor
uses and soaces. The 50 oercent standard shaIl be measured as 50 oercent of all buildimr
footorints. This standard mav be waived bv the Plannin!! Board uoon makin!! a find in!! that
other desiQ: strate !lies are Dfovided to ensure a well-designed. vital. oedestrian-oriented
Master Plan Amendements
Waterfront Plaza. All one-storv buildin!!s frontin!. on the WaterfTOnt Plaza must be at least 25
feet in hei!!ht bv use of architectural features that increase the hei!!ht of the building.
All oarkin!! shallbeolaced behind the buildills.. Pedestrian oassa!!ewavs shall be orovided
between the Waterfront Plaza and the oarkin!! areas. as described above.
No automobile access is allowed onto the Waterfront Plaza. A. droo-off area to serve the
Waterfront Plaza at the end of Fifth Street is oermitted.
Commercial Center Sub-Area
Site Omanization
Ensurin!.a comolementarv and intelZated interface of this commercial sub-area to the rest
Alameda Landin!! is critical to the success of the Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Proiect. A
continuation of the oroiect's stron!! and weIl-connectedoubIic realm and a svstem of roads.
sidewalks. walkwavs. and bicvcIe oaths wil allow for other areas of Alameda to be reconnected
alon!! . Fifth Street. to . the. waterfront. . Fifth Street should serve to reconnect Alameda to its
waterfont and. orovide.a . memorable and eniovable oedestrian. shoooinll. and bicvcIing
exoerience.As described above.theaIi!.ment of Fifth Street toward Jack London Sauare d the
terminus of Broadwav in Oakland is essential in orovidin!. focus for views and orientation toward
downtown Oakland and Jack London Sauare.
Lar!!e-format retail buildin!!s or research and redevelooment buildin!.s should be olaced close to
Webster Street to ensure visibiltY from Webster Street and Tinker
Avenue. minimize service
imoacts in the surroundinll area. and allow for a more oedestrian-scaled retail environment on
Fifth Street. A bioswale within the Commercial Center Sub-Area oarkin!! area wil serve to break
UD the oarkin!! areas. become a. visual. landscape amenitY and orovide an additional oedestrian
connection from Tinker Avenue to the waterfront.
Smaller-scale retail. restaurant or research and develooment buildin!!s should be _oIaced alon!!
Fifth Street. Buildin!!s alon!!Fifth Street should be desi!!nedto encoura!.e oedestrian walkabiltv
throm!h the incorooration of !!enerous sidewalks. landscaoinll. street furniture. and smaller
invitin!! and distinctive olazas between buildin!.s. In order to oromote visualunitv. the various
olazas should be similar in character. Street furniture such as benches. oavin!!. street li!!htiml. and
landscaoinllstreet trees shall be intelZated to orovide a unified street character. consistent with
Webster Street.
Master Plan Amendements
Open Soace
Two imoortant oublic ooen soaces alon!! Fifth Street are desi!!ned to createactivitv and helo to
structure the oedestrian exoerience as one moves toward the waterfront. An "Entrv Plaza" at
Tinker and Fifth Street orovides akeventrv landmark and serves as a key oublic soace for the
nearby residential communities and the Colle!le of Alameda. Benches. tables. and oublic art are
elements that wil helo to animate the soace and allow for informal !!atherin!!s. olaces to eniov
eatin!! and drinkin!! outdoors. and orovide an imoortant sense of arrival for Alameda Landin!!.
As one moves further north toward the waterfont. a turn of Fifth Street toward Jack London
Sauare orovides a lon!! view toward the Alameda water:&ont and downtown Oakland. It is here
that a small triamrnlar-shaoed oark (the "ViIa!!e Green ) is surrounded. bv a mix of. uses
includin!! retail. 11OUsin!!. and shoo-home OfO!!ams. The ViIa!.e Green is to be desiQ:ed. to
orovide an identitv for this nei!!hborhood. It wil include areas for oassive recreation. strollng,
and !!enerous lawn soaces for oicnickin!. or loun!!in!!.
Soecific !!idelines for buildin!!s thatfront onto Fifth Street include the followin!! elements:
Automobile access from Fifth Street into the commercial oarkin!. areas should reolicate
Alameda-tvoe block oatterns. A minimum of three access ways ITom Fifth. Street into the
commercial oarkin!. areas must be orovided and should be eauallv soaced between each other
to ensure a oedestrian-oriented block oattern for the develooment. No block that fronts onto
Fifth Street is to be more than 450 feet in len!!h measured ITom curb line to curb line.
All sidewalks alon!! Fifth Street should be a minimum of 15 feet in width from curb line to
buildin!!ed!!e and include street trees. oedestrian scale li!!htin!!. benches. and other amenities to
imorove the oedestrian environment.
To enhance Fifth Street's imoortance as the maior street of the oroiect. buildin!!s in Sub-
Area 3
alon!! Fifth Street should be built to a line 15 feet from the ed!!e of the curb to . create a
consistent street ed!!e.
In Sub-Area 3. at least one oublic entrance shall be orovided on Fifth Street everv 100 feet.
On-street oarkin!! shall be orovided on Fifth Street to SUDoort retail use. calm traffic flow. and
buffer oedestrians ITom movin!! traffic.
All sidewalks must inClude street trees soaced at a maximum of 25 feet on center.
A. seauence of ooen soaces. walkwavs. and seatin!! areas should be orovided to serVe as an
imoortant interface and transition between the oarkin!! areas and the entries to the stores.
Soecific !!idelines for buildin!!s in Sub-Area 3 that ITont onto the Vila!!e Green include:
Master Plan Amendements
reen on all thre
Dfomote visual interest and oedestrian activitY.
BuiIdin!!s must orovide orimarv entries that face the ViIa!!e Green. AII tenants must have
oublic entries from Fifth Street.
At least 50 oercent of the buildin!!s that front onto the ViIafle Green must be at least two
stories in hei!.ht. The 50 oercent standard shall be measured as 50 oercent of aIl building
foot rints. This standa ma be waived b the Plannin Bard u on makin a findin that
other desifln strate!!ies are orovided to ensure a well-desiflned. oedestrian-oriented ViIa
Green. One-story buiIdin!!s frontin!! on the Villa!!e Green must be at least 25 feet inhei!!ht bv
use of architectural features that increase the hei!!ht of the building.
s in Sub-Area 3 that front the Ent Plaza at the intersection of
Tinker and Fifth include:
The Entrv Plaza must be at least 75 feet bv 75 feet measured from buiIdin!. edfle to curb line.
. Buildin s on each _side
at least 25 feet in hei!!ht.
Plaza must in lude a tower element or architectural feature
Retail buildin!!s on each side of the Entr Plaza must have at least one oubIic entry ont
Entrv Plaza.
The Entrv Plaza must have outdoor seatin!!. Restaurant and cafe DfO!!ams are encourafled to
helD activate the soace.
The Entrv Plaza wil include oubIic art or fountain as Dart of the oubIic art oro!!ram for the
Gatewav siflnafle to announce the oroiect and orovide a sense of arrival is oermitted within the
Entrv Plaza.
Residential Sub-Area Guidelines.
Site Or!anization
Area 4a
Master Plan Amendements
To ensure a comolementarv and inte!!rated interface of this area to the adiacent retail areas on
Fifth Street and the adiacent Coast Guard Housinl! to the west. Sub-Area 4a should be orl!anized
with small lot. townhome-stvle residential develooment facin!! onto Fifth Street. These homes and
duets should be on narrow lots with front doors on Fifth Street. Two- and three-story units are
recommended and encoura!!ed on Fifth Street. The western oortion of the site adiacent to Coast
Guard housin!! may transition to wider lots with more traditional stYle sin!!le-familv and duo lex
homes. similar to the confil!uration found at the adiacent Bavoort residential nei!!hborhood as
described in the "Site Planninl!" section of Chaoter 3.
Sub-Area 4b
Sub-Area 4b is a ootential multifamilv site that is convenientlv located adiacent to the Waterfront
Plaza retail area and the existinl! senior care and restaurant facilities on waterfront.
Ooen SQace
Public ooen soace should be inte!!rated into the residential sub-areas to orovide oassive and active
recreationaloooortnities within the nei!.hborhoods. Pedestrian and bicycle oathwavs shall
incoroorated throu!!hout the sub-areas for continuation of the stron!! and well-connected oublic
realm svstem throul!hout the oroiect and to other areas in Alameda.
All residential areas shall include usable Dublic ODen soace areas. that are suffcientlv lar!!e to
allow for outdoor !!ouo activities.
Specific !!idelines for Sub-Areas4a and 4b
Automobile access from Fifth Street into the residential areas should reolicate Alameda-tvoe
block oatterns. No block that fronts onto Fifth Street is to be more than 450 feet in Ien!!h
measured from curb line to curb line.
All sidewalks alon!! Fifth Street should be a minimum of 13 feet in width from curb line to
buildin!! ed!!e.
To enhance Fifth Street'simoortance as the maior street of the oroiect. buildin!!s in Sub-Area
4a alon!! Fifth Street should front onto Fifth Street. Garage access should be Dfovided via an
alley runnin!! behind the homes.
To create a consistent and urban townhome street ed!.e across from the retail sub-area.
residential units frontinl! on Fifth Street should be two or three stories in heil!ht with narrow
All homes within Sub-Areas 4a and 4b shall meet the City's standards for buildinl! hei!!hts as
established inJhe Zonin!! Ordinance.
Master Plan Amendements
No soundwalls should be allowed within Sub-Areas 4a and 4b.
All lots within these two sub-areas shall have lots with a minimum of2.000 sauare feet.
Residential units facin!! onto the Vila!!e Green should be desi!!ned as three-storv townhome
duolexes or shoo-homes. (See Shoo-Homes dia!!ram.
Architectural ConceDts
These conceDts are intended to reinforce the Alameda Landin!! site-olannin!! elements of the
Master Plan. The followin!! !!uidelines su!!!.est buildin!! form. fenestration. desirable
relationshios. and architectural elements. that wil ensure creation . of aonrooriate buildin!!
elevations. The Plannin!! Board may aonrove an architectural desi!!n that does not conform to one
or more of the following !.idelines if the oroDosed desi!!n is !!enerallv consistent with. the
Alameda Landin!! Mixed-Use Center Purnose and Intent statements. Develooment Plan review
for residential oroiects in Sub-Areas 4a and 4b shall be subiect to the Architectural Desi!!
!!uidelines in Chaoter 3 with the followin!! additional !!uidelines for residential units on Fifth
Shoo-homes wil have no front set back.
Shoo-home entr wil be at !!rade and flush with the sidID
Distinctive front door entr that enhances the buildin!! facade is recommended.
Ground floor should have a minimum of75 oercentofthe facadetransoare
Heavilv tinted or mirrored !!lazin!! is not oermitted.
Recessed windows with mullons are encoura!!ed to develoo deeo shadow line.
Canooies and si!!na!!e are encoura!!ed at !!round floor of shoo-homes.
Walk-Uo Townhome-Stvle Residential Units
A minimum set back of 5 feet and a maximum of. 1 O feet is allowed to ensure nrivacv of
First floors and first-floor residential entries are encoura!!ed to be elevated a minimum of
4to 5
feet above !!ound level.
Desi!!n aualitv in buildin!! architecture is critical in achievin!. not on Iv a successful nroiect. but in
creatin!. a clearIv identifiable sense of olace that encoura!!es. reoeat visits. The followin!!
Architectural Guidelines are intended to nrovide visual or!!anization throu!!h the develooment
Master Plan Amendements
while stil allow in!! a varietY of individual exoressions. The conceot and character of the
architecture should:
Allow for the commercial comoonent of Alameda Landin!! to be oositivelv differentiated from
other busin sses and retail centers.
Exoress individual architectural identitv while maintainin!! overall desi!!n continuitY.
Allow consideration of utilzin!. comoatible adaotations of standard coroorate architectural
elements. lo!!os. si!!na!!e. etc.
Provide for a hi!!h level of architectural desi!! and materials.
Provide strai!!htforward desi!!n: clean. modern. utiltarian. and exoressive of construction
Reinforce the streetscaoe.
Encoura!.e hi!!h- aualitv buildin!! materials and sustainable buildin!! desi!!n that meets. LEED
standards for !!reenbuildin!! features. Encoura!!e use of alternative enef!V resources. such as
ohotovoltaic cells and wind turbines. subiect to aooroval of aoolicable non-CitY a!!encies. as
Dart of the Develooment Plan. To this end. the CitY and Proiect develooers shall work with
Drosoective tenants and architects to include sustainable and !.reen buildin!! desi!! features
within the oroiect.
Buildin!. Massin!!
Bold. simole forms should exoress an individual identity while maintainin!! a sense of overall
unitv with surroundin!! buildin!!s and landscaoe.
Bold simole buildin!. forms with stron!! !!eometric detailn!. and bold offsets in wall olanes
should be orovided.
Buildin!! forms should be well defined and aoorooriatelv articulated. Tenants wil be reauired
to use entry features such as canooies and/or trells elements at their orimarv entries to miti!!ate
tall buildin!! masses and orovide weather and sun orotection.
Include architectural features such as awnin!!s. canooies. and recessed entries to orovide varietY
and visual interest. These features should be inte!!ated into the overaIl massin!!and form of the
build in!!.
Varv oaraoet height and massin!! of the buildin!!s to orovide visual interest and break down the
scale of the individual buildin!!s.
Master Plan Amendements
Buildin!! Facades
Facades should be articulated to reduce the massive scale and the uniform. imoersonal
aooearance of lar!!e buildin!.s.
The architecture should use exoressive walls. wall olanes. and color. and be animated with
detailed buildinll comoonents such as canooies.
A unified architectural identitY should be exoressed butallow for individual exoression.
Human-scaled elements should be orovided at orimarv tenant entries.
Secondary buildin!! facades facin!! oublic ri!!hts-of-wav should include articulation which
orovides relief in scale throu!!h the use of oatterns. shadows. and accent colors.
Facades should reco!!nize and reflect the human scale throu!! thellse of horizontal and vertical
coursinll elements.
Flush windows are discoura!!ed. Ooenin!!s for windows should be recessed into the wall
surface in order to exoress the difference in materials.
Where visible from public streets. lon!! buildin!! facades should seek to avoid monotony bv
establishin!! a rhythm that is not reDetitious. but that serves to lend a sense
of scale and variety.
Buildin!! facades must include reDeatin!! oattern that shall include no less than three of the
followin!! elements: color chan!!e: texture chan!!e: material module chan!!e: and exoression of
architectural or structural bay throu!!h a chan!!e in Dlane no less than 24 inches in width. such
as an offset. reveal. or oroiectin!! rib.
Not encoura!!ed:
Period historicist styles
Monotonous facades
Roof features should be used to comolement the character of the nei!!hborhoods. Variations in
rooflnes should be used to add interest to and reduce the massive scale of lar!!e buildills.
Desi!!n roofs and oaraoets to be visually attactive and inte!!ated with the buildin!! architecture.
Master Plan Amendements
Paraoets concealin!! flat roofs and roofton eauioment from oublic view. The avera!.e hei!!ht of
such oaraoets shall not exceed IS oercent of the hei!.ht of the suooortin!l wall and such oaraoets
shaIl not at any ooint exceed one-third of the hei!!ht of the suooortin!! wall.
Overhan!!in!l eaves should extend no less than 3 feet oast the supoortim.! waIls.
Slooin!l roofs should not exceed the avera!!e hei!!ht of the suooortin!! walls. with an ayera!le
slooe greater than or eaualto 1 foot of vertical rise for everv l foot horizontal run. and less
than eaual to l foot of the vertical rise for everv l foot of horizontal run.
Pedestrians must be able to access the Drimarv entr from a Dublic sidewalk without havin!! to
walk between oarked cars. The enhanced oavin!! should make a clear connection between the
door and street or oarkin!l area.
For maiortenants. orovide architectural emohasis at orimarv tenant entries with consideration
of oedestrian scale and amenities.
Retail buildin!!s nlaced along Fifth Street should reinforce the continuity and the neighborhood
feel of the street.
Buildin!ls should be desi!!ed to orovide a sense of arrival to both oedestrians and automobiles.
Each orincioaI building on site shall have clearIv defined visible customer entrances.
Windows should be nonreflective and not heavilv tinted. Aoolv onlv transoarent sunscreens or
window fim to !!lazing.
Windows should comorise at least SO oercent of the !.ound floor facade alon!! the overall street
fronta!!e. oublic soace. or oublic court.
Avoid continuous strio windows which lack interest or scale.
Use hi!!h-aualitv. durable materials which enhance the buildin!l and convey a sense. of
Colors and Textures
Use colors which are harmonious and keeo color schemes simole. usin!! the minimum number
of colors necessarv to achieve the desired aooearance.
Master Plan Amendements
ornamentation. or soecial features.
. Colored ands or "stri es " that are continuous aroun
method f vi ual enhancement.
Buildin!. lh!htin!.. if anv. should highli!!ht si!!ns. entrances and walkwavs. disolav windows. or
outstandin!! architectural features.
Desi!.n and locate li!!ht fixtures which coordinate with and comDlement the architectural stYle
of the buildin!!.
Where visible from oublic areas. conceal all electrical boxes and conduits from Dublic view
and orovide li!!ht sources to Drevent !!lare for oedestrians and vehicles.
Li!!htin!! should be consistent with the Webster Street Retail District standards.
Street Furniture
Benches and other street furniture should be consistent with the Webster Street Retail District
Where visible from Dublic areas. metal roll-uo doors and/or oersonneldoors should be oainted
with the aonroved buildin!. color or accent colors. The color should match the color of the
adiacent wall.
All exterior areas should be well li!!hted.
All site olans shall be desi!.ned to ensure Dublic safety and minimize ootential ni!!httime safety
oroblems for oedestrians. bicvclist. residents. and Proiect visitors.
Mechanical EauiDment
Exterior comoonents of electrical. telecommunications. transformers. olumbin!.. nrocessin!l
heatin!!. cooling. and ventilatin!! svstems shall be screened from direct view from the !!ound.
Where visible from oublic areas. systems that reside on or are mounted onbuildin!!s shaIl be
treated architecturally as an inte!!ated. oar of the overall desi!!n.. Elements that reside within
the landscaDe shall be treated with landscaoe walls that comolementthe buildin!! architecture
or with screen olantin!!. where allowed bv Fire Deoartment and utilitvcomoanies.
UtilitY oioes. such as those for downsoouts or fire service for snrinkler svstems. should be
desi!!ned as architectural comDonents or orovided internally to the structures.
Master Plan Amendements
When interior mountin!l is not oractical. electrical eauioment should be mounted in a location
where it is screened from oublic view.
In no case shall exterior eauioment be mounted on the street side or orimarv exoosure side of
anv buildin!!.
Heatin!l and cooIin!l eauioment located on the exterior of buildin!!s shall be located suffcientlv
distant from outside seatin!! areas so as not to interfere with the use of these areas. Noise from
such equioment shall meet oerformance standards set bv the CitY of Alameda Zoninfl Code.
RooftoD mechanical eauioment shall be screened from DubHc view.
Stairs and RamDs
Exterior stair ramos should be desi!!ed as extensions of buildin!!
comolement buildin!! massinfl. materials. color. and detailin!!.
archi cture and should
Reuse Buildin!! Standards
If the existinfl buildin!ls on the site are reused. careful attention to their renovation and
rehabilitation must be ensured.
Exterior modification of an existinfl structure should reSDect the ori!linal character of the
buildinfl. Additions to existin!! buildin!.s should be comoatible in size. scale. color. material
and character with the existin!! buildin!!.
Achieve desi!! comoatibilitv between new and existin!. buildin!!s bv usin!. a desi!!n vocabularv
that adds to the identitv and character of an area.
Parks and Ooen Soace
Puroose/Intent 73
Parks and Ooen Soace Framework
General Park and Ooen Soace Conceots
The development of the FISClEast Housing propert wil integrate a system of parks and open
spaces that take advantageof emphasizes the site s waterfront setting, that contribute to ereating a
contributes to a unique sense of place and that build 011 alonfl the waterfront. and reflects the City
of Alameda tradition ooIicv of providing high;quality public outdoor spaces. By providing a
comprehensive framework and consistent vocabulary of design details , the parks , open spaces
Master Plan Amendements
and streetscapes wil link the various land use components of the plan creating strong visual and
physical connections throughout the site and to the water s edge
The parks and open spaces ofthe propert are intended'to:
. Function as centers and focal points within the site for users of the site and the surrounding
community by offering safe opportunities for people to gather recreate. exercise.rest, and play
within the site durin!! daytime and evenin!! hours
. Provide a waterITont . orientation :w with the overall system of streets , buildings and
landscape by framing vistas to the Inner Harbor, to Oakland and to San Francisco.
. Create linkages to the surrounding community by be60ming all integral par of the pattorn
throu!!h an inte!!rated svstem of convenient and safe pedestrian and bicycle access planned
wavs throughout the site, connecting to the waterITont , and te existing City systems.
. Create landscaped gateways and buffers at the project's perimeters that enhance the site and
ensure compatibility with surrounding land uses and development.
Parks and Ooen Soace Framework
The Catellus /Jameda
The BavoortAlameda Landin!!Project's Parks and Open Space frame'llorlc Framework wil
include the following elements:
An ei!!ht-acre Waterfront Promenade, and a Waterfront Plaza , and Central Commons along
the Oakland Inner Harbor combining to create a significant public open space amenity.
. A distributed system of parks within the BavDort residential neighborhood consisting of:
A four-acre Central Neighborhood Park
Four one-half;;acre Mini-Parks
Master Plan Amendements
Residential Neighborhood Access Courts
. A Bioswale
Vila!!e Green
Gathering; SDaces along; Fifth Street
Tinker Entrv Plaza
hierarchy of interconnected tree-lined streets (see tho Tree Species MatriK, Section pago
. An integrated system of sidewalks , bicycle and pedestrian pathways
Project Entry Gatevlays and Site Orientation Markers entry !!atewavs and site orientation
. CIear system of directional , safety, and informational signage
. Landscape Buffers buffers and Scre6aing screeninl?at project perimeters
. Park and Streot Furnishings street furnishin
Site Lighting
Site li!.htinl?
General Park and ODen Soace Conceots
The Waterfront Promenade , Waterfront Plaza and Central Commons , Vila!!e Green. Entr Plaza
as well as the Central Neighborhood Park and Mini-J Parks wil serve the Catellus ...Iameda
Bavoort Alameda Landing Project employees and residents and the surrounding community. The
design of these parks and open spaces should reflect the recreation and leisure needs of
Alameda employees and residents.
Potential Program Elements
The foIlo'ving list of potential program elements are iatended to suggest activities and facilities
,yhich might be included in the parks Imd opea space:
Recreation Centcr
Ball fields! Courts
Master Plan Amendements
Multi purpose La'Nfl Areas
Picnic / Barbe01:e "\roas
Tot lots / Playground / Bonchos
Pro!!ram elements mav include. subject to avoroval of all aoolicable resource allencies. but not be
limited to:
Kavak and small boat dockin!! and launchinll area
Water shuttle landinfi
Public art and interoretive si!!nalle in the Waterfront Promenade. Waterfront Plaza. Vilaffe
Green. and Tinker Entrv Plaz
Seoarate bicvcle and oedestrian vaths in the Waterfront Promenade
. Ballfields/Courts
Muitiouroose Lawn Areas
. PicniclBarbecue Areas
Tot 10ts/Plav!!roundlBenches
. Restrooms
. Maintenance Buildings buildin!!s
. Community Gardens !!ardens
. Performance Space / Gathering Pavilion / Gazebo svacehmtherin!! oavilion/!!azebo
. Recreation center
All parks and open spaces should have clear entry points and circulation paths.
Restrooms , picnic areas , security lighting, and drinking fountains must be included as aDorooriate
to the scale and function of all Alameda Landin!! oarks. For examole. oublic restrooms mav be
orovided onlv in the Waterfront Promenade and the Waterfont Plaza. should be incI1:ded at all
Potential Gatev/ay Features and
Project Perimeter locations
Project Gateways &: and Markers
Master Plan Amendements
A hierarchy of entries into and within the project shall be established , including principal entries
into the project as a whole , entries into major districts within the project , and entries into
individual building sites.
Principal gateways into the different portions of the project shall be articulated through the use of
highly visible landscape features such as vertical markers , columns , low walls , and accent
plantings to announce the entry and set it apart from the adjacent streetscapes. Special paving and
decorative light fixtures may also be used for structure , and seasonal color plants for accent.
Project identity markers and signage elements may be incorporated to help provide orientation to
motorists and pedestrians.
Major street intersections and the water shuttle landin!!. the site s water-based !!atewav.shall have
an entry or gateway feature as outlined above.
Landscape treatment of these entries wil maintain adequate sight lines for vehicle safety.
Paricular care should be taken in locating trees and hedges at gateways to ensure Dublic safetY
Waterfront Promenade
(Public :ol1 acres)
The Waterfront Promenade orovides a maJOr oublic waterfront Dark. Subiect to receiot of
approval from BCDC and all annlicable resource a!.encies. several key !.uidelines and obiectives
Provide a maior new public Waterfront Promenade that reconnects Alameda to the water and
enhances theCitv's.oDen soace network.
Establish and enhance Dedestrian and bicvcIe connections between the waterfront. the overall
develoDment. and other Alameda nei!!hborhoods and alonl! the waterfont. as well as to the
extent feasible across the Estuarv to Jack London Sauare.
Desi!!n the Waterfront Promenade and Waterfront Plaza to accommodate a variety of active
and Dassive recreation uses.
Provide extensive views and vistas toward and alon!! the water.
Construct waterfront oublic imorovements in ohases with adiacent develooment.
Master Plan Amendements
Provide a water shuttle dockin!! structure.
. Located on top of the existing wharf structure, the Waterfront Promenade wil be a continuous
linear water&ont park providing opportnities for both passive and active recreation.
. The Waterfront Promenade will be open in character to vistas to the Inner Harbor, to Oakland
and to the Bay and San Francisco.
. A wide multi use multiuse pathway along the edge of the existing wharf
, punctuated by
intermittent seating "plaza nodes.can provide for access to the water and generously
proportioned multi-use spaces.
. A series of vehicle, pedestrian" and bicycle. paths wil. connect between Mitchell. Mosley and
the promenade. Avenue and the Waterfont Promenade.
Master Plan for the Citv of Alameda/ Alameda Point Collaborative Site
PurooselIntent 79
, "
Master Plan Obiectives 80
Site Plannin!. 82
This section supplements the information contained elsewhere in the CatcIlus i\l8:eda
Bavoort Alameda Landin!!Project Master Plan (herein afterilereinafter Catellus Master Plan)
regarding the 2.5;acre Alameda Point Collaborative site.
Master Plan Amendements
Master Plan Objectives
Land Use
The project encompasses a 2.5;;acre portion of a 215 acro site formally owned by the US Navy.
The site is part of the Catellus Alameda Project Master Plan. It is located immediately north of
Tinker Avenue between the U.S. Coast Guard housing site and the businoss park g proposed in
the Catollus Master Plan residential develooment.The site is planned for muitiple;:family use , as
shown on the Land Use Site Plan (Catellus.Master Plan , page 1-fcheck #1).
In tho o'ent of problems encountered in transferring the 2.5 acre site ITom the Nav)' to the City,
an alternative site is proposed as shown on tho .AJternati':e Multi Family Sito Map (Catollus
Master Plan, page I 7). This site is located j1:st south of Tinker k:enue and ':/est of Fifth Street.
;h Development Concepts
The Alameda Point Collaborative project establishes a new residential project for formerly
homeless citizens in the midst of a developing community on Alameda Point. The project wil
consist of 39 multiple;:family housing units intended for long-term occupancy by formerly
homeless families.
The project seeks to create a residential project compatible with surrounding uses including the
existing Coast Guard housing to the north and west, the proposed Catollus business park
residential develoDment to the east , and proposed Catellus the Bavoort residential neighborhood
to the south. The project wil be near several public facilties including the College of Alameda
the proposed public school , neighborhood park and waterfront promenade within the Catellus
Bavoort Alameda Landin!.project, and Mi Rubv Brid!!es (formerlv Miler)Elementary School
and child care center. The project also is within walking distance of the numerous retail and
business opportunities in the Webster Street commercial district.
The oroiect wil be linked to adjacent uses and the Alameda community via Tinker Avenue.
Tinker A venue will provide bicycle , pedestrian and automobile access to Alameda Point and the
greater Alameda community, as shown on the Transportation and Circulation Diagram (Catellus
Master Plan , page II 9) dia!.ram
Project Objectives
The objectives of the project are as follows:
Master Plan Amendements
. Expanding the community's supply of housing through the installation of needed site
improvements and the construction of housing, consistent with the existing density and
residential character of Alameda and existing City of Alameda policies and standards
including Measure A.
. Providing diversity in housing opportunities through development of 39 units
of permanent
rental housing for formerly homeless familes.
. Providing housing opportunities for the special needs population.
. Seamlessly integrating the Pf oroiect site into the City of Alameda by ensuring land use
compatibilty within and surrounding the site; creating the same small town character on the
site which is highly valued by the community; and minimizing through -traffc on minor
residential streets.
. Reducing the impact of the automobile and energy consumption by facilitating public transit
opportunities to the site; and providing a connection to the system of bikeways and pedestrian
paths planned for the public streets adjacent to the site.
. Providing adequate vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian access to and within the Project Droiect
site without significant adverse effects on access to existing areas of the City.
. Ensuring that the site, as developed , is suitable for the intended use and consistent with the
protection of human health and the environment prior occupancy.
. Ensuring that the oroiect site design is consistent with the established goals , policies
and objectives of the NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan.
. Integrating the planned project into the existing west Alameda neighborhood fabric, while
creating a unique setting within the City that has a strong and
distinctive sense of place.
Processing Procedures: Master Plan and Development Plan
The Master Plan document serves as the framework for development as weIl as the basis for
review of individual projects. Because the Alameda Point COIlaborative site lies within the
Catcllus Bavoort Alameda Landin!!Master Plan area , conceptual approval of land uses and
adjacent public improvements viI occur occurred at the same time as the C ate lIus
Bavoort Alameda Landin!!Master Plan. Because the Alameda Point Collaborative site is already
included in this area (Site #1), a Housing Element amendment is not needed for this portion of the
Master Plan Amendements
Catellus project but is was required for the remainder of the Catellus Master Plan. The proposed
Catellus Master Plan Bavoort project density of 10 to 11 units per acre as well as the Alameda
Point Collaborative project density of 15 to 16 units per acre are consistent with the existing
General Plan land use designation of Medium Density Residential (8.8 to 21.8 units per acre).
In order to approve the Alameda Point Collaborative Master Plan
, the City of Alameda vil need
to take s0veral took two related actions: 1) rezono(l) rezoned the entire 215;;acre CateIlus Master
Plan site, including the 2.5;;acre Alameda Point Collaborative parcel , to Mixed Use Planned
Development (MX)and 2) appro'le(2) aODroved the Master Plan . for the entire. 215;;acre Catellus
Master Plan site, including the 2.5;;acre Alameda Point Collaborative parcel , which
provide DfOvided conceptual approval of the mix ofJand uses throughout the Catellus Master Plan
site, including multiple;;family residential use on the 2.5;;acre Alameda Point Collaborative parcel.
Following Master Plan approval , the Alameda Housing Authority wil develop detailed
specifications for building types , unit sizes, lot layouts , circulation , landscapi & and other site;;
planning details. The Alameda Point Collaborative project wil be subject to the City's review
procedures for Development Plans and Design Review as specified in the City'
s Mixed;;Use
Planned Development (MX) zoning district and Zoning Ordinance. Development of the site wil
also require City review and approval of Improvement Plans that establish detailed improvements
for roadways and utilities required by the CateIlus Mixed Use Development. BavoortAlameda
Landin!! Mixed-Use Develonment rCOpy OUT?l.
Once the propertyhas been rezoned to Mixed Use Planned Development CMX), all subsequent
All subseauent oroiect approvals must be consistent with the objectives contained in the Alameda
Point Collaborative Master Plan. Follo'.ving Master Plan approval , the The next step is City
review and approval of a detailed Development Plan as called for in the MX zoning district
(Section 30-20 of the City's Zoning Ordinance). Development Plans shaIl include proposed
land uses , population densities and building intensities , school sites and usable open space as part
of the Site Plan as well as other requirements specified in subsection 30-13j of the Zoning
Ordinance (e., a site plan showing streets , landscaping, and topography; a plot plan showing
building sites and open spaces; building elevations; a development schedule; CC&Rs , etc.
Site Plannin!!I. SITE PLANl'UNG
Master Plan Amendements
The Alameda Point Collaborative Master Plan intends to create a high;quality residential
environment for formerly homeless familes that is fully integrated with the other areas of the
Catellus Bavoort/ Alameda Landin!!Master Plan and the City of Alameda.
Design Objectives
Land Use
. Create a strong community image for the Alameda Point Collaborative project.
. Integrate the planned project into the existing west Alameda neighborhood fabric, while
creating a unique setting within the City that has a strong and distinctive sense of place.
. Ensure that basic in&astructure elements wil be functionally and aesthetically integrated
throughout the development.
. EstabJish physical and visual connections between the project and other components of the
CatcIlus BavoortAlameda Landim:MasterPlan.
Encourage pedestrian and bicycle access from the site to
other areas within the Catellus
Bavoort Alameda Landin!;Master Plan and other areas of Alameda.
. Provide adequate open space , play areas and landscaping for use by project residents.
. Provide access to the site via a ne,vly built Tinker Avenue. Tinker Avenue is planned as a
four-lane street with a center turn lane extending from Main Street, to the west of the site, to
Fifth Street, to the east of the site. The City of Alameda is expected to design and build Tinker
Avcnue as 'Noll as to install has desiQ:ed and built two lanes of Tinker Avenue and olans to
construct the additional two lanes and center turn lane. as well as installng utilities within the
right-of-way to service the site.
. Provide suffcient parking (both on-street and off-street) to accommodate parking demand
generated by the residents of the project.
. Provide pedestrian and bicycle connections that link the project site with the proposed bike
lanes , sidewalks and transit stops along Tinker A venue.
. Provide adequate bicycle parking within the project site.
Master Plan Amendements
. .
Work with AC Transit and other potential transit providers to provide public transit service and
stops within walking distance of the site.
On-site ser'/icos Services and facilitios Facilities
Provide the support services needed by formerly homeless families on the site.
Site planning Plannin!l
. Provide 39 multiple,;family units for formerly homeless families.
. Ensure that the overall project density and the residential lots meet City development
. Meet the City's residential height, bulk, and open space requirements as specified in the R-
Neighborhood Residential district.
. Meet the City's noise standards for multiple;family residential uses. Ensure that potential noise
from traffc on Tinker A venue is mitigated to levels appropriate for residential use.
. Provide pedestrian and bicycle access to Mi Rubv Brid!!es (formerlv Miler)School.
. Provide an identifiable boundary and appropriate transition to the existing Coast Guard housing
. Provide an identifiable boundary and appropriate transition to the proposed Catollus businoss
rf mixed-use area that ensures residential privacy.
Architectural 4e Desilm
. Provide an architectural design that is compatible with other residential areas of the CatoIIus
Bavoort Alameda Landin!l Master Plan as well as west Alameda.
. Emphasize architectural elements that provide visual interest to pedestrians including building
articulation , fenestration, building setbacks , and landscaping.
Infrastructure and utilities Utilities
. Provide connections to planned City infrastructure and utilities.
Master Plan Amendements
The project intends to rely on City installation and maintenance of public streets
, sidewalks
landscaping, and utilities to the project propert line. The project wil connect to City sewer
storm;water and electrical lines planned f-or construetion within the Tinker A venue right-of-way.
Thc design and dimensions of the planned portion of Tinker f. venue that lies '.vithin the project
area are contained in the Catellus Mastcr Plan.
Conditons of AODfoval
To be added followinll aooroval bv the City Council
BikeAlameda Develooer Checklist
The foIlowin!! is a list of BikeAlameda s olannin!! !!uidelines for new develooment in Alameda.
incorooratin!! elements of the CitY's 1999 Bicvcle Master PlanfBMP), The oumose of these
!!uidelines is to inform the develooer of best oractices for includin!! bicvcles into new or chan!!in!!
Whv are bicycles imoortant?
Bicycles take uo less soace in the roadwav and on the sidewalk. Four bicycles can ride in the
soace of one automobile and 12 to 14 bicvcles can be oarked in one car oarkinll soace. If less
soace is reserved for tninsoortation. then more can be used for housin!!. retail. commercial. and
ooen sOt)ge.
Master Plan Amendements
Whv would oeoole ride instead of drive?
In !!eneraI. oeoole/customers are inclined to use the easiest means to !!et somewhere.
imoroved with bike lanes or bike oaths. oeoole see bicvclists ridin!! and tend to use their bicycle
more. This encoura!!es even more bicycle ridim!:.
This safe factor includes
bicvclin!. to a destination. When BikeAlameda has orovided secure. valet bicvcle oarkin!! to
events such as the Crab Cove Concerts and the Park Street Art and Wine Faire. oeoole have left
their cars at home (ifthev had one) and biked to the events with the knowled!!e that their bicycles
and accessories would be safe.
How were these !!uidelines formed?
BikeAlameda discussed varIOUS as ects of these
recommendations over a one-Year oeriod.
These !.uidelines incoroorate elements of the CitY of Alameda
1999 Bicvcle Master Plan (BMP)
and the 2001 Alameda CountY Bicvcle Master Plan (ACBMP)' Positive and ne!.ative examoles
in Alameda are cited for comoarison ourooses in oarentheses.
All oaths alon!! the waterfront must be seoarated oedestrian and bicvcle oaths with landscaoin!!
divided. to orevent entan!!lements between faster cyclists/skaters and slower oedestrians.
esoeciallv those with children or oets. or who are disabled or elderlv. (This is bein!! done with
the Tinker Avenue extension. and is unlike the oath along Shoreline Drive.
Class 1 Bike Path width at least 12 feet wide (16 feet if desi!.ated for muitiole uses such as
cvcIin!.. skatin!!. and walkin!!), oer BMP andCaitrans.
Safe entrances and exits to and from roadways. transit nodes. retail districts. and other areas or
destinations (unlike Shoreline Drive oath), Ramos from oaths mer!!e into traffc lanes where
aoorooriate. rather than reouirin!! 90-de!!ee turns and forcin!! a bicyclist to become a
oedestrian. (Good example: Island Drive onto Brid!!ewavRoad.
WelI-si!!ned routes to destinations (unlike Harbor Bav Shoreline oath) to encoura!.e use for
Visible entrance and bike oarkin!! for visitors.
Master Plan Amendements
Meet or beat current citY reauirements for Darking/shower/locker facilties for emolovees.
facilities not inconveniently shared amon!! muitiole buildin!!s.
Meet or beat current AMC reauirement of one bike oarking soace for everv I O car oarking
Parkin!! facilities need to accommodate bicvcles with child/utility trailers.
Contribute to bicvcle/oedestrian water shuttle across Estuar.
Within walkin!!/bikin!! distance from homes.
Bicycle oarkin!! should be easilv accessible and no farther than the closest automobile oarking
Retail Areas
Within walkin!./bikin!. distance from homes.
Meet or beat current city reauirements for oarkinvshower/locker facilties for emoloyees as
with Commercial.
Wide. landscaoed sidewalks to encoura!!e oedestrian use an!: calm traffic.
PlentY of street-level bike oarkin!! for visitors.
Transit stoos inte!!ated into retail areas.
Bike oarkin!! corrals at recreational areas. for safe. longer-term oarkin!! for lar!!e numbers of
oeoole (also accommodatin!! bike trailers),
Lon!!-term bicvcle oarkin!! should strive to emolov an on-demand svstem to maximize the
number of users able to use the lockers (htto://ww.bikelink.org),
Discounts at recreational areas and cultural destinations for bicvclists and transit riders (as
found at Chabot Observatory in Havward and California Academy of Sciences at Golden Gate
Master Plan Amendements
BicvcIe boulevards alon!! several residential streets. to calm automobile traffic but encoura
bicvcIe travel. (Examoles: Waver Iv St. in Palo Alto. several streets in Berkelev.
Discoura!.e lame car usalle (and imorove home architectural stvle) bv avoidin!! Ilara!!e doors
facin!. the streets. lon!! drivewavs. and three-car !!ara!!es.
Effcient but limited on-street oarkin!! intersoersed with traffic-calmin!! measures.
Housinll areas not !!ated or seoarated from adioininll areas. which would deorecate sense of
communitY and hinder bicvcIe/oedestrian travel.
Shoooinil and basic amenities in easv walkin!!/bikin!! distance. e.!!.. corner stores (not iust
liauor and lotto). cafes. suoermarkets. dru!!stores(unJike Harbor Bav).
Several small oarks (with olav!!round/oicnic/communitv !!ardens) throullhout residential areas.
to foster a sense of communitY and discouralle lon!!er trios for familv activities. Bike racks at
these facilities.
. Discounts or other incentives to residents with fewer/no cars.
Bike Routes
Stron!! connections amon!! bike routes. oaths. and lanes.
Caltrans Class II Bike Lanes on maior streets.
Bicvcle boulevards throu!!h some residential streets.
Si!ma!.e indicatin!. destinations alon!. the routes.
Looo detectors sensitive to bicvcles at bike oath intersections. ri!!htmost traffc lanes. and left-
turn lanes. with aoorooriate markin!!s installed.
Street that are not throu!!h streets for cars should stil be thruwavs for bikes/oedestrians (as in
Harbor Bav) and marked as such (unlike Harbor Bav).
Seamlesslv extendin!! existin!! Alameda streets. blocks. bav shore oarks. and ooen soace.
Streets closed to automobile traffc (temoorarilv or oermanentIv) should stil allow bicvcIe
thou!.h traffc unless absolutelv unfeasible.
Transit Nodes
All-dav secure. monitored bike oarkin!!.
BikeabiItv/W alkabiltv
Master Plan Amendements
ncouraQ:e comolete street accessibilty where every street must be bikeable. even retail
streets unlike ParkiWebster. Traffc calmin em 10 ed e eciall in r tail areas and
residential areas.
. All streets with sidewalks.
Sidewalks at least 5 feet to 10 feet wide (unlike Park St. near South Shore).
InteII!!ent olacement and selection of bike racks. Place at reasonable locations where they wil
be needed: use modern desi!rns that accommodate U-locks and lamer frames. Smaller racks
soaced fr Quently (as in Seattle) are nreferable to lamer racks soaced far aOatt.
Construct all bicycle oaths and facilities to the hi!!hest standards for durabiltY. safetY. and ease
of maintenance.
Re!!ular maintenance of bike oaths to keeo them in !!God order.
Bike Parking-Bike Racks
Must be SQuare tubin!! which is more antitheft than the circular tubing.
Many small racks are Dreferred to few lame racks.
There should be lots of inverted U-racks (two to three bikes) alon!! Park Street
one everv 50
For multi bike oarkin!l (more than two) inverted V-rack elements mounted in oarallel rows
should be olaced on 30- inch centers. This allows enomrh room for two bicycles to be secured
to each rack element.
Bike oarkin!! (short term) 50 feet from maior entrances.
Directional sillns to all bike oarkin!!.
ike racks installed on the street are an excellent wa
the sidewalks in a business district. Ten to 14 bikes can be oarked in one auto oarkin!! soace.
The bike rack area should be orotected with bollards for traffc.
Bike Lockers
Lon!! term is for emoloyees in the area. The idea is to encoura!re bikin!. to work bv emolovees
and discouralle their use of oatron bike racks. and to secure all-day stora!.e if the business
cannot accommodate it inside. Short-term bike lockers increase security for business
customers. Short-term use is accomolished via monitored bike oarkin!! or dav-use locker.
Master Plan Amendements
Electronic. on-demand bike lockers rEl Cerrito BART) are oreferable because thev increase the
number of oeoole who have access to them.
Master Plan Amendements
Bayport/Alameda Landing
Project Master Plan
December 2006
Page 6 , first paragraph-change 30 acres to 27.6 acres
Page 6 , fourth paragraph-change 21 acres to 17., both on line 1 and line 4.
Page 8. Revise Phasing Plan to be consistent with text on Page 9 and DDA
Page 9 , fourth paragraph line 4-add word '' between Plan and Sub
Page 13 , second paragraph line 8-delete 'all in accordance with the applicable
Development Agreements
Page 13 , third paragraph line 5-replace 'residential' with commercial (between Landing
and developer)
Page 17 , second paragraph line 6 after 'project', add 'if needed to accommodate
Alameda Point development'
Page 17 , sixth paragraph line 3-delete 'as indicated in the conceptual Circulation
Master Plan diagram
Page 47 , third paragraph line 2-change 11 acres to 7
Page 47 , fourth paragraph line 2-change 21 acres to 23.
Page 47 , fifth paragraph line 4-hange 21 acres to 17.
Page 52 , third paragraph line 3-add '' after Sub-Area 1
Page 80 , first paragraph line 2-change 'Catellus Alameda Project Master Plan ' toBayport Alameda Landing Master Plan
Page 80 , first paragraph line 5-delete '(Catellus Master Plan , Page 6 (check #))'
Page 82 , First bullet under Transportation, line 5-add 'if needed to accommodate
Alameda Point development' after 'turn lane
Alameda Landing
AL Backbone Infrastrcture
ALC developer
ALC site
ALR developer
ALR site
Bayport DA
Bayport developer
Bayport Backbone
Bayport DDA
Bayport site
Future Housing Authority
Exhibit B
Master Plan Subareas 1 3 and 4a and b.
Backbone Infrastrcture for ALC site and ALR site (as defined in
the AL DDA)
Disposition and Development Agreement (Alameda Landing Mixed
Use Project).
Development Agreement (Alameda Landing Mixed Use
Commercial Project) for the ALC site.
Developer of Alameda Landing Mixed Use Commercial Project on
Master Plan Sub-Areas '2 and 3
Master Plan Sub-Areas 1 2 and 3 (Alameda Landing Mixed Use
Commercial Project site)
Alameda Landing Municipal Servces Distrct (s defined in the AL
Developer of Alameda Landing Mixed Use Residential Project on
Master Plan Sub-Area 4a and b
Development Agreement (Alameda Landing Mixed Use Residential
Project) for the ALR site.
Master Plan Sub-Area 4a and b (Alameda Landing Mixed Use
Residential Project site)
Development Agreement for the Bayport site , dated June 6 , 2000 , as
Developer of the Bayport site
Backbone Infrastrcture for Bayport site as defined in Bayport
Disposition and Development Agreement for the Sale and
Development of the FISC and East Housing Sites , dated June 16
2000 , as amended
Bayport Alameda residential project site (described in the Bayport
Future residential sites developed with multifamily affordable
housing consistent with the Clayton Guyton Settlement Agreement.
Attachment B - Master Plan Amendment Ordinance Alameda LandingiBayport Master Plan
Conditions of Approval
Affordable Housing Site
Multifamily Housing Site
(All three affordable housing
sites collectively referred to
as the "Multifamily Sites
Attchment B - Master Plan Amendment Ordinance
The completed 62 Unit Affordable Housing Site.
The 39 Affordable Housing Unit Site located at 401 StargeIl
Alameda LandinglBayport Master Plan
Conditions of Approval
1) The Master Plan Amendment shall not be in force and effect unless and until the following conditions
have been satisfied:
a. The City Council first approves the Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Report
and approves the General Plan Amendment (GPA- 06-001) and it is in effect.
b. The applicant and the Community Improvement Commission (CIC) enter into (i) the
Fifth Amendment to Bayport DDA and (ii) the AL DDA and they are both in effect.
c. The applicant and the City enter into (i) theThird Amendment to the Bayport DA, (ii) the
ALC DA and (iii) the ALR DA , and they are all in effect.
2) Once the Master Plan Amendment is effective , these Conditions of Approval for Master Plan
Amendment MP-06-001 shall supersede the Conditions of Approval for Master Plan MP-99-
Master Plan Amendment MP-OI-001 and Master Plan Amendment MP-04-001.
3) The Project shall be constrcted in substantial compliance with the document titled
BayportAlameda Landing Project Master Plan , dated November 2006 on file in the offce of the
City of Alameda Planning and Building Departent, as modified by these Master Plan conditions.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer shall
be responsible for the ALC site; the ALR developer shall be responsible for the ALR site; the Bayport
developer shall be responsible for the Bayport site; and the Multifamily developers shall be responsible
for Multifamily sites.
4) These conditions run with the land and shall apply to the life of the Project , except as satisfied
pursuant to their express terms.
5) All regulations of the Alameda Municipal Code shall apply to MPA 06-001 except where express
provisions have otherwise been made the Master Plan or in the Bayport DA , the ALC DA or the ALR
, as applicable.
6) The applicant shall not be held in default for non-performance of any conditions required of the City
of Alameda , the CIC , or their respective agents or other agencies or entities for development of
propert, as specified in the Bayport DA , the ALC DA or the ALR DA , as applicable , and the
Bayport DDA or the AL DDA , as applicable.
7) All parcel and tentative parcel maps shaIl be submitted and processed in compliance with the City of
Alameda Subdivision Ordinance and Subdivision Map Act , in accordance with the ALC DA and
ALR DA. A subdivision map is required to create conveyance parcels within Alameda Landing in
accordance with the ALC DA and the AL DDA. A further subdivision map is required for the ALR
Attachment B - Master Plan Amendment Ordinance Alameda LandinglBayport Master Plan
Conditions of Approval
site in accordance with the ALR DA. If further subdivision is requested by the applicant in the ALC
site , the applicant shall submit applications and plans for a subdivision map for consideration and
approval by the City in accordance with the ALC DA.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be asfollows: The ALC developer
shall be responsiblefor thecreation of conveyance parcels within Alameda Landing and any furthersubdivision of the ALC site; the ALR developer shall be responsible for further subdivision of the ALRsites; and Multifamily developers shall be responsible forfurther subdivision of their respective sites.
(Completed for Bayport site.)
8) Specific inftastrcture improvements and constrction conditions shall be established through either a .
Development Plan or a Subdivision Map for each development phase in accordance with City
standards or other agencies responsible for the provision of inftastrctue. These improvements and
conditions shall be subject to the limitations in the Bayport DA , the ALC DA or the ALR DA , asapplicable.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer
shall be responsible for the ALC site and the AL Backbone Infastructure; the ALR developer shall be
responsible for the ALRsites; the CIC shall be responsible for the for Bayport Backbone Infrastructure;
and the Multifamily developers shall be responsible for their respective sites. (Completed for Bayportsite.)
9) All water , gas , electrical and telephone lines shall be installed in accordance with.the requirements of
the Alameda Power and Telecom and other utility companies and to thesatisfactioll of the City
Engineer, in accordance with the applicable Bayport DA, the ALCDA or the ALR DA, as applicable.
All utilities durng the constrction of each development phase shall be underground, to the extent
feasible , unless trk lines are allowed to remain above ground by the City Engineer, except as
otherwise provided intheALC DA with respect to the 1l5kV line. No aboveground utility boxes
shall be placed in the public right of way. All poles , lights , and utility boxes within the public
sidewalk areas shall be to placed to provide at least a 5 foot clear and unobstrcted pedestran path.
When the Development Plans are finalized, the applicant shall contact the East Bay Municipal Utility
District New Business Office and request a water servce estimate to determine costs and conditions
of providing water servce to the Project and shall follow the East Bay Municipal Utility Distrct
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be asfollows: The ALC developer shall
be responsible for the ALC site and the AL Backbone Infrastructure; the ALR developer shall be
responsible for the ALR sites; the Bayport developer shall be responsible for the Bayport site; the CICshall be responsible for the Bayport Backbone Infrastructure; and the developers of the Multifamily sites
shall be responsible for their respective sites.
10) Subsequent to approval of this Master Plan Amendment, the applicant shall submit .
applications and plans for a Development Plan for each building phase of the Project for
consideration and approval by the City. Such Development Plans require Planing Board
action and shall be reviewed by the Planning Director to ensure that subsequent phases are
designed to substantially conform with the Master Plan and these conditions of approval of
this Master Plan and otherwise meet the requirements of Sections 30-, 30-35 and 30-
Attachment B - Master Plan Amendment Ordinance Alameda LandinglBayport Master Plan
Conditions of Approval
ofthe Zoning Ordinance , except as otherwise provided in the Bayport DA, the ALC DA or
the ALR DA , as applicable. The Development Plan process shall provide for review of
detailed site plans , building and landscape treatments as well as compliance with the Master
Plan conditions of approval and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) a
defined in Section 25 below ' as applicable. The Development Plan shall approve the final
site layout , street design, building design and landscaping. Each building site or combination
of sites shall be subject to Design Review. The Design Review process provide for review of
architectural design and building facades , building materials , colors , etc. The Development
Plan and Major Design Review process may occur concurently, in accordance with the Joint
ImplementationAgreement. All Development Plan and Design Review approvals shall be
processed in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance Sections 30-, 30-35 and 30-, the
Bayport DA , the ALC DA or the ALR DA , as applicable.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC
developer shall be responsible for the ALC site and the AL Backbone Infrastructure; the ALR
developer shall be responsible for the ALR sites; the CIC shall be responsible for the BayportBackbone Infrastructure; and the developers of the Mutlifamily sites shall be responsible for
their respective sites. (Completed for Bayport site.)
11) The applicant shall prepare and implement a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program
for the Alameda Landing Project. The goal of the TDM program is to implement on a permanently
funded basis programs and measures intended to reduce peak hour, single occupancy vehicle trips
reduce emissions , and increase awareness and use of alternative modes of transportation. Concurent
with the first Alameda Landing Development Plan , the applicant for the first Alameda Landing
Development Plan shall submit a comprehensive TDM Program for all phases of the Alameda
Landing project , including the residential phases , for review and comment by the Transportation
Commssion prior to Planning Board review and approval. The TDM Program must include at leastthe following components:
a. A proposed organizational structure for the management and operation of the TDM
b. A funding plan adequate to establish the TDM Program , including long term annual
operating and management expenses in accordance with the ALC DA and ALRDA.
c. A transportation systems manager to coordinate , monitor and implement the TDM
program. The manager must be an experienced professional with past experiences
managing Transportation Management Agencies , shuttle servces , servce contracts , and
working with program users. The manager must also work with AC Transit and future
developments at Alameda Point and in the City of Oakland to ensure that the TDM
Program is well coordinated with existing and planned local andregional transportation
services. The manager also shall collaborate with large West End entities (i.West
Alameda Business Association (W ABA), the Alameda Point developer , SummerHouse
the College of Alameda , Marina Vilage , and Independence Plaza) on the shuttle system.
The manager shall encourage W ABA's participation in the TDM program for Alameda
Landing, such as carooling. The TDM Plan shall address phasing in shuttle service to
the Webster Street Business District , when the TDM Manager determnes that suffcient
TDM funds , in accordance with TDM priorities , are available to fund such service.
d. A phasing program describing a schedule forimplementation of the various TDM
program components. The first phase of the TDM program must be operational upon
occupancy of the first 100 000 square feet of commercial space at the ALC site or the
first 150 housing units , whichever occurs first. The first phase program shall include:
Attachment B - Master Plan Amendment Ordinance Alameda Landinglayport Master Plan
Conditions. of Approval
1. A part time TDM coordinator to manage the TDM Program, work with tenants
and residents , and coordinate services with AC Transit , Alameda Oakland Ferr
and Water Transit Authority, Alameda County CMA , W ABA , the City of
Oakland, and Oakland major project developers , including the Oak to Ninth
Proj ect.
ii. Regular shuttle service with suffcient bike racks and indoor space for bicycles
whenthe shuttle is not crowded that provides 30 minute head-way, peak hour
(3.5 hours in the AM and 3.5 hours in the PM), weekday direct service to 12
Street BART station.
iii. A "Guaranteed Ride Home Program" through Alameda County
iv. A Marketing Program, including information brochures and website
v. A completed water shuttle feasiblilty study. Water SJmttle servce to Jack London
Square shall be initiated as soon as feasible , taking into account permitting
requirements and the need to identify an acceptable operational arrangement , and
shall be provided on-demand for at leastone year from initiation of water shuttle
servce.An assessment of feasibility of incorporating zero or low emission
strategies to minimize progratn emissions and maximize use of clean air vehicles
and maximize opportnities to parter with Alameda Power and Telecom.
Ongoing assessments shall be provided as part of the required Anual Report.
VI. The Phase I TDM Program minimum requirements described above in i.) through
) may be adjusted without a Master Plan amendment with the mutual consent of
the Planning Board and the Applicant.
e. The TDM Program may include , but is not limited to , bicycle storage lockers , shower
facilities , bike racks , bike paths , bus shelters , benches , transit passes and informational
signs. Bicycle parking facilities shall be installed in locations convenientto the building
access points. The TDM Program may include parking management strategy for the site
that includes preferential and conveniently located parking for car pools , van pools , and
electrc vehicles.
f. An annual reporting program that documents activities completed under the TDM Plan
and at minimum, annual surveys of all occupied offce and residential uses and retail
employees , an accounting of the TDM program budget expenditues , and TDM shuttle
ridership counts. The annual report should also discuss opportities and efforts to
implement other peak-hour trp reduction and/or trip elimination programs , such as
compressed work weeks , telecommuting, staggered hours , flex-time , incentives for local
hiring. Based on the results identified in the annual report and prof ssional judgment, the
TDM coordinator shall determine whether available TDM funds should be reallocated
between TDMcomponents to maximize the effectiveness of the TDMprogram.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: Whichever project
obtains the first Development Plan approval as between the ALC site and the ALR site shall implement
this condition. (HI A to Bayport site.)
12) The appljcant (or City or CIC , as appropriate) shall obtain all required regional permits including but
not limited to permits from the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), the U.
Ary Corps of Engineers and the Regional Water Quality Control Board, prior to conducting any
constrction activities over which such regional agency has permitting authority.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer
shall be responsible for the ALC site and the AL Backbone Infrastructure; the ALR developer shall be
Attachment B - Master Plan Amendment Ordinance Alameda Landingffayport Master Plan
Conditions of Approval
responsible for the ALR sites; the CIC shall be responsible for the for Bayport Backbone Infrastructure;
and the Multifamily developers shall be responsible for their respective sites.. (Completed for Bayportsite.)
13) Prior to constrction of each Development Plan building phase , the applicant shall:
a. Submit a constrction plan for each Development Plan building phase which wil outline
the sequence of actions including: staging of constrction activities , schedule , final
grading, construction within BCDC jurisdiction (if applicable), and all other constrction
activities.b. Prior to commencement of any constrction activity, the applicant shall coordinate a
meeting with City Staff and the Contractors team to discuss the Conditions of Approval
on the Project, as well as the required mitigation measures in the approved Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program. The intent is that the Contractor fully understand the
actions necessary to implement the mitigation measures and to comply with the
conditions of approval of the City of Alameda.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer
shall be responsiblefor the ALC site; the ALR developer shall be responsible for the ALR sites; the
Bayport developer shall be responsible for the Bayport site; and the developers of the Multifamily
projects shall be responsible for their respective sites. (Completed for 62 unit Affordable Housing Site.)
14) Each phase of the project shall comply with the procedures and requirements of the City of Alameda
Waste Mangement and Recycling Ordinance.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer shall
be responsible for the ALC site; the ALR developer shall be responsible for the ALR sites; the Bayport
developer shall be responsiblefor the Bayport site; and the Multifamily developers shall be responsible
for their respective sites. (Completed for 62 unit Affordable Housing Site.)
15) The applicant shall incorporate water conservation measures for both internal and external use in the
design and constrction ofthe Project, in accordance with the approved Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program. This should include the use of equipment, devices and methodology that furer
water conservation and provide for the effcient use of water to the reasonable satisfaction of the City,
in accordance with the Bayport DA, the ALC DA or the ALR DA , as applicable.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer shall
be responsible for the ALC site; the ALR developer shall be responsiblefor the ALR sites; the Bayport
developer shall be responsible for the Bayport site; and the Multifamily developers shall be responsible
for their respective sites. (Completedfor 62 unit Affordable Housing Site.
16) Disabled Parking: According to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a number of off-street
parking spaces must be reserved for the disabled. The exact number of required disabled parking
spaces wil depend on the number of off-street parking required for this particularproject. The
location of the disabled parking spaces should be. located near the entrance to the facility.
Appropriate disabled parking signs and pavement markings must be installed at the designated
parking spaces.
Attachment B - Master Plan Amendment Ordinance Alameda Landing/Bayport Master Plan
Conditions of Approval
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as
follows: The ALC developer shall
be responsible for the ALC site; the ALR developer shall be responsible for the ALR sites; and theMultifamily developers shall be responsible for their respective sites. (N/A to Bayport site)
17) Public Safety and Security. The ALC site operators shaIl provide adequate on-site security for the
ALC site , in consultation with the Police Departent. All ALC Development Plans including any
portion of the Waterfront Promenade shall be reviewed to ensure that emergency call boxes are
provided along Waterfront Promenade. The ALC project should also include provisions for a well
designed , unobtusive wireless telecommunication facilities to ensure and provide adequate cell phonereception in the area.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer shallbe responsible for the ALC site. (N/A to ALR site, Bayport site and the City sponsored affordable housing
18) Internal Circulation and Safety. Each Alameda Landing Development Plan wil include a traffc
circulation analysis prepared by a traffic engineer that ensures that the planned internal circulation
provides for adequate automobile queuing, adequate distances between driveways , an adequate
number of driveways , and adequate commercial vehicle access to ensure safe operating conditions
within the development , in accordance with theALC DA or the ALR DA, as applicable.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this conditon shall be as follows: The ALC developer shall
be responsible for the ALC site. The ALR developer shall be responsible for the ALR site. (N/ A toBayport site and the City sponsored affordable housing projects.
19) Storm drainage shall meet the City of Alameda 8 Municipal Code and RWQCB Requirements for
storm drain system, in accordance with the BayportDA , the ALC DAandthe ALRDA , as
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer shall
be responsible for the ALC site and the AL Backbone Infrastructure; the ALR developer shall be
responsible for the ALR sites; the Bayport developer project shall be responsible for the Bayport site; theCIC shall be responsible for the Bayport Backbone Infrastructure; and the developers of the Multifamily
projects shall be responsible for their respective sites. (Completed for 62 unit Affordable Housing Site.)
20) Sewers shall meet the City of Alameda s Municipal Code and EBMU Requirements for sanitary
sewer system at time of permt submittal , in accordance with the Bayport DA , ALC DA or ALR DA
as applicable.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer
shall be responsible for the ALC site and the AL Backbone Infrastructure; the ALR developer shall be
responsible for the ALR sites; the Bayport developer project shall be responsible for the Bayport site; theCIC shall be responsible for the Bayport Backbone Infrastructure; and the Multifamily developers shall
be responsible for their respective sites. (Completed for 62 unit Afordable Housing Site.)
21) Grading shall meet the City of Alameda s Municipal Code Requirements for grading, in accordance
with the Bayport DA , the ALC DA or the ALR DA , as applicable. Any work within a flood plain
shall be so noted on all grading and improvement plans.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be asfollows: The ALC developer
shall be responsible for the ALC site and the AL Backbone Infrastructure; the ALR developer shall be
Attachment B - Master Plan Amendment Ordinance Alameda Landing/ayport Master Plan
Conditions of Approval
responsible for the ALR sites; the Bayport developer project shall be responsible for the Bayport site ' the
CIC shall be responsible for the Bayport Backbone Infrastructure ' and the Multifamily developers shall
be responsible for their respective sites. (Completed for 62 unit Affordable Housing Site.
22) BCDC Permit:The project encroaches into the Bay Conservation and Development Commission
(BCDC) 100' shoreline band and therefore falls within their jurisdiction. Any additional requirements
or conditions that BCDC may have with regards to this project must be incorporated into the design
and shown on the improvement plans prior to issuance of permit.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer shall
be responsible for the ALC site and the AL Backbone Infrastructure,' the CICshall be responsible for the
Bayport Backbone Infrastructure. (N/A to ALR sites, Bayport site and the Multifamily project sites.)
23) Ary Corps of Engineers : Any additional requirements or conditions that the Ary Corps may have
with regards to this project must be incorporated into the design and shown on the plans. This
includes work occurng below mean high water and/or involving bulkheads , riprap, piers , ramps
floats , mooring piles , dolphins , and/or dredging.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this conditon shall be as follows: The ALC developer
shall be responsible for the ALC site and the AL Backbone Infrastructure; the CIC shall be responsible
for the Bayport Backbone Infrastructure. (N/A to ALR sites, Bayport site and the Multifamily projects.)
24) Any amendments to the Master Plan shall be subject to the provisions established in the Master Plan
and the Bayport DA, ALC DA or ALR DA, as applicable. Major amendments to this Master Plan
shall remain within the authority ofthe City Council. The determination of minor and major
amendments shall be processed in accordance with the Bayport DA, ALC DA or ALR DA , as
25) Prior to the issuance of any building permt, the permttee shall acknowledge in wrting all of the
conditions of approval of the Master Plan and must accept this Master Plan subject to those
conditions and with full awareness of the provisions of Chapter 30 of the Alameda Municipal Code in
order for the Master Plan, as approved herein to be exercised.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as follows: The ALC developer shall
be responsible for the ALC site; the ALR developer shall be responsible for the ALR sites; the Bayport
developer shall be responsible for the Bayport site; and the Multifamily developers shall be responsible
for their respective sites. (Completed for 62 unit Affordable Housing Site.
26) The applicant shall comply with the provisions identified as the responsibility ofthe applicant in the
Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program , as amended, prepared for the BayportAlameda
Landing Mixed Use Development Project.
The allocation of rights and obligations under this condition shall be as indicated in the MMRP.
Attachment B - Mastcr Plan Amendment Ordinance Alameda Landinglayport Master Plan
Conditions of Approval
NOTICE. The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein include certain fees and other exactions.
Pursuant Government Code Section 66020 (d) (I), these Conditions constitute written notice of the
amount of such fees , and a description of the dedications , reservations and other exactions. You are
hereby furher noticed that the 90 day appeal period, in which you may protest these fees and other
exactions , pursuant to Government Code Section 66020 (a) has begun. If you fail to file a protest within
this 90 day period complying with all the requirements of Section 66020 , you wil be legally barred ITomlater challenging such fees or exactions.
IIttachment B - Master Plan Amendment Ordinance Alameda LandinglBayport Master Plan
Conditions of Approval
I, the undersigned , hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and
regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular
meeting assembled on the 2 dayof January, 2006 by the following vote to wit:
AYES:CouncilmembersdeHaan , Gilmore . Matarrese , and Mayor
Johnson - 4.
ABSTENTIONS:Councilmember Tam - 1.
IN WITNESS , WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of
said City this 3rd day of January, 2007.
Lara Weisiger , City Clerk
City of Alameda