Ordinance 3088CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE No 3088 New Series AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE CONTAINED IN CHAPTER XXX (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) TO ENSURE CONSISTENCY BETWEEN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA GENERAL PLAN AND THE CITY OF ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THOSE LANDS GENERALLY REFERRED TO AS "ALAMEDA POINT ". BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Alameda: Findings: In enacting this Section, the City Council finds as follows: 1. The amendments maintain the integrity of the General Plan. The proposed zoning text amendments are necessary to ensure that future reuse and redevelopment of Alameda Point is consistent with the polices, objectives and standards established by the 1996 Naval Air Station Alameda Community Reuse Plan and Chapter 9 of the City of Alameda General Plan for Alameda Point by amending the zoning to support future decision making regarding public and private investment in Alameda Point and to support: a. The seamless integration of the former Naval Air Station property into the physical and social fabric of the City of Alameda. b. Replacement of the jobs lost by the departure of the Navy and fostering new economic development opportunities on the former federal lands. c. Increased public access to the waterfront and supporting maritime commercial and industrial use of the waterfront. d. Creation of mixed -use transit oriented walkable districts that deemphasize the automobile and support alternative modes of transportation, and e. Creation of sustainable districts that minimize greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water use, and maximize protection of the natural environment. 2. The amendments will support the general welfare of the community. The proposed zoning text amendment will support the general welfare of the community by establishing appropriate permitted and conditionally permitted uses and development standards to ensure that new uses and new development are consistent with community values and goals for the area and support the general welfare of the community by providing employment, open space, recreation, and other community benefits to all Alameda citizens. 3. The amendments are equitable. The proposed zoning text amendments are equitable in that they establish appropriate processes and procedures for the review of future development proposals and new uses that balance the community's need to facilitate reuse and redevelopment of Alameda Point, while also providing appropriate oversight and discretion for individual applications. 4. California Environmental Quality Act. For purposes of compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a Final Environmental Impact Report for the Alameda Point Project, (State Clearinghouse No. 2013012043) was prepared and certified by the City Council on February 4, 2014. Section 1. Section 30 -3.1 Designation of Districts shall be amended to include "NAS Alameda Point Section 2. Section 30 -4 District Uses and Regulations shall be amended to include a new subsection 30 -4.24 (AP, Alameda Point District) as shown below: Section 30 -4.24 Alameda Point A. Purpose This section provides regulations to facilitate and guide future development at Alameda Point consistent with the goals and objectives of the 1996 Naval Air Station (NAS) Alameda Community Reuse Plan, the City of Alameda General Plan, and: i. Seamlessly integrate the former Naval Air Station property into the physical and social fabric of the City of Alameda. ii Replace the jobs lost by the departure of the Navy and fostering new economic development opportunities on the former federal lands. iii. Increase public access to the waterfront and supporting maritime commercial and industrial use of the waterfront. iv. Create mixed -use transit oriented walkable districts that deemphasize the automobile and support alternative modes of transportation. v. Create sustainable districts that minimize greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water use, and maximize protection of the natural environment. B. Applicability The regulations in this section are applicable to all properties within the Alameda Point Zoning District. In addition to these regulations, all new construction, alterations, and land use within the Alameda Point Zoning District must comply with the following permit requirements. Alameda Municipal Code. Regulations in the Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) not covered by this section remain applicable to the Alameda Point Zoning District, including but not limited to Section 13 -19 (Green Building Requirements) and Section 30 -58 (Water Conservation and Bay Friendly Landscaping Requirements). When the content of this section conflicts with the AMC, this section shall govern. Waterfront Town Center Sub - district and Main Street Neighborhood Sub- district Master Plan Required. Any proposal to construct any new building that establishes a new use within the AP -Main Street Neighborhood or AP- Waterfront Town Center Sub- districts shall require approval of a Master Plan, consistent with AMC Section 30 -4.20 MX Mixed Use Planned Development District regulations. Master plans may be prepared for all or a portion of the Sub - district. iii. Design Review Required for All New Development. All improvements requiring building permits shall be subject to the requirements of AMC 30 -36 Design Review Procedures and AMC 30 -37 Design Review Regulations. All design review applications shall be reviewed for conformance the submittal requirements for a Development Plan as required by AMC 30 -4.13 (j), the regulations of this Section and the applicable sections of the Citywide Design Review Manual. Biological Regulations and On -Site Lighting. All new construction projects, alterations to existing buildings and new uses shall comply with the conditions set forth in the Declaration of Restrictions for the Former Naval Air Station (Declaration) consistent with the Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife and Exhibit C (Alameda Point Lighting Mitigation Measures) of the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Alameda and Department of Veteran's Affairs. v. NAS Alameda Historic District Guidelines. All new construction and modifications to existing buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District should be consistent with the Guide to Preserving the Character of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District, as amended, and AMC Section 13- 21(Preservation of Historical and Cultural Resources). vi. Public Trust Exchange Act and Agreement. All use of land and existing buildings and new construction shall be reviewed for consistency with Naval Air Station Alameda Public Trust Exchange Act, Chapter 734, Statutes of 2000, as amended by Chapter 429, Statutes of 2011 and Naval Air Station Alameda Exchange Agreement regarding Public Trust Lands at Alameda Point, referred to collectively in this section as the Public Trust Exchange Agreement. vii. Alameda Point Environmental Impact Report Mitigation Monitoring Program. All new development and uses shall be reviewed for consistency with the 2014 Alameda Point Environmental Impact Report adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. viii. Alameda Point Master Infrastructure Plan. All new development and uses shall be reviewed for consistency with the Alameda Point Master Infrastructure Plan. ix. Alameda Point Master Transportation Demand Management Plan. All new development and uses shall be reviewed for consistency with the Alameda Point Transportation Demand Management Plan. C. Alameda Point Sub - district Purpose Descriptions The Alameda Point Zoning District is comprised of six Sub - districts. Each Sub- district includes a specific set of regulations designed to achieve the following purposes and intent: Waterfront Town Center (WTC) - This Sub - district provides lands for a mix of uses that include waterfront and visitor - serving uses, including retail, service, entertainment, lodging, recreational, and medium to high- density residential uses. Development standards are intended to create a pedestrian, bicycle, and transit supportive urban environment designed to de- emphasize the automobile and create a mixed -use environment that supports the emergence of a transit and pedestrian- friendly mixed -use waterfront neighborhood. To ensure that the development of this area achieves these purposes, a master plan is required for this Sub - district. Main Street Neighborhood (MS) - This Sub - district provides lands for a variety of housing types with complementary small - scale neighborhood- serving retail, urban agriculture and parks uses, and a mix of residential densities. Development standards support development of a walkable, transit friendly neighborhood with safe streets, adequate common open space areas, and site planning that complements the NAS Alameda Historic District Residential Subarea character - defining features. Use standards should support a diversity of household types, including supportive housing, assisted living, and a mix of neighborhood compatible uses, such as community gardens, childcare centers, urban farms, and other neighborhood supporting uses. To ensure that the development of this Sub - district achieves these purposes, a master plan is required for this Sub- district. All regulations and standards shall be included in the master plan. iii. Enterprise -1 (E -1) - This Sub - district provides lands for employment and business uses, including office, research and development, bio- technology and high tech manufacturing and sales, light and heavy industrial, maritime, community serving and destination retail, and similar and compatible uses. Development standards are intended to create a pedestrian, bicycle, and transit supportive urban environment and ensure high quality, well designed buildings within walking distance of services, restaurants, public waterfront open spaces, and residential areas. Use standards are intended to encourage and facilitate job growth and limit intrusion of uses that would limit or constrain future use of these lands for productive and successful employment and business use. Enterpise -2 (E -2) - The E -2 Sub - district serves the same purposes as the E -1 Sub- district, but uses in the E -2 area are restricted to uses that are compatible with the Waterfront Town Center. v. Enterprise -3 (E -3) - The E -3 Sub - district encompasses a one hundred foot wide band of land that fronts onto Main Street and the adjacent neighborhood. Main Street fronting residential use is conditionally permitted in this sub - district to create a more seamless integration between the Enterprise Sub - district and the existing Main Street neighborhood. vi. Enterprise -4 (E -4) - The E -4 Sub - district is restricted to maritime uses consistent with the Public Trust Exchange Agreement. Residential and other non - maritime oriented uses are prohibited. vii. Adaptive Reuse — (AR) - This Sub - district provides lands for employment and business uses, including office, research and development, bio- technology and high tech manufacturing and sales, light and heavy industrial, maritime, commercial, community serving and destination retail, and other uses that support reinvestment in the existing buildings and infrastructure within the NAS Alameda Historic District and residential uses are conditionally permitted in two former residential buildings. Development standards are intended to create a pedestrian, bicycle, and transit supportive urban environment that is compatible with the character - defining features of the NAS Alameda Historic District. Use standards are intended to provide a wide range of investment opportunities within the district to encourage private reinvestment in the NAS Alameda Historic District. viii. Open Space (OS) - This Sub - district provides lands for parks, recreation, trails, and large -scale public assembly and event areas consistent with the Public Trust Exchange Agreement. Development standards are intended to support maximum public access, use and enjoyment of these lands, and the protection of natural habitat and wildlife. Use standards are intended to allow for a variety of public open space and compatible uses, such as museums, concessions and parking areas necessary for public use of these lands, in a manner that ensures the protection of the natural environment. Residential, office, and non - visitor serving or non - maritime oriented commercial uses are not permitted in this Sub - district. Nature Reserve /Government (NR \G) - This Sub - district provides lands for wildlife habitat. Use of this area should preserve and protect the natural habitat in this area to the fullest extent possible, compatible with the protection of endangered species and other wildlife and plant life that may inhabit, make use of, or be permanently established within this area. Uses include seasonal public access, on -going management and monitoring and activities related to education and research consistent with federal requirements. Pursuant to Section 30 -4.17, the G, Special Government Combining District Government Combining District applies to this property because the land is owned by the U.S. Government. D. Site Planning and Building Design Requirements This section provides regulations for the placement of buildings and improvements to land. Planned Development and Design Review applications shall be reviewed for consistency with these regulations. Requirements for the Waterfront Town Center and the Main Street Neighborhood Sub - districts shall be included in the required Waterfront Town Center and Main Street Neighborhood Master Plans. i. Building Orientation: All new buildings shall be oriented toward the main adjacent public right -of -way (i.e., public street or public park) and shall provide a main public entrance with direct access to the public right -of -way. ii. Pedestrian Orientation: To support the pedestrian environment and de- emphasize the automobile: a. Surface parking lots or parking structures shall be minimized in size and placed behind or beside the building. Parking lots shall not be placed between buildings and streets. When placed adjacent to a building, the lot shall provide a landscaped 25 foot setback from the public right of way. b. Drive through lanes are prohibited. c. Site improvements shall include bicycle racks, pedestrian pathways through parking areas, pedestrian lighting, and sidewalks and street trees on all streets adjacent to the property. d. Public and commercial service facilities such as Automated Teller Machines shall be conveniently located adjacent to the pedestrian public right -of -way. e. Ground floor windows adjacent to the public pedestrian right -of -way shall provide an unobstructed view into the building for a distance of at least five feet to animate the pedestrian experience. iii. Front Setback: New buildings shall be aligned with the front setback of buildings on the block to maintain a consistent setback and "street wall" along the block and maintain the character of the Sub - district. In cases where a consistent "street wall" of buildings does not exist, the following standards should govern: a. In the Adaptive Reuse Sub - district, the building front setback should be consistent with the setback of the other NAS Alameda Historic District contributing buildings on the block or the adjacent blocks to maintain the character defining features of the NAS Alameda Historic District. A smaller front yard setback may be approved if it can be found that the smaller setback supports a more pedestrian- oriented site plan. b. In the Enterprise Sub - districts, new buildings should be placed as close to the front property line as possible to facilitate pedestrian access. A setback of up to 20 feet may be approved if it can be found that the setback is necessary and appropriate to create a pleasing landscaped buffer between a building over 30 feet in height and the public right of way or a public park. c. In the Open Space Sub - district, new buildings should be placed in a manner that maximizes and supports the open space and recreational uses of the Sub - district. iv. Rear Setback: No rear setback is required, except where: a. The building abuts a residential use or a public open space, a 20 -foot rear setback shall be provided and the height of the rear of the building shall be designed to provide an adequate transition between the height of the building and the adjacent residential building. b. The rear of the building faces a public street or public open space, the rear of the building shall be aligned with the rear or front setback of the existing buildings on the abutting parcels to maintain a consistent "street wall" and the character of the Sub - district. v. Side Setback: No side yard setback shall be required in the Enterprise or Adaptive Reuse Sub - districts, except where: a. Where the parcel or site abuts a public open space or residential use, a 20 -foot side yard setback shall be provided and the height of the rear of the building shall be designed to provide an adequate transition between the height of the building and the adjacent residential building. b. The side yard abuts a public street, the side yard setback shall be sufficient to align the building with the front setback of the adjacent buildings. c. In the Adaptive Reuse Sub - district, the side street facing setback should be consistent with adjacent contributing NAS Alameda Historic District structures on the side street, unless a finding can be made that the proposed setback is consistent with the character defining features of the NAS Alameda Historic District. d. In the Open Space Sub- district, new buildings should be placed in a manner that maximizes and supports the open space and recreational uses of the Sub - district vi. Setback Landscaping: In cases where a front or side yard setback that faces a public street or public open space is provided, that setback area shall be landscaped or improved for public use. In the Adaptive Reuse Sub - district, the landscape plan shall be consistent with the Cultural Landscape Guidelines. To protect the endangered species, no landscape materials may be planted in the Open Space Sub - district lands located west of Saratoga Street that are capable of growing over 20 feet in height. vii. NAS Alameda Historic District: Within the NAS Alameda Historic District areas within the Adaptive Reuse Sub - district, new building design and architectural detailing shall be compatible with adjacent structures and complement the historic character of the NAS Alameda Historic District. E. Building Height Requirements Adaptive Reuse Sub - district. The maximum building height in the Adaptive Reuse Sub - district shall be determined by the height of the adjacent NAS Alameda Historic District contributor buildings. In cases where the adjacent buildings differ in height, the tallest adjacent contributing building shall be the determining building height. The height of the new building shall not exceed the height of the adjacent contributor buildings. In the area west of Monarch Street, all new buildings and additions to existing buildings shall be reviewed for consistency with the special building height and placement requirements set forth in the Declaration. ii. E -1 and E -4 Sub - districts. The maximum permitted height for any building shall be 100 feet, except that any building proposed within 100 feet of the Encinal High School property shall be limited to 35 feet in height and any building or portion of building within 100 feet of the West Hornet Avenue right - of -way shall not exceed 40 feet in height. i. E -2 Sub - district. The maximum permitted height for any new building shall be 75 feet. iv. E -3 Sub - district. The maximum permitted height for any new building shall be 35 feet. v. Open Space Sub - district. Consistent with the Declaration, the maximum permitted height for any new building in this Sub - district on lands west of Saratoga Street shall be 20 feet. New buildings proposed on Open Space Sub - district lands east of Saratoga Street may exceed the 20 -foot height limit, if necessary, to accommodate a desired use with approval of a conditional use permit. F. Building Types and Building Frontage Design Table A: Building Form and Site Design Standards identifies the building types and frontage types permitted (P), conditionally permitted (C), or not permitted ( -), within each sub - district. Standards for the Waterfront Town Center and the Main Street Neighborhood shall be included in the required Waterfront Town Center and Main Street Neighborhood Master Plan. Table A— Building Type and Frontage Typed') Building Type Commercial Block P Workplace P Parking Structure P P Work -Live Stacked Flat Multiplex Row house Courtyard Housing Single Family Detached Carriage House Adaptive Reuse of Existing Buildings Frontage Type P P P P Storefront Formal Entry Forecourt P P P P P P P Stoop (a): For definitions and descriptions of building types refer to the Citywide Design Review Manual G. Use and Parking Regulations Use Regulations Table. Table B indicates the land uses that are permitted "by right" (P), by conditional use permit (C), or not permitted ( -), within each Sub- district. Conditional use permits may be granted pursuant to the procedures and standards of Section 30 -21.3 and .4. Off - street parking regulations (as defined below) are included in Table B for each land use. ii. Waterfront Town Center and Main Street Neighborhood Sub - district Uses. Permitted and conditionally permitted uses in the Waterfront Town Center and the Main Street Neighborhood shall be included in the required Waterfront Town Center and Main Street Neighborhood Master Plans. Interim uses proposed in the Main Street Neighborhood and Waterfront Town Center Sub- districts prior to adoption of a Master Plan for the area shall be consistent with Table B. iii. Open Space Sub - district Uses. Uses proposed in the Open Space Sub - district shall be consistent with Section 30 -4.19 Open Space District, provided that all use of these public lands shall require approval of a Conditional Use Permit and be reviewed for consistency with the Public Trust Exchange Agreement. v. Similar and Accessory Uses. If a proposed use is not listed in Table B Allowed Land Uses as a permitted or conditionally permitted use, it shall not be permitted unless the Community Development Director or the Planning Board determines that the proposed use is substantially similar to a use specified as a permitted or conditionally permitted use in that Sub - district. Such determination shall not permit the establishment of any use that would be inconsistent with the statement of purpose of the Sub - district in question, and no interpretation shall have the effect of amending, abrogating, or waiving any other standard or requirement established in these regulations. Accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses when on the same lot are permitted. Accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above conditional uses when located on the same lot are conditionally permitted with the granting of a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to AMC, Section 30 -21.3 or 30 -21.4. v. Work /Live Uses. Work /Live uses shall be consistent with Section 30 -15, except that in the Alameda Point Zoning District, work /live units may be allowed in new buildings consistent with the Work /Live type described in the Design Review Manual. Projects that are eligible for Density Bonus waivers pursuant to Section 30 -17 may include Work /Live that are not consistent with the requirements of Section 30 -15. vi. Multifamily Housing. Proposals to construct multifamily housing or adaptively reuse a non - residential building for multifamily housing shall be accompanied by an application for a Density Bonus and a waiver of the multifamily prohibition in AMC 30 -53. Within the Adaptive Reuse Sub- district, multifamily residential use may be conditionally approved with a Density Bonus application and waiver only in contributing structures Buildings 2, 4, and 17. vii. Outdoor Operations and Activities. Any use that is normally conducted within a building and permitted by the zoning may be permitted outdoors with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. viii. Adaptive Reuse Sub - district between Saratoga and Lexington Streets. All use of these lands and existing buildings shall be reviewed for consistency with the Public Trust Exchange Agreement. ix. Fireworks, Aircraft, and Feeding Stations. To protect the California Least Tern endangered species, fireworks displays and the operation of aircraft shall not be permitted between April 1 and August 15. Feral cat feeding stations and colonies, and the feeding of any native and non - native wildlife species that are potentially predators of least terns are prohibited. x. Interim Uses. Use permits may be issued for interim uses that may not be permitted or conditionally permitted as set out in Table B, provided that Interim Use Permits provide opportunities for short-term uses and activities for a defined period of time, not to exceed five (5) years that are not intended to be permanent uses but are transitional in nature, generally allowing for emergency situations, construction and remediation activities, or the cultivation and establishment of small, low- overhead businesses and their eventual relocation into permanent structures. xi. Table B: Allowed Land Uses and Off - Street Parking Requirements Residential, Open Space and Lodging Use Sub- district Parking E -1 E -2 E -3 E -4 AR WT C MS Reserve d Dwelling unit (multifamily) - - C - C P (d) 1.5 (a) Dwelling unit (single family) - - C - - - P (d) Bed and Breakfast - - C - P P P 0.75 (b) Hotels - P - - P C C 0.75 (b) Community Garden - - P - P P P (c) Parks /playground s/ sports fields C C C - P P P (c) Trailheads, Trails, and comfort stations P P P P P P P (c) Artist Studio C C C - P P P 0.30 Work /Live - C C - C C C 1.00 (a) �a) paces per unit. (b) Spaces per room. (c) Spaces allowed determined by parking demand study (d) To be determined by the Main Street Neighborhood Master Plan Commercial and Retail UMMIERIE 11111111111111E3 Office Large Format Retail Sub-district PP PIIMIP 11111111 - Parking Parking E4 AR FAN eResery 11111111111111 PP 2.65 3.40 Retail P P 181111111. P P mg 3.40 Retail, catalog and mail order Retail, plant nursery P P 1111111111.1 IIIIIIIII P P C IIII IIIIIIII 2.00 2.00 Grocery - IIIIIIM P - MN P P 3.40 Convenience stores P P C III P P IIIII 3.40 Art Galle Ill 0 P 1111111 P P P 0.50 Cafe Catering services Restaurant P P IIIIII 0 M=1181. C C 11.11 P IIII P P P pm 6.90 C IIII 2 . 00 P C 6.90 Bars/Tavern Banks and financial services Repair business (consumer products) 111111111 C 11.111.1111111.11E11111111111=11 C C IIIII P P I2 III 6-90 . 65 P P III 2.00 Personal Services ________ i 0 1111 - 11111 2.00 Liquor Store Urban Farm - - 11•111M1111•11:11111111 IIIIMEINEINIMMIll 0 C - P 2.00 Elm Education and Assembl Use Sub-district Parking E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 AR WT C MS Resery ed Animal shelter C C - - P - - 2.00 Clubs, Halls, Centers - C C - P P C 6.90 Conference Center - C - - P P P 6.90 Library - C C - P P P 1.00 Museum C C C C P P C 1.00 Theater /Entertainment C C C - P P C (c) Multiple Screen III - 1111111111111 theatre Religious 1111111 P III P Assembly - III P Parking 6.00 Health and ME P 1111 P fitness facilities P P 2.00 Hospitals 111.1=11.111.11111 P Elli 2.50 Health Clinic EIMMENE11121E1111E111C11•1111 Government facilities and offices Post Office - 13111111.111.11 P P 1111111111 P - P P P P MEIN P P C 2.50 2.00 2.00 0 11111 P P P 3.40 Funeral Home 1111E111.11.111.1MMIMMIll P 2.00 Teaching studios (art, dance, fitness, music) C C C - P P P 1.50 CollegeNocation al School C P Mill11111111 C MIL IIIIIIIII 0 1111 Millall P P P I/IIII (C) MI MEM (d) Schools C Eniergency Shelter Child Care Family Day Care with 7 or more children - - C - P P P Family Day Care with 6 or fewer - - 1111111111 P P P (d) e) Same as welling unit Transportation Services Use Sub-district Parking E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 AR WTC MS Resery ed Transit Station/ferry terminal P P P C P P P (c) Car or Bike sharing facility P P P P P P P (c) Automobile, sales, rental and leasing C C - - P C - 1.25 Automobile service/repair C _ C - - 0 - - 2.00 Gas Station 0 0 - - - 0 - 2.00 Parking, garage or surface lot CC Parking C 0 0 0 C N/A Bus Shed /Maintenan ce Facility C C - - P - - 2.00 Marine Use Sub - district Parking E-1 5 -2 E -3 E -4 AR WTC MS Resery ed Marine research P P C P P P - 1.75 Maritime workplace P P C P P P C 2.00 Maritime wholesaling P P - P P C - 3.40 Boat sales and repair, fuel sales. P 0 - P P C - 1.50 Maritime Concessions - C - P P C - 1.00 Boating clubs or schools - C - P P P - 1.00 Commercial Marina - - - P C C - 0.40 Dry Boat Storage (outdoor) C - - P C - - 0.40 Industrial Use Sub- district Parking Resery ed E -1 E -2 E -3 E -4 AR WTC MS Building materials storage /contract or yards C - - - C - - 0.40 Food and beverage manufacturing P C C _ - P C - 0.65 Industrial, Light P C - P P C - 0.65 Industrial, Heavy C - - P C - - 0.65 Industrial Arts C CC C P C - 0.65 Utilities- Large C C C CC C - 0.50 Utilities -Small P P C P P P P 0.50 Printing and publishing P P C - P C - 0.50 Specialty trade contractors and businesses P C C C C C C 0.50 Storage, outdoor C C - C C C - 0.40 Storage, indoor P P C P P C - 0.40 Wholesaling and distribution C C - C P C - 0.50 xii. Transit Oriented Development Parking Regulations. The off - street parking ratios in Table B and the following parking requirements are intended to: a. Supplement the supply of shared public parking at Alameda Point that is shared and priced to support the Transportation Demand Management Program trip reduction goals; b. Limit the supply of privately controlled off - street parking spaces; and c. Support a walkable, bicycle - friendly, and transit - oriented community. xiii Off - Street Parking and Loading Regulations. Applications for the reuse and /or redevelopment of land at Alameda Point shall be reviewed for conformance with the provisions of AMC Section 30 -7 Off Street Parking and Loading and the provisions of this section, including Table B. When the content of this section conflicts with the AMC, this section shall govern. In Table B, all requirements are enumerated in spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area unless otherwise noted. xiv. Reserved Parking. The Reserved Parking ratios presented in Table B represent the maximum number of off - street parking spaces that may be provided on the subject site for the private use of site occupants and visitors. There are no minimum off - street parking requirements. xv. Exceeding Reserved Parking Ratio. The maximum reserved parking allowed may be exceeded only upon issuance of a use permit from the Planning Board, if the Board is able to make, all of the following determinations: a. Reasonable parking and transportation demand management measures are being implemented to reduce the need for the additional off street parking; b. The additional parking demand cannot reasonably be accommodated through contract or other arrangement such as shared parking or reciprocal parking agreements making use of other available off -site parking; c. The additional spaces reflect parking demand that exceeds that which is common for this use as categorized in Table B, owing to unique characteristics of the users or the activity that result in a high level of automobile parking demand; and d. The additional parking will enable or facilitate positive environmental or other benefits which outweigh adverse effects, such as additional traffic and congestion, danger to public safety or deterioration of travel conditions for pedestrians, cyclists or users of public transit. In its decision the Planning Board shall cite evidence supporting its determinations, and may impose such conditions as are necessary to mitigate all negative impacts on the neighborhood and the environment which would otherwise result from the increased amount of parking. xvi. Unbundled Parking. The following rules shall apply to the sale or rental of parking spaces in new multi -unit residential buildings of ten units or more: a. All off street parking spaces shall be leased or sold separately from the rental or purchase fees for the individual units for the life of the units, such that potential renters or buyers have the option of renting or buying a unit at a price lower than would be the case if there were a single price for both the unit and the parking space(s). b. In cases where there are fewer parking spaces than units, the parking spaces shall be offered to the potential buyers or renters of the largest units first. c. Potential buyers and renters of affordable residential units have an equal opportunity to buy or rent a parking spaces on the same terms and conditions as offered to the potential buyers and renters of market rate units, at a price proportional to the sale or rental price of their units as compared to comparable market rate units. This stipulation shall be included in any agreement recorded between the City and the developer pertaining to the affordable housing units. d. Parking spaces shall be offered only to residents and tenants served by the off- street parking, except that any surplus space may be rented out to non- residents or non - tenants with the provision that such spaces must be vacated on 30 day notice if they become needed by tenants or residents. e. Affordable units which include financing requirements that conflict with these provisions may be granted an exception from these provisions by the Community Development Director or Planning Board. xvii. Open Space Sub- district Parking Requirements. Parking requirements for use of Open Space Sub - district lands shall be determined within the context of the Conditional Use Permit process for the proposed use. Section 3. The Citywide Zoning Map shall be amended to change the zoning designation for the parcels shown in Exhibit A. Zoning Map Amendments. Section 4. Severability Clause. It is the declared intent of the City Council of Alameda that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not be so construed as to render invalid or unconstitutional the remaining provision of this ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Section 6. The above amendments shall be known as and referenced to as Rezoning Amendments No. 217 to Ordinance No. 1277, N.S. Attest: Lara Weisiger, O t Clerk Presi ing Officer of he EXHIBIT A ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS LEGEND Er terpri5e 1 EAP -11) - fneerpise R (AR -43) - Enterprise 1(ANE1) Enxrprise 4 IAREC) - Adaptive Reuse 01"450 W aserfr gat town [grater lAP-1 C) 1 Main Street Neighborhood IAP -■5) - Open Space iA0•05} _ WRAP Reserve IAPrNR) ■ 1 Street Plan frmostro oodsu g drawl A LAM E DA POINT 0i 5TR 1C- PROPOSE:[) ZONING MAP Eehrawy 5, 1114 Sun Froncisco Buy 2000 1000 FE I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 18th day of February 2014, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Tam and Mayor Gilmore — 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 19th day of February, 2014. 18 Lara Weisiger, Clerk City of Alameda