1995-01-17 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 17. 1995 The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m. with President Appezzato presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Mayor Mannix. Reverend Don Taylor, Central Baptist Church, gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas, Mannix and President Appezzato - 5. Absent: None. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY None. CONSENT CALENDAR President Appezzato noted report (95-034) regarding Cable Television franchise renewal was removed from Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *95-028 Minutes of the Regular and Special Council Meetings of January 3, 1995. Accepted. *95-029 Report from Finance Director transmitting Investment Report for period ending December 31, 1994. Accepted. *95-030 Report from Fire Chief regarding Alameda County Operational Area. Accepted. *95-031 Resolution No. 12606 "Designating a City Consultant as the Authorized City Representative to Examine Sales and Use Tax Records." Adopted. *95-032 Filing of Affidavit of City Manager and Chief of Police Pursuant to Section 17-11 of the Charter of the City of Alameda. Accepted for filing. *95-033 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and correct were ratified in the sum of $1,290,482.59. 95-034 Report from Assistant City Manager recommending procedure for Cable Television franchise renewal. Regular Meeting. Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 Vice Mayor Mannix stated that it is fine to pursue the franchise renewal; however, he would like a comment passed on to the cable franchisee: He is concerned over franchisee arbitrarily adding a number of channels which, to him, represents somewhat minimal usage, and then TCI increasing subscribers rates. In response to Councilmember Lucas, the City Manager and Assistant City Manager explained the franchise renewal procedure and proposal process. President Appezzato stated that he would like the City Manager and Assistant City Manager to ensure Council that process will allow for competition if a suitable company believes they have a chance to acquire franchise; and he agrees with concerns addressed by Vice Mayor Mannix and Councilmember Lucas. Councilman Arnerich stated that he would like the discussions between staff and Cable to continue, along with the Advisory Committee; and during the interim, Councilmembers can provide their suggestions through the City Manager's Office. Councilmember Lucas moved the recommendation to initiate franchise renewal process with TCI Cablevision of Alameda, authorize public hearings, and staff develop a Request for Proposals and, following review by Cable Television Advisory Committee, forward for Council approval.] Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. AGENDA ITEMS 95-035 Report on Proposed BART Fare Increases and Presentation by Director Margaret K. Pryor. Don Bergen, Alameda, suggested ways in which BART could save money, before raising fares. Margaret K. Pryor, Director, Bay Area Rapid Transit [BART], addressed Council concerning funding needs and new revenue proposals; noted their extensive public outreach program to brief riders on proposals and give opportunity to express views; stated she appreciates concerns raised in City staff report and will make City's views known to her colleagues before the [BART] Board makes its decision. Director Pryor noted BART staff members are present to respond to technical questions. In response to Councilmember Lucas, Director Pryor explained the fare increases will be dedicated to ADA improvements, extension of the BART system, and rehabilitation purposes. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 In response to Vice Mayor Mannix, Director Pryor discussed how BART's fare structure compares to other systems. Ward Belding, Planning Manager, BART, further detailed comparison of fares. Councilman Arnerich stated that he does not support proposed fare increases; funds should have been reserved for capital improvements; and, at another time, he would like to meet with BART staff and discuss the issues raised this evening. Councilmember DeWitt urged BART not to raise the bus fares, and thanked Director Pryor for providing an opportunity for the public to comment on the matter. President Appezzato stated he supports parking charges for parking garage users, and supports extension of BART into other communities. Vice Mayor Mannix stated nine years without a fare increase represents a degree of good faith. Vice Mayor Mannix moved acceptance of the recommendation as written [to support basic fare increases that reflect a cost of living increase (i.e., 35% year one, and 3% to 4% in years two and three); increase in senior/disabled fare structure (i.e. = 50%) and oppose limiting use to non-peak hours; oppose increases in bus/BART fare instruments including BART Plus and/or Translink; and support parking charges for parking garage users.] Councilmember DeWitt seconded the motion. President Appezzato stated he would not like to see a 35% fare increase in year one. The Public Works Director clarified the intention [in the report] was to recognize the period of time since an increase and that the fare rate should be no more than 35%. President Appezzato stated Example A [BART Times, January 1995, Passenger Publication of BART] appears to be what many people might accept. [Example A proposed three annual fare increases of 15%, 5.3% and 5%.] Director Pryor stated the island of Alameda has not been forgotten by BART which participates in providing the shuttle service AC Transit operates. President Appezzato thanked Director Pryor for attending the meeting. The motion carried by the following voice vote. Ayes: Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 Councilmembers DeWitt, Lucas, Mannix and President Appezzato - 4. Nayes: Councilman Arnerich - 1. Absent: None. 95-036 Public Hearing to consider revised Resolution No. 12607 "Establishing 1995 and 1996 Garbage Rates." (Continued from January 3, 1995 Council Meeting) Barbara Kerr, Alameda, questioned the rates on garbage cans at apartment houses, including 15% discount on multiple cans at one location. Public Works Management Analyst Marge McLean stated the 15% discount is offered by Waste Management to apartment buildings. Councilman Arnerich discussed proposed rates with staff, and stated he wished he had been provided more time to study the comparison and breakdown of rates. Vice Mayor Mannix stated although he is not particularly pleased with an increase, Council probably needs to move on the matter. Vice Mayor Mannix moved to accept the staff recommendation [to adopt resolution establishing garbage rates for 1995 and 1996 as described in the staff report dated January 10, 1995, increase the Senior Discount to 15%, and funds in balancing account be used to offset the cost of the annual residential clean-up for 1995]; Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember DeWitt stated he liked the subsequent proposal submitted by staff. President Appezzato stated he still believes a message must be sent to all utilities, especially the monopolies, that the City is limited in funds and utilities must start taking less profit and deal with the hard times the City is having with the economy. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas and Vice Mayor Mannix - 4. Nayes: President Appezzato - 1. Absent: None. 95-037 Public Hearing to obtain citizens' comments on Housing and Community Development needs. Archie Waterbury, President, Library Board, urged consideration of the need to remove architectural barriers. Barbara Kerr, Alameda, stated that Parrot Village and its adjacent blocks are not included as low-income blocks on the map attached to staff report, and Alameda High School is shown as a low-income block; and errors can have serious consequences. Ms. Kerr further stated that block grants seem oriented to a few particular areas Regular Meeting. Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 9 and not oriented toward neighborhood improvement; part of the City which is north of Lincoln and west of Park Street, is the area of the City which pays almost all of the bills for the social engineering in Alameda, and yet is cut off from any improvement funds to fight blight; suggested a demolition fund be created when owner does not have insurance. President Appezzato stated he would like the City Manager to address those points when issue comes back to City Council. The City Manager responded in the affirmative, and explained that the map referred to by Ms. Kerr is a federal one and staff will look into the matter. Neil P. Sweeney, Alameda, discussed new home mortgage plans and first-time homebuyer seminars, and suggested a community committee be formed. Lois Workman, President, Social Service Human Relations Board [SSHRB], and Judy Tam, Board Member, identified the following needs: Health and Mental Health Services for Children and Youth, Health and Mental Health Services for Families and Individuals, Human Impacts of Base Closure, Homeless Intervention and Prevention Services for Families and Individuals, and Emphasis on Diversity, Community and Empowerment. Ernest Lehtonen, Alameda, stated his support for Four Bridges. Stephen T. Laird, Director, Four Bridges Creative Living Center, encouraged Council to continue funding program. Patricia Gilmore, Four Bridges, Alameda, expressed her appreciation for the program. Michael Hellman, Chair, Mayor's Committee for the Disabled, stated need for architectural barrier removal programs under the CDBG program, and urged that in the CDBG process a more logical and comprehensive strategy be undertaken. Mr. Hellman also urged that eligible agencies and organizations consider Requests for Proposal for disability access projects and to make use of the Mayor's Committee for the Disabled for input. John S. Graham, Alameda, stated if the new Congress cuts back on Social Security and Medi-Cal, senior citizens will be asking the City for more funds. In response to Councilmember Lucas, the Community Development Director explained less neighborhoods are becoming low-income; data gathering capability is basically through the census; and programs exist to assist people based on their incomes. Regular Mecting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 Councilmember Lucas stated that she would like future staff reports to include statistics on the participation of Alameda residents. President Appezzato stated that he would like the information requested by Councilmember Lucas to include success rates. Councilmember Lucas stated when the City is involved in construction or rehabilitation of low-income housing, standards be the same as for non-subsidized housing. President Appezzato stated that he would like statistics on the number of Alamedans who use shelters outside of Alameda. In response to Vice Mayor Mannix, the Community Director explained how low-income brackets are set. In response to Councilman Arnerich, the Community Director stated that there is an increase of 11% of funds over prior fiscal year. Development Development entitlement President Appezzato stated he received a complaint from a business owner regarding the Awning Program, and he [Appezzato] would like an explanation why certain parts of the City receive assistance and others do not in report to Council. Mayor Appezzato added it is important funds be included for the revitalization of the business districts. Councilman Arnerich moved that comments by Council and public be responded to by staff and presented to the City Council. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-038 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Amendment to Existing Lease Agreement with the Linoaks Motel by Reducing Monthly Rental Rate." Introduced. Marion Miller, Alameda City Employees Association, stated she is against lowering rates; noted how City and employees worked toward saving money; and reducing rental on Linoaks appears to be a step backward. The Assistant City Manager stated any reduction in revenue from Linoaks does not go to General Fund, the monies are dedicated to repayment of Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) and Library Construction Funds; and explained reasons for proposal, noting that Council is looking toward that property for other uses and if it is not kept as a motel, in the interim he would like to see income produced from the property. Councilmember Lucas stated it is clear the City must negotiate with the current operator or there may be no operator. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 Replying to Vice Mayor Mannix, the Assistant City Manager stated the first $162,000 of revenue from the Linoaks is pledged to repay the UDAG loan, and there would not be enough [revenue] to repay the loan, nor any [revenue] for the Library Construction loan. Councilmember DeWitt inquired if the City is over the hurdle of getting the motel cleaned up so more people would be willing to rent there, to which the Assistant City Manager replied that no calls to the Police Department for services have been made for the past four months. Responding to Councilman Arnerich, the Assistant City Manager stated the operator would be agreeable to six months; the agreement allows for a regular 30-day termination notice; City staff reviewed Income Statements and noted an audit would have cost $2400; if the City had required the operator stay six months and two months later Council decided the building should come down, City would be boxed in to the six-month period. Councilman Arnerich stated he believes the audit cost would have been within reason. Councilmember Lucas stated Council could approve rent reduction contingent on an audit verifying income figures for the motel. Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the recommendation [to introduce ordinance] subject to verification through an audit. President Appezzato stated he would like to add to the motion that Assistant City Manager look for alternate management firm. The maker of the motion agreed to the amendment. Council by consensus approved the motion. * * * * Council recessed briefly at 9:10 p.m. * * * * 95-039a Report from Public Works Director recommending the designation of alternate sites as the temporary City Hall for City Council and Planning Board Meetings; and 95-039b Ordinance No. N.S. "Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Lease Agreement Between the Alameda Unified School District, as Lessor, and the City of Alameda, as Lessee, for Temporary City Hall Facilities at Historic Alameda High School - East Wing, 2250 Central Avenue." John Abrate, Alameda, President, Park Street Business Association [PSBA], stated PSBA is excited to see this on agenda as it has been working hard to keep City Hall in the area; believes this is a win- Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 win situation for merchants; and thanked Council for assistance and support. Councilmember Lucas questioned how letter from Historic Alameda High School Foundation insisting on their rights under their lease, influences any lease the City may sign. The City Attorney stated the Foundation attorney advised her the Foundation is interested in working with the City and having the City as a tenant in that building; however, if City is to be a tenant, new lease terms may need to be discussed; concerning the application of the letter to the lease with the Alameda Unified School District, Paragraph 15b, Lease Agreement, Alameda Historic High School East Wing, states that "Lessor [AUSD] agrees to indemnify ..." which means that City has an agreement with the School District for occupation of the premises and if there is some type of litigation or dispute with the Foundation, they will defend or hold City harmless if City is involved in that litigation. Also, if they cannot provide the premises for the entire three-year term, there is a provision for paying relocation and moving expenses if the City would ever have to leave; the agreement provides protection in the event there is some type of ultimate dispute or resolution not in favor of the School District. In response to Councilman Arnerich, the City Attorney stated the Foundation attorney indicated that, even if they obtain the building, they are interested in leasing it to the City. Councilman Arnerich stated he is aware of the concern with the Foundation and the School District, the City's contract is with the District and if problems arise with Foundation, that would need to be reconciled between the two. Councilman Arnerich moved to accept the recommendation to designate as City Hall for purposes of City Council and Planning Board Meetings, the Alameda Unified School District [AUSD] Little Theater, 2200 Central Avenue; the AUSD Cafeteria, 2200 Central Avenue, if the Little Theater is not available; and the Bureau of Electricity Conference Rooms, 2000 Grand Street, if Little Theater and Cafeteria are not available. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion. President Appezzato thanked the Board of Education, past and present Presidents Sam Huie and Gail Greely, Superintendent of Schools Dennis Chaconas, Historic Alameda High School Foundation President Gerhard Degemann and William Norton, City Manager for their efforts. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilmember DeWitt stated it appears that the TJs Park Street Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 site may not be needed now. The City Manager stated that when final plans are reviewed, if the architect indicates some parts of the School building are too expensive to renovate [e.g., the old auto shop], and if anything is found in bid process indicating another site may be necessary for other departments, staff may come back to Council; concerning Webster Street property, Council could look at property for current space or perhaps in the future when City returns to City Hall. The City Attorney clarified the motion is to accept the recommendation of the Public Works Director which includes the ordinance [authorizing execution of Lease Agreement with AUSD for Temporary City Hall Facilities at Historic Alameda High School - East Wing, 2250 Central Avenue" and recommendation to direct staff to terminate review and/or negotiations for leasing any Park Street Business District sites. Councilman Arnerich stated Public Works Director's Staff Report, dated January 11, 1995, page one, notes Health Care Building will be available for use on July 21, 1996; and Council should go on record or at least, start thinking about taking over Health Building in 1996. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-040 Report from Fire Chief regarding review of Police/Fire New Construction Impact Fee. Vice Mayor Mannix moved acceptance of the recommendation [to return with resolution to increase fee by 1.5 cents per square foot]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. Replying to Councilmember DeWitt, the City Manager confirmed the matter concerns new construction only. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-041 Report from Personnel Director regarding informatiuon concerning Modified Work Week. (Vice Mayor Mannix) Don Bergen, Alameda, stated he has no problem with the 4-day work week, except that the Editor of the Times-Star keeps harping on the Friday closure, however, the few staff people he has spoken to say they are happy with the four-day work week; and he questions why some persons did not take cuts. Vice Mayor Mannix stated he would like the City Manager to explore the possibility of reopening the Library five days a week after construction period and reopening City Hall; and suggested City Manager consider a schedule with alternate days off for employees, Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 e.g., Mondays and Fridays. Vice Mayor Mannix moved that the City Manager explore a way to keep the Library open on a 5-day basis. Councilmember DeWitt seconded the motion. Councilmember Lucas stated her concern i that construction work to make the library ADA accessible, will be going on, and perhaps the closed days may be needed to do the work. The City Manager confirmed that is correct. Councilmember Lucas stated she could support the motion, inquired if makers of motion would agree to wait for completion of ADA construction work. Vice Mayor Mannix and Councilmember DeWitt accepted that amendment to the motion. Councilman Arnerich stated he cannot support the motion at this time because the City is still facing a crisis concerning what the State of California may do; since City Hall and Library closed, no citizen has complained to him about the closure; he believes we must keep the library closed during these difficult financial times; agreed with Councilmember Lucas concerning the remodeling; and he cannot justify opening anything at this time. Vice Mayor Mannix stated he has been contacted by persons who are disturbed by closures. Councilmember DeWitt stated he believes a purpose of City government is to provide service for the public. President Appezzato agreed with Vice Mayor Mannix that the four-day week sends the wrong message; and City should work toward 5-day goal; he can support motion to reopen library and accommodate construction as the first move to a five-day work week, recommends going slowly because, as Councilman Arnerich stated, City does not have all financial figures in, what the County and State may take from the City; although he agrees philosophically, he would like to wait until Council knows what the budget numbers will be; so he will support the motion to proceed with the library as amended. President Appezzato stated that he would like to have the City Manager look at Parks and Recreation. Vice Mayor Mannix stated, if Council can move on the Library, he would like City Manager to return in the not too distant future to advise how to phase into a five-day work week. Councilman Arnerich commented that parks and playgrounds are open Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 five days a week as well as Saturdays. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers DeWitt, Lucas, Mannix and President Appezzato - 4. Nayes: Councilman Arnerich - 1. Absent: None. 95-042a Report from Personnel Director recommending approval of the addition of two positions in the Finance Department, and the consolidation of two part-time positions in the City Clerk's Office to one full-time position; and the adoption of: Resolution No. 12608 "Amending the Alameda City Employees Association (A.C.E.A.) Salary Resolution by Establishing the Salary for the Position of Waste Management Specialist." Adopted. 95-042b Resolution No. 12609 "Amending the Management and Confidential Employees Association (M.C.E.A.) Salary Resolutions by Establishing the Salaries for the Positions of Development Manager, Recreation & Park Operations & Maintenance Manager, and Supervising Civil Engineer." Amended* and adopted. [*Base Conversion Project Manager deleted from MCEA Salary Resolution] Councilmember DeWitt stated he objects to Project Manager which refers to Base Conversion Office position being placed in the MCEA area, believes the person hired for that job should be hired under separate contract, and not be part of the bargaining unit. The City Manager stated the resolution would be modified to remove the position from MCEA and make the position unrepresented.** Councilmember DeWitt so moved. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. **95-042c Resolution No. 12610 "Amending the Unrepresented City Positions Salary Resolution by Establishing the Salary for the Position of Project Director." Adopted. President Appezzato confirmed with Councilmember DeWitt that the motion included adoption of both resolutions. 95-043 Resolution No. 12611 "Amending Resolution No. 12567 Establishing the Rules of Order Governing the Proceedings and Order of Business of City Council Meetings, by Amending Section 1(k) Pertaining to Adjournment of City Council Meetings." (Councilmembers Arnerich and DeWitt) Councilman Arnerich stated the purpose is to make business run more efficiently, not be required each meeting to extend the meeting by motion past 11:00 p.m., and in the future the meeting would be ended with the item being heard at 12:00 Midnight with certain exceptions. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 Councilmember DeWitt stated he would like Council to be allowed to continue past midnight with certain items that could not be held over, as verified by the City Manager. Vice Mayor Mannix stated he likes the concept; his only concern is that items held back from one meeting may add too much to the next meeting until special meetings may be required to clear the backlog; perhaps agenda management may solve the problem, but we must be cognizant of a potential domino effect. Councilman Arnerich agreed, and stated that tonight's meeting, due to the Chair's management and speakers staying within their alloted timeframe, the meeting will end at an appropriate time. President Appezzato stated it is also incumbent upon Council to also be efficient and keep comments germaine to the issue. Councilmember Lucas stated she is glad for flexibility. Councilman Arnerich moved the recommendation [including Councilmember DeWitt's request for three affirmative votes on items that need to be addressed]. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-044 Ordinance No. 2684, N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 5-4.1(t.1), (Television Subscription Service) of Section 5-4 (License Fees), Chapter V (Licenses and Permits), Specifying that all Telecommunications Providers are Subject to the Business License Requirements, and Repealing Subsection 5-5.8 (Franchisee) of Section 5-5 (Exemptions), Thereof." Vice Mayor Mannix moved final passage; Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-045 Authorizing a letter to the Secretary of the Navy regarding homeporting carriers at Naval Station, Alameda. (Mayor Appezzato) Judy Pollard, Alameda, stated she understands carriers are of no military value; a nuclear accident with one carrier could cause massive evacuation; it is time to build economy that nurtures, not destroys. Neil P. Sweeney, Alameda, disagreed with Ms. Pollard, stated a strong military is necessary, he supports keeping the carriers in Alameda, and would like UCSF research hospital expanded to NAS property. Julian Frederick, Alameda, stated that by working to retain two carriers, the work of the last 15 months is thrown out; the cold Regular Meming, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 war is gone, the economy needs jobs but not military jobs. Laura Wells, Alameda, stated she hopes time and energy is spent on parks, schools, libraries, employee-owned industries, environmental work, rather than keeping carriers. Don Bergen, Alameda, stated liberals forget that this country was kept strong by a strong military and noted possible dangers to our country. Councilmember Lucas stated the letter is excellent, states what should be said, and she supports it. Councilman Arnerich stated carriers will go someplace and it will cost taxpayers a lot more to berth them in San Diego or Washington while piers are already in place in Alameda; Mayor and staff have drafted an excellent letter and he will support it. Vice Mayor Mannix stated speakers make eloquent points; he wants to make clear that this proposal only represents 25% of the base; 75% of the base would still be available for redevelopment so this is not a total step backwards on the potential of the reuse of the base. Vice Mayor Mannix moved to accept and forward the letter. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. Responding to Councilman Arnerich, the City Manager stated he has the letter present for signature by each Councilmember; and there are eight letters addressed to eight individuals. President Appezzato stated hundreds of bases are closing; the major thrust is to attract what may be close to a billion dollars in federal tax dollars. By not recreating bases in Southern California or the northwest, close to a billion dollars in federal monies will be saved, Council believes we will save the billion dollars in federal monies, that this is strategically sound, and that the quality of life for the Navy men and women is enhanced in the Bay Area; the base reuse process must continue, and requested Council approve that if another appropriate name comes up to whom the letter should be sent, that be allowed. Council, by consensus, agreed. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-046 Resolution Confirming the City Manager's Declaration of Emergency. The City Manager stated when he requested Council ratify the resolution, the storms did not appear to be abating and there might Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 be future private property loss or public loss; however, the storms abated after approximately one week, expenses the City occurred were limited to that one-week period, and the statutes in the Government Code provides that the Declaration of Emergency will be in effect for a 7-day period if it is designated by the official named in the ordinance, which is the City Manager; and that is adequate. Therefore, Council does not need to ratify the resolution and carry it forward for a 14-day period; and he requested the resolution be withdrawn as [the state of emergency] will still remain in effect for the first seven days by his proclamation of emergency. Council, by consensus, agreed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Public Comment) 95-047 Eve Roberson, Alameda, stated she and her neighbors would like to nominate Katherine Roha, an architect specializing in custom mid-range projects and experienced in zoning, for the position of investigator of property located at 1574 Pacific Avenue; and are confused by an ad on the property in the newspaper this week stating apartments are three bedroom units, with two baths. The City Manager noted no discussion is possible under non- agendized items and he will call Ms. Robeson tomorrow [1/18]. 95-048 Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, commended speakers for addressing the City Council with their concerns; commented agenda items that generate large numbers of speakers should be placed higher on the agenda; suggested Assistant Department Heads be considered to attend Council Meetings; and announced that the Base Reuse Advisory Group scheduled a town meeting on January 28, 1995. Mayor Appezzato stated that Mr. Sweeney's comments concerning placement of items on the agenda are well taken. 95-049 John Scott Graham, Alameda, expressed his concerns regarding Congress' consideration of cutting Medi-care and Social Security. 95-050 Don Bergen, Alameda, gave suggestions on ways City could keep City Hall open until 1996. 95-051 Barbara Kerr, Alameda, questioned what will happen to Oral Communications, Non-Agenda as it relates to Paragraph 95- . Councilman Arnerich responded proposal does not effect Oral Communications. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995 95-052 Councilmember Lucas requested staff to report on what can be done concerning the Harbor Bay Express Ferry II. 95-053 Councilman Arnerich stated that all [City of Alameda] emergency procedures are in order and it is important to keep the systems up to date. ADJOURNMENT 95-054 President Appezzato adjourned the meeting in memory of Maerose Humphreys and Louis Steele. res, ectfully 7bp • -/6C 6/(Y DI E B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council January 17, 1995