1995-02-07 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 7. 1995 The meeting convened at 8:40 p.m., with President Appezzato presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Arnerich. Reverend Michael Lacey, St. Philip Neri Church, gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas, Mannix and President Appezzato - 5. Absent: None. CONSENT CALENDAR Reports (95-074) regarding UCSF and (95-075) concerning All Marine Services were removed from the agenda. The following items were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion: Reports (95-076) concerning Cable Television, (95-077) regarding SSHRB EXCHANGE, (95-078) on Emergency Medical Services; and resolution and introduction of ordinance (95-079) on dangerous animals. Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *95-065 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of January 17, 1955. Approved. *95-066 Report from President, Social Service Human Relations Board, regarding distribution of Recycling Drop Box Revenues. Accepted. *95-067 Report from Assistant City Manager recommending an amendment to the Contract with Maze and Associates to expand scope of service to include management audit of the Chuck Corica Golf Complex. Accepted. *95-068 Report from Public Works Director recommending award of contract to Sposeto Engineering, Inc., for Signalization and Channelization Improvements at Atlantic Avenue and Main Street Project, No. P.W. 05-94-11. Accepted. *95-069 Report from Public Works Director regarding approval of four-way stop control at the intersection of Chestnut Street and San Jose Avenue. Accepted. *95-070 Resolution No. 12612 "Conferring Workers' Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 Compensation Benefits to City Volunteers." Adopted. *95-071 Resolution No. 12613 "Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Open Market Contract for Emergency Sanitary Sewer Repair." Adopted. *95-072 Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing Existing Section 24-5 (Smoking Control) of Chapter XXIV (Public Health) and Adding a New Section 24-5 (Smoking Control) Enforcing Labor Code Section 6404.5." Introduced. *95-073 Bills, certified by the -City Manager to be true and correct, were ratified in the sum of 2,021,728.19. 95-074 Status Report from Vice Chair, Economic Development Commission, and recommendation to communicate to UCSF continued interest in providing a second campus location in Alameda. Held over. 95-075 contract Terminal over. Report from Public Works Director recommending award of to All Marine Services for Alameda Main Street Ferry Barge Rehabilitation Project, No. P.W. 08-94-15. Held 95-076 Annual Report from Chair, Committee, for 1993 and 1994. Cable Television Advisory Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, inquired if other Cable companies may bid [on the franchise]. The Assistant City Manager responded that the Cable Act of 1992 allows existing franchisee to submit proposal, and Council must respond to that proposal first, but nothing prohibits any Cable operator from requesting to build a new system as this is a non- exclusive franchise. President Appezzato stated he would support competition, if an interest is indicated. Don Roberts, Alameda, stated franchise terms have not been met, TCI has not provided required services, e.g. landscaping of pods on homeowners land, adequate local programming; and urged Council reject report and use rejection, and TCI's lack of honoring commitments to City, as a possible basis to open up the process for competition. President Appezzato suggested a motion to return the report to staff and allow them time to respond to the issues raised. Councilman Arnerich stated the local office is not in question but the television industry; noted concerns including increases in Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 rates, charge for Cable book, seniors' rates, landscaping of pods; stated pressure must be applied, report should go back for review; and City's agreement should be reviewed to determine if TCI is living up to its obligations. Councilman Arnerich moved to refer the matter back for further study in accordance with his comments. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion. President Appezzato stated he is concerned about Cable adding channels and arbitrarily raising cost. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-077 Report from President, Social Service Human Relations Board, regarding SSHRB EXCHANGE "Base Closure: Are Citizen Needs Being Met?" Neil Sweeney, Alameda, suggested persons who are not homeowners should attend co-sponsored seminars on home ownership. Councilmember Lucas moved acceptance of the report. Councilmember DeWitt seconded motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-078 Report from Fire Chief regarding Alameda County Emergency Medical Service District Task Force Report and Strategic Planning Process for the Future of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Councilman Arnerich stated he pulled this report from the Consent Calendar for discussion; the issue is that Alameda County, once again, would like to take over Alameda Fire Department's emergency response team and implement County procedures at a cost of three quarters of a million dollars to Alamedans; and he would like Fire Chief to report any new information to Council during negotiations. President Appezzato stated he supports Councilman Arnerich's statement and he [Appezzato] plans to fight the possibility of consolidating jurisdictions under one EMS assessment district. Councilmember Lucas agreed; stated there is no advantage to Alamedans, program would cost $600,000 a year to join the County system; response time would be longer; would threaten Alameda Hospital Emergency Room services; and makes no sense for Alameda. Councilmember DeWitt recommended acceptance of Fire Chief's report and continuance to monitor the County's planning process. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-079a Resolution No. "Amending Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 by Establishing an Appeal Processing Fee for the Purpose Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 t49 of Appealing Decisions of Supervising Animal Control Officers," and [See 95-079b for Council Action] 95-079b Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Section 7-10 (Dangerous Animals) of Chapter VII (Animal Control) Pertaining to Dangerous Animals." Introduced. Don Roberts, Alameda, stated he supports concept regarding dangerous animals; questioned Section 7-10.1 Definitions, including Sec 7-10.1c., that Dangerous Animal shall mean "Any animal, except a cat, not licensed according to City ordinances;" and he believes ordinance needs work. The City Attorney stated the definitions currently exist in the Code, have been enforced by the District Attorney, is not the [Subsection] in response to dangerous animal/pit bull question; and it [Sec 7-10.1] can be changed if desired. The City Manager stated the subsection noted by Mr. Roberts is not a part of modification being made; section [7-10.1c] can be modified or removed when ordinance is returned for final passage, if Council desires. The City Attorney stated if Council wishes to delete that [subsection], it could be a Council policy decision. The City Manager stated if Council wishes to give that direction, staff will modify for next meeting, absent a decision by Chief of Police that it must remain, and if so, staff will explain why. Vice Mayor Mannix stated he would like the ordinance to come back with Subsection 7-10.1c reconsidered as it does not make sense. Responding to Councilmember Lucas, the City Attorney stated provisions exist in the Code for owners who do not license animals in compliance with City ordinances; monetary penalties exist; and repeated violations can be prosecuted as misdemeanor. Councilman Arnerich moved to accept the recommendation [to amend Ordinance 2368 as rewritten by City Attorney's Office] and add an addendum to include the recommendations of Vice Mayor Mannix and Councilmember Lucas. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. President Appezzato inquired if that motion includes the comments from the City Manager. Councilman Arnerich confirmed it does. Vice Mayor Mannix stated it should be made perfectly clear that Council is not talking about pit bulls specifically, but about dangerous animals. Regular Meeti ng, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. AGENDA ITEMS 95-080 Oral Report by Mayor Appezzato regarding trip to Washington, D.C. the week of January 23, 1995. Neil P. Sweeney, Alameda, stated concerns about toxic cleanup and that, if necessary, Mayor Appezzato return to Washington, D.C. to obtain money for cleanup of NAS and land for ACE. Mayor Appezzato reported on officials he met, and subjects broached; commented he provided proposal, approved by Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and City Council, to the Chief Assistant to the Chair of BRAC 1995; noted meetings with Congressman Dellums and his staff, who are attempting to secure funding for City; Jane Alexander, Chair of National Endowment for the Arts and Rita Moreno, Member of President's Committee on Arts and Humanities, and they stated what makes a community is its culture i.e., its museums, architecture, and cities should retain what is present as it can never be retrieved; Senator Bob Dole; Senate Majority Leader Mark Hatfield, and other officials; related his efforts to secure the same kind of [loan] proposal for cities with base closures, as was made for Mexico; he was asked if City would be willing to pay fees and interest to secure the loan and he [Appezzato] said yes, and that Council would consider it; and stated he was impressed with Newt Gingrich who discussed his Contract With America. Mayor Appezzato named other officials who spoke to the Mayors including Vice President Gore, and Henry Cisneros, HUD. Subjects were unfunded mandates; Crime Bill: consensus of Mayors was that cities should decide how monies should be used; balancing of the budget; HUD: programs will be reduced, CDBG monies will continue and cities will recommend how they should be spent. President Clinton addressed base closure, and the loan package [to Mexico] and he [Appezzato] raised the question about whether cities with bases closing could apply for the same kind of program [with repayment, fees and interest]; and the President was receptive. Don Parker has agreed to help him [Appezzato] and Dave Louk to write a letter to the President requesting loan package. Councilman Arnerich moved to accept the report. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-081 Public Hearing to consider Resolution No. 12614 "Adjusting the Police and Fire Fee Requirements as Required by Subsection 27-2 (Police and Fire Fee Requirements) of Chapter XXVII (Development Fees) of the Alameda Municipal Code." Vice Mayor Mannix moved acceptance of the recommendation [to adopt Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 41 the resolution which would raise Police/Fire Impact Fees for new construction from 14 cents per square foot to 15.5 cents per square foot). Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-082 Resolution No. 12615 "Authorizing the City Manager to Submit a Grant Application to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) and Commit Matching Funds and Authorize the City Manager to Prepare an Agreement with the Alameda Chamber of Commerce." adopted; and Report from Chair, Economic Development Commission, recommending the submittal of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA). Responding to Councilmember DeWitt's request, the City Manager stated the scope of the matter to be discussed is to authorize City Manager to submit a grant application to the U.S. Department of Commerce, commit matching funds, and prepare an agreement with the Alameda Chamber of Commerce. Dennis Green, Alameda, President, Chamber of Commerce, stated the economic stimulation this project can provide will help the greater good enormously; and everyone must pull together. Greg Beattie, Alameda, Immediate Past President of Chamber of Commerce; Executive Director of Alameda Center of Excellence, gave background information on idea of forming ACE, noted the opportunity to receive land from Navy, easy access from out-of- town, close proximity to College of Alameda, and requested City continue to work with Chamber. Mayor Appezzato stated there may be some question of whether a lease is better than ownership. Paul Fossum, Alameda, Vice-President, Chamber of Commerce, displayed charts prepared by City staff representing projected timeline; noted money available for 27 possible grants; explained chart depicting e.g., the Chamber, City, EDA interaction, and involvement of City in each step; explained benefits of ACE to the City, and requested unanimous approval. Responding to Councilmember DeWitt, Mr. Fossum stated what is required tonight is a vote to proceed with the application for funding which must reach agency's desk by March 15th; and noted inclusion of the private enterprise is a great help. Mayor Appezzato stated a number of misconceptions are beginning to be cleared up; $25,000 is from P.G.& E. and the rest is public money; and this is about protection of the public trust. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 Mr. Fossum stated tonight's vote involves no money. Mayor Appezzato stated the City must have oversight. Mr. Fossum agreed. Bob Brown, Alameda, stated he lives on Webster; noted demise of several businesses recently, ACE may be what is needed; he will start a business in West End; and urged Council vote yes. Terry Taforo, Alameda, stated he believes ACE is great for City of Alameda, will bring in more business; urged Council vote yes; and added that the $25,000 from P.G.& E is only the start of what will come in when the project is approved. Bonny Moore, Alameda, requested Council, if it forms a committee, consider appointing people from Webster Street business district, and check WABA [West Alameda Business Association], for recommendations. Kurt Libby, Alameda, Former Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Center, Oakland, stated as Assistant Chief of Staff for Financial Management for Commander of Naval Surface Forces - Pacific, in 1988 he researched base closures for success stories; there were none and still are none; later, as Commanding Officer of Supply Center, he recognized the way to put property in community hands was to lease; property has been given over to Port of Oakland, and 200 jobs created; no BRAC committee has been able to do that; BRAC 95 is bringing out a list in March and many will compete for money; elements are present to make ACE successful: cheap immediately- available land, plan of use, supportive civic action group, and money; it is unprecedented opportunity and City should take advantage of it. Mayor Appezzato stated Oakland already had money; his concern is to not have competing interest for scarce resources. Commander Libby agreed, stated he believes they are not competing, as the Supply Center property is available now, and NAS is not; if City waits for NAS property to be available, the grant application opportunity goes away. Mayor Appezzato stated the grant application is not the problem, it is the MOU assurance that the City has some oversight. Responding to Councilmember Lucas, Mr. Libby stated any plans in every base closure he has looked at, have not been done on time, some have not been executed after twenty years. Councilmember Lucas queried if he [Libby] sees this as an opportunity to come up with a plan for this particular site now and replace jobs that will be lost at NAS, whereas, planning for NAS is Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 a long-term process and if City waits, those people may be out of jobs for many years. Mr. Libby so confirmed; and stated it is complimentary planning; ACE can be a showcase effort to other businesses to say "Alameda is friendly, that is the place to go;" and added, he agrees with the Mayor that they must be coordinated, but does not see that to be difficult and on the time frame of available property, this is the one to move on first. Mayor Appezzato stated he is not sure development of the Annex will be much quicker than the development of NAS. Don Keckley, Public Affairs Officer, College of Alameda (COA), stated he endorses the project, COA has been a partner in planning for the past year; City, Chamber, COA, AUSD and business can work together to provide unique opportunity for start-up enterprises; by lessening base closure impact by e.g., providing retraining opportunities; and urged Council join Chamber to apply for EDA grant. John Piziali, Alameda, requested, if Council applies for EDA grant, release of taxpayers' money be contingent upon signed release or letter of intent from Navy; and offered suggestions if RFP process is not used. Robert Wood, Alameda, Economic Development Commission, noted he studied proposed by-laws of non-profit City/Chamber partnership, reports by City staff, attended meetings on proposal; Chamber appears to have a favorable reaction from EDA and State Trade & Commerce Agency for the $1.100,000 grant; he stated the risk seems manageable, Navy lease need not be signed for a year, allowing time to study questions, by-laws are not adopted and are subject to discussion; City can participate in new-job creation; he listed benefits and revenues that would accrue to the City; noted the element of control exists for City to satisfy the public trust; and urged Council adopt resolution authorizing City Manager to submit grant application. Don Bergen, Alameda, suggested calling Coldwell Banker to appraise, divide into parcels and list on open market, for same results at no cost to taxpayers. Del Blaylock, Alameda, Greater Alameda Business Association (GABA) stated he is for project, is concerned about Webster Street vacancies; City must move quickly for the grant; P.G.& E has come forward with $25,000 and others will give money, once they see solidarity of Council to accept; urged' Council do so. Neil Patrick Sweeney, stated Fort Ord Army Base has announced opening California State University - Monterey in December; spoke Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 in favor of ACE and offered suggestions for use of NAS property. Helen Sause, Alameda, Chair, Economic Development Commission (EDC), stated economy on West End and Northern Waterfront has been studied; EDC is encouraged; EDC unanimously voted to recommend City authorize staff to apply to EDA but that City remain in control and staff pursue alternate sources of matching funds; stated EDC has formed a group to address issues, would be happy to serve Council in the process and urged Council consider filing application. Mayor Appezzato reiterated the application was never the problem, the problem was what was perceived as a reluctance of the Chamber to be a full partner; and that, hopefully, is being alleviated. Commissioner Sause stated that has been their [EDC] concern also. Councilmember Lucas queried Ms. Sause on need for government funds. Commissioner Sause stated both government funds and citizen participation are needed; providing a catalyst is important; without public pump-priming, the private development does not follow. Responding to Councilmember Lucas, Commissioner Sause agreed that obtaining private funds at this stage would be very difficult. Tony Daysog, Alameda, stated a valuable economic corridor is being lost on Webster Street; the Mayor is correct that the major activity is NAS conversion; and the way the City deals with the 200 acre facility will set the tone and pace of how site is developed. Don Peterson, Alameda, stated the idea of developing the acreage is a great one but City should not get into a deal with a group other than City taxpayers; and a partnership could be formed with Port of Oakland. Ed Clark, Alameda, stated he endorses the ACE concept although he shares concerns including funding, accountability; however, all these questions can be easily resolved in public forum, and encouraged Council work with Chamber to move quickly. Marcia Johnson, Alameda, stated she favors proposal, her points have been covered, and she need not speak further. Don Roberts, Alameda, commended Chamber and committee which have done a tremendous amount of work; he sees two problems with current proposal, 51% Chamber representation; and their 25% of net proceeds of the corporation; complimented Chamber as this [project] is an excellent idea; and he hopes the by-laws are modified, to allow greater control by the City Council. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 Mayor Appezzato stated a Memorandum of Understanding must be worked out, and that is when the controls will be developed. Diane Coler-Dark, Alameda, stated there are many project merits, the contention over the proposal is the currrent proposal structure and control of the project; Council must clarify who they are dealing with, the Chamber Board, or an Ad Hoc Committee which calls itself ACE; she is confident the Chamber can work with City to redefine its role; she trusts Council to make the right decision and protect the interests of the citizens of Alameda. * * * * Council recessed briefly at 10:00 p.m. * * * * Beverly Blatt, Alameda, noted her 20 year experience as teacher and researcher in medical schools and her current work as private consultant concerning biomedical technology and projects with Bay Area Bio-Science Center, which is releasing a report next week describing need for a life-sciences incubator in the Bay Area; and includes a feasibility study and preliminary business plan; and the ACE project appears to fulfill a number of criteria described in report which asks for someone to set up such a proposal; and it appears the City has an opportunity to be ahead of anyone else in the Bay Area; and other entities in the Bay Area will probably come forward with support; and she hopes Council will support project. Vice Mayor Mannix expressed his concerns and distress with the process; stated good people are on both sides of issue with excellent intentions but as a community we can do better; perhaps the key problem is that a non-profit group was put forward absent City input; the real issue is whether the project is good or bad; he can see some problem areas i.e., Board of Directors has not been satisfactorily addressed; partners in the proposal need to work out satisfactory compromise, particularly regarding the Board, degree of City control, and control of financing; environmental issues in this project cannot be allowed to become a liability to the City. Vice Mayor Mannix stated on the positive side, the project includes a great potential to be a catalyst and a start-off for what City will do on NAS; a real positive is: business communities and EDC support it; safeguards are built into the process and protect City interest, and it has conceptual support of Congressman Dellums' Office; he believes Council would be remiss if it did not explore the viability of the project. Vice Mayor Mannix stated he is prepared to support authorizing the City Manager to submit the grant application and work in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce to develop the plan and to develop MOUs on how the plan is going to be governed; he likes the proposals put forth by the EDC; if ACE or an entity that may be selected by RFPs is going to be the non-profit subsidiary for the Chamber, the City Manager and the Chamber CEO should develop a Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 formula for selection of the Board of Directors satisfactory to both City and Chamber membership; and City control should not be relinquished in governing how this project develops. Councilman Arnerich stated he echos the sentiments of Vice Mayor Mannix; that there were certain misconceptions on the Chamber's role in this project, and the City's stand; stated Bill Lewis, U.S. Economic Development Administration [EDA], has come from Sacramento, and requested Mr. Lewis be permitted to come forward to answer questions and to provide a synopsis. William Lewis, EDA, Sacramento, stated Council has one of the greatest opportunities before them that he has seen; and he covers many base closures; noted citizen awareness, cooperation of persons involved; reviewed questions asked by EDA, e.g., who will do marketing, what jobs will come from it, what good will it do for the community, who will manage the incubator, who is the developer; and absent that, EDA will not provide money; he was excited about ACE primarily because the City had the involvement of the private sector; EDA's mandate from Congress is to create long term private sector jobs in areas of high distress; City has land coming from the Navy, support from EDA, and private sector group, all the components to proceed; EDA would envision City and Chamber as Co- grantees with memorandum of agreement on ACE; if ACE comes in, they could come in as a sub-grantee serving at City's pleasure; the memorandum of agreement does not need to be developed right now; the application can be forwarded and EDA can start working on it, and "special condition" the grant, all of those things would be in place before funds are disbursed, if grant is approved. In response to Councilman Arnerich, Mr. Lewis stated EDA would not look for percentages [50-50 or whatever]; City and Chamber would be considered equal partners, EDA would look for who has fiscal responsibility and would look to the City to carry that role. Councilman Arnerich stated Mr. Lewis has answered his questions; he believes it is in the best interest of the community to proceed but agrees with Mayor that control should be vested in City Council. Mr. Lewis suggested City be aware of site control, when the Navy is going to provide the land, and how that affects the grant application: the City's application is the only one at this time; if City loses its place in line, access to 1995 money is lost and in 1995-96 there may or may not be any money to request. Mayor Appezzato discussed the matter of being turned down by EDA for sewer line funding; and Mr. Lewis stated that he fought hard to get [sewer line funding] approved, however, they could not proceed from a legal standpoint because EDA does not have a Memorandum of Understanding with Corps of Engineers which controls that project. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 47 Responding to Councilmember Lucas, Mr. Lewis explained application process, and emphasized the importance of time; if EDA signs off before a rescission [of funding) that is a firm contract; but if budget is rescinded first, all money will be gone. Councilman Arnerich stated he believes the Vice Mayor moved earlier to authorize City Manager to prepare an agreement with the Alameda Chamber of Commerce and if that is in the form of a motion, and under the condition which Council has been made aware this evening, he would like to second that motion and call for the vote. Vice Mayor Mannix confirmed that is a motion. Councilmember DeWitt stated motion should indicate the City Manager should enter into negotiations to provide a draft MOU with Chamber of Commerce and the draft be returned to Council for approval. Vice Mayor Mannix stated that was the intent. Councilmember Lucas stated the resolution is to prepare an agreement and it will require final approval; she is encouraged by the unanimity of the Council; the project is needed on the West End and she is grateful Council sees the need of the project. Councilman Arnerich stated he hopes Council can get this to a vote and give City Manager input. Councilmember DeWitt stated he would like the full motion restated. Mayor Appezzato restated the motion is to pass the recommendation pending the long term lease arrangement or the lease arrangement site control that is going to be required by EDA and the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the joint partnership, Chamber of Commerce and the City of Alameda; that MOU is to come back to Council with certain items i.e., the financial controls, contract controls, makeup of Board of Directors. Councilmember DeWitt seconded. Mayor Appezzato stated he will support submission of application to EDA for federal funding but only under certain conditions, most of which was heard tonight; Council represents all citizens and are sworn to protect the public trust which includes public monies and public lands; the Chamber does not have ultimate responsibility; it now appears an MOU might be worked; he thanked EDA for clearing up misunderstanding; his final support will hinge on information he wants to receive from staff. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote -5. 95-083 Status Report from Public Works Director on City Hall Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 Renovation Project and approval of reduction in Project scope of work. Dave Plummer, Alameda, stated City Hall is considered to be Romanesque Architecture, and the San Francisco Chronicle on January 1, 1995, had a column concerning Henry Richardson and Romanesque Architecture, noted characteristics which are similar to City Hall's; he questioned the substituting a copper roof with a tin roof; concerning the tower, he stated restoring the building is a gift to future generations; restoring the tower is completing that gift; and requested Council not take out the foundation. The City Manager stated the Public Works Director indicated Council could put in foundation and tower at a later date. The Public Works Director stated what was suggested was to make the foundation a separate bid so Council could decided whether they did or did not want foundation at this time, so that is proposed as an alternate bid. Mr. Plummer stated he believes foundation would not be put in later. Mayor Appezzato inquired if the foundation can be put in later. The Public Works Director stated it could be; will probably cost more, but if put in now, and not used 10-20 years, a lot of money is invested in a project not really accomplishing much. Naomi Hatkin, Alameda, Historical Advisory Board, stated the project just voted on embraces the future, and rehab of City Hall embraces the best of the past; preservation of City Hall is good for the economic development of Park Street and Alameda; and urged Council accept the report and move forward. Andrew McCormack, Alameda, stated City has an obligation to look at older structures because once they, and people who built them, are gone, they cannot be brought back and it is better to build a foundation before a house rather than after. Susan McCormack, Alameda, stated she encourages Council to please restore City Hall, to lose City Hall would be devastating and inquired how much the foundation costs. The Public Works Director stated it would cost about $100,000 to $200,000, and that is why it is suggested as an alternate bid. Ms. McCormack stated putting a foundation in before, is easier than going back later and trying to fix it. Robert Wood, Alameda, stated every city needs landmarks and Alameda Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 has few with potential and historic quality of City Hall; he believes the tower is essential to City Hall to provide a landmark; and that if the foundation is not accommodated now, retrofitting the foundation later would be extremely difficult; and if it comes back as an alternate, he would hope for citizen input opportunity. Mayor Appezzato stated that would be on agenda, and at this point, he is inclined to support the tower. Councilmember Lucas stated Mr. Wood has pointed out aspects she had not thought of before; Alameda is not hilly, the tower would be visible from everywhere in the City and as approached from other communities, and would be the landmark needed in this community. Mr. Wood stated traditionally, churches and civic buildings have always had a strong, important place in the landscape as landmarks; and landmarks and important places become catalysts for development and sense of importance around a civic center which comes back to the City in positive revenues. Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated a tower is a symbol, and it could be seen all over; sometimes historical buildings are demolished but pride should be taken in what our forefathers have done; and urged Council move ahead with City Hall. Councilmember DeWitt questioned Public Works Director concerning roof material; staff report indicates roof material is to be "Reinzink." Responding to Councilmember DeWitt, the Public Works Director stated the metal roof would be similar in looks to original and the State historical representatives believe it a better choice because of that similarity, and it is supposed to be a very long-lived material, highly recommended by the specifiers and architects. Councilmember Lucas stated she would support proposal, is glad staff found a way to reduce cost by a million dollars; her concern is proposal to locate Council offices outside City Hall; she does not believe that works, and it is the obligation of Councilmembers to watch staff; she is sure room can be made in City Hall. Mayor Appezzato stated he shares her concerns. The City Manager stated staff felt it was important to relocate Community Development Department and Council because they were envisioned in the "garage" building and a great deal of money could be saved by not renovating that structurally; if Council is in the main building, another department would need to go; that can be done if Council wishes; and space would need to be reallocated. Mayor Appezzato queried if the garage building is done right at Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 City Hall, would that be acceptable. Councilmember Lucas replied yes, but the cost would be almost $600,000. The City Manager stated that was to be most of the cost savings. Mayor Appezzato stated if that is not done, there would still be cost to relocate Council and Community Development Department; and the City Manager agreed and added the cost would not be $600,000, only a small portion of that. Councilman Arnerich stated Council must start looking at figures; every time Council wants to do something to be cost conscious, it runs into obstacles; Council will be going out for 65% of monies in Certificates of Participation alone; he agrees Council should have a place, it never had a place until twenty years ago; perhaps the Health Center can be looked at; he has been a strong supporter of City Hall renovation, the cost now is $9+ million dollars for a plan lesser than the first one which was considered excessive; for the current amount, he will support it, but will not support what he perceives are frills and pleasure; perhaps tower foundation should be in, but City cannot keep spending money it does not have. Councilmember Lucas moved the recommendation [to approve the reduction in scope of work for the City Hall renovation project described in Public Works Director's staff report dated January 25, 1995, and direct staff to proceed with the project in accordance with the proposed schedule]. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion. Mayor Appezzato stated he supports recommendation, and especially after talking to Ms. Alexander and Ms. Moreno, supporters of the Arts; he believes it important to the City. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-084 Report from Community Development Director recommending reprogramming of CDBG Funds, amendments to FY 1994-95 CDBG Final Statement and execution of Amended Grant Agreements. Tony Daysog, Alameda, stated, with respect to CDBG and reallocating funds, he hopes Council would consider Community Development Float Loan Program, which he proceeded to describe to Council. Mayor Appezzato requested Mr. Daysog provide information on Float Loan, which he previously submitted to Council, to the Community Development Director. Councilmember Lucas stated she has a problem with providing additional funds to Housing Counseling services; the Rent Review Advisory Committee [RRAC] cancels meetings because there is no Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 business; she would rather put that money in some other worthwhile undertaking; and with that exception, the other programs deserve the additional funds. Mayor Appezzato stated he is not hesitant to support her on that. Councilmember DeWitt stated that program is Sentinel Fair Housing which is about discrimination in housing and not rent review. Councilmember Lucas stated they provide housing information and referal, the Red Cross provides similar services, there is no low- income requirement, and they are already funded with $20,000+ and not many landlord/tenant problems exist in Alameda or the RRAC would not be cancelling meetings. Councilmember DeWitt stated the federal government is about to dismantle equal opportunity programs, now Council may dismantle equal opportunity in housing, so he cannot support that; perhaps staff can comment; Sentinel Fair Housing has done a good job. The Community Development Director stated the proposal addresses $2456 additional funding to Sentinel; explained reasons for money to go to fair housing services including fact that halfway through the year, Sentinel are at 80% of their goal on fair-housing cases; the problems are not about rents but about habitability and variety of concerns. Also, their grant agreement requires primary clientele be low and moderate income; all are worthwhile organizations and additional funding could be used by any of them. Councilmember Lucas stated at RRAC meetings, habitability and maintenance problems, variety of problems are discussed, and they work free; also housing support services have alternatives; noted Four Bridges need, and that the West End Teen Program appears more important to fund than the housing support services in an economy where there is an oversupply of rentals; her proposal is to distribute the funds to another worthy program on the same list. Councilmember Lucas moved funds be put in West End Teen Program, eliminate additional funds for housing support services and all else remains the same. [Motion failed for lack of second.] Councilmember DeWitt stated Sentinel Fair Housing is only avenue available for tenant to take allegation or charge against landlord who refuses to rent a house because of race, family, or creed; they have a full case load and are as important as the West End Teen Center or any others. Councilmember Lucas noted other avenues for persons who have housing complaints. Vice Mayor Mannix stated if sixteen people out of twenty who were Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 anticipated have taken advantage of services, it may indicate that in the second half of the year, there may be more and perhaps funding is appropriate; he will support staff recommendation. Mayor Appezzato stated the [Lucas] motion dies for lack of a second. Vice Mayor Mannix moved to adopt the recommendation. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmember Arnerich, DeWitt, Mannix and President Appezzato - 4. Nayes: Councilmember Lucas - 1. Absent: None. 95-085 Report from Community Development Director regarding allocating CDBG Set-Aside and 1994-95 Mayor's Fundraiser Proceeds to the Comprehensive Homeless Intervention and Prevention Program, and authorizing Amended Grant Agreements with the American Red Cross [ARC] and the Filipino-American Community Services Agency [FACSA]. Tony Daysog, Arameda, stated he is Chairperson of Mayor's Homeless Fundraiser, encouraged people to attend Homeless Fundraiser at 5:00 p.m., February 12th, for benefit of Red Cross and Midway Shelter. Mayor Appezzato thanked Mr. Daysog for his efforts. Don Bergen, Alameda, stated staff's figures on the homeless for 1994 indicate 1.8 persons may come from Alameda; stated family, friends, charitable agencies and churches should take care of the people; noted persons with disabilities who support themselves; and believes Center should be closed and funds given to other agencies. Councilmember DeWitt moved Council authorize the allocation of the remaining [CDBG/CHIPP] funds and the appropriation of an allocation for the FY 1994-95 Mayor's Fundraiser Proceeds through June 30th to the ARC and the FACSA based on the establishment of the pro rata share. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-086 Report from Community Development Director regarding establishment of a Redevelopment Project Area at Naval Air Station Alameda. (Mayor Appezzato) Tony Daysog, Alameda, stated, when the base is a redevelopment area, he would like part of tax increment from redevelopment be dedicated to education and to maintaining bridges. Councilman Arnerich accepted the report. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion. Mayor Appezzato stated he requested this be placed on agenda; this is a good start to discuss whether the base should be put under a Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 redevelopment zone; he believes the professionals -- consultants, BRAG and staff should review it; and perhaps the motion can be so amended. Councilman Arnerich stated he will support that; Vice Mayor Mannix [second] agreed to the amendment to motion; and the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-087 Execution District, Temporary East Wing, Ordinance No. , N.S. "Approving and Authorizing the of Lease Agreement Between the Alameda Unified School as Lessor, and the City of Alameda, as Lessee, for City Hall Facilities at Historic Alameda High School - 2250 Central Avenue." Introduced. Councilmember Lucas moved the recommendation [to reintroduce the ordinance for the lease of the East Wing for the term commencing September 1, 1995 for relocation of City facilities by title only; and to authorize the City Manager to continue discussions with the Alameda Unified School District and present the revised Ordinance and lease for adoption when the language has been finalized]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 95-088 Ordinance No. 2685. N.S. "Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Amendment to Existing Lease Agreement with the Linoaks Motel by Reducing Monthly Rental Rate." Finally adopted. Councilmember DeWitt recommended that lease be executed pending the outcome of the audit so when the audit does come in, if indeed, lowering the fees is correct, then we do it, otherwise we do not. Councilmember DeWitt moved the [ordinance for execution of] amendment, so staff can go ahead with whatever is necessary, pending the outcome of the audit. Responding to Councilman Arnerich, the City Manager stated staff has found someone to do the audit; the Assistant City Manager is working with them toward starting probably in three weeks. In response to Councilmember Lucas's query, the Assistant City Manager stated the Lessee is cooperating; the difficulty has been getting the income statements so a comparison can be done of 1993 and 1994; he talked to Lessee's accountant and that will be sent. The City Attorney stated the ordinance does not become effective for thirty days, and Council will have the results of the audit within the thirty days; and if not according to expectations, the matter can be brought back for further consideration. By consensus Council voted to approve motion by unanimous voice vote - 5. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (Public Comment) 95 -089 Alan C. Schmierer, Alameda, noted fundraiser to send 100+ Lum Elementary School Fourth Graders to a national award - winning environmental school for three days in April; and expressed thanks to Mayor Appezzato and Chief of Police Matthews for participating in the January 21, 1995 fundraising activities. 95 -090 Don Bergen, Alameda, suggested ways he believes the City can save money to permit live television broadcasts of the meetings; and he would like City Manager to explain employee [wage cuts]. Councilman Arnerich stated answers to Mr. Bergen's questions can be provided tomorrow [2/8/95]. 95 -091 Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, provided information on the Alameda fundraiser for the homeless on February 12th; and made suggestions for the use of Angel Island. 95 -092 Don Roberts, Alameda, requested practice of previous mayor, to provide results of any Closed Session of Council prior to the Regular Meeting, be continued. Mayor Appezzato stated he concurs; and requested City Attorney assist. The City Attorney noted last year, the Brown Act changed and the announcement of Closed Session action occurs during the Special Meeting and no longer is part of the Regular Meeting; however, an announcement can be made prior to the Regular Meeting. Mr. Roberts commended City Council for working together so well tonight. 95 -093 Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated his concerns on color of bridge to be repainted. Mayor Appezzato stated the color green has been requested. 95 -094 Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated the weeds are 30 inches tall in the median strip at the Bay Farm Island Bridge and need to be cleaned up. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) 95 -095 Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the City Planning Board for a partial term expiring June 30, 1995. Mayor Appezzato stated both the Presidents of the Planning Board Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 and Social Service Human Relations Board assisted him in the process and Councilmembers provided input. Mayor Appezzato nominated Beverly Follrath Johnson. 95-096 Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Social Service Human Relations Boara. Mayor Appezzato nominated Noel W. Folsom. 95-097 Councilmember Lucas stated a report has been received from the Chief of Police that training was received in policing a multi-ethnic community; she would like to see the protocol, the questions that are asked when any stop by the police, is being made and she would personally like to review the questions used by the police in such situations. President Appezzato suggested a demonstration be placed on an agenda. ADJOURNMENT President Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 12:10 a.m. Respectfully submitted, DIANE B. FELSCH, CMC Cit Clerk Z:L, L„ atricia Calbreath Deputy City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council February 7, 1995 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 21, 1995 The meeting convened at 6:30 p.m. with President Appezzato presiding. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas, Mannix and President Appezzato - 5. Absent: None. AGENDA: Public Comment on Agenda Items Only. None. 95-098 Adjournment to Closed Session to consider: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Aaencv Neaotiator: Personnel Director and Austris Rungis. Employee Oraanizationsts): Alameda Fire Managers Association - AFMA; Alameda Management and Confidential Employees Association - AMCEA; Alameda Police Managers Association - APMA; Alameda Police Officers Association - APOA; International Association of Firefighters, Local #689 - IAFF; and United Public Employees Association #790 (Police Technicians) - SEIU. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure pursuant Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code. Number of Cases: One * * * * Announcement of Action taken in Closed Session: Following the Closed Session, the Special Meeting was reconvened and President Appezzato announced that concerning (1) Conference with Labor Negotiator, Council gave instructions to City's Negotiator, no action taken; (2) Conference with Legal Counsel, Council discussed one case of significant exposure to litigation, no action. Special Meeting, Alameda City Council February 21, 1995