MARCH 6, 1995
(Held concurrently with an Alameda Unified School District
The meeting was called to order by President Appezzato at 4:35 p.m.
at the Alameda High School Faculty Room, 1st Floor, West Wing.
City Council
Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Vice Mayor Mannix and President
Appezzato - 3.
Absent: Councilmembers Arnerich and Lucas - 2.
Alameda Unified High School District
Present: Superintendent of Schools Dennis Chaconas, Board of
Education President Gail Greely, and Board of Education
Vice-President Barbara Rasmussen - 3.
95-133 Status of Child Care (Norton/Chaconas)
The City Manager stated that available State vans [to transport
children to facilities] were in bad shape; AC Transit notified the
City last week that they may remove certain busses and procure new
busses; and if they do, the [older busses] may be available.
Board Members Greely and Rasmussen discussed with City Manager,
natural gas powered vehicles, the number of children [20+] which
the busses will accommodate; and child care programs.
Following a brief discussion on sign-ups for child care programs
and timeframe, Superintendent Chaconas stated open enrollment will
be held at end of March; and if available services are known, it
would help the parents.
Mayor Appezzato stated if the "Contract with America" goes through,
perhaps the CDBG monies can be used for support of programs, e.g.,
child care.
95-134 Middle School Resource Officers (Norton/Chaconas)
Mayor Appezzato stated the same is true for funding of Resource
Officers under "Contract with America;" however, the City may not
be able to provide a "match" for funding; a lump sum may be given
Special Meeting, Alameda City Council
Joint Meeting with Alameda Unified School District
March 6, 1995
and the City will decide on its use; and hopefully the District,
City Manager and City Council can hold public hearing(s) on the
Superintendent Chaconas stated the District receives a grant for
middle school resource officers which cannot be renewed; the amount
of complaints has decreased since implementing the middle school
officers; and he expressed concern regarding what will occur when
the grant is no longer available.
The City Manager stated the Resource Officers program is a good
one; and that it cuts down the number of calls to the Police
Superintendent Chaconas stated school safety remains a budget
In response to inquiry from Councilmember DeWitt regarding the
necessity for sworn officers, Superintendent Chaconas gave primary
reasons why most School Districts have School Resource Officers
The City Manager noted the City has a liability factor if
individuals are not trained personnel; and Councilmember DeWitt's
point is true, the cost [salaries] is high.
Vice President Rasmussen stated students have more respect and
authority for a sworn police officer than for a technician.
Vice Mayor Mannix stated the program is a basic approach to
community policing; and places officers where there is a perceived
The Superintendent stated officers, prior to SRO program, often on
Monday following a weekend problem, spent the entire day on site;
and that major cities keep many officers in the schools.
Following discussion on the value of the program, President Greely
stated the program has been successful, the District must find
funding, and requested that the District be provided with any
available information.
95-135 Base Closure Update (Mayor Appezzato)
Mayor Appezzato stated there is a slim possibility carriers may
remain; commented on letter being sent to President Clinton for
funding to keep the Base running; he understands the Navy will keep
the military housing; and in the next sixty days much activity
should be seen concerning two potential temporary uses of the base
under AEG Transportation Systems, Inc. and CALSTART; and possibly
Special Meeting, Alameda City Council
Joint Meeting with Alameda Unified School District
March 6, 1995
in two weeks a new project director may be announced. Mayor
Appezzato noted base [closure] impact on Bureau of Electricity
which will face a shortfall of at least $700,000 next year; the
schedule for carriers to leave, one in a month, and the second next
year; the need for federal monies, or businesses, [on Base
property]; and wetlands perhaps will remain as the area cannot be
used for houses or industry without fill.
President Greely and Superintendent Chaconas commented on effect of
high vacancy rate in military housing on enrollment and funding.
Superintendent Chaconas stated he has talked to Assemblyman Tom
Bates and an attempt will be made to get new legislation to assist
Councilmember DeWitt inquired if School District is communicating
with Homeless Network which will be proposing use at base for
Superintendent Chaconas replied he understands the group does not
have the money required to get into housing.
95-136 City's Use of Historic Alameda High School Facilities
Superintendent Chaconas inquired if the accommodations are
Mayor Appezzato stated his only problem is with [video] taping of
Council meetings; and the panoramic views.
The City Manager responded with certain suggestions to accommodate
Cable televising, and staff seating.
Mayor Appezzato inquired if anything should be discussed on the
The City Manager stated the City is responsible for the project and
the District will contribute funding.
Superintendent Chaconas commented the lease was originally
$1,200,000 with School District managing the project and there were
two issues: the timeframe and staffing; he and City Manager decided
to switch management of the system; and the original agreement,
content and objectives are still in place.
95-137 Live Televising of City Council and Board of Trustees
Meetings (Mayor Appezzato)
Mayor Appezzato stated that Councilman Arnerich has indicated he
Special Meeting, Alameda City Council
Joint Meeting with Alameda Unified School District
March 6, 1995
would like TCI, School District and City to contribute to the
televising costs; and he [Appezzato] leans towards televising live
regardless of funding arrangement.
Vice President Rasmussen inquired, when Council moves out, will
cameras remain; City Manager replied that can be negotiated.
Mayor Appezzato stated, if the cost of moving cameras is equal to
purchasing new ones, why move them, why not buy new ones?
Superintendent Chaconas inquired how much it cost City, excluding
equipment, to broadcast live; and City Manager responded $15,000 to
Mayor Appezzato requested the matter be agendized.
President Greely stated the matter cannot be agendized until the
March 28 Board meeting; and what they need to have is detailed
information on breakdown of cost to broadcast.
95-138 Traffic Guard (Norton/Chaconas)
The City Manager stated the Police Department has proposed a
program that has worked well in other communities where some
traffic guards are children, trained by American Automobile
Association; and to work with adults at e.g., Packet Landing, Bay
View Drive.
Vice Mayor Mannix noted St. Philip Neri's School has such a
The City Manager stated the problem will be how the parents will
receive the program.
Vice President Rasmussen stated there are some places she would not
want to place children.
Superintendent Chaconas stated issues must be discussed with
teachers and principals.
President Appezzato suggested the Chief of Police provide a one
page report stating where guards can be cut by one adult, where
children can be placed, and cost savings.
The City Manager stated savings would be $60,000 to $70,000, which
the Chief of Police believes could provide for another police
Councilmember DeWitt stated he likes idea of using children as
Special Meeting, Alameda City Council
Joint Meeting with Alameda Unified School District
March 6, 1995
Vice Mayor Mannix stated the School Crossing Guard Program existed
in Alameda in the sixties.
Superintendent Chaconas stated traffic guards are more than traffic
controllers; they are also eyes and ears of the school to be sure
the children get home safely.
President Appezzato stated report should be brief and provide
number of guards, cost, how many children to be used and where
they would be placed.
95-139 Mayor Appezzato stated the Council has made a decision to
request the School District to provide a resource to divide up the
500 computers; there will be a five-member committee and he
[Appezzato] with the concurrence of Council, agreed to let the
School District select someone to represent the City's interest in
the number of computers obtained.
The Superintendent stated he has provided a name to David Louk,
Interim Executive Director, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment
95-140 Mayor Appezzato stated he has been asked to put his name
on a document to endorse the fundraiser Tri-Hi Health Center which
will give him a tour of the facility; inquired if anyone had a
problem with that, and the response was that there was no problem.
95-141 Responding to Vice Mayor Mannix's inquiry regarding
soccer fields, the Superintendent stated he had a meeting with
Assistant City Manager, Recreation Manager and heads of three
soccer fields, and they are looking at an agreement to allow access
to Thompson and Willie Stargell Fields on Saturdays and Sundays for
game-type of arrangements if there is no interference with
District's Saturday football games; the Assistant City Manager is
working on an agreement; part of agreement is similar to what is
used at Lincoln Park where clubs help to subsidize upkeep and
reseeding and he will present the matter to the Board next week.
Mayor Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 5:53 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance
with the Brown Act.
Special Meeting, Alameda City Council
Joint Meeting with Alameda Unified School District
March 6, 1995