1995-05-02 Regular CC Minutes141
MAY 2. 1995
The meeting convened at 7:40 p.m. with Mayor Appezzato
presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman
Arnerich. Reverend Jack Buckley, First Presbyterian Church, gave
the invocation.
Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas,
Mannix and President Appezzato - 5.
Absent: None.
95 -264 Proclamation Declaring the Week of May 14 - May 20, 1995,
as Preservation Week.
President Appezzato read the Proclamation and presented same to
Historical Advisory Board Member Robert DeCelle.
95 -265 Proclamation Declaring the Month of May, 1995, as Older
Americans Month.
President Appezzato read the Proclamation and presented same
to Mr. Al Derr, President of Mastick Senior Center.
Councilmember DeWitt requested that the Resolution Authorizing the
Purchase of a Fire Command Vehicle (95 -277) be pulled from the
Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Calendar. Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
*95 -266 Minutes of the Special Council Meetings of April 5, 1995
(Joint Meeting with ARRA) and April 18, 1995 (Closed Session).
*95 -267 Report from City Clerk recommending the City Council
authorize calling for bids for legal advertising for Fiscal Year
1995 -96. Accepted.
*95 -268 Report from Public Works Director recommending award of
contract to Gansek, Inc. for Disabled Accessibility Improvements,
Alameda Main and Children's Libraries, No. P.W. 02- 95 -05. Accepted.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
*95-269 Report from Fire Chief on Emergency/Disaster
Preparedness. Accepted.
*95-270 Report from the Planning Director advising that a Use
Permit has been granted which satisfies the requirement for the
rezoning of 2301/2303 Buena Vista Avenue from C-M to R-5. Accepted.
*95-271 Report from Finance Director regarding Reorganization of
the Finance Department. Accepted.
*95-272 Resolution No. 12636 "Amending the Management and
Confidential Employees Association (MCEA) Salary Resolutions by
Establishing the Salaries for the Positions of Supervising
Accountant and Financial & Information Services Manager." Adopted.
*95-273 Report from Finance Director transmitting Financial
Report for period ending March 31, 1995. Accepted.
*95-274 Resolution No. 12637 "Authorizing the City Manager to
Apply for Regional Measure 1 - 3% Funds for Operating Subsidy for
the Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service and to Enter into All Agreements
Necessary to Secure These Funds." Adopted.
*95-275 Resolution No. 12638 "Authorizing Application for the
California Trade and Commerce Agency's Defense Adjustment Matching
Grant Program for Fiscal Year 1993/94." Adopted.
*95-276 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and
correct, were ratified in the amount of $1,819,265.08.
95-277 Resolution No. 12639 "Authorizing Open Market
Purchase of a Fire Command Vehicle pursuant to Section 3-15 of the
Alameda City Charter." Adopted.
Councilmember DeWitt thanked the Fire Department for attempting to
help the City save money.
Vice Mayor Mannix moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember
DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote -
95-278 Public Hearing to consider Ordinance No. 2691. N.S.
"Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsections 3-
59.4(a) (Telephone Users Tax), 3-59.5(a) (Electricity Users Tax),
3-59.6(a) (Gas Users Tax) and 3-59.8(a) (Cable Television Users
Tax), of Section 3-59 (Utility Users Tax), Part C (Use Tax),
Article II (Taxation) of Chapter III (Finance and Taxation)
Thereof, Pertaining to Increasing Utility Users Tax and Adding
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
Subsections 3-59.4(d), 3-59.5(d), and 3-59.6(d), Establishing
Exemption from Increase for Seniors and Low-Income Alameda
Residents." Finally adopted.
President Appezzato opened the public portion of the Hearing.
Earl G. Peacock, Grass Roots Committee for Fair Taxation, Alameda
Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda
Gerhard W. Degemann, Alameda.
Debra D. Arbuckle, Ninth Street Neighborhood Association, Alameda
Lisa A. Parry, TCI Cablevision of Alameda
Don Bergen, Alameda.
President Appezzato closed the portion of the Hearing.
Vice Mayor Mannix moved that the Ordinance be finally adopted.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilman Arnerich stated that the State of
California will take away $3.3 millon from the City; and if funds
were not taken [by the State], the City would not have to increase
the Utility Users Tax.
Councilmember DeWitt requested the City Manager to explain the
exemption from the increase for low-income [citizens] and seniors.
President Appezzato stated that he would like Council to consider
an exemption for only low-income persons, including low-income
In response to Councilmember DeWitt's inquiry, the City Manager
stated the Council requested that seniors age 62 years and older,
and residents meeting low-income guidelines, receive an exemption
from the tax increase; and that citizens will file for an exemption
at the end of the calendar year with the Finance Department to
receive a refund.
Councilmember Lucas stated she supports the exemption from the
increase for seniors.
The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
95-279 Report from Chief of Police recommending award of
contract to Tiburon, Inc. for Public Safety Computer System.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, requested that staff comment on the new
computer system.
The Chief of Police discussed the purpose and advantages of the
Vice Mayor Mannix stated that he can attest to the need of the
system, and moved acceptance of the recommendation.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
95 -280a Report from Public Works Director recommending award of
contract to PCL Construction Services, Inc. in the amount of
$6,490,000. for Alameda City Hall Renovation, No. P.W. 10- 93 -14.
Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, urged the City Council to approve the
David Baker, Alameda, stated he would like to follow -up on the
prior speaker's comments and request the City Council to approve
the item.
Judy Pollard, Alameda, stated she wishes that the City Council can
vote to keep the tower, because it is an important part of the
building and its historical legacy.
David Plummer, Alameda, stated there are many advantages to the
tower, including State Preservation Grants; and that the City
Council should, at least, approve the tower's foundation.
President Appezzato stated that this can be a historic occasion;
and, if the decision is to move forward finally on a new City Hall,
he hopes that the entire City of Alameda will get behind the
decision of the City Council.
Councilmember DeWitt stated he would like to see the exterior of
the City Hall painted or conditioned; that the lowest bidder, if
selected, would charge much more money for painting the exterior
and the tower (foundation], than Swinnerton & Walberg Co., the
second lowest bidder; that he would like to include the Alternates
for the tower foundation and painting of the concrete walls; and
moved to change the scope of the bid to include Alternates 1 and 2.
Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilman Arnerich stated the total cost of the
project, including Alternates 1 and 2, will be $9,945,000; and that
he does not mind moving in the direction of Councilmembers DeWitt
and Mannix.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
President Appezzato stated the actual construction cost of City
Hall will be approximately $6,500,000 if the City receives the
State [Bond Act of 1990] and FEMA grant funds.
Councilman Arnerich stated every effort should be made to keep the
job at bid price.
The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
President Appezzato stated that he would like to thank the City
Council for voting unanimously.
Councilmember DeWitt moved that the City Council select the lowest
bidder with the change in scope of the bid, Swinnerton and Walberg
Co. of San Francisco.
Vice Mayor Mannix seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
* * *
President Appezzato recessed the Regular Council Meeting at 8:35
p.m. and convened the Alameda Public Improvement Corporation.
President Appezzato reconvened the Regular Council Meeting at 8:37
95-280b Resolution No. 12640 "Approving Lease and Leaseback
of Municipal Property to Provide Financing for Certain Public
Improvements to be Funded from Proceeds of Certificates of
Participation in the Aggregate Principal Amount of Not to Exceed
$11,545,000., Electing to Guarantee Payment in Accordance with
Section 37351.5 of the California Government Code, and Approving
Related Agreements and Actions. Adopted.
Vice Mayor Mannix moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
95-281 Resolution No. 12641 "Authorizing Open Market
Purchase of Epiceramic Bisfoam-3 A&B from Delta Plastic Co.,
pursuant to Section 3-15 of the Alameda City Charter, for Use in
the Alameda City Hall Renovation Project, No. P.W. 10-93-14.
Vice Mayor Mannix moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous vote -5.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
95-282a Report from Public Works Director regarding
recommendation to construct proposed improvements for the new
Clubhouse/Driving Range.
95-282b Report from Public Works Director regarding Cost/Benefit
Analysis of a Restaurant/Banquet Facility.
Joe E. Williams, Alameda, stated he is in favor of the project, and
recommends completing the project in one stage.
Earl Peacock, Grass Roots Committee for Fair Taxation, stated that
the improvements should be done one at a time as money becomes
Svend Svendsen, Alameda, requested the City Council to vote yes on
the construction project, and to not space the project over a
period of years.
Fred Leitz, Alameda Golf Commissioner, stated that he is mainly for
the driving range improvement; the range is the biggest moneymaker;
and he is against the banquet hall.
Don Bergen, Alameda, stated that the City should not be in the golf
business; the golf course should be sold to a private corporation
and the money placed in the General Fund.
Bob Blanchard, Alameda, stated he is in favor of the complex
proposal, and construction of the project all at one time.
Rick Stone, Alameda Golf Commissioner, stated he is in favor of the
new facility, and that construction should be in one phase.
Larry Newman, Alameda, stated he is in favor of the improvements,
and that doing the project in one stage would be more economical.
Ed Trevethan, Alameda, Alameda Golf Commissioner, stated he
supports construction of the project in one phase.
Councilmember Lucas stated she agrees an improved facility is
needed; that her greatest questions concern the banquet hall and
restaurant; and questioned how the City can make sure that the
banquet hall would be a quality operation.
The Assistant City Manager responded that the Golf Commission will
be discussing the issue and looking at going out to bid; four or
five concessionaires have already expressed an interest in bidding
for the project in October; a number of people who have made
inquiries have done very good jobs in golf courses around the Bay
Area; and the Contract will require performance.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
Councilman Arnerich reported there is an Enterprise Fund which
generates over $3,000,000; that there are assets in the value of
the Golf Course land; and funds are generated from non-resident
In response to President Appezzato's inquiry, the Golf Manager
stated that he believes there are currently 384 parking spaces at
the Golf Course; 152 parking spaces will be added to the parking
lot; the training station at the Fire Department, if not being
used, could provide an alternate source of parking; and that
conflicts could occur if there is a large function when the Golf
Course is at maximum playing capacity.
In response to President Appezzato's inquiry, the Golf Manager
stated that tournaments with bookings of 100 or more players will
not be required to use the banquet facilities; and if a 10% return
is realized, $86,000 will be received in revenue.
Vice Mayor Mannix stated the driving range is an improvement the
City can ill afford to not move ahead on immediately; that he needs
to feel comfortable a banquet hall will work for the Golf Course;
and the best route to follow is Alternative No. 1 [construction of
all buildings/improvements as separate phases], which is a pay-as-
you-go basis, and with an option to move ahead into Alternative No.
2, if the funding is available to consolidate Phases 2 and 3.
Councilmember DeWitt stated that he supports all stages of the Golf
Course project; a marketing study concerning the size and
feasibility of the banquet facility should be considered down the
line; he cannot support Certificates of Participation at this time;
and he supports Alternative 1.
Councilmember Lucas stated that the Council must decide what is
good for the City as a whole; she believes Council has the duty to
avoid incurring this large of a debt which would burden the
citizens of Alameda for the next 30 years; there is a question
regarding the large banquet facility; and Alternative 1 makes a lot
of sense.
Councilman Arnerich stated that he personally supports Alternative
4; he is concerned about the future make up of the Council should
they have a change in direction in two years; and he does not
believe Alternative 1, 2 or 3 is the appropriate way to go.
At the request of Councilman Arnerich, the project architect
reviewed the Golf Commission's priorties, the project's assets, the
risks in delaying, and the reasons the City would be best served by
a single-phase approach.
President Appezzato reviewed current budget constraints. He stated
that he is not sure this is the time to be indebted with
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
Certificates of Participation for twenty to thirty years, and he
will accept Alternative 1, and possibly Alternative 2.
Vice Mayor Mannix moved that the City Council select Alternative 1
on a pay -as- you -go basis, with the option to consolidate Phases 2
and 3 if the funding is available at that time.
Councilmember DeWitt seconded the motion.
The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers DeWitt, Lucas, Mannix and President Appezzato - 4.
Noes: Councilman Arnerich - 1.
* **
President Appezzato called a recess at 9 :55 p.m. and reconvened the
meeting at 10 :12 p.m.
* * *
95 -283 Report from Public Works Director on the status of the
Harbor Bay Express II Alameda ferry vessel. (Councilmember Lucas)
Charles Walther, Consultant, Walther Engineering Services, San
Rafael, stated that the length of time the vessel has been in
service, versus out of service, is largely due to problems with the
builder; the ferry is a new state -of- the -art vessel; it ran
successfully for about 350 hours; most of the problems have been
the failure of the builder to perform; and it appears, at this
point, Harbor Bay Express II will perform as intended.
In response to President Appezzato's inquiry, Mr. Walther stated
the vessel appears to be strong and seaworthy.
Councilman Arnerich stated that he has a problem with the entire
In response to Councilmember Lucas's inquiry, Mr. Walther stated
that the City should put the vessel into service and see how long
it lasts.
President Appezzato inquired when the City should stop putting good
money after bad.
Mr. Walther responded that the money that has been put into the
ferry could come back from the bonding company's guarantor, or the
shipyard itself through a lawsuit; and both engines are now under
a two -year warranty.
Councilmember Lucas stated the City definitely needs another boat,
in order to provide regular commuter service.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
Mr. Walther responded that someone should have a spare boat for all
the different districts.
In response to Councilman Arnerich's inquiry, Mr. Walther stated
the manufacturer of the engines reported that they should run 7,000
hours between overhauls without major problems.
In response to Councilmember DeWitt's inquiry regarding a
replacement boat, the City Manager stated that the City does not
have the funds right now.
President Appezzato commented that in two years the entire contract
ends with Doric Development or Greystone; that before Council
decides to buy another boat, it better decide how it is going to
acquire operating funds to run it.
In response to Councilmember Lucas's inquiry, Mr. Walther stated
reducing the speed of Harbor Bay Express II would make it more
Paul W. Bishop, Harbay Bay Maritime, distributed a letter to the
City Council from Mr. Brimhall and read the last paragraph into the
record: "Harbor Bay has never considered terminating the service
and Harbor Bay Maritime is committed to working with the City to
place the new boat in service; or if this is not possible, to come
up with a mutually satisfactory solution that will provide for the
continuation of the service."
In response to President Appezzato's inquiry regarding a backup
boat, Mr. Bishop stated they still have the old boat that can be
used on a dollar amount per day; that he is charged with finding a
way to monetarily keep the boat as a backup; the builder of Harbor
Bay Express II has not lived up to any of his obligations; there
was no disclosure that they had blown an engine during sea trials
in Florida and rebuilt the engine themselves; and it took over a
month to prepare legal agreements between the City and Harbor Bay
before purchasing the engine that is in the vessel now.
In response to Councilmember Lucas's inquiry regarding the
builder's performance, Mr. Bishop responded that he has met with
the City Attorney and provided information on the vessel.
In response to President Appezzato's inquiry concerning operating
funds after two and one-half years, Mr. Bishop stated that the
Metropolitan Transportation Commission would be the first place to
look, and a Harbor Bay assessment district considered. He also
reported that operating costs for the month run $75,000 and ticket
revenues bring in about $27,000 - $30,000.
Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated, for the record, he hopes Council
does not consider an assessment district in two and one-half years.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
President Appezzato read excerpts of a letter, dated May 2, 1995,
from Bruce McGregor, ferry rider and Planning Board President,
including the statement H. . .when the City accepted the boat, Mr.
Bishop of Harbor Bay Maritime used the expression `backup boat'
several times to encourage the commitment of our $1.3 million."
President Appezzato stated that he has to agree with Mr. McGregor
that the City Council did, in fact, buy a backup boat.
Councilmember Lucas suggested that matter be agendized again in a
President Appezzato stated that he thinks the City Council needs to
find out what the intent was between the City and Developer and
what the Developer's legal obligations are to operate the ferry;
and that Council needs to begin to look at what they are going to
do in two years.
Councilmember Lucas stated that she would like to know if the City
can hold the builder responsible for the damages incurred and
liable for a substitute boat; and the matter evaluated by the City
Council concurred that the matter be brought back to Council in 30
days; and that the status report include the boat's performance,
legal arrangements and original intent of purchase.
Councilmember Lucas moved acceptance the report. Vice Mayor Mannix
seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
95-284 Introduction of Ordinance Authorizing Execution of
Tidelands Lease Between Pacific Shops, Inc. and the City of
Alameda. (requires four votes) Not introduced.
Mr. John Bentzen, Pacific Shops, Inc., urged the City Council to
vote in support of the ordinance.
Diane Coler-Dark, Alameda, questioned why a schedule of existing
rents was not included; and suggested that Council request a
written decision from BCDC on the statement by staff that the
existing BCDC access cannot be shared with regular commercial use.
Councilmember DeWitt stated that he believes the City should use
the land; the City is economically strapped; and putting the Bureau
of Electricity on the land could save money.
Vice Mayor Mannix stated the alternative presented of directing the
City Manager to further investigate the acquisition of adequate
vehicular access for use of the parcel by the Bureau of
Electricity, is a good one; that he believes City can include a
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
rider allowing the terms of the existing lease to continue on a
month-to-month basis until matter clarified, with the forty-five
day notice of termination by either party clause; that the Bureau
of Electricity situation and access to the property warrants a good
hard look; and the Bureau's proposal looks a lot better than the
terms of the [Pacific Shops, Inc.] Lease.
Councilmember Lucas stated the access question has to be clarified
and Council needs more staff input on the matter.
President Appezzato stated that he is concerned the citizens of
Alameda are not receiving fair value for land they own; low rents
for City lands has to stop; City is paying rent for less than an
acre at $38,000 and is going to rent 3.5 acres of City land for
$20,000; and until last week, the Bureau had $500,000 budgeted to
buy an acre of ground to replace storage lot being rented. He
further stated he is prepared to direct that the City Attorney
acquire access, or give Council information on acquiring access in
the right-of-way to our City property; that the City Manager come
up with the least expensive right-of-way costs from Clement Street
to the City's property; that Pacific Shops and tenants be treated
fairly; and the Lease extended until information necessary to gain
control over City land is received.
In response to Councilman Arnerich's inquiry, Mr. Bentzen, agreed
to pay rent in the amount of $33,000 to $35,000.
Mr. Milani, Pacific Shops, Inc., stated the Lease was written with
SantaFe Pomeroy and assumed by Pacific Shops; that Pacific Shops
rented property to the Bureau of Electricity at one time, [Pacific
Shops] cooperates with the City, provides economic benefits, and
does not take advantage of the City.
President Appezzato stated the benefits received from developing
the property was understood and deserved; that the Tidelands Trust
Law of 1917 states after 25 years the land and all of its
improvements revert to the City and its citizens; and that after 25
years the City renegotiates.
Councilmember DeWitt stated that he will not vote for anything that
the City does not receive present day market value for its assets.
Vice Mayor Mannix moved the matter be referred back to City staff
to negotiate a lease based on the new figures, and to continue
exploring the feasibility of acquiring access to the property; and
that staff report back to Council with best option: the lease with
the figures raised tonight, or gain access to the property for City
President Appezzato stated sooner or later the City has to acquire
access to the land; that in negotiations, the City Attorney either
Regular Mceting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
has to find legal ways to do it, or come up with some kind of
Councilman Arnerich stated that the terms of the lease are up; City
has the right to renegotiate the loan; he likes Alternative [in
staff report]: 'to direct the City Manager to further investigate
the acquisition of adequate vehicular access for usage of the
parcel by the Bureau of Electricity for equipment storage. This
investigation will include determining the implications of the
Tidelands Trust Grant usage restrictions on the parcel', and Item
No. 3 [of staff recommendation]: 'Allow the existing lease to
continue on a month to month basis until either the City gives a 45
day notice of termination or adopts an ordinance of a new lease;'
and that staff report back to Council, and also see what can be
worked out with Mr. Milani and Mr. Bentzen regarding the $35,000 or
so figure.
In response to President Appezzato's inquiry, Councilman Arnerich
stated that his comments include what Vice Mayor Mannix said.
Councilmember Lucas stated Vice Mayor Mannix made a very good point
that the City needs access; if a lease to the year 2015 is
negotiated, maybe access can be negotiated to be available at that
time; and staff should handle this matter rapidly.
The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
The City Council recessed for a brief period.
95-285 Ordinance No. 2692, N.S. "Approving and Authorizing
Execution of Easement Purchase Agreement Between East Bay Municipal
Utility District and the City of Alameda." Finally adopted.
Councilman Arnerich stated he does not like the terms of the
Agreement; that he will not vote for it; Krusi Park will be closed
down for sixteen months, which is badly needed; and he wanted a
$1,000 a day penalty fee.
The City Manager stated that the cost for construction and
replacement of the Park will not cost the City anything, unless
there are toxics.
The Public Works Director stated that East Bay Municipal Utility
District is in agreement to pay for all the costs associated with
this project, including taking material to a proper dump; and the
City will pay for the first $300,000 of liability for any
contaminated soil.
Councilman Arnerich stated he does not think it is necessary to tie
the Park up for one year.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
1 5 3
Vice Mayor Mannix moved acceptance of the recommendation [to adopt
the Ordinance and authorize the City Manager to execute appropriate
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion.
The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers DeWitt, Lucas, Mannix and President Appezzato - 4.
Noes: Councilman Arnerich - 1. Absent: None. Abstentions: None.
95-286 Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, stated that EBMUD should
be asked to work seven days a week, 24 hours a day, on the [Krusi
Park] Project [see Paragraph 95- ]; the Alameda Naval Air Station
Base Reuse Advisory Group should make an updated presentation; the
Navy Base will probably be available for Bureau of Electricity
storage needs; and the Alameda Homebuyers's Fair is Saturday, May
13, 1995.
95-287 Don Bergen, Alameda, requested the Mayor to adjourn the
meeting in memory of those who died in the Oklahoma City bombing.
95-288 Dennis Uthe, PCL Construction, requested the City Council
to readdress the issue of awarding a contract for City Hall
renovation; he stated PCL expected to be awarded the contract; that
they have put a great deal of time and effort into the project and
are responsible for the idea of foam installation.
The City Manager advised the City Council that the City must move
on; there are deadlines to meet; and the City cannot afford to
reconsider award of contract.
Council declined to reconsider the matter.
95-289 Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated that he has heard the
East Bay Municipal Utility District is raising rates again, and
requested the City Council to place the matter on the next agenda
to oppose increase.
95-290 Col. Earl Peacock, Alameda, suggested that a geotechnical
engineer drill in the EBMUD project area to determine what is
exactly there [toxic waste], how to remediate waste, and the cost
to do so.
COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council)
95-291 President Appezzato requested that the letter from Nancy
Nadel, EBMUD, be agendized for Council consideration.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995
95 -292 President Appezzato requested that a staff report on a
document Council received from Barbara Kerr entitled 'Staff
Misconduct' be provided to the City Council.
95 -293 President Appezzato stated that he received a letter and
photographs concerning a property located on Union Street; the
front and backyards are a mess; and he would like a staff report on
the matter.
95 -294 Councilmember Lucas stated that there is an
investigator's report on 1574 Pacific Avenue now and a letter from
Charles Triebel; and at the time the staff responds to Ms. Kerr's
letter, she would appreciate a response to Mr. Triebel's letter
95 -295 Councilman Arnerich stated that he will be requesting, in
the future, an ordinance pertaining to unsightly lots in town, e.g.
Chun's Gasoline Station, Ratto Gasoline Station on Webster Street,
Cavanaugh Gasoline Station, and Shelby's Draperies.
95 -296 Confirming the appointments of Councilmember Lucas and
Mayor Appezzato as Representative and Alternate Representative,
respectively, to the Association of Bay Area Governments.
Councilmember DeWitt moved approval of the appointments. Vice
Mayor Mannix seconded the motion. The motion carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
95 -297 Mayor Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 12 :15 a.m. in
memory of the people who died in the Oklahoma City bombing.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance.
Regular Mccting, Alameda City Council
May 2, 1995