AUGUST 16. 1994
The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m., with President Withrow
presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember
Lucas. Reverend Dan Weller, Westside Baptist Church, gave the
Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich,
Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
At the request of citizens, reports (94-462) concerning LED Traffic
Signal Lamp Units, and (94-463) Investment Portfolio; resolutions
(94-464) concerning Phase II Measure AA Bond Funds, and (94-465)
ISTEA funds; ordinance and resolution (94-466) regarding Council
Rules of Order, and Bills (94-467) were removed from the Consent
Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Appezzato moved approval of the remainder of the
Consent Calendar. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
*94-460 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of August 2, 1994,
and Special Council Meeting of August 2, 1994. Approved.
*94-461 Resolution No. 12564 "Implementing the Provisions of
Section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code to Provide Employee
Contributions to the Public Employees' Retirement System on a Pre-
tax Basis." Adopted.
94-462 Report from Public Works Director recommending
authorization for experimental use of LED (Light Emitting Diode)
Traffic Signal Lamp Units at Various Locations.
Councilmember Lucas stated that the new light emitting diode
traffic lamp units are environmentally friendly and will save the
City money.
Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the report. Councilmember
Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote
- 5.
94-463 Report from Finance Director transmitting Investment
Portfolio for period ending July 31, 1994.
Regular Meet Mg, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
Councilmember Lucas moved acceptance of the report. Vice Mayor Roth
seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
94-464 Resolution No. 12565 "Approving Application to East
Bay Regional Park District for Reallocation of $830,000 of Phase II
Measure AA Bond Funds." Adopted.
Don Bergen, Alameda, stated that he is opposed to the cost and
funding of Longfellow Park improvements; the work has begun and he
wonders if it is legal before Council, technically, approves it;
$12,000 to $25,000 would be sufficient for a couple of new gates,
sand in the play area, patching and repainting tennis court,
putting in new trees on Linden Street, and cement work; and added
that a Councilmember stated if we do not take the funding for a
project, someone else would, and that is a selfish remark; the
state and country are deeply in debt.
The City Manager responded that the work has not started; Council
at its last meeting approved a reduced scale project; and it is an
eligible project for Park District funds.
Councilman Arnerich suggested Mr. Bergen write to Washington, D.C.
regarding cost of new CIA building and to the State concerning the
wasted hundreds of millions of dollars, instead of making
accusations that Council does not know what it is doing.
President Withrow stated the use of adjectives that disparage the
character of any member of the Council are out of line and the
Chair will not condone [such behaviour] in the future.
Vice Mayor Roth pointed out that Measure AA funds are tax monies
that people of Alameda voted on specifically for recreational
purposes; he recommended Longfellow Park for improvements three
years ago and now something is happening; and he is happy.
Vice Mayor Roth moved adoption. Councilman Arnerich seconded the
motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
94-465 Resolution No. 12566 "Authorizing Application and
Committing to Local Match and Project Delivery Schedule for
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) Funds for
Second Cycle, Fiscal Years 1994-95, 1995-96, and 1996-97, and
Understanding that Cost Increases are Ineligible for Additional
ISTEA Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) or Surface
Transportation Program (STP) Funding." Adopted.
Don Bergen, Alameda, stated that he does not believe the Bay Farm
Island Bridge is unsafe for bicyclists; deficits start with small
amounts; this City could help the country by saving the cost of the
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
Councilman Arnerich stated "for the record" that the Bridge was
built, is operated, by the State, and Mr. Bergen should go to the
State Transportation Department with his comments.
President Withrow stated the political appeal of not competing for
funds to save funds for reducing the national deficit does not hold
The City Manager clarified that the item before Council is the
Atlantic Avenue Corridor project and the Tilden Way Pedestrian
Bicycle Improvement Project.
Councilmember Lucas moved adoption. Councilman Arnerich seconded
the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
94-466a Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Repealing Subsection 2-1.7 (Rules of Order) of Section 2-1
(The City Council), Article I (The City Council and Meetings of the
City Council) of Chapter II (Administration), and Replacing with
New Section 2-1.7 Establishing Rules of Order by City Council
Resolution." (Continued from August 2, 1994, Council Meeting)
[See 94-466b for Council action]
94-466b Resolution No. 12567 "Establishing the Rules of Order
Governing the Proceedings and Order of Business of City Council
Meetings and Repealing Resolution No. 12120 Establishing Time
Limits for Public Discussion at City Council Meetings." (Continued
from August 2, 1994, Council Meeting)
Don Bergen, Alameda, requested Council not to limit anyone's right
to speak before the City Council.
Al DeWitt, Alameda, stated that he was pleased the portion of the
resolution limiting speakers was dropped, and Councilman Arnerich's
three-minutes rule retained.
Vice Mayor Roth explained that this agenda item only transfers
Rules of Order [from an ordinance] to a resolution.
Vice Mayor Roth moved to adopt [introduce ordinance and adopt
resolution]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried
by unanimous voice vote - 5.
94-467 Bills for ratification.
Councilman Arnerich explained that the report was an end of the
year bookkeeping procedure; that there should be a footnote at the
end of the audit explaining payments, particularly regarding
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
Council by consensus approved bills in the sum of $5,645,797.06.
* * * *
President Withrow announced report [Paragraph 94-4751 regarding
Ferry Service Agreement was pulled from the Agenda and rescheduled
for the first meeting in September.
* * * *
94-468 Appointment of a Youth Representative to the Social
Service Human Relations Board. (SSHRB)
President Withrow presented a Certificate of Appointment to Ms.
Kaamil Bey.
Jim Franz, Member, SSHRB, expressed appreciation for what Ms. Bey
will contribute.
Actions Related to Base Conversion Process.
94-469 Status Briefing on Base Conversion Process.
Project Manager Parker reported on end of the 1993-94 fiscal year
preliminary figures [expenditures] and funds recovered from the
Office of Economic Adjustment; and noted that he will report back
with a final accounting of the budget.
Mr. Parker reported that he attended a Seaport Committee meeting on
August 9th; it is expected that a final Seaport Plan will be
adopted in the fall; the consultant is close to recommending that
a portion of the airfield, adjacent to the Estuary, could be
utilized for six shipping berths and support container unloading
and Port use; our comments were this may be a premature
determination, the matter should involve the local community's
review of technical aspects and its desire to have a seaport
terminal; the Committee has requested a response from the community
as represented through the Reuse Authority be put forward at the
meeting on September 13th; and this matter will be put on the Reuse
Authority's Agenda of September 7th.
Mr. Parker stated that the Supply Center Annex is also designated
as a port-priority use; the Multi-Trans consultant will recommend
that the Annex not be designated for port priority; they encourage
the Council to put forward the community's viewpoint as to the use
of the Supply Center for a port-related use such as a cargo
facility; and the City Planning Director will be placing the matter
on the next Council meeting agenda.
Mr. Parker noted clarity needs to be given as to Mr. Wang's
[Seaport Committee Member] representation of the community, that he
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
is an independent businessman representing an independent position
for himself.
Mr. Parker updated Council on the September 7th Agenda for the
Reuse Authority, including Fiscal Year Budget through October 31,
1995, and draft Budget submitted to the Office of Economic
Adjustment staff in the amount of $1,363,000.
He further stated that a joint funding request by Science City and
ACET will not appear on the September 7th Reuse Authority Agenda;
there still needs to be quite a bit of work between Science City,
ACET and University of California; and the funding request will be
placed on the October 5th Agenda.
94-470 Resolution No. 12568 "Opposing the Navy Rejection by
Concord Naval Weapons to Operate the Naval Aviation Depot (NADEP)
Gun Test and Repair Facility." Adopted.
Lee Perez, BRAG chair, stated that the Group strongly recommends
Council restate its position concerning the gun testing facility.
Vice Mayor Roth stated that the Navy leased Moffett Field to NASA,
then put back the Navy Reserve Units; he would like to pursue the
option of the City leasing the gun testing part, and the City
negotiate a lease with Concord.
Mayor Withrow stated that there is no question the Navy, on the
surface, is not being consistent.
Councilmember Appezzato stated that he will support the resolution;
perhaps the issue will get beyond legal counsel and to the
Commander of the Air Systems Command; and the City might get a
reversal; and moved adoption. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion
and stated he would like Council to instruct staff to look at the
possibility of the City leasing facility and negotiating with
Councilmember Lucas stated that Vice Mayor Roth's suggestion is
excellent. If City obtains rights to lease site, it needs the
Navy's cooperation, and staff should negotiate with the Navy.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, stated the Alameda Naval Air Reserve
has been transferred to Moffett Field; and the UCSF expansion plan,
including a second campus, should be in base conversion plan.
Herb Severns, Alameda, stated that the City should consider getting
bids to determine cost to reproduce the building [gun test and
repair facility], and also the cost to relocate it to Port Chicago,
or other government locations.
The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Regular Meeting, ALuneda City Council
August 16, 1994
94-471 Public Hearing to consider Resolution No. 12569 "Deleting
Explanatory Material on Acoustic Treatment from Airport Environs
Policy 7.3.1 of the General Plan.
There being no speakers, the public portion of the hearing was
Vice Mayor Roth moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember
Lucas seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Appezzato inquired whether the
deletion will adversely affect the residents of Harbor Bay Isle.
The Planning Director responded that it will not.
The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
94-472 Report from Assistant City Manager on status of Dog Run
Proposals. (Councilmember Appezzato)
Don Roberts, Alameda, stated he agreed with some East Bay Regional
Park District [EBRPD] comments; and the local Park staff, according
to EBRPD letter attached to staff report, believes that Crown
Memorial State Beach, is already a well-used public facility and
that the addition of a non-leash dog park has the potential for
operational problems and use conflicts; and the task of cleaning up
after the dogs, will be left to City employees; and he does not
think it appropriate to consider constructing a dog run in a
residential neighborhood.
John Scott Graham, Alameda, stated adult and dog fights will occur
unless City provides two lanes and that is expensive; and cleaning
up after the dogs is necessary.
Councilmember Appezzato stated that he would like staff to work
with the design staff of the East Bay Regional Park District to
determine if a dog run can be accommodated at Mt. Trashmore.
Councilman Arnerich stated the original proposal was for Mt.
Trashmore and, as he understands it, the ground cover cannot be
In reponse to Councilman Arnerich, the City Manager stated that the
former landfill on Doolittle was required to be closed by the
Alameda County Health Department and the Water Quality Control
Board, and precludes other uses at that site; there are above-
ground facilities to be maintained; City is very concerned about
other people getting into the facility; and the ground cover will
remain another thirty-five years.
Councilman Arnerich noted that three dog run sites have been
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
visited: Berkeley, Richmond, and Sausalito; the dog run in
Sausalito is adjacent to a middle school, four acres, and
maintained by the local Humane Society; Point Isabelle in Richmond
is similar to Crown Beach Park; at Crown Beach, we are not talking
about picnic areas, but a buffer zone between lower Washington Park
Tennis Court parking and approximately 150 feet south, made up of
sand and under trees; we can probably acquire it at no cost to the
City; [buffer zone] only requires a three-foot fence which would
not pose a problem for the public; and Mr. Doug Sidon, EBRPD,
should assist with the proposal.
In response to Councilmember Lucas, the Assistant City Manager
explained EBRPD visited Mt. Trashmore and provided reconunendations;
in turn, he spoke with the Public Works Director who wrote a report
indicating various reasons it would be difficult to put a dog run
facility on that site; and a plan from EBRPD would not come up to
the City's safety standards.
Councilmember Lucas expressed concerns regarding Washington Park
proposal, e.g. dogs escaping from the run; and stated that she
would like to look at another site, including feasibility of Mt.
Herb Severns, Alameda, stated increased public safety will mean
less dogs, therefore, the dog run should be forgotten.
Councilmember Appezzato stated that he would like Park District's
design for Mt. Trashmore, and moved that "we follow through with
what Councilman Arnerich said; definitely look at Mt. Trashmore;
get [Park] District to make the design and do the work; Public
Works decide whether we can use it or not; and then look at another
site or two for a potential dog run."
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
94-473 Report from Assistant City Manager on Proposed Loss of
County Grant Funding for Mastick Senior Center FY 1994-95.
(Councilmember Appezzato)
John Scott Graham, Alameda, stated one day soon he will be a senior
citizen, and he would like a place to go.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, stated sometimes people come to
speak however, are not fully informed.
President Withrow expressed appreciation for County Supervisor Don
Perata's efforts to keep Mastick Center from losing County funds;
thinks Council would have taken action in any event; the matter was
handled quickly when it went before the Board of Supervisors, and
grant funding was restored.
Regular Meelin. g, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
Councilmember Appezzato stated he attended the meeting; was touched
by the number of seniors present; explained the services and
programs provided by the Center which receives no State or Federal
funding to provide services for its seniors; an Altzheimer's Day
Program will open in September; he congratulated the Board of
Directors and volunteers for their contribution in making Mastick
Senior Center a success.
Councilman Arnerich moved acceptance [of the report].
Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
* * *
Council recessed and renconvened at 9:15 p.m.
* * *
94-474 Report from Assistant City Manager regarding Mastick
Senior Center Lease Extension Proposal.
William McCall, Alameda, stated the Superintendent of Schools said
that the City was going to acquire the property, the District wants
a similar piece of property, and it is willing to extend the lease.
Mr. McCall further stated that he [McCall] wants the City to get a
Deed to the property, and during the lease agreement period, work
towards getting it.
The City Manager stated three issues were discussed at the [joint
meeting between the City and School District] meeting; the
extension of the lease from the year 2000 to the year 2015;
splitting school assessments which would be no more than $2,500 for
the City; and property, with like value, in exchange for Mastick
Senior Center.
Mayor Withrow stated that there was discussion on a process for
looking for property to exchange; and a time schedule, no less
frequently than twice a year, that both bodies report at a public
forum on the status of pursuing an agreeable trade.
Cal Santare, Alameda, Mastick Senior Center Board Member, stated
that the problem must be resolved; the Board has great plans for
the seniors; and now is the time.
Allen Derr, Alameda, thanked Councilmember Appezzato for statistics
on the Center and the City Council for addressing the issue; stated
that he is in favor of getting the lease signed until 2015, so the
Board can proceed with their plans; and Council go ahead with
getting property swap consummated.
Councilmember Appezzato stated that he unconditionally supports
City ownership of the Mastick Senior Center; [the bodies] move
swiftly as possible, much before the year 2015; and that perhaps
the acreage City purchased for UCSF can be considered as a site.
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
Councilmember Lucas inquired whether it is possible for the City to
acquire the Deed to the property now, and promise to deliver later.
Mayor Withrow responded that proposal did not receive a great deal
of reception at the limited forums; and that the City might be able
to come up with a contractual arrangement.
Vice Mayor Roth stated that a couple of years ago the City was
close to owning the property; however, at election time, the School
Board changed and the whole thing was off; and that the lease
proposal to 2015 provides the City time to do it [exchange
Councilman Arnerich stated the City gave the School District land
which runs through the Lincoln School property from Fernside
Boulevard to the Bay and School, and [a portion of] Alameda Avenue;
if the School District and School Board promote both educational
aspects of youth and the entire community, they will turn the Deed
over to the City governments, start to work on future proposals for
other properties which become available, e.g. Naval Air Station,
Marine Naval Training Center; and let us see if they wish to act in
good faith now, after the extensive properties the City has
bequeathed to the District.
Councilmember Appezzato stated that he would make a motion "to move
forward on this proposal, but also in accordance with what
Councilman Arnerich and Councilmember Lucas said, to move quickly
to identify property and give ownership to the Mastick Senior
Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion.
Councilman Arnerich stated he believes the School District is
looking at the main island for school [site], and that the property
purchased for UCSF would not allow for a school because of the
On the call for the question, the motion was carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
94-475 Report from Public Works Director regarding Amendment to
Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service Agreement Between Blue & Gold Fleet
and City of Alameda for Fare Increase and Assignment of Pier 1/2
Mooring Rights.
This matter was removed from the agenda.
94-476 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Authorizing Grant of Easement
to Central & Park Associates and Approval of Agreement Between the
City and Central & Park Associates to Allow the Installation of a
Door in the Building Located at 2314 Central Avenue." (Continued
Regular MeeAing, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
from August 2, 1994, Council Meeting)
Councilmember Lucas stated that she was going to abstain from the
matter because of a conflict of interest.
Don Roberts, Alameda, stated that the door was built and installed
over a month ago; the problem with allowing it to happen before an
agreement and ordinance are signed is that attorneys for
partnership now want to change Agreement; does not see any valuable
consideration of the City to allow this partnership to have
approximately a 1,000 square foot easement for no payment; and he
believes some people receive special treatment and it is not right.
Councilman Arnerich stated that it seems every time Council tries
to work with homeowners or businesses, they want to make changes at
their whim; he believes they [Central & Park Associates] are far
from looking at the door as just an emergency [door] and looking at
it as an egress, ingress; City should look at matter very carefully
and place restrictions on what they can and cannot do; and he
believes more than a seven-day notice, perhaps a 30-day notice,
should be given to vacate.
Vice Mayor Roth stated that he looks at it as a simple matter; let
them have the door; and agrees seven days [notice] must be extended
to either 30 or 60 days.
In response to Councilman Arnerich, the City Manager stated that he
would not recommend selling the land; Council may wish to charge
for the use of the easement as originally recommended; and noted
staff report states on page 2 that if the Council wants to
entertain a longer lease term, they may wish to consider
In response to Vice Mayor Roth and Councilman Arnerich, the City
Manager suggested Council continue along the line of an easement
agreement, and Council may want to charge for the easement rather
than making it into a lease.
Councilman Arnerich stated that he thinks the City should look into
charging, based on fair market value, for the easement, and extend
notice to vacate to either 30 or 60 days, as Vice Mayor Roth
The City Manager stated rather than introduce the ordinance, staff
better bring it back, to which the City Attorney stated it would be
treated as an introduction, and bring final passage back at a
subsequent meeting.
Councilmember Appezzato stated that he would like a legal opinion
on the ramifications to the City, e.g., could City claim back
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
President Withrow questioned whether providing compensation over a
period of time for an easement would make it more difficult for the
City to have a subsequent modification.
Vice Mayor Roth stated that he would like to know how other
requests to use parking lots will be handled.
The City Manager clarified that staff is being requested to do two
things, give 30 to 60 days notice and to negotiate a value for the
Councilman Arnerich and Vice Mayor Roth agreed.
Councilman Arnerich moved "with the necessary changes that were
discussed this evening by Councilmembers, that we proceed to go
ahead and have a report come back."
Councilman Arnerich inquired if they do not want to comply, will
the door come out; and the City Manager responded affirmatively.
Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Appezzato, Roth and
President Withrow - 4. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions:
Councilmember Lucas - 1.
94 -477 Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, thanked Councilmember
Lucas for suggesting the City get the Deed for Mastick Senior
Center. He also stated that war must be declared on the
environmental toxic cleanup of the Naval Air Station.
94 -478 Don Bergen, Alameda, stated he wants to compliment Tom
Tuttle of the Alameda Times Star for his article on the problems at
the Linoaks Motel, e.g. drugs and prostitution; however, he objects
to the reference in the article to Councilmember Appezzato's
statement on the motel bringing in a certain amount of money; he
believes it was an attempt to make Councilmember Appezzato look
bad; and noted that Councilmember Appezzato was not on the Council
when the motel was purchased. He also stated the money expended on
purchasing the property for UCSF should have been provided to
Police and Fire, to the Library to double its size on its present
site, and to the City's budget to avoid work force cutbacks.
94 -479 John Scott Graham, Alameda, stated, regarding the Mastick
Senior Center issue, that the Portola Triangle would be an ideal
site for the School District.
94 -480 Discussion of Council /Alameda Unified School District
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
Joint Meetings. (Mayor Withrow)
Mayor Withrow stated that this item is an outgrowth of the meetings
held monthly with the School District; a lot of issues, such as the
Mastick Senior Center, come into play in this kind of proposal with
respect to having a joint meeting between the two legislative
bodies; the School District and the City serve the same
constituents; the two legislative bodies, if they were to meet in
a joint session, could air a number of issues, such as the Mastick
Senior Center, child care, the teen center, and joint use of
facilities. Mayor Withrow further stated the forum that meets, two
representatives from the School Board, Vice Mayor, and himself,
felt it was worth bringing back to Council, and it will be
discussed at the Board of Trustees' meeting to see if a Memorandum
of Understanding can be drawn up, for joint meetings; and on behalf
of the body that meets monthly, propose it to Council for
Councilmember Appezzato stated that he supports the initiative;
compliments the Trustees of the School Board for their desire to be
open, as we are going to be also; and joint meetings in an open
environment with the public and press attending is a good idea.
Mayor Withrow stated the proposal is to have the entire City
Council and School Board meet, and depending on the ground rules,
action taken at meetings.
Councilmember Lucas inquired whether the meetings would be held on
a regular basis.
President Withrow responded it is difficult to determine; if the
meetings are productive and there are sufficient agenda items, it
would be good; and also good for the citizens to have one forum to
attend with both bodies present.
Councilman Arnerich stated that he was not for the proposal; what
has worked out started three or four years ago with the Mayor, Vice
Mayor and people representing the School Board serving in a
capacity which does not allow any action to be taken; and he
believes something could be approved at a Special Meeting and the
public would not be in attendance.
President Withrow responded that is a valid concern.
Vice Mayor Roth stated that he concurs with Councilman Arnerich; he
likes it the way it was; and he is sorry that the School District
believes it is inappropriate.
President Withrow stated that the proposal is for periodic
meetings; Councilman Arnerich's issue is a valid one and would have
to be put into definitive terms that short-noticed meetings could
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
not be be held; and he believes there is a role that the two
legislative bodies can pursue where everyone is available in a
forum to interact with the public and move towards a decision at
one time.
Councilman Arnerich stated that he does not believe,
constitutionally, it can be worked out.
The City Attorney stated the City Charter does provide that the
City Council shall meet as a Council in the Council Chamber; the
Council would have to meet on regularly scheduled meetings and
continue to meet at City Hall; and that the Council and School
District could have separate but concurrent meetings, and separate
Councilman Arnerich stated that the criteria needs to be clarified
by the City Attorney; and he is opposed to the proposal.
Councilmember Lucas stated that work shops might solve the problem.
President Withrow responded that could be an alternative; the
disadvantage of precluding action-taking meetings is that nothing
could come to fruition that would expedite issues that have gone on
for years.
Vice Mayor Roth stated that he thinks it is at least worth pursuing
to see if problems can be overcome.
President Withrow stated it is incumbent upon Council to see what
it can do; and Council needs feedback from the City Manager, City
Attorney, and City Clerk on constraints.
Councilmember Lucas stated that she certainly sees the need for the
type of communication proposed and the exchange of ideas.
In response to Councilmember Appezzato, President Withrow stated
that School Board Member Huie is taking the matter to the Board.
President Withrow stated that he appreciated the open dialogue of
the City Council; it is not a simple issue; and, as far as he
knows, if the proposal is successful, Alameda will be the first to
have such joint meetings.
Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated that he is in favor of the
proposed joint meetings; the subject of disasters should be a topic
addressed by the bodies; and he does not believe the Board will be
in favor of the proposal.
94-481 Mayor Withrow stated that Council decided to have the
City assume management and control over the Golf Course; given the
complexity of running such an operation and being run by a
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
government entity, he believes it would be appropriate to call for
an operational audit that would review, by experts who understand
the industry, what can and cannot be done, when certain standards
are achieved, and what those standards should be, so that we can
document for this Council in the near future, and periodically, as
that [Golf Course] is being properly utilized and operated; and
would like a staff review with a set of recommendations that would
hopefully incorporate the idea of a RFP, to come back.
94-482 Mayor Withrow requested a staff report evaluating the
vehicle speeds on Encinal Avenue; and recommendations to reduce
94-483 Mayor Withrow requested a review of the intersection of
Willow and Shore Line Drive, the degree to which public safety is
at risk, and a staff recommendation to lower that risk.
94-484 Mayor Withrow requested a status report on the staffing
of the Police Department, the degree to which we have a full
complement, what that complement is in terms of historical track,
where there are shortfalls, and a timeline for rectifying
94-485 Mayor Withrow requested a status report on the graffiti
control or response program, not only within the City, but in each
of our interface areas such as Webster and Posey tubes.
94-486 Councilmember Appezzato requested a report from the City
Manager and possibly the Police Chief regarding the extent of the
prostitution and drugs problem which he learned about from a
newspaper editorial, and what we are doing about it; Council should
be informed of the magnitude of the problem; he would like an
explanation of the Agreement with the current management regarding
this issue; whether they can be held accountable, if there is
something in that Agreement; do we need new management; if the
Housing Authority should possibly operate the Linoaks until we
decide whether it should become a library, senior housing, sell it
or whatever; but if that problem is of the magnitude indicated, we
should be aware of it and indicate what the City is doing about it.
94-487 Councilmember Appezzato requested a "full financial
accounting" of the finances surrounding the UCSF land purchase and
all of the costs attendant thereto; matter should be placed on the
agenda so Council can decide what to do with the 10 acres in the
94-488 Councilmember Lucas stated that she has requested staff
to place the use of the Linoaks on the agenda for our next Council
Meeting, September 6th; now that Council has expressed support of
the Carnegie site, it is necessary to evaluate what to do with the
Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
94-489 Councilman Arnerich stated the Port of Oakland was
charged recently by BCDC to remove the houseboat in San Leandro
Bay; he wants staff to continue to press to find out what they did
in closed session; and he would like a report back.
94-490 Vice Mayor Roth stated smoking is not allowed in City
Hall and he believes ashtrays should be placed outside the
94-491 Mayor Withrow adjourned the meeting at 10:33 p.m. in
memory of Andy Caverly.
ectfully ubm.tted,
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance
with the Brown Act.
Regular Merting, Alameda City Council
August 16, 1994
The meeting convened at 6:30 p.m. with President Withrow presiding.
Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich,
Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
Public Comment on Agenda Items Only.
94-492 Adjournment to Closed Session to consider:
Aaencv Neaotiator: Personnel Director and Austris Rungis.
EmDlovee Oraanization(s):
Alameda City Employees Association - ACEA
Alameda Management and Confidential Employees Association - AMCEA
Alameda Police Managers Association - APMA
Alameda Police Officers Association - APOA
Appointed and Unrepresented Positions (City Manager, City Attorney,
City Clerk, Assistant City Manager, Personnel Director and Police
International Association of Firefighters, Local #689 - IAFF
United Public Employees Association #790 (Police Technicians)- SEIU
Significent exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of
Section 54956.9.
Number of Cases: 1
* * *
Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any.
Mayor Withrow announced regarding CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR,
Briefing was given by City negotiators on 1082 benefits. No action
taken; CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL, Anticipated Litigation, it
was not discussed.
Special Meeting, Alameda City Council [Closed Session]
September 6, 1994
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
R pectfully submitted,
1 /
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance
with the Brown Act.
Special Meeting, Alameda City Council [Closed Session]
September 6, 1994