JANUARY 19. 1993
The meeting convened at 7:34 p.m. (following the Community
Improvement Commission Meeting), with President Withrow presiding.
Councilmember Lucas led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Robert
Keller gave the invocation.
Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich,
Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
Mayor Withrow announced Council convened in Closed Session prior to
the Regular Meeting to consider:
93-028 Labor Relations, pursuant to Subsection (a) of Government
Code Section 54957.6 of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow stated no
action was taken.
93-029 Presentation of Certificate of Appointment to Harry W.
Reppert as Member of the Finance Committee.
Mayor Withrow presented Certificate of Appointment to Mr. Reppert.
At the request of Councilman Arnerich, the report concerning City
Pool Cars, 93-035, and at the request of a citizen, the report
concerning Tract 4024 (Costa Brava, Harbor Bay Isle) 93-036, were
removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Calendar. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
*93-030 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on January 5,
1993, and Special Council Meeting of January 5, 1993. Approved.
*93-031 Report from the Public Works Director and Police Chief
recommending acceptance of the work by J.W & Sons Construction,
Inc. for the Building Reconstruction, Alameda Police Administration
Building, No. P.W. 08-89-14, and to Appropriate Additional Funds
for the Project from a Loan from the General Fund, and to Provide
Corrective Work on the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
(HVAC) System. Accepted.
*93-032 Report from the Finance Director transmitting Investment
January 19, 1993
Report for period ending December 31, 1992. Accepted.
*93-033 Resolution No. 12363 "Ratifying Public Utilities
Board Approval of the Transmission Agency of Northern California
South of Tesla Agreement." Adopted.
*93-034 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and
correct, were ratified in the sum of $984,910.94.
93-035 Report from the Public Works Director on Cost for
Purchasing and Maintaining City Pool Cars. (Councilman Arnerich)
Councilman Arnerich stated he believes it may be beneficial for the
City to not purchase new vehicles in the future in order to save
money; he would like matter brought up again in about a year to
determine how many automobiles will go in [for] repair or will be
phased out; and what cost would be to reimburse City employees at
30 cents per mile for using their own cars; and moved acceptance of
the report.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
93-036 Report from the Public Works Director recommending
acceptance of the Landscaping Improvements within Tract 4024 (Costa
Brava, Harbor Bay Isle) and Release of Associated Bond.
Mr. Degemann, Alameda, submitted photographs for Council's review;
he stated landscaping is not properly done; mud is sliding down
onto the pathway; and concerned once improvements are accepted,
Homeowners will pay for repair work.
The Public Works Director explained the area discussed by Mr.
Degemann has been accepted for maintenance by the Community of
Harbor Bay Homeowners' Association; the bond before Council is very
specific and has nothing to do with that particular area.
Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the staff report. Vice Mayor
Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
93-037 Resolution No. 12364 "Appointing David A. Mercado as
Member of the City Housing Commission." Adopted.
Councilman Arnerich moved the appointment. Councilmember Lucas
seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Mercado and
presented him with Certificate of Appointment.
93-038 Report from Public Works Director regarding the
High/Fernside/Gibbons Intersection Traffic Study.
January 19, 1993
Tom Billings, Alameda, stated the High Street Bridge one-way
outbound alternative may have merit and should be given
David Plummer, Alameda, stated signage is not going to be the
answer to traffic problem; if the High Street Bridge is made one-
way out, it will encourage people to use Hegenberger; Cross Airport
Roadway is important for development of Harbor Bay; the only
mitigating factor in report is the one-way outbound bridge and
that, unfortunately, has not had enough study.
Clarice Minot, Alameda, stated concerned citizens are organizing to
protest UCSF project as it will bring heavy traffic; suggested the
City take a long hard look at traffic problem solutions; she
endorses proposal for one-way traffic on High Street, as do many
other citizens.
In response to President Withrow, the City Manager stated during
the next two years, UCSF has looked at leasing a 39,000 square
foot-existing laboratory, and construction of 150,000 square feet;
if all of the buildout is in one place, it will generate about
6,000 to 7,000 employees; the thinking is for UCSF to get a start
in the Business Park and to expand toward the Port of Oakland,
cities of San Leandro, Oakland and other cities, and not
necessarily all in one place; however, if it were, it would
generate between 6,000 and 7,000 employees, of which some would
take the ferry, live in Harbor Bay, and others may car pool.
President Withrow noted the highest figure he has seen is 7,000 and
includes all of the related businesses that are fed off of
technologies anticipated to be generated by UCSF.
The City Manager responded, from his recollection, all employees
would be from UCSF; however, not all in Alameda, perhaps two-thirds
or less.
President Withrow further explained they are not looking at a
20,000 vehicle per day figure; they are looking at a top out at
about 5,000 from this particular project in 8 to 10 years; as
stated [by the City Manager], the Business Park was permitted for
buildout a number of years ago and is inherent in the property;
they [Harbor Bay] can, in fact, build it out and may well reach
20,000 at that time; noted a Cross Airport highway has been
approved by the voters, a 66th Avenue overpass is currently in the
program for Alameda County, and direct access from the Nimitz
[Interstate 880] to the Business Park will be available.
Robert Lombardo, Alameda, stated making the bridge one-way would
cause an inordinate amount of problems for the rest of Alameda.
Deborah Eggers, Alameda, suggested Council wait until approved
access roads are ready and open, before limiting how people enter
and exit Alameda; the City does not have enough access currently.
January 19, 1993
David Maxcy, Alameda, stated people on Gibbons Drive need to be a
little more concerned about their neighbors in Alameda.
Jim P. Royer, Alameda, recommended Council further study the
matter; the City should work harder on Cross Airport Roadway, and
improving access to Alameda.
Amey Stone, Alameda, complimented Council for addressing traffic
concerns; stated she does not know if making the High Street Bridge
one-way is the best thing to do but it is worthy of study, High
Street is 36 feet wide and by today's standards, could not have
public transit on the footage; any additional traffic on East End
streets is going to truly stretch the definition of residential
quality of life; and a Cross Airport Roadway may serve well but is
not a connection for the east end of the island.
Harvey Fox, Alameda, stated he opposes [one-way bridge] proposal as
it favors a small segment of town, puts strain on businesses, and
creates bottleneck; [Council] should wait until Cross Airport
Roadway is complete, and then place proposal before the voters.
Eraido Gaiego, Alameda, stated making High Street Bridge one-way
would bring more traffic to Park Street which he does not want.
Lawrence VanHook, Alameda, expressed concern that Alamedans have
opportunity to qualify for new jobs; commented he has received
comments and questions if the one-way street proposal is a racial
President Withrow questioned how making a bridge one-way could,
under any sense of logic, be considered racist.
Councilmember Appezzato agreed he does not believe the issue is
racist; and whether or not it is a good idea will be studied.
Larry Williams, Alameda, stated persons coming in over Miller-
Sweeney Bridge instead of High Street Bridge would still be driving
down Fernside to Harbor Bay Isle; believes the action would favor
one segment of the population.
President Withrow stated Council is not present to take action but
to decide if Council wants further study and hearings.
Celeste Fendell, Oakland, stated she crosses High Street Bridge to
enter Alameda; and thinks Miller-Sweeney Bridge is underutilized
because Fruitvale in Oakland is a crowded street.
Councilmember Lucas informed the speaker that, just before the High
Street Bridge, from the corner of Oakport and High Street, there
is an access to the Miller-Sweeney Bridge.
Naomi Hatkin, Alameda, agreed with persons who believe making High
Street one-way will only distribute problems throughout Alameda;
and if the entire area [County and surrounding cities] believes it
January 19, 1993
will benefit by the Business Park, it should also participate in
providing access to the Business Park.
William Taylor, Alameda, stated traffic problem is two-fold:
congestion and police enforcement of speed limit; the congestion
will not go away unless the City takes a firm grip on any
expansion, or high-density-type activity; van pools should be used,
traffic flow patterns looked at; if Council will show they will be
effective, citizens will back Council.
Lisa Dell'Osso, Alameda, requested Council provide solutions to
traffic problems.
Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated Council must look at the broad
issue and take action; solutions must be found before Harbor Bay is
built out and traffic increases.
Bill Kane, Alameda, suggested, if High Street is made one way, make
three lanes of Miller-Sweeney coming in to Alameda and one going
out; does not think the Cross Airport Roadway will help.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, requested the High Street Bridge be
kept as it is, and Council vote to hold forums.
William Garvine, Alameda, stated the Chamber of Commerce is
underway with a transportation management agency that is bringing
the business community together to design and implement
transportation management programs, e.g., van pools; and noted some
business associations are addressing signage so some of more
complicated routes into Alameda might be more effectively used.
President Withrow stressed the recommendation is to review the
issue, hold forums and hearings; requested Council consider holding
hearings to assess traffic issues throughout the City, but prior to
that, he would like to have more basic, structural, analytical data
for Council to assess and provide to the public.
Councilmember Lucas stated senior citizens do not want High Street
made into a one-way because of safety reasons; believes people who
live east of High Street should be able to return on High; need to,
however, solve the problems for residents on High, Fernside and
Gibbons; hopes, following hearings, the use of Miller-Sweeney
bridge will increase, and Council is committed to improving access
to public transportation.
* * * *
Council recessed and reconvened to continue discussion on Traffic
* * * *
Councilmember Appezzato requested previous traffic studies be made
available to the Council; stated any one of the five alternatives
[in staff report dated 1/7/93] will not solve overall problems;
City needs to pursue the completion of the Cross Airport Roadway;
another alternative may be to look at the continuation and widening
of Doolittle Drive to Swan Way to the Oakport frontage road to 66th
January 19, 1993
Avenue and make it an expressway; cost will be high but relatively
inexpensive compared to new bridge or tunnel; BCDC, the City and
Port of Oakland, need to be approached now about that alternative
and in relation to other alternatives such as expanding ferry
Councilman Arnerich stated this is .a community-wide issue, not just
a High Street/Gibbons/Fernside matter; restrictions can be placed
on the Business Park concerning car usage by, for example, flex-
time work schedules, car pooling; the Cross Airport Roadway plan
must be implemented; and Council must pursue funding from our
legislators for the 66th Avenue Crossing; and Councilmember
Appezzato's suggestion regarding Doolittle Drive needs to be
Vice Mayor Roth stated he does not know if hearings should be held
yet because more information is needed; concerned about traffic
counts: on the High Street Bridge 40% more cars come into Alameda
than go out; and it appears vehicles go out on Park Street Bridge.
President Withrow agreed and stated more needs to be known of
[traffic pattern] behavior of people driving to and from Alameda;
and in, and around, the island.
Councilman Arnerich stated he wants traffic laws enforced
immediately, and citizens cited for speeding.
Vice Mayor Roth stated that he would like the matter of a stop sign
at Fifth and Central placed on agenda; that he is not willing to
support a study, expend monies for a consultant, nor hold hearings,
until more information is provided.
Councilmember Appezzato stated he concurred with Councilmember
Roth's opinion on not expending monies; he would like the City of
Oakland's [Mayor and Council] opinion on a one-way High Street
bridge, and a commitment from the Alameda Board of Supervisors.
Mayor Withrow stated it is a City issue at this point, and all
traffic patterns need to be considered.
Councilmember Appezzato responded that he would like to include the
City andCounty of Oakland because their approval is required.
Amey Stone, Alameda, stated it is her understanding that there is
a fund that is funded by the developer and specific use is for
traffic studies.
Vice Mayor Roth moved Council accept the report as is recommended,
instruct staff to collect more data, and when staff is prepared to
bring it back, Council can set hearing dates.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilman Arnerich stated he will vote for the
January 19, 1993
motion if the study includes the entire City, to which the Mayor
stated all of Council desires a City-wide study.
Councilmember Appezzato stated he would like staff to report back
on the feasibility of what the cost would be and whether funds are
available from the Traffic Improvement Fund.
Vice Mayor Roth and Councilmember Lucas agreed to the [Appezzato]
amendment. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
93-039 Resolution No. 12365 "Approving Memorandum of
Understanding Between the Alameda Police Officers Association
[APOA] and the City of Alameda for the Years January 1, 1993
through December 31, 1994." Adopted.
Mark O'Connell, Chairman, APOA Wage Negotiation Committee, noted
the good professional relationship between the City and the
Association; expressed appreciation for Council's support through
the years; and believes proposal is responsible and reasonable.
Al Cofer, President, APOA, stated the Association understands and
accepts responsibility to share the budget problem and agrees with
Council to no financial improvement this year.
Vice Mayor Roth stated he would not support the Resolution because
he would like all bargaining unit contracts to coincide, or expire,
with two-year budgets; and noted the Association proposal was very
Councilmember Lucas stated she wants to give full support and
maintain the quality of the City's excellent Police Department; to
remain competitive, attract good officers and keep Alameda's crime
low, Council needs to pay wages at least in Bay area mid-range,
therefore she will support the recommendation.
Councilman Arnerich noted City expense when officers leave after
receiving required training costing $50,000-$60,000 each; Council
is not living up to its responsibility if it does not pay officers
who protect them; the Association proposal is not for a Consumer
Price Index [adjustment] for 1993, and no more than 4% adjustment
in 1994; and he will vote for proposal.
Councilmember Appezzato stated he would like to leave the
negotiations for 1994 pay increase open, until economic conditions
affecting our City are known at that time; he will therefore vote
against the MOU at this time.
President Withrow stated public safety is No. 1 issue; quality of
life in Alameda, to a great extent, is due to professional Police
Department handling of public safety; the contract is fair, and is
not a pay raise; and he will support the proposal.
Councilmember Lucas moved adoption of Resolution. Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by the following voice
January 19, 1993
vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Lucas and President Withrow -
3. Noes: Councilmembers Appezzato and Roth - 2. Absent: None.
93-040 Robert Bisi, Coalition of Alamedans for Racial Equality
(CARE), recommended City hold hearings to take testimony of
citizens' needs and wants in terms of hiring a Police Chief;
Council look at job description taking into consideration input
from hearings and recommendations contained in Mayor's Committee on
Cultural Diversity [report]; requested a copy of the job
description, when available; and stated he hoped Council would take
action at the February 2nd or 16th Council Meeting.
93-041 Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, recommended Speakers Slips be
revised to include a check box for speakers who wish to express a
concern, and are not speaking for, or against, an Agenda Item; and
suggested, in regards to staff report on traffic study, a traffic
pattern questionnaire, accompanied with a stamped self-addressed
envelope, be included in Bureau of Electricity bills.
93-042 Councilmember Lucas stated she received complaints that
Holiday trees sit out on the street too long.
The City Manager stated Oakland Scavenger picks up trees that are
not more than 6 feet in length and Boy Scouts Troop 11 picks up for
a $3.00 charge.
Councilmember Lucas and Vice Mayor Roth stated trees have been
placed at curbside on Santa Clara Avenue and at the corner of Fifth
Street and Central Avenue.
The City Manager suggested Councilmembers provide street addresses
to staff.
93-043 Councilmember Lucas stated the Fire Chief should be aware
how nuclear waste from the Naval Air Station is transported through
the City, in the event a toxic problem occurs; and Chief should
work with Naval Air Station on the matter.
93-044 Councilmember Lucas stated she would like to know whether
Alameda should consider an anti-blight ordinance similar to the
Berkeley Ordinance.
The City Manager stated staff is working on the matter, and Council
will be advised on the status.
93-045 Councilman Arnerich stated Maitland Drive, in the
vicinity of Harbor Bay Parkway, and Tilden Way, have tremendous pot
holes which require attention, until such time a first-class job
can be achieved.
January 19, 1993
President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 10:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
x 7
/Jr C14
Dirie B. Felsch, CMC
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance.
January 19, 1993