1993-02-02 Regular CC Minutes24
FEBRUARY 2. 1993
The meeting convened at 7:45 p.m. (following the Annual Meeting of
the Alameda Public Improvement Corporation Annual Meeting) with
President Withrow presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by
Vice Mayor Roth. Reverend Doug Henderson gave the invocation.
Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich,
Lucas, Roth, and President Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
Mayor Withrow announced that Council convened in Open Session at
7:00 p.m. for staff review of the Agenda; at 7:05 p.m., the Council
adjourned to Closed Session to consider:
93-049 Pending Litiaation, pursuant to Subsection (a) of Section
54956.9 of the Brown Act, Takeda v. City of Alameda: Mayor Withrow
stated no action was taken.
93-050 Proclamation declaring the City's support for a Midnight
Basketball League in Alameda, and encouraging all citizens and
businesses to provide support.
Mayor Withrow read and presented the Proclamation to Michael
Hastings-Smith; Mr. Hastings-Smith expressed appreciation and
commented on the benefits of the program.
At the request of a citizen, the resolution 93-056 concerning Tree
Planting Program Grant Application, was removed from Consent
Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Calendar. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
*93-051 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on January
19, 1993, and Special Council Meetings of January 11, and January
19, 1993. Approved.
*93-052 Report from Assistant City Manager regarding the Alameda
County Paratransit Five-year Plan Revision. Accepted.
*93-053 Report from the Assistant City Manager regarding the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Potential Effect on
February 2, 1993
Traditional Paratransit Programs. Accepted.
*93-054 Report from Finance Director transmitting Agreed upon
Procedures Report on Compliance with the Proposition 111 1992-93
Appropriations Limit from Maze and Associates, External Auditors.
*93-055 Ratified Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true
and correct, in the amount of $1,913,765.97.
93-056 Resolution No. 12366 "Authorizing a Grant Application
to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for
the National Small Business Administration Tree Planting Program
for 1993." Adopted.
Christopher Buckley, Alameda, stated this Resolution and the Public
Hearing on CDBG funding, 93-057, both involve Federal Grant monies,
and he would like Council to consider using one, or both, of the
sources to complete the City's Street Tree Master Plan, as a number
of unresolved issues exist.
The Public Works Director explained due to considerable cuts in the
Capital Improvement Program for street tree maintenance, staff has
been devoting the small amount of funds available to trimming
trees; have not been ignoring direction given by Council [when the
Plan was considered]; and when funds are available, the Master Plan
will be finalized.
President Withrow stated tree(s) at the corner of Central and
Fernside, in front of the stop sign going outbound of the City,
require trimming.
The Public Works Director stated staff would look at it.
Councilmember Lucas moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
93-057 Public Hearing to Obtain Citizens' Comments on Housing
and Community Development Needs.
Edwin Cooney, Alameda, Chair, Mayor's Committee for the Disabled;
stated the Committee, submitted a letter in support of CDBG funding
for the Mastick Senior Center for the purpose of enhancing
disability access; noted the long term benefit to the community,
and increasing need.
Michael Hellman, Esq., Alameda, Member, Mayor's Committee for the
Disabled, stated he was present to voice the need for CDBG funding
for Mastick Senior Center and urged Council's sincere consideration
of the proposal upon submission.
February 2, 1993
Ginny Krutilek, Chair, Alameda Homeless Network, and Advisory
Committee Member, Four Bridges Program, urged Council's continued
support for the Homeless Network and Four Bridges programs.
Jim Franz, Alameda, stated he encourages Community Development to
consider a comprehensive homeless prevention program this year.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, commented on the Naval Air Station
retention issue and Home Investment Partnership Program; suggested
the City apprise citizens of the Community Reinvestment Act of
1977, Ginnie Mae Employer Assistance Program and Bank of America's
Neighborhood Advantage Program.
Christopher Buckley, Alameda, stated the comments he made on
resolution (93-0561 concerning grant application also apply to this
Councilman Arnerich stated comments have been well-taken and moved
the report be accepted.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion and stated she is concerned
about how many of the City's historic buildings owned by low-income
people cannot be properly maintained by the owners; and believes
the City needs to look at the general maintenance of deteriorated
properties owned by low income people.
The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
93-058 Report from the Public Works Director and the Community
Development Director Recommending Approval of a Loan Agreement
between the County of Alameda, Neighboring Jurisdictions, and
Harbor Bay Isle Associates on Funding Start-up Costs of a Water
Herbert Shelmadine, Alameda, Member, Inlandboatmen Union of the
Pacific (IBU), Master, Mates & Pilots (MMP), stated IBU endorses
funding of ferry system and will support the City in any manner it
can; he commended Council for its efforts and Chief of Police for
efficient police force.
Stanford Shane, Chair, Finance Committee, suggested half of money
realized by the Harbor Bay Business Park should be paid to the
City, questioned staff report concerning signing of lease, and
stated Council should discuss directly with UCSF Board of Regents.
William Garvine, Executive Director, Alameda Chamber of Commerce,
Member, Board of Education, stated he endorses staff recommendation
to approve loan agreement; offered support of business community at
large and Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; commended staff;
and looks forward to Council approval.
Dennis Green, Alameda, stated he is confident that bringing any
projects from UCSF to Harbor Bay would help stimulate and
strengthen economy of the region, stimulate local school system in
February 2, 1993
area of science and may provide employment opportunities for its
John Barni, Sr., Alameda, stated he is opposed to the City becoming
involved in any loan agreements to private enterprise, and
requested information on security, repayment and interest.
The City Manager, in reply to citizens' questions, stated .a copy of
staff report and agreement are on display in the hallway as part of
agenda packet; addressed security for the loan, interest, and the
source of funding.
In response to Vice Mayor Roth, the City Manager stated one-half of
any additional amount of property taxes which are a result of
additional construction after 1988, is devoted to Transportation
Improvement Fund.
Don Roberts, Alameda, stated he completely applauds the developer
for efforts to get what is remarkable for Alameda, a University of
California system; he does not think a private ferry boat is
needed, and better negotiating with UCSF may have obviated the need
to provide a ferry.
Robert Wood, Alameda, Vice Chair, Economic Development Commission
(EDC), stated EDC believes the terms of the loan represent a good
risk the City should take; and that EDC had moved to recommend
Council lead the County and neighboring city efforts to bring UCSF
to Alameda, and authorize the City Manager to execute final Loan
Agreement and Loan Repayment Covenant with Harbor Bay Isle
Councilmember Lucas stated she believes Council has a good loan
package, a good rate of interest, and she will support proposal;
understands details with the other communities must still be worked
out and her approval would be contingent upon everyone else
agreeing to the same terms; and if there are other terms, we should
have an opportunity to benefit from those too.
Councilman Arnerich stated he does not believe there is any doubt
of the benefits that would accrue to both the City and the
University; he is concerned about the collateral of the loan, and
would like that discussed; should the Business Park not build out,
he would not want a building for collateral; he wants the project
to succeed; if he could be guaranteed repayment, he would approve
Councilmember Appezzato presented eleven questions regarding the
matter [See City Manager's response to questions on the next page];
stated he supports the concept of UCSF coming to Alameda; however,
has major concerns: the loan and the security thereon, provision of
in-lieu fees to off-set any property taxes and business licenses
not paid, and traffic mitigation; reiterated that he cannot support
the loan [agreement] in its present form as he believes the City is
being asked to pay more than it should, is putting up money first
February 2, 1993
and getting paid last, there will be no payment until business
permit is issued or land sold and that is not sufficient guarantee;
the risk should not be borne totally by Alameda citizens but shared
by those who reap most financial reward; he supports the concept of
UCSF coming to Alameda, cannot support loan arrangement in current
form, and suggests sending proposal back for review and direct
staff to make changes adequately to protect the money of City
President Withrow stated he would suggest that the matter be pulled
until members of the Council have had opportunity to interact with
the City Manager and City Attorney so they understand some of the
basic issues in the document; and recommended if Councilmembers
have concerns on basic background information, they should pull the
item to afford opportunity for the Councilmember to interact with
staff; and entertained a motion to withdraw.
Councilmember Appezzato stated he understands the package; did not
have opportunity to meet with City Manager.
Councilmember Lucas moved to withdraw and schedule another Council
Meeting for this matter.
President Withrow stated he would like to amend the motion that
each of the items brought up by Mr. Appezzato be addressed in
writing by the City Manager and distributed to each Councilmember.
Councilmember Lucas concurred, and in addition, stated the City
Attorney's input could be included.
President Withrow seconded the motion.
The vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Councilmember Lucas
and President Withrow - 2. Noes: Councilmembers Arnerich and Roth
- 2. Motion failed. [Councilmember Appezzato did not cast a
Councilmember Appezzato inquired why Councilman Arnerich and Vice
Mayor Roth voted no.
Vice Mayor Roth replied he believed Councilmember Appezzato may
have misunderstood some things.
The City Manager stated he could respond to some of the issues
raised by Councilmember Appezzato.
President Withrow requested the City Manager proceed and stated he
would also like to have the items in writing and available so the
public has a clear understanding on each one.
The City Manager responded the first issue was security: security
runs with building permits that run with the land and owner of the
land, a charge of 60 cents per square foot of development; question
was raised what happens if there is no development: if not paid
February 2, 1993
within ten years, they will be in default and all will be due and
payable to all entities; the question why is City contributing
$400,000 rounded up [from formula amount], because the City is the
primary beneficiary, the development will come to Alameda first,
will benefit the City first by sales tax, additional employment and
construction of ancillary businesses and homes, and will not
benefit other jurisdictions; the question why put in money first
and get paid last: because Alameda would be first beneficiary, need
to be fair to other jurisdictions or they will not participate and
this [project] will not proceed; question concerning Covenant
surviving bankruptcy: City believes it can get security for
current and successive owners for foreclosure but issue of
bankruptcy cannot be guaranteed to Council; question regarding
loan agreement concerning ferry: Harbor Bay's plan is to bring up
ferry for initial test period of two to three months, if they prove
they can cross the Bay in a short time another ferry, built to
specifications may be substituted however the ferries currently in
use would not qualify; concerning the lead agency designation:
Alameda County is the umbrella agency, the City would probably
continue because it deals with the developer with Traffic
Improvement Fund [TIF] requirements and collect money on building
permits, then remit to County; on reduction of loan as other co-
lenders join: Alameda is considered by other jurisdictions as
primary and first beneficiary; concerning TIF eligibility: both
City and developer must determine eligibility, it [service] would
need to be very different than it is now to qualify, this is a
demonstration and carries few people; concerning "without
limitation:" the phrase is used because other security is included
in the loan agreement under project budgets on page 10, which
indicates that if they [Harbor Bay Maritime] submit a report that
is not acceptable to the City, the City has the right to not
advance funds until satisfied, and the items are not limited
because at some future point something that should have been
included may not have been; we prefer to be able to control on a
quarterly basis and have the right to withhold funds.
In response to a question from Councilmember Lucas, the City
Manager clarified the [loan] money does not come from the taxpayers
generally; it comes from taxes and fees paid by the Harbor Bay
Business Park development only, and from only two sources, one-
half of property taxes generated beyond 1988, incremental taxes,
and the one percent construction improvement tax; other sources of
tax monies generated by that development come to the City's General
Fund and are not affected by this.
In response to President Withrow, the City Manager stated that the
Development Agreement approved in 1989 specified the TIF would be
created; taxes were specifically spelled out to be only one-half of
the incremental tax generated from additional development of Harbor
Bay Business Park after 1988 and specific construction improvement
taxes generated from that time on from the Business Park building
projects; funds can only be spent on traffic mitigation projects
that are approved by the City Council and the developer.
February 2, 1993
Vice Mayor Roth stated over a period of years the City has spent
hundreds of thousands of dollars for economic development; funds
may not have been necessarily General Fund monies but were
taxpayers' money expended because of a recognition of need for
strong economy in Alameda as otherwise the burden shifts to the
homeowner; having a University in this City is an honor; five
entities are working together in a common effort; if anyone
provides a better idea, all will benefit; until all parties sign,
it [agreement] is not a complete document.
Vice Mayor Roth moved to accept the agreement with the one
condition, that Council instruct staff to pursue additional
security for the loan in either deeds of trust or assessment
districts or some suitable mechanism to where, upon default, we
[City] would have a way to collect the money.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion.
Councilman Arnerich stated he agrees with Councilmember Appezzato
on many points; many were valid and he addressed the points in a
meeting with the City Manager; he believes Vice Mayor Roth is
correct, there should be unity; he [Arnerich] wants secured
collateral for the monies and if it takes another meeting to give
City Manager and staff time to tighten up the contract, he would
like to bring the matter back.
Councilmember Appezzato agreed with reagendizing the matter until
the issues are addressed; the security of the $400,000 should be
addressed; he fully supports UCSF but cannot support the agreement
in its current form.
Councilmember Lucas noted the motion to reagendize failed.
Councilmember Appezzato stated he did not vote, because he was
asked for a clarification.
The City Attorney stated a substitute motion is on the floor.
Vice Mayor Roth called for the question on the motion he [Roth]
made: to accept agreement with the condition that [City] get
additional security.
The motion failed by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Lucas and Roth - 2. Noes: Councilmembers Appezzato,
Arnerich, and President Withrow - 3. Absent: None.
President Withrow moved to table the matter, directed the City
Manager and City Attorney to work with members of the City Council
who have questions and issues surrounding document(s).
Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion.
The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich, Lucas and President Withrow -
February 2, 1993
4, Noes: Vice Mayor Roth - 1. Absent: None.
93-059 Ted S. Hall, Alameda, Encinal High School Boosters,
thanked Council for efforts in acquiring a grant for the Willie
Stargell Baseball Field, and presented Councilman Arnerich with a
plaque for his, and Council's, support.
93-060 Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated he wished to address
the Council on the Public Hearing on Housing and Community
Development Needs; President Withrow reminded him that the matter
before Council was Oral Communications, Non-Agenda and suggested he
address the issue at the next Council Meeting.
93-061 Noel Folsom, Alameda, stataed that he, too, had wished to
address the Public Hearing matter; commended Councilmember
Appezzato for his questions on the Report regarding funding of a
Water Shuttle.
93-062 Joseph Camicia, Chair, Airport Operations Committee,
stated he would like to call a meeting next week to begin
discussing the City's possible strategy for dealing with Oakland
Airport expansion plans; the three areas of concern are safety,
noise, and east end traffic.
93-063 Don Roberts, Alameda, stated he attended a Cable
Television Oversight Committee last week; a proposal by the
Assistant City Manager to abolish the Committee and to allow the
Public Utilities Board to assume any rate setting duties that might
accrue to the City as a result of a new Cable Act, was rejected;
and urged Council to pursue the Assistant Manager's suggestion.
Mr. Roberts also commended Councilmember Appezzato for his
homework, dedication, and forthrightness [regarding Water Shuttle
93-064 Raymond Stanton, Alameda, East Bay Municipal Utility
District [EBMUD], Oakland, alerted Council of the recently released
EBMUD Updated Water Supply Management Program; stated a draft
Environmental Impact Report is available, public comment period
extends to March 15th, and the District is interested in Council's
comments on the Plan.
93-065 Councilmember Lucas requested a staff report on the Cross
Airport Roadway project.
93-066 Councilmember Appezzato provided to staff and Mr.
Camicia, for review and comment, a report from David R. Baker,
Esq., Alameda, regarding ten-year development program for Oakland
International Airport. [Report suggests expansion of the Oakland
Airport onto the Alameda Naval Air Station.]
February 2, 1993
93-067 Councilmember Appezzato provided to staff, for review and
comment, a letter from Anthony Poggio, DPM, that suggests a City
facility be established to receive garden debris.
93-068 At the request of Councilman Arnerich, Mayor Withrow
adjourned the Council Meeting, at 9:50 p.m., in memory of Marvin
"Stretch" Pearson, an athletic director and former school teacher
at Alameda High School, and member of the Alameda Men's Club.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance.
February 2, 1993