1993-08-10 Special CC MeetingSPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 10, 1993 The meeting was convened at 7:33 p.m. with President Withrow presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Mayor Roth. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 4. Absent: Councilman Arnerich - 1. 93-461 Status Briefing on Base Conversion Process. (Mayor Withrow) Mayor Withrow stated the Executive Committee of the East Bay Conversion and Reinvestment Commission met last Thursday and scheduled a Commission Meeting for the 21st of August, 12 noon, to establish goals and objectives; he is requesting meetings be made public; the Commission has been assigned a Coordinator by the Federal Government; it is his desire to invite the Coordinator to a Council Meeting; the Commanding Officer of the Naval Air Station and Naval Aviation Depot has established an office to coordinate all conversion interaction and has volunteered staff to do work on behalf of the Committee and Council; he suggests Councilmembers attend the National Association of Installation Developers (NAID) Conference; and he would like videotapes of key sessions and presentation by NAID legal counsel. 93-462 Report from the Community Development Director recommending Council Select a Method for formalizing citizen participation on Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Subcommittees. Vice Mayor Roth stated applicants should be able to choose which subcommittees they wish to serve on; he suggests once BRAG is formed, goals and objectives be established for subcommittees, and applicants invited to sign up; and, if any subcommittees are short of members, they [subcommittees] may recruit if necessary. Mayor Withrow proposed Council allow applicants to participate on committees of their choice, and encourage subcommittees to review composition of memberships. Councilmember Lucas stated a staff person should assist with the reviews. Mayor WIthrow stated the staff person could call applicants and suggest they serve on certain subcommittees. Councilmember Appezzato stated he would like the subcommittees' chairs to review the applications and select applicants they believe have the qualifications to serve in their area of expertise; applicants not contacted, can express an interest individually; and subchairs be allowed to recruit highly qualified individuals. August 10, 1993 00,J Vice Mayor Roth suggested vice chairs be selected after subcommittees have met, at least, a couple of times. Councilmember Appezzato moved Council accept the report; allow subcommittee chairs to screen applications; applicants not contacted, be urged to contact the different subcommittee chairs; and subcommittee chairs be allowed to continue recruiting citizens, inside and outside of Alameda, to help them on their committees. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Councilman Arnerich absent] Vice Mayor Roth stated regional organizations should be invited to participate. 93-463 Report from Community Development Director Recommending a two-member Subcommittee of the Council be appointed to a working group to plan a UCSF Community Workshop. Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, stated he would like to see the International Environmental Toxic University and UCSF located at the Naval Air Station and work together. Mayor Withrow stated he would like to ask Councilmembers Appezzato and Lucas to serve on the subcommittee of the Council. Councilmembers Appezzato and Lucas accepted the c,ppointments. Councilmember Lucas stated she would like a staff briefing prior to the working group meeting on August 11, and be provided a list of participants. Vice Mayor Roth moved appointments of Councilmembers Appezzato and Lucas. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by a unanimous voice vote - 4. [Councilman Arnerich absent] Councilmember Lucas inquired whether the Council subcommittee should make a report, and a staff report be provided, at the next Council Meeting. The City Manager suggested the subject be agendized, a report by staff, and the subcommittee Councilmembers comment if they wish. Mayor Withrow stated the matter could be a regular agenda item: "Issues Related to UCSF." 93-464 Consideration of Proposal to log all correspondence with Federal and State elected persons and governmental officials pertaining to conversions of the Naval Air Station. (Councilmember Lucas) Mayor Withrow stated the City Manager has established a log; Councilmembers will be responsible to review the log; and he supports Councilmember Lucas' recommendation. August 10, 1993 306 Vice Mayor Roth stated concern regarding the duplication of large Federal documents, to which Mayor Withrow stated such documents can be logged and held in the City Manager's Office for review. Councilmember Appezzato stated if Council requests information and it is City business, it should be provided regardless whether it is in a log; and if it is City business, it should be provided to a Councilmember upon request. Following Council discussion regarding signing for information packets, Mayor Withrow stated it is the responsibility of each Councilmember to review the log, and ensure they are receiving all the information. The City Manager stated he will direct his staff to initial [log] when information packets are provided to Councilmembers. Councilmember Lucas stated the log will be useful as a catalogue of items that are being handled at one time; questioned how the documents will be made accessible to the public, and whether the decision should be the City Manager's. Mayor Withrow inquired of the Assistant City Attorney, for clarification purposes, whether everything that is an official document, other than a draft, is a public document and a part of the Freedom of Information Act. The Assistant City Attorney responded basically official documents are public documents, and that there are exceptions, e.g. litigation, real estate appraisals, and financial instruments. Mayor Withrow stated he would like coordination between the City Manager and City Attorney to ensure that non-public documents are identified and sent out as confidential. Councilmember Appezzato stated every piece of documentation should be made available to the public unless it is very sensitive and/or legal [material]. Don Roberts, Alameda, commended the Mayor for his effort to get Congressman Dellums to voluntarily comply with the Brown Act's open meeting provisions; and he requested to inspect all correspondence addressed to the Mayor of the City of Alameda during the period from, and including, January 1, 1993 through August 10, 1993, and all correspondence addressed to others which the Mayor signed as Mayor during the period January 1, 1993 through August 10, 1993. The Mayor requested the City Attorney to advise Mr. Roberts, in writing, of the Freedom of Information Act requirements. 93-465 Scheduling a Meeting with Richard Sybert, Director, Office of Planning and Research, Governor's Office, in reference to July 2, 1993, letter. (Councilmember Lucas) August 10, 1993 307 Councilmember Lucas stated the Council should meet with Mr. Sybert in Sacramento for briefing purposes. Mayor Withrow stated there is a need to establish dialogue with the State, and agreed with a suggestion by Councilmember Lucas that monitoring the Governor's Military Base Reuse Task Force should be a primary subject discussed. Councilmember Lucas stated staff should come up with an agenda for the meeting. Mayor Withrow stated the agenda should include issues relating to the economy. Councilmember Lucas made a motion that Council instruct the staff to come up with an agenda for the meeting; staff discuss a meeting date with the person indicated in Mr. Sybert's letter, and report back to Council. In response to the City Manager, Councilmember Lucas stated the initial meeting should be with the City Council. Councilmember Appezzato stated the City can invite Mr. Sybert for a second meeting in Alameda to talk to the BRAG Committee. Vice Mayor Roth seconded Councilmember Lucas' motion; motion carried by a unanimous voice vote - 4. [Councilman Arnerich absent] NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 93-466 Councilmember Appezzato inquired when the Council's BRAG subcommittee chair nominations were due. Following Council discussion, Friday, August 13th was agreed upon as the date for submission of nominations. Mayor Withrow stated that the Navy was not going to chair the Reuse Subcommittee. 93-467 Vice Mayor Roth requested that the Finance Committee be discussed at an upcoming Council Meeting. Mayor Withrow suggested the meeting of August 17, 1993. ADJOURNMENT President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Rspectfu11y submitted, -,6-; Diane B. Felsch, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. August 10, 1993