AUGUST 24, 1993
The meeting convened at 7:32 p.m. with President Withrow presiding.
Councilmember Appezzato led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich,
Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
93-511 Status Briefing on Base Conversion Process (Mayor
Mayor Withrow commented on the Saturday, August 21, City Council
Joint Work Session with the Economic Development Commission,
Planning Board, and Alameda Unified School District Board of
Trustees to tour the Naval Air Station; the tour was hosted by the
NAS Commanding Officer, Captain Denny Major; and the groups
received a briefing by NAS staff and Acting Commanding Officer of
the Naval Aviation Depot.
Mayor Withrow also commented on the afternoon activities with the
East Bay Conversion and Reinvestment Commission (EBCRC).
Each Councilmember commented on various highlights of the NAS tour.
93-512 Report from City Manager recommending the Council approve
the Contractor Agreement for Base Conversion Project Manager and
authorize the City Manager to designate the Project Manager as the
single point of contact for base conversion.
Neil Patrick Sweeney commented on the Saturday Work Session, and
encouraged persons to attend EBCRC meetings.
Brook Beesley, P.O. Box 521, Alameda, International Association of
Firefighters, NAS, discussed involvement with EBCRC, and his role
of Public Safety representative lobbying in Washington, D.C. and
locally, providing demonstration projects to introduce ideas to
reuse skilled federal displaced employees, to retain those
employees for our community's reusage, stating that concept should
be fostered for successful conversion of human resources; submitted
documentation to City Attorney for Council's review.
Councilmember Appezzato stated he has found professionalism and
character of proposed Project Manager, Don Parker, to be beyond
reproach, strongly approves of the contractor agreement and nominee
of City Manager; and moved to accept recommendation by City
Manager. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion.
Councilman Arnerich and President Withrow each commented on the
nomination of Don Parker as an outstanding choice.
August 24, 1993
Councilmember Lucas inquired if Councilmember Appezzato's motion
included the portion of the recommendation that Mr. Parker be
designated the single point of contact for base conversion; and
Councilmember Appezzato confirmed it did.
The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Don Parker, expressed appreciation for the opportunity; and stated
he looks forward to working with Council, staff, City and other
agencies and believes by working together, the loss of the Navy can
be turned into a long-term gain for the community.
93-513 Appointment of a Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Chair.
Councilmember Lucas moved appointment of Larold K. Schulz.
President Withrow seconded. The motion failed by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Councilmember Lucas and President Withrow - 2.
Nayes: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich and Roth - 3. Absent:
Councilman Arnerich commented all the nominations are outstanding;
and a rejection for any position should not be considered a
negative reflection toward that person.
Councilman Arnerich nominated Albert DeWitt; listed his
qualifications; and moved appointment of Mr. DeWitt. The motion
failed for lack of a second.
Councilmember Appezzato nominated Howard Palmer; listed his
qualifications, and moved appointment of Mr. Palmer; Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion. The motion failed by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Appezzato and Arnerich - 2.
Nayes: Councilmembers Lucas, Roth and President Withrow -3.
Absent: None.
Vice Mayor Roth nominated Thomas Bertken, noted his qualifications;
and moved appointment of Mr. Bertken. The motion failed for lack
of a second.
Vice Mayor Roth moved the Council submit new names at the Tuesday,
August 31, 1993, Special Council Meeting; and appointments be
decided at the next Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember Lucas
seconded the motion. The motion was carried by the following voice
vote: Ayes: Councilmember Arnerich, Lucas, Roth and President
Withrow - 4. Nayes: Councilmember Appezzato - 1. Absent: None.
93-514 Appointment of Reuse Subcommittee Chair.
Vice Mayor Roth moved appointment of Douglas DeHaan as Reuse
Subcommittee Chair. President Withrow seconded the motion.
Councilman Arnerich stated Doug DeHaan is highly qualified and a
good choice.
August 24, 1993
Councilmember Appezzato commended Doug DeHaan; stated he would,
however, remain with his candidate, John Leavitt.
The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Arnerich, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 4.
Nayes: Councilmember Appezzato - 1. Absent: None.
Councilmember Appezzato requested his vote be changed to make the
vote on the motion unanimous.
President Withrow announced the change of vote, resulting in a
unanimous voice vote - 5.
93-515 Discussion of, and Authorization to add to the Base Reuse
Subcommittees, representatives from appropriate Regional Agencies
as technical resource advisors. (Vice Mayor Roth)
Steve Worsley, stated he is with Harding Lawson Associates,
Emeryville, in charge of clean up at Fort Ord and Hunter's Point;
he is on the Environmental Subcommittee for the East Bay Conversion
and Reinvestment Commission; and implores Alameda to get together
with the cities of Monterey and Seaside to help accelerate the base
closure process.
Doug Siden, East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors,
offered the City of Alameda support and assistance in the
conversion process.
Vice Mayor Roth stated his intention is to allow groups outside of
Alameda to be involved in the process; groups like PG&E and EBMUD;
one of the functions of the new Project Manager could be to notify
such groups. Vice Mayor Roth further stated he believes we need to
bring in EBRPD, BCDC, MTC, the University, Lawrence Livermore Lab,
the Telephone Company, among others.
Councilmember Lucas stated she would like staff to present their
suggestions during the process.
Councilmember Appezzato stated it appears there will be a great
deal of input and successful conversion of our base.
Vice Mayor Roth moved that Council instruct staff to write letters
to businesses and organizations that need to get involved;
Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
August 24, 1993
President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
Re(ectfu11y submitX.ed,
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance
with the Brown Act.
August 24, 1993