Resolution 00399RESOLlJTI OJ\: HO. 399. P.ECLASSIFYHW THE PROPERTY SITUATE AT 1041 :J»UCOLN AVT:>1J1JE, WHitlRF.-AS, a petition was filed with the city c;le:rk in acoorrlance with the provili!ions of Ordinance No. 149, New Series, reques·ting that the following desori bed property, to wit: '.l'he property situ.ate at 1041 J,inooln Avenue, be ohar1ged from a Class I to a Class II District; and ':'THEREAS, it appears that immedl!ttely upon receipt o:f said petition, the oi ty clerk caused notices to be posted along all the streets within a radimi of 200 yards o:J' said premises, and mailed postal cards to owners of property within said district, in time, form and manner as :required by the provisions of said ordinance and amendments thereto; and the matter comlng on regularly this day for hear'lng before the c ouno il and the council having duly heard the arguments and. reasons :for and !'t&iin st the proposed change, and having given due oonsid.eration to the same; IT IS HlllREBY RESOLV'ED, that the premises above described be and the same is hereby perlllitted to be reclassified, in a0corilance with the petition above :re:ferred to. I, the umlersigned, hereby aertify that the foregoing Resoluti.oa was duly and regularly introdnoed and a.dopteil by the Cou.noil of the City of Alame,la, at a regu:Ja.r meeting of' said Cou.noil held the 7th day of June, 1921, by the :following vote: AYES: Councilmen Adaus, Latham, Probst, Til1en and Pre::iident Otis, (5) • NOES: lfone. A BSEET: ]'lone ' IN T'E:.l'l'IMONY ifHEPE011', I ha,re hereunto set my hand and affixed the of:fioial seal of Srtid city this 8th day of June, 1921. W. E. VARCOE, Oity Clerk. !Seal of the City of .inameaa). I hereby certify that the :foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 399. Reclassifying the property situate at 1041 Lin001rl Avenue", pa,ssed by the Council of the City of Alnmeda in their reg11lai-meeting assembled on the 7th day of Ji.:me, 1921. Clerk of the City of Alameda. The City Clerk ls hereby directed to post a notice of said wo1·k, together with the plans and specifications the:n>for, conspicuously :for five days on o:r near the council chamber doo:r, inviting sealed proposals o:r bids for iloln~ the work orderced. He is alco directed to publish twice a notice inviting such proposa1s, and :referring to the speoificrations posted or on file, in "Alameila Times Ste,:r", daily newspaper of general oirnnlation published and ci:reulated in sa,id city, and hereby designated for that purpose. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly ru'.ld regularly introduced and adopted, by the CounoU. of the City of Alameda, at a rognlar meeting of saiil couneil held the 7th day of June, 1921, 1Jy the following vote: AYES: Co1mcilmen Ad,ams, :r,athar:i, Pro1rnt, Tilden anil President Otis, (5), NOES: None, Attest~ W. E. VAP.COE, Clerlr, T herel:iy certify thnt the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of •Resolution No. 398. :Resolution Ordering the Work", :passed by the Council of the City of .Al<tmeda :in their regular meeting assel'.lbled on the 7th day of June, 1921. Clerk of the City of Alameda,