Resolution 04321M RESOLUTIOU ru - 4321 A633ILDIEG RnSULUTICKS 12()Z, 'a-nd 3949 ITT APPLIGATIOna TO MATE DIRMUR OF FINA11012 100 3UL'irlf�[� it DEVRAYIE3 COST OF PUMIG WORKS PROJEOTS 011511103 the City of alaweda desired to withdraw certain applications nade to the State Director of Vinance for state assistance in aeJura ying cost of .? ubl c works projects because said City wishes to reallocate the funds provided thereundwr to other projects of a "Ore urgent mature; 1M )E' IT HESULVED AY T11,,] 02 THE OITY QZ ALA:Aa', that Aesolution No. 3204 passed by this Council on August 21, 1945, entitled, "Authorizing City Nanager to made application to Stntc Director of Finance on us - half of the jity of niameda for itate assistance in aefrayin; cost of street and hiShway impruvement pinns (Project No. 6)", be, and the same is heroby, reacinued. RMOLVEUP t-Inat Resulution bo. 3949, passed by this jouncil onieoruary 15, 1949, entitled, "Authorizing City Lanagar tomake application to Mate Mractor of 2inance on oehalf or nhe My of Alunwa for Mate assistance in dukrayiEg cost of plans for krusi Park inproveaant (Prujact ho. 47-23)", be, and the swae is hereby rescinded. 1, the undersigneu, hereoy certify that the foruKoing Resolution wns u u l y and reaularly introduced and adopted by the Jo.in cil o the Aty of Munbua in regular meutin� assnabied on the 6th day of arch, 1951, by the followinq vote, to -wit: Jouncilaun Andersoh, jones, isburn, Swseaey ana President Jranscheiu, (5). MOM Me. AMIM Lone. I have Leraunto set my hana and Mixed the official seal of said My this 7th is of Larch, 1951. * � a 0 0 0 1 * 0 * * --- I hereoy certify that the forcloing is a full, true ..moi nu correct copy V "Hesolution ho. Q21, AMOME0 AIMUTUhS 320J, 39J,9 AnhnTYG TO AITLIMMOLS ic 3TATs AIAMLA OF VIKATOE FOR MATE ASMSTAIGI M MRAMG 3r AT 01 PMIC t! iiia. M01003," introduced and adopted.by the CouEcil_ V on the An day of "arch, 1951. 77 7F 5 '§� T,