APRIL 21, 1992
The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m. (following the Community
Improvement Commission Meeting) with President Withrow presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Roth. Reverend
Robert Keller gave the invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas,
Roth, and President Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
Mayor Withrow announced that Council adjourned to Closed Session at
a Special Council Meeting (convened at 5:30 p.m.) to consider:
92-259 Significant Exposure to Litigation, pursuant to Subsection
(b) of Government Code Section 54956.9 of the Brown Act: Mayor
Withrow stated no action was taken.
92-260 Pending Litigation: Cook v. City of Alameda and Jordan v.
City of Alameda, pursuant to subsection (a) of the legal counsel
section of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow stated no action was
92-261 Labor Relations, pursuant to Subsection (a) of Government
Code Section 54957.6 of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow stated the
Council gave further instructions to the City negotiators.
92-262 Proclamation declaring the week of April 27, 1992 as
Mayor Withrow read the Proclamation.
Richard Thomas, President, Rotary Club of Alameda, expressed
appreciation for the proclamation, and for qualities and values of
the non-profit organizations.
At the request of Councilmember Camicia, 92-282 report regarding
66th Avenue overcrossing, and at the request of Councilman
Arnerich, 92-283 report regarding Light System in Chambers, and
92-284 Quarterly Financial Report, were removed from Consent
Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Calendar. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
April 21, 1992
*92-263 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of April 7, 1992,
and Special Council Meeting of March 24, 1992. Approved.
*92-264 Report from City Attorney regarding City's Conflict of
Interest Code and Requesting that the City Council Designate the
City Attorney as the City's Reviewing Body of the Conflict of
Interest Codes of Other Local Agencies within the City's
Jurisdiction. Accepted.
*92-265 Resolution No. 12229. "Amending Conflict of Interest Code
by Amending Paragraph Two of Resolution No. 9460 Relative to
Disclosure Positions and Disclosure Categories and Rescinding
Resolution No. 12073." Adopted.
*92-266 Report from City Attorney requesting Approval for the City
to Join an Excess Workers' Compensation Joint Powers Authority and
Authorization for the City Manager to Execute the Joint Powers
Agreement. Accepted.
*92-267 Report from City Clerk requesting authorization to call for
bids for legal advertising for Fiscal Year 1992-93. Accepted.
*92-268 Report from Interim Planning Director to determine whether
to hear an appeal and to set a date for the Appeal of a Planning
Board partial denial of a Variance, V-91-327, for rear yard
setback, front yard setback and open space standards to construct
an addition to a single family residence at 2508 Crist Street.
Applicant: Mariusz Lewandowski. Appellant: Councilmember
Camicia. Accepted.
*92-269 Report from Public Works Director recommending Award of
Contract to St. Francis Electric for Traffic Signal Modification
at Central Avenue and Webster Street, No. P.W. 1-92-02.
*92-270 Report from Public Works Director recommending Adoption of
Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for the Repair and
Resurfacing of Certain Streets, Phase 13, No. P.W. 3-92-06.
*92-271 Report from Public Works Director recommending acceptance
of work by Ransome Company for Repair of Portland Cement Concrete
Sidewalk, Curb, Gutter, and Driveway in Various Locations, No.
P.W. 7-91-9. Accepted.
*92-272 Report from Public Works Director recommending Stop Sign
Installation for Eagle Avenue at Oak Street. Accepted.
*92-273 Report from Public Works Director recommending acceptance
of work by Oliver DeSilva, Inc. for the Construction of the Harbor
Bay Isle Ferry Terminal Parking Lot and Access Road. Accepted.
*92-274 Report from Finance Director transmitting Investment Report
for period ending March 31, 1992. Accepted.
April 21, 1992
*92-275 Report from Chief of Police recommending authorization of
purchase of Police Patrol Vehicles through the State Cooperative
Purchasing Agreement. Accepted.
*92-276 Report from Executive Director, Housing Authority,
regarding waiver of payment in lieu of taxes (Pilot for Fiscal Year
1992-93). Accepted.
*92-277 Resolution No. 12230 "Authorizing the Filing of a Claim
with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Alameda
County Board of Supervisors for Allocation of Transportation
Development Act and Alameda County Measure B Funds for Fiscal Year
1992/93." Adopted.
*92-278 Resolution No. 12231 "Resolution of Appreciation to the
Volunteers for the City of Alameda." Adopted.
*92-279 Resolution No. 12232 "Authorizing the City of Alameda to
join with other public agencies as a participant of the California
Arbitrage Management Trust and to invest in shares of the trust and
in individual portfolios." Adopted.
*92-280 Resolution No. 12233 "Authorizing Grant Application to the
State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Urban Forestry
Grant Program Under the California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land
Conservation Act of 1988." Adopted.
*92-281 Bills, certified by the City Manager as true and correct,
were ratified in the sum of $1,087,430.04.
92-282 Report from Public Works Director concerning information on
the 66th Avenue Overcrossing and the High/Fernside/Gibbons
Intersection. (Councilmember Camicia)
Councilmember Camicia stated he would like the 66th Avenue
overcrossing pursued because he believes it will take traffic from
the East End of the island and away from residential streets; a
number of residents in the area of High/Fernside/Gibbons have their
own thoughts and plans on how to alleviate traffic in that area;
and before plans move forward, an established expert should look at
the intersection and make recommendations.
Councilman Arnerich concurred; and stated a part of the study
should include proposals making the High Street Bridge and the
Fruitvale [Miller Sweeney] Bridge one-way coming into, and going
out of, the City.
President Withrow noted the 66th Avenue Crossing is included in the
planning effort for the Congestion Management Plan and the
County-wide Transportation Plan, which both come under the
Congestion Management Agency (CMA) of which he is currently Vice
Chair; and there appears to be a great deal of support for the
Councilmember Camicia stated he believes the 66th Avenue Crossing
is a key to future traffic in the East End.
April 21, 1992
Councilmember Lucas stated traffic on Fernside Drive and High is so
heavy, it is interfering with the quality of life, and 66th Avenue
Crossing would alleviate that.
Councilmember Camicia moved acceptance of the report. Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote
- 5.
92-283 Report from the Public Works Director on Possible Changes to
the Acknowledge Light System in the Council Chambers.
Councilman Arnerich stated he would like a display light board
which would reflect the voting of each Councilmember, and would
like the Public Works Director to check with San Leandro and
The Public Works Director noted problems with voting light systems;
has received pictures of the San Leandro system; and Hayward no
longer uses a system.
Following brief discussion, Councilman Arnerich moved to accept the
report with the stipulation that Public Works Director return
within thirty days [with a further report on a voting light
system). Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which carried
by unanimous voice vote - 5.
92-284 Report from Finance Director transmitting Quarterly
Financial Report for Period Ending March 31, 1992. Accepted.
In response to Councilman Arnerich, the Finance Director reviewed
certain figures on Attachment A, Page 1 of the report.
Councilman Arnerich moved acceptance of report. Councilmember
Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote -
92-285 Public Hearing to
Code relating to Design
"Amending Title XI (ZONING)
11-222, 11-223, 11-224,
11-232, and 11-237 of the
to Design Review."
consider amending the Alameda
Review; and Introduction of
, Chapter 2, Articles 2, and 3
11-231, 11-231.1, 11-231.2,
Alameda Municipal Code Thereof
, Sections
Bobbie Hoepner, Alameda Association of Realtors, thanked Council
for making changes and stated the realtors fully support the
introduction of the ordinance.
Christopher Buckley, Alameda, stated he and Don Patterson have
formed Committee for Effective Design Review Program in Alameda;
urged Council adopt Planning Board's recommendation; suggested
when design review guidelines are adopted, a monitoring mechanism
be put in place with Planning Board or Council doing a periodic
review to be sure the program is working properly.
April 21, 1992
David Baker, Alameda, stated he supports the ordinance because he
has seen the adverse impact of a quick makeover without appropriate
thought to even minor alterations of exteriors.
Bruce Gordon, Alameda, stated he supports the ordinance as he has
seen mistakes in facade restoration that has not been beneficial.
Lois Francis, Alameda, stated she strongly favors design review;
her home, with 1881 Victorian architecture, was "modernized" in
1911 which removed major features; restoration is expensive;
distinctive style needs protection otherwise, neighborhoods lose
flavor and value.
Councilmember Lucas commended former Interim Planning Director's
work on solutions to [design review] concerns; and she is pleased
with community support.
* * *
The City Manager introduced the new Planning Director Colette
* * *
Responding to Councilmember Roth's inquiry, the Planning Director
explained the public notice procedure with respect to Design Review
and appeal rights.
Councilman Arnerich stated he is pleased with the work that has
been done; recommended Council review the matter in 9 or 12
months; and moved introduction of the ordinance. Councilmember
Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote -
92-286 Public Hearing to consider an Initial Study to determine the
environmental effects associated with a Zoning Text Amendment to
amend Subsection 11-1354.4(d), and to renumber certain Subsections,
and a Zoning Text Amendment which would set standards for
processing Planned Developments for parcels developed with two or
more single family dwellings - Applicant: City of Alameda; and
Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending Subsection 11-1354.4(d) and
Renumbering Subsection 11-1354.4(d) to 11-1354.4(e), Subsection
11-1354.4(e) to 11-1354.4(f) and Subsection 11-1354.4(f) to
11-1354.4(g) of Chapter I, Title XI, of the Alameda Municipal
Code." Introduced.
President Withrow noted there were no speakers.
Councilmember Lucas commended former Interim Planning Director for
finding solution for problem; believes the solution will work
well; and moved approval [introduced ordinance]. Councilmember
Camicia seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote -
92-287 Report from Police Chief on impact of the Oakland homicide
rate on the City of Alameda. (Mayor Withrow)
April 21, 1992
Reverend Betty Williams, Alameda, commented on a newly formed
Alameda Race Violence Task Force which is concerned with crime in
Oakland and Alameda, and her distress in attitude reflected in a
newspaper article; noted the Task Force plans to educate the
community, and will be contacting Council further.
Councilman Arnerich stated neither Council nor City Hall staff
support views in the newspaper article to which Mrs. Williams
In response to President Withrow's request, the Police Chief
analyzed homicides in Oakland; causes of crimes; family
relationships involved; drug-related crimes; means, locations,
times of day, and what Oakland is doing to solve problems,
cooperation with State and Federal agencies, and deploying violence
suppression teams; and addressed impact upon Alameda to be
expected from crime suppression program in Oakland; noted Oakland
is not out of control as their Police and elected officials are
aware and will do what is necessary to control the situation.
President Withrow noted Oakland Mayor's consideration of calling in
the National Guard and requested Chief to recommend a Council
position on the matter. The Chief responded he believes that is a
home rule issue, if Oakland officials believe they need the
National Guard, the reasonable position of this Council would be to
support Oakland officials to solve their problems.
Councilmember Lucas discussed increase in crime and neighborhood
watch programs with the Police Chief; and inquired about
recommendations for Alameda citizens; to which the Police Chief
responded serious crime in the County of Alameda has increased
greatly; Alameda is a relatively safe community; and the Police
Department can cooperate with groups to inform the public
concerning personal safety tips.
Councilmember Roth stated he would like cooperation between various
cities to prevent displaced crime from springing up; and the
Police Chief replied the City receives good cooperation from
Oakland; however, Alameda must coordinate its efforts to protect
the City from displaced crime.
Councilman Arnerich noted personal safety tips and preventative
measures that should be taken.
Councilmember Roth moved acceptance of the report.
President Withrow noted shortfalls in Oakland and Alameda County
and consideration of cutbacks of Assistant District Attorneys
including those in the City of Alameda; the City must appropriate
$200,000 to prosecute Alameda's misdemeanors at the Courthouse; he
addressed affects of economic impacts on crime; requested a report
at the next Council Meeting from the City Attorney recommending an
approach to maintain City's values when prosecuting misdemeanors
and felonies.
President Withrow requested the City Manager to report back with a
recommendation "with respect to what the City can put out with a
view towards crime in Alameda, separate and apart from the East
Bay"; "and what the City can recommend to the County to initiate
action to assure citizens the governing bodies are working
responsibly to improve security of people in the East Bay;" and
"that they try and portray the current crime in perspective to the
degree that it exists so that the City can minimize the economic
impact;" and look at Ordinance No. 1676, N.S., still available,
but not used; a Disaster Council made up of civic leaders, and
headed by the Mayor, that will focus on disasters and disaster
preparedness throughout the City of Alameda, and the use of
neighborhood response teams dovetailed with neighborhood watch
Councilman Arnerich stated Alameda wants a fair and judicial
[court] system; the County wants more money, and the City should
find out where the money is going that the City is already paying.
President Withrow stated the City Attorney will be reviewing City
payments to the County related to the court system, and that
funding should be kept by the City if it must pay for prosecution
of cases.
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
92-288 Report from the Community Development Director regarding
Adopting FY 1992-93 and Amended FY 1991-92 Statements of Community
Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds, and Related
Rod Murray, Alameda, Representative, Alameda Interfaith Outreach
Council, stated Community Development has done admirable job; he
is concerned with lack of funding for Volunteers of America (VOA),
operators of Midway Center; VOA's program is excellent and they
would like it to continue.
Councilmember Lucas stated she agrees with staff recommendation for
the program; is concerned with recent threat of legal action,
being handled by Legal Aid, of two people who want to live at
Midway permanently and are asking the City for millions of dollars;
cannot justify supporting an operation that leads to such a
dangerous situation, and would like to exempt the item regarding
Midway trailer acquisition until the matter is resolved.
President Withrow explained the two Midway residents are college
students that, per VOA, do not fit the criteria set forth for being
residents there, refused to leave, and are now in the process of
suing the City, each for $5,000,000.
Councilman Arnerich stated Alameda has had one of the most
successful programs of its kind and this is a case of persons
taking advantage, which could, if it goes too far, lead to [the
program's] demise.
Councilmember Camicia stated, in spite of the lawsuit, Midway has
been a success and a source of pride, as this is the only community
April 21, 1992
of its size with a homeless shelter as successful as Midway; the
VOA had done an excellent job; if necessary Council should wait to
fund the $100,000 on the trailer, but should support Midway.
In response to Councilmember Roth, the Community Development
Director explained that "program delivery" is staff cost directly
related to the operation of a program; and noted the level of
resources, from outside funding sources, that staff is managing, is
listed on Attachment F of the Report.
In reply to President Withrow, the Community Development Director
explained the status of funding available, for homeless shelters
like Midway, this year compared to recent years, noting the focus
of federal government has shifted from emergency housing support to
the direction of permanent affordable housing; however, the
community is responding with support.
The Community Development Director noted that the acquisition of
the Midway trailers has been put on administrative hold by staff
pending the outcome of many variables.
Councilmember Roth moved acceptance. Councilman Arnerich seconded
the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
92-289 Report from Public Works Director on Alameda-Contra Costa
Transit District Proposed Fare and Service Adjustments within
Ron Salsig, Alameda, stated he has noticed most bus riders are
elderly and fearful of how they will be able to get around town;
only one bus line is contained within the City, has drivers who
know the riders and are helpful, and the line is about to be
removed; [corrective] action should be taken.
Vernon Deubler, Alameda, stated he represents Community of Harbor
Bay Isle, which hopes Council will work with A.C. Transit to
alleviate proposed changes; proposed elimination does not make
sense; ridership is not high, but runs could be cut back while
retaining the lines; alternatives should be considered.
Councilmember Camicia stated the recommendation is to request that
A.C. Transit not make any service cuts without a complete and
comprehensive analysis; and moved the recommendation.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion.
Councilman Arnerich stated he will encourage Alameda services be
continued, when he speaks at an A.C. Transit meeting tomorrow
evening [4/22/92].
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
92-290 Resolution No. 12234. "Condemning the Excessive
Compensation for the University of California Chancellor retirement
by the University of California Board of Regents." (Councilman
April 21, 1992
Councilman Arnerich stated action on this matter was taken today,
however, he believes going on record about the excessive amounts
paid to retired chancellors and certain other employees is
important; and moved adoption. Councilmember Lucas seconded the
motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
92-291 Resolution No. 12235. "Authorizing Issuance of Bonds.
(Harbor Bay Business Park Assessment District 92-1)"
In response to Councilman Arnerich, Stephen Casaleggio, Bond
Counsel, with Jones, Hall, Hill & White, explained some Mello Roos
districts have problems, however, when properly handled, Mello Roos
works well.
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
92-292 Resolution No. 12236. "Approving Bond Purchase Agreement,
Official Statement and Related Documents and Authorizing Actions
With Respect Thereto. (Harbor Bay Business Park Assessment
District 92-1)"
Stephen Casaleggio, Jones, Hall, Hill & White (JHH&W), stated the
County of Alameda cannot tell the firm [JHH&W) exactly how many
people in the district have paid their April tax installment; only
one individual cannot be verified, and he suggests one change in
the resolution if the verification cannot be made by tomorrow
[4/22/92), a condition to be added to Section 2: "(iv) The
authorized official has determined that there are no delinquent
payments of any outstanding assessments."
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption with the added condition noted
in the preceding paragraph.
Following brief discussion to clarify the matter, Councilmember
Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote -
* * *
The Final Passage of Ordinances noted-below and introduced at the
April 7, 1992, Council Meeting, adopt t e recodified Alameda
Municipal Code, and set fees for sale of, and subscription to,
92-293 Ordinance No. 2596, N.S. "Adopting the 1992 Edition of the
City of Alameda Municipal Code and Repealing Ordinance No. 535,
New Series (Alameda Municipal Code Adopted April 4, 1935)."
See paragraph 92-294 for Council action.
92-294 Ordinance No. 2597. N.S. "Amending Exhibit "A" to
Ordinance No. 2578 Relating to Certain Fees and Charges for
Various City Services and Permits by Adding Fees for Sale of
Alameda Municipal Code and Yearly Municipal Code Supplement
April 21, 1992
Subscription." Adopted.
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the ordinances.
Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5. [See 92-293]
92-295 Ordinance No. 2598. "Reclassifying and Rezoning Certain
Properties within the City of Alameda by Amending Zoning Ordinance
No. 1277 for that Property located at 876 Oak Street, 878 Oak
Street, 983 Park Street and 985 Park Street." Adopted.
Councilmember Lucas moved final passage. Councilmember Camicia
seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
92-296 Written Communication from Wayne T. Pearce, Alameda,
recommending the issue of "vehicle abuse" be addressed at the local
level by encouraging Councilmembers and City employees to carpool.
Mr. Pearce stated bus service is needed; people should use the
service and not use vehicles as often as they do.
Councilman Arnerich noted many City employees and some
Councilmembers participate in carpooling.
Councilmember Lucas moved acceptance of the written communication.
Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
92-297 Written Communication from Jim Gourlay, Alameda, regarding
cost for card access to Harbor Bay Maritime Ferry parking lot, and
questioning the need for gates.
Councilman Arnerich commented he received a letter from Mr.
Gourlay, and submitted same to President Withrow for review by the
City Manager; and moved acceptance of the written communication.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
92-298 Procedure for Selection of a City Auditor.
President Withrow presented the name of Kevin Kearney into
Councilmember Roth stated he believed appointment procedure would
be discussed.
President Withrow noted three alternatives were submitted in the
report [dated 4-16-92) by the City Manager.
Councilmember Camicia stated he is prepared to vote for Mr.
Kearney, however the matter can be carried over to the next
Councilman Arnerich stated perhaps City Attorney, Finance Director
April 21, 1992
and Kevin Harper, former City Auditor, could interview and make
recommendation; and perhaps anyone who wants to submit
applications could do so by Friday evening [4/24/92].
Councilmember Roth stated he has no problem with the name submitted
but believes a procedure is necessary.
Councilmember Lucas stated she believes the situation is so rare,
it does not make sense to set up procedure for every rare
possibility; and she agrees with the nomination.
Following further discussion on procedure, President Withrow
nominated Kevin Kearney. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion
which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
92-299 Consideration of Sister City designation. (Vice Mayor
President Withrow stated the matter refers to an issue he raised
with respect to cities in the former Soviet Union; his intent is
not to use the term "Sister City" or pursue a Sister City
initiative per se; gave background of matter, recommendation at
U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C., to pursue dialogue
as cities in Russia and Ukraine had difficulties due to prior lack
of opportunities or privileges in governing themselves; described
process between City officials, staff, various non-profit agencies,
boards/commissions/committees, and their counterparts in cities to
be chosen; he has written letters to mayors of Rostov-on-don and
Tagenrog to see if they are interested.
Following Council discussion, Vice Mayor Lucas noted that the
sister city program requires Council action; that the Assistant
City Manager when visiting Russia [cities of Rostov-on-don and
Tagenrog], should state the visits are exploratory and he does not
speak for the City as a whole.
President Withrow agreed; and clarified that the Assistant City
Manager is going on vacation and not at City expense.
Councilman Arnerich suggested that Alameda's current sister cities
[Lidingo, Sweden, and Arita Machi, Japan] should be published in
City directories; and that the Mayor should contact them annually.
Councilmember Camicia moved acceptance of the [oral] communication.
Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
92-300 Councilmember Camicia introduced Kevin Kearney (See 92-298),
noted his background and his work for the City on a Committee which
was the precursor of the Finance Committee; Mr. Kearney expressed
appreciation for the appointment; and stated he will serve to the
best of his ability; at Councilman Arnerich's request, the parents
of Mr. Kearney were introduced; and Council congratulated Mr.
92-301 Vice Mayor Lucas stated the 1991-92 Grand Jury Report
April 21, 1992
recommends all elected officials to participate in disaster drill
procedures, and requested the City Manager to provide a copy of
that Report to Council.
92-302 Vice Mayor Lucas stated she received a citizen's complaint
regarding a trailer on Shore Line Drive between the car wash and
Lyons which blocks the view of the exit from the parking lots.
The Public Works Director stated staff is trying to resolve the
Council requested a staff report on the matter if the situation is
not resolved by the next Council Meeting.
92-303 Vice Mayor Lucas stated she was contacted by the Alameda
Times Star Advertising Department about placing an ad in the paper
on April 29th complimenting the May 2 Community Faire, and she
questions appropriateness of Council considering such a request.
92-304 Councilmember Roth requested that the next Council Meeting
agenda, under New and Unfinished Business, include the issue of
parking meter options.
92-305 Councilmember Roth requested staff to report back, at a
future Council Meeting, on a procedure that will fast track a
development requiring Zoning or General Plan amendment.
92-306 Councilmember Roth requested that the matter of disaster
preparedness be agendized in the future to allow discussion and
consideration of placing it [related costs] in the budget.
92-307 Councilmember Camicia requested staff to agendize a proposed
Charter amendment for November election which will remove the City
Manager from the Public Utilities Board.
92-308 Newell Cutter, Alameda, commented that the State took a
human life today, and requested the Mayor, Council and citizens to
fly "our" Flag at half mast.
President Withrow adjournment the meeting at 10:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance.
April 21, 1992