1992-06-25 Special CC MinutesMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL June 25, 1992 The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m. with President Withrow presiding. Councilmember Roth led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas, Roth, and President Withrow - 5. [Councilmember Lucas arrived at 7:39 p.m.] Absent: None. 92-483 Report from City Manager on Prioritization of City Services. The City Manager explained that the report is a listing of City services prioritized by each Department, and includes the cost of each program, and number of [staff] positions; noted $4,500,000 has been cut from the budget, and only high priority items remain in it; and explained the budget may change, depending upon the amount of revenues the State takes away. Don Roberts, Alameda, stated he believes emergency response and ambulance transport should be priorities No. 1 and No. 2 in the Fire Department Budget. The Chief of Police and the Fire Chief explained the approach each used in listing priorities. Council discussed priorities as presented by Department Heads. Councilmember Camicia stated he is opposed to any further cuts in public safety. President Withrow discussed the effect ot crime on business; aims of California Mayors with respect to the State and local budgets issue, an initiative process will be necessary if changes are to come; and stated he will not cut what the Chiefs of Police and Fire state is necessary. Councilmember Lucas agreed that public protection and public safety cannot be cut; when Council addresses the budget, a cut [Fire Truck Company No. 2] which is a safety concern to West End citizens, must be discussed. Councilmember Roth moved to accept the report. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion. Councilmember Camicia stated he agrees the West End [Fire Truck Company No. 2] cannot be cut; for efficiency, the historical structuring of the Fire Department must be looked at differently; it is time to look at 8-hour shifts. Mayor Withrow stated one Mayor discovered a number of firefighters were moonlighting and hired some as police officers. June 25, 1992 Councilman Arnerich commended Councilmember Camicia for requesting department heads' participation in prioritization; stated he will support the motion; in the travel budget is $106,000 and he would like that reduced by fifty percent (50%); he would also like the firefighters' physical fitness program deferred. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-484 Public Hearing to consider Approving and Adopting the Operating Budget and Capital Improvements Budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93, and Appropriating Certain Moneys for the Expenditures Provided in Said Fiscal Year, and Resolution No. 12274 "Approving and Adopting the Operating Budget and Capital Improvements Budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93, and Appropriating Certain Moneys for the Expenditures Provided in Said Fiscal Year." Adopted. Don Roberts, Alameda, urged Council delete proposal to eliminate Fire Truck Company No. 2, West End; City should dip into its $5,000,000 in reserves; questioned amount of salary paid to [Special] Assistant to the City Manager. David Lee, Alameda Firefighters' Association, stated he is relieved that Council has decided to maintain level of fire protection and not cut the Fire Truck Company No. 2; inquired if Mayor Withrow's reference to "threshold" is the Fire Chief's recommended minimum level of staffing. Mayor Withrow stated the threshold would be whatever the Fire Chief believes is required to maintain the level of services that he recommends in his professional judgment. David Lee addressed the need for a physical fitness program. Councilmember Camicia stated, the physical fitness program, while well-intentioned, represents a job [funding] for someone. The City Manager stated the purpose of the physical fitness program is to cut the number of injuries and to save the cost of hiring replacements for anyone on disability. Mayor Withrow agreed, stated he fully understands the need for the physical fitness program and the costs; stated Councilmember Camicia is discussing that, in value sense prioritizing, it [the program] is not something citizens will understand, although it is important and [cutting the program] is like saving pennies to lose dollars. Councilmember Camicia noted possible alternatives, e.g., physical fitness one-day seminars, guidance through instruction pamphlets. Councilman Arnerich stated he agrees Police and Fire Departments need a physical fitness program but it is new and perhaps could be June 25, 1992 deferred another year. Councilmember Lucas stated she was concerned that flyers regarding Truck Company No. 2, distributed by the firefighters in the West End did not include identification, and suggested the Association publish a statement in the local newspaper. Kim Byrne, West Alameda Business Association (WABA), stated association members want Council to know of concerns regarding the possible cut of Fire Truck Company No. 2. Paul Barneich, Alameda Management & Confidential Employees Association (AMCEA) representative, requested Council direct staff to finalize the demotion and layoff procedure before any layoff takes place. The City Manager stated he believes there will not be any layoffs at the end of this month; if questions exist between Associations and Personnel Department, that is an administrative matter. Marie Stahowski, President, Alameda City Employees Association (ACEA) protested deleting $160,000 from what would be paid ACEA employees [October 1 pay increases]; stated members will not accept both hours and pay cut; are about 50% for, and 50% against, 4-9 Plan (nine hours per day, four days per week); suggested stopping employee recognition functions until budget crunch is over and use those funds elsewhere; use some of 1.6 million dollars from PERS reserves for employees; and Golden Handshake for persons close to retirement. James Sweeney, Alameda, expressed concern about adequate fire safety for West End, and necessity for quick response times. Richard Rudloff, Alameda, requested certain earthquake hazards in City Hall be corrected because young students work in City Hall and little children come through on tours; Council pursue attracting businesses to Alameda; and perhaps in next round of cuts, all departments of City take necessary cuts. Leonard Spadoni, Alameda, stated he opposes School Resource Officer; would prefer funds be used for Police Activities League. Councilman Arnerich noted physical fitness program in Fire Department could be deferred for one year; proposed $1,000 to $2,000 cuts in 50 [plus or minus] budget items for consideration; General Municipal Election date has been changed [to November] and the proposed City Clerk Office position cut should not be made until the first of the year as that Office will be going through election period; and should look at retaining the Citizens° Response Center position. Councilmember Roth moved "adoption of budget with the following changes at this time: Leave Fire Station No. 2 [Fire Truck Company No. 2] in; give City Manager leeway not to eliminate jobs or lay June 25, 1992 off someone if he can find a way to save it [positions] and to look for an early retirement incentive or the Golden Handshake or perhaps some other program that could work, where we could save people from being laid off, and I have no problem with Lil's suggestion concerning the fitness program. I think we just need to give the City Manager some leeway so that he can work the safety jobs and programs as our revenues change." Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. Councilmember Camicia stated he would like to find a way to save the $160,000 for ACEA people; and is concerned about saving the City Clerk's secretary. The City Manager explained the $160,000 noted by ACEA President is roughly 4% that would be saved if not given to the ACEA employees for their October 1st pay increase; the increase is being negotiated and if Council so wishes, the negotiation can be stopped. Councilmember Camicia stated he would like to give some leeway to do "as little damage as possible to people at the bottom." Councilman Arnerich stated in addition to the 4-9 Plan, perhaps flex time of 2 hours a week, can be considered, which would benefit employees with children in day care centers. Councilmember Roth stated he would like to add the School Resource Officer back into the budget, however, not as approved program until the School District makes its decision. President Withrow discussed unfunded mandates and stated he has requested the City identify a specific budget item as Unfunded State Mandates; discussed State College systems and student loans. Councilmember Lucas agreed with cutting travel budget in half, does not agree with physical fitness program during financial difficulties, nor funding Continuing Legal Education and Bar membership for the City Attorneys, and would also like the payment for maintenance of professional licenses for City employees looked at by the City Manager. Councilmember Camicia requested the City Manager look at closing City Hall between Christmas and New Year holidays, except for public safety services. The City Manager recapped the motion was to approve the budget with several changes: Fire Truck Company No. 2 remain in the budget; do as little "damage" as possible to ACEA; look at removal of funding professional licenses for City employees; reduce $25,000 from budget for Fire Department physical fitness program; reduce travel and conference budget from $106,000 to $50,000; consider early retirement, flex time, furlough at holiday season and golden handshake. June 25, 1992 Councilman Arnerich noted 4-9 Plan/flex time alternatives. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-485 Resolution No. 12275, "Establishing Guidelines for Reimbursement of Travel and other Related Expenses in Connection with the Conduct of City Business." Adopted. Councilmember Lucas moved adoption of the resolution. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motionwhich was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-486 Resolution No. 12276 "Declaring Canvass of Returns and Results of Special Municipal Election held June 2, 1992." Adopted. MEASURE B Shall the City Charter of the City of Alameda be amended so that the General Municipal Election will be held on the date of and consolidated with the statewide general election in each even- numbered year and the terms of the current Mayor and members of the City Council, City Auditor, City Treasurer, and Board of Education will be shortened by approximately four to five months? Measure B Yes: 13,664 No: 1,797 Passed. MEASURE C Shall the City Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to prohibit sale or alienation of public parks and recreational lands, including Alameda Golf Complex, unless authorized by majority vote of the electors; except the City Council may lease or grant concessions, permits, licenses, or easements in any public park or recreational land and may sell any public park or recreational land if it is replaced with a facility of comparable size and utility? Measure C Yes: 13,035 No: 2,604 Passed. The total number of ballots cast in the City of Alameda at the election was 17,499. Election results by precinct are made a part hereof by reference. [Canvassed and declared pursuant Councilmember Camicia moved Councilmember Lucas seconded the voice vote - 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS attached hereto as Exhibit A, and to Elections Code, Sec. 22933.] adoption of the resolution. motion which carried by unanimous 92-487 Councilmember Camicia requested a report off agenda on how AC Transit cuts made this week will affect bus service. 92-488 Councilman Arnerich requested the City Manager look into the possibility of raising the United States flag to full-mast and only June 25, 1992 fr =-1, the State and City flags be lowered to half-mast, until the [financial] crisis in Sacramento is over. 92-489 Councilmember Roth stated he attended AC Transit meeting recently and the only line that will be lost is the "W." President Withrow stated the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency is looking into the deletion of the busses that feed the ferry service. 92-490 Paul Barneich requested clarification on Citizen's Response Position; and the City Manager responded Council's direction was to work on finding a way to mitigate any of the laid-off positions. 92-491 Councilmember Roth stated perhaps the firefighters should look into using back braces. ADJOURNMENT President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, DIANE B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. June 25, 1992 T DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION - JUNE 2, J COUNTY OF ALAMEDA Pape Number 451.010.0061 R i T P II P P P L CC CC C P E U U RO RR RE 11 10 1R G R 1 05 0 0 0 G T T T M T O S 0 0 0 D 0 E 0 S TV T O Y 1 T U U S A S R S L 0 0 01 08 E T T IC IT IA FF FI Fl E TT P 1 1 r 1 1 A A A A 7 A D E 0 0 0 T O V L L L T L 5 R NF NA NE AA AI AA 0 C E 1 l EE EM EE 0 E A 3N 4 0 4 S A A A 0 S E 1 T A A E E A M S S PRECINCT N0. 244200 I 693 33 48.3 PRECINCT 50. 244300 82d 414 50.41 PRECINCT N0. 244400 I 811 39$ 48.3 PRECINCT N0. 244500 I 739 340 46.3_ PRECINCT N0. 244600 I n4 383 49.3 PRECINCT N0. 244700 I 79 399 50.2 PRECINCT N0. 244800 I 76 4311 56.5X PRECINCT N0. 244900 I 6 359 53.2? `PRECINCT N0. 245000 72 349 47.8X 'PRECINCT M0. 245100 73 3551 48.6% 'RECINCT 50. 245200 1 5611 3031 54.0X PRECINCT 50. 245300 I 649 3341 51.4 101 PRECINCT N0. 260100 I 528 210 41.5 1S 'RECINCT 50. 260300 1 5071 235 46.31 4 PRECINCT 50. 260400 614 297148.31 6 PRECINCT 50. 260600 7001 36] 51.871 11 PRECINCT 50. 260610 669 254 38.3 PRECINCT 50. 260800 6811 32 48.1 'PRECINCT N0. 260900 I 75q 39. 52.01 PRECINCT N0. 261000 I 7511 37_1 50.0 PRECINCT N0. 261300 774 3871 49.81 10 'RECINCT 50. 261400 619 3231 52.51 6• RECINCT N0. 261600 ! 409 52.6x1 89 ea PRECINCT N0. 261700 631 33 52, PRECINCT N0. 262000 791 444 56.6* T71 PRECINCT N0. 262100 659 341 52. 8? 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AR 5 772 42.2 2440 1671. 3405 + -_ -- + + 404.- 36.3 1675 ' 1372 2161. 43901 33 .5 1623. 1582. 2107:_1206 52971 38. 1766. 2018. 2473 7342. 42.4 15221 330 -- 2732 - + r c r 2212 - 1258` 11667. 1456. 1587. 1195. 6842+ 40.1 9027. 9953= 12880. 1206 _ 1641 1155. 2212- 1258 167 - 1456. 1587. 1195 3692 1553. 42.0 620+ 530 812 1206- 1641 1155 943 470= 49.9 - 109- 20- 199 _52' 33081 43.'• 65- 1449- 1235 + +' + 2212 1258 167. 1456. 1587. 119 411 39.1 1••• 126 238+' 935+ 2.447- Tf.2 1074• 782 1353- 1371 37.4 28- 63' 50+ 63 3250 38.8 • 1' 11 988 - 9 5 54+ 1359. 36.1 738'+ 385- 920 80- 1359• � 63 385' 829' 25 7. 46.1 30- 11 40 1664 611. 16. 274 - 199 7188. 37.3 1649- 325D 96. 1410 41.5 - 281 + 670= 79 655. 27.5' 11•= 312' 11 . 12 125 257 94 4.4 213•750- + 51.0 104- BERKELEY SCHOOL 47.5 • 50.4 1660 11.6 698 33.0 AREA 2 876 361' .2 7552" 33081 3.8 ZONE 7 FLOCO CONTROL 2 ORO LOMA SANITARY 1 5010 UNION SANITARY WARD 2 2354 PRECINCT TOTALS ABSENTEE TOTALS GRAND 0 LLS June 25, 1992 56825 198 31 184 574 120. - .i 1155 232 258' 167- 1456- 1587. 11 668251 6842 3704 0546 1206 1641 1155- 2212- 857 158 167 7 195 15• 147' - 333- 225 297 234 1781 363 291303 - 260 254.. 1082 1556+ 1912. 1834 ° 1950 ' 14