1992-12-01 Regular CC MeetingMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 1, 1992 The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. (following the Community Improvement Commission Meeting) with President Withrow presiding. Councilman Arnerich led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Mary Rowe gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas, Roth, and President Withrow - 5. Absent: None. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS Mayor Withrow announced Council, at a Special Meeting at 6:30 p.m., adjourned to Closed Session to consider: 92-818 Labor Relations, pursuant to Subsection (a) of Government Code Section 54957.6 of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow stated Council gave further instructions to City negotiators to meet and confer on impacts of an eight-day ACEA [Alameda City Employees Association] bargaining unit layoff to be imposed during holiday season or on dates deemed appropriate by the City Manager. In Closed Session at 7:05 p.m., Council considered: 92-819 Pending Litigation, Cook v. City of Alameda, pursuant to Subsection (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9 of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow announced no action was taken. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Camicia moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *92-820 Minutes of the Special Council Meetings held on November 13, and November 17, 1992. Approved. *92-821 Report from Public Works Director recommending award of contract for Alameda/Oakland Ferry Vessel Acquisition Project, No. P.W. 12-91-14. Accepted. *92-822 Report from the Community Development Director recommending an Allocation of Commercial Revitalization Funds for Business Attraction and Amending the Alameda Chamber of Commerce Agreement. Accepted. *92-823 Resolution No. 12348 "Approving the Application for Land and Water Conservation Funds: Bayview Shoreline Enhancement Project." Adopted. December 1, 1992 *92-824 Resolution No. 12349 "Resolution Guaranteeing Matching Funds for Bike Lane Account Projects." Adopted. *92-825 Resolution No. 12350 "Resolution Declaring Canvass of Returns and Results of General Municipal Election Held on Tuesday, November 3, 1992." Adopted. Whole number of ballots cast: 31,183 Total number of votes cast for Charter Amendments: Measure D: Shall the Alameda City Charter be amended to repeal provisions of the Charter which prevent additional financial burdens from being imposed on taxpayers as a result of binding arbitration without a vote of the people and to enlarge the scope of such binding arbitration for fire employees to include, in addition to financial benefits, all matters related to wages, hours and work conditions as more fully set forth in Alameda City Council Resolution No. 12299? Yes: 12,169 No: 14.318 Not Passed. Measure E: Shall the City Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to prohibit tax increases without voter approval due to binding arbitration related to fire fighters regular monthly salary range and to prevent fire fighter strikes by adopting such binding arbitration provisions? The amendment will be accomplished by repealing existing Article XXVII, adopting new Article XXVII and by amending Charter Section 17-17 as more fully set forth in Alameda City Council Resolution No. 12302. Yes: 12.529 No: 13,933 Not Passed. Total number of votes cast for Advisory Measure: Measure F: Shall the City Council authorize negotiations with the City's Firefighters' Union in order to implement an alternative work schedule to change the existing work schedule of approximately ten shifts per month to twenty shifts of shorter duration per month? Yes: 14,566 No: 9,791 Passed. December 1, 1992 ;'; Total number of votes for each candidate: For Office of City Council: Anthony J. "Lil" Arnerich 13,226 Ralph J. Appezzato 12,860 Gary Thomas 8,316 Catherine Louise Wright 5,765 Bonnie B. Conner 5,001 Mark Cumming 1,578 For Office of City Council, Write-In Candidate: Charles A. Millman 110 For Office of City Auditor: Kevin R. Kearney 18,630 For Office of City Treasurer: Lewis E. Hurwitz 17,892 For Office of Member, Board of Education: Gail Ann Greely 13,274 Barbara Rasmussen 13,201 Bill Garvine 12,125 Val Jue 10,040 A. Keith Hiner 6,337 Don Taylor 5,126 Lawrence E. VanHook 3,809 Votes by precinct are attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. *92-826 Written Communication from Chair, Alameda Homeless Network, requesting the period for receiving funds for the Third Annual Mayor's Thanksgiving be extended to December 31, 1992. (Mayor Withrow) Approved. *92-827 Bills, certified by the City Manager as correct, were ratified in the amount of $1,615,216.81. REGULAR AGENDA 92-828 Resolution No. 12351 "Appointing Gary Thomas as Member of the City Planning Board." Adopted. Councilmember Camicia moved adoption. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Thomas. 92-829 Public Hearing and Ordinance No. . N.S. "Amending Alameda Municipal Code Section 3-59.4, Providing for the Application of the Existing Utility Users Tax to Interstate and International Telecommunication Services." Introduced. There were no public speakers. Councilmember Roth stated that he would like to see all the Utility December 1, 1992 Taxes brought back to the 5% level, however, supports the Ordinance before Council and moved introduction. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilman Arnerich stated once the City is out of the doldrums of the State economic conditions and the City is in a better financial position, Council should revisit Utility Taxes and determine whether they can be rescinded. Following comments and concerns voiced by Vice Mayor Lucas, Mayor Withrow stated the tax increase [on telecommunication services] was proposed by Councilmember Roth to provide funds to keep the libraries open, not to provide pay raises. The City Manager responded Council was informed that staff anticipated no pay raises, and requirements for new revenue were based upon existing level of service. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-830 Public Hearing to Consider Objections to an Unpaid Matured Warrant Assessment and Operation and Maintenance Assessment Values for Land in the Bay Farm Island Reclamation District No. 2105. President Withrow, the City Manager and City Attorney stepped down from the dais due to conflict of interest as they reside in the area under consideration. Vice Mayor Lucas assumed the Chair. The Assistant City Manager and Assistant City Attorney took their seats on the dais. Vice Mayor Lucas stated the purpose of the hearing is to hear evidence in support of written objections; and requested confirmation that announcement of the hearing had been published once a week for two successive weeks. The City Clerk confirmed notices were published November 21st and November 28th. James R. Stillman, Chair, Valuation Commission, presented the valuation report. Vice Mayor Lucas offered opportunity for questions to Raymond P. Kranelly, President of the District, or John B. Dickson, attorney for the District. There were none. In response to inquiry by Vice Mayor Lucas, the City Clerk stated no written objections were filed. Vice Mayor Lucas noted there were no speakers, and closed the public portion of the hearing. Vice Mayor Lucas stated that the Council authority is limited to December 1, 1992 approving, modifying or amending the assessment valuations and cannot arbitrarily modify; and the principles for establishing, amending or modifying values are set forth in the Valuation Commissioners' Report. Councilmember Roth moved approval of the values as submitted. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilman Arnerich stated the Assistant City Manager saved the City a considerable amount of money and he is very pleased with the Report. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Roth and Vice-Mayor Lucas - 4. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions: President Withrow - 1. * * * President Withrow assumed the Chair; the City Manager and City Attorney returned to their positions on the dais. 92-831a Public Hearing to consider a proposed Negative Declaration, a General Plan Amendment to change 1712, 1714 and 1716 Lincoln Avenue from Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Business, and a Rezoning of the 3 parcels from R-5 (General Residential) District to C-1 (Neighborhood Business) District. City of Alameda. 92-831b Resolution No. 12352 "Adopting Negative Declaration, IS-92-8, for a General Plan Amendment and Rezoning, GPA/R-92-3, for the Parcels located at 1712, 1714, and 1716 Lincoln Avenue." Adopted. 92-831c Resolution No. 12353 "Approving a General Plan Amendment, GPA-92-3, for the Parcels Located at 1712, 1714, and 1716 Lincoln Avenue." Adopted. 92-831d Ordinance No. , N.S. "Reclassifying and Rezoning Certain Properties Within the City of Alameda by Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277 for those properties located at 1712, 1714 and 1716 Lincoln Avenue." Introduced. The Planning Director gave the background of the matter. Richard Wood, 1719 Lincoln Avenue, stated his property is a historical landmark and has a storefront; he has been out of town and would like the property included and rezoned. Following Council and staff discussion, the Planning Director stated she would look at the property and if the City can support rezoning, it will be added to the Department's work program. If Mr. Wood should initiate the rezoning, there will be a fee of approximately $2,500. to cover costs. Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the resolutions, introduction of the ordinance, and directed the Planning Director December 1, 1992 to include Mr. Wood's property into the Department's Work Program. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-832a Appeal of a Planning Board approval of Soskin Design Review, DR-92-146, for remodeling and addition at 1526 Fountain Street. Appellant: Sylvia Blumberg. Denied. 92-832b Resolution No. 12354 "Denying the Blumberg Appeal and Sustaining the Planning Board Approval of the Design Review, DR-92- 146, at 1526 Fountain Street." Adopted. The Planning Director gave the background of the matter. Norma Franchi, Castro Valley, stated she owns property next to the Soskin house; the project [addition to Soskin house] is large for the size of the lot; the only view from the kitchen will be the Soskin house. Sylvia Blumberg, Alameda, Appellant, stated she is present to urge Council and Mayor to take a better look at the extension; presented copies of pictures of the property; stated the extension will have adverse affects on her property. George Soskin, Alameda, stated he wanted to add to his house, has maintained the architectural style; worked with the City Departments; Planning Board approved project; and requested Council approval. In response to Councilmember Roth, Mr. Soskin stated he would be improving the chimney, and updating the electrical system. Council discussed maintenance of houses built on or close to property line. Councilmember Roth stated the Soskin house style fits into the neighborhood; the addition does not detract from Ms. Blumberg's privacy. In response to Councilmember Camicia, the Planning Director stated the major discussions on the Planning Board focused on how construction could occur, and maintenance issues. Responding to President Withrow, the Planning Director discussed Planning Board deliberation and need for a balancing of property rights of Mrs. Blumberg and Mr. Soskin; the determination of the majority of the Planning Board was that the nature of changes did not constitute a substantial impact. The Planning Director at Vice Mayor Lucas's request, confirmed that the setback is a non-complying setback, not a variance; and is routinely granted administratively. Following Council discussion on various concerns of the Appellant, December 1, 1992 Councilman Arnerich stated the Planning Board did everything they could and he will vote to uphold the Board's decision and deny the Appeal. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion. President Withrow stated he does not see a substantive factor in terms of shade or encroachment on light. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Roth and President Withrow - 3. Noes: Councilmembers Camicia and Lucas - 2. Absent: None. 92-833 Report from President, Alameda Free Library Board, regarding Carnegie rehab and annex. Archie Waterbury, President, Library Board, stated the Board wants and must build a library that meets national standards if State and Federal funds are to be used; a rehabilitated Carnegie would not be feasible on existing property, but would be with multi-story annex if adjacent lands were acquired; cost to investigate further would be about $75,000. Reverend Wilfred Hodgkin, stated, before further decisions on a Library, development of a civic center complex should be implemented; the Library should fit into the concept; when City Hall and Library were built, the intent was for Santa Clara to be the access to the Civic Center; he favors purchasing properties between current library and Fowler Anderson's Mortuary, which could accommodate landscaping. David Plummer, Alameda, Committee to Retain the Carnegie Building, stated his purpose is to demonstrate the purchase of new parcels to provide a library with federal specifications at the Carnegie library with no need of a $75,000 feasibility study for the site; described the background of the matter; former studies completed; and other reasons supporting his premise. In response to Councilmember Roth's concerns regarding parking, Mr. Plummer stated the parking for a library at the Carnegie site would be provided by the Longs Drugs' proposed parking project, as was extensively planned for the [proposed library on the] Linoaks site. Vice Mayor Lucas thanked the Library Committee for their efforts in producing the report and agreed federal standards must be met; stated she likes Reverend Hodgkin's vision of the Library in Civic Center area; thanked Mr. Plummer for his efforts to inform what is possible and promote understanding that the Carnegie Building is a valuable resource; and moved acceptance of the report. Councilman Arnerich stated at this point, Council will not be spending more for studies until it is known what will occur at the Linoaks Motel site, and seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-834 Resolution No. "Supporting Alameda County Board December 1, 1992 of Supervisors' Ordinance Regarding the Sale of Firearms." (Mayor Withrow) Not adopted. Dale Choy, Alameda, stated people buying guns in the stores are average citizens who do not wish to go through the proposed process. Glenn Bulman, Alameda, requested his speaking time be given to Dr. Suter. Ed Suter, M.D., Castro Valley, stated the proposal is not supportable; firearms transactions in the State already require identification; people who commit crimes with firearms do not buy them over the counter but in the black market, or steal them; he cited Sections from Government and Penal Codes; stated this is an ineffectual proposal, will only affect good citizens, does nothing to reduce crime, and is illegal; laws on the books are not prosecuted effectually; and City, County and State resources should be used to enforce existing law that impacts criminals; requested Council not encourage County in this insupportable attempt. In response to Council's questions, Dr. Suter described regulations and procedures concerning firearms purchases. Jamie Fraser Paige, Alameda, stated he was a Police Officer in San Francisco; the proposed legislation is not needed, and will do no good in stopping illegal possession of firearms by criminals; if money is to be spent, it should be on incarcerating people after conviction, using current laws more effectively, and not plea bargaining gun charges away. Robin Figone, Alameda, stated time and money used for gun control issue should be used to do something about crime. Kent Figone, Alameda, stated he is a licensed [firearms] dealer, the laws he follows are stringent; has no objection to fingerprinting, if it were not already being done; no licensed dealer would endanger his livelihood, or life; problems with firearms are with ones that are smuggled in or stolen; and requested funds be put into law enforcement. Diane Fisher; Pacifica, stated she is a former police dispatcher, fourteen- and fifteen-year-olds who buy guns in back alleys are persons people are worried about; something should be done about that problem; and does not support resolution. Robert Peterson, Alameda, Member Veterans of Foreign Wars, National Rifle Association, stated Constitution should be upheld and corruption should be cleaned up; opposed the resolution. Hester Peterson, Alameda, agreed with former speakers, and stated trying to take guns from the people resembles nazism. President Withrow stated some good points have been made. This December 1, 1992 Council does not have any intent to disarm the public; the strongest point to him is the point of adding more laws while not enforcing the current laws; he would like to know to what degree plea bargaining away sentencing requirements occur in Alameda; and he is concerned a false sense of security that problems will go away may be given if this proposal is passed. In response to Councilmember Roth, the Chief of Police stated a lot of gun control laws are on the books not used as effectively as they might be; he is uncertain of the value of this legislation; recommended it because of frustration of County officials; many crimes are committed, most violent crimes utilize guns, and the legislation might help. Councilmember Camicia commented Oakland is approaching 200 murders and the proposal provides for fingerprinting and pictures. Councilman Arnerich stated ample laws exist in California, if enforced appropriately, and queried if Alameda County Mayors endorsed the issue. President Withrow stated the issue is not uniformly accepted; most mayors in the County supported the matter in concept. Councilman Arnerich commented on recent television reports on guns carried to school by children; those children will not register guns; law abiding citizens will register guns; this is one more level of bureaucracy that is not necessary, and he will not support the resolution. Vice Mayor Lucas stated everyone is concerned about crime; the Police Chief is the professional; if he believes this resolution provides assistance in fighting crime; she is willing to give him that assistance. Councilmember Camicia moved the resolution. Vice Mayor Lucas seconded the motion. President Withrow stated he brought this matter to Council, but believes Council could make a stronger impact by stating Alameda would like the County to do something in the law enforcement area first. Councilmember Camicia stated because of that concern, the resolution could be amended to add, "Whereas, the City of Alameda encourages the County to strongly enforce all existing local, State and Federal laws relating to crimes involving guns." Councilman Arnerich commented only the unincorporated areas of the County of Alameda would be affected by the resolution. President Withrow stated he cannot support the resolution until he has more information coming back from the County that they have done a good job defining the problem. December 1, 1992 The motion failed by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Camicia and Lucas - 2. Noes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Roth and President Withrow - 3. Absent: None. 92-835 Written Communication from Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific, San Francisco region, concerning the Harbor Bay Maritime Ferry Operation. (Continued from November 17th Council Meeting) President Withrow announced this item will be held over by request of the writer of the communication. 92-836 Ordinance No. 2620, N.S. "Authorizing Execution of a Lease Extension for the Linoaks Motel." Adopted. Vice Mayor Lucas moved final passage. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. NEW BUSINESS AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS, 92-837 Councilmember Camicia received a complaint from a business owner at the corner of Westline and Otis Drive concerning street construction taking place in the neighborhood; requested staff to explain to them exactly what the procedure is and the schedule for completing the work. The Public Works Director stated the job is running smoothly and should be completed shortly. 92-838 Councilman Arnerich requested a report within 60 days on the net worth of the City's surplus properties, and the Board of Realtors, as a community service, appraise the lots. 92-839 Councilman Arnerich requested the Mayor to adjourn the meeting in memory of Terry LaCroix, Sr. 92-840 Vice Mayor Lucas stated she has received complaints about the signs at Neptune Plaza, and wonders whether they are in compliance with the Sign Ordinance. ADJOURNMENT 92-841 President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 10:32 p.m. in memory of Terry La Croix, Sr. Res ectfully submitt d, a/al 6-0- DIANE B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. December 1, 1992 Pape Number 119.011.001 RECINCT NO. RECINCT NO. 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