1991-06-04 Regular CC Minutes153
JUNE 4, 1991
The meeting convened at 7:43 p.m. (following the Community
Improvement Commission Meeting) with President Withrow presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Roth. Reverend
Doug Henderson gave the invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas, Roth,
and President Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
President Withrow announced that prior to the meeting, Council
adjourned to Closed Session and took the following action:
91-363 Taylor, N. v. City of Alameda, pursuant to Subsection (a)
of the legal counsel section of the Brown Act: the session was for
information only, no action was taken.
91-364 Murphy v. City of Alameda, pursuant to Subsection (a) of the
legal counsel section of the Brown Act: the session was for
information only, no action was taken.
At the request of Councilmember Lucas, 91-376 Investment Report, and
at the request of John Scott Graham, Alameda, 91-380, resolution
authorizing Grant Application to Department of Forestry, were
removed from the Consent Calendar to the regular agenda.
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the remainder of the Consent
Calendar. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which was carried
by unanimous voice vote - 5.
*91-365 From Community Development Director recommending
authorization of modification of Fiscal Year 1989-90 Grant Agreement
with Alameda Boys Club for West End Teen Program. Accepted.
*91-366 Resolution No. 12108. "Authorizing Cooperative Agreement
for Advertisement, Award and ConstruCtion Contract Administration
between the City of Alameda and California Department of
Transportation for the Doolittle Drive Widening Project." Adopted.
*91-367 Ordinance No. 2556. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Amending Section 2-116 (Order of Business) Relating to Order
of Business of City Council Meetings." Adopted.
June 4, 1991
*91-368 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be correct, were
ratified in the amount of $1,919,347.71.
Councilmember Camicia moved approval of the Minutes of the Regular
Council Meeting of May 21, 1991. Councilman Arnerich seconded the
motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
91-369 From Diane Coler-Dark, Alameda, concerning administration of
garbage discount programs.
Don Roberts, Alameda, stated he does not believe the City needs to
subsidize Waste Management, Inc. (WMI) by providing administrative
services for the senior citizen discount program; and WMI should
follow Pacific Telephone's lead which only requires a statement
under penalty of perjury that the person qualifies for a particular
discounted program.
Councilman Arnerich stated perhaps the matter could be looked at to
see if the procedure is working; if citizens would not need to go
to Mastick Senior Center (to show evidence of qualification), the
(suggested procedure) could be looked at.
President Withrow stated that is a good point.
Councilmember Lucas inquired if Council would want to treat the
low-income garbage discount program similarly.
Councilman Arnerich commented affirmatively and inquired if the City
Manager's Office could check into the matter and report back.
President Withrow agreed with the comment.
Councilmember Lucas stated staff time would be saved.
Councilmember Camicia moved the communication, incorporating the
suggestions. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. President
Withrow stated, hearing no objections, the motion carries
91-370 From Marie T. Rossillon, Alameda, suggesting that a small
public park, in a new development, be named after General Colin L.
Clarice Minot, Alameda, stated few Californians have been awarded
the Congressional Medal of Honor; Harold Gonsalves of Alameda was
awarded the Medal posthumously in 1945 shortly after his 19th
birthday; he sacrificed his life for fellow marines and his country,
June 4, 1991
while aiding a forward observation team, by diving on a grenade that
landed within a Marine group; and naming the new park after Harold
Gonsalves would be appropriate.
Daniel McPeak, Alameda, stated he admires General Powell; however,
in 1989 he wrote to the (then) Council regarding Charles Harold
Gonsalves, was invited, and spoke, before the Historical Advisory
Board under the heading, "addition of name to possible street
names," the name was added to a list; General Powell has received
many national honors and the City can honor him, but first should
honor Private First Class Gonsalves who gave his life 45 years ago.
Charles Tillman, Alameda, stated he had agreed with the suggestion
regarding General Powell, but after the comments regarding
Gonsalves, his suggestion is to name the location of the flagpole on
Bay Farm Island where Memorial Day Services are held, Gonsalves
Square; and something in the future can be done for General Powell.
Councilmember Camicia stated Ms. Minot and Mr. McPeak have a good
idea and he would like to see if that can be expedited.
President Withrow agreed, stating he also likes Mr. Tillman's
suggesion of location.
The City Attorney stated the item is just agendized as a written
communication to honor General Powell.
President Withrow noted Council can request the City Manager return
at the next meeting with the content of what appears to be the
consensus of Council.
The City Attorney agreed.
Councilman Arnerich stated a young Japanese Alamedan had also, at
one time, been considered by Council for the list; and proposed
names be sent to the Recreation and Parks Commission and Historical
Advisory Board for consideration.
Councilmember Lucas commented using a national hero's name for the
particular site is a good idea as veterans' services are held at the
site which is adjacent to Doolittle Drive; perhaps Council could
request the Historical Advisory Board, and Recreation and Parks
Department, to select a name of a person who gave his life for this
Councilman Arnerich clarified he has no intention of adding General
Powell, a national figure who will have many honors bestowed upon
him throughout the country, to the list; Council owes the people of
Alameda, the Gonsalveses, the Japanese, and others who have given
their lives for the country, to add those names to the list.
Council, by consensus, requested the City Manager to report back on
the issue in a form which will allow Council to take action.
Councilmember Camicia moved acceptance of the communication.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. President Withrow, hearing
June 4, 1991
no objections, stated the motion carries unanimously.
91-371 Consideration of Zoning Amendment 90-2 to amend Chapter I,
Title XI, Section 11-14A7(j) of the Alameda Municipal Code relating
to fences. Applicant: City of Alameda.
Councilmember Roth expressed favor toward allowing chain link fences
in residential areas; inquired what is a key lot; and how
enforcement is done.
The Planning Director reviewed the subject matter, noting the
proposed change in the ordinance would reduce, rather than impose,
restrictions; explained key lots; and stated the key lot concept,
and most concepts, are already in the ordinance but have been
President Withrow inquired why a chain link fence could not be
subject to review before being put in; and people could come to the
City for a permit specifically for a chain link fence.
The Planning Director replied it could be done, however, without the
requirement that a permit be secured for any sort of fence, he
believes there would still be the same potential problem that people
would not know [that they needed permits for chain link fences].
Councilmember Roth stated he does not want people required to obtain
a permit; residents cannot have chain link fences if the fence
faces public areas, but public areas can have chain link fences even
if they face the private areas and he does not believe that is fair;
and noted barbed wire is sometimes used.
The City Manager discussed the wire used at Franklin Park and some
other areas to protect the area for liability reasons.
Councilman Arnerich read portions of land use regulations noting use
of chain link fencing for institutional usage is not restricted;
and further discussed the safety factors involved.
Councilmember Roth said he would like the same privilege for
The Planning Director noted in the proposed ordinances, the same
standards apply to the City as the residents.
Councilmember Roth stated he would vote for the proposed ordinance
because it relaxes some restrictions placed by the [former] Council;
but he will bring the matter up again because he believes more work
should be done on it.
Councilmember Lucas moved to take the related ordinance out of
order. Councilmember Camicia seconded the, motion. The motion
carried by consensus of Council.
91-372 Ordinance No. , N.S., "Amending Subsections 11-134(h),
June 4, 1991
11-138(h), 11-1312(i)
11-14A7(j), Chapter I
relating to fences."
11-1316(i), 11-1324(i), 11-1328(h),
Title XI of the Alameda Municipal Code
Councilmember Camicia moved introduction. Councilman
seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote -
91-373 Consideration of Levying and Collecting Assessments
the Alameda Parking and Business Improvement Area (BIA) for
Year 1991-92.
Councilmember Lucas stated she would step down from the dais (to
abstain on the matter).
Al Wright, Alameda, President, Park Street Business Association
(PSBA), stated PSBA urges Council to pass the related resolution;
and listed advantages realized by Park Street businesses because of
the BIA.
Councilman Arnerich complimented merchants on the new signs, under
Park Street store awnings, identifying the stores.
Councilmember Roth inquired if he has a conflict in the matter to
which the City Attorney replied, if Councilmember Roth is subject to
the assessment, then he should have a conflict of interest.
Councilmember Roth stepped down from the dais.
The City Attorney stated she has discussed the subject under
discussion with Councilmember Lucas, and Councilmember Lucas does
not have a conflict of interest.
Councilmember Lucas returned to the dais.
Kimberly Byrne,
Association (WABA)
year; and noted
the BIA, and that
Alameda, President, West Alameda Business
, encouraged Council to support the BIA again this
the accomplishments for Webster Street because of
new businesses have been recruited.
To Councilman Arnerich's inquiry regarding the opening of the
Farmers' Market, and Ms. Byrne stated the Market's first day of the
season [6-4-91] was very successful.
Councilmember Camicia moved to take the related resolution out of
order. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. President Withrow
called for objections and, hearing none, stated the motion carries.
91-374 Resolution No. 12109 "Confirming the Business Improvement
Area Report for Fiscal Year 1991-92 and Levying an Annual Assessment
on the Alameda Business Improvement area of the City of Alameda for
Fiscal Year 1991-92."
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption. Councilman Arnerich seconded
the motion which was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas and President Withrow - 4.
Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions: Councilmember Roth - 1.
June 4, 1991
91-375 From City Manager recommending strategies on proposed Oakland
Airport Expansion.
Jon Rodgers, Alameda, Board of Directors, Coalition for Responsible
Airport Management Policy, stated he does not question the right to
monitor proceedings, but objects to cost of hiring consultants; a
Committee can do an excellent job, but the proposed Committee is
biased as no one in aviation is included; he has previously
suggested a steering committee composed of Alameda aviators and
airport users; no accounting on money spent in the past, nor
results of previous monitoring has been given; considering the
budget situation, discussion of past performances is worthwhile;
and he favors the airport.
Councilman Arnerich stated representation from the public sector has
been requested.
Mr. Rodgers stated the consistency of the Committee would not
provide a balanced view; he has proposed a committee of pilots who
are users of both the North and South Fields; he questions spending
a lot of money for a consultant.
Ron Basarich, Alameda, stated citizens see studies and requests for
money but do not see findings, conclusions of fact, results or
successes of the November 7th Council Meeting where strategies were
adopted; believes idea of proposed Committee, if expanded, probably
could help resolve issues; he proposed the Committee be elevated to
Commission status to hold hearings, work on other items, e.g., 66th
Street overpass and future problems, and be on-going; and Council's
consideration, and appointments of people more objective toward
resolving issues, would be worthwhile.
Councilmember Camicia stated he believes within the next year,
efforts regarding airport expansion will determine the next twenty
or thirty years, and response to proposed expansion is the most
significant issue Council faces; the Port has decided to bifurcate
their EIR and EIS on the terminal and runway expansion; to respond
adequately to protect the City will take someone working full time,
reviewing documents and forming the City's response; he is
concerned about escalation of expense over the next year but hopeful
that at some point, an agreement with the airport can be reached and
problems resolved; and Council must be sure the City is prepared as
much as possible to fight to protect the community.
Councilmember Lucas stated she supports Councilmember Camicia's
statement, also likes the idea of including someone with practical
airport experience at the airport, with a pilot's license who uses
the airport, and inquired if that would fit in with the City
Manager's plans for the Committee.
The City Manager stated he believes that would be helpful.
June 4, 1991
Councilman Arnerich inquired if the $50,000 cost is expected to be
cost-shared with Homeowners Associations and other groups.
The City Manager responded sharing has been discussed with the
Homeowners who are in process of paying for a legal consultant and
have abilities and concerns a little different from the City's, and
may want to take a different approach; if they contribute to the
$50,000, they may want to say specifically the way the City should
go; allowing Homeowners to continue on their own path with their
attorney and consultant, and the City on its own path, both working
toward the same end, may be better.
Councilman Arnerich inquired, if they take their own path, is there
a need to include Homeowners' Associations representation on the
The City Manager stated the same Homeowners' Associations would not
need to be included, others could be included.
Councilman Arnerich inquired where the $50,000 would come from, and
the City Manager responded the $50,000 would come from the General
Fund budget; he has included the amount in next year's budget
estimate; and the request is to authorize the formulation of the
Committee but not appropriate any money.
Councilman Arnerich stated he is not too comfortable at this time
with the composition of the Committee, especially the three
Homeowners' Associations; if Council includes three, he would want
them named; he would not want approval, with subsequent inclusion
of three from Harbor Bay; Fernside and Bay View Estates are
deserving of equal time.
President Withrow stated the issue is not a Bay Farm Island issue
but a City of Alameda issue and the whole City needs representation;
for point of clarification of the recommendation, he inquired if
there is an assumption there will be nominations or applications to
the Mayor for the Mayor's nomination to Council for its approval.
The City Manager stated that would be a standard process though it
could be handled differently.
President Withrow addressed the matter of a committee of pilots
raised by Mr. Rodgers; he is not sure anything would be gained by
integrating them into the process; if a committee of four to seven
pilots (was formed) that could address issues the Airport Operations
Committee is looking at, could meet periodically with a separate
focus, reports coming from the group and from the pilots to the
Council, then Council could view both sides.
Councilmember Camicia suggested a committee of pilots to discuss the
issues at hand and return to their peers to make Councils' wishes
Councilmember Roth stated he does not have a problem with a
committee of pilots, but he believes a representative should sit on
the Airport Operations Committee just for communication purposes.
June 4, 1991
President Withrow stated he has no problem with that; noted some of
the pilots may be working with the airport and City strategy may be
given out.
Council further discussed makeup of the Committee, concerns of
pilots, and concerns of the City.
Councilmember Lucas stated she believes the Committee would be
advisory to City Council, ultimate decisions on litigation would be
made by the City Council, and advice from a Commission that has some
balance after communications between different factions, would be
helpful; public meetings would be held; strategy meetings would be
held on Council level and Council would have the advice of counsel;
she would like the Committee widespread with different opinions;
and there could be a general pilots committee.
Councilman Arnerich addressed the importance of the matter with its
ramifications to the City, and moved acceptance of the
recommendation with the suggestions of Council and input of the
speakers. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion.
Councilmember Camicia requested clarification of the motion, noting
he would like to see a pilot on the Committee.
President Withrow clarified the motion is for the recommendation
from staff and that the Airport Operations Committee include a
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Roth stated last year the Council approved $100,000
for the airport study and inquired how much was spent, and if the
$50,000 would be in addition to that.
The City Manager stated approximately $1o,000-$12,000 plus the cost
of the monitoring consultant was expended, and the $50,000 would be
in addition to the amount left over from the $100,000.
91-376 From Finance Director transmitting Investment
period ending April 30, 1991.
Vice Mayor Lucas expressed concern regarding recent
discrimination against the Mitsubishi and Sumitomo
Council concurred with Finance Director's suggestion
feasiblity of liquidating investments.
Report for
charges of
Banks, and
to explore
The City Manager noted the City Treasurer, custodian of funds,
should be involved in the process, and types of investments Council
may wish to consider could be addressed in the annual Investment
Policy Guidelines.
Councilman Arnerich commented Great Western Savings should be
changed to read Great Western Bank on Page 2 of the Report; that
maturity dates reflected for John Hancock Capital Corporation should
also be checked.
June 4, 1991
Councilmember Lucas moved acceptance of the report. Councilmember
Roth seconded the motion. President Withrow announced, hearing no
objections, the motion carries unanimously.
91-377 Resolution No. 12110 "Adopting Findings in Response to
Written Objections on Adoption of the Community Improvement Plan for
the business and Waterfront Improvement Project."
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption. Councilman Arnerich seconded
the motion. The motion was carried by the following voice vote:
Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Roth and President Withrow
- 4. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions: Councilmember
Lucas - 1.
91-378 Resolution No. 12111 "Certifying the Completion of and
Making Findings as to the Final Environmental Impact Report on the
Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront
Improvement Project and Approving and Adopting a Mitigation
Monitoring Program." (Held over from May 21, 1991, Council Meeting)
Councilmember Roth moved adoption. Councilmember Camicia seconded
the motion. The motion was carried by the following voice vote:
Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Roth and President Withrow
- 4. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions: Councilmember
Lucas - 1.
91-379 Resolution No. 12112 "Providing for the Borrowing of Funds
for Fiscal Year 1991-92 and the Issuance and Sale of 1991 Tax and
Revenue Anticipation Notes Therefor."
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption. Councilmember Roth seconded
the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
91-380 Resolution No. 12113 "Authorizing a Grant Application to the
Department of Forestry for Street Trees."
John Scott Graham, Alameda, expressed concern regarding the roots of
trees raising sidewalks.
Councilman Arnerich inquired if the (Grant Application) is a part of
the 10-year plan.
The City Manager replied a Master Plan identified about 5,000 trees
that needed replacement and a program of about 500 trees per year,
subject to available funds; the Grant would enable the City to fund
the trees; also, some damage resulted from the freeze in December.
The Public Works Director noted claims to Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), because of the freeze, may help.
In response to Councilman Arnerich's question regarding
low-maintenance trees, the Public Works Director replied the City
has a complete plan listing various types of trees and other
June 4, 1991
factors; and staff is attempting to obtain the highest quality of
Councilmember Roth inquired if fiberglass root barriers are being
used on all trees to keep the roots from surfacing, and the Public
Works Director replied affirmatively.
Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the resolution. Councilmember
Roth seconded the motion. President Withrow called for any
objections, and stated that, hearing none, the motion carries
91-381 Ordinance No. N.S. "Approving and Adopting the
Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront
Improvement Project." (Held over from May 21, 1991, Council Meeting)
Councilman Arnerich moved introduction. Councilmember Roth seconded
the motion. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Roth and President Withrow - 4.
Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions: Councilmember Lucas - 1.
91-382 Ordinance No. 2557, N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Amending Subsection 9 (c) of Section 2-117 (Rules of Order)
Relating to Time Limits for Public Discussion."
Councilmember Roth moved adoption. Councilmember Camicia seconded
the motion which was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Camicia, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 4.
Noes: Councilman Arnerich - 1. Absent: None.
91-383 Ordinance No. 2558, N.S. "Authorizing an Amendment to the
Contract Between the City Council of the City of Alameda and the
Board of Administration of the California Public Employees,
Retirement System."
Councilman Arnerich stated he would abstain as he is a member of
the retirement system.
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption. Councilmember Lucas seconded
the motion which was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Camicia, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 4.
Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions: Councilman Arnerich - 1.
91-384 Councilman Arnerich stated there are a number of lots in the
City which require attention, e.g., weed and litter abatement;
suggested City send letters to property owners requesting properties
be cleaned up.
President Withrow inquired if laws are in plape to take City action,
if property owners will not conform, and charge property owners; and
the City Manager replied affirmatively.
June A, 1991
91-385 Vice Mayor Lucas requested that the next agenda include a
resolution nominating the United Pilipinos of Alameda, because it
has done outstanding community work, for a San Francisco Foundation
Award [17th Annual John R. May Award].
91-386 Vice Mayor Lucas stated older established businesses may be
leaving Alameda, e.g., Smith Rice; an inventory of existing
businesses should be created; Council contact and assist firms
whenever possible; a City Hall telephone number, to reach
Councilmembers, be provided; and requested that the matter be
agendized for June lath Council Meeting.
91-387 Councilmember Roth expressed concern regarding the amount of
paperwork Council receives, and requested the subject be agendized
in the near future.
91-388 Councilmember Camicia requested a letter be sent to the City
of Oakland regarding the need for weed abatement at Kennedy Street
near the 1-880 23rd Avenue exit.
91-389 Councilmember Camicia requested the next agenda include a
position on where the City belongs in terms of State Assembly
reapportionment; and suggested a few Councilmembers give
presentations at the June 27th hearing in San Jose.
91-390 Councilman Arnerich complimented Recreation and Parks
Department for the outstanding job on the Lincoln Park Recreation
President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 9:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
ad 4-
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance.
June 4, 1991