1991-12-03 Regular CC Minutes377
DECEMBER 3, 1991
The meeting convened et 7:35 p.m. with President Withrow presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Arnerich, and Reverend
Wilfred Hodgkin gave the invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas, Roth,
and President Withrow - 5.
Absent: None.
Mayor Withrow announced that Council adjourned to Closed Session at
7:05 p.m. to consider:
91-816 Initiation of Liti ation, pursuant to Subsection (b) of
Government Code Section 54956.9 of the Brown Act: no action was
91-817 Significant Exposure to Litigation, pursuant to Subsection (b)
of Government Code Section 54956.9 of the Brown Act: no action was
91-818 Ray Jordan v. City of Alameda, pursuant to Subsection (a) of
the legal counsel section of the Brown Act: no action was taken.
91-819 Presentation of a Certificate of Service to former Recreation
Commissioner Joseph Ru.szi.
Mayor Withrow stated Mr. Russi is unable to attend, therefore, the
matter will be deferred for two weeks.
At the request of CouLcilmember Camicia, with agreement of Council,
Agenda Items *91-828 and *91-829, reports from the Fire Chief, were
placed on the Consent Calendar.
President Withrow removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion,
(91-831) resolution regarding funding for Alcohol Beverage Control;
at the request of Councilmember Lucas, (51-832) ordinance regarding
departmental organization; and, at the request of Councilman
Arnerich, (91-830) Quarterly Sales Tax Report.
Councilmember Roth moved approval of the Consent Calendar with the
above-noted changes. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which
was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
*91-820 Minutes of the Special Council Meetings of November 8, and
November 14, 1991. Approved.
December 3, 1991
*91-821 Report from Public Works Director regarding request from West
Alameda Business Association (WABA) that the City submit an
Encroachment Permit Application to Caltrans for an Antique and
Collectors Street Fair to be held Sunday, May 17, 1992. Accepted.
*91-822 Report from Public Works Director recommending approval of a
Contract with Harbor Bay Business Park Association for the on-site
management of the maintenance requirements within the Landscape and
Lighting Assessment District, Zone 5. Accepted.
*91-823 Report from Interim Planning Director recommending Council
set a hearing date for the appeal of a Planning Board approval for a
one year extension of Planned Development Amendment, PDA-90-7, for
Ballena Isle Hotel. Accepted.
*91-824 Resolution No. 12174 "Awarding Contract to E & D Systems,
Inc. for the Construction of the Main Street Bike Path, No. P.W.
12-90-18." Adopted.
*91-825 Resolution No. 12175 "Authorizing execution of Program
Supplement No. 007 to Local Agency-State Agreement for Federal-Aid
Project No. 04-5014 (Doolittle Drive Widening Project)." Adopted.
*91-826 Ordinance No. 2571, N.S., "Reclassifying and Rezoning
Certain Properties within the City of Alameda by amending Zoning
Ordinance No. 1277, N.S., that Property Located at 1609, 1615 and
1617 Everett Street." Applicant: Lawrence Landon. Adopted.
*91-827 Bills, certified by the City Manager as correct, were
ratified in the amount of $1,548,503.32.
*91-828 Report from the Fire Chief concerning Fire Department
Reorganization. Accepted.
*91-829 Report from the Fire Chief regarding Contracting Out Fire
Suppression Services. Accepted.
91-830 Report from Finance Director transmitting Quarterly Sales Tax
Report for Period Ending September 30, 1991.
In response to Councilman Arnerich's questions, the Finance Director
stated whether or not revenues Will meet projections cannot be
determined at this time as Christmas sales must be considered.
Councilman Arnerich moved the report be accepted. Councilmember Roth
seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
91-831 Resolution No. 12176 "Calling for the Restoration of Adequate
Funding in Fiscal Year 1991-92 and Thereafter for the State
Department of Alcohol Beverage Control and Urging the Governor and
the State Legislature to Approve Funding for the ABC in Order to
Continue ABC Enforcement at Least at Present Levels." Adopted.
President Withrow stated he wants to acquaint the public with one of
initiatives the City is taking; ABC withdrew powers from local
communities, counties and cities, some years ago to regulate and
December 3, 1991
enforce Alcohol Beverage and Control area; ABC has been cut back
which means Alameda does not have authority nor funding to regulate
the areas of power taken; therefore, it will not be regulated; the
resolution addresses those issues and directs City Clerk to transmit
copy of resolution to each member of the California Legislature, the
Governor, President of California League of Cities, Mayor of each
incorporated municipality, and the Clerk of Board of Supervisors of
each County in the State of California.
Councilman Arnerich stated he believes President Withrow's resolution
is appropriate and inquired if the City has the backing of other
cities and counties.
President Withrow replied that informal communications to him
indicate their support.
Councilmember Lucas roved adoption of the resolution. Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote -
91-832 Final Passage of Ordinance No. 2572 N.S. "Amending Title
II, Chapter 4, Article 2, Sections 2-4210 and 2-4211 of the Alameda
Municipal Code pertaining to Departmental Organization of the Library
Department and Public Utilities Department."
Richard Young, Alameda, stated he was Chairman of Charter Review
Committee in 1982, quoted from his original notes, noting Section
12-3(D) [under powers of Board] "To establish and abolish positions
of employment under its control and fix the compensation and
prescribe the duties thereof," was retained.
Anne Diament, Alameda, stated, the series of Charter changes and
inclusions from the beginning, clearly indicate voters intended
Bureau to be independent of politics and control of City staff; from
material she has seen, Mr. Logan gave the matter a cursory glance
and interpreted the amendment based on different circumstances;
perhaps it is time to put the issue, more clearly, on the ballot.
Rose Anne White, Member, Library Board, requested Council not approve
amendment; for reasons of precedent and Charter intent and
continuing effective management, urged Council explore first or third
options proposed by City Attorney in her November 6th memorandum, or
exempt Library Board from amendment.
Edward Dankworth, Member, Public Utilities Board, stated the proposed
Code change conflicts with intent of Charter, and Alameda tradition
dating back to 1907; revision in 1982, contrary to Mr. Logan's
advice was to remove obsolete language, not require transfer of power
of appointment from PUB to City Manager; his proposal is to accept
the opinion of Council's counterparts on 1983 Council who put into
affect the Municipal Code Sections that. Council now proposes to
Councilmember Roth discussed with Mr. Dankworth the 1982 City
Charter changes, and the setting of rates.
December 3, 19_91
President Withrow stated, as a point of clarification, the Council's
ability to remove the Board.
Councilman Arnerich stated he does not see any change; if, for
example, the General Manager leaves; the Board can still be the body
that makes recommendations.
Wil Garfinkle, Alameda, stated employees usually see themselves
accountable to the person who hires them; he sees this as a problem
because library and public utilities fields are highly technical and
he cannot see anyone but those trained specifically for those fields
as being appropriate to manage.
Don Roberts, Alameda, stated he concurs with previous speakers; both
boards should retain independence to hire and fire; they have been
doing an excellent job; and urged Council not to pass the ordinance.
Anthony Shomon, Vice-President, PUB, stated Council appointed the
Library Board and the Public Utilities Board; both Boards
unanimously suggested City Attorney's Option No 3.; if Council
passes the ordinance, the City Manager would be responsible for the
Bureau, and he does not believe that is appropriate.
William McCall stated he understands Council's position, however he
feels PUB has reputation in City, everyone is dedicated to job and to
ratepayers; and urged Council consider alternative City Attorney
offered which would clear up the whole situation.
President Withrow stated he does not believe there will be any change
in the Library Board or the PUB; the Boards have his respect,
however, competent counsel has stated what was used for operation
over the years was not correct pursuant to the Charter, and Council
acted to bring the Alameda Municipal Code into conformance with the
Charter; noted the City is under financial stress, but is not for
raising of rates.
Councilmember Lucas stated she voted for the ordinance when it was
introduced but she will change her vote; she shares some of
Councilmember Roth's concerns but she does not think this change of
reporting to the City Manager will affect those concerns, e.g.,
Bureau building, travel budget; nor will it affect expenditures.
Councilmember Roth inquired what would happen if the ordinance does
not comply with the Charter.
The City Attorney stated the Charter was changed in 1982; some
question on the reason or intention exists; described three options
she presented in her November 6th memorandum; stated, in response to
Councilmember Roth's -Duestion, that nothing has happened and perhaps
nothing will, but because the matter has been brought to Council's
attention, Council should take action.
Councilmember Camicia stated the ordinance is a positive step; money
makes a difference an the City does not have any money; the Bureau
does not have nor fel the pain; Council can insure that all City
Departments understani where things hurt [the budget problems]; his
December 3, 1991
3 1
main concern is not that the money must come into City coffers,
because when [the Bureau] has an extra $750,000, that can be given
back to the ratepayers; and he moved final passage.
Councilman Arnerich discussed with the City Manager the fact that the
PUB would still be the body that would raise rates; Council's
inability to fire has been embarrassing; he does not want to, again,
be put into the position of not being able to do anything when there
is a problem with City employees; he will vote that the two
positions come under City Manager's jurisdiction.
Councilmember Lucas stated she is sure if the matter is put before
the people now, that the people would want the Bureau to be
independent and removed from politics.
Councilman Arnerich seconded Councilmember Camicia's motion to adopt
the ordinance. The motion was carried by the following voice vote:
Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Roth and President Withrow -
4. Noes: Councilmember Lucas - 1. Absent: None.
91-833 Public Hearing to determine whether the structure located at
2520 Santa Clara Avenue should be determined a public nuisance and
Resolution No. 12177, "Declaring Structure located at 2520 Santa
Clara Avenue to be a Public Nuisance and Directing the Owner Thereof
to Abate said Public Nuisance." (Continued from November 19, 1991,
Council Meeting.)
The City Attorney explained the procedure of the Hearing; noted the
presence of the Court Reporter and the fact that speakers would be
sworn in; noted two items that may need to be amended on the
Resolution: Page 1, the hearing date should reflect December 3,
1991, and Page 2, should reflect whether or not the property owner is
Steve Davis, Chief Building Inspector stated the City's case; stated
for the record, that the records on the matter, e.g., staff report,
exhibits, were prepared by him and are true and correct; noted
actions taken, notices given; stated City is not requesting
demolition but security for public safety, attempts were made for ten
months to obtain security of property by the owner; urged Council
consider property a public nuisance which poses a threat to the
public, and recommended adoption of resolution; stated Mr. Ferreira
[property owner] is present and the resolution should reflect that;
he presented photographs of the building in question, provided
opportunity to Mr. Ferreira to view the pictures, and submitted same
to Council to view.
The City Attorney noted the pictures would be given the City Clerk to
become part of the record.
Mr. Davis noted compli%ints were made by Mr. Dick Kellogg.
President Withrow clarified the City is also a complainant.
December 3, 1991
Fire Chief Robert LaGrone, stated he agreed with statements of the
Chief Building Inspector; the Fire Department has been working with
Public Works to take care of the matter; described the building's
condition, the fire that occurred, and the combustibles in the
building; and requested Council adopt the resolution, so that the
hazard can be abated.
Edward Ferreira, property owner, Alameda, presented his case;
described problems related to the fire, his efforts to house his
tenants following the fire; his problems with, and complaints about,
Mr. Kellogg's actions; his problems with his cars being considered
abandoned by the City; damage done by the fire; actions of the Fire
Department; stated his questions to the City are: where are his
three cars; he would like the Police to return the cars to him and
tell him where he should keep them, if not on his property; and what
will the City do about his windows broken during the fire by
Councilman Arnerich stated he was at the fire within ten minutes and
if it were not for the Fire Department, Mr. Ferreira would no longer
have the house; queEtioned Mr. Ferreira about receiving notices
sent to him; stated he [Ferreira] had a year to clean up property.
Councilmember Camicia stated much concern exists that children are
exposed to an unsafe area; the City believes about $1000 is needed
to clean up the property; inquired if Mr. Ferreira can obtain that
Mr. Ferreira stated he wants to do that as soon as possible, but
when citizens request a City permit, there is difficulty obtaining
Councilmember Camicia inquired if staff could explain to Mr.
Ferreira how the process could be expedited to get the work done.
The Public Works Director stated the resolution spells out what must
be done within thirty days, and authorizes the City to do that work
and place a lien on Mr. Ferreira's property if he does not do the
work in thirty days.
Kay Bradford, Alameda, stated Mr. Ferreira needs help and she will
attempt to assist him.
Joseph Ouelette, Alameda, stated he is a carpenter and will volunteer
to build a fence for Mr. Ferreira.
The City Attorney stated the Council should consider the
recommendations of the Public Works Director and act accordingly.
The Public Works Director stated [staff] recommendation and
resolution call for removing flammable materials and boarding up the
building; and reques:ed Council adopt same, and indicate in it the
date of the hearing [December 3, 1991] and that Mr. Ferreira did
Councilmember Lucas moved adoption of the resolution [with
December 3, 1991
amendments]. Councilmember Camicia seconded.
Councilmember Roth stated no permit is needed.
The Public Works Director stated Mr. Farreira should inform the
Department of what he plans to do, so the City may inspect the
premises and be sure tha work is done satisfactorily, and a permit is
not necessary.
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
91-834 Public Hearing to consider amending the General Plan by
amending the Housing Element to include an analysis of assisted
housing units at risk of conversion to market-rate between the years
1990 and 2000, and Resolution No. 12178 "Approving General Plan
Amendment GPA-91-292 Amending the Housing Element of the General
Councilmember Lucas moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember
Roth seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote -
91-835 Appeal of a Planning Board denial of a Variance, V-91-192, for
side yard setbacks, front yard setbacks and parking standards to
construct two duplexes and a single family home at 1408, 1410, 1412
Ninth Street and 905 Central Avenue. Applicant: Watson Butcher.
Dr. Alice Challen, Alameda, stated she hopes Council will give
positive consideration to this Appeal; the Butchers were burned out
of their house since January; and their Appeal is very logical.
Watson Butcher, Alameda., stated he has hired a good architect to make
drawings; hopes Council likes the drawings, of the two apartment
buildings and a private dwelling, which are posted on the wall [in
Council Chamber].
Michael Martin, Alameda, stated he and co-workers have witnessed loss
of the Butchers' home and belongings; he supports their plans;
addressed side yard setbacks and parking; stated houses are built up
to property line in the area; former residents had no off-street
parking but the Butchers' plans would provide for every unit; and
urged Council allow the Butchers to proceed.
The Acting Planning Director gave the background of the matter; and
noted if Council would like to grant the variances, new findings have
been provided.
President Withrow questioned the Acting Planning Director if the City
has extended itself to try and resolve all the issues raised here, in
view of the fact that the property burned down; and the comparison
of the front yard setback to other properties.
The Acting Planning Director stated the staff has met several times
and discussed how to proceed with the project, and that the other
houses in the area are closer to the front property line.
December 3, 1991
President Withrow further discussed side yard setbacks with the
Acting Planning Director.
Councilmember Roth discussed, with the Acting Planning Director, the
parking area, and rezoning of the [905 Central Avenue] lot.
Councilmember Lucas noted several errors in the handling of the
matter by the Planning Department staff, prior to the time the Acting
Planning Director came to the City, which was the cause for the major
delay; and discussed the possibility of a need for .a Use Permit.
The Acting Planning Director stated she believes that would be
possible however, the property to the east of the driveway is
residential so it would not really be an intrusion of a new use.
Councilmember Lucas inquired of the Applicant if the use of the
commercially-zoned property for access and parking is acceptable to
him so that the three additional spaces could be provided without an
additional variance on open space.
Mr. Butcher replied affirmatively; and noted the plans have been
drawn to accommodate that.
Councilman Arnerich questioned Mr. Butcher regarding the lack of
parking spaces prior to the fire and the nine potential spaces in the
proposed plan; and the side yard setbacks.
Councilmember Lucas noted the driveways have been made especially
attractive, with the huildings facing into the driveway as the focal
point, which is also seen from the street.
Councilmember Roth stated the reason he would recommend combining the
lots, and at a later time rezoning, is that with a Use Permit, the
end result is non-conforming use for financing.
Councilmember Camicia stated he believes the Planning Board acted
somewhat harshly; and moved to appeal the decision in the Board's
Resolution No. 2222; change the findings to the suggested findings
provided [in the Acting Planning Director's memorandum dated December
3, 1991]: "1) There are extraordinary circumstances applying to the
property in that a fire destroyed all buildings on the site in
January, 1991. 2) Because of this extraordinary circumstance, the
literal enforcement of specified provisions of this Chapter would
result in unnecessary hardship to the property owners. 3) The
granting of the variance will not, under the circumstances of the
particular case, be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to
persons or property in the vicinity;" included the suggested
conditions; he does not want to get into the issue of the side yard
question; what Mr. Butcher proposed is fine; agrees with
discussion about the parking and changing the zoning to provide a
condition that has three parking places in the back; believes that
is appropriate; and that would be the motion.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion.
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
December 3, 1991
Mr. Butcher thanked Council.
91-836 Report from Public Works Director recommending adoption of
Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS-91-300, for the Proposed
Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Unreinforced Masonry Bearing
Wall Building Ordinance, and Introduction of Ordinance "Amending the
Alameda Municipal Cods by adding Chapter 14 to Title X Pertaining to
Earthquake Hazard Reduction in existing Unreinforced Masonry Bearing
Wall Buildings."
Wil Garfinkle, Alameda, stated he favors the ordinance; noted the
difficulty of getting bank loans for URM buildings; and suggested
the City issue bonds to help, as it can secure a favorable rate and
make a profit charging owners one percent; provision should be in
the ordinance to apply for time extensions if the owner is unable to
secure funding; questioned whether funding can be made available
through the Community Development Department; owners hope Council
can put something into the ordinance to cover the [funding] problem.
The Public Works Director stated the ordinance contains the
opportunity for a two year extension on a case-by-case basis
considering various factors of economic impact; various incentives
are also considered.
Jim Thompson, Alameda, stated information provided this evening
answered most of his questions; he does not have much information on
the property owned by his father, but the ordinance appears to be
well-placed; Mr. Garfinkle addressed cogent issues, the City appears
to be providing a progressive program; and he favors it.
Councilmember Roth discussed the analysis of the ordinance which
states the intent of the ordinance is tc retain existing buildings
and avoid demolition where practical; and stated the goal of
life-safety should be tated ahead of the saving of the buildings.
Councilmember Camicia moved the Negative Declaration. Councilmember
Lucas seconded the motf.on which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Camicir, moved introduction of the ordinance.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion.
In response to Councilmember Roth, the Public Works Director stated
notices were sent out to everyone on original lists, although some
are exempt.
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Camicia moved the third recommendation [to direct staff
to develop incentive programs to encourage expedited completion of
earthquake retrofit work]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion
which carried by unani:rous voice vote - 5.
91-837 Final Passage of Ordinance "Amending Title XI (Zoning),
Chapter 2, Article 3, Sections 11-231, 11-231.1 and 11-231.2 of the
Alameda Municipal Code Relating to Desigr. Review." Applicant: City
December 3, 1991
of Alameda.
Christopher Buckley, Alameda, stated his concerns about the way the
ordinance is drafted, particularly the proposal to eliminate design
review for minor projects involving residentially zoned properties;
a good set of design guidelines needs to be developed that clearly
communicates the design treatments that the City wishes to encourage
in Alameda.
* * * * *
Councilman Arnerich moved to extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m.
Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Mr. Buckley suggested Council continue its consideration of this
issue, take a look at alternative less-drastic approaches to
improving the design review process and also improving the whole
planning and zoning permit process.
Councilmember Roth inquired if ordinance originally pertained
basically to single family homes.
The City Manager stated originally the ordinance pertained to
commercial buildings and then added on residential, which is now
being dealt with.
Councilmember Lucas inquired if all residential units are now exempt
from design review.
The Acting Planning Director stated the buildings would still be
subject to design review; under what the Planning Board had
recommended, certain r.inor exterior changes to residential buildings
would not be included; an individual would still have design review
but certain other minor changes would not be subject to design
review, e.g., cupolas.
Council discussed aluminum siding; and the process regarding such
changes for residential structures, with the Acting Planning Director
and Assistant Planner, Judith Altschuler.
The City Attorney stated if it is the intent of the Council to limit
improvements to items requiring a building permit, that would need to
be added to Subsection (b) [of Section 11-231].
Councilmember Lucas moved staff amend ordinance to limit improvements
to items requiring a building permit, [Section 11-231, (b)]; and
bring ordinance back to Council for final adoption at the 12/17/91
Council Meeting; and directed staff prepare a report on the points
raised by Mr. Buckley; Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion.
The City Attorney clarified the ordinance would be amended and
returned to Council for Final Passage.
Councilman Arnerich Eitated he would like [Planning Department to
provide] two copies of the Historic Buildings Study List.
December 3, 1991
Councilmember Lucas stated she could understand Mr. Roth's concern
that single-family homes should be treated separately, but she might
want to preserve design review for the multiple residential
Councilmember Roth stated the Historical Advisory Board (HAB) needs
to move forward in making a permanent list [from the Study List].
The Assistant Planner stated the HAB plans to add approximately 1000
properties [from George Gunn's book] to the Historical Buildings
Study List next year, return to Council for an additional listing to
be included in the Historical Preservation ordinance; and request
Council for a third list to be generated to accommodate significant
The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas and President Withrow - 4.
Noes: Councilmember Roth - 1. Absent: None.
91-838 Councilmember Camicia stated he would like to incorporate the
few Council Meeting items scheduled for December 17th into the
Special Council Meeting to be held on December 12th, rather than hold
two meetings.
Councilmember Lucas stated she would like to add items to the
December 17th agenda.
Councilmember Camicia withdrew his suggestion.
91-839 Councilmember Camicia commented a. week ago at a meeting he
held with a number of persons regarding the police issue, Sheriff
Charles Plummer, who previously declined to review the Police
Department stated he now would be willing to look at the Department;
and he [Camicia] believes Council should ask him to come; had hoped
accreditation process would suffice, but that would take too long;
perhaps a letter to Plummer from Council would be sufficient.
Councilman Arnerich noted considerations: Council has 1) been turned
down by three agencies; 2) who would do the actual review, Sheriff
Plummer or his staff: also, what would be approximate cost? and 3)
how much time would be taken? would it be a fact-finding committee?
and he [Arnerich] would like input from the Chief of Police.
The City Attorney stated Council has two options: 1) place on agenda
for Council action; or 2) the City Manager has current authority to
retain consultant or examiner for Police Department for an amount up
to $25,000; and he [City Manager] can interview Sheriff Plummer and
report back.
President Withrow stated the point is well taken, however the issue
is controversial and he would take exception to anything occurring
without it being on the agenda and having a full hearing.
Councilmember Lucas inquired if Sheriff Plummer would be available to
December 3, 1991
the Ethnic Diversity Committee, as a resource.
Councilmember Camicia stated, that Sheriff Plummer and others would
be willing to do that, was made quite clear; and added an offer was
made by Sheriff Plummer; no request was made to him.
91-840 Councilmember Camicia stated the Mayor's Conference appointed
him to East Bay Municipal Utility District's (EBMUD) Water Supply
Management Committee; and there are a range of items he would like
to see agendized so that he may have opinion of Council and public in
terms of water conservation issues; and he would like that agendized
for December 17, 1991, Council Meeting.
91-841 Councilmember Camicia stated Sunny Beans & Coffee Co. has
received complaints lately; wants to encourage successful businesses
during recessions; he would like City-wide permit expedited which
accommodates sidewalk tables and benches for cafes as discussed by
Council at one time, and would like that agendized.
91-842 Councilmember Camicia stated the dog at Sunny Beans & Coffee
Co. must be leashed to a bench in order to stay outside; and that
rule should be changed; he cannot see harassing a business in a
recession in order to comply with unnecessary rules.
91-843 Councilmember Lucas stated the Alameda Historical Museum is
planning a Filipino cultural event for January 18, 1992, and in
February, a Black History Month; would like to know if City staff
can assist in program, get cooperation of other organizations,
perhaps close off street in front of the museum, and assist in
funding; she will give information to City Manager for possible
91-844 Councilmember Lucas stated Holiday Celebration worked very
well; Councilmembers have had positive comments; the matter is
still pending for further input from organizations; believes that
can be dropped.
City Attorney stated a resolution is not needed but the subject must
be agendized to change the action.
Councilmember Lucas requested the matter be agendized.
91-845 Councilmember Roth reported that in his meetings with the
business associations and the Chamber of Commerce, common areas have
been explored, as well as strength and interest of each group and the
Community Calendar will soon be published by the Chamber.
91-846 Councilmember irnerich stated in the area of 227 Pacific
Avenue, signs are posted regarding tow-away zones while no work is
being done; contractors and City staff should be notified [perhaps
by Public Works Department] that if such signs are posted, the work
should be done, weather providing.
The City Manager agreec.
91-847 Councilmember Roth thanked City Attorney for working out
December 3, 1991
agreement regarding billboards.
91-848 John Scott Graham, Alameda, read a letter to Council regarding
the new bus transfer fee; stated the key system is not honoring past
policies and perhaps something better can be arranged.
President Withrow requested Public Works Director lend assistance by
calling the [A.C. Transit] Board.
President Withrow adjoa.7rned the meeting at 11:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance.
December 3, 1991