1991-12-12 Special CC MinutesSPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL December 12, 1991 The Special Meeting was convened at 7:35 p.m., with President Withrow presiding. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas, Roth, and President Withrow - 5. Absent: None. President Withrow announced the meeting is a Special Meeting which allows the Council to take action, and speakers will be heard. Councilmember Camicia discussed the change of the meeting from a Work Session to a Special Council Meeting. The City Manager explained he requested the change to obtain Council's action on the Planning Department so that he would have direction regarding the filling of the Planning Director position. Council discussed the procedure of the change. Councilman Arnerich requested that in the future, notices as well as memoranda should contain dates of issuance, and dates of revision. * * * * * The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Camicia. * * * * * 91-849 Report from City Manager concerning the reorganization of certain departments and contracting for City services. Charles Tillman, Alameda, referred to a letter from the City Manager dated October 28, 1991, regarding reorganization; stated he believes the Bureau has demonstrated itself to be a moneymaker for the City, has done a good job; he does not want a change in the Bureau; the current City Manager does not need any further duties; and believes Council should give that some consideration. Mr. Tillman stated the Library has a traditional value and that has also worked well; believes Council has enough problems without going into reorganization at this time. Reverend Hodgkin, Member, Planning Board, stated philosophy of Public Works is essentially mechanical and engineering; Community Development is essentially economic development; Planning is essentially design and vision, quite different from the other two; requested Council not bifurcate Planning Department; stated separating long range and short range planning would confuse and compound the work of Planning Board; urged Council, if it decides against hiring a Planning Director, to keep Planning Department as a whole division. December 12, 1991 391 In response to Councilmember Lucas's inquiry concerning how the Planning Board could be more active in responding to community concerns if Planning Department is retained, Rev. Hodgkin stated he could not answer because he is not involved in applications until they come before the Board; however, since he has been on the Board, all three Planning Directors have said they were short-handed, and that can delay applications; applicants can also cause delay; noted Planning Board puts in a good deal of time. Councilmember Lucas noted the Interim Planning Director's memorandum dated December 6, 1991, pointed out that actual savings might not amount to much if a division of the Department occurs. Don Roberts, Alameda, stated the memorandum of Planning Director is excellent, City Clerk's Office should remain independent; urged Council vote in favor of Planning Department, and to stop further waste of staff time in pursuing reorganization which will not work, and would result in a drop in service. Councilman Arnerich noted page two of City Manager's memorandum states the issue to fill vacant Planning Director position should be held in advance of Work Session concerning other departments, scheduled for February, 1992. Diane Coler-Dark, Alameda, stated Alameda is not built out; redevelopment project represents largest area for growth and revenue, is large investment, a 40-year commitment, and the next few years of planning are critical for its success; one-stop shopping is not always efficient; City needs a separate Planning Department and a strong, efficient Planning Director. Councilmember Lucas inquired if Ms. Coler-Dark, as member of Economic Development Commission, from business point of view, believes City needs separate Planning Department. Ms. Coler-Dark stated affirmatively; the input from the Planning Department has provided insight and avenue, and she would be fearful of redevelopment process if that step, and the position, are removed. David Plummer, Alameda, stated he believes if Planning Department is dissolved, long-term negative ramifications will occur, with less control over permit and planning process, integrity of neighborhoods would be jeopardized; transfer tax would be reduced as property values would be lessened; Planning Department should be increased to same number per capita as other cities. Robert DeCelle, Chair, Historical Advisory Board, noted all government agencies are having [financial] problems and some areas can be cut and improNed; urged careful analysis of departments, and Council to instruct City Manager to hire a qualified Planning Director. Ralph Appezzato, President, Planning Board, stated Planning is misunderstood by many people; he is not against streamlining; if change is needed, it must be with great deal of thought; he is strongly against the breakup of the Planning Department; and is impressed with hard-working planning staff. December 12, 1991 92 Pete Templeton, Member, Planning Board, concurred with speakers regarding keeping Planning Department as singular process; one option may be to contract out, option can be presented to individuals who may want to expedite process and are willing to pay for contract service; concerning redevelopment process, he suggested criteria be put forth in advance of consultant's study to facilitate process. Don Patterson, Alameda, stated Planning and Community Development are more closely related than Planning and Public Works; Alameda will have great recruitment problem if City does not have Planning Department; the resolution to delays is to hire more people or contract out. President Withrow stated, if no money exists for staff, inability to do the job must be recognized; cutting people without cutting services cannot be expected; Alameda is already 38% less staffed in comparison to other cities in Bay Area; functions must be addressed, prioritized; functions to be eliminated must be identified so that taxpayers and residents, who expect services, will realize [changes]; must increase revenue base; eliminating Planning Director will not help, the City would become a second class community; would be miscarriage of Council's responsibility to not find best Planning Director possible and charge Director with developing organization and providing recommendations to reduce cost and increase efficiency. Councilmember Roth moved to maintain the present Planning Department with a Planning Director, Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. In response to Councilmember Camicia's request for brief overview of City's short-term financial picture; the City Manager replied the City is where staff assumed it would be: the same as last year, which was bad; cities are having great financial trouble but Alameda is not in that deep trouble; projecting is difficult; we are looking at one to three percent lower than last year; the situation could get much better or much worse; believes improvement will occur next summer or fall; more information can be provided by February, 1992. In response to Councilmember Camicia's inquiry regarding timing, if things should continue to go poorly, when would City Manager come back, for additional cuts; the City Manager replied by February, 1992, more information would be available on revenues; that is normally the time to make budget adjustments; and that will be the time to look at reorganization. Councilmember Camicia noted we are looking short-term at $350,000 to a million dollars which does not take into account that the State is 6 billion dollars in debt again; if Council cannot make cuts tonight, they will need to be made soon; if the cuts are not made at the top, then the bottom will be looked at. Councilman Arnerich stated Planning is the heart of the City; the City is not built out, the General Plan for the next 40 years will take in the entire waterfront, etc., a lot of planning must be done; he agrees with Mayor that a Planning Department and Planning Director is needed; he does not subscribe to the theory that less people do December 12, 1991 393 less work. Councilman Arnerich inquired if the Interim Planning Director would be able to stay on until June 1st, because the City would not be able to recruit and hire Planning Director by March 1st, and the Interim Planning Director stated she would be glad to work out transitional arrangements so the City will not be left without a Planning Director; and will help the City recruit. Councilmember Roth stated it appears to him that the original proposal was something to consider and plan on when someone leaves, however Councilmember Camicia has been talking about cutting. The City Manager stated the memorandum of October 28th discussed various areas to be reduced, his suggestion, to cause the least amount of disruption possible, was that Council make a decision on the way reorganization should proceed with reduction of number of positions, and eliminations of positions would take place when vacancies occur. Councilman Arnerich stated he supports the motion but it should include that the Interim Planning Director could negotiate with the City Manager to stay until a new Director comes in, up to June 1, 1992. The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Lucas, Roth, and President Withrow - 4. Noes: Councilmember Camicia - 1. Absent: None. 91-850 Councilmember Roth inquired why there is not old business or new business on Special Meeting Agendas. The City Manager replied, on the Regular Meeting Agenda which Council established by ordinance, Old Business and New Business appears; if Council wishes to have it on the Special Meeting Agenda in the future, Council can direct that be put on the Agenda. President Withrow stated that makes sense. 91-851 President Withrow announced that the California Transportation Commission has awarded the City of Alameda $3,000,000 out of a $10,000,000 allocation for the entire state, for a new ferry that will go out from the West End, and $500,000 to upgrade the facility to provide a wind break, and rip rap along the coastline to protect the walkway and the ferry terminal. President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patricia Calbreath Deputy City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. December 12, 1991