1990-01-02 MinutesSPECIAL MEETING
JANUARY 2, 1990
The special meeting was convened at 7:15 p.m. with President
Corica presiding.
Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Thomas, Withrow and
President Corica - 5.
90-001 President Corica adjourned the meeting to a Closed Session
to consider:
a) Appointed Employee Performance Evaluation pursuant to
Government Code Section 54957 of the Brown Act.
[President Corica announced during the Regular Meeting of the City
Council which convened at 7:30 p.m., regarding the Closed Session,
that Council discussed the Appointed Employees, performance.]
There being no further business to come before the Council,
President Corica adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Calbreath,
Deputy City Clerk
The agenda for the meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
January 2, 1990
JANUARY 2, 1990
The meeting convened at 7:40 p.m. (following the Housing Authority
Board of Commissioners meeting) with President Corica presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Camicia.
Reverend Doug Henderson gave the invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Thomas,
Withrow, and President Corica - 5.
Absent: None.
Councilman Arnerich moved approval of the minutes of the Special
Council Meeting of December 19, 1989, and the Regular Council
Meeting of December 19, 1989. Councilmember Withrow seconded the
motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Announcement by Mayor of Closed Session action(s), if any.
(See Unfinished Business, paragraph 90-027)
At the request of President Corica, Agenda Item No. 1-C, a status
report on the Canine Program (90-021), was removed from the Consent
Calendar to the Regular Agenda. Councilmember Thomas registered a
"No" vote on Item No. 1-H, Bills (*90-008).
Councilmember Camicia moved approval of the remainder of the
Consent Calendar. Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which
was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5, with the exception of one
No vote on *90-008 (Councilmember Thomas).
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
*90-002 From Public Works Director recommending acceptance of the
improvements and release of bond for Tract 5850 (Lighthouse Cove,
Pulte Home Corporation). Accepted.
*90-003 From Finance Director transmitting Sales Tax Report,
Quarter ending September 30, 1989. Accepted.
*90-004 Resolution No. 11912. "Awarding contract to Arata
Equipment Co. for Fire Department Ambulance, M.S.P. 11-89-1, and
authorizing execution thereof." Adopted.
January 2, 1990
*90-005 Resolution No. 11913. "Adopting plans and specifications
and calling for bids for the Fire Station-Village V, Bay Farm
Island Project, No. P.W. 8-89-13, and directing City Clerk to
advertise same." Adopted.
*90-006 Resolution No. 11914. "Approving the application for
grant funds under the Roberti-VBerg-Harris Urban Open Space and
Recreation Program for Lincoln Park Recreation Center Patio Area."
*90-007 Ordinance No. 2469, N.S. "Authorizing Grant of Easement
to East Bay Municipal Utility District to contain Water
Distribution Facilities to serve Independence Plaza (Alameda Senior
Housing Project)." Introduced and adopted.
*90-008 A List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as correct,
was ratified in the amount of $1,429,291.03.
90-009 From Costa Brava Board of Directors and Costa Brava
Landscape Committee, Alameda, requesting the addition of Fescue for
recreational areas.
Barbara Lynch, 131 Jervis Bay, Costa Brava Homeowners Association,
commented the two most important aspects of the request to install
Fescue, a hardy lawn variety, are water conservation and
aesthetics; noted the benefits of Fescue; and stated, by using
state-of-the-art technology, an example can be provided for
acceptable alternatives in water conservation techniques for future
Robert Johnson, 107 Indian Bay, Costa Brava Homeowners Association,
reviewed the background of the issue, stated staff recommendation
No. 1 would satisfy needs, but Nos. 1 and 2 would probably take
care of future needs.
President Corica commented the report provided by the Homeowners is
very informative and makes sense.
Councilmember Camicia moved staff recommendations Nos. 1 and 2,
[1) that the present ordinance is to be used as a guideline only,
which may be varied depending on individual circumstances such as
the total amount and type of landscaping, and the type of
irrigation system being used; and 2) direct staff to prepare a
revised water conservation ordinance for future Council
Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion.
January 2, 1990
Councilmember Thomas stated she is not sure a new water
conservation ordinance should be drafted at this time.
The City Manager noted the ordinance would be revised in concert
with EBMUD.
President Corica noted it is obvious the Costa Brava Homeowners are
concerned about water conservation, which is why they have chosen
Fescue; and EBMUD should be made aware of that.
In response to Councilmember Withrow's concern that Costa Brava not
be delayed in installation of the turf, the City Manager responded
recommendations Nos. 1 and 2 would allow Costa Brava to proceed;
and would direct staff to amend the ordinance.
Councilman Arnerich stated he has no problem with recommendations
Nos. 1 and 2.
Councilmember Thomas suggested Council allow the Fescue but not
require staff to take the time to provide, at this point in time, a
new water conservation ordinance for new hookups as there will not
be many new hookups, and the existing ordinance can be used with
Planning Board discretion.
President Corica suggested Costa Brava be allowed to go ahead, and
staff be directed to adjust the current ordinance.
Councilmember Thomas stated she would go along with the motion
[Councilmember Camicia's] but does not see the point of staff
amending an ordinance that may never be used.
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
90-010 Consideration of General Plan Amendment, GPA-89-3, to change
the General Plan designation of the approximately 5- acre
abandoned-gun-club site from Open Space to Light Industrial;
Rezoning R-89-2 to change the zoning designation from R-1-A-H30,
One Family Residential and Agricultural with a height limit of 30
feet, to C-M-PD, Commercial Manufacturing-Planned Development
District, and associated proposed Negative Declaration, IS-89-10,
in order to permit a Recreational Vehicle and mini-storage lot at
the southwest corner of the intersection of Maitland Drive and
Harbor Bay Parkway. Applicant: Harbor Bay Isle Associates.
Robert C. Meyer, Harbor Bay Isle Associates, 1141 Harbor Bay
Parkway, commented no design drawings have been developed; the
purpose of his attending the meeting is to answer questions
concerning the project.
To Councilmember Thomas's question concerning when the project will
be completed, Mr. Meyer responded there was a timeframe of one
year from the time permits are given, the intent is to move
quickly, however, it will depend upon how long approvals will take.
January 2, 1990
President Corica explained the procedure of the hearing.
The Acting Planning Director reviewed the background of the matter.
The public portion of the hearing was opened.
On the call for proponents, there were none.
On the call for opponents, the following person spoke.
Fred Scullin, 2310 Lincoln, suggested Council leave zoning as it is
and insert an exception that the property may be used for
recreational vehicles (RVs) or mini-storage use.
President Corica noted that pursuant to the Settlement Agreement,
the City will be sharing in any profits from the project.
The City Manager added that the Settlement Agreement specifies the
use of the land.
The public portion of the hearing was closed.
President Corica pointed out there appears to be concern that the
land may be used for something other than RVs, however the
Settlement Agreement states that usage; and if there is some way
Council can strengthen and emphasize that usage, it should be done
so that everyone will be more comfortable.
Following further discussion on the subject of the use of the
property, Councilmember Withrow suggested a strong letter from
Council be sent to the Planning Board, advising the concern of
Council that the subject property be used for RVs.
President Corica commented the idea is a good one and the letter,
though not legally binding,_ could certainly be a part of the
Councilmember Withrow so moved [the letter be sent].
Councilmember Thomas questioned the necessity of rezoning, noting
that rezoning would give potential enhancement to the value of the
land, if it does not succeed as an RV parking lot; questioned if
the City would benefit by rezoning, inquired if RV parking could be
placed in R-1 zoning; is concerned the lease and settlement
agreements could be amended; and is concerned about the height
limit, that a high structure may interfere with the airport and
exacerbate problems with the airport; and stated she would like to
know if the County Assessor's office takes rezoning into
consideration which might result in greater benefit to the City.
The City Manager commented the Assistant City Attorney has noted
that a RV parking lot cannot be allowed in R-1 zoning.
Councilmember Withrow suggested Councilmember Thomas's comments
could be included in the letter to the Planning Board.
January 2, 1990
Terry Vani, Doric Development, 1141 Harbor Bay Parkway, stated 2
and 1/2 acres are in the A Safety Zone, on which nothing can be
built; and the remaining 2 and 1/2 acres cannot have high
structures because of airport requirements.
Councilmember Withrow moved approval.
Councilmember Camicia suggested restatement of the motion, to
approve the Negative Declaration. Councilmember Withrow so moved.
Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia,
Withrow and President Corica - 4. Noes: Councilmember Thomas - 1.
Absent: None.
Councilman Arnerich stated his position is that very strong
consideration should be given to senior citizens concerning rental
rates and terms for their RVs, campers, and boats and would like
Mr. Meyer to note that.
Mr. Meyer stated he does not see a problem with working out some
type of system to do that.
President Corica commented the discount should apply to those
senior citizens who are on fixed income.
Councilman Arnerich agreed the discount should be for senior
citizens on fixed income who are age 60 years or over.
Councilmember Withrow moved the related resolution be taken out of
order. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which was carried
by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich,
Camicia, Withrow and President Corica - 4. Noes: Councilmember
Thomas 1. Absent: None.
90-011 Resolution No. 11915 "Amending the Combined Land Use Plan
of the General Plan of the City of Alameda by amending the Land Use
Plan Map designation from Open Space to Light Industrial, for the
property located at the Southwest corner of Maitland Drive and
Harbor Bay Parkway." Adopted.
Councilmember Withrow moved adoption of the resolution. Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion.
Councilmember Thomas commented her concerns have been addressed but
she is voting no because she believes the Negative Declaration is
The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Withrow and President Corica - 4.
Noes: Councilmember Thomas - 1. Absent: None.
90-012 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Reclassifying and rezoning of a
certain property within the City of Alameda by amending Zoning
Ordinance No. 1277 New Series; Applicant: Doric Development;
R-89-2; the property located at the Southwest corner of Maitland
Drive and Harbor Bay Parkway." Introduced.
January 2, 1990
Councilmember Camicia moved introduction of the ordinance.
Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia,
Withrow and President Corica - 4. Noes: Councilmember Thomas - 1.
Absent: None.
In response to Councilmember Withrow's question regarding action on
Councilman Arnerich's comments on a senior citizens discount, the
City Manager indicated Councilman Arnerich's comments will be
included in the letter to the Planning Board.
90-013 Consideration of proposed street names for the Harbor Bay
Business Park. Applicant: Harbor Bay Isle Associates.
President Corica explained the procedure of the hearing.
The Acting Planning Director reviewed the background of the matter.
Terry Vani, Doric Development, 1141 Harbor Bay Parkway, commented
the proposed names are submitted to comply with Council's request
to include the names of women, other prominent Alamedans, and Bay
Farm Island oyster farmers; and a sufficient list has been
assembled for completion of the Business Park.
President Corica stated he has no qualms about the names submitted
but questioned why the names of Bay Farm Island truck farmers,
e.g., Ratto, Cerruti, have not been considered.
Councilmember Camicia noted there is a master list of proposed
street names.
The Acting Planning Director noted the names mentioned by President
Corica are on the master list and will be used in residential
Councilman Arnerich requested Council be provided names on the
Master List.
The public portion of the hearing was opened.
On the call for proponents, there were none.
On the call for opponents, the following persons spoke.
Gerhard Degemann, 19 Sandpiper Place, stated the name Chipman has
already been honored; names of living persons should be honored,
and suggested the name of Dr. Alice Challen.
Councilmember Camicia noted the list of proposed street names was
put together by the Historical Advisory Board (HAB), believes it
has not been updated, and suggested Council request the HAB review
the list and add other suggested names.
Don Roberts, 880 Portola Avenue, presented names of four prominent
Alameda women; suggested if Council approves the proposed list,
January 2, 1990
there be a requirement that all 14 names assigned to streets be
included on [Tentative] map if the map is approved.
President Corica closed the public portion of the hearing.
Councilmember Thomas requested Council receive copies of Mr.
Roberts's map.
Councilmember Camicia commented in order to expedite matters, he
would move the list of names with the exception of the three
high-tech names.
Councilmember Thomas stated she would agree if the name Chipman is
also removed from the list, as there is a school with that name,
and perhaps the name of Challen could be inserted.
Councilmember Camicia suggested the addition of names be left to
the Historical Advisory Board; and moved the list of names with
the exception of Technology, University and Teleport.
President Corica stated if the list is not complete, perhaps
Council should defer the matter and set another hearing when
Council receives a new list.
Councilmember Camicia moved the matter be deferred; the Historical
Advisory Board evaluate current list of names for streets, and make
recommendations for new names; and come back before Council at an
advertised hearing. Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion
which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
90-014 From Public Works Director recommending the revision of
procedures for the City's Amnesty Program (Determination of number
of legal units in a structure).
Richard D. Izard, 915 Taylor Avenue, stated he lived next door to
the house at 1609 Lincoln in 1951, and there were always four
apartments at 1609 Lincoln.
Leon W. Izard, 2617 San Jose Avenue, stated he resided next door
to 1609 Lincoln and there have always been 4 apartments at 1609
Diane Coler-Dark, 2857 Jackson, questioned if extending the program
date to March, 1973, includes or triggers the fees outlined in the
earlier 1987 report, e.g., dwelling tax, school impact fees, etc.,
to which the Public Works Director replied it was not his intention
to do that, but simply to allow more people in under the same rules
as for those units built before 1952.
James Hasak, 1221 Grand Street, requested whatever guidelines are
adopted, that Council take into account cases like his that do not
fit neatly into the guidelines proposed by the Public Works
Director; and stated the County records show that he [Hasak] had
four units in 1951.
January 2, 1990
Mike Crnjanski, 3313 Fernside Blvd., stated that as a real estate
agent, he has seen many illegal units, because of problems many
people will not come forward; if the cut-off date is extended,
more people will come forward.
Councilmember Camicia inquired if the 1973 date would help someone
like Mr. Hasak, to which the Public Works Director replied he is
not certain anything listed might help Mr. Hasak; and added, when
there are exceptions, there could be a hearing before Council.
Councilman Arnerich commented many persons do not come forward
concerning their units; those persons who come forward should be
given some credence; and he would like to see Council work on a
case-to-case basis as it may be the most fair approach.
Councilmember Camicia moved the March 1973 cut-off date and
directed staff consider individual cases, and individuals may
appeal staff decisions to Council. Councilmember Withrow seconded
the motion which was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Withrow and President Corica - 4.
Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions: Councilmember Thomas -
The Public Works Director inquired if the motion includes the
expansion of evidence.
Councilmember Camicia clarified the expansion of evidence is
included in the motion.
90-015 From Community Development Director regarding establishment
of a Farmers Market in the Webster Street Business District.
President Corica stated before any action is taken, there should be
input from the Webster Street merchants to express whether they
believe a Farmers Market will be helpful or hurtful to the
Councilman Arnerich agreed.
Councilmember Thomas commented on the activity and benefit of the
Farmers Market in Berkeley.
Councilmember Withrow moved to accept the report. Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
90-016 From Planning Director regarding continued consideration of
the Alameda General Plan Revision Working Paper, including the
fourth Land Use Development Alternative for the Northern
John Scott Graham, 1728 Tregloan Court, commented on the area of
the proposed park.
Diane Coler-Dark, 2857 Jackson Street, commended the suggestion for
January 2, 1990
the fourth alternative, requested Council look at alternatives from
a qualitative versus quantitative standpoint, and consider traffic
figures carefully.
President Corica commented Alternative No. 1 states the only site
considered for change is the Naval and Marine Corp Reserve Center
property which is proposed as a six acre park and a small marina;
the yearly revenue is estimated at $569,000, with a one-time
revenue of $2,480,000; he has a very deep concern because there is
a crunch in the Defense budget with the possible elimination of
military installations; the military has been very good to Alameda
and he does not feel comfortable in jeopardizing the position of
the military; there is sufficient time, when the decision
regarding military installations has been made, for the City to
rezone or do whatever it wishes with the property, but he does not
believe pressure should be put on the military, which has already
given the site for the homeless for a dollar, and has been very
cooperative with the City; the City should not endanger the
military in any way; and he believes Council should indicate the
Reserve property should stay as it is.
Councilmember Camicia stated he would not be opposed to removing
Alternative No. 1 as an alternative, and so moved.
Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Withrow stated Alternative No. 4 appears to have the
best balance of the four alternatives, and stated he recommends
Alternative No. 4.
Councilman Arnerich agreed, noting that Alternative No. 4 puts
Council on record as still retaining the waterfront area of Encinal
Terminals, adjacent industries, and still proceeding ahead with the
marinas, additional housing units, and office space; believes No.
4 to be the best of the alternatives; and agrees with the Mayor
that Council should, in no way, hamper or put in jeopardy the Naval
and Marine Corp Reserve Center.
The City Manager noted Alternative No. 4 does show that a portion
of the Reserve would be changed to office/residential and a park
and suggested Council select Alternative No. 4 excluding the Naval
and Marine Corp Reserve Center for a change in use.
Councilmember Camicia so moved. Councilmember Withrow seconded the
In response to Councilmember Thomas's inquiry, the City Manager
noted the pierhead line is not currently being used by the Army
Corp of Engineers for determining the area in which one can build
floating docks; the Corp is only looking at the channel boundary
line for enforcement.
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
The City Manager requested direction on other items in the staff
January 2, 1990
report, noting the report requests Council give direction for the
consultant to look at other elements of the General Plan previously
presented to Council, and determine whether additional time or a
special meeting is needed to review those elements.
Councilmember Withrow proposed a separate meeting dedicated to that
[consideration and direction concerning other elements of the
General Plan). Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
90-017 From Finance Director regarding the allocation of funds for
City Hall renovation.
Councilmember Camicia moved the recommendation. Councilman
Arnerich seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
90-018 From Finance Director requesting special appropriation for
legal services.
Councilmember Camicia moved the recommendation. Councilmember
Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Withrow and
President Corica - 4. Noes: Councilmember Thomas - 1. Absent:
90-019 From Finance Director to set hearing to consider garbage
President Corica stated he would abstain as he has a family member
who works for the Oakland Scavenger Company.
Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, inquired what a one cent
rate raise would total at the end of the year; he would like
people to be made aware of what that amount of money would
generate; inquired what the surcharge was for sealing off the
dump; and when it was paid off.
The City Manager stated he does not believe the seal has been paid
Mr. Tillman stated he would like to know how long the monitoring
is to go on, and how much it costs, to which the City Manager
replied the monitoring is done annually until the gas no longer
escapes, for 50 years (estimated).
President Corica stated the City Manager can provide the
information to Mr. Tillman, concerning rates, when the dump was
sealed, and how much the sealing cost.
The City Manager stated staff is requesting Council to give
direction on how to proceed with the rate structure and set a
hearing for January 16th, and at that time staff can provide the
information to Mr. Tillman and the Council.
John Scott Graham, 1728 Tregloan Court, stated he is in favor of
January 2, 1990
the report but against the proposed rate increase as he believes
the increase should begin with the second can; the first can
should be a 30-gallon can; and other companies should have an
opportunity to bid on a contract.
Councilmember Camicia moved January 16, 1990 [for a hearing date].
Councilmember Withrow inquired if, in setting a hearing, it is
necessary to also set a benchmark rate.
The City Manager replied it is not necessary but he would like
Council to indicate whether or not it liked the information
provided to reduce the one-can rate so it is not a 16% increase but
reduced down to 9.6%, and to provide a disincentive for the
second-can rate of 31%; if this is basically what Council wants,
staff will incorporate it into the resolution.
Councilmember Withrow stated it is his preference. Councilmember
Camicia stated he has no objection.
Councilman Arnerich stated he would like to know what five cents on
the first can and five cents on the second can produces.
Councilmember Camicia inquired if Council should establish the
figures the City Manager mentioned as a benchmark [rate] and direct
information be provided which Councilmember Arnerich requested.
The City Manager stated the information requested by Councilman
Arnerich and Mr. Tillman will be included in the staff report, to
provide how much revenue each cent on each type of container will
bring in and the balances on the projects, the Doolittle Landfill
Cleanup project, etc.
Councilman Withrow inquired how other cities voted on the rates to
which the Finance Director replied four cities have passed the
rates thus far; none have reduced the rates; and for each penny
per month, the annual total is $2600.
Councilmember Thomas inquired if a disincentive is placed on the
second can, is there an exception for multiples.
David MacDonald, Oakland Scavenger, stated basically there is a
unit rate and there would be an equitable rate for each of the
units, therefore, the single can rate would be charged for each of
the units.
Councilman Arnerich reviewed the rates for senior citizens with Mr.
The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Thomas and Withrow - 4. Noes:
None. Absent: None. Abstentions: President Corica 1.
90-020 From Recreation and Parks Director requesting appropriation
of funds from the Dwelling Unit Tax Account to provide safety
features in relation to the train engine in Washington Park.
January 2, 1990
President Corica stated he believes the recommendation is a good
one, it allows the children to walk around the train and be on it,
and yet be relatively safe.
Councilmember Withrow moved approval. Councilmember Camicia
seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
90-021 From Police Chief transmitting status report on Canine
President Corica reviewed the background of the Canine Program
noting in 1987 Council allocated funding for three dogs; he would
like the City of Alameda to have all the tools of the surrounding
cities; he recognizes the difficulty in obtaining the dogs but
believes it has taken too long to obtain the dogs and he is
disturbed about the lack of progress.
The Police Chief reviewed the loss of one dog-handler, and his dog,
to the City of Vacaville, problems with a vendor who provides dogs
and training; termination of a contract with a Swiss provider; an
agreement with a new provider; stated progress is now being made
but dogs are scarce nationally and internationally.
Councilmember Camicia discussed the number of dogs used in
surrounding cities.
Councilman Arnerich stated he would like Council to receive
additional information concerning what other cities have in their
canine programs.
President Corica stated the most important point is that Council
went on record directing staff to get canines and believes it will
be an asset to the. Police Department.
The Police Chief commented on the difficulty of obtaining dogs and
the recruitment of qualified police officers.
Councilmember Camicia inquired what Council could do to help the
Police Chief to recruit officers and what can be done to help
attract officers to Alameda; some cities offer bonuses to officers
living within the community; if there are suggestions the Police
Chief can supply, he [Camicia) would try to support those
Councilmember Withrow moved acceptance of the report.
Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
90-022 Resolution
Harbor Bay Business
90-023 Resolution
demand repair of
No. . "Approving street names for the
Park." Not heard.
No. 11916. Urging legislative officials to
county roadways to earthquake standards.
January 2, 1990
(Council) Adopted.
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
90-024 Resolution No. 11917. "Amending Grant Agreement with the
Economic Development Corporation of Alameda for Fiscal Year 1989-90
and authorizing execution thereof." Adopted.
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
90-025 Resolution No. 11918. "Amending the Management and
Confidential Employee Salary Resolution by establishing the salary
for the new position of Economic Development Manager." Adopted.
Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
90-026 Ordinance No. 2470, N.S. "Approving and authorizing
execution of an amendment to the Development Agreement dated April
4, 1989, between the City and Harbor Bay Village Four Associates,
Harbor Bay Village Five Associates and Harbor Bay Isle Associates
extending deadline for completion of Tillman Park and Fire
Station." Adopted.
Councilmember Withrow moved adoption of the ordinance.
Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
President Corica announced the action in the Special Meeting held
at 7:00 p.m., prior to the Regular Meeting, as follows:
90-027 In the Closed Session to consider Appointed Employee
Performance Evaluation, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957
of the Brown Act, Council discussed the appointed employees'
90-028 Councilman Arnerich commented on the retirement of Jack
Clark, following 62 years as Times-Star Sports Editor, noted there
will be a civic function honoring him at Bay Fairway Hall, and
extended best wishes to Mr. Clark.
President Corica added his words of commendation, commenting Mr.
Clark's reporting would be missed.
90-029 President Corica read the January 2nd press release issued
January 2, 1990
by Mayor Corica and Sam Huie, President of the Alameda Unified
School District Board of Education, which reported the State
Department, Division of Aeronautics has removed its objections to
having a school built on Bay Farm Island; and, the action is due
to cooperative efforts of the City, School District, Port of
Oakland, and Harbor Bay Isle Associates, and State Department of
President Corica commented he believes the action is a giant step
toward resolving the problem of a school site on Bay Farm Island.
90-030 Gerhard Degemann, 19 Sandpiper Place, commented on the
possibility of a gift for Jack Clark; stated concern that persons
are burning Christmas trees in their fireplaces, and requested the
Fire Chief address the issue.
The Fire Chief commented on the danger of burning trees in
fireplaces, with or without spark arresters, because of intense
heat generated.
President Corica adjourned the meeting at 10:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Calbreath
Deputy City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance in
accordance with the Brown Act.
January 2, 1990