THURSDAY--------- JANUARY 18, 1990
The meeting convened at 7:03 p.m. with President Corica presiding.
Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Thomas, Withrow, and President
Corica - 4.
Absent: Councilmember Camicia - 1.
90-064 President Corica adjourned the meeting to Closed Session to
a) 1082 Pension Improvement Committee, pursuant to Subsection (a) of
Section 54957.6 of the Brown Act.
b) Zipton v. City of San Leandro, pursuant to Subsection (a) of the
legal counsel section of the Brown Act.
c) Acquisition of
the Brown Act.
Linoaks Property, pursuant to Section 54856.8 of
The Closed Session was adjourned to an open session in the Council
Chamber at 8:00 p.m. for a budget briefing.
President Corica announced during the open session which convened at
8:00 p.m., Council action in the Closed Session held at 7:00 p.m.:
90-065 Regarding the 1082 Pension Improvement Committee, Council
discussed the matter and took no action;
90-066 Regarding Zipton v. City of San Leandro, the matter was not
addressed by Council;
90-067 Regarding acquisition of Linoaks Property, Council authorized
the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement whereby the City will
purchase the Linoaks property from Mr. Sheikh in accordance with the
terms of his offer.
90-068 1990-92 Budget Briefing.
The City Manager explained the purpose of the budget
requested Council to advise staff of areas that need to be
in the budget process; and stated a two-year budget for
and a five-year budget for capital improvements are being
at this point.
January 18, 1990
The Finance Director described the budget process.
Following discussion regarding the 1990 Census, the Finance Director
stated she would contact the State Department of Finance to acquire
census procedures, and obtain information, in writing, from
communities such as San Diego and Long Beach.
Councilmember Thomas stated she would like a severe penalty and
seizure for illegal businesses and requested information on Internal
Revenue limits; suggested the Finance Director, Police Chief and City
Attorney explore the matter.
In response to inquiry from Councilmember Withrow, the Finance
Director stated identification of unfunded requirements would be a
part of the budgeting process.
In response to inquiry from Councilmember Thomas, the Library Director
stated the main projects for the year will be working on the new main
library and automating the circulation system; funds will be
requested to continue the adult literacy program; goals are to
encourage service to children by offering a popular materials library,
and to provide a basic reference library with local collections.
Councilmember Thomas encouraged accessibility to the California
The Fire Chief stated the main direction is Council's policy statement
on level of service.
The Police Chief stated a report on recruitment and retention is being
prepared as requested by the City Manager, and may impact next year's
budget; a report on Police Department reorganization will address new
and expanded services; he would like to begin assessment process of
accreditation; building construction costs for Police Department
presently are at $1.3 million and proposes use of asset seizure monies
and proposed police /fire construction fee to defray costs.
Councilmember Thomas suggested improved public information concerning
gun possession and registration, and use of bicycle officers during
the summer months in beach areas.
The Public Works Director stated he is looking at better levels of
service perhaps without any increase in funds and an expanded sidewalk
inspection program.
In response to Mayor Corica, the Public Works Director stated a new
schedule will be available within the next couple of weeks on painting
curbs red five feet from corners.
January 18, 1990
In response to Vice Mayor Arnerich, the Public Works Director stated
he would explore use of reflectors in crosswalks, although he does not
believe it is acceptable.
Councilmember Thomas stated other communities use "Keep Clear"
markings at intersections and suggested Alameda consider doing the
same. Vice Mayor Arnerich agreed.
The Personnel Director stated the City Manager and Council may wish to
review the Summer Youth Employment Program and consider management
training programs for City employees; is interested in improved
software in Personnel for integrated personnel finance system.
The Director of Recreation and Parks stated primary focus of budget is
continuation of providing leisure services /activities for broad
section of the community at affordable costs; is considering
possibility of jointly funded, and used, gymnasium with the School
District; needs to measure the effectiveness of parks maintenance
program and staff levels.
Vice Mayor Arnerich requested the Recreation and Parks Director to
work with the City Manager on a Swim -to -Live Program which lasts the
entire summer.
Councilmember Thomas requested statistics on how many people were
enrolled at each Swim -to -Live session when eleven -week programs were
offered; suggested park user fees on weekends to cover such services
as garbage pickup and extra police patrols at recreation areas.
Vice Mayor Arnerich stated perhaps on permitted uses such as softball
tournaments, a garbage assessment fee could be charged.
The City Manager responded a Landscaping and Lighting Assessment
throughout the residential community on each parcel could be
The City Attorney stated Council can expect a budget reduction as much
as fifty percent for the 1990 -91 City Attorney budget year.
Councilmember Thomas suggested a citizens' reward program for the
notification of broken or cracked sidewalks, broken tree limbs, etc.,
and suggested that the Citizen Response Center be considered for
overseeing the program.
The Planning Director stated the General Plan adoption and
implementation, including conformance zoning, will be the major
efforts of the Planning Department in the budget cycle.
Councilmember Thomas requested consideration of two projects in the
next two budget years: pedestrianizing an area, e.g., Marina Village,
on a trial basis and a local shuttle system.
January 18, 1990
Mayor Corica stated the TSM Committee has been working on a shuttle
system, which is close to fruition.
Mayor Corica adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
A n AA/ A
Diane B. Felsch, CMC
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
January 18, 1990