1990-06-19 Regular CC Minutes189 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA JUNE 19, 1990 The meeting convened at 7 :36 p.m. with Acting President Arnerich presiding. Councilmember Withrow led the pledge to the flag. The invocation was given by Reverend Doug Henderson. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Camicia, Thomas, Withrow, and Acting President Arnerich - 4. Absent: Mayor Corica - 1. ANNOUNCEMENT BY MAYOR OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION(S) Vice -Mayor Arnerich announced that prior to the regular meeting, the following action was taken: Council adjourned to Closed Session to discuss: 90 -416 Golden Gate Audubon Society v. City of Alameda, pursuant to Subsection (a) of Section 54956.9 of the Brown Act: Council discussed the status of the case. CONSENT CALENDAR Acting President Arnerich announced a request from the public to remove (90 -441), report authorizing increase in contract for Park Street Parking Structure Conceptual Plan, from the Consent Calendar to the regular agenda; and further requested (90 -440), report authorizing funds for Ferry Coordinator position, and (90 -443), resolution regarding study of the proposed Southern Crossing, be removed from the Consent Calendar to the regular agenda. Councilmember Thomas registered a No vote on ( *90 -433) Bills. Councilmember Camicia moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Thomas seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS *90 -417 From City Clerk recommending award of contract to Alameda Times Star for legal advertising for Fiscal Year 1990 -1991. Accepted. *90 -418 From Public Works Director recommending acceptance of work by St. Francis Electric for traffic signalization and other improvements at Sherman Street and Buena Vista Avenue, Assessment District 84 -3, No. P.W. 12- 88 -22. Accepted. *90 -419 From Public Works Director recommending and specifications and calling for bids for repair at various locations, No. P.W. 3 -90 -5. *90 -420 From Public Works Director recommending improvements and release of bond for Tract 6000 adoption of plans earthquake damage Accepted. acceptance of the (Southeast Corner June 19, 1990 190 of Chestnut Street and Lincoln Avenue). Accepted. *90 -421 From Public Works Director recommending adoption of plans and specifications and calling for bids for the repair of Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Curb, Gutter, and Driveway for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1991, No. P.W. 5 -90 -7. Accepted. *90 -422 From Public Works Director regarding status of City Transportation Systems Management (TSM) Policy and adoption of City Employee Program. Accepted. *90 -423 From Recreation and Parks Director recommending adoption of plans and specifications, and calling for bids, for construction of Bridge View Park. Accepted. *90 -424 From Community Development Director regarding Fiscal Year 1990 -91 CDBG Grant Agreements. Accepted. *90 -425 From Finance Director submitting Investment, Report for period ending May 31, 1990. Accepted. *90 -426 From Community Development Director regarding economic restructuring of commercial /retail mix in Historic Business Districts (for information only). Accepted. RESOLUTIONS *90 -427 Resolution No. 11971 "Approving application for State -Local Partnership Program and authorizing matching funds for resurfacing various streets for Fiscal Year 1991 -92." Adopted. *90 -428 Resolution No. 11972 "Preliminarily approving Annual Report declaring Intention to Order Levy and Collection of Assessments and providing for Notice of Hearing thereof, Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84 -2." Adopted. FINAL PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE *90 -429 Ordinance No. 2488, N.S. }°Amending Alameda Municipal Code to prohibit parking at various times and locations to facilitate street sweeping." Adopted. *90 -430 Ordinance No. 2489, N.S. "Amending Alameda Municipal Code by adding Article 8, Chapter 3, Title II thereof, establishing an Economic Development Commission and prescribing membership and duties of said Commission." Adopted. *90 -431 Ordinance No. 24901 N.S. "Repeal of Section 17 -353, Title XVII, of the Alameda Municipal Code, prohibiting recreational vehicles from parking longer than 72 hours on public streets." Adopted. *90 -432 Ordinance No. 2491` N.S. "Amending Alameda Municipal Code, Article 7, Title XVII, public off - street parking lots, Sections 17 -372, 17 -373, 17 -374, and 17- 375." Adopted. June 19, 1990 191 BILLS 90 -433 A List of Claims certified by the City Manager as correct, was ratified in the sum of $2,358,931.53. [One No vote: Councilmember Thomas] MINUTES Councilmember Camicia moved approval of the minutes of the Adjourned Regular Council Meeting of June 7, 1990, and Special Council Meeting of June 4, 1990. Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. HEARINGS 90 -434 Consideration of establishing Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 1990 -91, pursuant to Article XIIIB of the Constitution of the State of California. Acting President Arnerich explained the procedure of the hearing. The public portion of the hearing was opened. On the call for proponents, there were none. On the call for opponents, there were none. The public portion of the hearing was closed. Councilmember Camicia moved to take the related resolution out of order. Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 90 -435 Resolution No. 11973. "Establishing Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 1990 -91." Adopted. Councilmember Camicia moved adoption. Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 90 -436 Consideration of a Master Fee Resolution. Acting President Arnerich explained the procedure of the hearing. The City Manager reviewed the background of the matter, noting the matter is before Council for discussion only, and a related resolution will be agendized. Acting President Arnerich questioned if everyone will have an opportunity to receive the information regarding the new fee structures; and the City Manager replied the required information has been published, members of the community have been notified and special notification can be made before the next meeting, if Council desires. June 19, 1990 192 The Finance Director stated there have been mailings of the proposed Master Fee resolution to homeowners' associations, as well as Alameda business associations. Councilmember Withrow expressed concern regarding fees being charged for false alarm responses and requested information on what constitutes a false alarm that would trigger the proposed fees. The Acting Chief of Police replied the false alarm is basically a response for a malfunction due to faulty equipment; and described the procedure for determination of a malfunction. Councilmember Withrow commented the penalties could inhibit the installation of alarm systems because of a $250 fine if the alarm goes off, and he has reservations about the penalties. The City Manager noted no penalty is charged until the third false alarm when a $50 penalty is charged; the $250 amount is not charged until the seventh false alarm; and further commented the program can be brought back to Council before finalization. Acting President Arnerich agreed with Councilmember Withrow's concern and discussed notification of impending penalty; the Acting Chief of Police stated there would be written notification, and noted the program is used in a number of cities. Councilmember Camicia suggested increasing fees for massage parlor permits; and the possibility of discouraging some of the less legitimate permittees, to which the Acting Chief of Police replied the matter could be reviewed; and noted all massage permits are the subject of fairly extensive background investigation by the vice and intelligence unit. Councilmember Withrow stated there is a social benefit in some of the Recreation and Parks programs in addition to a direct benefit to individuals, e.g., swimming lessons, and he believes swimming lessons could be free, to encourage children and adults to become "water- safe;" and concerning life- saving and water - safety classes, it should be a City goal to promote that type of education, as opposed to trying to recover investments. Acting President Arnerich stated the City contributes to the cost; agrees fees should be reviewed because it is a considerable sum particularly for families with three or four children for the summer, and noted the Recreation Commission will be reviewing the fees next year, as the fees noted were implemented January 1, 1990. The City Manager stated the Recreation Commission will review fees in February, 1991, after which, the Recreation and Park fees will be submitted to Council. Councilmember Thomas stated, more significant than Police or Recreation charges within the user fees are some Planning charges; believes these are significant increases and people should be aware of them now; requested newspapers highlight some significant increases to give people an opportunity to comment before the June 19, 1990 193 increases take place. Councilmember Withrow inquired if there is a document that addresses the figures in order of magnitude, and is accompanied by the philosophy behind recovery levels, e. g. Planning Department fees. The City Manager stated recovery levels were considered. The Finance Director noted there should be a typographical correction [in the Finance Director's staff report] regarding the City Clerk's fees: "City Council Schedule of Meetings" should be stricken, as no such fees are levied. The Finance Director reviewed the background of the study of the cost allocation user fee study, the executive summary noting the proposed recovery level; noted the target for the Planning Department was 80% recovery, but that was too much of an increase so 60% is being looked at for this year and will look to further increases in following years; described further criteria, and noted there is a survey available for inspection, of charges in neighboring jurisdictions. Councilmember Camicia suggested backing off, initially, on 80% cost recovery for Variances, Use Permits, and minor design review, as he believes that will make a difference to people who are trying to improve their property. Acting President Arnerich stated some proposed Planning Department increases as noted by Councilmember Thomas, would be devastating to some persons and he believes there would need to be a lot of justification for that; and the administrative overhead charges must be looked at very carefully. Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, stated the public should have more comprehensive information, and when the rates are raised, they should not be marked up to a point where no one can pay them, people should have an opportunity to progressively move into fees. Diane Coler -Dark, 2847 Jackson Street, stated some fee increases are necessary but some impact small businesses; there are some loan and grant programs and some increases will be a deterrent; e.g., a minor design review raised from $25 to $300 for awnings and facade improvements, will cut into available project funds; and requested Council re- examine, in concurrence with Councilmember Camicia's comments, some of the fee increases, particularly as they impact the facade loan and grant improvements. Gary Thomas, Member, Finance Committee, stated the Committee had workshops and meetings on the subject and forwarded recommendations to the Council, which noted there are a lot of hidden items and the Committee recommends Council not take a blanket approach but look at items in detail; perhaps some fees are not bad if it is noted what is being supported on behalf of the City; and stated the other item the Committee considered is level of service; if the fees are raised, will the service be faster; the level of June 19, 1990 194 expectation of service should be looked at closely in terms of fees being raised. [The Finance Committee report dated June 18, 1990, expressed support for the concept of the Cost Allocation /User Fees.] Councilmember Withrow moved to continue the Master Fee Resolution [matter]; stated he would like to ensure that each of the Homeowners' Associations receive the information; and he would like to see the newspapers write it up and if there is no reaction, then Council could feel more comfortable taking action on it; and requested the matter come back on the second meeting of July. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion. Acting President Arnerich stated in addition, the business districts, and contractors should be notified. Council, by consensus, encouraged dissemination of Master Fee Resolution information to homeowners' associations, business districts, trade unions, Association of General Contractors; and requested newspapers to widely publicize. Acting President Arnerich clarified the motion was to delay the matter to July 17, 1990, Council Meeting. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. APPEALS 90 -437 Consideration of Appeal of Planning Board decision to approve Negative Declaration (15- 90 -2); Use Permit, UP-90-8, to permit the construction of commercial ferry terminal dock facilities in the Open Space District; Use Permit, UP -90 -7, to permit the construction of a parking lot associated with the proposed ferry terminal in a R -1 Single - Family Residence District; and Final Development Plan, FDP -90 -1, to permit the development of a ferry terminal facility within the Harbor Bay Isle Development. The site is located at the west end of Mecartney Road on the western shoreline of the Bay Farm Island peninsula. Applicant: Doric Development, Inc. Appellant: Golden Gate Audubon Society. Ann Lyons, 1736 Franklin Street, Oakland, Attorney for Appellant, requested the Appeal be continued to July 3rd Council Meeting, because in the Appeal letter, six items were listed with which Appellant took issue regarding approval of the Negative Declaration by the Planning Board; stated there has been extensive discussion with Applicant's attorney, resolution of four issues has been reached, and she is confident the remaining two issues can be worked out; and Appellant would like the opportunity to do so; does not believe the delay would be significant. Leora Feeney, 1330 8th Street, stated she is representing Golden Gate Audubon Society; Appellant and Applicant have been meeting to negotiate agreeable mitigations to accompany Negative Declaration; hopes decision on this matter can be postponed until both parties have formalized an agreement over the mitigations; the issues June 19, 1990 195 currently outstanding are 1) the baseline study of organisms occupying the eel grass beds and 2) monitoring for the organisms; and there are also concerns about definition of "significant adverse impacts," with respect to what is, or is not, significant. Ms. Feeney further stated there has been a verbal agreement in discussions with Doric Development that the storm drain design will produce an indirect flow of street and parking lot run-off indirectly into the bay, and she would like to see that concept in writing; they are willing to forego further turbidity tests at this time, unless adverse impacts indicate a need for them in the future; believes that monitoring the vessel by the captain keeping a daily log and by having one radar check per month done randomly is appropriate, but would like to know if there would be any consequence to a ship's captain if found to be exceeding the speed limit; believes there should be a deterrent penalty; she has been conducting least tern foraging operations, will assess the findings at a later time but is increasingly convinced that persistence with this issue is warranted. John Scott Graham, 1728 Tregloan Court, stated he is in favor of giving Harbor Bay the ferry system; believes Alameda has been delaying Harbor Bay Isle long enough; and would like to know how many bicycle parking spaces there will be. Stephen Brimhall, Executive Vice - President, Doric Development, 1141 Harbor Bay Parkway, representing Applicant, requested Council take action on the matter; stated Doric has worked for 15 months [on the issue], spent over $100,000 endeavoring to comply, and bringing in experts to provide solutions; the experts have advised Doric that there are adequate mitigation measures in place to assure Audubon's concerns; if the ferry service has an impact it can be discovered through the monitoring proposal and the City has the power to modify the service or ultimately, shut it down if there is an impact; explained reasons why each day of delay is costly for Doric; an Appeal is "on the record," the record will not change in two weeks; Ms. Feeney stated the matter is close to settlement; he instructed Doric's attorneys to approach Appellant over two months ago to work out a solution and believes there has been adequate time to reach a settlement; this matter is in litigation and has not yet been settled, if the City Council denies the Appeal, there is still an opportunity for Doric to sit down with Audubon Society to see if there is a way to come to grips with the issue; Doric's major concern is that there not be an opportunity to stop the service once it is in effect, unless it is in fact causing an environmental problem. To Acting President Arnerich's question regarding a target date, Mr. Brimhall responded the target date is January 1, 1991. Councilmember Withrow inquired of staff if negotiations would continue between the Appellant and Applicant irrespective of Council's action tonight; and the City Attorney replied the lawsuit and the litigation is still outstanding and there still would be opportunities to review these issues and to discuss further additional modifications or mitigation measures. June 19, 1990 Councilmember Withrow clarified his understanding of the City Attorney's opinion is that there is still a reason for motivation to move toward a negotiated settlement. The City Attorney responded that is correct; there is still outstanding litigation on the first Negative Declaration and a possibility of litigation on the action that the Council will take. Councilmember Withrow requested clarification that, if a satisfactory settlement is not reached by Applicant and Appellant, the Audubon Society would have a viable recourse, to which the City Attorney replied the Audubon Society would have the option to file an additional petition for a writ, or to amend their original lawsuit to address the Council's action tonight, and further action in the Court could be pursued. Councilmember Camicia stated Council must basically decide whether or not the Planning Board made a mistake and he does not see how that would be affected in two weeks; Council can vote on this matter tonight or postpone, and both sides can continue to negotiate, it does not affect Council's decision; and no one has convinced him there is a need to postpone. Councilmember Thomas stated the proposed Negative Declaration was not included [in the Staff Report, dated June 13, 1990]; believes a two -week continuance would be appropriate; and noted the Acting Planning Director has stated the Negative Declaration was filed with the appropriate agencies. Acting President Arnerich requested the Acting Planning Director to respond to whether appropriate Negative Declaration conditions were satisfied, to which the Director stated Council received the Negative Declaration as part of the fairly extensive packet, it was a sub - attachment to one of the staff reports that went to the Planning Board; affirmed conditions are satisfied, Council received all of the Board's documentation, which makes up the record on this project; and reviewed the Planning Board's recommendation. Councilmember Withrow moved approval of the Negative. Declaration, that the mitigation elements proposed by staff be included; that the elements are appropriate. Councilmember Camicia stated he agreed with inclusion of the four elements in the recommendation but believes the motion should include action on the Appeal. Councilmember Withrow agreed and stated the motion would deny the Appeal, approve the Negative Declaration, and include any and all modifications that are identified [in the report] as recommended by the staff. Councilmember Camicia stated he would second the motion, and added he does not see any procedural error made by the Planning Board. June 19, 1990 197 Councilmember Thomas stated the matter is being heard as an Appeal which is limited to the record and it has been her understanding, in the past, that Council heard Negative Declarations at an open hearing, at which new evidence could be accepted and comments made; advertising as an Appeal is not adequate notice to approve the Negative Declaration and the Negative Declaration is not included [in the packet]. Acting President Arnerich noted the first sentence of the recommendation states the Planning Board recommends approval of the Negative Declaration. Councilmember Withrow commented there appears to be a procedural question with respect to whether or not this Council has a hearing for approval of the Negative Declaration or whether the Planning Board accomplishes that function, making it open for the public to discuss. Acting President Arnerich commented, the Planning Board heard the Negative Declaration, at which time comments were invited. In response to inquiry from Councilmember Withrow, the Acting Planning Director stated staff would like Council to take action on the two (2) Use Permits and the Final Development Plan, and that Council is acting on the Appeal which includes the action of the Planning Board on the Negative Declaration. Following further brief discussion on Negative Declaration requirements, the Acting Planning Director indicated Council must look at the merits of the documentation. Acting President Arnerich clarified that Council's motion is to accept the recommendation of the Planning Board, deny the Appeal and include Mitigation Elements Nos. 1 -B, 3 -B, 4 -B, and 5 -B. Councilmember Withrow agreed and expanded the motion to include the Planning Board's recommendation for an approval of the Negative Declaration, IS -90 -2, Use Permit 90 -7, Use Permit 90 -8 and Final Development Plan FDP 90 -1 as stated in [Planning Board] Resolutions Nos. 2064, 2065, 2066 and 2067. The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Camicia, Withrow and Acting President Arnerich - 3. Noes: Councilmember Thomas - 1. Absent: Mayor Corica - 1. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 90 -438 From City Manager regarding Neptune Plaza in -lieu parking fees. Don Roberts, 880 Portola Avenue, suggested that, since the store going in is 4825 square feet, 28% smaller than minimum required, the developers should pay a $72,000 in -lieu fee, which is 28% less than the $256,000 which was originally agreed to; and the balance of $184,000 should be suspended for a twenty -year period, and if a grocery store terminates during that period, the $184,000 fee June 19, 1990 193 should be assessed against the developer; and Council should consider the interest that the in -lieu fee could generate, if collected. Michael Clevenger, Banner Development, 2610 Central Avenue, stated, after a search, Banner found a market which it believes is very good; the market [Bonfare] has increased its square footage by 66% to accommodate community needs; Banner has cut the store rent on 3000 square feet to 10% below existing rents, and gave additional square footage, which [Bonfare] took to accommodate the community, at no cost; has waived in excess of approximately $40,000 in tenant rents per year, and is continuing to try to locate a butcher shop, in an effort to work with the community. Acting President Arnerich stated it is important to Council to get an appropriate market for the people in the community. Councilmember Withrow stated it appears the developer has made a significant effort to address desires and needs of residents of the West End; there is a desire for provision of some sort of meat retailing facility for other than sliced meat, and if Council gives up the one chip it has to provide motivation, the in -lieu parking fees, there is no other; the recommendation of the City Manager to suspend in -lieu parking fees for the 25 -year period makes sense; the $250,000 figure can be kept intact; in addition, he would like to see a good faith effort by the developer to bring in a meat facility and added, if it is determined at some point there has not been good faith effort, then the parking fee can be invoked. The City Manager noted the good faith effort needs to be defined, staff needs to report back to Council with an agreement; and perhaps a definition of good faith can be brought back. Councilmember Camicia noted the possibility of a deadline as one of the suggestions of definition of good faith. The City Manager agreed and stated another way to speed up the matter is to authorize the City Manager or Mayor to execute the agreement including definition of what good faith effort would be; another option is to have agreement brought back at earliest possible Council Meeting, most probably July 17th. In answer to Acting President Arnerich's question regarding anticipated square footage including a butcher shop, Mr. Clevenger stated 1500 to 2000 square feet is being considered, which, with Bonfare square footage, would be approximately 6700 square feet. Councilmember Withrow moved to accept the proposal, suspend the in -lieu parking fees, and delegate to the City Manager the authority to determine what a good faith definition would be with respect to pursuing a butcher shop or something similar. Councilmember Thomas questioned the amount of square footage that would be used for liquor; stated it might be better to extract the $250,000 in parking fees, rehabilitate an open store front on Webster Street, rehabbing it through Main Street Project, and put June 19, 1990 199 in "our own" grocery store; the City is getting no guarantees, Bonfare has an escape clause if the liquor license is not granted; and her idea of a grocery store is one where a person can buy a week's supply of all groceries necessary. Acting President Arnerich stated, from his review of Bonfare Stores, the liquor is in an area of several shelves behind the cashier, and Bonfare is a full - service store. Councilmember Camicia seconded Councilmember Withrow's motion; stated perhaps Council can explore concerns raised by Councilmember Thomas regarding Bonfare's proposal to sell liquor when the City Manager comes back with a report on the matter. Councilmember Camicia noted the produce section is 12 feet which is considered enough for full produce; noted Safeway is in the process of exploring smaller scale stores, and suggested the City Manager investigate whether Safeway would be interested in a test market at the site. The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Camicia, Withrow and Acting President Arnerich - 3. Noes: Councilmember Thomas - 1. Absent: Mayor Corica - 1. [Under New Business, the City Manager requested clarification on Council's action regarding authorization to execute the Agreement, to which Councilmember Withrow responded it was his intent to delegate the authority to the City Manager.] 90 -439 From Public Works Director recommending approval of East Bay Regional Park District projects, Phases IV and V, for Alameda South Shore Beach and Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach. Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, stated changes have been made over 30 years to correct the condition of the beach, but none worked until the present project; he feels confident the East Bay Regional Park District will continue to take good care of the park; and requested Council allow the EBRPD to handle the beach. Mike Anderson, EBRPD, 11500 Skyline Boulevard, stated the project is stabilized with only final touches to be done; at risk is about $130,000 in State funds which will be taken back if not spent by November, 1990; the work proposed to be accomplished are more accessways to the beach, 13 sets of benches, pulling back the sand fences to 20 feet off the pathway, drainage improvements including storm drainage to the bay from City streets which is not related to the beach; and encouraged Council to move on the matter tonight and allow EBRPD to proceed. Acting President Arnerich discussed alternatives regarding a bike path with Mr. Anderson; and stated he is pleased with the work that has been done by the District in recent years but has reservations about a bike lane being out in the street. Don Roberts, 880 Portola Avenue, stated the height of the dunes are higher than promised by EBRPD, and is concerned that the fence is June 19, 1990 not twenty feet off the pathway. Acting President Arnerich discussed the height of the dune grass with Mr. Anderson, who stated that, if there are areas where the dune grass needs to be trimmed, that can be done, and that the District is committed to complete the project appropriately. John Scott Graham, 1728 Tregloan Court, stated low dunes are a driving hazard because drivers look along the beach and slow traffic. Acting President Arnerich requested comment on the project from the City Manager who stated the consulting engineer for the project has provided a good way to stabilize the beach through the dune process and the planting has worked well. Following a discussion on pathway alternatives, bike lanes, and possible hazards to bicylists and joggers; Acting Police Chief Mannix clarified that bike lanes are for bicyclists; roller skaters and pedestrians are not supposed to be in the bike lanes. Councilmember Camicia moved the [staff] recommendation. Councilmember Thomas stated benches and the extra path are good ideas; agrees a bike lane in the street is not a good idea; expressed concern regarding increase of crime activity on the beach due to expansion and improvements; requested a report in the future on the matter, possibly based upon crimes- against- persons reports by census tract; and also requested information on EBRPD response times, e.g. Beach Cafe incident. Dave Yoas, EBRPD Supervisor, Crown Beach, answered questions regarding police coverage, patrols, beach patrol vehicles, response times; noted cooperation with City police; noted that since alcohol has been banned from the beach, there has been a drop in serious problems, and the youth profile has changed drastically. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 90 -440 From Public Works Director recommending authorization to reprogram funds for Ferry Coordinator position. Accepted. [Report was removed from the Consent Calendar for consideration under the Regular Agenda; however, no discussion transpired on the matter.] Councilmember Camicia made a motion to accept the recommendation. Councilmember Thomas seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 90 -441 From Public Works Director recommending authorization to increase contract limit for Park Street Parking Structure Conceptual Plan from $32,000 to $45,185 to incorporate an additional preferred parking option (Option 8). Don Roberts, 880 Portola Drive, stated he wanted to be sure the June 19, 1990 201 conceptual plan would include Option 8a which, based on information that was given to the Finance Committee last week, would appear to him to be the preferred option. Diane Coler -Dark, 2847 Jackson Street, stated she hoped Council will support Option 8a. Councilmember Thomas commented Option 8a was included in Council's former action, which the Acting Public Works Director confirmed. Councilmember Withrow interpreted the recommendation to provide increased funding but that Options 4, 8 and 8a will be looked at and will come back to Council; the City Manager concurred. Acting President Arnerich commented Option 8a should also be included in the recommendation. Councilmember Camicia moved acceptance of the recommendation including Option 8a. Councilmember Withrow seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. RESOLUTIONS 90 -442 Resolution No. 11974 "Approving Memorandum of Understanding between City of Alameda and Alameda Police Association including Salary Resolution for period January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1991." Adopted. Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Thomas seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 90 -443 Resolution No. 11975 "Requesting deletion of SCR -20 San Francisco Bay Crossing Study Alternative 2 (Southern Crossing Vehicular and BART Bridge) and Alternative 3 (Southern Crossing Vehicular and BART Tunnel) from further study." Adopted. Acting President Arnerich suggested the matter be held over to the next meeting, commenting he is not happy with the subject of the Southern Crossing. Councilmember Withrow noted the recommendation is to kill the matter and not address it again. Acting President Arnerich stated he thought perhaps the Mayor [upon his return] could have input into the matter, however, Council could take action. Councilmember Withrow moved recommendation to kill it [study of Southern Crossing] and if stronger language appears to be necessary; delegate the matter to the Mayor, Vice -Mayor and City Manager to write a letter. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. June 19, 1990 20 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 90 -444 Councilmember Camicia requested a report, off agenda, regarding the renaming of Main Street to Mulvany. 90 -445 The City Manager requested clarification on Council's action [See 90 -438] regarding authorization to execute the [Banner Development] Agreement, to which Councilmember Withrow responded it was his intent to delegate the authority to the City Manager. NEW BUSINESS 90 -446 Acting President Arnerich encouraged Police Department to crack down on illegal sales of cigarettes to minors. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL 90 -447 Charles Tillman, 2415 Roosevelt Drive, urged Council to allow citizens addressing the City Budget issue to speak beyond three minutes; also suggested the two -year budget be adhered to. ADJOURNMENT Acting. President Arnerich adjourned the meeting at 9 :50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, DIANE B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. June 19, 1990