1988-06-21 Regular CC Minutes174
The meeting convened at 7:48 p.m. (at the conclusion of the Closed
Session to discuss Todd v. City of Alameda, Beier v. City of
Alameda, Syufy v. City of Alameda, Berry v. City of Alameda, and
personnel matters, and the Community Improvement Commission meeting)
with President Corica presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by
Councilmember Haugner. Rev. Douglas Henderson gave the invocation.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Camicia, Haugner, Monsef,
Thomas, and President Corica - 5.
Absent: None.
President Corica noted the minutes should reflect that he abstained
on Item No. 88-354, regarding Alameda Hospital Appeal of Planning
Board Decision IS-88-6. Councilmember Monsef made a motion to
approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 7, 1988,
as corrected. Councilmember Haugner seconded the motion and it was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
At the request of Councilmember Thomas, Item No. 1-F regarding the
contract for legal advertising (See 88-399) was removed from the
Consent Calendar to the regular agenda. Councilmember Haugner made a
motion to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item
No. 1-F, noted above. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion and
it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk.
*88-371 From Finance Director on City's Investment Portfolio as of
May 31, 1988. Accepted.
*88-372 From Finance Director on City's Investment Policies and
Guidelines. Accepted.
*88-373 From Public Works Director recommending acceptance of
improvements and release of bond for Tract 4382. (Sea View Parkway).
*88-374 From Public Works Director on bicycle trail alignment for the
Bay Trail Advisory Committee. Accepted.
*88-375 Resolution No. 11481 "Authorizing an investment account with
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, Inc." Adopted.
*88-376 Resolution No. 11482 "Adopting Plans and Specifications and
calling for bids for repair and resurfacing of certain streets, Phase
June 21, 1988
10, P.W. No. 2-88-5, and directing City Clerk to advertise same."
*88-377 Resolution No. 11483 "Setting a Public Hearing date to amend
the existing Disadvantaged Business Program in accordance with the
1987 Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act,
and directing City Clerk to advertise same." Adopted.
*88-378 Resolution No. 11484 "Awarding contract to Triple S Electric
for telephone conduit installation on Shore Line Drive, P.W. No.
5-88-8, and authorizing execution thereof." Adopted.
*88-379 Resolution No. 11485 "Authorizing execution of agreement
between the City of Alameda, Alameda West Lagoon Homeowners'
Association and American Lake and Canal Company for water management
services for South Shore lagoon maintenance, 1988-89." Adopted.
*88-380 Resolution No. 11486 "Adopting Plans and Specifications and
calling for bids for bookshelving for the Carnegie Library Building,
P.W. No. 5-88-9, and directing City Clerk to advertise same."
*88-381 Resolution No. 11487 "Approving Parcel Map No. 5328 (888
Oak Street) and granting an exception from Section 11-3118.1 of the
Subdivision Ordinance requiring undergrounding of utilities."
*88-382 Resolution No. 11488 "Authorizing execution of agreement for
construction and completion of improvements in connection with Parcel
Map No. 5328 and approving sufficiency of deposit in lieu of bonds
(888 Oak Street)." Adopted.
*88-383 Resolution No. 11489 "Adopting Plans and Specifications and
calling for bids for Phase II Sewer Rehabilitation and Relief
Project, No. P.W. 4-87-10, and directing City Clerk to advertise
same." Adopted.
*88-384 Ordinance No. 2392, N.S. "Amending Title XVII of the
Alameda Municipal Code to establish a two-hour meter zone in front of
2424 Lincoln Avenue." Adopted.
*88-385 Ordinance No. 2393, N.S. "Amending Title XVII of the
Alameda Municipal Code to establish a one-hour meter zone on the
north side of Pacific Avenue west of Webster Street." Adopted.
*88-386 A List of Claims, certified by the Interim City Manager as
correct was approved in the sum of $1,579,344.72.
June 21, 1988
Councilmember Thomas made a motion to take the agenda item regarding
the appointment of the Cable Television Oversight Committee member
out of order. Councilmember Haugner seconded the motion and it was
carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-387 Resolution No. 11490 "Appointing Wilma Johnson as a member of
the Cable Television Oversight Committee." Adopted.
Councilmember Monsef made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Thomas seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the oath to Ms. Johnson.
88-388 From Mr. Stanford Shane, 470-D Cola Ballena, requesting
permission to address the Council on the subject of working for
Mr. Shane expressed his concerns about the City budget and the
performance of City staff.
Councilmember Thomas commented Mr. Shane raised some good points but
a number of items have already been reviewed.
Councilmember Camicia made a motion to accept the communication.
Councilmember Thomas seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-389 From David Fullerton, Chair, Sierra Club Bay Chapter Water
Committee, 6014 College Avenue, Oakland, requesting Council's support
in opposing certain East Bay Municipal Utility District proposals.
Bob Matteson, 2127 Adeline Street, Oakland, East Bay Municipal
Utility District (EBMUD) employee, requested Council take no action
on the Sierra Club request until a qualified representative of EBMUD
is permitted to make a presentation to Council of EBMUD's Water
Supply Management Program.
Councilmember Haugner commented she is concerned about water supply;
and hopes EBMUD will make a good presentation at the next meeting.
President Corica agreed with having an EBMUD presentation at the next
meeting of Council.
Councilmember Camicia moved the recommendation for the presentation.
Councilmember Thomas suggested the communication be accepted first.
The motion failed for lack of a second.
Councilmember Haugner moved acceptance of the written communication.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
June 21, 1988
Councilmember Haugner moved that the recommendation to have a
representative of EBMUD make a presentation to Council at the next
meeting, be approved. Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and
it was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-390 From David Fullerton, Chair, Sierra Club Bay Chapter Water
Committee, 6014 College Avenue, Oakland, requesting endorsement of
the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary Protections resolution.
President Corica commented perhaps Council should wait until the
public hearing process [State Water Resources Control Board] is
Councilmember Thomas made a motion to accept the communication.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-391 From several Burbank Street residents regarding traffic on
sunny weekends.
Ralph Yandell, 1319 Burbank Street, requested Council investigate the
matter of barricades and parking solutions regarding traffic on sunny
weekends from out-of-town, and noted he had submitted a letter to the
Mayor with suggestions.
President Corica commented that the Police Department and Council
have been working some time on ways, including barricades, to keep
traffic out of the area on hot weekends.
Councilmember Haugner requested Council receive copies of the letter,
and President Corica stated he would supply them.
Councilmember Camicia made a motion to accept the communication.
Councilmember Haugner seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-392 From Thornton C. Bunch, Jr., Attorney-at -Law, 22 Battery
Street, Suite 810, San Francisco, regarding Pension Ordinance No.
1082, N.S.
Mr. Bunch commented that the subject of negotiations is quite
complex and takes a great deal of time, and the Police and Fire
personnel believe it is a subject that ought to be reviewed, for
possible revision, in a more relaxed and informal setting than the
meeting and conferring which would take place at the end of the
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) because pension discussion is so
time-consuming it is often postponed; the cost data is out of date;
and it is important to obtain approval to commence the review.
President Corica commented he can understand the concern but there is
no way the City can afford to give the benefits now received by those
on the 1079 pension; and he is concerned also that Council is now
dealing with two bodies (the negotiating team and the Pension
Improvement Committee (P.I.C.)), and perhaps the P.I.C. could give
their information to the negotiating team when it is negotiating
June 21, 1988
Mr. Bunch responded the P.I.C. does not seek to overhaul the system
to provide parity with Ordinance No. 1079 but is primarily
interested in meeting and conferring in two limited areas, at least
at this point: the cost-of-living escalator and medical care for
retirees; regarding reviewing at the end of the MOUs: at that time,
there are usually many subjects to be done in a somewhat high
pressure situation, and the purpose for the P.I.C. and its request
is to start this process informally when the actuarial data is in.
Councilmember Camicia asked clarification if the interest is in
starting this process just to begin to explore the issues, to which
Mr. Bunch replied that is correct.
Councilmember Thomas inquired if Mr. Bunch agrees with the statement
in the staff report that the lower pensions of the 1082 system still
match those of the State safety PERS system, to which Mr. Bunch
replied he cannot say with certainty the benefits are matched; the
objective some years ago was to conform it to the PERS system; and
since that time PERS has adopted other benefits.
Councilmember Thomas agreed it is never too early to start looking at
the issues, noted the lengthy time negotiations have taken, and
inquired if it was clear that the retirement might affect later
negotiations, e.g., wages, to which Mr. Bunch replied affirmatively.
Mr. Bunch suggested the City's labor relations representative,
Industrial Employers and Distributors Association, which negotiates
the MOU, participate.
President Corica stated authorization would have to come from
Council, and perhaps the best way to do it is to have members of the
Council on a Committee to work on this.
Councilmember Thomas stated she had no problem in doing that.
Councilmember Camicia requested comments from the Personnel Director.
The Personnel Director stated the subjects can be explored and
brought back to Council.
President Corica stated that before a subcommittee is formed, he
would like to get all the information staff has, particularly cost.
Councilmember Camicia stated it bothers him that Council is always in
an us-versus-them situation and believes if there can be discussion a
little sooner, perhaps some issues can be resolved so there will not
continually be a situation of being right up to a deadline.
The Personnel Director stated staff could find out what the concerns
are; the City has supplied data to the actuarial firm which they are
inputting to their computer.
Councilmember Camicia moved that staff provide a recommendation to
Council that will begin the process and start to talk in such a way
that the Personnel Director is comfortable. Councilmember Haugner
June 21, 198B
seconded the motion.
Councilmember Haugner made a motion to accept the recommendation.
Councilmember Monsef seconded it and the motion was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Camicia moved the previous motion and restated it.
Councilmember Thomas stated she believed the recommendation should be
comfortable to Council, and that the labor negotiator should be
Councilmember Camicia agreed, and noted he has asked that a
recommendation be brought back to Council that could be discussed.
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-393 From Diane Coler-Dark, Park Street Business Association, 1516
Oak Street, Suite 220, Alameda, requesting Council to direct staff to
study parking alternatives in the Park Street area.
Ms. Coler-Dark requested cost and feasibility studies to see what
could be a potential with regard to parking.
A discussion followed regarding when previous studies were done, what
areas they covered, and what requests have been made for City-wide
The Public Works Director commented the Chamber of Commerce study
will cover the retail areas, there is a need for parking for
residential also, the City as a whole should be reviewed and then
available sites noted, and it would take about a year to complete.
Ms. Coler-Dark indicated a year of City-wide study would cause too
much of a delay.
Councilmember Camicia stated he could not support a motion to fund
another parking study; the demand for parking is getting worse; and
Council should come up with a plan to do it, not just a study; if
that could be done in the course of a year, it would be better than
another study.
President Corica stated Council would like that, but it could not be
funded for over a year unless an assessment district is being
Councilmember Camicia stated he believes there is a range of funding
options and the plan could also explore some of those options.
President Corica stated he had no problem exploring options.
Councilmember Monsef stated he agrees there is a need for parking and
there is a need to look over the entire City for the future but in
the meantime Council needs information regarding possible sites; and
moved to accept the communication and request the Public Works
Director provide a comprehensive report on the parking needs of the
June 21, 1988
business district within a month.
Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion with the stipulation that
the Finance Director provide a brief report on financing
alternatives. Councilmember Monsef agreed.
Councilmember Thomas suggested the Economic Development Corporation
of Alameda (ECDA) might also have helpful information; and Webster
Street's parking needs might also be considered, and Ron Gerber,
ECDA, should be included in any information for Council.
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-394 From Community Development Director regarding requests from
Park Street Business Association and Alameda Main Street Project to
use Fiscal Year 1987-88 UDAG funds for a Business Improvement
District Project.
Diane Coler-Dark, Park Street Business Association (PSBA), 1516 Oak
Street, stated she believes that the formation of a Business
Improvement District could eventually replace the UDAG loan funds and
further discussed funding in detail; asked if there could be some
compromise in the funding; and noted most of the funding would be
from the PSBA but the Business District would cover PSBA, Webster
Street and Greater Alameda Business Association.
The Interim City Manager explained in further detail.
Following discussion on funding and participation, Councilmember
Thomas stated that the efforts of the Business Districts to become
self-sufficient should be commended, and she would like to see what
Council can do for them.
The Interim City Manager suggested that the Community Development
Department could work with the business associations and report back
on that matter, and it could be looked at by Council when the Grant
Agreement comes before Council at the beginning of the new fiscal
Councilmember Thomas so moved. Councilmember Haugner seconded the
Councilmember Camicia stated he would like a copy of the consultant's
proposal in the meantime, and it was requested copies be provided to
all of Council.
The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-395 From Community Development Director regarding housing
counseling and shared housing activities.
Elizabeth Rogers, 1261 Weber Street, stated the Council must do
something; people in Alameda need help and the City would be remiss
if it did not provide this service for its citizens, which is
June 21, 1988
extremely essential.
Lois Pryor, 1814 Clinton Avenue, Board, Alamedans with HOPE, showed
5-6 inch thick phone logs of people who have called in for help with
their housing problems and urged Council to do as much as possible to
provide services.
John Foley, 3004 Encinal, stated it concerns him that only $20,000 is
being allocated, when last year the amount of $30,000 was not found
(by the H.O.P.E) to be sufficient, and the City should consider the
needs to be a high priority.
Clayton Guyton, 457 Buena Vista, #305, stated there needs to be
someone with expertise to work in housing counseling, and if the
funding is not sufficient, the job will not be done well.
Councilmember Haugner noted housing counseling is not something
people should need to ask for, there is a great problem, and perhaps
the Community Development Department could help find a way to have an
adequate and equitable program.
Councilmember Camicia stated he could not support any of the three
options because they are not enough.
Councilmember Thomas moved acceptance of the recommendation, and
Councilmember Monsef seconded it. The motion was carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Monsef, Thomas and
President Corica 3. Noes: Councilmembers Camicia and Haugner - 2.
Absent: None.
88-396 Resolution No. 11491 "In support of homeporting the U.S.S.
Missouri in Alameda." Adopted.
Helen Dodt, 1723 Chapin Street, stated she lives near Buena Vista
where weapons are trucked, and inquired what the City has planned in
case a weapon is dropped as in the recent Texas disaster; is
concerned about pollution at the Naval Air Station (NAS), affordable
housing, and traffic; and would like the City to request the federal
government for a nuclear free City instead of the porting of
Louise Buss, 1518 Union Street, stated her concerns about various
problems she believes would be caused by the porting of the Missouri,
and requested the resolution be resubmitted after comprehensive
studies have been completed.
Karen Topakian, Building E, Fort Mason, San Francisco, stated she was
representing Greenpeace; Alameda should be in the forefront of
dealing with nuclear weapons, and an accident evacuation plan, and
urged Council to study before submitting an invitation, as it affects
not only Alameda but the entire Bay Area.
President Corica noted that there is an allocation of $37,000,000 to
build 646 units of Navy housing on NAS; and possibly the City will
June 21, 1988
be losing two carriers in a couple of years.
Ronald Belanger, 1158 Bismarck Lane, stated porting ships in this
vicinity allows dispersal to ports up and down the coastline and
supplies jobs in the area; and urged the City Council to vote in
favor of homeporting.
John Foley, 3004 Central, Court Street Methodist Church, stated a few
months ago a task force was formed to lobby the City to bring the
Missouri here; believes a study should be done.
President Corica noted an Environment Impact Report must and will be
done, and the Navy will need to fund it; and when the study comes
before Council, the citizens will have ample opportunity for input.
Mr. Foley mentioned other public agencies are studying the impact
and believes Council action is inappropriate.
Ed Clark, 1422 Cottage Street, noted his father was in the military
following the attack on Pearl Harbor; related his parents' pleasure
in sharing housing in Alameda, because of their purpose, the beauty
of the area and the welcome and friendliness of people; he had a
similar experience in San Antonio, during his military duty, and
would like to return the favor by welcoming the Missouri and its
Carl Anderson, 439 49th Street, Oakland, stated the concern is not
just for Alameda; he honors the efforts and sacrifices of the Navy;
but nuclear weapons are sobering and there are problems of control in
crisis; and urged Council to vote no on the resolution.
Elizabeth Rogers, 1261 Weber Street, agreed with previous speakers
that Council should look into the matter more thoroughly before
passing the resolution.
Roberta Hough, 911 San Antonio Avenue, stated she opposes homeporting
the Missouri in the San Francisco Bay region; the Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) is inadequate; the responsibility for an
emergency response plan lies with the City and the region, and job
figures are highly inflated.
Richard Young, 1119 Holly Street, stated concerns will be addressed
in the EIS; a preliminary U.S.S. Missouri East Bay Impact Report
suggests direct negative impact to Alameda is far outweighed by
positive ones; and requested Council pass the resolution as it is
good for the Navy and Alameda, and sends a message to national
leaders that this City is ready to assume its share in national
Dorothy Kimbrell, 400A Whitehall Road, stated she has grave concerns
regarding the porting of the Missouri in Alameda; and cannot
understand giving an invitation before a study is completed.
Gretchen Mackler, 43 Mission Hills, Oakland, stated she teaches in
Alameda, her father was in the military, but believes there are other
ways than nuclear war to resolve political differences; does not
June 21, 1988
know what the impact will be in the school population; and the EIS
must happen.
Janet Gibson, 1424 Morton Street, voiced her objections to porting
the Missouri in Alameda; believes City faces a housing shortage, the
schools are bulging, questioned benefits to Alameda, and stated Naval
Air Station employees live and spend money in other cities.
Clayton Guyton, 457 Buena Vista, #305, stated he would like to see an
EIS before the Missouri is homeported; questioned membership of the
task force.
Doug Linney, 617 Baywood Drive, questioned inviting the Missouri
before studies of the impacts are made regarding housing, traffic,
schools, etc., and suggested the reason for homeporting was to spread
benefits around and have constituency to resist cutbacks.
John Scott Graham, 1728 Tregloan Court, stated that if two carriers
are moved from the area, the City should receive the land back and
put it to use for Alameda.
Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut Street, displayed the verbatim transcript
of the San Francisco public hearing testimony on the EIS for the
homeporting, and quoted from it; recognizes the dangers of nuclear
weaponry but supports the homeporting as the Missouri is not bringing
anything new to the NAS which already has nuclear weaponry; that
further dredging is not necessary for the Missouri.
John Barni, Sr., 1380 East Shore, noted no EIR was taken on the
destruction of Pearl Harbor; the price of freedom comes high; and
does not think it is too much to ask, if the Navy wants to homeport
the Missouri in Alameda, the Navy's wish should be honored.
Diane Coler-Dark, 2857 Jackson Street, stated if a family was trying
to buy a house, they would negotiate preliminarily, and obtain facts
and resents the implication that the information obtained by the
Mayor's Committee will be slanted if not comprised by people from
Shirley Cummins, 549 Santa Clara Avenue, stated her husband was in
World War II and was lost in the Korean War, she lost a son in the
Vietnam War, and she is pro-Missouri; and if the Bay is polluted, it
is mostly from the industries and if there is any cleaning necessary
when the Missouri comes, it will force this area to clean up after
itself, not the military.
President Corica stated dredging will not be needed, as the Missouri
does not need as much depth as a carrier; the NAS is the largest
employer and the largest minority employer in the Bay Area, currently
employing 4400 employees; and there is a certain amount of
patriotism involved; there must be someone to protect the nation and
our freedom and to allow people who are demonstrators or
anti-military to speak; and without the military we would not enjoy
the freedoms we have today; Council is not trying to avoid an EIS;
there will be one, Council will scrutinize it, and everyone will have
an opportunity to input; there are two carriers now, not four as the
June 21, 1988
City once had; jobs will be brought in and he believes Council
should support the resolution.
Councilmember Thomas stated the concerns are legitimate, and Council
will look at them in the context of an EIS; the resolution states
that "during the time that a fact sheet and any environmental impact
statement are being prepared, the City Council wishes to let the
Secretary of the Navy know of Alameda's interest in homeporting . .
." The resolution does not state the City will accept or reject the
Missouri but is simply interested; and believes the Navy will give
the City a fair deal.
Councilmember Monsef stated he has supported the homeporting of the
Missouri in the San Francisco Bay Area; believes it has many
benefits to the City of Alameda and to the rest of the Bay Area; the
Navy has been good to the Bay Area, does help support the schools;
this resolution is clear in only requesting the Navy consider
homeporting the Missouri here; they will give the information for
study and Council can proceed from there.
Councilmember Monsef made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Thomas seconded the motion.
Councilmember Haugner stated she believes in democracy and does not
wish to be considered unpatriotic because she does not agree with the
majority of Council in this matter of homeporting.
Councilmember Camicia stated he is impressed with the energy and
passion on both sides of the issue; believes it is doubtful the
Missouri and its flotilla will be ported in Alameda; Mayor Agnos,
San Francisco, wants the repair and Alameda will get the problems.
President Corica stated if Alameda gets the Missouri, he believes the
flotilla will be ported at several locations.
The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Monsef, Thomas and President Corica - 3. Noes:
Councilmembers Camicia and Haugner - 2. Absent - None.
88-397 Resolution No. 11492 "Authorizing execution of Agreement for
construction and completion of improvements in connection with
Subdivision Tract 4025 and approving bonds as to sufficiency. (Costa
Brava, A - M Homes)" Adopted.
Councilmember Camicia made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Camicia, Haugner,
Monsef, and Thomas - 4. Noes: President Corica - 1. Absent: None.
88-398 Resolution No. 11493 "Supporting local pharmacies
continuation in Heals Health Care Plan, Inc." Adopted.
Ed Clark, 1322 Cottage Street, thanked Council for the consideration
and stated he hopes Council will go further and consider disallowing
Heals as an alternative health care provider for City employees.
June 21, 1988
The Interim City Manager stated he has received communication from
Heals that they are in discussion with several providers, although
none are sole proprieters.
Councilmember Thomas moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember
Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous voice vote
88-399 Resolution No. 11494 "Awarding contract for legal
advertising for City of Alameda for Fiscal Year 1988-89 to Alameda
Times-Star." Adopted.
Councilmember Thomas inquired if the Alameda Journal is qualified at
this time [for the contract].
A discussion on qualifications followed.
The City Clerk stated she contacted the Journal and they currently do
not have the required number of paying subscribers.
Councilmember Thomas made a motion to adopt the resolution.
Councilmember Monsef seconded the motion and it was carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-400 Ordinance No. 2394, N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by amending Section 17-333 thereof to prohibit parking on Eighth
Street and Westline Drive from April 1st through September 30th."
(Emergency Ordinance) Introduced and adopted.
Councilmember Monsef made a motion for final passage of the
ordinance, and the recommendation of the Chief of Police, regarding
the areas where parking should be prohibited and the signage to be
used, be included. Councilmember Thomas seconded the motion and it
was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
88-401 Consideration of nominations for appointment/reappointment to
the Public Utilities Board.
President Corica announced that a nomination for appointment would
not be made at this time, as it is necessary to find someone with
specific qualifications as designated by the City Charter; and
requested the Clerk publish for applicants.
President Corica nominated Douglas Durein for reappointment to the
Public Utilities Board. Councilmember Camicia seconded the
nomination and it was carried by consensus of Council.
88-402 Consideration of nomination for appointment to the Library
President Corica nominated Ted Stainback for appointment to the
Library Board. Councilmember Camicia seconded the nomination and it
was carried by consensus of Council.
June 21, 1988
88-403 Consideration of nomination for reappointment to the Civil
Service Board.
President Corica nominated Raymond Anderson for reappointment to the
Civil Service Board. Councilmember Thomas seconded the nomination
and it was carried by consensus of Council.
88-404 Consideration of nominations for reappointments to the Social
Service Human Relations Board.
President Corica nominated Paul Berger and Michael Richards for
reappointment to the Social Service Human Relations Board.
Councilmember Camicia seconded the nominations and it was carried by
consensus of Council.
88-405 Consideration of nominations for appointments to the Housing
President Corica nominated William Barry for appointment as Senior
Tenant Housing Commissioner. Councilmember Monsef seconded the
nomination and it was carried by consensus of Council.
President Corica nominated Jamie De Leon for appointment as Tenant
Housing Commissioner. Councilmember Camicia seconded the nomination
and it was carried by consensus of Council.
President Corica nominated Clayton Guyton for appointment as Housing
Commissioner. Councilmember Thomas seconded the nomination and it
was carried by consensus of Council.
President Corica nominated Deanna Johe for appointment as Housing
Commissioner. Councilmember Monsef seconded the nomination and it
was carried by consensus of Council.
President Corica nominated Bruce Reeves for appointment as Housing
Commissioner. Councilmember Haugner seconded the nomination and it
was carried by consensus of Council.
President Corica nominated Charles Tillman for appointment as Housing
Commissioner. Councilmember Thomas seconded the nomination and it
was carried by consensus of Council. (Councilmember Camicia cast a
dissenting vote.)
President Corica nominated Billie Trujillo for appointment as Housing
Commissioner. Councilmember Thomas seconded the nomination and it
was carried by consensus of Council.
88-406 Councilmember Haugner noted that the Alameda Child Care
Alliance desires to reserve the Council Chamber for upcoming
Following discussion regarding Council policy that organizations
attempt to find other locations before being allowed to use the
Council Chamber, the interest of the Gersten Company to assist in the
Child Care Center, etc., it was determined that the Alliance would
June 21, 1988
first make an effort to locate a site other than the Council Chamber.
88-407 Fred Scullin, 1120 Chestnut Street, discussed the composition
of the Alameda County Transportation Authority/Citizens' Advisory
President Corica adjourned the meeting at 11:13 p.m. in memory of
former Fire Chief Richard Quarante.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance in
accordance with the Brown Act.
June 21, 1988